Yep, I love riding dicks. It's my favourite thing to do in my spare time. Oh wait no, I'd rather act like a 'little bitch'. My bad, I forgot.
Thought so...
You thought you would bring it up? Clearly, it was an attempt to pwn me, as you said I "wasn't normal because I didn't eat meat". Using 'YEAH ... WELL YOU'RE A VEGETARIAN" seems like something to try to use as a lame insult when you have ran out of things to say. Apparently, picking on the life choices of someone, and their personal values is a fun thing to do. Really cool, isn't it?
I didn't say you weren't normal blueberry I just said you were different. I wasn't trying to pwn you because your birth was pwning enough. And I am sure If I was a vegetarian or something along those lines you would make jokes about it just like every other little thing you do, and I guess it could be cool to some, huh.
Actually, you have never said that you were joking. You in fact maintaned that you were seventeen for many months. It seems that changing your stories is a common theme in your life. Or at least your 'e-life'.
LMAO! Your still hanging onto the whole "you weren't joking thing". I told you and everyone else that I talk to on MSN that I was joking, ask them they will tell you I was joking unless they wanna fit in with the "cool crew". I don't change stories, I told a lie which in this case was a joke because I said "j/k" right after I told you so get it through your head imo. I guess in your next post when you need something to say you could go back to "U sed dat U was seventeen, you maded a ly an den changd Ur stowies" go ahead and do that...
How funny that was! Yes, I have nothing on you. While you have 'your mum' jokes. You could cut the hypocricy with a knife.
Yeah that really wasn't directed at your mum, I was talking about how she dropped you on your head etc. See it was directed at you but you had to find some little thing to say so you could fill your post with more shit to stay "cool" and continue secretly riding the dick of your fellow 'e-men'.
You're right, I should flame Jake for being imitated by you. Hell, if I were him, I'd kill myself. I'm glad you showed such amazing logic yet again!
Jake says shit on MSN telling me to do that as a joke, i find it funny and do it sometimes, maybe you should stfu about that one since you know nothing about it because last time I checked you were not in mine and his convo's. Good try though Mr 'I know ever thing'.
Wow, a country insult! How funny AGAIN! Especially considering that you live in New Zealand, which is known around the world as either sheep fuckers, or Australia's bitch.
You don't care if people don't like you? Then why complain when I show that I don't like you? Why try to 'flame' me back?
You see, you diss my country in every post directed at me, I do a country insult back and you turn around and say "whoa a country insult, this guy is lame when he has to diss other members countries". You diss countries all the time blueberry, much more then me so that should count as insulting yourself. NZ is littler and next to Aussie, we are unique in many ways, the only thing unique about Australia is how they are the fattest country in the world. Also, I am not complaining that you don't like me or are 'flaming' me. In every single "flame thread" I have seen you in you always talk about how people do care if they flame back, well look what you just done. You flammed me back so you are the hypocrite here imo.
Random flammer: I don't care when you flame me!
BKB: You cared enough to flame back
^ exactly what you would say yet you are flaming back

I am not complaing about being "flamed" by you, I just flamed back because I don't wanna look like you 'pwned' me as you usually say.
A name insult? Wow. I guess you and MaJe$ty have a club, where you think of flames.
Kinda funny that you consider bi-sexual an insult too. How is someone's sexual preference an insult? It seems that you are a bit close minded.
Yes because we are the only two who diss names, you see you never know when someone is joking or not, that wasn't suposed to be very serious but you always take it that way. And I knoe fucking ALOT of people that diss others names online even.
Just thogut I'd point out that you are pretty fucking illiterate too. Learn the word 'did'. Instead of 'I done that', say 'I did that'. It would make your posts a lot easier on the eye.
Its a fucking forum, I don't have to type everything correctly. I find something easier to type one way I will do it that way. Its not like I am writing anything professional so why should I have to post perfectly? whoops, sorry SERIOUS guy.