the dark knight

wow first time i read this thread in such a long time...
nice to see my name, still posted often
nice to see my name, still posted often
gawdamn...peepshows every where!
its like...I check up on and BAM!..there's peepshow...
I go onto my MSN...BAM!...theres peepshow...
I log onto Myspace...and BAM!...theres peepshow...
I go over to my cousin's house and have him log on to play his World of Wussie-Craft game and Bam!...theres peepshow...
I come onto IWF..thinking..."alright..if he's everywhere else, then theres no way he can be logged in on IWF.."
and ya-know what...
BAM!!!...there he is again...
Any Australian who posts on IWF, since Aussies fucking rock