Meltdown XXXVII & Fallout 037 || Promo Thread.

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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Post your promos for Meltdown XXXVII and Fallout 037 here.

Promo deadlines:

Sunday 21st January, 23:59PM Pacific Time.
Monday 22nd January, 03:00AM Eastern Standard Time.
Monday 22nd January, 08:00AM Greenwhich Mean Time.
Monday 22nd January, 16:00PM Australian Western Standard Time.

There will be no extensions! None! Ha!

Or maybe there will be, dude.

no there isn't any extensions. ha!



Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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This was always the worst part of their relationship: the goodbye. Although they had long since promised their hearts to each other, Bao Bao's true calling was on the deep blue, while Kenji, on the other hand, was very much a land lover. It was suggested by others that perhaps this separation of time and space between them allowed their bond and yearning for each other to only grow when they spent time apart. In many ways, Kenji was jealous of Bao Bao; she had achieved what she wanted and was really living her best life. He was still on a quest to find his one true place and was really hoping that this next opportunity would end up being the one that paid off—the one that resulted in the chest filled to the brim with plunder.


Kenji Marufuji: This is not goodbye; this is simply 'see you again soon.' Like the caterpillar, I will roll myself into a chrysalis, and when we reunite, I will emerge and turn into a beautiful butterfly, transformed by your love.


Admiral B. Buns: Oh, Kenji. You are like a masterful swordsman with your words. We haven’t even parted ways, and already I have started to miss you. I will have to instruct my crew to find the most advantageous waters to patrol in order to keep myself busy and not fill my days waiting for our grand reunion.


Kenji Marufuji: But also, we must concentrate on our goals. You must become the greatest leader to sail on the Pacific Blue, and your glory in battle and securement of treasure must be revered by all those between the two continents. You must become the Queen of the Pirates, as has always been your ambition.

Bao Bao was noticeably blushing while Kenji was regaling her with positive speculations for her future success.


Admiral B. Buns: Stop it. You’re going to embarrass me. If any of my crew hears you singing my praises, they will turn our conversation into a shanty, and I will be forced to listen to bardic performances while in my quarters. You should focus on yourself. You’ve been offered a chance to become a permanent fixture of a much larger company. You are set to become the newest member of The High Command.

Well, that wasn’t strictly true, but it was hard to explain. Actually, it wasn’t, but it had been easier to just say The High Command. The name was recognizable on some accounts, certainly more so than the name for the new version of the group. Nonetheless, he knew he should clarify instead of parting ways in a state of confusion.


Kenji Marufuji: My beautiful cherry blossom, you are quite correct, but also fractionally wrong at the same time. You see, the person that I am scheduled to team up with will be Marmaduke Whistle, who was part of the original tag team. However, it appears that the Australian Archie Jones and Kommander Garbage Von Truck have both hung up their wrestling boots for good and left the business.

Bao Bao looked a bit confused. As much as she cares for her lover, she had never been the biggest wrestling fan and often found herself muddled, pretending to understand the world that Kenji worked within.


Admiral B. Buns: So, if only one member of the group is involved and everyone else is going to be new, then isn’t it like a totally different thing altogether? Isn’t it just a fresh start? The Earth has moved around the sun for a complete yearly cycle, and within a new age, we are welcomed by fresh life. Wouldn’t that make the most sense?


Kenji Marufuji: What makes the most sense isn’t always the best sell. The son of the original Kommander sold the idea to me as The High Command², although it seems that this has very much become very different from the idea that was originally conceived, and I feel that perhaps this is better news. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the original group, so in many ways, this is all a blessing.

Bao Bao had a look of confusion on her face. If she had been present in public, it was likely that she would have removed her tricorne, but alas, it was not fitting of her current station and the company of those around her, especially in sight of members of her crew.


Admiral B. Buns: If this was the case, then why would you involve yourself in such an undertaking? If you saw no merit in this partnership, why did you commit to it? Such a thing makes no sense to me.

The truth was options, or better stated, the lack of them.


Kenji Marufuji: Alas, I am not an esteemed admiral such as yourself, my sweet. You have proven yourself in the Pacific Blue on countless occasions, and it was your glory and honors that elevated you from the captain of simply one ship to the admiral of an entire fleet. I am, at best, a boatswain in my field. How do you cope, knowing you shared the bed with someone of such a low station?

Bao Bao would chuckle.


Admiral B. Buns: You must look at the positive side, my sweet. With your sea legs, your station would be even lower; you would be a Power Monkey at best.

This joke made them both laugh, although there was an element of truth in the statement. Kenji was not a fan of the ocean, and he suffered from terrible seasickness if he found himself standing aboard a ship with the rocking waves below his feet. A life at sea was never something in Kenji’s destiny, and a life on land was never part of Bao Bao’s future. Their relationship was complex upon the surface, but at the roots where it mattered, it really was very simple. They were connected by their love, and there was no power stronger than that. Before another word could be said, Bao Bao’s First Mate made his presence known with a gruff cough.


Conejo Rojo: Admiral, we really must press forward and attend the council. It would be unwise for us to be late. Your position is still under threat.

Conejo Rojo translated from Spanish means Red Rabbit. He was of Filipino descent but had spent much of his life living in Salsipuedes Bay just north of Ensenada (Mexico). Although nothing had ever been confirmed, it was rumored he had earned the name as a young boy by being an expert marksman with a bow and shooting cliff rabbits with very little difficulty and without having ever been given instruction on how to aim true. Such stories were often fictions created at sea, though, so Kenji was never going to be the man to uncover such truths.

Rojo faced Kenji and gave him a respectful bow, and Kenji replied in kind. The two men were not friends. The respect, however, was true.


Conejo Rojo: Kenji-san, Konichiwa.


Kenji Marafuji: Conejo Rojo, Buenos Noches.

This was the dance they did often—few words, but always with pleasantries and strength in their positions. Rojo then began to walk away, knowing that Bao Bao would soon be following him. Kenji and Bao locked in a deep embrace as she kissed him on his cheek and whispered into his ear.


Admiral B. Buns: My love will be sent to you nightly on the eastern breeze.


Kenji Marafuji: And hospitality will be welcomed on western shores.

The pair released each other and kissed each other one final time before Bao turned and walked away. She would never look back once they parted, and he wouldn’t take his eyes off her until she disappeared from his sight. Everything was a dance, and this had always been theirs.


Marmaduke was in a terrific mood. It had been an age since he had even thought about wrestling, and he had felt that after the failures of The High Command, perhaps the dream had ended no sooner than it had begun, and his fifteen minutes of shame were all he was going to be granted in that sphere of influence. It also meant that he would have a valid reason to depart from Posh Parts, as a life on the road meant he would not be expected to keep up appearances and hold a permanent residency. It also meant that he would no longer have to share a roof with Momma and Pappa.

Marmaduke had a good relationship with his parents, but it was fair to state that they were all incredibly eccentric. Sooner or later, the water would boil over, especially if you knew ahead of time you were boiling 100 liters of champagne into a 75-liter pot, and there was already bubbly all over the stove, dripping down onto the kitchen floor before the heat had even been turned up.


Lady Gelata Whistle: So, Dukeykins, will you be playing with that funny little man who kept talking about cricket again? I believe he had some sort of interesting regional accent, perhaps from the Midlands, what what?

Lord Whistle, a title that would one day become Marmaduke, closed the broadsheet he was reading and placed it on his lap, pulling an expression of frustration and disbelief.


Lord Custard Whistle: For good heavens, Gelato, you can be terribly dense at times, can't you just? Mr. Jones was a full-bodied Australian; that is why he wouldn’t stop talking about the Ashes and Waltzing Matilda.


Lady Gelata Whistle: As informative as that was, dear Husband, I really would prefer it if you didn’t call me dense in front of the boy.


Lord Custard Whistle: Well, what would you rather me say, when the situation is fitting of such a term? Dumb? Bonkers? Thick?


Lady Gelata Whistle: Thick? Isn’t that the word all the young folk are using on the Twittergrams these days, with the hashbrowns taggings? Anyway, I was asking Dukeykins a question.

These interactions were normal for Marmaduke. This is how his childhood had been and then also much of his adult life, with his parents interjecting and interrupting each other at every possible moment. It wasn’t surprising at all to think that nothing would get done at Posh Parts if it weren’t for the staff that kept everything spick and span.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: Archie is no longer involved in wrestling, it seems. I did try to get in contact with him, but his number seems to have been disconnected.


Lord Custard Whistle:
Not surprising, really. That Australian stock is all a bunch of relocated convicts. Not a surprise that he doesn’t have the spondoolies to pay the bill and keep the phone working. Silly bugger probably thinks that Queen Elizabeth isn’t the one true monarch…


Lady Gelata Whistle: I am pretty sure Lizzy passed away…

Lord Custard was very much locked in his rant and continued to waffle on. He had such a bad habit of talking over people and rarely listening to what anyone else was saying unless he wanted to listen. Even over a year later, he still had no idea that Queen Elizabeth was dead and that Charles now sat on the throne. When his Lord Father had finally finished rattling on about something that was nothing short of being terribly xenophobic, he had learned over time to just filter out when it was most appropriate.


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: I am actually set to have a new tag team partner, although I, as of yet, haven’t had the pleasure of meeting the fine fellow.


Lord Custard Whistle: Another Aussie?


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: Actually, he was born in Japan, but from what I’ve been told, he has residency in America.


Lord Custard Whistle:
And what is his name?


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: I believe he goes by Kenji Marufuji, although I must admit I don’t know if this is his real name or rather a character name.


Lord Custard Whistle: Either way, I’ve never heard of him before, so he can’t be that talented!

Gelata was far more connected to the real world, sometimes more so than you might want your mother to be. In fact, she had been the original reason that Marmaduke had gotten into wrestling. She had been watching an episode of Average Everyday Wrestler and told him that perhaps he had the perfect face to take part in a wrestling soap opera.


Lady Gelata Whistle: Of course, you haven’t heard of him, Custard. You don’t even watch the wrestle-opera!


Lord Custard Whistle:
And yet I know who Mob Van Ham is!


Sir Marmaduke Whistle: Pappa, that is a meme, that isn’t actually a real person.

Custard made a grumble of a sound and then stood up, rolling up his newspaper and putting it under his arm. He replaced his reading glasses on his side table and picked up his tobacco pipe.


Lord Custard Whistle:
Well, you know what I think about memes. The last time we talked about them, I got an awful rash and I wasn’t able to sleep on my right side for a week. I am going to retire to the billiards room and smoke my pipe. Now, Junior, if you plan on leaving early tomorrow, please do knock for me. It would be most agreeable to wish you good tidings before you set out on your international adventures once again.

Marmaduke knew his father wasn’t expecting him to offer an answer, so he kept quiet until the Lord of Posh Parts left the room, leaving him and his dearest Mama to discuss the rest of his upcoming plans in the world of wrestling-opera. She was his biggest fan, and if truth be told, she was probably his only fan. Even Lord Whistle didn’t pretend to enjoy the sweaty exploits of simulated wrestling combat, and it was his right as he was a hereditary Lord and so could do whatever he wanted to do.

That was Marmaduke’s dream—to do whatever the hell he wanted to. And he knew that once he made himself a key part of this new wrestling venture and if he proved to his Father that he was capable of earning a large amount of paper money, then he would finally earn the thing he wanted more than anything else from his old man. The key to the billiard’s room. He had long since earned his love, and being honest, it didn’t pay well.


The train journey had been boring. Giving more than three sentences of information on the subject would be... well, it would just make for a terrible read. So I am giving you four. Five? Six.

The good news was that he quite enjoyed airports and the convenience they provided. The thought that he might have had to travel all the way to LA on a bus, only to then transfer, made him queasy just thinking about it. Luckily, a flight from San Francisco to Las Vegas only took 90 minutes, and then he would be just a stone's throw away from reaching his final destination and walking the first steps of what could turn into the best chapter of his career. The punishment of the past, that is what strengthened you for the future.

+ + + + +

Present Day


Kenji Marufuji: They say you never forget your first. And if you have a passion for something, I can most certainly agree. I have previously only worked for three other companies: two back home in Japan and one south of the border in Mexico. Even now, I can remember my first time in all three of those companies. You see, for the last decade, I have been paying my dues and putting in the work to make a name for myself. It has always been my dream to be a big-time wrestler, but before you can hope to achieve dreams like that, you need to start as a small-time wrestler first. And when I say first, I mean the first time that it actually mattered. I don’t mean dark matches or facing off against those lesser than you. I am talking about legitimate contests that people in attendance cared about. In the same way people are going to care when me and Marmaduke take on The Undisputed Alliance in Hong Kong. They are a real tag team, so doing our best to claim a victory over them is the only thing that matters. That is why it is important to reflect on the past, in order to offer yourself a brighter future.



Kenji Marufuji: Pro Wrestling YOYO was where I made my start. I was a young boy, a rookie, or whatever slightly derogatory term you want to describe it as. I was at the bottom of the barrel. It was my job to be respectful, to clean, to learn the trade and do what I was told. And the first thing I learned very early on was that losing was an expectation. When you are no age at all training in the dojo or helping at ringside, you are a nobody. Not just anybody though, but a privileged one, and you know full well that so many other kids your age would love nothing more than to be in your position.

I took a lot of beatings in dark matches, but my first chance to shine happened towards the end of my second year, in my send-off match before I went on excursion. I was booked on YOYO: The New Year in a singles match to open the show against a veteran of the sport, Yakuza Goat. He was a very nice man behind the scenes, but in the ring, he wore a luchador mask with massive goat horns that would really hurt when he headbutted you. Although the match went as expected and I took the defeat, I felt recognized for the first time. I was noticed, and the fans were actually clapping for me, cheering my name, and wishing me the best of luck ahead of my travels to Mexico.



Kenji Marufuji: When I arrived in Mexico, it was different. I was on excursion, but CMLL, they wanted me to come. I found out when I had arrived that they had specifically asked for me, a fact that hadn’t been shared with me by YOYO management. This would later lead me to return to the company that had given me a start for various backstage reasons, ones that I only realized as I became an adult during my first year in Mexico.

Focusing on the positives, though, my first match. That was, at the time, the greatest moment in my life. A five-man scramble match, with fans throwing streamers into the ring and people actually holding banners with my name on it. These were items that people had made at home, as there was no way any merchandise had been sold ahead of my arrival. For some reason, I had a cult following of fans who, for some reason, had decided to give me the nickname ‘Cuchilla,’ which translates to mean Blade—a nickname I use to this day. That was truly a glory day, and it was the day that ‘The Blade’ Kenji Marufuji first came to be.



Kenji Marufuji: Nice Japan Panda Wrestling has been my mainstay for most of my career, although whenever CMLL, I have always been sure to find time and take a flight to be part of an event. NJPW, though, they really allowed me to shine and grow, and although I was never anything more than an opener or developmental talent, I always was given airtime and more often than not was involved in storylines, even if I wasn’t the main character. If they wanted to give me comedic roles, then I was more than happy to take on that role. The pay was good, and my level of fame was on the up.

The first match that stands out for me was when I competed in my first-ever championship match for the lesser-known BPOPW (Best Panda of Pro Wrestling) against the notoriously sneaky and crafty wrestler Yoru Tano. Although I was never going to win the match, it gave me a taste and a drive that I had never had before. It was an epiphany moment, where I realized what I thought was my 100%, had only been me pushing at 60%, and I had so much harder to push if I really wanted to make a name for myself.



Kenji Marufuji: Now I stand in the here and now, my first chance to impress and work for a major international organization. My partner is a young lion in comparison to me, so I have accepted that I am going to have to show him the ropes and be somewhat of a mentor for him. This is an opportunity for me to shine as a member of a team and is not just about me and my own merits. We can only be successful if we are both successful together, and this is the only way in which we can possibly shine.

I am under no illusion that what happened in Beijing was just a tune-up, an introduction to the world. The match in Hong Kong, though, this was going to be a real cross-the-line moment. The Undisputed Alliance is without a doubt going to be a tough team to contend with. As individuals, Savage and Fenix are real dangerous customers, and me and Whistle are going to very much be going into the match as the underdogs. The team that everyone expects to have egg on their face and heading towards the back with our tails between our legs.

That isn’t going to be the case, though, because win, lose, or draw, I know in my heart that this is the greatest accomplishment of my career. And as long as I impress, I am going to keep on getting booked and be able to make a name for myself. They didn’t build Rome in a day, and I have been working for over a decade and I still haven't made my fortune, but I haven’t quit yet and have no intention of doing so anytime soon.



Von Truck, Jr.: Daddy, I promise I am going to make you proud!


The Kommander: Unlikely! You are worthless just like your mother! You will amount to nothing; now just let me enjoy my retirement in peace.

Von Truck, Jr. pauses for a moment, and his dawdling is picked up on by his father.


The Kommander:
What have you done now, Junior?


Von Truck, Jr.: Well, you see, I might have invited some friends over.


The Kommander: JUNIOR!!!

[End Of Episode One]
Last edited:


Jan 13, 2024
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Minnesota, USA
Medina alvarez-modified (1).png

The air was dense with the pungent odor of sweat and the metallic tang of fear, a weighted concoction that hung in the arena like a stifling fog. The booming crowd, a sea of faces distorted by eagerness and aggression, blended into a dissonance that reverberated off the towering stone walls of the colosseum. The sun beat down mercilessly, projecting long silhouettes across the sandy expanse where the four figures lay, each one constrained to the ground by laden iron chains.
Lethargy enveloped her senses as the dark-haired girl blinked open her eyes, the world around her finally swimming into focus. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and the ground underneath her felt cold against her bare skin. Blinking away the grogginess, she strained against the fetters that bound her, only to find them unmerciful and taut.
The clamor of the crowd intensified—a roar that reverberated through the air like thunder. Panic gripped her chest as she turned her head, desperately searching for answers. To her left and right, two men and another woman were similarly chained, their eyes mirroring the confusion and anxiety that mirrored her own.
The arena sprawled out before them, a vast expanse of golden sand. The sun overhead blazed with an ferocity that made every breath feel like inhaling fire. The stone walls of the colosseum loomed high, casting shadows that danced and whispered of ancient battles and forgotten glories. The girl's heart raced as she took in the details of the scene. The distant clash of weapons echoed, creating a haunting symphony that spoke of impending danger. On the periphery of the arena, ornate banners fluttered in the hot breeze, emblazoned with symbols she couldn't quite comprehend but looked very similar to the English letters ‘FWA’. It was a world both alien and strangely familiar, like a dream that lingered in the recesses of her mind.
The people in the stands, their faces painted with an ardor that bordered on madness, fueled the oppressive atmosphere. They hungered for the spectacle, their cheers rising like a tidal wave of bloodlust. The girl's eyes darted to the chains and to the desperate faces of her fellow captives. Questions hung in the air, unspoken and unanswered.
As the realization settled in, a sense of dread wrapped around her throat like a vice. She was not in her world anymore but thrust into a realm where survival seemed to hinge on the whims of the roaring crowd and the unseen puppeteers orchestrating this gruesome spectacle. But who were those puppeteers, exactly?
The girl exchanged desperate glances with her fellow prisoners once more, their silent communication acknowledging the gravity of their situation. In the air, mingling with the overbearing heat, hung the unmistakable scent of death. The arena, a crucible of fate, awaited their every move with bated breath, and the girl, chained and vulnerable, could only wonder how she had become a pawn in this ancient, unforgiving game.
The taste of fear still lingered in the air. Her pulse quickened as she surveyed the arena. The colosseum's towering walls bore witness to centuries of history, their ancient stones whispering tales of triumph and tragedy. Above, the sun painted the sky with hues of red and orange, casting a fiery glow that intensified the harsh temperature around her. The distant clamor of metal meeting metal reached her ears, and the girl's gaze was drawn to the center of the arena. There, gladiators clashed in a brutal ballet, their weapons flashing in the sunlight as they fought for survival. The crowd's roars reached a fever pitch with each strike, and the girl felt a shiver crawl down her spine.
She turned her attention back to her fellow captives, the two men and the other woman, their eyes reflecting a shared bewilderment. The man to her left, whose rugged muscles tensed beneath the dirt-streaked skin, shot her a look of grim determination. On her right, a strange looking figure with a haunted expression exuded a silent resolve. The other woman, her eyes wide with fright, seemed to be wrestling with a mix of terror and disbelief, herself. The chains that bound them rattled with every futile attempt to break free. The heavy iron cuffs chafed against their skin, leaving angry marks as a testament to their powerlessness. The girl's eyes flitted to the sand beneath her, coarse and hot, a stark reminder of the arena's unforgiving nature. The crowd's intensity reached a crescendo, drowning out the clash of weapons in the center. She strained against her chains once more, her gaze darting across the arena for any sign of escape. But the towering stone walls seemed insurmountable, and it seemed as if the only exit was through the gauntlet of barbarity that played out in the arena's heart.
As she scanned the crowd, faces blurred into a chaotic mosaic of anticipation. Some spectators wore elaborate masks, their eyes gleaming with a fervor that seemed to transcend time. Others, draped in vibrant garments, raised goblets high in celebration, their voices melding into a disorienting melody. A guttural roar echoed through the colosseum, drawing the girl's attention back to the gladiatorial spectacle. The combatants fought with ferocity that mirrored the desperation in her heart. The clash of weapons, the spray of sand, and the anguished cries of the fallen painted a grim tableau against the golden backdrop of the arena.
The girl's mind whirled with questions, but the answers remained elusive. How had she arrived at this ancient, blood-soaked amphitheater? The repressive torridity, the unforgiving odor of the deceased, and the tethers that bound her seemed like threads connecting her to a destiny she couldn't quite comprehend.
In the midst of the chaos, a figure in ornate armor suddenly emerged from the shadows, commanding the attention of both combatants and spectators alike. The crowd's roar dimmed as the figure raised a hand, signaling a momentary respite in the deadly dance below. The girl and her fellow captives, their eyes locked on the armored figure, felt a sliver of hope amidst the uncertainty.
But as the arena fell into an eerie hush, a foreboding sense of doom settled over the captives. The glint of the armored figure's eyes betrayed an inscrutable motive, and the realization dawned on the girl that their fate rested in the hands of forces more ancient and malevolent than they could fathom.
The figure in the ornate armor stepped forward slowly, the clink of metal resonating through the arena as the crowd fell into an eerie silence. His helmet concealed his features, but his voice, amplified by unseen forces, echoed with an authority that sent a chill down the spines of the captives.
"Leafdom, Maria Cappitani, Savior Hawkins, and Medina Alvarez," he intoned, his words heavy with purpose. "I am Jon Russnow, the Arbiter of Fallout Colosseum. Welcome. You find yourselves here in this ancient battleground, a crucible where only the strongest prevail and the weak are cast aside like dust in the wind."
The captives exchanged uneasy glances, their chains rattling softly against the despotic hush. The armored figure continued, his voice a relentless force that bore down on them.
"Each of you has been chosen for a purpose, a purpose that transcends the boundaries of your former lives. You are here to prove your strength and your will to survive. Only one of you will emerge victorious, for in the crucible of combat, the weak are culled, and the strong shall rise."
He paused, letting the weight of his words settle upon the captives like a suffocating shroud. The crowd, anticipating the impending spectacle, held their collective breath, their faces painted with a morbid excitement.
"Fallout Colosseum has seen the rise and fall of countless warriors, each leaving their mark upon the sands of destiny. Today, the four of you stand at the crossroads of fate. The victor among you will be granted freedom and a new life beyond these stone walls. But for the others, the road ends here, in the shadow of defeat."
The captives' eyes widened as Jon's words hung in the air, the gravity of their situation sinking in. The arena, bathed in the harsh glow of the sun, seemed to close in around them like a prison without walls.
"No weapons, no armor," Jon declared, his voice carrying a finality that brooked no argument. "Only hand-to-hand combat will determine the path each of you shall tread. It is a fight for survival and an assertion of dominance. The one left standing will be the harbinger of a new era, and the others will fade into obscurity."
With a dramatic flourish, Jon concluded his ominous proclamation. "The march begins!" he declared, a cruel laughter bubbling beneath his words. He turned and walked away, his armored footsteps echoing in the emptiness that followed.
As the weight of Jon's decree settled upon them, the captives felt the arena come alive with a cacophony of cheers from the bloodthirsty crowd. Fear gripped their hearts—an icy realization that they were cogs in a twisted game where the price of failure was written in blood. The atmosphere crackled with tension, and the captives exchanged desperate glances, knowing that the road ahead was paved with uncertainty and the echoes of their own footsteps in the sands of Fallout Colosseum.
The clang of heavy iron gates echoed through the arena as the guards approached, their faces hidden beneath stern helmets. Maria, Leafdom, and Savior Hawkins were unceremoniously led away, each captive disappearing into separate corridors that snaked through the labyrinthine bowels of the colosseum. Medina was led to her own cell, the cold stone walls closing in around her.
The silence that followed was deafening. The distant roars of the crowd and the echo of footsteps fade away, leaving Medina with nothing but the oppressive weight of her solitude. The air in her cell felt thick, charged with an electricity that mirrored the turmoil in her mind.
She sat on the cool ground, her back against the unforgiving stone. The chains that bound her felt heavier than ever, each link a reminder of the impending clash that awaited her. The gravity of the situation pressed down on her shoulders, and she couldn't shake the feeling that the walls were closing in.
Medina's mind raced, grappling with the surreality of her predicament. How had she gone from the ordinary rhythms of her previous life to the precipice of a gladiatorial battle, where the only way out was through combat? The faces of the others lingered in her thoughts, their fates now intertwined with hers.
The quiescence was broken by the distant sounds of struggle, muffled cries, and the clatter of chains, as Maria, Leafdom, and Savior Hawkins were undoubtedly being prepared for the fight ahead. A knot tightened in Medina's stomach as she imagined the unknown horrors that awaited her companions in the dim recesses of the colosseum.
The cell offered no solace, no reprieve from the harsh reality. Medina's gaze wandered to the high bars that separated her from the arena, the outside world a distant mirage beyond the cold metal. The crowd's cheers and the rhythmic drumming of their anticipation seeped through the bars like a haunting ballad, fueling the growing storm within her.
In the solitude of her cell, fear gnawed at Medina's resolve. The knowledge that her survival rested on the outcome of a brutal contest, a clash where every punch and kick could mean the difference between freedom and an abyss of oblivion, hung heavy in the air.
As the minutes stretched into eternity, the gravity of her situation settled upon her like a blanket. The dim light filtering through the bars cast long shadows across the stone floor as she felt the weight of uncertainty press upon her chest. She was alone, caught in the throes of a fate she had never envisioned, and the realization dawned that her destiny was no longer hers to control.
In the distance, the muted sounds of Maria, Leafdom, and Savior Hawkins being led away echoed like a haunting refrain. The arena awaited, a battleground where survival demanded a price measured in pain and sacrifice. Medina closed her eyes, her thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind as she steeled herself for the impending storm, each heartbeat resonating with the ominous rhythm of the colosseum.
In the stillness of her cell, Medina's mind churned with a torrent of memories, a flood of recollections that crashed against the walls of her consciousness. As if unlocking hidden doors, the fragments of her past wove into a tapestry of understanding, revealing the intricacies of her connection to the impending battle and the fates of those around her.
She stood and paced the confines of her cell, the cold floor beneath her feet a stark contrast to the warmth of her thoughts. A heavy breath escaped her lips as she muttered to herself,
"Leafdom, from Golarion, a mysterious individual seeking refuge and a place to call home. A nature spirit, a ranger. Seeking solace in the embrace of the wild, yet here he stands, like me, shackled and dragged into a battle that knows no mercy. With eyes that reflect the vastness of the forests he hails from, eyes that have witnessed the eons unfold. His connection to nature and all the leaves in the world won't shield him in this place and it won't soften the blows that will be exchanged in the crucible awaiting us."
Medina paused, the weight of Leafdom's plight settling upon her like a burden as she sits back down against the wall.
“He's a wanderer, a seeker, and now his journey has led him here." She scoffs. "What irony that in a previous world vast and untamed, he finds himself chained in an arena where survival is measured in grit and savagery.”
A bitter smile touched Medina's lips as she continued,
"He sought a home, a haven in the heart of the wilderness. Little did he know, the true wilderness would be within these stone walls, where the roots of destiny entangle and suffocate him with a visceral grip. His eyes, though, hold hope—a hope that each step brings him closer to that elusive sanctuary he so desperately craves. He's not just a man; he's a nature spirit, a ranger attuned to the ebb and flow of the natural world. He's a guardian, a protector, with a kinship to the elements that dance around him. But in this twisted arena, what does that matter? Your skills and your connection to the wild won't help you. In this arena, Leafdom, your roots won't anchor you, and your bows won't sing the songs of the forest like you’re used to. You're not battling a creature of the woods or a beast in the shadows. You're facing me. A much bigger threat. A creature born from the same darkness that engulfs us now."
As she spoke, the weight of the situation began to lift from her shoulders. The silence that had clung to her cell like a cloak dissipated, replaced by the cadence of her words.
"I've felt the fear you’re probably experiencing now, Leafdom, the uncertainty that claws at the edges of our thoughts with every breath. But we can’t afford to succumb to it. I won't be a puppet dancing to the whims of this sick game. I’ll be the one who dictates the outcome, not you." A bitter chuckle escaped her lips, cutting through the air like a blade. "And here's the twisted irony: You, a protector of the wild, are now facing an apex predator, a viper like me. The arena may be a cruel stage, but I am the true threat you should fear. Don't let your focus waver; don't take your eyes off me for a second. Your connection to the earth won't shield you from the fists and feet that will rain hell down upon you. You might be a guardian of the woods, but this is a battleground where even nature's serene embrace won't save you.”
Medina's piercing gaze turned to the next victim of her verbal onslaught, Savior Hawkins. Her words cut through the stagnant air, a calculated assault aimed at the vulnerabilities she believed lurked beneath the surface.
"Savior Hawkins," the name dripping from her lips with a mixture of disdain and curiosity, with a mocking tilt of her head, she began, "Should I address you as Savior Hawkins, the self-proclaimed hero, or Julian, the boy who's about to learn a painful lesson in the art of survival?" Medina's gaze bore into the imaginary eyes of Julian, dissecting his character with surgical precision. "A cloak of secrets conceals you, doesn't it? Nobody really knows who you are, what you've done, or what kind of shadows you've danced with in the past. But here's the thing, Hawkins: mystery doesn't make you invincible. It just makes you vulnerable. And I feast on vulnerability. Your secrets are like open wounds. They fester, they bleed, and they attract the predators lurking in the dark corners of the unknown. You might think your veiled past gives you an edge, but in reality, it leaves you exposed and susceptible to the chaos about to unfold. You're too young and too innocent to comprehend the brutality of this colosseum. And yet, off you go, a lamb led to the slaughter. I wonder, Julian, if you truly understand what's at stake here. Naive, that's what you are. Haven't seen enough; haven't lived through the storms that shape a person into something more than just a sum of their years. You wear the title of Savior Hawkins like a badge of honor, but let me tell you, titles won't save you here just like they won’t save the nature scout, Leafdom.”
"Honey, you have a fractured soul and are trapped in the maze of your own mind. You wear your madness like a crown, thinking it makes you untouchable, hmm? But let me tell you something, kid: your twisted psyche will only end up being your downfall. Two personalities won't make you twice as strong; they'll only make you predictable. You're a puppet in your own narrative, dancing to the whims of a mind that can't decide which mask to wear. And in this arena, indecision is a death sentence."
The chains rattled softly as Medina leaned forward, her eyes staring off into the darkness as if seeking a reaction from the unseen Savior Hawkins. "You might think you're a dark enigma, but I see through the smoke and mirrors. Your age, your fractured mind—it's all a weakness waiting to be exploited. You won't keep up with the rest of us, and when the dust settles, unfortunately, you'll be left in the ruins of your own illusions. At the end of the day, you’re a puzzle, Hawkins, but that doesn't mean I won't figure you out. I may not know your story, but I can see the uncertainty in your eyes and the weight of your silence. You might be a stranger to me, but that doesn't make you immune to the reality of our situation. Here, in this unforgiving arena, secrets become burdens and mysteries become vulnerabilities. You're not exempt from the primal nature of this struggle, no matter how much of an anomaly you may be.”
The silence lingered for a moment longer before Medina turned her attention to the remaining opponent, Maria Cappitani. "And last but not least, Maria." She spoke, her tone firm and unwavering. "You and I are the only two women in this blood-soaked escapade. But don't think for even a moment that this shared gender somehow bonds us. There's no camaraderie here, no sisterhood in the face of impending carnage. In this place, in this moment, we are adversaries, pure and simple. Understand, sweetheart?"
She scoffs,
"An influencer whose whole identity is built on the vanity of social media. A puppet dancing to the whims of her followers with each post, adding another layer to the facade she calls her life. Your whole existence is built upon the illusion of social media, crafting an identity with filters and hashtags. How does it feel, Maria, to have the foundation of your world crumble beneath the weight of reality?"
Medina's words dripped with a mix of scorn and challenge, each syllable crafted to pierce through the facade of Maria's carefully curated life.
"All those followers won't save you here. No amount of retweets, likes, or comments will shield you from the brutality of my unrelentless resolve to take the three of you out. You see, Maria, this is a place where authenticity reigns, and your social media glamor is nothing but a gossamer veil waiting to be torn apart. Bodyguards won't stop me from hunting you down, Maria. In this arena, it's just you and me. The digital world you thrive in holds no sway here. You can't filter out the pain, the struggle, or the raw essence of survival. Your influencers won't whisper sweet affirmations when you're face-to-face with the stark reality of a fight to the end. You and the others are just my first stepping stones in this grim company. When all is said and done, your social media followers will see the facade crumble. The illusion of influence will be shattered. Despite being an influencer, the only thing you'll influence is how fast you'll be beaten down. Your dream empire will crumble before it even begins if you can't get through me. I certainly won't be a casualty in your pursuit of glory. This, Maria, is the end of your road unless you can prove that your empire can withstand the force that stands before it now."
She leans forward, her chains rattling with the subtle force of her movement. A bitter smile played on her lips as she concluded,
"So before you start to scheme and manipulate, remember that there's a force here that won't bow to your ambitions. This isn't just a battle in the colosseum; it's a battle against the very essence of what you seek to become."
With those words, Medina sank back against the stone, the chains clinking in a reluctant acknowledgement of her defiance. The air in the cell felt charged, a testament to the emotional tempest that had unfolded within its confines. The arena beyond awaited, a canvas upon which the battles of destiny would be painted, and Medina, with eyes ablaze, braced herself for the chaos that lay ahead.
The clinking of armor and the measured footsteps of Jon Russnow and his guards suddenly broke the stillness that had settled in Medina's cell. She slowly lifted her eyes from the cold floor, meeting the piercing gaze of the arbiter himself. Jon's voice, a gravelly echo, cut through the air.
"Done with your musings, Miss Medina?"
She arched an eyebrow, a defiant spark in her eyes.
"What do you mean, 'done'?"
"Medina," Jon began again, his voice carrying a weight that matched the solemnity of their surroundings.
"Your words echoed through the arena, a proclamation of strength and defiance. The other three combatants spoke of survival and resistance, but there's something in your words that sets you apart. A fire that burns brighter, a confidence that commands attention."
He studied her with an intensity that bordered on scrutiny, searching for cracks in her facade. Medina, however, remained steadfast, her posture unwavering against the backdrop of her cold cell.
"Many have stood where you stand now, proclaiming their resilience and their determination," Jon continued, his eyes narrowing. "But none quite like you. There's an air of certainty, a sense that victory is not just a possibility but an inevitability. What is it, Medina, that you carry within you that the others lack?"
Medina's lips curled into a sardonic smile, a quiet assurance radiating from her. "What sets me apart, Jon, is the knowledge that I am not just a contender in this twisted game. I am a force, a tempest that refuses to be tamed by the whims of your colosseum. Survival isn't my endgame; it's a stepping stone to something greater."
Jon's gaze remained fixed on her—a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Greater? What could be greater than emerging from this colosseum victorious?"
A chuckle escaped her, a sound that echoed with self-assured amusement. "Victory is just the beginning, Jon. This colosseum, this arena, will be the birthplace of my reign. I won't be confined by the walls that seek to cage me. I'll ascend, and this twisted game you've orchestrated will become the foundation of my legacy."
The guards, standing stoically by, exchanged uneasy glances. Jon's composure faltered for a moment, with a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. Medina, however, pressed on, her confidence a formidable weapon.
Medina leaned forward, the chains jingling in defiance.
"You're uncomfortable, Jon," she declared, her voice steady. "My certainty, my confidence—it unsettles you. You thought fear would be the prevailing emotion in this cell, but here I am, unyielding and unbroken. The reign you seek to establish through this colosseum will crumble, for I am not a pawn in your game. I am the player, and I hold the cards of my destiny."
A tense silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant murmur of the crowd beyond the cell. Jon, his facade of authority momentarily shaken, rallied his composure.
"Confidence alone won't alter the course of destiny, Medina," he retorted, though a trace of uncertainty lingered in his voice.
She met his gaze with an unwavering stare.
"Confidence, Jon, is the blade that cuts through the fabric of fate. Watch closely, because when the dust settles, I won't just be a survivor. I'll be the architect of my destiny, and this colosseum, this arena, will bear witness to the emergence of a new era."
Jon Russnow, his confidence shaken by Medina's unwavering demeanor, gestured to the guards with a flick of his hand.
"Take her away. Prepare her for the battle." He ordered. There was discernable tension in his tone. His voice carried a hint of uncertainty as he watched the guards approach. Medina, however, didn't flinch. The guards, perhaps reluctantly, approached Medina, their hands grasping her arms. With a shove, they directed her to move, but she moved with a confidence that seemed to amplify Jon's unease.
Despite the rough treatment, Medina's smile remained, a symbol of her confidence that seemed to ripple through the air. Jon's worry deepened, his gaze following her as she disappeared around a bend. Medina turns to him one last time before disappearing with a cynical smirk. The guards fell into step, their expressions a mixture of caution and wariness.
The corridor stretched before them, a winding maze of stone that seemed to absorb the sounds of footsteps. Flickering torches lined the walls, casting erratic shades that danced across the uneven surface. The air was heavy with a musty scent, a combination of ancient stone and the acrid tang of anticipation.
As they walked, the distant roar of the crowd penetrated the confines of the corridor, growing louder with each step. The composition of excitement and bloodlust seeped through the stone walls, creating a pulsating rhythm that set the pace for the impending clash. The clank of heavy boots continued to echo through the corridors as the guards led Medina back towards the heart of the colosseum. Their stoic expressions were a facade against the currents of unease that ran through the ranks. As they approached the gate leading to the arena, the three other combatants stood waiting, their faces etched with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.
Leafdom, Maria Cappitani, and Savior Hawkins suddenly turned to face the approaching entourage, their eyes searching for any sign of weakness in Medina's demeanor. She, however, remained an island of calm in a sea of uncertainty. Her gaze was fixed forward, determined, as if the colosseum held no threat that could shake her resolve.
The tension among the group was palpable as they stood there, uneasy. Leafdom, a peculiar looking nature spirit and a ranger, looked at Medina with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Maria, the ambitious empress of her own dreams, measured her opponent with a calculating gaze. Savior Hawkins, the young figure marked by shadows of the past, exchanged wary glances with the others.
The atmosphere thickened as the group stood together, waiting for the gates to open. Medina's unwavering confidence seemed to cast a shadow over the others, their worried looks shifting from one face to another.
Maria broke the silence, her voice uneasy but carrying the weight of ambition. "In order for my empire to grow, I have to get through all of you. I won't hesitate, not for a second, to secure my victory and pave the way for my ascent."
Savior Hawkins, his eyes haunted by the specters of a tumultuous past, spoke next. "I've faced demons far worse than any this colosseum can conjure. I won't let this place break me, and I'll emerge from it victorious."
Leafdom, the nature spirit, added a solemn note to the conversation. "The woods taught me survival, and survival is what I seek in this arena. But make no mistake; I won't let sentimentality cloud my judgment. The strongest will prevail, and the weak will fall."
They all turned to look at Medina, who had remained silent through their declarations. Her eyes, unflinching, met theirs in a moment of charged intensity as she just smirked.
The heavy gates finally swung open, and the combatants were led out into the heart of the colosseum, the blistering sun casting long shadows across the golden sands. Maria, Leafdom, Savior Hawkins, and Medina stood in a grim tableau, their eyes locked in a silent acknowledgment of the brutal dance about to unfold.
The crowd roared, a tumultuous sea of faces that watched with enthusiasm. The air was thick with anticipation, the very atmosphere pulsating with the primal energy of an impending clash. The guards positioned themselves behind each combatant, silent sentinels ready to enforce the will of the colosseum.
Jon Russnow stood at the center, his presence commanding the attention of both the spectators and the combatants. The sun bore down on the arena, casting an unrelenting heat that added to the tension in the air. The moment had arrived—the climax of the twisted game that had bound these warriors in a web of fate.
"You stand here, not as individuals, but as vessels of destiny," Jon declared, his voice echoing across the expanse. "Only one will emerge victorious, and their name will be etched into the annals of Fallout Colosseum. But remember, victory demands sacrifice, and the path to triumph is paved with the voices of those who faltered."
The combatants faced each other, a charged silence settling over the arena. Medina, Maria, Leafdom, and Savior Hawkins stood like statues, their eyes carrying a mix of determination, terror, and an unspoken acknowledgment of the brutality they were about to unleash upon each other.
The guards tightened their grip on the chains that bound the combatants, creating evident tension in the air as the crowd's anticipation reached a fever pitch. The colosseum seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the commencement of the deadly dance.
As the final moment approached, Jon raised his hand, and the crowd fell silent. The sun, now a relentless orb of fire overhead, cast its last gleaming rays across the arena.
"The time has come," Jon announced, his voice carrying through the silence. "Today, one among you will ascend while the others descend into the shadows of obscurity. Fight not just for victory, but for the repetitions of your name that will echo through eternity."
The crowd, a raucous chorus of anticipation, erupted into a deafening cheer. The guards, with a synchronized motion, stepped back, their hands on the chains that bound the combatants. The chains rattled as the tension in the arena reached its zenith.
And then, with a metallic clatter, the chains fell to the ground, leaving the combatants unshackled in the center of the coliseum, facing each other, ready for battle. As the scene fades to black, the haunting chants of “F-W-A!” can be heard, filling the arena in a spectral serenade.


End of Heartache
Dec 9, 2019
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Felt good to write again, feels even better knowing this is just the start. Hope you enjoy! Click the orange text to read.


The Shadow's Final Bow

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.”
  • Walt Whitman



Fade in.

Fade out.

Fade in…

…fade out.

[[ - The afternoon sun in Hong Kong weaved back and forth, in and out, highlighting Colby’s jog under an overpass road. Crossfire was today, and Colby’s ring shape was just nearly ready. He felt good, confident, strong, but that was no reason to just rest. A man on the path of redemption can’t be “satisfied”, and he had plenty of fresh talent to show what he was all about. Death Walker, La Sombra Filosa, XYZ, Sawyer Xavier, the opposition was stacked, but he liked those odds. A sharp left from The Conjurer avoids a puddle, left by the morning’s foggy weather and rain, but it’s useless, as his foot goes straight into another puddle. - ]]

COLBY SOL: You fuck.

[[ - His breath was low as he swallowed a sharp breath. He slipped up, his perception was off, and for that, he paid dearly with a wet, soggy, uncomfortable sock to bring along for this grueling journey. It’s a familiar feeling, knowing only mistakes and inconveniences. Even with the music blaring melodies in his ears, the sound of failure is more audible now then it has ever been. - ]]


[[ - The alarm on his phone had gone off, and without skipping a beat he had stopped. As he stood before a bike trail with no riders on it, his legs wobbled, followed by his arms giving up. He’d wondered what was next, but his head followed the rest of his fleeting body, gently falling down right next to the road on the mildly high grass, resting in dirt, sweat, grass, and satisfaction. Victory tasted so damn sweet. He ripped the ear buds out of his ears as the sound of “Song For The Dead” by Queens of Stone Age played through them. Sadly, he couldn’t even enjoy the beat, and even sadder news approached when he checked his phone, only to see that the alarm kept ringing. - ]]


[[ - Colby swiped up with a lightning-like reflex, putting his ear to the phone. - ]]

COLBY SOL: Yo! Steveyyyyyy! I, shit, fuck, sorry… I just, wow, ugh… I just ran a good… I don’t know… I ran a good bit so, sorry if I sound uh… uh…

[[ - He paused, waiting for a reply of any kind. He winced as the sun hit his eyes, using his free hand to cover his eyebrows for a better look at his phone, only to see it really was his alarm he had turned off. He paused the music and took a glance at his call history. - ]]

COLBY SOL: Must be my data or something… no, four bars… that’s… mmm…

[[ - It wasn’t his data, it wasn’t an emergency call from his big bro, it was just his mind playing tricks on him again. There was no call from his older brother… it’s just something he wanted really fuckin’ bad. He’d felt so alone since arriving in China, and it was becoming an issue fast. It was a dirty trick his mind played on him, a trick that reminded him that he would always be alone. He leaned forward, crossing his legs and putting his head down in shame. Shame for what he had become, shame that once again, he was set to start anew. He laid his phone down on his lap and held his face in his hands, breathing in deep, trying to relax… but who was he kidding? He was fuckin’ upset. - ]]

COLBY SOL: Whyyyyyy…

[[ - It was a tough pill to swallow, realizing that he was tasked to once again begin climbing a great mountain with no support other than his bare hands. His voice was scratchy, whiny, depraved even. The sun forced him to see the inside of his eyelids, no matter how dark he wanted his vision to be. He pushed harder, putting his palms deep into his sockets, hoping to feel something, anything… total darkness, relief from the sun, fuck, even a popped eye would feel better then the feeling in his gut right now. Instinctively, as if a lightbulb in his head went off, he reached into his pocket, ready to inhale smoke and nicotine into his body, but all he was met with was an empty pocket and a deep, nail-first grab into the side of his leg, putting pressure on it in agony. It’d been days since his last smoke, a nasty habit he’s only now trying to be rid of. He’s been a moody prick since, snapping at just about everyone. The cravings were getting worse, and his desire for success was just as bad. The smoking, it’s a work in progress… but the hunger for success is ravenous. - ]]

COLBY SOL: I can’t man… it’s just too much…

[[ - He didn’t care who heard him, whether it was God, his brother, some random biker, because he needed to hear it. He needed to hear the whining and complaining to remind himself how he sounded. His brow curved as his jaw clenched in spite. - ]]

COLBY SOL: It’s… it’s too much bitching. It’s too much to even bear.

[[ - A quick huff of air, a collection of saliva, and an aggressive spit of saliva to the ground, yeah, that’ll show ‘em. - ]]

COLBY SOL: I, the great Colby Fuckin’ Sol, sitting in Hong Kong in a piss-poor mood... over cigarettes. I’m sick of this.

[[ - He turned his head, letting the air take his words, only to raise an eyebrow. - ]]

COLBY SOL: Great, people.

[[ - He collected himself off of the grass and took a step back, looking down at his phone as two cyclists began coming down the dirt road. Colby takes his time, scrolling through his social media, liking posts, retweeting, but the slow stop of two tires caught his ears. Casually, he turned his back. - ]]

COLBY SOL: Duìbùqǐ.

[[ - A simple apology was uttered by The Conjurer but there was no reply. He waited for the pedals to start moving, but it never happened. Colby picked his head up and shot the two riders a look. - ]]

COLBY SOL: Duìbùqǐ, dickheads.

[[ - There was a bass in his voice, language barrier or not, that anyone could understand, but these two guys? They weren’t listening. Their faces were blank, with the left one slowly starting to smile. Colby shoved his phone back into his pocket, taking a look around to make sure he was in the clear, and stepped over, nearly bumping the poor guy over as he got into his face. - ]]

COLBY SOL: I look funny to you? Do I look like someone you wanna be smirkin’ at?

[[ - He began to speak, mostly to his friend, and the both of them laughed as if there was an inside joke. Colby didn’t speak Chinese outside of basic phrases, but he got a hunch that these two were wasting his time. Colby’s seen this, this kind of shit-talk back when he was a kid. Pittsburgh wasn’t the easiest place to live as a kid, but now as a man? He wasn’t about to get hustled in Hong Kong, or made fun of. He grabbed the man’s shirt, ripping him off of the bike, and raising a fist. - ]]

COLBY SOL: I’ll fuck you up, I’m NOT in the mood. Get on your bike and pedal like your life depends on it, before I break off the chain and wrap it around that scrawny ass neck of yours!

[[ - It wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Colby had been itching for a good excuse to whoop someone’s ass, maybe that would keep the cravings away. The man’s friend would get off of his bike, grabbing at Colby’s arm, and he would deliver a weak chop to Colby, leading to the both of them being scruffed by their shirt collars. - ]]

COLBY SOL: I said get outta here!

[[ - A moment passed, a breeze sent shivers and goosebumps into all three men, and the only sound that could be heard was whimpering from the two cyclists. Colby’s eyes looked them up and down… they looked similar, too similar. Their facial features were alike, their hair the same color… these two were brothers. - ]]


[[ - It all made sense when the first man’s shirt met Colby’s eyes… an FWA shirt. These were fans that were starstruck by Colby’s appearance. His face relaxed, his grip was loose, and the two brothers scrambled to get on their bikes. They couldn’t have been any older than say nineteen, maybe even twenty, but their bond had pure-hearted innocence. One tried to protect the other, saying “fuck the odds” and doing what was right. It was a tale all too familiar to that of The Sol Brothers. Colby, being the younger of the two, couldn’t help but feel a sly smirk creep itself on his face. He’d face the best of the best, he’s beaten superstars, but he was still a sucker for heart touching moments. - ]]


[[ - Another alarm, strange. Colby looked at his phone, only to see it was set for another five minute timer, meaning he had more work to do. He sighed, took a deep breath, and began a full sprint. A sprint towards his goals, a sprint towards showing the world he’s here to stay… a sprint towards success - ]]




COLBY SOL: Hope versus despair… you love to see it.

[[ - Highlights of Colby’s brawl with La Sombra Filosa flicker through TV static. The video becomes stable once Colby reverses LSF’s powerbomb attempt into A Good ‘Ol DDT, knocking the masked luchador flat out for a moment. The camera zooms out, showing Colby leaning back with his arms crossed, watching the TV set with a devilish grin. - ]]

COLBY SOL: La Sombra Filosa, the once famed luchador turned villain, squares off against Colby Motha’Fuckin’ Sol, man oh man. Many want to advertise it as two new guys trying to get their footing here but… let’s be honest, it’s not that kind of narrative. As a matter of fact, it’s a mismatch, and I’ll tell you why. Normally, I’d say it’s an honor to be the co-main event with you at Fallout 37, but…

[[ - He pauses, watching as he throws LSF through the turnstile. Colby scoffs. - ]]

COLBY SOL: I expected a lot more of a fight from you. At Crossfire, I planned on walking away with a prize worthy of my ability, but then I saw what you were capable of. I saw your moves, how you walked, how you displayed yourself, and I was curious. I wanted that aggression for myself, I wanted you to hit me as hard as you could, but what I felt… was hollow. You’re a shell of your former self, it’s a hard pill to swallow, but swallow it you will. I felt no passion in your punches, just disappointment. What is it? Low on cash? Wanting one last ride in this business that has forgotten you? Is that what you’re here to do? Or is it just to disappoint me and anyone here who thought you were worth anything? Here you are, this badass former world champion, a man who’s turned in his white slacks for black, hoping to bring your brand of darkness and misery, and what happened? I kicked your ass up and down this arena with ease. When the cameras weren’t on us, we scrapped, we clawed at each other for what felt like forever, and when security pulled us apart, I was pissed… pissed to know that you are capable of so much more. I felt fear that night, it radiated off of you, and it told me the whole story; the story that you’re not capable of hanging in the FWA.

[[ - The TV changes it’s channel, highlights from LSF’s past as a superstar in Mexico. - ]]

COLBY SOL: You were once this bright symbol of hope to fans in Mexico, Sombra. You were somebody, now you’re just a stepping stone for a new idol. I don’t fear you, because I don’t buy this schtick of yours. I’ve battled the worst of the worst, I’ve survived the worst of the worst, and you don’t even crack the top ten, so it’s justified when I say that I can’t help but shake this feeling that you gave me your best. You’re sloppy, slow, and an easy target.

[[ - The screen changes one more time. It pauses on a still shot of LSF holding a world title, to every champion of the FWA holding their respective titles. Colby’s eyes wander, so many prizes, so little time. - ]]

COLBY SOL: But you have stock in your name, stock that I plan to use to elevate myself to more than just the co-main event… I plan on standing over this whole damn company. It all starts at Fallout 37, where you’re tasked to overcome the greatest challenge of your life. Not only do you face the hardest hitting sonuvabitch here, but you face the end of your career. I’m going to hurt you, I’m going to make you pay for failing to live up to MY standard. I’m not saying this to hype myself up or to advertise this match, I’m going to fuck you up, straight up. What you face is a man hellbent on redemption… a man hellbent on being the best fighter he can be… you’re fighting a Sol… and no matter what you do, no matter how hard you fight, fate has decided that I will be the one who pulls the trigger on your career and puts ol’ yeller down. So bring the pain, bring everything you’ve got, because in Hong Kong, it’ll be your curtain call.


Blind Wrestler
Dec 15, 2023
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Somewhere in California, Dom Leaf sat on a seat in an apartment feeling rather down and confused. Nothing too particular, a big kitchen and living room area separated by an island half bar; in the living room, there’s a couch and Computer Monitor set up.

Dom Leaf: “So apparently, They don’t take Copper, Silver, or even Gold pieces. Not that I have those, but still, How am I supposed to trade for anything?” Dom Leaf sighed, looking at the person sitting by them. “How did you even find me? I don’t exactly stick out?”

???: “Well, you were drunk playing a flute. You seemed to just fall asleep outside the bar.” Dom Leaf glared at him, gesturing then to introduce himself. “Well, I’m Kevin Angel, an intern at FWA. I have been assigned to track you and document your first match in it.” He was probably 6’0; he seemed to have some muscle in his frame somewhere. For some reason, he looked familiar. Dom Leaf appeared flustered for a second, but they shook it off.

Dom Leaf: “Well, thank you, Kevin. Name’s Lea- Dom Leaf.” They extended a hand which, Kevin Shook. “Also, for providing this place. Cause apparently, you can’t sleep in a bar either.” Kevin chuckled at that.

Kevin Angel: “Well, there are these places called hotels, but wouldn’t you rather have a home, a place to call your own?” Dom Leaf smiled slightly. “Anyway, have you actually wrestled before?”

Dom Leaf: “Technically, yes, and I have been watching others train & work out. In a universe different than this, there’s this guy in a mask. However, that may have been decades ago.” Kevin caught the slip-up but chose to remain quiet.

Sometime later, Dom Leaf and Kevin Angel were searching the internet. Well, Kevin is- Dom while eating a turkey sub. The two found out the match would happen in Hong Kong, China. It is across the world, of course.

Dom Leaf: “How the flowers? Are we supposed to get there in time?” They asked in bewilderment. “I can’t fly, can you?”

Kevin nodded yes.

Dom Leaf: “Don’t lie!” They deadpanned: “Besides, it will take days to get there! So I might have to train. Let us look for a ring and a way to get to Hong Kong.”

Kevin Angel: Don’t worry, we will find a way. I’m sure everything will work out for you in the end.” He laughed to himself. “Everybody gets one.”

As the morning went on, they found a ring. Wearing a brown singlet, Dom Leaf did various stretches and poses. They recalled something from their past.

A lifetime or so ago: A Vine Leshy climbing up a tree carrying a baby bird. Who had fallen from the tree? “Here you go, miss; he won’t leave you again until he’s ready.” Unlocked Athletics from Ageless Spirit.

???: Dom… Leaf… Leafdom! Snap out of it.” It was Kevin in the ring, and he was ready to train. Dom Leaf caught the breath they were holding. “You okay? You looked lost in your own head.”

Dom Leaf: “I am, I think… Thanks; how did you know my name?”

Kevin Angel:” It’s on the card. We can talk about it on the plane ride. For now, fight me! “Dom Leaf slid into the ring.

Kevin lets Dom make every move he knows to him, Flurry coming in hard and fast with kicks, elbows, and knees. Precision timing things down rightly and tightly. He needed to make sure it looked good while not hurting Kevin. He could even Outwit Kevin when Kevin got on offense, laying traps and baiting him in.

They practiced until the evening. Leafdom tried out all five of his signature moves (Plant Life Neckbreaker, The Grapevine Ankle Lock, Leaf-e-on Poisonrama, Leaf flip 450, Unleshie cartwheel DDT) and his finishers (Leaf of Faith Diving Elbow, For the Leaf-dom Butterfly Facebuster). The two stopped for dinner and just hung out.

Dom Leaf: “What was that about a plane? Can we get to Hong Kong that way?” They said, looking exhausted. Kevin nodded yes. “Great, so when does the plane leave?” Kevin pulled out his phone and stared at it. “You okay?”

Kevin Angel: “Um yeah, it says tomorrow at noon; it is a 15-hour flight from San Francisco that costs $1,240.” Dom leaf let out an unintelligible noise. “Don’t worry, my friend. I have connections in high places.”

The next day, they wore Hawaiian shirts and Khaki shorts. While they took public transit to San Francisco, Don Leaf seemed to glaze over.

A lifetime or so ago: A Leaf Leshy had found this armor made of Leaves; Elves supposedly made it. “I can make this work.” Athletics dropped, and learned Crafting.

Getting out of his daze, Dom Leaf poked at the green threading and stitched some brown cloth together. Kevin side-eyed him but said nothing. When they got off said transit, he asked.

Kevin Angel: “So you are going work on that the whole flight?” Dom Leaf nodded. Kevin shrugged. “Just need something to do with your hands?”

Dom Leaf: Yeah, I’ll be listening, I promise. Just can’t sit still for 15 hours, you know?” They stopped at the airport entrance. Dom Leaf looked on in wonder; Kevin, by contrast, wasn’t too impressed.

At the airport, they got to the metal security station. Dom felt a tad uncomfortable, getting an X-ray and checked over by the guards. Kevin, however, didn’t show any signs of unease. They decided to get a bit to eat at an In N’ Out.

Dom Leaf: “This place is nice. I’ve never had a burger before.” Kevin said nothing; instead just ate in peace. He looked out the window at a plane leaving. “That’s scary, we’ll be safe, right?” Kevin just nodded yes. They got ready to board the plane. “I don’t know if you can read this on my face right now, but I’m actually really nervous.”

They boarded the plane, and it had one other rider, an old woman with no discernable features.

One of the fifteen hours

Kevin Angel: “You can give the act up now… Leafdom!” Kevin said seriously. “This need to fit in, the references, the zoning out. I know who you are.”

Leafdom: ‘Act what act?” As the plane took off, Leafdom felt a popping sound; they needed to raise their voice. “WHATEVER WE CAN TALK LATER!”

Kevin Angel: “I KNOW WHO YOU WERE!” The plane settled down in the air. Despite this, he whispered. “Pharasma sent me to look over you.”

Leafdom mulled this over; there was no way. Was there?

Leafdom: “Then who are you? An angel or something else?”

Kevin Angel: “Well, we called Nephilim, actually, but yes. I have the mixed blood of a human and an angel.”

Leafdom knew this would be a long flight. Leafdom looked out the window; it was terrific yet scary.

Leafdom: “Can you fly?” Kevin shook his head no. “I’d be scared of that.”

Kevin Angel: “Yeah..”

Three hours later:

Leafdom was stitching his Singlet, trying to focus on the green thread.

Leafdom: “If I were to give up on this?” Gesturing to his body. “Would I be respected?”

Kevin Angel: “Maybe, why?”

Leafdom: Leshies are maybe 3’5 in a peak body.”

Three hours later

Leafdom was going to sleep, however.

Leafdom: “I guess we can go over my match?”

Kevin Angel: “So go ahead, spill your guts.” Kevin pulled out a camera.

Leafdom looked thoughtfully at the camera.

Leafdom: “Savior Hawkins, I see myself in you in a weird, twisted way. Do you think you can hide behind masks? Why? Cause you don’t want people to see the real you? Don’t let life shackle you down! While you won’t win, maybe you will learn something about yourself.”

Maybe they weren’t so different after all…

Leafdom: As someone seeking a home, we may never see eye to eye, yet I will not back down. Like you shouldn’t either.

Leafdom gave the camera back...

Three hours later

Leafdom: “Pharasma, why choose me?”

Kevin Angel: “They didn’t; you did.” Leafdom laughed despite the self-doubt.

If that were the case, they would be with their friends. Leafdom saw the camera, gesturing to turn it on.

Leafdom: “Mairi Cappitani, who or what drives you? Wealth? Fame? Power? I had it all in my past life, yet in my final moments, when I saw Pharasma, I learned death strips you of everything! Enjoy your life for what it is. I suggest a boyfriend or a pet: Anything to set you free In mind, body, and Spirit. Please give this match and this place your full attention; don’t quit.”

Kevin whistles as Leafdom passes him the camera.

Three Hours later

Leafdom wondered what it would be like to wrestle in this far-off land. Remembering their backpack, they pulled out their flute. Then gestured for the camera.

Leafdom: “Miss Medina Alvarez, I know I can never beat your dark mind or heart. So, please allow me to lighten your burden with a poem.”

I await here with a pain of guilt
My bow with love shall ring true
As I await for the sight of my crew
The very thing which hope is built

The way in which my blood was spilt
Life does come for we happy few
Yes, I shall work till I earn my due
This body, in my prayers, shall not wilt

The love and life I shall give
My pain, my rage can be felt
Just think of this as a play

A chance I have yet to live
See, this life yet to be dealt
For now, I know this is the way

The evil side rage I have in me
Like an arrow shall be set free

Leafdom, feeling sleep take over, gave the camera back to Kevin.

Leafdom saw Golarion from a sky view. All the countries and landmarks, and many Ancestories. (Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Goblins, Gnomes, Halflings, Orcs, and Leshies.) They felt the divine presence of gods like Desna, for instance.

Leafdom: “Why am I here? Where is here?”

???: “Leshy, Do you like your new guardian?”

Leafdom: “Guardian? Kevin Angel? He said he was sent to me, but why? Not- That’s my place to question a god-?”

Pharasma: “Would you rather have no one? That world is a cruel place, and what you decide to pursue can bring out the monster in anyone. There is no magic, and the fight of Good vs. Evil is not as clear.”

Leafdom: “Of course!” Leafdom bowed. “Forgive me, Lady Pharasma!” They looked at the god of (death, birth, fate, time, and prophecy) With reverence. “Will/Can Kevin join me?”

Pharasma: “Only you can decide that. And do not worry about your friends; they are safe for now.”

Leafdom: “Thank you. I will keep them in my prayers.

Leafdom awoke with a stir, a popping in their ears. The plane seemed to be landing or something.


After some time of healing, they arrived in Hong Kong. Leafdom didn’t know what was ahead of Them, but that didn’t matter. They’ll look to the past to make way for the future!

If anyone is wondering, I write as I go; I didn’t plan Kevin when I thought of this character. He was my friend, who died in December. Hence the name.
R.I.P., my friend; I hope this doesn’t break any rules. Also, yes, I will use Leafdom from now on; I just needed to try out this Human version.


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Introduction: With Heavy Boots

Madison trudged back slowly into the cell. Her feet were so heavy, and it felt like she was pushing through thick mud as she returned to this torturous setting. Apparently, she was moving a little bit slower than the guard behind her liked, as she felt two hands shoving into her back and with no energy or fight within her found herself being flung to the floor and landing in a wetness on the floor. She hoped it wasn’t piss. Blood, sweat, or tears she could cope with. Someone else’s urine though. That would be too much. As she pushed herself upwards and heard the door clanging shut and being bolted behind, she looked up at two familiar eyes looking down at her.



Shuushar: You weren’t gone very long, were you? What did the Soul Collector say to you?

Madison was confused. Not gone a long time? Was this fish-like person trying to make light of her situation and involve some comedy in the situation? She really couldn't tell.

Madison: I can see after all my time away you still have a strange sense of humor.

Shuushar: Humor? I think you might have knocked your head again, human. I don’t see why anything I said would be remotely funny in any way

Madison felt a pull in her stomach. Like something was being knotted inside her, and it created a sense of uneasiness. Something about all of this wasn’t right.

Madison: I’ve been gone for months, only to be brought back to this hellscape. If you weren’t making a joke, then were you trying to mock me in some manner? Have you any idea what I’ve been through? What have I suffered?

Shuushar made a strange bubbling sound before responding but actually got up off their bed and approached Madison.

Shuushar: I don’t know what lies Lord Darius weaved before your eyes, but you’ve barely been gone for ten minutes. What you experienced. That was nothing more than trickery. He has woven your soul into the Animus, and you’ve most likely experienced or altered the life of one that came before you. The man is cruel, if he even is a man anymore, and perhaps you are a new puppet for him to play with.

Madison couldn’t believe this could be true. She had gone through so much. They all had. The suffering they had endured. No. This couldn’t be true. She wasn’t going to let it. And yet she found herself stunned into silence. She was filled with anger, and yet she couldn’t vocalize it.

Shuushar: You’re not the first to be put in this position. Why don’t you come and sit next to me and tell me about what you remember. It might help your mind adjust and create a healthy separation between fiction and reality.

It wouldn’t hurt to try. It just made her hurt inside. How could all of that. Everything. Just be nothing more than a trick? Where would she even start?

* * * * *

Part One: A Company Is Formed

They all met for the very first time in Frontier. It was the largest town in Woorgravia, the eastern province of the Northern Alliance. Its eastern border run up against Damaradictopia, extended territories of the ever-growing Thayan Empire. Talk of war had been going on for as long as she could remember, but nothing had ever come of it. If there was an intention of expansion, it seemed unlikely that it was going to involve any incursions into the Northern Alliance. The Lords from the Floating Capitol had been hoping for a war for generations, so much time, effort, and resources into the army. Why would an enemy force ever think invasion would be a good idea? We are getting to be involved in the general area though. Let us focus more on the reason why we are. The forming of the company.


[Hovadan Minesweeper]

Atop a barrel in front of them stood Hovdan Minesweeper. A dwarf who, by his uniform, was a clear member of the Golden Axe. A merchant outfit that serviced much of the Northern Alliance’s outstations and smaller settlements by smartly hiring mercenaries to do the work for them at a commission and also taking all of the risk. This is why Madison was here. She was one of the lucky few that had been chosen to take the risk on behalf of the Golden Axe.

Hovadan Minesweeper: Now there are only two reasons you might be standing in front of me today. Either you come with a recommendation from someone the Golden Axe has worked with in the past, or you owe a large debt to the company and this is the best chance you have of working it off.

As Hovadan said in the last part, Madison was fairly certain that the Dwarf was staring at the Half-Orc standing amongst them, in a very unsubtle manner of letting them and everyone know who the person indebted was.

Hovadan Minesweeper: The job for you all is pretty simple. I have a wagonload of provisions that I need you to help deliver to a small settlement called Boglan. It only takes about four or five days to travel there, with oxen pulling the wagon. So really, you got the easiest job in the world. Stay with the wagon. Protect the wagon. And no snooping inside the wagon. And the best part of this job for you all is that I will be at the destination when you get there. I plan on riding ahead with my delight Orcish escort, who will aid me in getting to Boglan a little bit quicker. It will prove beneficial to the Golden Axe if the job is carried out this way. Any questions?

The dwarf didn’t even give anyone a chance to react before carrying on.

Hovadan Minesweeper: Perfect. So why don’t you all take a moment to introduce yourselves and clue each other in on what you bring to this company and then think about setting out on the road. I am sure you will all do fine, and the 50 gold coins for the job will be paid at completion so please don’t attempt to get cute and ask for a down payment. I must be on my way, so I hope to see you all in five days."

The job sounded easy enough. The pay was fair. 50 gold split four ways was nearly ten each. A fair price for fair work. She just hoped that the other three with her were capable of completing the job; otherwise, this could prove to be much more difficult than it needed to be. She watched as Hovadan walked off and was followed by the large Half-Orc, who she now assumed was the Dwarf’s escort, and pondered if they would have all been better suited traveling together all as one force. Before she could formulate a way to approach everyone else, the white-haired female elf spoke up first.


[Lyra Sycamore]

Lyra: There is more to this job than we're being told, but I don’t have time to worry about any of that. If we all stay in line and do what we are meant to do, then this can go very smoothly, and we can all part ways richer and happier. I'm Lyra, by the way, and I can do pretty much anything. I also have no interest in taking on a leadership role without being paid more for it, so you four can figure out that among yourselves.

Madison could vibe with this elf. She seemed confident and also didn’t seem to want to stand in the spotlight, which was the wisest thing to do on all accounts. Perhaps she would be best taking a leaf out of her book. Sometimes she had put on a braver act than what was true to her feelings and had landed in some real hot water because of it. She was a fighter at heart, but her track record, if it were written down, would show she had lost more than she had won. That wasn't exactly a selling point that you told a future employer.

The Verdan spoke up next. She had seen few of these creatures in her life, but Madison had always been wary of them. They had a habit of saying one thing and doing another.



Sawyer: You only stay rich by getting rich, party people. I left home with the very intention of getting as rich as possible, being as finely dressed as possible, and going to as many classy parties as possible. You better believe that Sawyer came for a good time, if you know what I mean, fellas?

This one. This one was going to be a handful. And the looks the rest of them were giving seemed to suggest they were very much sharing the same feeling in shared silence.

Lyra: New money is more dangerous than no money. Sawyer, I presume, is your name?

Sawyer: That is what they call me under the sun, M’lady.

The elf scowled at the Verdan. If he could feel the tension, then he was either not aware of others or under the influence of something else. Madison, though, could feel it, and she was a third party. She expected some sort of reaction to occur, but nothing came. That was when the third in their group spoke up before her. Somehow she left herself in the position of the last to speak. She wasn’t shy or nervous, so why was she holding her tongue.


[Brook Lynn]

Brook: Let's just get this show on the road, folks. The sooner I can get back to my experiments, the better. Brook Lyn is going to be the most sought-after Artificer on the continent, but without the components I need, I am forced into a life on the road. For now.

He spoke again before she could say anything.

Sawyer: Brooky Baybay! We are going to get along like fire, my dude. This party is going to be awesome. I can’t wait to get these wagon wheels rolling!

Brook: Please, no nicknames. You can just call me Brook. And it is important that you remember we aren’t friends, especially you and the silent girl. You two especially need to remember that you are below me in the pecking order. The elf is in charge, although she won’t admit to it. I most certainly won’t be taking orders from either of you two, though. I am an important person; I even have a custom order flatbread at the Ristorante Pizza, would you know?

Madison didn’t like the attitude she was being given or the way she was being spoken down to. She didn’t understand why this Panda-folk thought he was better than her or why he was putting her in direct competition with Sawyer. In all honesty, it felt insulting. Now she had to speak; otherwise, she might be forced to suffer in silence for the rest of the journey. Maybe that wouldn’t be too bad.


[Madison Rouge]

Madison: My name is Madison. I would prefer it if you didn’t put me in a hierarchy of any sort. I'd rather use my sword to protect the group, but honestly, I really don’t mind drawing some blood if it means teaching someone a lesson in respect.

The Panda-folk looked a little surprised by her response, especially considering the fact it had been targeted directly back at him.

Brook: Do you have any idea who I am? One of my current projects involves me connecting to alternate realities and watching what they get up to on something I have decided to call a Television. I am better than you in every single way.

Before she could find time to respond, she found the elf speaking up instead.

Lyra: Mr. Lynn, I realize you are an academic of sorts. I think, however, it is your own ignorance that is giving you a false sense of reality. Madison might not be a name you recognize, but perhaps you have heard of her other name, 'The Lioness.'

Brook shrugged his shoulders, looking like he had no real idea what Lyra was talking about.

Brook: This name really doesn't ring a bell.

Lyra: Well, after our journey to Boglan, I hope you appreciate the company you are keeping. And I wouldn’t miss our Verdan friend either. Eccentric they might be, but an apprentice of a Wizard of some renown. I wouldn’t be so certain of the station you hold or whatever this Television contraption you are talking about. I’ve never heard of one, so perhaps you aren't as important as you think you are too.

The face that Brook pulled made it clear that he didn’t like that comment, but also he was unlikely to get into any sort of verbal battle with Lyra. There was a longer silence than before, but it was quickly broken by Sawyer.

Sawyer: Let's get groovy and get moving, party people! These wagon wheels need spinning, and I’ve got some gold rounds I need to earn.

There was no way that Madison was going to allow this fool to be above her in the pecking order. She simply wasn’t going to allow it. That was one step too far, even for her. She didn’t really care about the Elf or the Panda being in a position of power. One of them had earned it with time, the other really wanted to be there. There really was no benefit in pulling people back down to reality for no reason. Should their situation change though, perhaps she might have to flip the script.

* * * * *

Part Two: An Unexpected Obstacle

They had been traveling on the road for a day and a half, and not much had happened so far. She wondered whether her Dwarven employer and his Half-Orc bodyguard had reached Boglan yet. Thinking about the company; Brook had done his best to wind up Sawyer and Madison at seemingly every opportunity. Lyra had been stoically silent. Sawyer had been making far too much noise and talking about a lot of nonsense. Madison had just tried to keep an eye out for danger. Sooner or later, she was sure it was coming. One thing she was thankful for was Sawyer, despite his possible insanity, being able to cast magic and having formed a connection with a Hawk he called Sausage. Madison wasn’t sure exactly how the two were linked, but she was fairly certain that the bird was smarter than Sawyer.



The bird, though, had some telepathic link with Sawyer and was able to send him information about what it saw. This meant that while Madison scouted by the wagon, the bird could fly much higher into the sky and offer the company an aerial advantage. The bird flew down from above and landed on Sawyer’s shoulder, and whatever it had said was serious enough for their Verdan friend to remove the pipe from their mouth and stop repeating a joke they had told ten or twelve times since they had broken their fast this morning.

Sawyer: Sausage says there is something on the road up ahead. Something on the ground; they say it looks like two large birds, but they didn’t want to get too close. They also said I have a great sense of fashion.

Brook: Did the bird actually say that? I doubt it.

Sawyer: Why would I lie about something like that?

Brook: Why wouldn’t you?

Sawyer: Because unlike you, Mister Television Guy, I am actually going places. When I become a truly awesome Wizard, you are going to wish you were nicer to me.

Brook: When I complete the first models for sale. I promise you this, you will be barred from purchasing one.

Sawyer: Oooooooooooh. I am going to be barred. Oh no! Oh no! When I am rich and famous and have a whole staff of people working for me, how will I cope when I am not allowed to purchase a Television? No one is even going to want one of those things anyway.

Brook: You don’t know anything about it. I’m already a Television Champion!

Sawyer: A champion? You can’t just call yourself a champion; you have to earn that sort of honor.

Madison had just about enough. These two were old enough to know they were making fools of themselves and were highly likely to be putting them all in danger.

Madison: Will you two just hold your tongues for a moment? If trouble is afoot, there is a good chance we might be walking into a potential ambush.

Brook: How can you even make that sort of assumption? You’ve won a couple of street fights and are supposedly famous in some way, but isn’t that a bit of a jump?

Sawyer chimed in, but it almost felt sarcastic, as if he was mocking Brook rather than having any sort of meaning behind his words in regards to Madison.

Sawyer: Yeah, baby! You need a reality check; you need to be like a legitimate Television Champion before you can start throwing around bold claims like that. Get a grip.

Lyra: Quiet! Can’t you hear that? Something is coming.

The ground was rumbling. It almost felt like an earthquake, but it felt like something was coming towards them. Something incredibly large was charging towards them. And then it broke through the bushes and came raging towards them.



[The Fucking Troll!]

Was this the end? Were they all going to get trampled to death by a troll? Madison quickly thought and reached behind her, grabbing her bow and an arrow in a swift movement. She made sure to knock it against the bowstring before aiming straight at the troll and, without a second thought, pulled back with all her strength and released. The arrow hit the target, but it seemed to have barely affected the beast, which continued to charge forward. Fortunately, the other three had also reacted quickly.

A strange crackle of fire appeared from Brook’s right paw and fired directly into the troll in what looked like a bolt of fire. Madison had no idea that Brook possessed these sorts of powers, but then again, the only thing he had spoken about was his blasted Televisions. Almost as if Brook and Sawyer were opposites, Sawyer shouted at the top of his lungs.

Sawyer: FROSTO!

A beam of ice was released from his fingertips, but he fired too hard and missed the target.

Brook: Another reason why I am better than you, Greenie.

A booming sound of thunder was unleashed by Lyra as she cast some sort of spell and directed it at the troll. It seemed to hit its target, evident from the change in expression on the troll's face. The attack, however, drew the attention of the troll, which changed its course and was now headed directly for Lyra.

Madison: Hold your ground; it's coming straight for Lyra. We need to be prepared to fight at close quarters if we are going to survive today.

The beast lunged at Lyra with its right hand, and its claws seemed to have done some real damage. Madison was fairly certain she could see a scarlet patch of blood showing where the beast had connected with Lyra’s chest mail. Before anyone had any time to react, though, it struck at Lyra again, this time with its other hand, its claws fully protracted, knocking Lyra clean off her feet and sending her down hard to the dirt.

Madison: LYRA!!!

Madison heard herself scream before she had even had enough time to think about anything else. She wasn’t sure whether the elf was dead or just unconscious, but that didn’t have any influence on her resolve. She reached into her quiver, grabbed another arrow, and pulled back again, making sure to aim for the troll’s head. For the first time in weeks, she could feel the rage within her boil as she let the arrow go. The arrow struck true, right in the back of the troll's head, and she had certainly gained the gigantic beast's attention.

Madison: That's right, you ugly son of a bitch! The Lioness is on the prowl and is looking to get a piece of your foul, stinky arse on the pyre tonight!

Madison had already dropped her longbow, knowing that she was going to have to rely on her scimitar from here on out. Brook and Sawyer fired off their volley of ice and fire once again, and this time, they both hit the target. The beast was starting to show signs of damage, but it had very much turned its attention to Madison. She wasn’t worried about taking on such a large creature; her anxiety was raised because she was worried about Lyra. The beast seemed to be in a blind rage, swiping with both its claws at Madison but missing its target both times. Madison was quick to adjust her position after each miss, thanking the stars that she had avoided the first swipes without enduring even a scratch. She pulled her scimitar from her belt and swung it around her head like a windmill before driving it hard into the thick hide of the creature, feeling it push in and connect with something softer. The Troll let out a guttural howl, and it was clear that the fresh wound had caused the creature a considerable amount of pain.

Madison: You don’t like it so much when you are on the receiving end, do you, you sewer-stinking motherfucker!

Brook, despite their smaller frame, showed no fear as they charged at the Troll from behind, taking a flanking position, and slashed at the creature with a rapier. However, the weapon bounced off the Troll and fell to the ground.

Brook: This beast is as tough as old boots. How on earth are we meant to bring this leviathan down?

Sawyer chuckled to himself.

Sawyer: Not so perfect, are you Brooky? Why don’t you watch how it's really done?

A cloud of smoke appeared out of nowhere, and the smoke slowly turned into shapes resembling daggers that darted forward, sinking deep into the Troll, and then just turned into a smoky vapor with four distinctive puncture marks on the creature's skin.

Sawyer: Who is the strong one now, Brooky? I am the Genesis of Truth! I am the future! For I am Sawyer!

Madison: Just focus on the task at hand, you two. Lyra could be dead, and still, you two continue to bait each other like small children.

The Troll’s attention had been drawn by the gibbering sounds it had heard between Brook and Sawyer, so it wheeled at both of them, striking each with its claws. Both were hit and looked hurt, but they remained on their feet, still in the fight. Madison couldn’t bear the thought of losing another member of their company in this truly deadly skirmish. She spun around again, and her scimitar found its target once more, lodging in the creature's lower abdomen. Not willing to risk breaking her arms trying to keep hold of it, she released her grip, allowing it to remain stuck in the Troll’s side.

Brook: Eat shit!

Brook released another bolt of fire from his paws, this time making a hole directly into the Troll’s skull, with the beast’s eyes going dead and dropping hard and heavy to the ground below.

Sawyer: Is it over? Did we win?

Brook: Well, we didn’t lose, that's for sure.

Madison ran over towards Lyra and looked down at her. She reached down and felt for a pulse, but there was nothing. A potion or a simple healing spell wouldn’t do anything to change the situation. They had lost her. Madison said a prayer under her breath but wouldn’t allow herself to feel sadness. Now was not the time for such feelings.

Madison: We need to bury her. That is the right thing to do. Then we need to find out why this Troll attacked us. This was a chained beast. This was deliberate. We were targeted, and if we don’t want to have to watch our backs for the rest of the journey, we need to deal with this situation first.

Sawyer: What makes you think you’re in charge?

Brook: She isn’t. She is right, though. We need to bury Miss Sycamore and collect her possessions. Her family will want to know where she has been put to rest.

Sawyer: Guys, I think someone is watching us from the bushes. Three. Two. One. GRAB THEM!

In perfect unison, the three of them turned on a swivel and dived into the bushes, tackling a small creature and pulling it towards them to prevent it from running off. Madison was not in the mood for nonsense as she realized she was looking at Ratfolk. The Vermintide.

Madison: You are going to tell me everything you know and what you are doing here, or I am going to put you on top of a fire and roast you alive.



Steven: Steven. Me Steven. Me Talk. Me Talk. Don’t hurt! Don’t hurt!

* * * * *

Part Three: The Hunt Begins

Sawyer had conducted the questioning of the Vermintide. Brook had investigated the two large birds ahead on the road. Madison had been busy digging the best grave she could. She wasn’t proud of it, but it was the best she could do given the circumstances. She had made sure it was deep enough, and not something that a passerby would take as a shallow grave, perhaps finding loot picked off the body. She doubted Lyra would actually care about the presentation, but she was aware that High Elves had customs, and it was usually elders who would raise a complaint if things hadn’t been done right. Madison doubted she had anything that any high-born Elf would want, though. The three of them that remained had all said a few kind words about Lyra before they had sat back down to talk about what they had all found.

Brook informed the group that he found two slain Axe-Beaks on the road ahead. The large birds were similar to Ostriches but had large, sharp, wedge-shaped beaks. They had strong necks and powerful legs like their avian cousins and could sprint at high speeds, commonly used as mounts in the region. Brook had discovered a number of possessions on the animals, including insignia of the Golden Axe and some documentation belonging to Hovadan. It seemed that their employer and, more importantly, the person who was meant to be paying them had been taken. If they couldn’t find him, then this entire journey would have been for nothing.

Sawyer's questioning had descended into something beyond torture and could be reasonably described as bone-chilling murder, as he had returned in an apron covered in blood, guts, and fur with a twisted smile on his face. Brook and Madison had ignored it during the service for Lyra and were both doing their best to not bring it up now. Sawyer informed them that a large Beast known as Mr. Kuddles took both a Dwarf and a Half-Orc prisoner and took them to his cave dwelling about an hour or so from their current location. They had agreed they would find a spot to hide the cart and oxen and then hunt for the missing men. It was decided that Sawyer would watch the road, while Brook and Madison would stow away the goods. Madison had decided this because she wanted to speak with Brook. Alone.

Madison: I don’t trust him.

Brook: It has taken you long enough. I’ve been saying this since we first met. He doesn’t know his station. He doesn’t know his position in life.

Madison: It is more than that. He isn’t what he seems. There is more to him than he has let on. We have taken him for a fool.

Brook: He is a fool!

Brook believed it. Madison could tell by the conviction in his voice that he was looking at her. The problem was he likely thought most people were fools. And considering his specialist skills required a lot of technical knowledge and academic background reading, it wasn’t surprising he held that position. Rather than strengthen him, it made him vulnerable. Thinking you are better than everyone else isolates you from everyone. One way or another.

Madison: He is playing the fool. There is a difference.

Brook: How do you know?

Madison: I just have a feeling. And my feeling is telling me, we can’t trust him, and the longer we keep company, the longer we are both in danger.

Brook: So what are we going to do about it?

Madison: We are going to do nothing. I am going to deal with the situation. If we are going to progress and actually stand a chance of success, then I am going to make it quick and clean. We can’t be putting up with any loose ends.

Brook: You’re going to kill him?

Madison really wished that Brook hadn’t said it out loud. It was bad luck to speak about these things until the act had been committed. Truth be told, she didn’t even really want to do this. She didn’t want to remove him from the board. Perhaps she was wrong. Perhaps she had just read the situation wrong. The risks were too late, and she wasn’t willing to allow herself to be sacrificed to allow another to take advantage of her and use her as a stepping stone to get to the top. She had goals. She had ambitions. And this was the only way it was going to get done.

* * *

Brook: Is it over?

Madison knew he didn’t want the details. So she wasn’t going to share them with him. She wasn’t planning on sharing those sorts of details with anyone. She had done what she needed to do, and that was all that mattered.

Madison: It is just you and me now.

So don’t give me a reason to add you to the list. That is what Madison wanted to say next. She held it in though; that seemed the best course of action at this moment in time.
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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For Want of a Manager
Part 1

The walls creak, and the floors squeak inside the old home that two young ladies have made their home for the better part of a few months. One young lass has made it her haven, and why wouldn’t she? It’s large, cheap, and appeals to her sensibilities. For the other, she has seen some weird shit around the place: doors that shouldn’t exist, a crawlspace that gave images of someone’s past, and other bits and bobs. It’s a new year, though. These two have been very busy cleansing the house of its peculiarities.

We find both women hard at work peeling off a door that leads to nowhere in the house. It spawned last Tuesday, and both girls just didn’t have the time to get rid of it. It has become clear to these two women that something eldritch possesses this home. They’re not quite sure what it is exactly, but they both speculate it’s just the spirit of “deus ex machina.” It could be worse, though; they also believe the spirit of “mortem auctoris” roams this place. You, the dear reader, may not know Latin, so for clarity’s sake, both phrases mean “a God from the machine” and “Death of the Author.”

If you had a few seconds to guess, then congratulations. It was me, Aka! It was me all along! I know, it’s hard to believe. I’ve got the power to spawn anything in the house as I wish, as the narrator of this story. A new door here, an impossible dimension there; the other week, I added a hole in the wall. When you looked into it from the outside, you’d be unable to see anything. But lo and behold, you find out where the other side is, and you can see yourself looking into the hole on the other side! Crazy, I know! This promo isn’t about me, though. It’s about Aka Manto. That’s right, everyone’s least favorite pair of Joshi reprobates is back in the saddle!

If you aren’t familiar with Aka Manto, well have I a story for you. Aka Yurei is better known by her moniker "The Crimson Ghost", a sort of alter ego that takes the form of an evil Japanese spirit, the Onryō. Keiko Hirabayashi on the other hand, is wrestling royalty; she is a woman who graces the people with her presence, believes herself to be better than everyone. Aka Manto is a play-on their respective colors, red and blue. In Japanese folklore, the Aka Manto is an evil entity that will offer people red or blue paper, killing them no matter what they choose. These two Joshi girls who are a little bit broken and a little bit into one another teamed up in Japan, where they were a hit.

Unfortunately, then Keiko and Aka got their feelings mixed up and began to fight one another. Aka Yurei moved to America in disgrace and joined the FWA, where she was an underdog favorite to a lot of people. Her team with Reagan Cole is well remembered by many. In the end though, Keiko also joined the FWA, and these two have been teaming up with one another ever since. There’s your quick history lesson, take it or leave it.

So anyways, these two are peeling a door from the wall as if it’s some sort of Fathead™. Speaking of, who remembers those things? They were like lifesize stickers of athletes and celebrities that you put on a wall. They were real fuckin’ ugly, I tell you what. Aka Yurei sighs a little as she pulls down the last remnants of the door.

Aka: “Thanks, Keiko; I swear, whenever these nowhere doors appear, they’re nothing but trouble. How does a fully-formed double door show up in the basement ceiling?”

Admittedly, that was my finest work. It took Aka and Keiko Hirabayashi forever to get it out of the house! They had to use hammers and paint scrapers to get the wood off. I won’t bore you with details of how they got the hinges off; that’s another tale.

Keiko: “It’s alright, A-chan. You’d think with how much housework we do to get rid of these things… we’d be in debt. Speaking of…”

Keiko fumbles around her back pocket for her phone, pulling it out and reading a text. It’s from some official at Fantasy Wrestling Alliance.

Keiko: “It’s a good thing I had both of us sign a guaranteed contract way back when; I know that we’ve been off TV for far longer than we should have, but at least we’re back! After what we’ve been dealing with, nobody can stop us!”

Aka sighs and wipes some wood paint onto the apron she’s wearing over her clothes. Removing a cursed door is dirty work; gotta keep your clothes clean!

Aka: “I’m… still not sure how you managed that, but I’m not even gonna question it. All I want is to just get back in that ring. I’ve taken enough time to deal with my mental health issues.”

You may be wondering to yourself, “What mental health issues has Aka been dealing with?” Too bad, you’re never going to know because I abandoned that plot when Aka Manto went on hiatus. It was pretty spicy, though. Alright, fine, since you’re twisting my arm, I’ll tell you, with brevity. The house was a piece of Aka Yurei’s subconscious, and all the stuff going on were her fears and dimension-shattering anxieties. It was serious business, but some folks didn’t take it seriously enough. Then, Aka Manto’s steam ran out, and they had to take a break. Aka Yurei is doing much better, though, rest assured.

Unfortunately for the tag team of Aka Manto, they’ve got a new problem. The new stuff I keep spawning in isn’t an issue anymore. The real dilemma lies in the fact…

Aka: “I forgot to mention this earlier, but our rent went up.”

Keiko: “Kuso–! [Fuck–!] Those greedy jerks really make it a fine time to raise rent, and nearly on New Year's, too!”

Keiko grumbles to herself. She and Aka rented the mansion because it was pretty affordable. With rent going up now, things will be financially tight for some time. What, oh what, will these two do? They could move out, for one thing.

Aka: “We could move out if you wanted to, Keiko.”

Keiko: “Heck no, A-chan! I don’t care what you or some disembodied narrator says!”

Aka: “... Huh? Disembodied narr–?”

Well, I guess if that’s out of the question, maybe they could get a second job on top of wrestling for the FWA. It’d be awkward for a while; I don’t think Aka could get hired by an aquarium in the middle of Nowhere, Oregon. Not to mention, has Keiko ever worked a regular job before?

Keiko: “We probably couldn’t even get second jobs either. We’d be traveling too much, and I’ve never worked a job outside of wrestling.”

Aka: “Keiko, what are you talking about–?”

Alright then, moving out and getting jobs like regular people won’t work for the Blue Princess over there. That leaves very few options left.

Keiko: “Hey, A-chan, what if we got a roommate?”

Aka looks surprised and flabbergasted. Perhaps she’s even a little shocked and caught off guard! Don’t forget she’s also astonished, stupefied, jolted, taken aback, and confounded! Aka’s confused is what I’m driving at, if it wasn’t obvious enough.

Aka: “... Why? Why a roommate?”

Keiko: “They could help pay for rent! It’d be easy! All we gotta do is find some good-looking, gullible guy who’s willing to be around two good-looking women like us.”

Aka: “Why does it have to be a guy!? Why can’t it be another woman!?”

Keiko: “Because convincing a guy with our feminine charms will be much easier than convincing another girl.”

Aka: “You know there are other women that are into lesbians too, right?”

Keiko: “Hush, A-chan! I’m having a big ‘think’ here!”

Aka: “Oh my god, a ‘think’? What happened to you, why are you being so stupid for lack of a better word?”

Keiko: “You’re not thinking about ‘the big picture’ here, A-chan! A guy hanging around us would be so happy, and he can accompany us when we travel! Shoot, maybe we could even get him a contract to follow us to the ring!”

Aka: “... A manager. You want a manager, Keiko. They’re called managers, you know this.”

Keiko: “Yes, I know. I want a manager, haven’t you been paying attention? I also want this manager to help pay rent.”

Aka: “You know we could also get a woman as a manager, right?”

Keiko: “Yet again, you’re being closeminded, here, A-chan. FWA already has enough of those, we need a man! A manager with style, and looks!”

Aka: “You just want to manipulate some helpless guy into paying rent and stringing him along, good lord.”

Keiko: “A-chan! I’m a heel, not a monster. He’d get to live in this awesome mansion with us, and additionally, he could also water the plants, and help get rid of the eldritch happenings in the house, all while getting paid to accompany us to the ring.”

Aka: “This is starting to sound like you want a servant more than a manager…”

Keiko: “You gotta stop being negative here. We’re both great either way; we almost beat the Tag Team Champions by ourselves. We should have, but we were screwed by people who didn’t understand us, so we gotta get help, and dumb down our gimmick a bit.”

Aka: “What do you mean ‘dumb down our gimmick’?”

Keiko: “You know, we gotta be less spooky and edgy and stuff. We gotta appeal to the masses, here. Nobody is into dark, nuanced, and deep characters anymore. The people who watch the shows and do the ratings are into more lighthearted and cheerier characters!”

Aka: “... Did you hit your head while we were removing that ceiling door, and that’s where all this is coming from? Who the fuck are the people who do the ‘ratings’? The Nielson ratings? We also do not need to change our characters, Keiko. Our act works, and people like it because it’s simple but effective. I certainly wouldn’t call us… ‘edgy’, to say the least.”

Keiko: “I understand what you’re saying here, A-chan. But dwelling on the darkest parts of us isn’t gonna win us matches. Nobody likes being made uncomfortable out there. They want to be safe, placated, and happy.”

An interesting conversation and it does bring up some good questions. Aka Manto, the tag team, haven’t exactly lit the wrestling world up by themselves, though they did almost beat the FWA World Tag Team Champions… Twice. Well, maybe. It’s never been determined how close they were. There was a cum truck though. Which was… disgusting to say the least, and I still question it. What were we talking about again?

Aka: “So, this is a bit of a non-sequitur, but… who are we facing for our first match back?”

Keiko: “Oh, that’d be some team called Deathswitch. I like the sound of it, it’s very ominous. I hear it’s Chris Crowe and Tommy Bedlam.”

Aka: “Oh for fu– those guys? Well that I’m not looking forward to. They’re both great, that’ll be a real challenge on our way back.”

Ah yes, Chris Crowe and Tommy Bedlam. That Chris Crowe fella kind of reminds me of that wrestler Humanity from 10 years ago… the similarity is uncanny, to say the least. Then that Humanity went and got a haircut or something and then he looked way different. The world is weird like that, how people can change appearances so suddenly. Take Keiko for example; at one point, she had a very striking similarity to Yuna Funanori. People change as they age, it’s just how it goes…

Keiko: “Yeah, they’re real good. I’m eager to get down to business with those two, they’re great opponents and will be a good measuring stick for where we are in the tag division. I mean, Chris Crowe almost won the North American Championship at Winter Wasteland, and last I checked, Tommy Bedlam is still the FWA X Champion.”

Aka: “... Oh wow, look at that. A team comprised of a champion and an almost champion. I’ve never seen that before…”

Flashbacks trigger in Aka’s mind all the teams who have beaten her with a very similar lineup, of at least one singles champion in a team. Need we remind the audience for the umpteenth time of Golden Rock? Yes, Aka’s still salty about it, leave her alone. She’s never getting over that loss. Additionally, there was FTN, in which both tag partners had singles gold. It’s an epidemic, I tell you! Aka Yurei and tag teams with singles gold is her kryptonite, her weakness. It’s like she’s allergic to singles gold or something.

Aka: “Why do I get the weirdest sense I’m being dissed right now…”

Keiko: “A-chan, you worry too much. You’re thinking too hard about the past. This is the present. If you can’t get over past mistakes, the door to the future isn’t going to open up to you. We both just have to dive in and deal with this together. Tommy and Crowe are two very good wrestlers. We can’t control that they are either contenders or champions. We work with the hand we’ve been dealt and we go all in and hope for a royal flush!”

I’ll be honest, Keiko’s never played a game of poker in her life. She just felt like stringing together that random sentence from the only poker terms she knew. Aka pretty well knows this, but just rolls with it.

Aka: “That felt like a very heavy-handed poker metaphor at the end there, Keiko, but I see your point. Tommy and Chris are good, but they’re still just opponents, no matter how good they are. We both have to focus our energy on defeating them. For real though, we can talk about changing our gimmicks later…”

Keiko: “Fine, A-chan. Gosh, you’re so complacent when it comes to this sort of stuff. I wish you’d live it up a little and experiment more.”

Aka: “If I went by your definition of ‘experimenting’, I’d have lost my mind long ago.”

Keiko: “It’s not my fault these strange incidents seem to surround you and only you. Maybe that’s why getting a roommate would be good for you! Then they’ll have to deal with the weirdness around here rather than you.”

Aka: “Oh haha, very funny. I’d rather no one have to deal with this either.”

Keiko: “What if you tried to weaponize your ability to have weird stuff happen? Like you could use it against Deathswitch in this upcoming match!”

It’s not really how it works, but Keiko doesn’t know that. Like I said, I just do it because I like messing with people, and Aka reacts pretty strongly to things like that. Besides, Chris Crowe and Tommy Bedlam are far outside the bounds of my control to even make anything weird happen to them. I’d have to go through a whole step-by-step process and get permission slips and go through proper channels to even have a chance of that happening, and it’s not like it would be any benefit anyway.

Aka: “Why are you so dead set on trying to utilize my weirdness for nefarious purposes? You really are kind of manipulative, Keiko.”

Keiko: “You act like you wouldn’t do it, A-chan. Believe me, if you weren’t so self-conscious and polite, you’d absolutely do whatever it takes to win.”

Aka: “Excuse me?”

Keiko: “Yeah, think about it. I do whatever it takes to win, you don’t. Even if it entails breaking the rules, ruining other people’s health, or all around, making people hate me, the ends justify the means to me. A win is a win, and in this crazy world of wrestling, isn’t that all that matters?”

Keiko does bring up an interesting point. What is the purpose of wrestling in the first place? It’s to win, is it not? Why would anyone begrudge those who do whatever it takes? People love a good villain, and even the most dastardly people have their fans. Keiko is no different; she doesn’t believe that there is anything inherently wrong with cheating to win, as long as a win is achieved. If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying.

Keiko: “Believe me, A-chan: Deathswitch will absolutely do the same to us if it means they’ll win the match. Everyone cheats in the FWA, just to what extent. You’re seemingly the only one who can’t do that because you’re too meek and polite. In this cutthroat business, it won’t get you very far. Everyone is out for themselves; Golden Rock and FTN especially were out to win by any means necessary, and that’s why they won.”

Aka: “You don’t understand though… I don’t believe that you have to cheat to win. Just because others do it doesn’t mean you should lower yourself to their level. If you allow yourself to be sucked into that mindset, it’s so hard to escape it. Plus I don’t think I could handle being disliked for cheating.”

Keiko: “There you go again, worrying about what other people think. That’s your biggest issue. You always take other people’s opinions of you into consideration when it comes to your career choice. Why did you join the wrestling business, A-chan?”

Aka: “I…”

Aka for once is at a loss for words. It’s a simple question, but pretty loaded, and even Aka knows this. After all, Aka became a wrestler as a teenager, after having run away from an abusive household and living on the streets as… well, for lack of a better term, a street walker. For her, it was an escape from the harsh reality of life. Wrestling gave Aka focus, and a will to live. It’s not like Aka has any family left… her brother has been dead for a long time; she disowned her alcoholic father and her abusive mother has been missing for years.

Keiko: “You’ve forgotten, haven’t you? You’ve been so wrapped up in your own thoughts that it’s all lost its meaning, hasn’t it?”

Aka: “Shut up… You absolutely know that wrestling is everything to me. So what if I’ve sort of– lost direction for a little while.”

Keiko: “Believe me, you lost all sense of direction the moment you lost those tag titles.”

Indeed, Aka Yurei had at one time been at the top of the world, holding the FWA World Tag Team Championships with Reagan Cole. It didn’t last very long, but after that, it seemed like the magic was lost. Like Aka Yurei had left so much of herself in that wrestling ring against Gabrielle Montgomery and Kayden Knox. Even teaming with Keiko hadn’t given her new direction. To be completely serious, Aka Yurei has been aimless ever since she won those titles. She had come close, but yet so far away. Had she lost the passion she once had for wrestling?

Aka: “It’s not like that– It’s just… It’s been difficult for me. Every time something good happened to me, something would set me back. Like clockwork. I’m doing much better now, mentally, but when it comes to wrestling; I still don’t quite feel like myself. If I’m honest, you’re right about one thing. Everyone is out to win, by any means necessary. I feel that urge, tugging at me all the time. It gnaws at my soul, begging for me to join the rest, and do whatever it takes to win. I can’t though– Not for anyone’s sake but my own. If I let myself be sucked into that mindset… I won’t be able to escape it. I’m afraid of what will happen if I allow myself to betray myself and become that type of person.”

Keiko: “What on earth are you talking about A-chan? It’s not like cheating even a teensy little bit is gonna turn you into some psychopath.”

Aka: “You don’t get it! You probably never will, because you’re so entrenched in that ideology, and to you, doing whatever it takes is such a little thing, it comes as second nature to you. For me, it’s more than that.”

Has anyone else noticed the odd shift in the tone of this conversation? Keiko definitely has; its lighthearted nature has become more personal, more poignant; and more serious. Keiko sighs and rubs the back of her head. What Aka says seems to his Keiko quite a bit, and when you think about it, Aka is somewhat right. Keiko’s own childhood situation made it so that she had to do whatever it took to succeed. Her grandfather, a monster whose crimes against Keiko are better unspoken, instilled in Keiko a need to do what’s best for Keiko. Survival by any means; when placed in the mind of a child, that mindset can become dangerous coming into adulthood. For Aka, it seems that there is worse inside of her than expected.

Aka: “Everyone thinks I’m helpless at times, and I struggle to keep going. There are times when I want to give up, that much is true. I can only hold onto myself for so long… but those dark thoughts that flood inside my head– They aren’t pretty and I don’t like them. Violent thoughts about what I wanted to do to everyone who ever wronged me, including you Keiko. If I give in to those thoughts, I fear I’ll never return to what I am now. I’ll never feel normal again. If I begin doing whatever it takes to win, I’m afraid… I’ll do more than that– worse than that.”

Keiko: “Alright, alright. Just breathe, already, you look like you’re about ready to hyperventilate, and you and I both know that’s not good… I suppose I get where you’re coming from. After all, you’ve been so fucked up for so long that I’ll be honest, I’m amazed you can still wake up in the morning and even feel a shred of happiness. I guess that’s your greatest attribute though, you still try to see the bright side of things even when you’re feeling down.”

Aka: “Thanks, I guess–”

Keiko: “Just leave doing whatever it takes to me, I’ll carry the heavy load in that department. You do what you’re good at, kicking serious ass. If we do that well, Deathswitch doesn’t stand a chance against us… Plus, our feminine charms will definitely score us a cute manager!”

Aka: “Oh for the love of God, why are we on this manager talk again?”

Keiko: “Listen, I think it’s a perfect idea, to have a manager to give us direction since you seem to have lost a bit of yours. Every great group needs a solid manager to give them direction! Like The Beatles and Brian Epstein, or Tom Parker and Elvis, or that Jay fella with the Nephews, I think…”

Aka: “Okay, did you really just compare us with The Beatles and Elvis?”

Keiko: “It’s called an analogy. Ever heard of them?”

Aka: “I’m not stupid, thank you very much. Fine, if you’re really so damn insistent on a manager, what’s the worst that could happen– Whatever–”

Aka sighs to herself and rolls her eyes. Clearly, Keiko is not going to give this up, and nothing Aka says is going to convince her otherwise. She might as well strap in and enjoy the ride. Keiko gives a big wide grin and a peck on the cheek to Aka, whose cheeks go flush red. That’s right, a little representation in this house is accepted!

Aka: “But I’m not changing our gimmick, okay? Absolutely, positively, not.”

Keiko: “Fine, fine. If that’s how you want to play it, we can stick with it. I quite like being who I am, anyway. Everyone should still be bowing down to me, as is!”

Aka once again rolls her eyes. Classic Keiko, always demanding that people treat her like an empress or royalty. It's a bit of a motif of hers. She is "The Mistress in Blue" after all.

Aka: “Oh Keiko, what am I going to do with you?”

Keiko: “I can think of a few things…”

Aka: “S-stop it! Behave! N-now, help me get rid of the rest of this cursed door before I bonk you on the head.”

Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
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“Gauntlet for Glory! The Power of Experience on The Path of Redemption!!!”

It’s over.

Despite the best efforts of his tag team partner, despite how hard they fought…in the end, the gamesmanship of their opposition proved too much for the Dark Roads Alliance at Winter Wasteland.

The quest to become two-time FWA Tag Team Champions ended with Cyrus enduring the absolute worst that DRA’s opponents had to unleash. Konchu could only watch as he groggily came to, unable to move quickly enough to stop Xavien Marshall from stomping Truth’s skull into the mat.

Opportunistic vultures, this Birmingham-Cleveland…whatever they call themselves.

If nothing else, there is a small part of the Mad Wizard that is at least grateful that it wasn’t that toxic bromantic duo of FTN that ended up with the victory. As much as Konchu finds Marshall and Kenny repugnant?

Well…there are some scars that won’t heal. Especially when a couple of sophomoric simpletons refuse to acknowledge when they’ve lost and refuse to move on.

Resting in a makeshift shelter set up by FWA’s road staff, the Dark Roads Alliance sit relatively silently, as Epsilon brings the duo a fresh pair of ice packs to help stop their swelling bruises. Epsilon’s trusty tablet has been set up as well, with a live feed of the Winter Wasteland pay-per-view.

The night is more or less over at this point for Konchu and Cyrus. But not for one of the men they fought earlier in the night.

The main event for the FWA World Championship. An opportunity for Alyster Black to salvage something from this evening after he and Peacock failed to accomplish what the World Champion had belittled the Dark Roads Alliance for. But more than that? It was a chance for Alyster to prove that he wasn’t just a statistic, a fluke champion that was more hype than substance.

Was it a surprise to Konchu and Cyrus that Alyster would fumble the ball?

Of course not. Alyster chose to validate his friendship instead of focusing on the task at hand. He was lost without his partner and refused to divert that rage towards Jeremy Best, the man responsible for torturing and traumatizing his other friend, his oldest and most stalwart friend.

Validation of his friendship cost him everything. One could only guess what happens with Alyster next.

“Well…that’s going to make things rather interesting around here.”

The voice of The Exile breaks through the silence as the video of Jeremy holding the most prestigious prize in FWA, celebrating and gyrating like a goof with that twinge of unhinged madness evident in his eyes. A look Konchu knows all too well, seeing it every time he looks at his reflection. Still, the look in Jeremy’s eyes is far more sinister, the dopey smile accentuating the monster that lives within Jeremy’s twisted, friendship-obsessed soul.

“Interesting is one word for it, Truth. Doubtless, that one’s going to make things problematic moving forward. I had wanted Alyster to get his comeuppance…but now? Now that it’s happened, I don’t know how to feel about it, frankly.”

Cyrus sighs. Despite the fact that Konchu knows that his partner is in excruciating pain after suffering the effects of both FTN and Xavien’s finishers, his voice betrays none of that as he, as he always does, sums it up with that same level of calm perspective that has become The Exile’s cadence.

“FTN’s been neutered. They got nothing left to use to get Russnow to give them whatever they want. And if nothing else, Best is an unproven champion. It’s only a problem when it becomes a problem, and it’s not as if we can’t solve that. You’re in the Climaxxx, after all.”

“Only because you’re not.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Don’t be coy, Truth. I know that you were offered the spot ahead of me. It makes some sense, after all. You were the runner-up and rightful winner of the original tournament. By rights, my spot in the F1 Climaxxx should’ve been yours.”

“What of it?”

“Why didn’t you accept?”

Cyrus leans until his back is firmly against the wall, his seat having been a repurposed production crate before DRA requisitioned it from a rather obstinate crew member. The Exile takes a deep breath and exhales before replying:

“Eh, who can say? Maybe I don’t have the patience for tournaments and the bullshit people pull in them these days. Or maybe I’m thinking the Climaxxx isn’t the only avenue to regain championship gold. After all, a lot of folks are going to be preoccupied with the tournament, and somebody has to drop Jeremy on his head in the meantime.

“Or maybe I thought that you’ve been long overdue for another opportunity to become a World Champion. You’re not the same unhinged lunatic that you were when you came to FWA…”

At that, Konchu gives Cyrus a bit of a skeptical glare, to which The Exile chuckles.

“I said ‘the SAME unhinged lunatic.’ You’ve…become something more than what you thought you were when we first met. And I think..I think maybe you have something at your disposal that I don’t. The ability to think creatively. To be a lot more flexible in a match than I can be.”

“You mean, cheat, don’t you?”

“You said it, not me. But I am serious. I work best when I dictate the tempo of the match. You? You just throw reason to the curb and go nuts. So yeah…I’ll figure out what to do in the meantime. I’m curious to see if you have any better luck than I did.”

“You were the runner-up.”

“Yeah…but it took a lot of bullshit to make that happen. And I wasn’t ready to deal with the bullshit that came from it either. But if you don’t want the spot…”

“No, no, no take-backs!”

The two men share a bit of a laugh, one that puts Epsilon at ease after the disappointing night the trio had. Eventually, the laughing subsides as Konchu stands up from his spot on the floor.

“What about the team?”

Cyrus raises an eyebrow as he leans forward. He hops off the crate he was sitting on and looks Konchu dead in the eyes.

“We’re still a team, dumbass. Just because we aren’t chasing the Tag Team Titles at this point in time doesn’t mean we’ve broken up the band. And if I’m being honest? Teaming with you the last month or so has been some of the most fun I’ve had in wrestling in a long time. Sure, it hasn’t worked out like either of us wanted it to. But the Road always takes you where you’re supposed to go. We’re walking different paths for the time being, but I have faith the Road will bring us back together.

“In the meantime, I’m rooting for you in the Climaxxx. Who knows? By the time you win the whole damn thing, I might’ve become the World Champion. Wouldn’t that be something? Exile vs Wizard for the biggest belt in the business?”

It’s hard to tell in this darkened, makeshift room. The FWA staff didn’t exactly spring for the most up-to-date lighting for what would inevitably be torn down before leaving Istambul. But the slightest sniffle and the hand to the eye of the mask tells us more than enough.

“...Thank you, Truth. I…consider myself grateful to have you as a friend.”

“Yeah. Me too, Konchu. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go soak in a Turkish bath for probably the rest of the night and probably break a few things in frustration. See you guys later, all right?”

With that, Cyrus grabs his discarded entrance coat and opens the door, heading out into the night to find rest, relaxation, and perspective. Alone with just Epsilon to keep him company, Konchu Hao now walks a path without The Exile by his side.

But…that’s okay.

Because if dealing with FTN’s nonsense has taught him anything, the Mad Wizard understands what it means to be a friend, yet still fight battles on your own two feet. To walk alongside someone for the intention of righting an injustice, but be mature enough to know when one’s path must deviate from their partner.

Konchu never truly bought into that Observer philosophy that Cyrus, Exile he may be, still clung onto even after his departure and subsequent banishment from that ancient order. But at least in this moment, the precepts of the Long and Winding Road start to make some sense.

That being said, the Mad Wizard never was one to follow rules when he could avoid it.


Konchu’s faithful partner and most loyal minion, his ever stalwart companion, had packed away his tablet into his goblin backpack when he heard his name. Perking up, he looks up towards Konchu.

“Zekviq pilv, Jubakara?”

“We have a new objective, my dear friend. And for this challenge, there are certain things I will need in order to plot a course to victory.”

Konchu kneels down to get face-to-face with Epsilon and says:

“Can I count on you? As I always have?”

Epsilon, without hesitation, nods.

“Excellent! Good to hear! Now, here’s what I’ll need…”


It’s no secret that Konchu Hao is a fan of tabletop roleplaying games. Considering the fact that he is a published game module designer and has even started his own publishing company, it’s safe to say that the Mad Wizard, when he’s not competing at the highest levels in the world of professional wrestling or monitoring everything that goes bump in the night as the Primogen of the Black Mass, is working within the gaming industry to write fantastical adventures and develop new tabletop systems.

As Konchu finds himself in Kyoto, meeting with representatives of a Japanese video game developer who has expressed an interest in creating a new online multiplayer RPG based on Konchu’s own recently developed hit tabletop game “Tales from the Shadow Collective,” he can’t help but smile underneath his fanciest mask, subtly adjusting the purple tie that accents his pitch-black suit. The executives of the gaming company, sitting across from Konchu in a very simple, yet appropriately professional conference room, are listening intently as the Mad Wizard, in nearly flawless Japanese, seems to be regaling them with a story.

“...and I couldn’t tell you how the devil that armadillo ended up in that church’s tabernacle, but the priest certainly had a bit of an out-of-body experience when it came rolling out in the middle of his homily. Kehahaha!”

The game company executives laugh, albeit with a bit less gusto than Konchu’s trademark cackle. After all present had a good laugh, the oldest of the executives, who carries himself with the aura of being the main decision-maker, reviews the paperwork in front of him. It appears to be a contract of some sort, no doubt the agreement that is being negotiated with the Mad Wizard for the licensing rights and royalties.

“I must say, Konchu-san…you are quite the character. Some of my subordinates told me about your…other career, and it would seem that their assertions of your…shall we say ‘eccentricities’ were not unfounded.”

“Oh, quite! One cannot survive in the crucible of professional wrestling without a flair for the dramatic, and far be it for me to claim to be anything less than what I am.”

“Of course. Do not mistake me for being disappointed. Far from it. I always appreciate one who refuses to pretend to be something other than what he is. But back to business. I’ve reviewed your terms and I believe we’ve drawn up a contract that will meet the majority of your requests and needs for us to develop a new video game using your setting and game mechanics as a basis. However, something troubles me.”

Konchu tilts his head. His demands, such as they were, weren’t exactly extreme by any measure. This particular gaming company had a stellar reputation for producing high-quality roleplaying games such as the Devil’s Symphony series, the cult-classic “Silver Wind Story,” and their flagship game “Enduring Tribulation” and the multitude of sequels that spawned from it. Sure, the world of video games has changed a lot since their heyday, but this company still persisted, producing acclaimed products that were always well-received, but not always the hit blockbusters of some other companies.

“I’m afraid I don’t quite understand, Hayashi-sama. Was there something I missed?”

“No, nothing of the sort. Forgive me, but…when you first made it known that you were open to shopping your ‘Tales from the Shadow Collective’ to other developers. And from what my…’sources’ have told me, one of our American competitors approached you with, admittedly, a more generous offer than what we’re presenting today.”

“Hmph. I was not aware that your company engaged in such surreptitious corporate espionage, Hayashi-sama.”

“My ancestors were samurai, and even to this day? I hold true to the Bushido Code. That being said, acting with honor should not prohibit someone from knowing their opposition.”

Konchu politely nods in acknowledgement of that as Hayashi continues.

“Regardless, you don’t deny that I speak the truth, correct?”

“Of course. I have no reason to hide anything.”

“Good. But that still leaves the question as to ‘why?’ You could have chosen our competition, and with their market share, your new game would have far more eyes and hype around it. We will do what we can, of course…but I will admit, you could stand to make more money with our competitors.”

Oh, I’m aware.”


Konchu sighs and stands up from the table. He points to the large screen television monitor that’s mounted behind Hayashi and his executives before straightening out his suit and producing a flash drive from his coat pocket.

“May I?”

Hayashi nods as Konchu walks around the circular table towards the monitor. There’s a computer tower sitting on a small table beneath it that Konchu plugs the flash drive into. Hayashi looks to the executive to his right, who produces a remote control and hands it to the Mad Wizard. The other executive, with another nod from Hayashi, motions to a nearby salaryman standing by who dims the lights and turns on the screen.

With a few button presses, Konchu is able to navigate through the startup screen and open a video file from the flash drive. The video begins to play as it shows a video game trailer.

“As you’re likely aware, this is your competition’s upcoming title. “Armageddon Battle Royale, Extreme” I believe it’s called? And, admittedly, it is quite the spectacle. Watch.”

Indeed, it’s a frenetic maelstrom of high-octane action, impressive visuals, and explosive action. LOTS of explosive action. With literal explosions accented by the choice of soundtrack, a power rock anthem. Hayashi, watching this, is expressionless, his opinions on the material being played in his presence hidden by a stony expression and observant, yet guarded, eyes.

After the trailer is done playing, Konchu turns back to Hayashi and his fellow executives and lets out a simple exhalation.

“Your competitors have done a fantastic job of positioning themselves as a producer of high-energy, high-production experiences. “Experience” is the key word there. Ultimately, that company and so many others in your market have presented themselves as the ultimate experience in gaming. Especially…and I say this with no disrespect, Hayashi-sama…compared to your fare.”

Konchu hits a few more buttons on his remote as he pulls up another video file. This is not a trailer, but actual game footage of Hayashi’s company’s most well-known titles. There’s no incredible, over-the-top nonsense like with the other trailer. This is a showcase of the games’ mechanics, touching on story beats and characters. As this plays, Konchu speaks over it.

“Hayashi-sama…do you know why I enjoy roleplaying games so much? While some games like to market themselves as an experience, I’ve always found that the real worthwhile experiences are the ones that allow you to live through a proper story, to live and embody the path that you’ve embarked upon.

“Some of my compatriots in wrestling liken themselves to an experience, a moment in time that will stay with the wrestling fans and shake them to their core. Personally, I understand why they would opt for that route…but an experience without context is a flash in the pan, a bright light that illuminates a shadow before inevitably being swallowed whole. I don’t fault my peers for wanting to be flashy, to be out there. Hells, it’s not as if I don’t engage in a bit of that myself, kehahaha!”

The Japanese executives don’t laugh along this time, but they are listening with intent. Konchu’s cackle fades as he speaks with an uncharacteristic somber, focused cadence.

“Hedonists and thrillseekers live their lives one experience at a time, but I’ve found that nearly all of them never stop to consider those experiences. To truly understand what they are and what they mean to the greater story that is their lives. Role-playing games, however, force you to undergo a journey. An adventure full of twists and turns, of victories and heartache. It is the culmination of the experience gained that not only creates a much richer tapestry, but also allows characters and, indeed, yourself to grow.

“That is the reason why I chose your organization to develop my game. Because I don’t want to be remembered as a flash-in-the pan experience, a passing thrill with more style than substance. If I am to be remembered, let it be because I told a magnificent story. That I became more than I was when the tale’s first chapter was written. That someone who came up short when the journey first began eventually fought through trials, tribulations, and even the very storms themselves to become legendary.”

The way Konchu says this is…impassioned. It’s coming from somewhere deep within his soul. It’s clear to Hayashi and his subordinates that this is about more than just a game to the Mad Wizard. And that realization draws a knowing smile from Hayashi’s face.

“You do understand, don’t you? Konchu-san, it pleases me to hear you say these things. You are correct. So many want to make a statement, but so few wish to tell a story. But for those that do, the end result is always the most satisfying…isn’t it?”

“Indeed, Hayashi-sama. Indeed.”

“Well then…will you allow us to tell your story?”

With that, Hayashi hands over the contract with a pen. Konchu cracks a grin as he puts pen-to-paper and signs with a flourish. With that, the negotiations are over as Hayashi rises from his seat and offers the Mad Wizard a handshake, which Konchu accepts with a polite bow.

From there, we see Konchu take his leave of the game developer’s offices, driven into Kyoto by a complimentary limo ride. The limo weaves through the streets to a rather peculiar destination that has no hotels, no attractions…really, no residential comforts to speak of. However, the driver doesn’t ask questions as he pulls up to the curb and allows Konchu to exit before driving off.

The destination Konchu has elected to be driven to is an old Shinto shrine that, at present, seems to be completely unoccupied. As Konchu walks up the stairs and enters the shrine itself, the attending shrine maiden simply nods as she taps the wall next to the offering collection, and the wall opens up to reveal a hidden tunnel.

The tunnel is well-lit with green-flame, clearly mystical in nature. Konchu walks for several minutes before he arrives at a large circular door. With a series of incantations, runes alight as the door rolls open.

Inside is a very well-furnished hideaway, furnished with traditional Japanese art and tables. On the main table in the center of the room is…something hidden underneath a black velvet cloth. Over in the corner, Epsilon is tending to some brewing tea, allowing the tea leaves to slowly steep in the boiling water while adding various spices to the brew. Hearing the door slide open, the pintsized powerhouse turns to see his master enter, contract in hand.

“Ilio pwetqual tok?”

“Oh, yes, quite well. Ooh, that tea smell lovely, Epsilon! Is it almost ready?”


“Excellent. And that other thing I asked about?”

Epsilon nods as he points to the velvet cloth on the table. Konchu nods as he removes his suit jacket and hangs it on a nearby hook before removing his shoes. He walks over and sits cross-legged at the table on a cushioned mat.

With a flourish, Konchu removes the cloth, revealing a game board with eight figurines.

Eight effigies of the competitors in the F1 Climaxxx.

…Well, mostly. There is one that doesn’t quite belong.

While Konchu takes the figurines representing Bryan Baxter, Halloween Knight, Chris Peacock, and Xavien Marshall and sets them in a row at arms length, he lines up three others in front of them.

Michelle von Horrowitz.

Mike Parr.

And…Xperienx Silenx.

Well, not really Silenx. It’s actually a figurine of Gerald Grayson. Epsilon did his best, but by the time he had ordered the figurines for Konchu, the announcement came down that Gerald had pulled out of the tournament for ill-defined reasons.

Not that it surprised Konchu all that much.

After all, while Gerald might be Michelle von Horrowitz’s top simp and boytoy?

He was and will forever be Konchu’s bitch.

So why would he bother ever showing up when he knew he’d have to face off against the Mad Wizard again and would inevitably be humiliated?

Konchu chuckles, but as he examines the Gerald figurine and contemplates Gerald’s replacement and Konchu’s first opponent in the Climaxxx.

Konchu is a great many things. A mage of unrivaled capability. A testament to the endurance of the soul. A wrestler whose resilience and ability to resonate with the roaring crowds is unparalleled.

But above all those things? Konchu Hao is a gamer. And he knows full well what it means to grind out that experience in order to level up.

The last time Konchu Hao was in a tournament to earn a championship opportunity, he had let the weight of the challenge burden him to the point where he was within a hair’s breadth of shattering beyond repair. But that experience, and all the experiences since then have made Konchu stronger, more resilient than he was before.

A man who calls himself a bastardized spelling of “Experience” will always fail to grasp those experiences for what they are.

Not just fleeting dalliances of hedonistic self-indulgence.

But as opportunities. Chances to learn, to grow, to evolve.

And even if Xperienx Silenx did use his past to become stronger, it wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference. Xperienx was a low-challenge rating scrub facing off against a level 20 archmage who has power-leveled to become one of the most powerful and dangerous men in FWA today. No amount of trios matches with that duo of dunces known as the Undisputed Alliance could prepare this pleasure-seeking attention whore for what ferocity he would inevitably have to endure at the hands of the Primogen of the Black Mass.

As he sets down the Gerald figurine, Konchu then sets his own down to face it.

Konchu knows the path to victory.

Three wins in his pool guarantees his road to the finals and a date with whatever miscreant emerged from the opposing block.

Two wins, and the odds were still in his favor.

Every step, every match matters. The pressure is on for the Mad Wizard.

“Very well. Let the game begin.”
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Sep 13, 2022
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[VOLUME 117]


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DON'T READ! The formatted promo is linked above...

As she was hoisted off the ground, held aloft upon broad and strong shoulders, she experienced the peculiar, alien sensations of comfort and safety. As one might when in the arms of a loved one, shielded from the world’s incessant troubles. This feeling was peculiar for multiple reasons, including the general unfamiliarity of such concepts as comfort and safety, alongside the somewhat off-putting wall of white noise produced by the barbaric voyeurs assembled in the stadium around them. Mostly, though, this peculiarity stemmed from the knowledge of what was to come. She'd been here before. Years ago and moments ago.

The first Hailstorm had driven the wind from her and perhaps broken a couple of ribs. She didn't feel any of that in the moment. Her body was barely her own. She did realise, however, that the roar of the crowd had lost all nuance. At the beginning of the match, she could isolate every boo, every jeer, each outpouring of derision and discontent. She meant to remember them. To savour them. To use them as fuel and to spite them with her victory. Now, as she lay draped over his shoulders for the second time in as many minutes, they formed a tsunami of volume, devoid of individuality and of emotion and of meaning, calling as one for her end.

It wasn't meant to be like this.

This is where she had climbed the other mountains. Some were raised by external forces, like the peak symbolising Saint Sulley, reared up by a perception outside of herself that he was the ultimate goal. Others - like those for Parr and for Kennedy - were carved by her own failures, and by the machinations of the mountains themselves. All of them had been climbed here, on this grandest of stages, with a world of horrified onlookers hoping for each foothold to fail. Her grasp on the rest of the planet was weakening, but here? She was invincible.

She thought it would be the same with him, too. She knew now that this was foolish. The oldest mountain that blocked her path was also the tallest and most treacherous. She had stumbled during its ascent twice before, and her third attempt was doomed from the start. She saw all of this in the ceiling lights of the Estadio Azteca, held aloft by the strong, broad shoulders of her kaiju.

She had failed again. She would always fail. It was in this doom that she found her comfort and her safety.

Michelle closed her eyes and smiled.

When Snowmantashi drove her onto the mat with the second Hailstorm, most of her remained upon the Earthly plane. The one that had given her so much strife throughout the preceding thirty four years. Broken, battered, and bruised, both literally and less so, but at least able to continue on in a fashion and eventually don a rather fetching weasel costume.

A small part of her, though, didn’t stop when her body clattered into the unforgiving floorboards beneath the ring. This fraction of her soul, lacking in physicality and yet still a perfectly formed representation of herself, plunged through the boards and the concrete beneath, on and on through soil and crust and mantle. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod said, dear reader, that if a bronze anvil dropped from the Heavens fell nine days before reaching the Earth, it would take another nine to fall from Earth to Tartarus.

Michelle fell for nine days, lifeless and lost to the elements, until she landed like a feather upon the slope of a steep mountain. Next to her, the boulder that she would come to know so well - that she already knew as if it was an extension of her body - rested against a ridge, overlooking a dark and gloomy valley below.



Dramatis Personae.

in Tartarus.
Μιςφελλε νοη Ηοςςοωιτζ as SISYPHUS, Tortured Soul.
Γεςαλδ Γςαγζοη as BOULDY.

in the House of Hades.
Ψλςιζ Ρεαςοςκ as HADES, God of the Dead.
Αλγζτες Βλαςκ as ZAGREUS, Prince of the Underworld.
Μικέ Ραςς as ORPHEUS, Court Musician.
Χρεςιεηχ Χταςεε as NYX, Night Incarnate.
Χανιεη Μαςζφαλλ as ACHILLES, Forgotten Hero.
Μαδιςοη Γςαγ as DUSA, Duty-Bound Gorgon.

in Asphodel.
Ηαλλοωεεη Κηιφτ as MEGAERA, First of the Furies.
Φμαη Τοτλςετλος as ALECTO, Second of the Furies.
Τςαςλ Μαηηαλ as TISIPHONE, Third of the Furies.

in Elysium.
Φεςεηγ Βεζτ as THESEUS, Champion of Elysium.
Βςγαη Βαχτες as ASTERIUS, Bull of Minos.

on Olympus.
Θηςλε Φ.Φ.Φαγ as ZEUS, King of Olympus.
Τλοηας ΛΛεςτ as ARES, God of War.

through the Gates.
Κόμηψμ Ηαο as CHAOS, Primordial Originator.


"The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor."

~ Albert Camus, the Myth of Sisyphus.

She heaved and dragged Bouldy over a lip on the path, mostly rubbed smooth by centuries of wear but still providing the occasional obstacle for her to contend with beyond the fatigue of her body and the tedium of her task. She could never be sure if these abrasions upon the mountain were forged by her hostile environs, or the boulder itself, or perhaps by her heels as they dug into the ground a few metres ahead of her burden. Bouldy seemed lighter now that he'd mounted this meagre fissure. She adjusted her grip on the thick, heavy ropes that were slung over her shoulder and wrapped around the rock. A few more steps and she'd reach the next winch.

When a sentence such as hers was passed by a being such as Hades, one might look too closely at terms like eternity and end up fastening the chains around themself too tightly. Sisyphus certainly did for many long years. Nothing but dull, monotonous trudging, penned in by the absolute nature of one's own punishment. She'd spent so long fighting death that, upon being caught, she gave up entirely. Now, as she glanced at the network of candles lighting her path, occasionally illuminating a winch or even a viewing platform, she saw the folly of her old, recently-dead self. None of that had been there when she’d first come to Tartarus. All of it had been raised by her hand and her ingenuity. She was limited by the borders of her new world, but even that had been made her own.

She tied her ropes around a winch - letting the mountain itself carry her burden - and positioned herself upon the edge of the path overlooking the valley of gloom. The countless, ever-shifting halls of Tartarus were laid out before her, mind-boggling in their complexity, unfathomable in their enormity. She had spent many stolen hours on many stolen breaks from her toil considering her prison, vast and inconstant, and the nature of eternity itself. Upon first hearing her sentence, ‘eternity’ had meant an unerring devotion to the appointed task. Now, it only meant that the job could be put off until tomorrow.

She lit a cigarette and stared out into the ravine, a dank haze hanging low in the air. Beyond the shifting halls of the Lord, the fires of Asphodel raged upon another plane, hot enough even to cut through the ever-present chill that lingered on this one. She knew the way as well as any wretch that walked this place. Escape was a word only half-whispered, half-thought. She'd stolen enough moments upon the mountainside to plot the path she'd take if it ever came to that. Across the wastelands of Tartarus, well clear of the House. The staircase by the fountain would take her to Asphodel, and beyond those fires the fields of Elysium. Get there, and only the small matters of dealing with the so-called Champion and persuading the Boatman to take you across the water remained.

For years, lifetimes, and ages of men upon the Earth, these daydreams had remained as such. Even when Zagreus proved that it could be done, albeit with Ares as his patron and Athena's cunning discarded, the molten plains of Asphodel remained remote and unreachable. If she possessed both the inclination and the means to attempt what Zagreus had achieved, there was still the old man of the House to consider. She was certain that Lord Hades would be less willing to forgive and forget with her than with his own flesh and blood. His wrath would be swift and absolute, if she were to abandon Bouldy and follow Zagreus to the Styx. The Lord had never liked her. It wasn't her fault that the historians had conflated the story of her demise. To think that she, lowly Sisyphus of Ephyra, could bind Hades in the Chains of Death was laughable. She struggled to comprehend how she'd managed it with Thanatos, let alone the Lord of the Underworld. But the poets sang songs about events that never happened, and such mistruths stuck in the Lord's craw.

She halted her lurching train of thought, which had a tendency of bounding away from her. Notions of following Zagreus to the Styx, or to anywhere else for that matter, were based on rumour and innuendo. She had as much idea where Zagreus had disappeared to as anyone else did, including - she assumed, if she dared to make another assumption - the Lord himself. All that she knew was that Zagreus wasn’t here, where he’d been for many long centuries, at the side of his master and father.

Besides, there are those that would miss her. Bouldy, of course. What would Bouldy do without her? Simply roll down to the bottom of the mountain, where he’d slowly erode over the next sad portion of eternity. Orpheus, too. The nights when Orpheus came to sing and play for her were a welcome break from the monotony of her sentence. It was on one such night when, confronted by the beauty of Orpheus’ song, she first set down her ropes and left Bouldy unattended for a short time. The music had held them both in stasis upon the mountainside. Orpheus would come and Orpheus would know, which meant that Hades would know soon after.

Escape remained a daydream, and a dangerous one to dwell upon.

She collected the ends of her ropes and unfastened them from the winch. With one final, satisfying drag from the end of her cigarette, she threw them over her shoulder, dug her heels into the ground, and moved on up the mountain.

It was only a short time later that she began to notice the lights. Not the candles that guided her way along the well-trodden path to the peak, which remained steadfast and constant, flickering solemnly against the gloom of Tartarus. These lights were new, originating from within the mountain itself and running through the rock like veins. They buzzed with the raw, untapped power of lightning, rumbling beneath the stone like thunder upon the wind. Through seams beneath her feet, Sisyphus could see the power travelling through subterranean arteries. The ever-widening fissures hummed with a pink glow.

She adjusted the weight of her burden and plodded on. She had a task to carry out, and the parameters of her sentence didn't allow for electromagnetic phenomena.

The light became brighter, and the rumbling of thunder underfoot grew until it threatened to shake the mountain itself. Perhaps it was the rhythm of her steps as she continued in her eternal task, but Sisyphus fancied she heard a burst of song in the mountain’s groans. Nothing like the odes that Orpheus would shower upon the emptiness of Tartarus, even after his return from Styx, for it was unmistakable that his music had been less free and less fair since that ill-fated journey. The mountain sang with discordant notes, holding Sisyphus in a death grip that made progress towards the peak ever more hard-fought.

Eventually the glow grew so strong that she needed to shield her eyes from it, and through outstretched fingers she saw the light take form before her. Its voice, his voice, still rumbled with song, bursting through her and from within her.


“Ah, please, lower your hand, don’t avert your gaze! I’ll turn down the brightness. It’s been a while, and even back then I’m not sure we ever properly met.”
“... I don’t believe we have.”
“I know of you, Sisyphus of Ephyra, and you of course know of me, though I can’t be sure what name you know me by. Thunder God seems the most ubiquitous, though it lacks a certain nuance. King of Olympus sounds a little monarchal for my liking. The last guy down there that I helped called me Uncle. Perhaps that can still apply…”
“The last guy you helped? As in, you mean to help me?”
“And why not, Nephew?!”
“I’m not your Nephew.”
“Well, everyone is sort of my Nephew, are they not? I am Zeus, after all! The important thing is that, yes, I’ve resolved to help you. Me and everyone else up here. You see, I was just listening into your thoughts right now…”
“Listening into my thoughts?”
“Well, poor turn of phrase. More just reading social cues, body language, general context. No more than any mortal could do. Nothing sinister here, Nephew! But, yes: your daydreams played out before me as if performed upon a stage. And I’ve resolved to help you!”
“If you can listen into my thoughts, that means Hades probably can, too.”
“Could? Yes. Would? Doubt it. He’s got a lot on his mind. Ninety percent of it is dick jokes, granted, but the other ten percent is enough to keep him busy. Always has been preoccupied with the notion of self, even when we were young and free and in our overthrowing Titans phase. But I don’t need to tell you about Titans, eh? Seen any whilst down there in Tartarus?”
“They mostly keep themselves to themselves.”
“So, how do you mean to help me?”
“With your escape plan, of course.”
“Escape plan?”
“Admittedly, it’s not much of a plan, but I’m sure you’ll flesh it out as you go along. And it’s not like it’s a one-shot deal, Nephew. If at first you don’t succeed, do exactly the same thing again and expect different results. Pretty sure that’s the phrase.”
“I don’t think that’s the phrase.”
“What would you know? You’ve been pushing a boulder up a hill for several millennia. Is the boulder much of a conversationalist?”
“He’s adequate.”
“I don’t think you’ll be able to take him with you, Nephew. Maybe we can go back for him at some point. But let’s focus on you for now. Best thing to do is to just go.”
“But I don’t have any… any weapons, any equipment… I don’t have anything!”
“Act now, think later, Nephew! Let the light guide your way!”
“And Hades?”
“Ah, Hades! Excuse me if I sound a little wistful, Nephew, for wistful is what I am. He may now be a super-serious taskmaster beholden to his rage and his vanity, but he wasn't always like that, and I knew him before he changed. There's a certain amount of nostalgia involved, sure. Did you know, Nephew, that the Lord of the Underworld used to be quite the dancer? Yes, difficult to believe. He gave it all up when he assumed his current role, of course. Not befitting his newfound stature, limited though that is. He'd be the first to admit that he got the raw end of the deal there.”
“And has been taking it out on the rest of us trapped down here ever since.”
“Quite. That's why I encouraged him to build the ballroom in the Halls. Thought it might encourage him to pick up old habits. Me and my brother used to call him Boogie Baby, and I even caught Old Man Cratos mumbling it once or twice in-between wars. Perhaps he's still insecure about that. Always was.”
“Is all of this meant to be helping?”
“No, this is just exposition, Nephew. The help will come later. Until then!”
And, with that, the pink light that blossomed upon the mountainside ebbed away, and the dull gloom of Tartarus reigned again.

She glanced up at the peak and realised that today would probably have been one on which she reached it. The summit was only a few hours away. In the early days, the early years, the early centuries, these faux-milestones were all she had to break up the monotony. These trophies and Bouldy. That was a long time ago. She saw right through them now and knew that they were empty. Only Bouldy’s comfort remained. She watched the rock slide to the bottom of the mountain, kicking up a trail of dust as it traversed the path. It disappeared from sight before it came to a halt.


All that he had with him were his voice and his lead pan pipe, but his voice and his lead pan pipe were all he needed.

There was nothing in the endless halls of Tartarus - nor its vast array of barren planes and steep, treacherous mountains - that would hurt Orpheus. The power that this place held was different: a dull and creeping dread that bled from the gloom. His music was the best antidote to that pressing threat. The only thing he had here. A shield wrought from his soul, put forth in the form of song.

He knew that this shield was flimsier than it once was. He himself had become frail, since… his thought trailed away, as if the memory was too dire for him to conjure. He gripped his pipe a little more tightly, hoping to use it as an anchor, weighing him down to this place and this time. His memories at bay for now, he stomped on through the wastelands and towards the spine of mountains that dominated the horizon.

His song was enough, even if it was faltering. The echo of his former power - when he'd risen through the ranks of the House on the strength of his voice alone - still rang out in his harmonies, and his lead pipe remained the force it had always been. There was a time when his song could command the attention of half the lost souls in Tartarus, held together in the moment by his musical spell, and for that his place in the Lord's court was assured. He would never rise to the heights of Champion of Elysium, perhaps, but the name of Orpheus had a renown all of its own. Tartarus, in many ways, was his.

Quite suddenly, as if moved by a memory, the young minstrel halted. The flowing of the Styx was a sad song, and one that he heard now clearer than ever.

He sat down in the rubble of the foothills, a hundred metres or so from the boulder, and played a sad song of his own.

He allowed his pipe to rest in the folds of his toga and watched the boulder. It was at this point on a thousand other nights that the boulder would begin to move again, his lonely audience stirred into motion by the faltering beauty of his song. Not tonight, though.

Getting lazy, Sisyphus? Orpheus smiled to himself. Eternity taking its toll on you?

Assuming that his old friend was taking a longer break than she usually afforded herself, Orpheus began a second song, longer and more sad than the first.

It was after the fourth song that Orpheus checked the stationary boulder. He didn't yet understand, even when confronted by the discarded ropes in the rock's considerable shadow.


She picked an uneasy path through the wastelands of Tartarus, as close to the endless, labyrinthian sprawl of halls as she dared travel. The spine of splintered mountains, of which hers was only the first of many great peaks, disappeared into the drastic horizon to her south. She wouldn't walk freely for too long in their shadow. Her vague curiosity to one day look upon the Titans was tempered by a very real urge to not die a second death, infinitely more painful than the first.

For all of the vague and distant threat associated with the thought of Titans - not to mention the Lord of the Hall himself - there was the more present, nagging dread that thrived in the surrounding gloom. The most fitting Earthly label she could place on the feeling it fostered was loneliness, although perhaps that didn't quite do it justice. It was something she'd come to understand and accept over the course of her punishment. It followed her up and down her mountain, along with regret and shame, its less passive brothers.

And yet she'd never truly been alone. There was Bouldy, passive and predictable, and only sometimes the weight around her neck that it was designed to always be. Dusa would be as friendly as a Gorgon could be whenever she was up at the House, which admittedly wasn't all that often. And Orpheus. It pained her to think of her old friend's confusion upon finding her post abandoned, and his unquestioning lack of hesitation in raising the alarm. Perhaps it had already happened.

Orpheus’ story was a sad one, even in comparison to Sisyphus’ own sorry tale. In many ways, Orpheus had quietly achieved the same thing that had purportedly taken Zagreus months of hard grind, mythical weaponry, and the help of a plethora of Olympian Gods, and all it had cost him was a simple question. On the other hand, his failure was so absolute and so shameful that he had only succeeded in humbling himself to the Lord. It was all a matter of perspective.

‘A simple question’ is perhaps unfairly reductionist, for this flippant phrase underestimates the cunning of Orpheus. For this question to even be heard, the minstrel required the Lord's favour. This he won, so the stories went, through the power of his song, and although he'd never quite risen to Champion of Elysium, in Tartarus itself he had the run of the Halls. Thousands of lost souls would wander to see him, and some said he'd play for four hundred and fifty four straight nights, so long as someone was there to listen.

She remembered the morning upon which Orpheus finally found the courage to ask. She had even gone to the Halls herself to provide moral support. Another familiar face. A hard, acidic rain came from Asphodel, charring the ground as it fell, painting the scene a dramatic colour. She arrived at the House to find court already in session, with the Lord - king, judge, and executioner - sitting in his throne. Sisyphus lingered by the door and hoped that nobody would notice she was there, and thus Bouldy momentarily discarded.

“I wish to leave,” Orpheus said. He stood alone in front of the Lord's grand, cluttered desk, his hat in one hand and his lead pan pipe in the other.

“When?” the Lord asked, simply. He had at least paid Orpheus the courtesy of halting his incessant note-taking, affording the bard his full attention.

“Today,” Orpheus answered.

“Why?” the Lord asked, curiously rolling the end of the word around his pronged tongue. In the corner of the throne room, Cerberus’ three heads growled in unison.

Orpheus muttered only one word. Eurydice. The name of his wife, kept from him in Elysium - under the watchful eye of the Bull - since their arrival in this place.

Such was Orpheus’ standing within Tartarus that he was granted this request, but not without one final gesture of cruel trickery. Sisyphus did not go to the banks of the Styx with the minstrel, but she had heard the stories and didn't doubt their veracity. Present was the Lord, the minstrel, his estranged wife - the memory of love and years lost stirred within them upon their reunion - and the Boatman. Hades told them they would go one at a time across the Styx: Orpheus first, and if he should look back at his love before reaching the opposite bank, they would both remain here forever.

It was no surprise that Orpheus remained in Tartarus and Eurydice in Elysium. No surprise that he lost his smile. The Lord of the House knew that when he made the bargain. Nobody ever really leaves.

Nobody except Zagreus, she caught herself thinking. Only maybe.

Her intention was to follow the dry riverbed across the wastelands until it met the upper dungeons, but her momentum was quickly prohibited by a recurrence of the otherworldly light she'd first experienced upon the mountainside. She resisted walking straight into it this time, instead allowing the phenomena to slowly envelope and swallow her. It was less bright and seemed more of the Earth, which is where it pulsed forth from narrow fissures, shimmering silver with an indigo glow. It whirred with distant, mechanical activity far beyond her understanding, and though its energy was distinct from that of the light’s first coming, as she felt it roar through her she knew it was from the same source.

With her eyes wide open, she watched the ethereal light converge and take form, a great beast of a man rearing up before her with his strong shoulders back and his broad chest thrust out.


“Scrambling around in the innards of Tartarus: precisely where I thought I'd find you, Sisyphus! It's been a while.”
“Ares. Charmed, as always. Are you going to play with that paddle-ball for our entire conversation?”
“I’m on a hell of a run, but the old man insisted… so, here I am. And here you are. Where are your weapons?”
“I don’t have any weapons.”
“You don’t have any weapons? The last guy had weapons.”
“Your father told me to just go. To think about all that later.”
“Excuse me. It’s difficult to paddle-ball and sigh simultaneously. But father isn’t right all the time. You should have brought weapons. Remember this for next time.”
“Next time?”
“Is this all you offer? Memories?”
“Think of it more as advice. As for memories, I only have happy ones of our time together, though it was brief. How long was it? Twenty seconds?”
“Twelve?! I thought it was more. Seemed more. Still, I suppose you thought you were frightfully clever, chaining up Thanatos like that.”
“Worked for a while. Bought me a few years. You only noticed when people stopped dying.”
“It made the wars less fun. An inconvenience. But a few years is what it bought you, yes. A few years with your boulder.”
“Is that why you’re here? To confront me with my failures? I have not forgotten them.”
“I’m here to help you, of course. You already got the advice about weapons. I’m sure there is more to come.”
“Can’t wait.”
“I’ll see you when you’re up here, Sisyphus. Always admired your spunk. Until next time!”
No weapons, she lamented. Cunning and stealth would have to be her arms. Where was Athena when she needed her? In the lonely dusk of Taratarus’ foothills, she lit a cigarette and trudged on.

Soon after Ares’ tepid intervention, she encountered an energy distinct yet akin to that of the Olympians. It first announced itself in an abstract and less physical sense, a feeling of disorder that eventually manifested itself as an open black vortex embedded in the rock itself. She felt it call to her through the confusion, a strange energy pouring out of it, but she neglected to answer.

In the deep wilderness of the Tartarus foothills, Sisyphus slept an uneasy sleep. She didn’t dream of anything.


It had been a while since he had stood before this desk, with the Lord of the Hall staring down at him over reams of notes. He was both a bureaucrat and a torturer. The last time he was here, he’d asked for his release and been offered trickery in return. Even now, through these thick walls, he could hear the sad song of the Styx.

“Gone?” the Lord asked, his disdain for the bard clear. Orpheus didn’t take it personally. This condescension was his general state of being, a product of his vanities and the anger that lay under the surface, envy the source of it all.

“Gone,” Orpheus confirmed. Cerberus, the Lord’s three-headed dog, growled impatiently at his side. “Her boulder was abandoned.”

The Lord sat back in his throne, clearly perturbed by the bard’s song, and reached out with an idle hand to pat one of Cerberus’ heads. Orpheus scanned the hall, cleared of the usual suspects in preparation for this meeting. Only Dusa, the duty-bound Gorgon, remained, idly carrying out some job or other in the shadows. Baking cake, probably. As for Hades, it seemed to Orpheus that he had quite forgotten that both he and the Gorgon were in the room with him. He stroked the unbecoming moustache atop his upper lip thoughtfully.

“I will go to meet her,” the Lord Hades eventually said. “At the fountain. Before she even leaves Tartarus.”

“If it pleases the Lord,” Orpheus replied, boldly but nervously. “There are many matters to attend to here. The running of the Hall requires your presence. You should send me to deal with Sisyphus in your place. I’ll see to it that she never reaches Asphodel.”

The Lord sat back, a curious, cruel laugh escaping his lips.

“You mean to win back my favour with this?” he said, pointedly. “The song alone is not enough?”

Orpheus said nothing. He gripped his pipe so tightly that his knuckles began to turn white.

“Very well,” he acquiesced, finally. “Meet her at the fountain. If she ventures any further than that, it’ll be your failure.”

Orpheus left the lord’s hall via the armoury. For this, his voice and his lead pan pipe would not be enough.


Through the black vortex seeped an unfamiliar energy, her fingertips tingling as they drew closer to it. It was the fourth of them that she’d encountered since leaving the mountain, and she was no more willing to throw herself into this one as any of the others. They appeared to promise many things, but chief amongst these treasures was treachery. There was a magic here, old magic, that she could barely begin to contemplate, let alone comprehend.

Careful, she whispered to herself. This is the work of Chaos himself, as plain as day.

She stepped back from the portal, against the tension of the energy, as if invisible tendrils were wrapped around her limbs, gently resisting her retreat. They snapped as she willed herself backwards. She lost her footing and landed in the mud.

If I should enter that place, I’d leave a part of myself there. She was sure of this.

As if suddenly startled by a new presence, the black vortex blinked once and then disappeared. Sisyphus remained seated on the ground, her heart racing. She was hot. She could feel the fires of Asphodel. Close now.

The source of Chaos’ departure soon became apparent with a distant (and then not-so-distant) rumbling from beneath. Thin fissures began to open up in the ground, and then thin fissures grew into wide ones. Through these openings, a familiar pink energy buzzed, the herald of the Thunder God. He appeared before her, his beard flowing in tentaclish wisps. She stood up, feeling all of a sudden rather undignified upon the ground.


“Still in Tartarus? Just waiting to be found, Nephew?”
“Going as quickly as I can.”
“Not nearly quickly enough, I fear. I sense that you’re no longer alone.”
“I’m not alone nearly as often as I’d like to be.”
“Ah, there it is! That trademark wit I’d heard so much from Ares about! Glad to see it finally bubbling over. Guess it’s been a few millennia. A little rusty, perhaps. I’d think you’d be grateful for our help.”
“I need a little more than advice and encouragement right now. Unfamiliar territory.”
“I come with a warning. A little more than paltry advice, Nephew.”
“And your warning is?”
“You’ve already heard it, Nephew! That you’re not alone, and that you should exercise caution accordingly.”
“I am exercising caution already, Uncle. God damnit, you’re not my Uncle.”
“That’s the spirit, Nephew! Be even more cautious than you have been already.”
“What is it, Nephew?”
“I guess I just wish you were down here. There’s only so much you can do for me when you’re not here. With me.”
“I understand, Nephew. But we’re doing all that we can. And, soon enough, you’ll be able to join us up here.”
“I hope so.”
“So do I, Nephew. We’ll talk soon.”
When the pink energy disappeared, the darkness of Tartarus seemed even thicker than ever. She sighed and continued, a deep sense of foreboding manifesting as frantic paranoia.

She didn’t see the lead pan pipe as it thudded against the back of her head. She felt it, though. That was more than could be said of the knife.


As she lay dying, Sisyphus dreamt of a thousand earlier deaths. They were someone else's but also hers.

The knife plunged into her right shoulder blade near the gates of Asphodel. The train slid off the track in Raleigh, North Carolina. The bear and the cold in Tretyakova, Northern Siberia. An opium den in Thailand, closed off from the world, as old age had the last laugh. Conversations with Charlie at the end of the line.

All of them were hers. How could all of them be hers?

The ice cold touch, the kiss of Orpheus’ hidden knife, spread from shoulder blade to chest. It splintered, fragmenting into fractals, as it travelled hungrily through her being.

Visions from another body that belonged to her. The bright lights of an arena in Mexico City when she finally regained consciousness. An unfamiliar hotel room. An unfamiliar body, wretched and hateful and the embodiment of everything she despised, everything she desired, writhing on top of her, blonde hair over his eyes, blue and as cold as Orpheus’ steel. The stage in Shanghai, nameless performers upon it, and the taste from the pipe. A mask to hide behind. A suit to hide within.

And then darkness.


She awoke fully submerged. Not in water, but rather a thick, red liquid that covered her eyes with an opaque gauze for the brief moments she could keep them open. She was sinking, and in an odd way rather comfortable, as if wrapped in a warm blanket, but knew that if she didn't do something soon she would surely drown. Dying twice in one day wasn't a habit she wished to acquire.

She kicked her legs and wriggled her shoulders as best she could, the latter a painful but bearable act, the cold pain of the dagger now faded but still present. Her head broached the surface of the bloody pool, and - when the last of it finally fell away from her eyes in clods - she knew exactly where she was. She was confronted with the splendorous ceiling of the throne room, the Lord himself looking down upon her in stained glass. When she glanced at the dais, the real thing glared back.

Whilst performing a gentle breaststroke to the edge of the pool and crossing the marble flooring of the throne room, she scanned the large number of beings that stood behind the Lord's desk, flanking him on either side. Quite the illustrious group. To see them all in the same place at the same time was quite the sight. There were six of them, plus their accompaniments, arranged around Lord Hades and his loyal companion Cerberus in an arrowhead that resembled a vague threat.

Immediately to the Lord's left was the Bull of Minos, Asterius, and Sisyphus couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. She must have caused a great stir to entice him all the way from Elysium. The Champion, Theseus, hadn't come himself, though his loyal friend was enough of a testament in itself. The Minotaur stood on his hind legs with his barrel chest thrust out before him, his huge axe in one hand and a bottle of nectar in the other. Sisyphus had thought he'd given up the stuff but guessed he was off the wagon again. She wondered if it was an inopportune time to ask for a pull. As the thought crossed her mind, the Bull took a swig from his bottle and blew a sharp, noisy blast of air from his flared nostrils.

Next to the Minotaur was Achilles, a man Sisyphus had mostly only heard about in tales and songs. He appeared as he had before a weakness was found, fresh from a slew of impressive victories. He was also alone, despite the rumours about him and Patroclus that were swirling around the underground. He stared at Sisyphus with hard eyes, both of his hands massaging the hilt of his sword.

On the far right was Megaera, the First of the Furies, along with her two sisters behind her. Next to the Bull and Achilles, none of the Furies seemed particularly menacing in comparison, though their unpredictability was a threat, and pride comes before a fall. She'd never met them before, but Sisyphus has always wondered if Furies should be spelled with one or two r's.

At Hades’ right shoulder, keeping a safe distance from the three-headed mut, was NyX, Night Incarnate. Her expression was passive. Sisyphus found no hatred in her eyes. She'd seen NyX many times but never once spoken to her. She was unknown and peculiar, and prone to long bouts of silence where none - not even the Lord himself - could stir her from her malaise.

At NyX’s side, as if she was the only one that could bear to be so close to it, was the now familiar black vortex, throbbing and hissing its dark, strange energy. Could he be here, too? Not yet, but if so…

Finally, on the far left and keeping a safe distance from the open portal sat Orpheus. He played a sad song on his lead pan pipe, his knife - still stained with her blood - laid out upon the marble in front of him.

It was Orpheus that her eyes lingered upon for the longest. Finally, as if unable to stand the weight of her gaze, he stopped playing his pipe.

“Didn't think it would be you,” Sisyphus said, breaking the long-standing silence that reigned in the throne room. “Again, after all these years.”

“There's a lot on the line,” Orpheus said, quietly but resolutely.

“And I was in your way?” she asked.

“No,” he answered. “You aren't an obstacle in my path. You are the path itself.”

“What am I to you?”

“The same as I am to you.”

Orpheus would say no more, and went on playing his song.

“Long journey down from Elysium, Asterius?” she asked, turning her attention to the Bull. “Though I see the Champion hasn't joined you.”

“Busy with insurgency,” the Bull grunted. “An exile, a nymph, a Gorgon that doesn't fight fair… and that's just the start of it.”

“And Theseus seemed so friendly, the last time we met,” Sisyphus said, with a sigh. “But still, we should be honoured that you have come, at least. I hope you brought enough nectar for everyone.”

“Enough for me,” Asterius replied, between a smile, a grunt, and another pull from the bottle.

“We should chain her up again,” Achilles declared, suddenly and definitively. “Where's Thanatos when you need him?”

“Thanatos couldn't come,” the Bull answered. “Work commitments.”


The voice of Hades cut through the noise, the others falling silent in deference. He sat back in his chair, something about his demeanour suggesting that they were assembled for a proclamation rather than a debate.

As the Lord prepared to speak, the black vortex hummed with activity. Energy surged out of it, and it blinked shut like it had on each occasion Sisyphus had encountered it in Tartarus. Only this time, a tall, slender being was left in its place. Chaos, Primordial Originator.

Hades stirred, but continued.

“It seems that your heart is set on escape,” he began, with eyes firmly fixed upon Sisyphus. “And if my infernal family on Olympus are intent on sticking their nose in my business again… not that I don’t have enough on my plate as it is, what with my son…”

The Lord trailed off. Some of those he had gathered in the throne room shuffled uncomfortably. Eventually, after the silence had lingered for a little too long, Hades cleared his throat and continued.

“If that is your intention, and you are resolute upon it, then I am equally as resolute in stopping you. We are equally as resolute in stopping you. If you wish to spend your time in Tartarus dying a thousand deaths, each more painful than the last, then so be it. That is your prerogative. It is not within my power to change your will, only to oppose it. You may now leave.”

Sisyphus figured he was talking to her, but Chaos was the first to disappear. His black vortex opened up behind him and swallowed him whole, as if he couldn’t bear to spend a single minute longer in the throne room than he had to. This didn’t seem to surprise any of the others, including Hades, who began to go about their business as if she wasn’t there. One by one, Hades’ champions of the underworld disappeared from his Halls, leaving he Lord alone to pat the most aggressive of Cerberus’ three heads. The other two were sleeping.

“Easy, Violet,” he said, in a tone more gentle than she thought him capable of. “You don’t want to wake the boys now, do you?”

Sisyphus left the throne room, her original intention being to leave that place and begin once more on the long hike across Tartarus. She didn’t get very far, though, before her attention was stirred by a nervous Gorgon half-hiding in the corner. Breaking up the sound of the soles of her feet padding against the marble was a soft, gentle psst, just enough to get her to stop and turn around.

“Ah, Dusa,” she said, half-relieved. Part of her wanted to get going, but it was also pleasing to finally see a friendly face. “I wondered where you were. Not invited to the big meeting?”

“Housework to do,” Dusa the Duty-Bound Gorgon answered. “Cakes to bake, statues to dust, artefacts to alphabetise… that sort of thing. I listened through the walls, though.”

“And?” Sisyphus asked. “Doesn’t look good, does it? He’s assembled quite the crew.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Dusa said, shiftily. “Not everyone’s heart is in the task. Not everyone wants to help the Lord. They all have their own ambitions, different from his.”

“Still, I’m surprised he managed to get Chaos here. Impressed, even.”

“Chaos doesn’t answer when summoned,” Dusa replied in almost a whisper, as if letting Sisyphus in on a secret. “Chaos follows his own rules. Chaos is here because Chaos wants to be here.”

“And why does Chaos want to be here?”

“Ask Chaos,” Dusa advised. If she had shoulders she would have shrugged. “Before you go, you may want to take a look around. I’ve left a few doors open. The Prince’s quarters may be particularly interesting.”

Sisyphus smiled. It was nice to know she wasn’t the only one in defiance of the Lord.

“Careful, Dusa,” Sisyphus said. “You’re bound by duty to Hades. I don’t want you getting yourself in trouble on my account.”

“I already live in Tartarus, what more trouble could I be in?” Dusa asked, rhetorically. “And besides, the Lord doesn’t tell me which doors to lock around here. I’m not disobeying any orders. But I’d be quick.”

“I will be.”

The Prince’s quarters had been left exactly as they were when he’d left for the last time. Sisyphus didn’t see anything particularly interesting in his unmade bed or his dusty mirror, and all of the nectar bottles strewn about the room were empty. The view from his balcony was something, though. Somehow, this perch seemed higher than her mountain, the labyrinthian gloom clearly laid out before her, a riddle waiting to be solved. And below… very interesting.

She made her way out to the courtyard, where - arranged upon a wall at the northern edge of the room - a series of weapons were attached to notches. A bow, a spear, a mace. An empty space where a shield used to be, which she assumed was still with Zagreus, wherever he was now. And, at the end of the array, a short broadsword with a hilt that fit perfectly within her grasp.

With the broadsword in her hand and Bouly in her mind, she left the chambers and re-entered the gloom of Tartarus.

This story isn't over.[/quote]

Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
Reaction score

Chapter 1: Words Are Meaningless

Defeat is, as it always has been, a bitter wine.

Yet when you choose to compete in a sport like professional wrestling at the highest of levels for as long as Cyrus Truth has, it’s one that eventually you have to drink. To try and push it aside and ignore it would only make the moment when it’s forced down your throat by fate all the more unpleasant.

With the loss at Winter Wasteland and the FWA Tag Team Titles now firmly in the hands of the young lions Xavien Marshall and Jay Kenny, it would serve Cyrus poorly to dwell upon the loss. Instead, the time to refocus and rejuvenate is now.

Hence why Cyrus finds himself in a small, out-of-the way Turkish bath deep in the heart of Istanbul. At this late of night, this establishment would normally be closed; however, an Exile with the right connections can always find a place if and when he means to.

The owner of this particular establishment, a heavy-set, older gentleman, opens his doors and invites Cyrus in. Battered and bruised, his head throbbing from Xavien’s curbstomp, Cyrus undresses in seclusion before entering the baths, where he is tended to by some of the bathhouse’s employees. A man and a woman help to wash the sweat and grime of the ring off while soaking and massaging Cyrus’s aching, pulsing muscles.

After a half hour of this treatment, The Exile’s aches are…well, not gone, but minimal in the grand scheme of things. Cyrus waves off his attendants as he sinks deeper into a large marble tub, the steaming water a refreshing change from the cold wintery Turkish night.

With only his thoughts to keep him company, Cyrus takes stock of the events that started at the climax of Back in Business to the here and now.

With Xavien and Jay’s opportunistic victory, the FWA Tag Team Championships would now have to wait. Unlike Alyster Black, Cyrus is not one to abuse whatever make-believe stroke to manipulate Jon Russnow into giving him another shot out of hand. Hell, had Alyster not been so preoccupied with saving one friendship by forcing a title defense against FTN and the Dark Roads Alliance, he might’ve been able to deliver some righteous revenge for his other friend in the main event.

Still, it was Cyrus who gave up the pin, something that doesn’t sit particularly well with The Exile. It did take two finishers to do it, certainly…but that is simply the excuse a lesser man would use to justify his failings.

As steam waffs around him and The Exile’s battered body relishes the heat from the bath, Cyrus comes to three conclusions:

The first is that, regardless of the circumstances, Xavien and Jay did prove to be effective and worthy Tag Team Champions by finding a path to victory in the madness that was that Triple Threat.

The second? FTN, for all their toxic frat boy nonsense, have effectively lost everything in their vain pursuit to prove the validity of their friendship and their prowess as champions.

And the third…was that the Long and Winding Road, for everything that it’s taken from Cyrus over the past few years, has in its strange and twisted way? The Road has provided Cyrus with a certain level of perspective and even a bit of satisfaction, knowing that for all the Dark Roads Alliance has lost, Chris Peacock and Alyster Black have lost so much more.

Perhaps a time will come where Cyrus and Konchu will be able to rectify their missteps as FWA Tag Team Champions and regain the gold. And considering that neither Peacock nor Black have been known to cut their losses and learn from their stupidity, Cyrus knows full well that his path and theirs will undoubtedly cross again. Regardless, the objective that has driven The Exile since he arrived in FWA has not changed at all.

And as he told Konchu…the path to glory doesn’t just run through the F1 Climaxxx.

Still, that does lead to the question of where the path to glory starts.

As if by a stroke of cosmic coincidence or divine intervention, the bathhouse owner enters the bath, muttering something in broken English as he hands Cyrus a smartphone. Cyrus takes a nearby towel to dry off his hand and takes the phone. He swipes until he gets to whatever it was that got the bathhouse owner’s attention…

…and smiles.

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mehmet.”

Mehmet nods as he takes his leave, allowing his client to proceed with his treatment. The Exile looks at his phone.

The Long and Winding Road is never easy to walk. But, if you walk it long enough, that which you seek might find its way to you, even if it means making one last stop through Hell to get it.

On his phone, Cyrus’s eyes fixate on the headline from FWA’s official website:


“Well, well…game on, then. Game. On.”


Dark wings, dark words.

The realm has been thrown into chaos. A burgeoning dynasty has been shattered by the shortsightedness of Emperor Pei Kok. Even with his trusted right hand having taken the mantle of emperor from him upon his fall, his grasp on the throne was feeble due to his own arrogance. His successor and most treasured friend tried his to recreate the legacy of the reign before him, but his refusal to move on from the past and focus on the future doomed him.

Ji Rei, the man known as the Smiling Demon, has butchered his way to the crown. Ascending to the throne and assembling a court of toadies and sycophants anchored by his beastly companion the Iron Bastard, the most devious and unhinged warlord that wreaked havoc across the empire and terrorized countless souls now has declared a new dynasty, and threatens to bring nothing but ruination.

Something must be done. The reign of the Smiling Demon must not be permitted to continue.

And with many of the realms mightiest warlords forced to face off against the challenge of the Iron Bastard and being forced to fight out against one another in the hopes of slaying Ji Rei’s monstrous champion and opening the path to take the Smiling Demon’s head, the few remaining warlords with the strength to challenge Ji Rei’s position must make their case to unify the realm and bring war upon the up-jumped madman.

In a secluded frozen hideaway that was determined to be the best spot for a neutral meeting, four of the strongest warlords that have not been conscripted into the campaign against the Iron Bastard have filed into a cavern at the foot of a massive mountain. An agreement between them was reached that they would come alone. No support, no reinforcements. Their legions of followers and soldiers would not accompany them to this conference. Only the warlords would meet, and determine amongst themselves who was most worthy of taking the fight to Ji Rei and attempt to wrest control of the empire away from the lunatic.

Huddling around a fire pit to try and shake the ice and snow from their leathers and armor while hoping that the flames can chase the chill from their bones, we see the faces of these warlords as they arrive.

The first, despite the weathered conditions of her armor, retains a wild and sensuous beauty that has captivated the dreams and captured the hearts of men and women across the empire for many, many years. But even though she still retains the sobriquet of The Temptress, there is a hardness to her expression that has not always been there in the past, a grim countenance that speaks to a desire to ensure that her legacy is secured.

The next to arrive is a younger man, one whose father had ascended to warlord status before him but had never reached the heights that many in the realm had. The wicked sneer, the cocksure look in his eyes tell the story of a boy who believes he’s destined for greatness, regardless of whether he’s accomplished anything to prove as such.

The third is…an odd one. A younger woman with beaming eyes and a permanent smile almost dances into the cavern, swaying to and fro to the beat of a song only she seems capable of hearing. However, the various bizarre chakrams and totems fastened to her belt are a testament to dark magic and foul rituals, as this young woman has been rumored to consort with witches.

The fourth to arrive is a relative newcomer to the realm. While his sometimes-partner, sometimes rival has joined the battle against the Iron Bastard, he has opted to remain behind. And it seems his decision may be rewarded should this summit go his way. However, as the ruddy-faced foreigner enters, all three of the warlords present immediately reach for their weapons as the Temptress speaks up.

“What is he doing here? You were told to come alone.”

“Ey, whazzit prob, man?”

The three warlords immediately look at one another as it’s clear that The Foreigner’s garbled vernacular is an absolute nightmare to discern. However, the Foreigner’s companion, an older man with an air of smug superiority wearing silken robes and sumptuous furs, walks out from behind his young ward and simply chuckles.

“You’ll have to forgive my nephew. Enunciation was never his strong suit. But his vocabulary skills are irrelevant to the more immediate crisis. So, shall we begin, or do we want to skip ahead to the part where you lot throw your weight behind us and allow us to handle this crisis?”

“Excuse you?”

The cocksure young man, the Scion, speaks up, a look of indignation etched on his face at the Foreigner’s proclamation…or, at least, the Foreigner’s proclamation by proxy. The Scion brandishes his mace as he points in the Foreigner’s direction.

“You want me to lower myself by throwing my support behind your claim? Nah, nah…that’s not about to happen. If anything, you and your bootlicking uncle should be throwing themselves at my feet and give my boots a nice polish with your tongues.”

“Whoa-oh-oh! That’s pretty kinky.”

The woman known as the Witch interjects with a jovial laugh and a wild look in her eyes. The Scion turns towards her, glaring at her lackadaisical mockery.

“Quiet! I’m not about to be mocked by the likes of you.”

“Why not? Not as if you’re not the biggest joke in the entire realm, Scion! Hee-hee-hee! Oh, poor little Scion, the little boy who thinks he’s a big man. Comes rolling back into the realm after being gone for SO long, and the only accolade he has to his name is not losing to the Prodigy.”

“And what have YOU accomplished, Witch? Not a damn thing that your little coven hasn’t enabled for you.”

“Yah, man, dis brujah be trippin’ up, wagwan wagwan.”

Both Scion and Witch, who had been staring one another down, immediately turn to the Foreigner with incredulous looks. But before Foreigner’s uncle can speak up again, Temptress interjects for the first time.

“Enough! All of you are bickering like children begging for attention. You all want the glory of taking the fight to Ji Rei, and not a single one of you has the perspective needed to actually make good on it.”

The Temptress points at the Witch and the Foreigner, judgment etched across her unearthly beautiful face.

“What accolades you two have accomplished were done with the assistance of others. Neither of you have done anything worth boasting about with your own power. And as for you?”

She turns her steely gaze to the Scion.

“You have accomplished even less than that. Not a single one of you have the pedigree, the discipline, and the drive to do what needs to be done.”

“And you do?”

The interjection comes not from any of the warlords, but from Foreigner’s ostentatious uncle. He looks at Temptress with a very knowing, slimy grin as he addresses her much like she addressed her fellow warlord: like an elder addressing a foolish child.

“How quickly you forget yourself, Temptress. Oh, I would never doubt that your hunger to reclaim forgotten glory isn’t ravenous at this point. But don’t stand there and pretend that your greatest accomplishments, your own incredible dynasties were not without a bit of skullduggery and treachery. After all…I was there, right by your side, when you last reigned as Empress. And you want to stand there and try to tell me that you stood alone against the unwashed hordes that constantly besieged you? That it was your own strength that allowed you to cement your legacy? Hahaha, let’s not lie to ourselves, my sweet."

Temptress scowls as her hand goes to rest on the hilt of the sword at her hip. Seeing this leech again after so many years has clearly gotten under her skin.

“That was a lifetime ago.”

“Exactly my point. You’re done. No matter how much you want it, no matter how much you think you need it to prove you’re not the beneficiary of fortunate circumstances and powerful alliances, you will never have enough or be enough to achieve the glory you let slip through your grasp. I handed you the world, and you fumbled it away and have never been able to clutch it again.

“Meanwhile, my nephew, my precious nephew, has been running roughshod throughout the realm, challenging evil magi and titans. With our alliance with the Condemned, we have achieved impossible glories against the most powerful warlords in the realm. The Condemned will smash the armies of the Iron Bastard, and once you cretins have realized that not a single one of you can compare to the majesty of my nephew…”


The rather unflattering noise that cuts through Foreigner’s uncle’s speel comes from the lips of the Witch, who has been squatting near the fire, watching all of this with a bemused, manic expression.

“You are boring me, Foreigner’s creepy uncle. Nobody cares what you have to say, and nobody cares what your precious little nephew wants to attempt to say.”

“Oy, ya bein…”

“EITHER SHUT UP OR SPEAK LIKE AN ACTUAL PERSON! Come on, it’s not that hard! But the bottom line is that we’re ALL deficient. You, Foreigner, want to think you’re some kind of big shot because you survived a few battles you didn’t have any business being in. If the former Emperor and his lap dog weren’t so preoccupied with getting revenge against that new dark alliance, you would’ve gotten crushed and it wouldn’t have been close. Your only opportunity to achieve personal glory? You got SMASHED by your best friend, Condemned.

“And you, Temptress? You’re old news. Maybe if you followed in the footsteps of your former protege and accepted some otherworldly bargains, MAYBE you’d be relevant to whatever’s happening in the realm. But no, you’re just an old crone begging for attention, just as you always have been.”

“If you recall, Witch…I defeated my former protege.”

The Witch claps sardonically at that and laughs.

“Oh, good for you! What a wonderful friend you are. I’m sure THAT won’t come back to stab you in the back down the line. After all, you have such a great track record of making friends that stay loyal to you, forever and ever and ever.

“And as for you, Scion?”

Scion’s eyes arch a bit as he waits for the biting rebuke.

“Again, why are you here? Nobody cares about you, and you’ve done nothing to deserve to even be in the conversation. So…leave. Go home and tell your father that you’ve completely failed him again.”

That utter dismissal hits the Scion hard, as his grip on his mace tightens at the Witch’s utter disrespect. The Witch, however, continues to talk, wistfully looking into the fire with a smile on her face and ecstasy in her eyes.

“And why are we conspiring against Ji Rei, anyway? Hmm? You heard what he’s been saying. He wants to foster fellowship with the other warlords. He’s extending his arm in wonderful friendship, and wants to show his love to all of us as he wants us to love him. I think that’s an amazing vision for the realm. So maybe…maybe I just kill all of you and prevent any of you from ruining that. Maybe I make that journey to the capital and Emperor Ji Rei and I show the world what true friendship is all about. Hee, hee…”

Immediately, the three other warlords draw their weapons upon hearing that, pointing them at the Witch. Scion is the first to speak up.

“Watch your tongue, Witch. You wouldn’t be the first sorceress that this realm has seen burned at the stake.”

“You should follow your own advice, Scion. Unless you want me to curse you and render you incapable of having children of your own.”

“As if your pathetic threats mean anything. Regardless of what we think about each other, we all know that the Smiling Demon is not to be trusted. And if you’re willing to buy into his nonsense, I know exactly whose head I need to smash first.”

Scion’s words resonate with the Temptress and the Foreigner. For the first time since this meeting had begun, Scion actually talks like a potential leader…

…well, at least for a minute before his arrogance once again resurfaces.

“Besides…all of you have proven that you don’t have that hunger, that drive and willingness to challenge the very best anymore. Temptress, for all your talk of securing your legacy, you look to me like a fat and lazy cat too content to really make the moves, take the necessary steps to get where you claim you want to be like you have in the past. And Foreigner? You don’t have Condemned to drag your carcass to glory now that he’s fighting against the Iron Bastard. I still have that hunger, though. That hunger that comes from only having a small taste. I am the strongest warlord here, the hungriest warlord here. And all of you should stop pretending otherwise and bow before…”



The roaring of thunder cuts Scion’s ego-fueled rant short. But what stops the bantering from resuming is the sound of clattering armor and fallen bodies, tossed forward towards the fire pit at the feet of the warlords.

These soldiers wear the heraldry of Scion’s army…and of Foreigners. It would seem that both had chosen to defy the conditions set forth for this meeting, and it would seem from Temptress’s face that this isn’t surprising.

Nor does it surprise her who walks in next.

Clad in battered armor and cloaked in a tattered coat, another warlord approaches the quartet in attendance. He is drenched in water, caked in blood, and has the look of a man who has waded through a sea of corpses and yet has refused to let his resolve be broken by the perilous path that he’s taken.

Foreigner knows this man well, as a smirk crosses his lips. He approaches the new arrival and starts to taunt him.

“Lookit there, uncle. Iz dat bloodclot we…”

Foreigner doesn’t get to finish his sentence in his mangled vernacular.

And he won’t ever speak again.

With a dagger hidden in his gauntlet, the warlord brandishes steel and cuts a deep gash through the Foreigner’s throat. Deep red blood gushes out as Foreigner begins to choke…but his suffering is short-lived as the warlord drives the dagger through his eye.

As his nephew falls dead on the floor, the old leech attempts to run for cover. But all he finds for his trouble is the dagger that killed his nephew and his meal ticket in his back, piercing his lungs and his heart. Unlike Foreigner? The uncle dies slowly and ignobly.

Scion, seeing the mirage of an opportunity, rushes in with his mace, hoping to get in the killing blow before the rampaging warlord has a chance to strike back. But that effort is for naught, just as it was years ago when Scion first faced off against this nightmare in bitter steel.

The warlord ducks, and the mace does wide. Scion is too slow, and he overcommitted. The handsome young upstart’s nose explodes in a fountain of blood as the warlord crushes it with a vicious headbutt. Shocked, Scion staggers and drops his weapon as the warlord picks up the mace and, without a second’s hesitation, swings and caves in Scion’s skull.

Temptress also knows this warlord…and has never seen him this absolutely vicious before. She has her hands on her weapon, but she wisely doesn’t approach.

The Witch, however…

“Amazing! You are something else, Stal…”


As the Witch approaches with the honeyed words of a promised friendship, the warlord drives the back of his hand. Whatever it was that the Witch had to say or offer? This warrior has no desire for it.

Incensed, the Witch pulls some herbs and incense from one of the pouches on her hip and coats her hand with it. She rushes the warlord, dropping to her knees and trying to drive her fist right between her attacker’s legs.

But, the only damage done is to the Witch’s hand, as the bones in her hand shatters as it connects full-force with steel.

Howling in pain and indignation, the warlord looks at the Witch with a disgusted, disappointed glare as he takes her head in his hands and…


The Witch is dead, the sound of her broken neck a haunting echo in this cavern. Three warlords dead. Only two remain.

Temptress, despite the ferocity and brutality that was on display mere seconds ago, maintains her ground as she says:

“This isn’t like you, Stalwart. You’re vicious, but this is…”

“Nothing you or these fools have to say matter, Temptress.”

The imposing warlord, Stalwart, approaches the fire as he picks up the dagger from the back of Foreigner’s worm of an uncle. Flicking the blood off the blade, he stares down Temptress…one of his oldest rivals and most persistent of foes.

“I’ve heard what you and this lot have had to say…old friend. And while I could’ve stood here and made my case for why it has to be me that challenges Ji Rei, the ultimate Truth is that words are wasted on these children…and even on you. You want to challenge Ji Rei to prove that you are that divinely-ordained champion you’ve claimed for years to be. Scion and Foreigner think they’re ready to challenge the throne despite neither of them having proven that they can stand on their own two feet long enough to make a mark. And the Witch? Her cheap parlor tricks are meaningless against the nightmare that the Smiling Demon will bring upon the realm.”

Stalwart walks ever closer to the fire as he holds the blade of his dagger to the fire. The remaining blood droplets start to bubble, boil and burn as he glares down Temptress.

“I am going to fight Ji Rei. And I’m going to reclaim the throne, the same throne that so many others in this realm have kept from me by treachery and deceit. It doesn’t matter whether you or any of these corpses think I’m worthy of it. I don’t care whether you think you want it more, my sweet. The only Truth that matters is that I WANT it and I will wade through an ocean of blood and stroll through a field of screams in order to challenge this usurper. And if I have to leave a trail of dead men and women in my wake to make it happen? Well…”

Stalwart points his dagger at the still-warm bodies of the Witch, the Scion, and the Foreigner. And then points it at Temptress.

Despite the ferocity and the copious amounts of history and bad blood? Temptress can’t help but smile.

“Weren’t you the one who said words were weapons?”

“I was. And they are, most of the time. But for this kind of work? For what it’s going to take to walk this path and tread through the valley of death back to heaven itself? Words are a waste of time. Especially to those who wouldn’t listen, anyway.”

Temptress, silently, agrees with that.

And she rushes Stalwart, sword in hand looking for his heart.

But in the end, it’s her heart that’s pierced as Stalwart traps her blade between his arm and torso on a missed thrust, following it up with a quick stab to her chest.

Temptress gasps as blood begins to fill her lungs. Stalwart wraps his arms around her in a rather touching embrace as life slowly fades from her.

Old enemies, legends of the countless wars that have ravaged the realm…but here, a measure of kindness, of respect in the end.

As she struggles with the blood filling her throat, she manages to croak out:

“You…you were my greatest…”

Stalwart hushes her…and grabs her free hand as she defiantly tries to go for a dagger, hoping against hope to bring down her killer with her. And as she gives up the ghost, Stalwart whispers back:

“I know. I know.”

Temptress is no more. Just another corpse, more food for the carrion.

Stalwart, his armor coated in her blood, gently puts her down onto the ground and, in a moment of tender respect, closes her eyes to allow her to rest.

Outside the cavern, Stalwart emerges. The lone warlord standing. The one who will unite the armies of the realm that remained behind to take on the monster that sits upon the throne.

Justification doesn’t matter.

Words don’t matter.

Who deserves what more does. Not. Matter.

Stalwart is the one who remains standing. He is the one who put the issue to rest not with a plea or a declaration, but with blood and iron.

He has slain his rival warlords to ensure that none of them can stop his path of violent reconciliation.

No warlord, no toady of Emperor Ji Rei is safe. Violence and brutality are the order and standard of the day.

Stalwart…the Wayward Warlord, the Once and Future King, has committed to the path of destruction and scorched earth.

It would be wise and natural to be afraid.

But fear itself is meaningless just as words are.

Because in the end? There is absolutely no difference between the corpse of the fearful challenger and the warrior drunk on foolish bravado…​


E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Chris Peacock in...


Chris Peacock in...



People walking past Chris on the streets of Brooklyn could hear loud
groans as he tried his best to avoid any sort of human interaction on his
way back to his apartment following his gym session. His appearance
drew himself unwanted attention, largely in part to the large bandage
around his head. A consequence of going after Michelle Von Horrowitz in
China at the Crossfire event.
The eight stitches on the top of his head were reminders of the game he
was constantly playing as part of the FWA roster. Just two months away
from it and he seemed to be off the pace to someone who had been
almost as absent as he was. Both Chris and Michelle were back for
ostensibly the same reason, though. The F1 Climaxxx.
For Chris, the F1 Climaxxx was initially a way of killing some time before
it would be possible for him to get his hands on Randy Ramon. Part of him
thought that winning some gold would be a good means to that end, but
that is partially what Winter Wasteland was for. He was supposed to
recapture the tag titles along with Alyster and then they’d get Ramon and
Crowe after that. A ‘two birds with one stone kind of deal’.
However, things didn’t shake out that way, largely in part thanks to
Michelle and her actions in that suit. His plan for revenge backfired at
Crossfire, so Chris was very frustrated about having to wait until later in
the tournament to give her the double receipt she was now owed as they
were in different pools. Michelle had unknowingly built a rod for her own
back. Her actions shifted Chris’s attitude towards the F1 Climaxx from

ambivalence to determination. Not getting revenge on Crossfire meant
that it would need to come another time, and eliminating her from the F1
further down the line seemed fitting enough.
Despite this newfound focus, he felt frustrated for Alyster, too. Losing
championships isn’t fun - as Chris knew all too well - but it seemed like
FTN were set to continue their dominance into 2024, but that all seemed
up in the air now.
Alyster was the only real thing tethering Chris to his moral compass; the
only thing in his life that inspired him to try to be good. With Alyster
gone, Chris goes out and kidnaps teenagers in weasel costumes,
apparently. That isn’t what Chris felt embarrassed about, though. He was
embarrassed that it all blew up in his face because that meant that he
was getting sloppy.
Sloppy enough to allow Best and his cronies to delay his arrival at
Istanbul. Sloppy enough to allow himself to get distracted by Michelle at
the end of the match, contributing to FTN’s loss. Then of course sloppy
enough to allow himself to be tricked by Michelle on Crossfire. It was
uncharacteristic of him and he knew it and it helped him realise that
perhaps he should put Ramon to one side for the time being. A chance to
sharpen his teeth again in the F1 Climaxxx could help him find his edge
again before Michelle and then Ramon paid the piper.
Thoughts of his first opponent in the Climaxxx, Xavien Marshall, raced
through his mind as his feet pounded the concrete en route back to his
apartment. In all honesty, Chris didn’t know much about Xavien Marshall.
There was a big gap in his FWA knowledge between Lights Out and Winter
Wasteland. What he did know was that Xavien was one to benefit from
Michelle’s actions at Winter Wasteland.
All else that Chris saw was the fact that he was undefeated. The potential
feather he could add to his cap if he was the one to change that was
tantalising. It was not too long ago that Peacock was the new kid on the
block that people wanted to knock down a peg or two, which Chris found
both amusing and slightly unsettling at the same time.
He shuddered as he found himself drawing comparisons between himself
and the likes of Cyrus Truth. Distracted by these disturbing thoughts as
he turned a corner, he barged into someone.

“Yo, what the fuck you doin’?”
Chris did not respond to the muffled question. Instead he looked the
young man up and down and studied his appearance for a few moments.
The long coat with the hood up, the balaclava covering his mouth and
heavy pockets were enough to tell Chris what this man’s profession was.
“Get the fuck outta here unless we’ve got some business, you
hear me?”
As the young man spoke, Chris saw a flash of silver in an opening in his
coat. He grinned for a second and contemplated making more of this
issue but chose to walk away. He was metres from the door to his building
when he heard the rat-faced man shout back at him, “Yeah, you get
steppin’, fancypants.”
Chris cast another look at the man as he inserted the key into the door.
Another had approached him and the two engaged in a quick and hushed
conversation, with the man in the big coat side eying any onlookers. The
exchange happened and Chris briefly locked eyes with the man once
again. Chris remained stoic as the man bore his teeth at him as a poor
intimidation tactic, but due to his age and non-threatening appearance
(even with a blade), Chris was unconcerned.
The inside of Chris’s apartment was as unkempt as always, with pizza
boxes and other takeaway storage containers littering the kitchen counter.
Wrapping paper was still on the living room floor from Christmas, along
with the unopened bottle of whiskey that he received from Allen Price. He
removed the bandaging from his head and tossed it onto the growing pile
of trash. Chris felt unsure of what to do with himself; he had opted not to
remain in Asia ahead of Meltdown after what happened at Crossfire.
Training was complete for the day after a few sessions in the gym. Unlike
his apartment, one thing that Chris was not neglecting was his own body.
He ensured to stay in shape whilst he was not actively appearing on FWA
television, and the results were him being in arguably the best shape of
his life. Hunting down leads on Randy Ramon was busy work and this in
combination with regular sessions in the gym had resulted in him gaining
a rather more muscular physique.

As he opened the refrigerator, he was greeted with the sight and smells of
mould from yoghurts and other dairy products that had soured. What
really drew his eye was the bottles of lager that comprised almost the
entire bottom shelf. He desperately wanted to consume one of them. This
was his usual ritual after a long gym session. Sitting on his couch
watching tapes on his next opponent with a beer. Despite everything and
how much he had changed since coming to the FWA, his preparations
remained constant.
“Fucking hell, Drew...”
Chris cursed his brother as he took out a can of soda from the refrigerator
and slammed the door shut after him. He had committed to ‘Dry January’
in support of his brother. The family were trying to assist Drew through
his addiction issues, which had spiralled out of control in the previous
several months. None of the other Peacocks - or extended FTN family
members - had agreed to also go sober.
Guilt drove Chris to take the extra step. During the Buddy Bowl event,
Chris used his twin’s alcoholism to get closer to Ramon in order to sneak
attack him, as well as to foil Jeremy Best’s plans to win his own
tournament. Chris hadn’t even discussed what happened that night with
his brother or his nephew, Max. In fact, aside from a fleetingly brief visit
at Christmas, he had not seen nor spoke to either of them.
With that, both himself and Alyster being MIA at different periods of time,
and the time spent on the road going after Randy, Chris had spent the
last several weeks feeling extremely isolated. Kidnapping a young woman
in a weasel costume would be considered a heinous act in most
circumstances, but for Chris it was actually a “brave” attempt to come
back out of his shell after getting knocked back at Winter Wasteland.
Michelle returning to her natural state and her besting him left him feeling
impotent and unimportant. Isolated and alone, Chris took a gasping
breath as he felt his heart beginning to beat quicker. His eyes widened
and his chest became tighter.
For the first time in nine months, he was having a panic attack.
As soon as she came back into his life, so did they. He grimaced as he
remembered how quickly they could come out of nowhere after an errant

thought. The soda can fell out of his hand and the pressurised container
burst as soon as it made contact with the floor.
Chris slinked down the refrigerator, bringing the various magnets and
pieces of paper down with him. He sat with his eyes closed for a moment
whilst attempting to control his breathing. After some slow inhaling and
exhaling, he felt more aware of his surroundings once more. The soda can
finally finished fizzing and he saw the puddle created by the droppage
encroaching towards some of the paper that had fallen on the floor. He
picked up a sodden piece of note paper, with some words scrawled in
marker pen.
“Fairway Community Center, 7pm. EVERY NIGHT.
Some of the ink had faded due to the spillage, but the writing was still
legible. Chris studied the note as soda slowly dripped down onto his lap.
With a heave, he lifted himself up from the floor and went to get changed.
It was time to go and visit an old friend.

It was with some hesitation that Chris approached the poorly-kept
building in Brooklyn that was the Fairway Community Center. He checked
his watch and noted that it was 7:05pm, meaning that he was already
late. Entering the building was an obstacle course of avoiding beggars and
drug addicts slumped on the street near the entrance. The community
center acted as somewhat of a hub for this type of people. Chris found it
difficult to hide his disgust. The curiosity of what was waiting for him
drove him to continue inside.
Walking down a corridor, Chris passed numerous rooms with groups of
people inside. Language classes seemed to be the most popular, and Chris
peered through the window of a pilates class for a few seconds. Finally
though, at the end of the corridor, he saw what he was there for. The door
remained ajar and Chris looked in, resting his hand on a sign reading
Through the open door, Chris observed the scene inside of the room.
Roughly a dozen men of various ages and backgrounds sat in a circle on
metal folding chairs. More chairs lined the back of the room, along with a
small table which held various snacks and light beverages. All but one of
the men slouched or slumped back in their seats, taking on a listening
role. They seemed uninterested and not engaged with what the twelfth
man was saying as he spoke to them.
This was the man that Chris was here to see, in hope that he could work
through the reemergence of his panic attacks; Calvin Lucas, also known
as ‘Cage’. Cage is someone that Chris has met twice before. Allen Price
had previously organised trips for Chris to visit Rikers Island and spend a
night there. This is where he met Cage, whilst he was still an inmate. As
he watched Cage speak, he noticed the minor crook in his nose, which
was given to him courtesy of Chris during their first meeting in 2021.
A year later, Chris returned to Rikers and met with Cage on far more
amicable terms; it seems that their altercation had helped Cage turn a
corner and become eligible for parole. Cage helped Chris out of a tight
spot on that second occasion, as recompense for Chris “saving his life” by
helping him turn things around. It was after Lights Out that Chris found
Cage’s note slipped under his apartment door. At the time, Chris merely
dismissed it and affixed it to the refrigerator. He did remember feeling a

small spark of happiness for Cage when he learned that he had been
released from jail.
“... I know it’s hard. You come out and you feel like the whole
world has passed you by. Trying to find your place in an unfamiliar
environment is difficult and it is scary, man. Even for someone
who has seen the things that I’ve seen, and done the things that
I’ve done, I was terrified when I came out. Believe me.”
Chris solemnly lowered his head as he listened to Cage speak. The words
resonated with him. After all, he had been absent from the FWA for just a
couple of months but already it seemed like so much had changed.
Ramon was competing again. When Chris showed up at Winter Wasteland,
these two guys he’d never heard of were holding the tag titles. Now, he’s
got to fight one of them and then a Halloween Knight after that, whatever
that is.
It showed how fickle the world could be, especially within the FWA.
Names would disappear for a time and be completely forgotten. How
much longer would it have been until that happened to Chris, had he not
returned? These questions and realisations made Chris regret his time
spent away even more. It was bad enough that Michelle was able to punk
him out, but now he was worried that Xavien Marshall would be able to do
the same. He had thought himself untouchable when he was the
champion and carried himself as such.
Crossfire taught him that was not the case. More images of Michelle
walking away from him having foiled his plan flashed through his mind,
and these then shifted to Marshall and Kenny with the championships at
Winter Wasteland. His eyes glazed over and he felt himself become dizzy.
This time he saw a possible future; Xavien Marshall defeating him on
Meltdown in the F1 Climaxxx. He did not know enough about Marshall to
know how he was able to achieve that. The small stack of tapes in his
apartment had not been touched yet.
Determined not to allow this panic attack to take control like the previous
one had, Chris refused to let himself leave his feet. He strained and
groaned, finally catching his breath. “I really haven’t missed those,”
he said quietly. Inside the room, Cage continued to speak to the group;

“...I looked for ways to cope. Just getting from day to day was a
fight and I needed support. So, after I got out, I started using
again. I’m not proud of it, but I can’t escape from the fact that it
happened. One mornin’, though, I woke up and I told myself that I
was at the top of a slippery slope. If I kept usin’, it wouldn’t be
long before I found myself doin’ the same damn shit that got me
locked up in the first place.
“So, I gave myself a fresh start. Flushed the drugs and I haven’t
looked back since. Some days are still hard. Make no mistake. It’s
about choices, feel me? I’m choosing not to let myself fall back
into that same spot again. I don’t let the negatives define me.”
Murmurs of understanding filled the room. It was clear that Cage’s words
were resonating with these men. Chris felt it too. His panic attacks
returning was still raw and something he was struggling to come to terms
with, but Cage was right. There was no need to let them take over again.
Michelle was the cause before, sure, but he overcame. Even his concerns
about his in-ring fortunes dissipated slightly. The recent losses in big
matches seemed to not matter as much. The F1 Climaxxx was another
chance to overcome these worries. Another victory over Michelle at The
Grand March would extinguish them for good. Surely.
It seemed as if the support session was coming to an end as Chris saw
people rise from their seats and split into smaller separate conversations.
The chairs scraped on the floor as people put them away. Feeling more
optimistic about things having heard Cage’s encouragement for the rest of
the group, Chris decided to leave. However, when he turned around with a
small spring in his step, he knocked the sign on the floor. The loud bang
of flat surfaces colliding with one another caught the attention of
everyone in the room. Suddenly everyone was looking in Chris’s direction.
“Chris?” Cage asked, “Chris Peacock? Is that you?”
Chris’s eyes widened as Cage jostled through some of the uninterested
support group members, approaching him. Before he knew it, Cage was
standing in the doorway (his colossal frame caused him to essentially fill
the entire thing). They clasped hands and Cage brought Chris in for a
shoulder bump. “I see you got my note.”

“Yeah, I, uhh... didn’t have much going on tonight and thought I’d
swing by. I didn’t want to interrupt, though.”
Cage laughed at Chris’s coyness, “Hey, the amount I’ve talked about
you here... I could have done with it. I’m not sure they believe
that I’d get my ass handed to me by a five-ten, ninety-five pound
punk. That ain’t you now though; you been workin’ out?”
Joshingly, Cage squeezed Chris’s bicep as his improved conditioning was
evident even through his jacket. Chris felt slightly uncomfortable, and
Cage picked up on this. He shifted to a more serious tone, “Everything
okay, Peacock? I’ve been keepin’ up with the FWA since I got out
last year. Sorry things haven’t gone your way, lately. You heard
from your boy in the mask at all?”
Uncomfortable was nothing compared to how Chris felt after Cage had
brought Alyster up. He’d not heard from his best friend since Winter
Wasteland. That was just another contributing factor to his reversion.
Once again, Cage successfully gauged Chris’s mood.
“Sorry to bring that up, Chris. Look, I hope you don’t mind me
sayin’, but I think you could really benefit from something like
this. You heard about how hard I found it after getting out; even
the strongest struggle sometimes. Shit, I know that some of these
guys could benefit from listening to someone like you.”
“Someone like me?”
“You’re a champion! You overcame your demons and made
something of yourself! Not a lot of people get to say that.”
Chris was unconvinced of the accuracy of that statement; although his
ears pricked up at Cage’s use of the word “overcame”. For a few seconds,
he wondered whether his mind was blowing things out of proportion.
“Look, I’ll be honest with you. I’m serious. These guys, I think
hearing from someone who made the right choices and came out
of the other side would do some good. Well, someone that isn’t
me, anyway. Come along tomorrow night?”
“I’m not sure, Cage.”

Was he blowing this whole thing with Michelle out of proportion? What
happened at Crossfire could be chalked off as a temporary blip. He had a
couple of panic attacks, so what? Maybe the world could do with learning
to be a bit more like Chris Peacock. As Chris convinced himself, Cage
nudged him.
“How ‘bout this? You come here tomorrow night and tell these
guys your story and I’ll help you get ready for this next match of
yours. Someone like me can help you when it comes to Xavien
“Someone like you?”
Cage screwed his face up in confusion. He did not understand how Chris
did not know what he meant. “You for real?” he asked, “He’s an
ex-con! I can help you understand this fool.”
This was just another example of how out of the loop Chris was. With this
new information and what it meant bouncing around in his mind, he
nodded his head, agreeing to Cage’s proposition.

A field on a tranquil day. There was a gentle breeze, causing flowers to
bend slightly and dandelion pappus to float through the air. Chris looked
up at the clear sky with a content expression on his face. He could not put
his finger on it but all seemed right in the world. The person laying next
to him in the clearing shuffled slightly. Chris turned to face him.
“Everything okay?”
“Wouldn’t this just be more simple?” Alyster asked. His hair was
across his forehead, but he swept it out of the way, “Out here... away
from everything. No losing, no disappointment. Why do we keep
doing it to ourselves?”
It was a valid question. Both of them had done pretty much everything
they could have ever hoped to. All that was left for them in the FWA were
grudges that needed settling. They really didn’t need to do this to
themselves. Despite feeling like he knew this deep down, Chris did not
offer an answer, “I don’t know.”
They continued staring at the peaceful and empty sky for what felt like
hours without saying another word. This changed when Chris caught
Alyster rising to his feet next to him. The look on Alyster’s face was one of
angst and frustration.
“Everything okay?”
“It’s time to go,” Alyster said as he looked towards the distance. As he
did so, Chris noticed the wind picking up and clouds appearing seemingly
out of nowhere overhead. The entire scene suddenly became darker.
“She’s coming.”
Chris stood up as well and stepped past Alyster, towards the direction of
the wind. “It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t matter. We can do this
together, Alyster,” Chris affirmed, not allowing himself to become
engulfed by the impending sense of doom. He waited for a few seconds
for a response, but there was not one, “Alyster?”
He turned back around. Alyster was gone. Disappeared. Chris tried to call
out for him but his voice had been stolen by the dread which had taken

over his body. All he could muster was a pained “aauueeeghhh...” from
the back of his throat. His pitiful plea for help would not have been heard
by Alyster or anyone else for that matter due to the howling wind.
Roots and vines emerged from the ground and entwined themselves
around his legs, trapping him. Chris focused on trying to free himself,
unaware of the sky becoming Black above him. His breathing became
even more rapid. Within seconds he was soaked through due to the rain
bucketing down onto him. He tried screaming once more but nothing
came out. The winds picked up once again, lifting him up from the
ground. The roots attached to his feet and legs held him in place as
something emerged from the distance and barrelled towards him. He was
cold, afraid and alone.
The ground started to crumble all around him. The roots holding him in
position fell away and tumbled into the abyss that was slowly developing
around him. Chris landed on his feet and looked around, but could see
nothing but grey as he continued to be buffeted by the wind. The erosion
of the floor reached him, causing him to lose his footing. With one hand,
Chris hung from the ledge, desperate not to go lose his grip and fall.
He looked over his shoulder and saw the oncoming demon on the horizon.
It flew with the wind, coming straight towards him. Chris looked up,
hoping for someone to save him...
Before he knew it, he was upright in his bed. His shouting had woken him
up from an all-too-familiar place. As it was in his nightmare, Chris’s
breathing was short and rapid. It took him a few seconds to realise where
he was. The hyperventilation finally subsided.
“It was only a matter of time,” Chris said under his breath to himself.
Of course, his dalliances with his anxiety were accompanied by
dread-filled nightmares, especially when Michelle was concerned. The
perspective that he had gained in the brief conversation with Alyster in
the dream seemed irrelevant now, because Alyster wasn’t there with him.
As he did every morning, he checked his phone.
He opened his conversation with Alyster and contemplated sending
another text, but opted not to as the last ten were unopened and not

responded to. Alyster needed space, which Chris understood. But he could
not help but wonder whether Alyster was in that field, relaxing and having
moved on from it all. If Alyster was, why wasn't he there with him?
Chris’s go to tactic to overcome a traumatic event such as the return of
his recurring nightmare would be to go to the gym or for a run. But today
was a rest day. With that off of the table, the next option would usually
be to drown his sorrows. But with shitty Dry January being observed that
was not possible either. He stared almost longingly at the bottle of
Macallan that Allen Price had bought him for Christmas. It was tempting
to break his truce with his brother. Instead though, he found himself
slightly ashamed to find himself deciding to visit his brother after staring
at a bottle of alcohol. An unfortunate association.
Once dressed, Chris took to the streets of Brooklyn once more. Wearing
the same scowl as the previous day, he headed towards the same corner
that he found the rat-faced dealer on. However, on this occasion, the
corner was empty. Chris rounded it in a nonplussed manner, not actually
thinking about the encounter the previous day. He passed the building
entrances that lined the pavement, stopping at an opening between the
apartment blocks.
Down the alleyway, Chris saw a conversation taking place between a
group of men. After studying their faces, he recognised one as the dealer
from the street corner, still wearing the oversized coat. Voices became
louder and quickly the discussion turned heated. The dealer attempted to
pull the same trick as he did on Chris by flashing the inside of his jacket,
but instead he received a punch to the face. Chris watched on as the
three other men bundled the dealer to the floor and ran off with some of
his wares, not inclined to intervene at all. The dealer caught a glimpse of
Chris, “Yo fancypants... what the fuck, man? You gonna just let
that shit happen?”
Chris took offence to the confrontational tone and stomped down the alley
towards the man on the floor. As Chris got closer, he paid more attention
to the young man and saw that he was no older than twenty years and as
shown, clearly in over his head. Chris pulled him up from the floor and
pushed him back against the wall of the alley.
“What you doin-”

“Shut up,” Chris said, putting his hand across the dealer’s mouth. “You
get the fuck out of here, alright? I don’t want to see you or any of
that shit you're pedalling around here again.”
Once again, the youth reverted to his tactic and flashed the knife in his
jacket, but Chris punched him in the stomach, causing him to drop to his
knees. Chris pulled his jacket upwards and yanked it off of him, exposing
his vest. Chris’s foot hovered near the dealer’s head as he considered
whether to finish him off with a final blow. Realising that Chris was not
going to kick him in the head, the dealer rose to his feet.
“My coat-”
“It’s mine now,” said Chris as he adjusted the fur item and placed the
hood over his head. “Now fuck off.”
The rest of Chris’s journey to his family’s restaurant was without
consequence. He thought it best not to admire the knife which he knew
was in his new coat’s inner pocket. A search of the rest of the
compartments led to him obtaining a couple of small bags of white
powder and some money. He pondered whether he was now technically a
drug dealer himself, but did not carry himself like one when he arrived at
Dazzling Dave’s a few minutes later.
Bizarrely, the restaurant was completely empty. Being a Saturday
lunchtime, it would normally be heaving at this time. Instead Chris saw
no one. Even on a quiet day some of the regulars would be there for their
usual tables and it was not even as if Chris could ask one of the servers
what was going on. His only hope rested in his brother, who he hoped
would be in the kitchen. In addition to the emptiness at the tables, there
was a lack of any smells indicating that any cooking had taken place on
this day at all.
Chris peered through the porthole in the door which led to the kitchen and
he could make out a black shoe from behind the pass. Rushing inside,
Chris saw his brother on the floor. Panic instantly set in. He dropped to his
knees to check whether Drew was still breathing. As Chris placed his ear
over his brother’s mouth to listen for a sign of life, he heard and felt a
damp breath on his neck. Not only that, but he smelled it too.

Closing his eyes as realisation set in, Chris shifted his weight and sat
down next to drew. He opened his eyes and angled his head at the
ceiling, watching as Drew exhaled several more hazy whiskey-tainted
breaths into the air. His disappointment in his brother was palpable. It
was naive to think that someone so deeply embedded into his addiction
would be able to flip a switch and turn it off. Chris weighed up his options.
Part of him wanted to hoist his brother from the floor and treat him not
too dissimilarly to how he did the drug dealer in the alley. He had never
attempted to literally slap the alcoholism out of his brother, but he was
tempted. Very tempted. The disappointment quickly transitioned into
rage. This manifested in Chris knocking as many pots and pans from the
counter next to him as he could once he was back to his feet.
The clanging roused Drew from his drunken slumber on the kitchen floor,
“You don’t have what, Drew?” Chris asked as he shook with anger,
“Any fucking SELF CONTROL?!”
“What? Chris? The fuck you doin’ here, you... you... bas-” Drew did
not know where he was, but he recognised his brother’s voice. He laughed
to himself for a moment, being as careful as he could to not accidentally
cause himself to vomit, “Self control... that’s... that’s really fuckin’
funny coming from you.”
Instead of replying to that comment, Chris balled his fist as a million
thoughts raced through his head. It infuriated him that his brother - even
in this state - could still find a way to look down on him and make him
feel inferior. How could someone in that condition shame someone else?
“Yeah, and one more thing...” Drew attempted to stand up before
continuing to dress Chris down; he slipped as he placed his foot in a
saucepan. He hit the ground with a thud. As Drew groaned on the floor,
holding his ribs, Chris opted not to help his brother back to his feet. This
‘Dry January’ attempt was just the latest in a string of attempts to help
“I can’t do this anymore, Drew. When Dad was sick, I was the one
that was there for him. I put my life on hold to look after him
whilst you found whatever happiness you could at the bottom of a

bottle. I’m not... I’m fuckin’ not...” Chris could feel his lip furling as he
fought back tears, “I’m not putting you first and going through all of
that again. Dad didn’t have a choice. You do, and you’re fucking it
up for all of us again. You know, things won’t change unless you
make them. If you do nothing, it’s going to beat you. Again and
again, and it won’t stop.”
The brothers stared at each other for a moment. Both knew that Chris’s
words could just as easily be directed at himself. Even in his drunken
stupor, Drew acknowledged this fact. Neither brother spoke another word
before Chris left the restaurant. He cursed under his breath as he
slammed the restaurant door behind him and walked out onto the busy
street. He walked with purpose back to his apartment, not caring about
knocking an elderly man down and almost bundling over a woman with a
When he arrived home, he saw the mess on the floor from the previous
night that he had neglected to clean up. In his anger, Chris put both
hands around the back of the refrigerator and pulled it down to the
ground. Liquids spilled out onto the floor. The takeaway containers from
the counter soon joined them. He looked at the mess in his kitchen and
compared it to the restaurant kitchen where he had just left his brother.
Both kitchens were a mess. Both lives were a mess.
Chris waded through the mess and collected the whiskey from the floor
that had begun to collect dust. He studied the Macallan label for a
moment. The pent up anger inside of him allowed him to open the bottle
with ease. He tipped it upwards and then felt the alcohol surging down his
throat. It burned him for a moment but not enough to prevent him from
taking another heavy swig straight from the bottle.
His eyes welled up once more as he realised that his life was heading in
the same direction as his brother’s. The demons weren’t going to go
anywhere unless he took action himself. Things needed to change.

The clock had reached ten minutes past seven. Cage looked up at it with
a dejected sigh before turning to face the rest of the group, “Alright,
well, I’m not sure that my friend is gonna make it, so I think we’ll
just get started. I’m Calvin, but you can call me Cage if you prefer.
It is the name I had when I was out on the streets and inside, but
also the name I had when I turned my life around.
“I know how it feels. You spend so much time being made to feel
like you’re worthless and that you don’t matter so that when you
do get out, that’s all you know. It’s been drummed into your
brains. I’ve thought more about escaping the mental prison inside
my head since getting out than getting out of Rikers when I was
Cage paused, allowing that thought to ruminate between the group. Some
men nodded their heads in understanding, others seemed uninterested
entirely. “The trick is though that once you’re all settled, there’s
nothing that can stop you.”
Everyone turned towards the door of the
meeting room. They were taken aback by
the sight of Chris Peacock. He wore the
drug dealer’s fur coat with the hood up
and more alarmingly, brandished the
serrated blade up in front of his face.
As Chris adjusted the angle of his body, in
his left hand was the most-empty bottle of
Macallan that had been gifted to him by
Allen for Christmas. Cage, as the leader of
the group and seemingly the most
confident to deal with a situation such as
this, stepped up.
He approached Chris with his hands out in
front of him and spoke in a soft, slow
voice, “I don’t know what’s been goin’

on with you, Chris, but we can sort this out. We can talk about it.
That’s what we’re all here for. First though, you gotta put that
knife down. Don’t want anyone gettin’ hurt, do we?”
“Shut up, Cage,” murmured Chris. Despite how much he had drunk
(even with a few weeks of going cold turkey behind him), he was able to
speak in a scathing tone, “You think you’ve got it all figured out,
huh? Well, I got some real bad news for ya - you’re wrong, man!”
Cage kept his gaze fixated on the blade, but his eyes flitted to meet
Chris’s occasionally, “I could be, man. I could be. Let’s talk, without
the knife-”
Chris bellowed and lunged with the knife towards Cage, but not closely
enough that it would have made any contact had Cage not backed away.
“You’re going to do some listening now... don’t try anything,
either. You know what happened last time you tried to fuck with
me, Cage. I’m a totally different animal now.”
There was no objection from Cage to that statement. It was true that
Chris showed what was then a rare aggression when they fought in
Rikers, but he could tell by Chris’s eyes that a lot had happened to Chris
since. He wondered if the man he met two and a half years ago - the
oblivious dancing buffoon - still existed.
“Chris, I know you’re probably scared. A lot of shit has gone
down, but we can get through this. You’re not alone-”
“Alone?” Chris asked incredulously, “Don’t give me all of that bullshit
about being trapped in a prison cell and pass it off as acting like
you know what it’s like to be alone. I know about being alone...
okay, Cage? It is feeling so desperate for that one person that you
just know can solve all of your problems. It isn’t like fucking
prison, okay? There’s no end for this. I don’t know if this sentence
is for life or not.”
It was true. Chris didn’t know if Alyster was coming back, let alone when.
With Michelle looming in the distance - an impending doom - and the likes

of Marshall and Baxter to advance past if he was to even get that far, how
was he supposed to do it?
There was no one else to rely on. No one else that Chris could truly trust
to have his back and be able to come through for him. His brother is
supposed to fill that void. Instead, Drew was in an even more drunk
stupor than Chris was on a restaurant kitchen floor. The words that he
spoke to Drew before leaving the restaurant stuck in his head.
“You know, things won’t change unless you make them. If you do
nothing, it’s going to beat you.”
The room remained silent as Chris pondered on these words. Doing
nothing and allowing himself to be consumed with thoughts of facing
Michelle before a bell had even rung just meant that she’d already won.
Chris needed to make a change, and he would have to do it with or
without Alyster at his side. Beating Michelle last year is what made the
panic attacks stop... so he realised that he would have to just do it again.
Then after that, maybe Randy will have grown the balls to finally face
His realisation was interrupted by Cage, “Chris, remember. You’ve
overcome your adversity before. Even the strongest struggle.”
“The strongest don’t struggle, Cage. The strongest don’t just
survive, either. The strongest thrive.”
Chris lowered the knife and stepped closer to Cage, who was still
crouched down. Every eye in the room was on Chris as he placed the
whiskey down on the floor and reached into one of the coat pockets. A
few gasps were heard as Chris pulled out a bag of white powder and
dangled it in front of Cage’s face. Cage’s eyes locked onto the baggie and
widened. A devious smirk formed onto Chris’s face.
“Do it.”
There was no verbal response from Cage. He looked up at Chris in
confusion, who remained calm.
“Do it.”

“I don’t want to-”
“Do it.”
“This isn’t funny, Chris-”
Cage stopped as Chris directed the knife towards him; the edge of the
blade pointed against his broad chest.
“Am I laughing? DO IT!”
Some of the other group attendees tried to reassure Cage, but Chris
glared and scowled at them to bring them into submission also. With no
other option, Cage broke his sobriety and consumed the drugs in front of
the shocked collection of people. The only person who failed to see how
messed up this was was Chris Peacock.
Cage’s breathing quickened and he started to shake. Whilst all of this was
happening, tears formed in his eyes and began to flow down his face.
“Why... are you doing this?”
The return of his nightmares and panic attacks was frustrating enough,
but seeing his brother give into his alcoholism once again was the final
straw for Chris.
“It’s because, Cage, you are just like every one of these men in
this room. You’re weak. It was only a matter of time before you
craved and you caved, anyway. What I’ve learned is that no
matter how much you can want things or people to change, they
just don’t. Especially for people who have been subject to the
rehabilitation methods of the American prison system.
“Put on this mask all you want, but I know that deep down inside
you’re the same punk kid that got sent away in the first place.
Don’t fucking insult me and try to suggest otherwise. NOTHING!
Chris saw through his own deflection tactics. It ate him up from the inside
that once again, every word he was saying could also apply to himself. His
hypocrisy disgusted him. It was all that he could think to do, though. He
was the FWA World Champion; he was past the point where he could be

shown to be afraid of facing anyone. That includes the man that he would
be up against first in the F1 Climaxxx.
“There’s nothing you could have told me about Xavien Marshall
that I could not have figured out for myself, Cage. Xavien is a
thug. He would have been a thug when he went into jail and
nothing would have changed between then and now.
“It would be easy for me to talk about how I’m the one that’s the
former champion so that’s why I’m going to win. No, I’m not
going to beat Xavien Marshall because I have more accolades than
him. I’m not going to say that I’m going to beat him because he’s
never faced someone like me before. He has faced me before, but
that isn’t why, either.
“I’m going to win because unlike him, I have changed. The FWA
chewed me up and spat me out, leaving me like this. Xavien hasn’t
been through that yet. I remember when I was the new hot shit
on the block and everyone sucked my dick about how much of a
revelation I was. After me, it was Crowe, then Jeremy Best... it
goes on and on and it will always go on and on.
“The time came when all of us stopped being new and exciting
and we were forced into a change. Crowe had to fuck off for a year
and Jeremy abducted a guy. I lost big match after big match and
missed out on opportunity after opportunity until it broke my
“It’s all been sunshine and rainbows for Xavien so far... but I’m
going to show him what a real prison is when he steps into that
ring and he’s trapped with me. He’s the one that is going to be all
alone and desperate for someone to help him. Someone needs to
show him what this company is all about and what it does to a
person. The honeymoon period is over.
“What Xavien should really be focusing on now, is how he’s going
to bounce back. Because, I know better than anyone, once that
first big loss is in the books... it is a slippery, slippery slope. Whilst
he’s trying his best not to fall into obscurity, I’ll be making some
more changes to myself and this time after I’ve beaten her... she’s
going to be gone from my life for good. I promise.”

Every word of Chris’s monologue was listened to intently by those around
him but him sharing his feelings did not cut any of the tension and
uneasiness in the room. After all, he was waving a knife around the entire
time. Once he had stopped talking, Chris stood up straight and tapped the
knife against his cheek, seeming rather impressed with himself. “Hey,
you know what? Talking did help, actually.”
Chris allowed Cage to keep what was left of the cocaine and walked out of
the community center with a skip in his step. He did not believe for one
second that he would not be woken up by the same bad dream the
following morning. That was just a cross that he would have to bear until
The Grand March and his chance to vanquish Michelle once and for all. He
had made a promise to himself, but to keep it meant making it to the final
in the first place.
Xavien Marshall was not to be underestimated; even with his words inside
the community center fresh in his mind, Chris was very aware of this. But
what Xavien was probably not expecting is a Chris Peacock very much
focused on one singular goal, without any other distractions.
Winning the F1 Climaxxx.
Everything else could wait.
Chris was going to be alone on that edge in his nightmare that night. Only
this time, he was going to pull himself up.
A gentle breeze caused Chris’s fringe to brush against his forehead. He
smiled. The winds of change were blowing.

Aug 14, 2023
Reaction score

The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
with Xavien Marshall
(A Note: Dialogue colors for this promo are completely different, but you will pick up on them. I would list them but it would require spoilers.)

The couple’s first date had gone better than expected. She was nervous. It was her first date with a boy from another school. The two had met at a bowling alley only two weeks prior. He was standing with a large group of boys, the only one in a button-down shirt amongst a sea of suits. She had caught him looking more than a few times. After what seemed like hours, he finally approached.

In the midst of the Great Depression, accumulating enough money to court a woman was a challenge, but she was worth saving up for. He had noticed her across the bowling alley looking unremarkable. He would never tell her that, but despite it something about her captivated him once they made eye contact. Whenever her group entered the room, he regretted not wearing a suit to match his colleagues around him. Before long, he noticed that each time he had glanced in her direction, she was looking back.

When he finally approached, the connection between the pair was instantaneous. They talked about music, they talked about their lives, and in general, they talked. For hours, it seemed, on end. They had the same favorite song; Pennies from Heaven. They liked the same foods. Everything seemed carefully crafted and pieced together to bring them together.

Eventually their groups moved on respectively to the arcade, but the two of them sat fixated on each other until the night came to an end. Ignoring the sounds of the wooden lanes around them, they talked.

He had asked when he could see her again knowing the uncertainty of when he would be able to make due financially. He had been raised to embrace chivalry, there was no way he would take her out unless he could pay. She said she was free in two weeks. It was a relief. He could try to scrape up change in that time. He’d have to skip any Independence Day festivities, but it would be worth it for this girl.

Money wasn’t important to her. She was infatuated. She only wanted to spend time with him, and it didn’t matter if he bought her dinner or took her to a theater. The girl would have been content with anything.

He crafted a plan. He would take his bicycle to her neighborhood to save money. Then, they could get on a train and head downtown for the evening. He didn’t know what they would do from there, but he was confident he would figure it out.

She was happy with the time the two of them had thus far. He bought her dinner from a small diner near Tower City, and took the time to open the door for her as they went in. Nothing had served to sever the connection between them. The two young budding lovers decided to save money by going for a walk. A check of the watch told him that he had time to beat dusk if they moved quickly.

The sun rested over Lake Erie just as the two of them walked hand in hand down into the Flats district. As a child, his father had taken him to this very spot to go fishing. He had never seen anyone else there. Aside from being a tremendous spot for catching carp, the area offered a scenic view of the city. He had long thought it’d be a nice place to watch a sunset with the perfect girl.

The river flowed beneath them calmly. It was 6:12. The boy had calculated they would stay until 7:30 before they moved towards the train station. It would be ample time to beat nightfall. He found himself embarrassed. The view was perfect but he had failed to take into account the pollution in the river. It produced a sulfur smell, but she said it didn’t bother her.

They sat down on a wooden bench, hands still intertwined, and took in the scene around them silently. To their left, the Lake sat in the distance offering monotony in a picture that was dominated by the lone skyscraper at the center of the city. To their right, trees lined the area packing a dense landscape against the riverbank. They call it the Forest City for a reason, he supposed. The distant sounds of city life and the occasional ruffling bush or tree were all that interrupted their romantic chatter.

An hour and eighteen minutes passes quickly when encapsulated in conversation. Before he knew it, the sun seemed to have disappeared entirely behind the Lake, and they would have to walk a little faster to make it to the train. The couple embraced in the glimmer of scarce light reflecting from the muddy river before beginning their walk. The forest sat on their left now with the city on the right.

Even the weather had been perfect. The sky remained cloudless throughout the day and the temperature peaked at 81. As night began to fall, the temperature lowered to 70, yet for whatever reason a noticeable cold chill cut through the air.

Their strides were synchronized, a testament to the natural electricity between them as their shadows grew fainter and longer. This was perfect. That word kept running through her mind. Perfect. She gripped his hand tight and stopped. He reminded her that they needed to be brisk to make the train station before total darkness, but she didn’t care. The two shared one last kiss on the bank of the Flats with a complete disregard for the nightfall around them.

The girl broke the embrace and looked behind the boy she found herself falling in love with. There was something in the river that caught her eye. It floated slowly, bumping against the bank as it moved, and was stained in a dark brown. It was decidedly different from the rest of the pollution. It seemed fresh.

Without a word, she moved towards the river. He was confused, but elected to follow her. She stopped beside a burlap sack that was caught on some sticks. There was something curious about it. It was written across it “CHICKEN FEED” in spray paint. She could tell it was not chicken feed. Thoughtlessly, she reached down into the river and grabbed the sack. It was heavier than she expected.

Be a gentleman, he thought. He followed behind her and placed his hand beside hers on the sack. The two of them lifted it together and placed it on the riverbank. The bag drained of water as the two of them laughed curiously, excited to see what was in the bag.

The girl finally pried the two strings encircling the top of the sack open. Without hesitation, a wretched smell attacked her nostrils. She dropped the bag. The boy bent towards it, pushing past the smell to find the results of their discovery. She spoke, her voice a shriek that startled the boy as much as their findings.

“Oh my god. Is that a body?”


The Killer had hurried out of the forest as quickly as he came. His shoes were wet, which greatly annoyed him, but he needed to return home quickly. He was clean. All of the dirty work had been done at his house. No one questioned a man carrying chicken feed. It was a hard working city. His concern was being seen so near the site where he dumped his burlap sack of death.

Anxiety never truly sat in until the remains had been deposited. The discovery was out of his control, he could only leave it and wait. He had hoped someone would stumble upon it the next morning at sunrise, when all the Buffalo Company industrial steel workers arrived for their Wednesday morning shift. There was always a chance of a straggler making a late night find, though, and that was okay by him too. As long as he could get home soon. There was a teenage couple by the river. Would they be so curious to have checked with night overtaking the city around them?

Perhaps they would. The staging of the sack certainly looked out of place. It was exactly how the Mad Butcher wanted it. The bag seemed to float on the surface, bobbing up and down with a shape that gave away its contents to anyone who had seen the news. If the teenagers found it, though, he’d need to get out of the general area fast.

His brisk walk amongst his strategic thoughts was broken by the sound of sirens. He attempted not to show his interest peak, but now he was particularly excited. Round five, he said to himself. He was proud of his record. Undefeated. He hoped they’d realize quickly that it was another bout with the man who had terrorized the city and made headline news for over a year now.

He hoped that, despite the late hours, they’d send Eliot.

Logistics were more important than his assumptions now. The Killer sat down on a bench and began thinking about what his story would be if questioned, planning to offset his own paranoia. A mere two minutes later, a bus slowed to a stop in front of him. He didn’t even check the destination before he ascended the stairs. Smiling at the bus driver, he asked a singular question.

“South by Kingsbury Run?”

The bus driver nodded, collected his fare, and away they drove.

The detective’s Ford F8 tore down West 56th Avenue. The first time he had received a call like this, he had to take the train. Eliot wasn’t sure that he had given himself an advantage by purchasing the vehicle. More and more individuals were buying automobiles. He let that thought pass and instead focused on hoping that he’d see someone. Anyone. An inharmonious face in passing with close proximity to the discovery would be all he needed to take a suspect in.

It had been exactly one month since the last call. There had been a body with a recent newspaper attached discarded under the Lorain-Carnegie Bridge on June the 6th. The body, however, had been deceased for at least a year. These calls didn’t get any easier. The victims were dismembered. These calls were gruesome. Scarring even. The thought of another one made him think that maybe he should have taken the bribe money that he was offered in the 1920s.

Eliot slowly pulled the F8 across the railroad tracks and looked for a young couple. They had sprinted into the police department downtown only thirty minutes ago. The receptionist had driven them back to the site to meet with Eliot. Finally, he spotted another F8 parked near the river. He pulled his in beside it. The receptionist and the couple sat on a rugged bench down stream.

Eliot swung the door open swiftly without a look towards the teenagers. He had left his house in the middle of dinner to get here. He questioned how arrived before any on-duty officers. That would be an argument for a different day. Past the place where he parked he could see a burlap sack on the riverbank. He needed no other advice or directions.

Before he came face to face with whoever was in the bag, he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. The seasoned, untouchable detective pulled a stick from the pack and emblazoned it with a match. He took a deep inhale and proceeded down the bank.

The receptionist and the teenagers strode towards Eliot in the night, the faint glow of his cigarette illuminating his wool suit. The detective had the bag pulled open, its disturbing content strewn across the grass in front of him. He was taking notes as they approached.

In front of him laid a torso, and two thighs. No other body parts and more importantly - no head. Eliot seemed unphased, pulling on his cigarette to help illuminate his notepad further. The girl wretched as she approached, seeing the corpse in its entirety for the first time.

“Eliot, these two kids found the body. They told me their story. They seem like great kids and I think it was just being at the wrong place, at the wrong time. They didn’t see anyone, either. They’re going to tell you their story for more information.”

“There will be no need, Virginia. Their parents are likely quite perturbed by their lateness, would you run them home?”

“You don’t need to get a statement from them, Eliot?”

“No, ma’am, that won’t be required. You noted that they did not observe anyone anomalously wandering around, so there is not much more information I can acquire.”

Virginia nods to him. The kids flanking her sides turn away without pause, desperate to no longer see the crime scene delicately placed at Eliot’s feet. The three of them retreat to the department car that brought them here. They climb in as Eliot begins assembling the remains back into the sack in which he found them.

“Miss Virginia, w-was that… another victim of t-t-the T-Torso Murderer?” the girl asks.

“I’m afraid so, ma’am. Let’s try to forget about it. Where do you live? Let’s get you home.”


The Killer stepped off the bus a few streets over from his house. It was a calculated decision weighed heavily by paranoia. Would getting off of the bus a few streets over help befuddle Eliot and his team of detectives? Probably not, but it helped cure the feeling of the police department tight on his trail.

His house was one of modest taste, and he was thankful he had yet to lose it. The home displayed a block front with the A-frame evident on the sides. The front was made of cleanly maintained bricks, but the masonry on the sides was beginning to deteriorate. It was mostly devoid of neighbors, though one house sat nearby, it had been abandoned when the owner lost his job a few years prior.

The house was exceptionally warm when he entered. He moved to turn on a fan before darting towards the basement. The Killer unbolted a singularly pad-locked wood sheet, amateurly placed on hinges. Once inside, he flipped on a light switch and stepped towards a metal desk. The desk was a collage of notes tossed in no particular order to anyone but the man who penned them himself.

He opens up a pad of paper in front of him and begins to jot down notes. In the midst of writing, he remembers he has not yet named #5.

Trying to think, the Killer rises to his feet. He slowly walks to a large metal door on the side of the room. He takes in a smell. Nothing. He inhales deeply from his nose again, but smells nothing a second time. Finally, he places his hand on the door.

Cold as ice.

The Killer turns on his radio.


“And in sports, the Indians swept the St. Louis Browns in a double header yesterday in St. Louis by scores of 15-4 and 14-4. Roy Weatherly led the Tribe in the late game going 2 for 5 with 3 RBIs.”

The sports anchor was a deep-voiced man that The Killer enjoyed listening to. It was calm. It took him away from the calamity that he created for himself. Each night, he allowed the latest in news, music, and sports to drown out the creaks and trembles of the night before the Killer could convince himself it was the police outside his home. Baseball mattered not to him, but he found himself invested in the nightly scores.

“We have a breaking news bulletin being distributed by the Cleveland Police Department here. Again, this is breaking news here on WHK News on CBS Radio here in Cleveland. Authorities have uncovered a body in a burlap sack this evening in the Cuyahoga River at the Flats. This mirrors the June 6th discovery under the Lorain-Carnegie Bridge. Detectives at the station are attributing this to the Cleveland Torso Murderer. This will make the ninth victim of the Torso Murderer. Detectives have told us there is one development in the investigation. Based on the locations of the bodies found thus far with no trace of whoever left them, authorities believe the killer either lives or is staying in the Kingsbury Run area. If you are in this area, please stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially at night.”

The Killer’s focus shifts, listening intently to the nighttime special bulletin from his favorite radio host. Normally, he loves to hear the anchor tout his work. For the first time, however, the police department seems to have tightened the leash on him a bit. His mind races. Should he deposit the next body somewhere on the East side to throw them off? They would see right through it. It wouldn’t work. Perhaps he should flee from Kingsbury Run. There is too much in the house. The secret room. Someone would find it. Then, they’d trace it back to him. Did they say tenth victim? He hasn’t killed nine. Yet.

Do nothing, he says. Do nothing.


Eliot strikes another match and lifts it to his sixth cigarette. The various notes from different investigations lie in front of him, but Eliot pays them no mind. Three victims ago, he needed notes to compare the difference. Now it only took a look at the work of this vicious killer to attribute it to him. The department had lazily attributed a few deaths that Eliot found unlinked to the Torso Murderer, but he believed this to be the fifth victim. Media pressure creates problems like that, Eliot found it to be the hardest part of informing the public via radio.

There were two distinct possibilities that crossed the powerful detective’s mind. Either the murderer had taken a car north or taken a bus south. He had checked upon coming in to see if a bus had traveled North in the forty-five minute time frame between the discovery and his arrival on scene. There had not been a north bound bus at that time. The odds of the car were low, but certainly possible. After last month’s finding, would the man really walk down the street with a burlap sack in hand? He was bold.
Eliot surmised the most likely case was that the Killer took the bus to the south. It wasn’t certain, but it was the most probable outcome, so he rolled the dice. He opened a map and found the spot that was most likely to be far enough to take a bus but close enough to be a convenient trip to use the area as a dumping ground.

He settled on Kingsbury Run. Several bodies had been found there anyway. Then, he leaked the information to the news radio and newspaper sources who had contacted him. He hoped that he would accomplish one of two things.

The first option was that the Killer would strike again and dump the body somewhere in farther proximity from the west side. With the public on high alert, he would try to track him down during the commute back before he got home and make the arrest.

The second option was that the Killer would flee his home. With the information given, Eliot hoped the neighbors would find this suspicious and be able to turn over more information.

This was the first time he felt that he had a strategy in this investigation. At times, it felt like the Torso Murderer was mocking him. Just as he allowed that thought in his head, he became aware of a note on his desk. It was written on a torn out sheet of paper from a flip pad. He opened it up, completely uninformed on its origins.


He pondered the signature. CD. Surely that wouldn’t be initials, would it? He picked the note up and rubbed his hand across it. Now his mind was spinning. This was the closest concrete lead he had, yet his investigation still had not given him any certain direction in which to travel. His first order of business was to find the origin of the note.

It was a bad time to be the only lawman in the office. He needed answers.


The Killer pushed his frame back through his front door and onto his small front porch, sitting down on the top step and lighting a cigarette. He preferred not to smoke inside the house, the smell made him less aware of any scents he might need to take care of before leaving.

He pondered the news bulletin from the radio once more. He instructed himself to think like a detective. Place yourself inside his head and figure out what he’s thinking.

The note he had managed to get in the office could not have been traced to his residence. He simply placed it underneath a folder that he knew would make its way to Eliot’s desk. Its purpose was to further the mental warfare between himself and the lead detective. The initials he used were a ploy. Chop Department. He found it witty. There was a lot of pleasure to be had in a chess match against an untouchable detective.

The deranged man, The Killer, was not ashamed of how much he enjoyed killing. The first time was not planned.

There was a man on the corner of the street playing an aged guitar. In front of him sat a cup, collecting change to try and eat. No one gathered around the man, but his simple riff appeased the Killer greatly. It felt like a peaceful audio bliss reverberating through the air on a peaceful September night.

The Killer had decided to offer to take him home and feed him. It was a rare act of kindness, but the Killer himself had fallen on hard times before. Nobody cared. It gave him a visceral feeling of kindness to help this man.

Once back at his house, the man explained that he had no family. His grandfather had died, his parents were never present. He was 29 years old. He had once worked as an orderly at a psychiatric hospital, but due to the state of the economy, he had fallen on hard times. He even offered to clean the house in order to earn the food that was being given to him. The Killer declined. Without the presence of his musical ensembles, The Killer found himself less enthused by this guest.

“What’s your name?” The Killer asked.

“Edward.” he responded.

The Killer couldn’t quite explain it, but he hated that name. The very sound of it rolling off of the desperate man’s tongue made him queasy at his stomach. So he changed it.

“You’re Jerry now.”

The man was perplexed by the suggestion, but The Killer was adamant his guest struck him as a Jerry. The man unwillingly agreed, ultimately deciding that this man who was feeding him this evening could call him whatever he wanted in exchange for a hot meal.

The Killer brought him a plate of food and Jerry scoffed it down. The sight disgusted The Killer. He could no longer stand to look at Jerry. He got up silently and walked to the kitchen, tossing his half-full plate into the metal sink with an audible clank.

The Killer would have admitted that he had an anger problem prior to this night with Jerry. Now, it was best to keep his cards to his chest and avoid speculation that his deep hatred could manifest itself in a city-wide terror spree. His childhood was good. The descent came when he was faced with tough decisions as a teenager. As a result, he became embattled and living life on the wrong side of the law.

After a few moments, the man re-emerged from the kitchen, he had stepped away to try to calm himself down. He had succeeded, until Jerry spoke.

“What the fuck is up with you dude?”
Rage seethed within The Killer. He had given this man a gift and now he was being challenged. Before Jerry could speak, The Killer fired a knee directly into his nose, knocking him out. Instant paranoia took over The Killer. What had he done? He grabbed the man’s head and pulled him down the stairs into the basement. He found two pieces of rope and tied the man to a steel pole running down the middle of the basement for support.

Soon thereafter, Jerry awoke to find the man watching him. A tear rolled down his face as he realized he was tied down. This brought The Killer great joy. He didn’t speak, instead watching Jerry try to pry himself loose. The ropes were too tight and their pressure rubbed the skin from Jerry’s wrists. When he finally gave up, The Killer kneed him once more in the face, sending his head on a vicious path towards the concrete floor.

The Killer went upstairs and retrieved the largest butcher knife in his collection.

Edward Andrassy, known in his dying moments as Jerry, was found dead two days later on East 49th Street at a dead end known as Jackass Hill. His body was dismembered. The official cause of death was listed as decapitation. His head was found thirty feet from his body.

It was the greatest thrill of The Killer’s life.

The time for reminiscing had ended. The Killer’s cigarette had almost burnt out. What was Eliot thinking? He knew Eliot was brilliant. There was a method to this decision. He decided that he was trying to force The Killer to move. He made an estimation on where he lived because Jerry had been dumped so close to his house, right here in Kingsbury Run. Then, earlier tonight, Eliot had realized the easiest way for the man to get out of the Flats unseen was to go south in the direction of Kingsbury Run. His original thoughts were likely spot on. He wanted to flush him out and get him out of his comfort area.

It wasn’t going to work.

The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run retreated into his home and turned the radio back on, allowing the sounds of Benny Goodman and His Orchestra to drown out any sound outside the house that would initiate his intense paranoia.


The detective arrived at a house he thought was Virginia’s at 10:48. It was late, but Eliot needed information now. He scaled the four steps leading to the front door and tapped a light knock, just enough to alert the residents without scaring them. A man answered the door and, recognizing Eliot, invited him in. He beckoned Virginia from upstairs where she had just changed clothes to prepare for bed.

Virginia: “Eliot, what are you doing here?”

Eliot: “I found a note in my office, Virginia, and I suspect it’s from our killer. Do you know where it came from and how it got on my desk?”

Virginia: “No, sir, I do not. What did it say?”

Eliot: “It was a hollow threat. The murderer is trying to scare me. He signed it as CD, though.”

Virginia: “CD? Does that have any significance to you, Eliot?”

Eliot: “No, it doesn’t. What I don’t understand is how a note gets onto my desk without our receptionist having seen it.”

Virginia paused trying to contemplate the very question that Eliot had asked. She had no explanation either.

Virginia: “Sir, I have no idea. I brought your morning update files from my desk this morning. There was a folder about an armed robbery that the department felt needed your attention, but there wasn’t a note.”

The story clicked with Eliot.

Eliot: “I have made sense of it now. An armed robbery is specifically something that would be given to me, given our crackdown on such crimes and that became newsworthy due to the rise of those crimes, correct?”

Virginia: “Yes, sir.”

Eliot: “This individual has somehow gained access to your desk and, realizing it would reach me, put this note amongst the folders.”

Virginia: “But, sir, how would the murderer have gotten access to my desk without me there?”

Eliot: “I figure a variety of possibilities. The first being that the individual is an employee of our very courthouse.”

Virginia: “Eliot, sir, that scenario is particularly terrifying.”

Eliot: “It makes sense, however, ma’am. The perpetrator would feel protected as he would know all the information relating to the investigation. He could even have a key to my office in the case of a custodial worker. He could read it and find out if we’re close to him.”

Virginia: “What other possibilities have you considered? Most of our custodial staff are quite friendly. While it is possible, I would like to hear other options.”

Eliot: “Well, the other is most broad. The courthouse is vast. Inside it, we have courtrooms, county clerks, city clerks, and many other things. The high volume of individuals in and out of the courthouse on a Tuesday must be in the thousands.”

Virginia: “No, sir, there is no court on Tuesday. That drastically reduces the possibilities.”

Eliot ponders this for a moment, placing his fingers across his chin.

Eliot: “What is the source of most traffic on Tuesdays, Virginia?”

Virginia: “Sir, today was the first Tuesday of the month. The entire building staff schedules their weeks very selectively to avoid overcrowding at the courthouse. To my memory, Tuesday’s are open for regular city clerk business but not county. Other than that, I believe on the first Tuesday of each month the Probation and Parole offices have their meetings with offenders who see them monthly.”

This information turned on the light bulb inside Eliot’s head.

Eliot: “Who are the monthly offenders?”

Virginia: “Monthly offenders are usually the parolees. Probation offenders are usually weekly, if my memory serves, do you have anything with that?”

Eliot: “Parolees, so felonies.”

Virginia: “That’s correct, sir.”

Eliot: “I’m going back to the office, would you like to come along?”

Virginia: “Come along, sir? It is nearly 11pm. I will come if you wish, but why?”

Eliot: “Virginia, we have proof that the Torso Murderer might have been in our office this morning. We don’t have any proof that he ever left. Grab your gun.”


The Killer was furious when he heard the news proclaim his victim as Edward. It left a sour taste in his mouth. The man was Jerry. He got to make that decision, not them. So, The Cleveland Torso Murder took matters into his own hands. He found his next victim on the street. A large number of men had stood in front of a bar for some time as the predator watched his prey from afar. Minutes later, a brawl began. The men rumbled with each other until one man was standing. The bouncer emerged from the bar and sent the crowd scrambling. The Killer watched the man who was left standing intently.

The winner of the brawl started walking west, and without knowing, was trailed by no members of the fight but only the man responsible for the sickening murder on East 49th.

He didn’t waste time with a story to reign him in, he stepped behind him and cracked the man over the skull with his elbow.

After taking him home and dismembering him for pleasure, he returned to the very spot where he took Jerry. He had brought oil this time and burned the body until he felt it was unidentifiable.

On the walk home, The Killer took pleasure in what he had done. He also took pleasure in knowing that he had ruined any chance of the police identifying the man. You’d call him nothing, or you’d call him what The Killer had deemed him.

He would sleep a little sweeter knowing his victim only as Kenny.


Eliot stormed back into the office, his footsteps echoing in the eerily quiet courthouse, while Virginia followed hesitantly, her grip tight on her service pistol. Eliot's eyes darted around sharply, scanning every corner and shadow with heightened alertness. The two moved down the hallway, their steps measured and silent, pressing their backs against the cool, sterile wall. Eliot's gaze was fixed intently ahead, while Virginia's eyes flicked constantly over her shoulder, ensuring nothing crept up on them from behind.

Reaching the elevator, they paused, exchanging a brief, wordless glance. With a careful push of the button, they waited. The elevator dinged softly, its doors sliding open with a slow, mechanical whir. Eliot whirled around with his pistol drawn. The elevator was empty. They stepped inside, their bodies tense, ready to react at the slightest provocation.

As the elevator ascended, the hum of its machinery accounted for the only sound, and the numbers above the door flicked upwards with a quiet beep. Eliot positioned his back away from the doors with Virginia behind him. He didn’t speak, but nodded his head to the right. When the elevator halted on the third floor, the doors opened with a soft chime. Eliot stepped out first looking right with his left protected by the door, then turned sharp back left to scan the hallway. Virginia followed him out, securing their right side. The third-floor corridor stretched out before them, dimly lit and eerily quiet. The pair of police workers moved down the hall until they reached the last door on the left.

Eliot stormed through it, once again scanning right to left then allowing Virginia to take over securing the right side. Virginia flipped the light on as she entered. He glanced behind the glass of the Probation and Parole desk, not seeing anything amiss. Eliot opened his keys up and used the door as a shield.

A sound startled both of them, and Eliot pushed the door to the receptionist desk open. The glass left them exposed, but the door provided some shield. Once again, someone audibly moved at the end of the hallway.

Eliot: “Lock the door, position yourself in the back left corner. You can see everything from there. I’ll knock twice when it’s clear. Unless it’s me, shoot first and ask questions later. I’ll be back.”

Virginia: “Eliot, no!”

Eliot: “I will handle this, it’s likely a custodian.”

Virginia: “We don’t know that they’re safe either.”

Eliot disregarded her last statement and pulled the door open once more and glanced out. To his left, the locked door to the lobby sat unmoved. To his right, a hallway ran straight backwards, lined by doors on each side. He moved out of the door and closed it, then pressed his back against the 90 degree angle with doors to his left or right.


A custodian emerged from one of the offices down the hall. His hands were raised and he had opted to leave his mop bucket behind. His face showed surprise of having a pistol pointed directly between his eyes.

The Custodian: “Eliot, it’s me, Ricky, what’s going on man?”

Eliot: “There’s a lot going on right now, Ricky, I need you to walk towards me with your hands up. I’m serious, Ricky. If you put your hands down, I will fire.”

Ricky listens closely to the instructions and begins to walk slowly towards Eliot. His legs tremble with each step, his nervousness evident as he moves toward the department’s lead detective.

Eliot: “Stop where you are and place your hands against the wall.”

Ricky complies, turning to the wall in front of him and placing his hands on it. Eliot fires two knocks into the receptionist office door and signals clear. Virginia emerges with her gun drawn.

Eliot: “Stand behind me while I frisk him.”

Eliot begins patting his arms carefully. He moves under his arms, around his chest, and down his torso. He meticulously moves down his legs, checking Ricky’s pockets, then asks him to raise his feet so he can check his shoes. Eliot steps back and peers into an office.

Eliot: “Anybody else back here?”

Ricky: “Uhhh, no, sir. I’m the only one on duty tonight.”

Eliot: “I’m fucking serious, Ricky, if I see one other person in this building I will fill your fucking ass full of bullets before you have a chance to make an excuse. I want to ask again, is anyone else back here?”

Ricky’s voice shakes as he responds.

Ricky: “No, sir.”

Eliot: “Back to the reception desk, now.”

Virginia walks backward towards the receptionist desk, gun still fixated on Eliot. They step inside the office and Eliot takes a place in the chair.

Ricky: “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

Eliot: “Ricky, we have reason to believe the Torso Murderer has been in this building today. I’m playing the odds, there’s a good chance that he was a parolee in here.”

Ricky: “I appreciate the information, but why did that result in me being frisked?”

Eliot: “Because I could be wrong, Ricky. In which case, it could be anyone who works here or came into the city clerk's office. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I apologize.”

Eliot pulls open the drawers of the desk, his movements swift. He rummages through files, spreading them out across the desk's surface, his eyes skimming over the names in search of something, anything, familiar. He recalls none of them. The files, now scattered in disarray, are left where they lay as he continues his frantic search through the mounting piles of documentation.

Then, his hand pauses on a folder marked 'July Daily Logs.' With a flicker of hope, he flips it open and starts scanning the names listed inside. Ninety-four parolees had visited the office that morning – a number that seemed high, yet was the narrowest window of potential suspects he had encountered so far.

Eliot: "Virginia and Ricky, I’m going to read names off. I need you to grab the files here with those names and help me transport them to my office. I’ll handle the ones in the middle, you guys get the sides."

He begins to recite the list. There's no apparent streamline to this process. Together, the three of them delve into the sea of folders, methodically checking off each name on the list.


Intense paranoia first enveloped The Killer the moment he learned that the police department had assigned Eliot to his case. Eliot's reputation preceded him – he was, in a word, untouchable. His fame had skyrocketed during his relentless pursuit of a bootleg moonshiner in Chicago during Prohibition. It was there he famously turned down a nine million dollar bribe to abandon his investigation. And now, the object of Eliot’s focus was The Killer.

Initially, panic had seized The Killer's mind. But as a full day elapsed without any groundbreaking progress from Eliot, he began to regain his composure. He obsessively ran through every possible scenario in his head, confidently concluding that there was no tangible link between him and his victims, Jerry or Kenny. They were merely victims of circumstance.

By the time two days had passed, a transformation had occurred in The Killer's mindset. The situation morphed into a game. He began to toy with the idea of how he could continue his fun of dismembering individuals for sheer pleasure while simultaneously outsmarting Eliot.

A burning desire ignited within him – he wanted to send a message, to taunt Eliot, to make it clear that he, too, was a force to be reckoned with. In his mind, he was the untouchable one, not Eliot.


Eliot's desk transformed into a strategic command center, with a designated area for the files of violent offenders who had checked into the parole office on that fateful day. He delved into their files with a furious attention, scribbling notes on each one, comparing their histories and tendencies to the grisly specifics of the Torso Murders.

Virginia: “What do we need to focus on?”

Eliot: “I’m looking for violent offenders. Assault, stabbing, anything involving a knife. I’d like to put an extra emphasis on anyone who would be decidedly anti-police. Assault on an officer would be a red flag. For good measure, anyone with the initials CD should go to the top of the list.”

Virginia: “Have any of the victims come back as ex-officers?”

Eliot: “No. It’s evident that this murderer is taking pride in attempting to bamboozle or play games with me. Perhaps it is related to a hatred towards cops. It’s a longshot theory, but it is one I’m willing to give extra credence to.”

The trio continued sifting through the mountain of paperwork, carefully segregating the special stack for violent offenders. The task was daunting and time-consuming, but Eliot felt the pressure of time. The Torso Murderer was growing increasingly daring with each passing day.

Virginia: “I’m not seeing a lot of parolees who might have an anti-police agenda in my stack.”

Ricky: “Me neither, aside from going to prison to begin with.”

Eliot: “Just keep looking.”

The task carried an unspoken urgency. Time was of the essence. Eliot wanted to focus, to work without the distraction of conversation. The sooner they could wrap up for the night, the better. But a realization that they likely wouldn’t be finished before the dawn of their next shifts floated in the back of his mind. The race against the clock, against an increasingly emboldened killer, was on.


The Killer's third act was, in his eyes, somewhat unremarkable compared to his previous exploits. However, it held a unique twist: he had been engaging in casual conversations with his next intended victim, a man he regularly encountered on the street. Their discussions were mundane, often touching on everyday topics. It was during one of these exchanges that the topic of the recent, brutal murders surfaced. The man's offhand remarks about the violence and gruesomeness of the killings inadvertently sowed a seed of suspicion in The Killer's mind. From that moment, he earmarked the man as his next target, biding his time for the perfect opportunity.

That opportunity presented itself not long after, on a day when the streets were unusually quiet, and the man was alone. The Killer approached him with a familiar greeting, resuming their small talk with a practiced ease. Through their previous conversations, he had gleaned that the man led a solitary life, with few friends and his family far away in St. Louis. He was a better candidate than The Killer had even hoped. He invited him to come over to his house for the evening.

Instead of resorting to his usual method of attack, The Killer chose a more deceptive approach. He invited the man to his basement under the pretense of listening to the radio in his basement. Throughout their interaction, he realized he had never bothered to learn the man's real name, nor did he have any desire to. Indifferently, he decided to refer to him as Konchu, a name that generated in his mind for reasons unknown even to himself, but one that strangely seemed to suit the man in his mind.

As the two listened to the Indians game, The Killer stepped behind the chairs in front of the radio and grabbed his butcher knife. In one swing of his arm, he decapitated Konchu. He drained the blood into an oil pan in his basement before he sliced the legs from the body. He burnt the legs and disregarded the torso near a railroad track where it would be easily found. Then, as he drove down the tree-lined roads of the suburbs, he tossed the head out into the forest.

Victim number four was plain in appearance, yet distinct with his tattoos – a regular face near Kingsbury Run, often seen lingering outside the not-so-stealthy surplus of bootleg casinos, his hand outstretched for just one more dollar to gamble with.. The Killer felt a sense of satisfaction with this one. He had often noticed him, but it wasn't until one late evening that he truly caught The Killer's attention.

That night, the man, who The Killer had already named Cyrus in his mind, emerged from the casino, his face lit from the thrill of victory. He had hit a streak of luck, finally winning a substantial jackpot - fifteen-hundred dollars. As Cyrus excitedly, but quietly, shared the news of his fortunes, he clutched The Killer's shoulders in a grip of exhilaration, a new plan began to take shape in the murderer's mind. He didn't need the money himself, but the idea of claiming this unexpected prize was irresistibly enticing – it would be a trophy. A championship, per se.

Quickly adapting to the situation, The Killer concocted a scheme. Cyrus owed money to various individuals, debts accumulated from countless evenings of panhandling on the streets.Shifting into the role of a concerned acquaintance, The Killer offered to accompany Cyrus home, to protect him from individuals who had loaned him fifty cents but might try to collect interest had they learned of his winnings.

Under the guise of needing to fetch a jacket due to the night chill, The Killer skillfully lured Cyrus into his home. The streets outside were enveloped in darkness, and the air carried a crisp, cold edge that made the excuse seem legitimate. Cyrus, unsuspecting and convinced this stranger who he had oft encountered was looking out for him, followed The Killer inside.

No sooner had Cyrus crossed the threshold than he was abruptly and brutally assaulted. A swift, powerful kick to his face caught him completely off guard, leaving him no time to comprehend what had occurred to him.

Cyrus's end was as grim as The Killer's previous victims. Decapitated. Dismembered. Drained of all blood. His remains were callously discarded beside the desolate railroad tracks. This time, however, The Killer departed from the scene with a little more than just the thrill of the kill; he was leaving a little richer.

The money was not his motivation, it was only an added perk.


Eliot was teetering on the brink of exhaustion, his resolve wearing thin. The sheer volume of profiles he had taken notes on was overwhelming, their details blurring into an indistinguishable mass. The task ahead – to personally interview nearly fifteen suspects – loomed over him like an insurmountable climb. Each of these individuals, whose only apparent guilty action was adhering to their parole office visits. It was impossible to do it quickly.

There was another cloud of doubt lingering over his head. He understood the gravity of what it meant to cast aspersions of mass murder, particularly at such a late hour.

Fueled by a hasty moment of frustration and fatigue, Eliot's hand acted on its own accord. With a singular, fluid motion born from pent-up tension, he flung the folder he had been holding onto the desk.

Eliot: “Let’s go home.”

Virginia: “Eliot, we’re just beginning to make progress.”

Eliot: “Let’s think about this logically, Virginia. We have eighteen suspects thus far that are violent offenders. That means, if we didn’t uncover a single other one, we’d have to interview eighteen people. Eighteen people who the only evidence against them is that they came here today and there happened to be a note on my desk. Each of these interviews would take at minimum an hour. We can’t do this tonight. It’s best to start over in the morning.”

Virginia: “Unfortunately, you’re right, but what if the Torso Murderer strikes again?”

Eliot: “There’s no blood on our hands in that case, Virginia. We have done all we can. There isn’t any possible scenario that we could conduct interviews and nab our suspect before morning. It’s best to go home and get some sleep. Ricky can be on the lookout for anything out of place here.”

Virginia: “Oh Eliot, I can’t imagine how defeated you must feel.”

Eliot pondered the sentiment that Virginia shared, but he didn’t agree with it.

Eliot: “I haven’t been defeated at all. I am defeat for this individual. When I find him, he loses this little game he has invited me to. His little mistake, assuming I wouldn’t put the pieces together with the note, will likely lead to me narrowing the list of everyone in Cleveland to around twenty-five people. That’s a list I can navigate through quickly, but not tonight. I am untouchable, and I will win this game.”

Virginia's expression softened into a smile, one that was tinged with admiration. She had always been drawn to Eliot's unwavering resilience, a trait that shone through even in moments of frustration like this. The moniker 'Untouchable' wasn't just a nickname; it was a testament to his integrity and dedication, qualities that the entire department deeply respected.

She had observed Eliot, noticing the subtle changes in his demeanor that came with each successful case solved. There was a certain strut, a swagger in his step, that emerged whenever he unraveled the puzzle pieces of a challenging investigation. It was a physical manifestation of his inner certainty.

The tales of his incorruptibility during the Prohibition era were well-known among his colleagues. Stories of how he had flatly refused the bribes in his commitment to enforce the law had circulated, further solidifying his status as a paragon of virtue in a profession often mired in moral ambiguity. Eliot was a living legend.

Eliot: “Besides, most of these murders have been at least a month apart.”

That fact quelled all concerns Virginia had. If the greatest detective the world had ever seen was content to call it a night, so was she.


The Killer hadn't yet had time to fully savor the aftermath of his latest crime and romanticize the details. The thrill of his encounter with Cyrus had lingered longer than usual, leaving him uncertain about when the urge to kill would resurface. Yet, fate, or rather his own twisted inclinations, didn't allow for much of a respite. Just a month later, a new opportunity presented itself. He was content to drift in life’s winds, but those winds had led him to a man he had crossed paths with only days before. While the script was mostly unchanged, each act brought its own challenges.

This victim, whom he dubbed Alyster, was more reserved, more cautious. It took a delicate blend of cunning and patience to draw him out, to engage him in conversation, and ultimately to coax him into the house. The Killer prided himself on his ability to adapt and evolve with each encounter, and this one was no different. Alyster’s quietness was a wall, but before long, The Killer had shattered it.

As he methodically dismembered his latest victim, The Killer conversed with him, or rather with himself, reflecting on the peculiar challenge Alyster had presented. He took his time with this one, meticulously dissecting the anatomy over two days.

In his basement, a trophy remained – Alyster's head, stored in a makeshift cooler he had constructed behind the big metal door in his basement. But the rest of the body was dropped off and found quickly, almost too quickly.

The day had been an eventful one. He thought about the note once more. Chop Department. It was hilarious, the more he considered it. He then thought about how he thought Eliot would respond to it.

First, he would question how it got into his office. He would realize how unlikely it was for someone to have snuck in and placed it there. So he’d ask the receptionist and she’d explain what letters she brought into his office. He would then start to place the pieces together, surmising that while he was out and the receptionist was away from her desk, someone slipped that little note into his folders.

He was guessing, but he felt he had grasped Eliot now, that he could think inside his mind for him.

The Killer thought more about the note.

Eliot would probably try to track down who had come through the courthouse today. Then he’d be delighted to learn that Tuesday was state parolee day, meaning ex-convicts had been in and out of the building all day long. Then he’d begin gathering information on what parolees had been there today, trying to narrow the list down and find his suspect.

Which is exactly how The Killer telegraphed it. What Eliot would not account for is a parolee who no longer had regular visits could walk around the courthouse without causing alarms. Previously, he’d been there often on Tuesdays.

Now, he was free to show up on Tuesdays, deliver his note, and cast the blame indirectly on every parolee who had walked through the office and signed in. He had no official visit, he had not signed in.

At this juncture, The Killer now contemplated how his latest ploy might have unfolded in Eliot's world. He considered two distinct scenarios. In the first, he imagined Eliot discovering the note earlier that afternoon, finding himself amidst a flurry of activity as he followed up on leads, only to be interrupted by the grim news of another body. This would have set Eliot on a frantic path, chasing down potential leads under the cloak of night.

Alternatively, The Killer envisioned a second sequence: Eliot, occupied with work outside the office, only returning later to stumble upon the note in the wake of the body's discovery. This revelation would have kickstarted a rapid response from Eliot. He was a go-getter, a do-it-now type of detective. His investigative instincts would propel him into immediate action, undoubtedly beginning with a call to his receptionist to initiate a thorough inquiry.

Weighing these possibilities, The Killer felt a confidence in his ability to predict Eliot's current whereabouts. Either Eliot was out in the city, interviewing innocent parolees in the middle of the night, or he had opted for a more patient approach, planning to pursue his leads at the break of dawn.

A smile crept across The Killer's face as he considered the likelihood of Eliot venturing into the far east side of the city at such a late hour for what might be baseless interviews. He was impatient, but he was no dumb cop. The paranoia that had once smothered The Killer had vanished. He hypothesized that Eliot was safely ensconced in the comfort of his upscale home, nestled comfortably in his fancy house in a fancy neighborhood, undoubtedly convinced that the morning would bring him closer to apprehending the notorious Cleveland Torso Murderer.

To The Killer, Eliot embodied defeat, a looming presence that he had, thus far, skillfully evaded. This game of cat and mouse, this dance with destiny, only reinforced his belief in his invincibility. He wouldn't – couldn't – be caught.

Feeling a wave of relaxation wash over him, The Killer felt the arrogance to work once again. He rose from his chair, slipping his feet into a pair of shoes, and strode across the cracked concrete sidewalks.

His destination was a club nestled in the shadows of Kingsbury Run. Arriving, he casually pulled out a pack of cigarettes and leaned against the club's wall, waiting for one specific person to emerge.


The disheveled man stepped out of the club right with perfect timing. His wait had been brief, no more than twenty minutes. This man, a familiar figure in the nightlife hub brimming with bars, clubs, and casinos, had been under The Killer's watchful eye for some time. He had identified him as a close acquaintance of Alyster, though their relationship was never explicitly acknowledged even when The Killer had asked. Night after night, he had observed them leaving together from this very spot.

Assuming a guise of authority, The Killer approached the man with a fabricated urgency.

The Killer: "Hey, man. I need you to come with me. I’m a detective working with Eliot. Did you hear about Al- uh, I was told the man’s name might be Alan. I was told you guys were friends.”

The man, caught off guard, responded with a puzzled tone,

The Club-Goer: “Alan? Who are you talking about?”

Seizing the moment, The Killer described Alyster, spinning a tale about the police suspecting him to be the latest victim of the infamous Torso Murder. He watched the man's reaction closely, silently praying he wouldn’t ask for a badge or identification. His confidence was palpable as he weaved a story about a secret surveillance spot a few streets over, asserting that the man would have to come willingly or be compelled by a warrant.

The man, convinced by The Killer's confident demeanor and plausible story, hesitantly agreed to follow.

They moved quickly through the dark streets, the man unknowingly in the company of the very murderer he sought to evade. Upon reaching the house, The Killer maintained his charade. He rapped on the door in a calculated pattern before partially opening it and loudly announcing an officer's arrival to an empty house. He ushered the man inside.

Without a word, The Killer motioned for the man to descend the basement steps. He followed, unlocking the heavy wooden plank that served as a makeshift door. The darkness of the basement awaited them. The Killer stepped back, allowing his guest to enter what he thought was a police surveillance room first.

As the man stepped forward, The Killer struck with swift brutality, kicking him squarely in the back. The force of the kick sent the man stumbling into the support beam at the center of the room. The metal produced a thud and a clingy, echoed as his body fell onto the floor. As he crumpled to the ground, his hands instinctively reached for the gash now bleeding on his forehead. Blood began to drip on the concrete floor. It certainly wasn’t the first time.

The Killer reached for his rope and pulled the man’s left arm back behind his body, tightly knotting it to the pole that had split his forehead open. He then repeated the process with the other arm. He smiled at the man, evident that his head was spinning.

It was not in the plans for the man to not get to enjoy The Killer’s activities, so he went upstairs. He glanced around his kitchen and opened the cabinet for a snack. This was routine for him now, as routine as a bag of potato chips. He finished his snack and walked back down the darkened steps, once again unlocking his door.

He watched the man squirm.

The Man: “It was you, wasn’t it? You killed Robert!”

The Killer squinted his eyebrows down in confusion.

The Killer: “I… I do not know Robert. Perhaps you are referring to your friend that was found earlier? His name is Alyster. I get to assign the names here.”

The Man began to realize his fate. He tried to hide his emotion, but it wasn’t possible. He spoke with tears in his eyes.

The Man: “Why do you do this?”

The Killer looked at him. He did it because it was fun. He did it because he could. Normal people could not do what he did. This was the first time he had had a conversation in the midst of these exchanges, but he wasn’t going to answer any questions. This was his time, not time for a victim to conduct an interview.

The Man: “You killed Rob- uh, Alyster. I don’t know why I have to die too. You don’t even know me, man. You just saw me out… Can you just answer one question? So I can know before I die.”

The prompt puzzled The Killer, he tilted his head to the side, inviting him to ask without directly telling him to do so.

The Man: “Who are you?”

Who am I? What a senseless question, The Killer thought. Have you seen the news? Everyone knows who I am. I am the man that evades defeat. I am the man who is undetectable to the Untouchable Eliot, he thought. He refused to satisfy this victim with a chat, but he made the decision to gloat.

“I, sir, am a man of many names. You may have heard me called The Cleveland Torso Murderer. I find it too direct. My personal favorite is The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run. It has a… distinct eloquence to it, wouldn’t you agree?”

The Killer reaches for his butcher knife, electing to end both the small talk and halt delaying the start of the process of dismemberment.

“But, you sir, can call me Xavien.”

Xavien raises the knife to his right, ready to slash across the man’s throat and watch his head topple to the ground and officially become his next victim.

“And I will call you… Chris.”


Please Scroll Down For Notes

Warning: The Next Page Leaves Kayfabe

Historical Notes

This promo is based off of real life events that transpired in Cleveland between 1935-1939. The Torso Murderer claimed somewhere between 10-20 murders, and many parts of this promo are historically accurate. I wanted to share those for those of you who appreciate history.

  1. The initial discovery in the first sections is based on the discovery of a John Doe V on July 6th, 1937. The weather used in those scenes is accurate as are the Cleveland Indians scores and Roy Weatherby’s statistics are real, but those games were played on July 5th.
  2. Both names I used as “real names” of victims before Xavien renamed them to past opponents names are real names, although Robert Robertson is not officially confirmed to be a victim of the Torso Murderer. Most victims were never identified.
  3. The Eliot character is, of course, based on Eliot Ness. Ness was credited with capturing Al Capone in the 1920s, famously refusing to take a nine million dollar bribe. His unit was called The Untouchables and has been the subject of many documentaries. Ness is also mentioned in “California Love” by Tupac.
  4. The order of the victims are not accurate, I skewed those to fit the scenarios I wanted to use as needed.
  5. The dividers in between the sections do NOT feature an image of a corpse, instead it features the death mask of John Doe II aka The Tattooed Man.
  6. The conclusion of the real story has never been written and likely will never be. The case remains unsolved.
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Tales from…

A Bellatrix Bordeaux Story.

Volume One - Chasing the Dream


Beautiful Relaxing Music - Stop Overthinking, Stress Relief Music, Sleep Music, Calming Music #18

The scene opens to the sights and sounds of a nature-filled paradise that looks to be straight out of a fairytale movie. Birds swoop around, chirping happily and looking to be playing a game of tag as they dart in between the leaves and branches of massive, majestic trees, whose branches dance with the aid of a breeze. We follow little drops of water drip from the leaves and land onto the grass bed below, a few drops hitting the head of a beautiful white-furred bunny rabbit, who flinches at the impact of water-on-head, before wiping the moisture off of its noggin and scurrying over to a motley crew of cute and majestic creatures, who seems to welcome the little rabbit as one of their own.

As the motley crew scurry, hop, gallop and run along the grassy floor, laughing in their unique languages, a beautiful-looking owl glides high above, making its way towards a magnificent castle that looms on a hill off in the distance. The striking snow-white bird looks to be on a mission, as it carries what looks to be a letter, rolled up in its right foot. A gust of wind blows the owl to the left slightly, and-BANG! The once majestic bird quite literally crashes and burns to the ground in a ball of smoke and singed feathers after being shot out of the sky by a destructive fireball! Witnessing this sudden tragedy, the motley crew of creatures disperse in a panic, hoping and praying that they won’t be next!

As the creatures scurry away, we see a beautiful yet menacing woman walking towards the charred carcass of the owl. With her light-brown hair blowing freely in the wind and a heartless expression etched on her face, who wears dark clothes and has an air of absolute power and confidence about her, this woman’s name strikes fear into the hearts of all who reside in Fantasyland… Her name? Blair Ravenwood, a witch of The Coven.

The menacing witch kneels down and lifts the lifeless carcass of the owl off the ground and removes the somehow undamaged parchment from its crispy talons, before discarding the poor creature without a second thought. She unfurls the parchment and reads it….

Blair Ravenwood:“No, this can’t be right….”

Reading the letter once more, hoping that she had misread it the first time, Blair looks as though she had been slapped in the face.

Blair Ravenwood: “No, no, no, no, no… this has to be a mistake. It just has to be!”

Blair flips the parchment over, hoping to find some sort of “gotcha” on the back, but there was nothing. She had read the letter twice, and both times garnered the same information… and Blair was not happy.

The menacing witch scrumples the parchment up and shoves it into her pocket, before turning around and storming her way towards the castle off into the distance…Knockdrin Castle, home of The Coven.



Chapter One

Dear Miss Bellatrix Bordeaux, Witch of Knockdrin Castle.

I, Jon Russnow, Prime Minister of the FWA, formally invite you to partake in a gladiatorial spectacle the likes of which has rarely been seen in the history of the Whole World, where only one shall prevail to claim the reward.

The reward? The opportunity to battle and defeat the Champion of the Whole World, the famed and noble warrior Jeremy “The Best”, and claim his title.

Should you succeed in this quest and claim the throne that Jeremy “The Best” sits upon, your name would be etched in the annals of time itself, never to be forgotten. People would sing songs and drink to your prowess in battle…you would be immortal.

Should you accept this invitation, you must travel to the Shenyang Imperial Palace, located in the Sovereign Kingdom of China, where, in six days' time, you and your fellow challengers shall meet, and receive further instruction. We at the FWA look forward to your arrival, Miss Bellatrix, and we wish you a safe voyage.

Yours Sincerely,
Jon Russnow P.M.

As Blair read the letter aloud to her younger sister Celestia, Grandma Ethel, and The Coven’s leader Kleio De Santos, she had been expecting their reactions to be as outraged as hers, and yet….

Celestia Ravenwood: “YOOOOOO, Trixie’s gonna be the Champion of the Whole World!? OUR TRIXIE!!?” She exclaimed with a giddiness and pride that you would expect from a selfless best friend.

Blair stares at her sister, completely dumbfounded, as Grandma Ethel speaks up in a weak yet enthusiastic voice.

Grandma Ethel: “Aww, that’s just wonderful news. Our Trixie, Champion of the Whole World. Her name would go down in history alongside all the other great warriors that have held that crown, like the first Champion, Frederick Ex, and Gabrielle Montgomery, Christopher Kennedy, Cyrus Truth, Randal Ramon, Daniel Toner….” Ethel slowly drifts into a peaceful slumber as she rattles off some of the great Champions of yesteryear, and alas, she begins to snore.

Blair, Celestia and Kleio all stare at Ethel for a moment, bewildered that she had just fallen asleep so spontaneously.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Damn, I'm gonna try recounting former Champions of the Whole World next time I can’t sleep. That worked a treat…”

Getting back on topic, Blair turns her attention to Kleio.

Blair Ravenwood: “Now I know you ain’t happy about this…” She said, convinced that Kleio would feel as slighted as Blair.

Kleio gives Blair a little smirk.

Kleio De Santos: “What, one of my girls getting the opportunity of a lifetime? One that would ensure that she, along with the order she represents, be remembered for all eternity? Now why on earth would I NOT be happy with this wonderful turn of events?” She responds, making sure to add a hint of gloating into her tone as she intentionally winds Blair up.

Blair Ravenwood: “Nah, that’s bullshit and you know it.” Blair snaps, frustrated. “You, the almighty Kleio De Santos. The big bad leader of The Coven… you don’t feel as though you’ve been overlooked by the FWA in favour of the dim-witted bimbo you lured into our ranks, hm? You don’t even feel the slightest bit jealous?”

Kleio’s head dips ever so slightly, before she meets Blair’s gaze once more, her smile more prominent than before.

Kleio De Santos: “Of course I’m jealous. How could I not be? I would give pretty much anything to be afforded the opportunity that has been granted to Trixie. I would do pretty much anything, but it isn’t my time. It isn’t your time…”

Blair scowls, showing her own jealous nature as her leader continues.

Kleio De Santos: “We’ve all noticed the sudden shift in our fortunes since Trixie entered our ranks. The Coven’s rule over Fantasyland began when Trixie fought off the last remnants of our competition in the epic battle between all the warring factions of the town. She stood as the last person standing, above all of the great warriors that fought in that battle… above even you two. Trixie stood tall.”

This, Blair could not argue with. Trixie had finished the battle that she and Celestia could not, and as a result, had seized control of Fantasyland as its ruling faction, but…

Blair Ravenwood: “Yeah, I know that! I’m not saying that Trixie isn’t a great warrior, nor that she doesn’t deserve the opportunity to challenge the Champion of the Whole World, but… what about the work that Celestia and I put into creating The Coven from nothing!? Or the work that you put in when you rose to become our leader!? Why should we just be okay with being passed up in favour of the new girl!?”

Kleio nods, understanding Blair’s frustrations.

Kleio De Santos: “Because if the roles were reversed, and it were you that had received this opportunity, Trixie would support you without ANY thoughts of “why not me?”, or “I deserve it more”. She would be so damn happy for you, Blair… she’d do literally anything to ensure that you would become Champion of the Whole World, and so that’s what we’re going to do for her. She’s your friend-no, she’s your SISTER. She’s OUR sister, and so help me Lilith, we’re gonna do everything within our power to make sure that Trixie becomes Champion of the Whole World. Understand?”

Kleio’s words surprisingly hit the usually stone-hearted Blair like a ton of bricks. Kleio’s right… regardless of how Blair feels about being snubbed by the FWA, Trixie’s one of them. She’s her friend… her sister, and for all that Trixie had done for The Coven, she had earned Blair’s undying respect.

Blair nods in agreement at Kleio’s question, trying her best to remove the jealousy from her mind and heart. Kleio returns Blair’s nod, before turning her attention to Celestia.

Kleio De Santos: “Celestia, be a dear and go get Trixie, would you? I think it’s time we told her the good news.”

Celestia beams an excited smile as she skips off to find Trixie, meanwhile Blair takes a deep breath, before lifting her head and forcing a smile of her own. She would not ruin Trixie’s big moment. No, she would do everything within her power to ensure that Trixie succeeds in her journey to become Champion of the Whole World, for Trixie would do the same for her… any sister would.

When Celestia had found Trixie and said that she had a surprise for her, Trixie thought that maybe she was getting a new broomstick or something, and she would’ve been overjoyed with that, but nothing could’ve prepared her for the news that followed…

…Champion of the Whole World.

Trixie stared at the letter completely stunlocked. She knew that sometimes her mind would wander off into some weird fantasyland… was that what this was? Just another wild, unrealistic dream? It had to be, right?

Celestia Ravenwood: “Trixie? You-You okay?”

Trixie didn’t respond. Her entire being had remained transfixed on the letter. It can’t be real… it just can’t be. Trixie didn’t even think she was the greatest warrior in The Coven, let alone the Whole World! Why would the FWA choose her over Blair, or Celery, or KLEIO!? They were all amazing, powerful witches! They can cast spells and fly brooms, and they’re some of the greatest warriors that she’d ever come across! Meanwhile Trixie was… just… TRIXIE! Just plain old, normal Trixie! This had to be some sort of mistake, right?

Trixie turned the letter over, expecting it to be some sort of prank set up by Blair and Celestia… but it wasn’t. There was nothing but the words written by the Prime Minister of the FWA, telling her that she was to have an opportunity to become the greatest warrior in the Whole World.

Blair, Celestia and Kleio all stared at Trixie, waiting for the explosion of glee… an explosion that never came.

Kleio De Santos: “Trixie?”

Trixie Bordeaux: “I can’t do this…”

Celestia Ravenwood: “Wait, Trix-“

Trixie begins to backpedal, looking as though she is going into a panic.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I can’t do this…”

Trixie drops the letter to the floor and turns to run….

Celestia Ravenwood: “Trixie, Wait-“

Trixie Bordeaux: “I’m sorry…”

And just like that, Trixie runs away, with Celestia giving chase!

Blair and Kleio look at each other with their eyebrows raised, with neither of them thinking this would be Trixie’s reaction to receiving such a golden opportunity.

Blair Ravenwood: “Well, that went well…”

As Blair and Kleio stand awkwardly in the great hall, the still slumbering Ethel’s snoring crescendos, cutting through the awkward silence.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Trixie, wait up!”

Celestia chases the panicking Trixie through the halls of the great castle, hoping to catch her friend and calm her down, but damn, Trixie’s fast!

Making it to her room, Trixie barges in and slams the door shut, before we hear a locking mechanism activate. A couple seconds behind, and a little out of breath, Celestia reaches Trixie’s door and tries to enter, but is unable.

Celestia Ravenwood: “God damn it…” She says, as she hunches over, trying to catch her breath. “Trixie, it’s Celestia. Can you let me in, please?”

There is no answer, save for the muffled sobbing that can be heard coming from the other side of the door, as though Trixie’s face is buried in a pillow. Having caught some of her breath back, Celestia gives the door a gentle knock.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Trixie, it’s only me. C’mon, let me in… I just wanna talk.”

Trixie Bordeaux: “I’m not going. I’m not good enough.” Trixie says, her voice shaky and muffled slightly.

Putting on the sweetest voice that she can muster, Celestia continues to try to talk Trixie down a little.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Look, I know this whole Champion of the Whole World stuff is big time. The entire world will be watching. All eyes will be on you, and I get that that’s a scary thing, but you’ve gotta go for it, Trix… Because if you don’t, then you’ll be stuck here, imagining what could have been, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

There is a long pause, with Celestia hoping for some sort of response from her Coven sister… and after a few moments more, a shaky voice responds from the other side of the door.

Trixie Bordeaux: “But-… what if I fail?”

Celestia smiles sweetly and nods.

Celestia Ravenwood: “It’s better to fail chasing the dream, than to never have chased it at all.”

Trixie Bordeaux: “But what’s the point!? If I go, I’ll just lose, and I will never be the Champion of the Whole World. If I don’t go, I’ll still never be the Champion, but at least I won’t get beat up and lose… so I may as well just not go.”

Celestia Ravenwood: “Trixie listen… no matter what happens, whether you win or lose, people will remember you. They’ll remember the bravery and courage you displayed by showing up and fighting with everything you’ve got to chase a dream that they wish they could chase. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you will be a hero to those who dream of competing in such a prestigious battle… and, for what it’s worth, I believe in you. Kleio and Ethel believe in you, and so does Blair. You can be Champion of the Whole World, Trixie… you just gotta chase it.”

Save from a few sniffles from the other side, Trixie doesn’t respond. Celestia’s head sinks in defeat, and she nods.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Okay, no worries.” She mumbles to herself, before turning to walk away…

*unlocking noise*

Celestia turns around with a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she hears the door open, and much to her delight, Trixie stands in the doorway, wiping her tears and sniffling.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Soooooo, did I talk you into it?” She asks, fingers crossed.

Trixie giggles and nods.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I’ll try my bestest.”

Fist pumping the air, Celestia charges Trixie and picks her up in a back-crushing, love-filled hug.

Celestia Ravenwood: “YES! C’MON! You’re gonna be the Whole World CHAMPION!!!”


Chapter Two

Having been talked into “chasing the dream” by Celestia, Trixie felt the overwhelming need to get better. She knew that in order to become the Champion of the Whole World, she would need to become bigger, faster, stronger, tougher, and a more skilled warrior, and that she would need to do so quickly, for she only had six days to train, pack her things, and make it to Chinatown in time for the biggest fight of her entire life… and despite it being 1824, with the invention of the moving pictures being 71 years away, she somehow knew that the only way to achieve such gains so quickly, was…

… a training montage! HIT THE MUSIC!

John Cafferty - Hearts On Fire (Rocky IV)

Starting off slowly, Trixie can be seen jogging through the halls of Knockdrin Castle, shadow boxing as she runs, and a look of sheer determination in her eyes, before we cut to-SLAM! And Trixie with an impactful DDT, driving the skull of her pillow into her bed! COVER…


Trixie’s jog through the castle she calls home has turned into a gruelling sprint, as sweat drips down Trixie’s face, before we cut to the young blonde woman swinging an axe with all her might, vigorously chopping her way through a seemingly never ending blockade of bamboo!-

As Trixie sprints through the castle, she throws and lands a punch to the skull of an armour-clad mannequin, causing her to scream “OWW” as she stops momentarily, clutching her hand in agony, before we cut to the determined trainee witch picking up pebbles and tossing them in a bucket while looking to be on the limits of exhaustion!

This exhaustion is beginning to show in other aspects of her training too, as Trixie cries out in pain as the pillow locks in a devastating camel clutch, the young woman scratching and clawing at the soft, comfy fabric, trying to escape!

Back to Trixie running-no, crawling along the floor, absolutely worn out, clothes dripping with sweat, before we cut to Trixie hacking through sticks on a chopping block.

We see Trixie walk into the main hall, face flush and her arms limp, carrying her haul of chopped sticks, which equals four, before-Trixie lands a devastating punch to the artistically drawn pee-pee of the formidable pillow!…

…Trixie’s climbing the bed frame…WHISTLING TRIXIE! The battle worn Trixie goes for the pin…




Trixie crawls up the last couple of steps, making it to the tippy-top of the tallest tower of Knockdrin Castle, before achingly drags herself to her feet and raises her wary arms, triumphantly, as a ring announcer says…

Kurt Harrington: “And here is your winner, and NEW Champion of the Whole World…TRIXIE!!!!!”

…before finally, we cut to Trixie, in her underwear, admiring all her new hard-earned muscles as she flexes in front of the biggest ‘mirror’ in a room filled with nothing but mirrors, as the montage music fades.

Kleio De Santos: “How goes our great warrior’s training?”

Kleio asks as Celestia makes her way into the great hall.

Celestia Ravenwood: “She’s done for the day. She’s just admiring her new, hard-earned muscles in the “Room of Mirrors”, except she’s staring at her reflection through the only bit of glass in that room that isn’t a mirror.”

Kleio De Santos: “What do you mean?”

Celestia Ravenwood: “Well, for the past several minutes, Trixie’s been posing in her undies right in front of the window. The old pervert that delivers our Fantasyland newspaper nearly had a heart attack, hahahahahaha!”

Kleio chuckles as she facepalms.

Kleio De Santos: “Go make sure that guy never speaks about this, or anything, ever again, would you?”

Celestia smirks, before asking.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Rat or Toad?”

Ah, the always difficult to choose dilemma of what to turn someone into…

Kleio De Santos: “The guy has big teeth… let’s go beaver.”

Celestia Ravenwood: “Beaver it is.” She smiles menacingly, before noticing something. “Where’s Blair?”

Kleio De Santos: “She’s gone to try to find out the identities of Trixie’s opponents in this contenders battle.”

Celestia smiles. For all of Blair’s mean-bitch demeanour and selfishness, when push comes to shove, her heart’s always in the right place when it comes to her friends.

As Celestia leaves to deal with the old pervert, Trixie walks into the great hall, thankfully wearing actual clothes.

Trixie Bordeaux: “Uh, Kleio? There’s some creepy old man in one of our mirrors.”

Kleio can’t help but giggle at Trixie’s silliness.

Kleio De Santos: “Don’t worry about it, Trix. It’s just an optical illusion.”

Yeah, it’s best Trixie doesn’t know about the old man. She’s too pure and nice. She wouldn’t approve of Celestia turning a person into some helpless creature.

Kleio De Santos: “How did training go, Trix?”

Trixie Bordeaux: “Great! I feel like I could beat up anyone now!”

Kleio De Santos: “Wow, already!? How long did you train?”

Trixie Bordeaux: “EIGHT MINUTES!” Trixie exclaims with immense pride.

Kleio nods, feigning being impressed. Even though she doesn’t realise it herself, Trixie has already proven herself a capable warrior. No eight minute training session was going to make a difference to her physical development or add to her skills, but if it helps to make Trixie believe that she’s ready for the fight that’s ahead of her, then Kleio was going to do everything in her power to reinforce that.

Kleio De Santos: “Holy cow, you’ve been going hard! And that shirt is looking a little tighter on you too. You’re looking buff!”

Trixie can’t hide her excitement and self-pride that even Kleio has noticed the gains she’s made.

Trixie Bordeaux: “Wow, you really think so!?”

Kleio De Santos: “Hell yeah! I wouldn’t wanna be one of the poor souls that has to contend with you for the chance to be Champion of the Whole World!”

Kleio’s comment makes Trixie think of something.

Trixie Bordeaux: “Who am I fighting in this scary battle?”

Kleio De Santos: “As of right now, I don’t know. Blair is out cashing in some political favours to try to find out. My guess is that, considering it’s for an opportunity to challenge for the Championship of the Whole World, I think they may each be a warrior representing a different land….“

Blair Ravenwood: “Well, you’re not wrong.”

Trixie and Kleio turn to see Blair storm into the great hall with a piece of paper in hand.

Kleio De Santos: “Damn Blair, if you carry on delivering us these letters, we may have to talk about making you our official post-person! I hear there may be a job opening pretty soon.”

Kleio smiles wickedly, as thoughts of Celestia tormenting and transfiguring the old postman runs through her head.

Kleio De Santos: “So? What’s the news?”

Blair slumps into a chair by the fire, next to the still sleeping Ethel.

Blair Ravenwood: “The names of Trixie’s opponents are…”

Kleio and Trixie’s ears perk up, listening intently.

Blair Ravenwood: “Johnny Johnson. Calls himself ‘The Legend’, and apparently he’s the only one calling himself that. He grew up in some fancy-pantsy place called Phillytown with his mother and a rich step-daddy. His bio-daddy is a relatively famous warrior by the name of Logan Darwin, so he may have inherited some of his old man’s combative prowess… but from what I’ve been told, most people view him as just some big-mouthed, silver-spooned, spineless boy who’s tryna live up to his father’s legacy.”

Kleio De Santos: “Well, I’ve heard of his ‘bio-daddy’ at least. But I ain’t heard of this joker before. Can’t be much of a challenge if everyone thinks he’s just some snobby rich kid… so far, this should be easy for you, Trix.”

Trixie Bordeaux: “Wait, what is his Daddy’s name again?”

Blair Ravenwood: “Logan Darwin.”

Trixie’s eyes light up with a glint of recognition.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I beat him up before!

Kleio De Santos: “Wait, what? When was this?”

Trixie Bordeaux: “Like a year ago, before I joined you guys. I remember, there were six of us in this big underground fight. It was like a team fight, and I won the fight after I pinned Logan Darwin! I beat up this guy’s daddy, so he should be a piece of cake!”

Kleio and Blair smile at Trixie’s newfound confidence. Those training montages really do pump you up and make you feel like you could take on the world.

Kleio De Santos: “Well that’s good. You beat up the only member of his family with any actual credibility as a warrior. Good start. Who’s next?”

Blair Ravenwood: “Next we got some young, shady guy named Jay Kenny. From what I’ve found out, he’s a rough piece of work. In constant trouble with the law, always getting into fights… apparently he’s one hell of a fighter, though. He comes from a place called Birmingpork. Most of this info may be wrong. The guy who told me about Kenny was pretty damn unintelligible. Like, I think he was trying to speak English, but it sounded more like he was trying to eat his own tongue.”

Kleio De Santos: “Ever heard of the guy, Trix?”

Trixie shakes her head “Nuh-huh”.

Kleio De Santos: “Yeah, me neither. You said he was a great fighter?”

Blair Ravenwood: “From what I’ve been told, yes. Apparently he and some dude named Xavien rules over their land with an iron fist. Proper underground, illegal, shady stuff. A real piece of work.”

Kleio De Santos: “Oh good.” Kleio says, sarcastically. “Best watch out for this Kenny guy, Trixie. Sounds like the type that would do anything, including cheat, to win.”

Trixie Bordeaux: “He’s a cheater! THAT’S DESPICABLE!”

Kleio and Blair smiles and nods in feigned agreement with the morally superior Trixie, who likes punching people in the groin during fights.

Blair Ravenwood: “Next up, and this is where it gets extremely bad… we have Gabrielle Montgomery.”

Kleio’s eyes widen as she glares at Blair, who simply nods understandingly.

Blair Ravenwood: “For those among us who may not know… Gabrielle is a former two-time Champion of the Whole World, one of the greatest female warriors of all time, renowned for her prowess in battle, her unrivalled beauty, and her legendary exploits in the sack… People worship her like a Goddess. Women wish they were her, and men wish they were in her… and many, many, many, many, many men have been in her. Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that she had been the mentor to Kleio’s mentor, Saint Sully. Kleio and old Gabi had a run in rather recently, which our esteemed leader came out on top in…”

A shit-eating grin forms on Kleio’s face as she remembers her most recent battle with Gabrielle.

Kleio De Santos: “Yeah, regardless of recent events, this fight of yours just became a whole lot more complicated, Trixie. Gabrielle Montgomery is legitimately one of the greatest warriors to have ever lived. She will capitalise on any and every mistake you make to the point that, before you even realise what happened, you’re waking up from a long-ass nap. You’re gonna need to be on your game, Trix. No mistakes, got it?”

Trixie gulps. If Trixie was bursting with confidence before, it may have just wanted slightly as she nods in agreement with Kleio.

Trixie Bordeaux: “No mistakes… no mistakes.”

Kleio De Santos: “And who’s the last combatant? Surely it can’t be any worse than freaking Gabi.”

Blair cringes.

Blair Ravenwood: “And Trixie’s last opponent… is Cyrus Truth.”

Blair uttering the name of this legendary figure seemingly manages to wake Ethel up from her extremely deep slumber.

Grandma Ethel: “I’m sorry, sweet Trixie, but you have already lost.”

Trixie’s eyes fill with intense fear as Grandma Ethel explains just how doomed she is.

Grandma Ethel: “Cyrus Truth is a four-time Champion of the Whole World. Exiled from the ancient Order of Observers long ago, Cyrus Truth has travelled the Long and Winding Roads of the Whole World for years, garnering change wherever he chooses to visit, and forging his legend as one of, if not THE mightiest warrior in the history of the Whole World. It is quite simple… if Cyrus Truth decides he wants something, then it is his. You are not ready, nor will you ever be ready, to face such a force of nature as Cyrus Truth. It is best to just save yourself and stay here.”

Celestia Ravenwood: “Ethel, DON’T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!”

Celestia enters the main hall of Knockdrin Castle, holding a terrified-looking beaver by the scruff, and just glares a hole through The Coven’s elder witch.

Celestia Ravenwood: “Don’t listen to her, Trixie. It’s all just silly legends and stories. You got this!”

Despite Celestia’s encouraging words, Trixie looks as though she’s about to throw up. Seeing this, Kleio gets up and helps Grandma Ethel to her feet.

Kleio De Santos: “C’mon, Ethel, time for your yearly bath.”

Blair wears a disgusted face as she imagines bathtime with Grandma Ethel.

Kleio De Santos: “Blair, Celestia, I’m tasking you two with getting Trixie prepared for the big battle. Train her, help her, talk to her, just… whatever she needs. The Coven will be home to the Champion of the Whole World soon enough.”

Kleio shares looks with both Blair and Celestia, who each nod in agreement, before taking one long look at an extremely nervous Trixie.

Kleio De Santos: “Hey Trixie…”

Trixie stares up at Kleio, her eyes filled with doubt.

Kleio De Santos: “You got this.”

Kleio gives Trixie a stern look.

Kleio De Santos: “Say it…”

Trixie takes a deep and shaky breath.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I-...I got this.”

Kleio smiles at her protege. Staring into Trixie’s eyes and seeing a glimmer of determination behind all the nerves and fear, Kleio knew… Trixie does ‘got this’.


Chapter Three

Today’s the day. After several days of motivating sermons by her Coven family, arduous research on her opponents, and many, many gruelling training montages… it was time. Trixie was about to set off, all alone, towards the biggest fight of her young life.

Carrying nothing but a small knapsack with her fighting attire, an extra pair of clothes, some bread, a canister of water, and her diary, with whom she shares all her thoughts and feelings, Trixie stood in the main doorway to Knockdrin Castle as she says goodbye to her friends. These people… Blair, Celestia, Kleio, and even Grandma Ethel, had all aided Trixie in her preparation for this battle, not just in the past several days, but rather the past nine months or so. She had been but a weak, insignificant girl before she had made friends with Kleio De Santos. Somebody destined for a life of mediocrity… but since joining Kleio’s Coven, she has transformed into a capable, resilient warrior, and now, thanks in large part to her relationship with these powerful, kind-hearted women that gave Trixie something that she had never really had before… real friendship.

Trixie hugged each of the women tightly. They each wished her luck, and told her “you got this.”... well, except for Ethel, who still thought that Trixie was going to die. But regardless, she hugged Ethel too, for she was still Trixie’s friend.

Taking one last, long look at the witches that helped mould her into the woman she is today, Trixie said…“Thank you, for everything.”, before turning around, taking a deep, courage-summoning breath, and walking out the door, towards the fight of her life.


To Trixie’s surprise, Kleio had ‘bought’ a carriage and two horses, which apparently used to belong to an old postman before he ‘retired’, and had hired someone to taxi Trixie to her destination in Chinatown. And so there she was, sitting in the back of the carriage, hood up to protect her from the light drops of rain that fell on this bleak winters’ morning, well on her way to her destiny.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I got this….”

The closer Trixie got to Chinatown, and the life changing battle that awaited her there, she couldn’t help but feel nervous. For better or for worse, her life was going to be different after this fight. Either she would win, and face off with the Champion of the Whole World, Jeremy “The Best” in a battle for his crown, or she would lose.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I got this….”

It was the losing that terrified her. Trixie had taken many defeats in her young life. She had been beaten up numerous times by those bigger, stronger, faster, and more skilled than her, and though each defeat hurt Trixie, she knew that if she were to lose this fight, with everything that’s at stake… she may never recover. This fight, above all others, is a MUST WIN, for this is entirely likely her one AND ONLY chance to become Champion of the Whole World, and so she needs to take it…no, she WILL take it.

Trixie Bordeaux: “I got this.”

As she tried to convince herself that she had what it takes, Trixie’s mind wandered to her life before The Coven. To the people who raised her. Her mother and father, who passed away in a freak accident when Trixie was eight. Her Grandmother, who despite being a violent, abusive old lady, was still her Grammy. And Bret, her brother. He had been Trixie’s only semblance of stability her entire life. He had always been there for her, no matter what. Once their Grammy had passed away, Bret had taken over the job of raising Trixie. He was still a kid himself, and yet he didn’t even flinch. He had sacrificed the rest of his childhood so that Trixie could have hers… and she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that she would not be here if not for Bret. For a long time, he was her only reason for living.

Trixie tried to think about the last time she had spoken to Bret. It was a while ago, even before Trixie and The Coven had won the faction wars, for control of Fantasyland. Trixie had been so busy with all her Coven business that she had neglected to spend any time with her person who means the most to her in the Whole World… hell, Bret doesn’t even know that Trixie is taking this, the biggest journey of her entire life.

As she thinks about her brother, she feels something tugging at her mind, trying to get her attention. Trixie had felt this sensation before, and she knew exactly what… no, WHO it was. Opening her knapsack, Trixie pulls out an archaic book and a pencil and opens the book to a blank page, and after a moment’s pause, her diary sends her a greeting.

Bonjour, Trixie.

Trixie smiles as she sees her Great-Grandmother’s greeting appear and disappear on the page before her.

Hello, Grandmama! How’s life?

The moment Trixie finishes writing, she realises what she said and cringes. Asking a dead person’s spirit that has been imprisoned in a book by her own machinations, ‘how’s life’, probably isn't the best thing to say.

Oops, sorry. I forgot.
How are you?

I’m as fine as I possibly can be. How many dead people do you know that can still hold a conversation with their descendants?

Trixie giggles, relieved that her great-grandmother didn’t take offence to her little blunder.

Did you want something, Grandmama? I felt you calling me.

I called because you wish for something that I can help you with.

Trixie’s jaw drops slightly. Grandmama Amelie was 123 years old when she died. She knows loads of stuff! Does she have a plan to ensure Trixie’s victory in her upcoming battle!? Trixie puts pencil to paper excitedly.

What is it?

Not what you are thinking, child of my child’s child.

Trixie’s excitement fades. She was hoping for some genius strategy or cunning plan to help her prevail in her quest to become Champion of the Whole World.

Oh. Well, what do you mean, then?

Your brother, Bret. I can help you get a message to him.

Trixie’s interest suddenly spikes back up, higher than before. But how? She was on a wagon heading for Chinatown. Bret was all the way back in Fantasyland! How could her diary-bound great-grandmother possibly get a message to Bret?

I don’t understand.

What, do you think that your Coven friends are the only ones capable of miraculous feats of magic? How do you think I came to reside in this book after my body died?

This response stumps Trixie. Had she really never asked her great-grandmother how she came to be bound to this diary? Surely that would be one of the first things someone would ask a sentient book had they ever come across one.

Uh, I dunno.
So, you’re a witch like Kleio and the others?

In my lust for revenge against the one who killed my brother, the man called Summers, I delved deep into the dark arts in order to find some way of finding, and killing him.

But, that is not important, right now. What is important is that I can help you deliver a letter to your brother.


It wasn’t by accident that you found this book, Trixie. Despite the loss of my body, I am still able to travel great distances without aid, instantaneously. Should you write your brother a letter, I could send that letter to your brother’s home, and leave it somewhere where he shall find it.

Trixie’s heart leaps with excitement and joy at the prospect of writing a letter to her brother.

So, do you wish to write a letter to your brother?

Trixie smiles excitedly, before writing…

Yes, more than anything!

I thought as much. Now, all you need to do is write your letter. I shall take care of the rest, understand?

Yes. Thank you so much. This means the world to me.

You are welcome, dear Trixie. Now, you may begin.

Trixie puts the pencil in her mouth, nibbling it as she tries to think of the words. She had so much that she wanted to say. So many stories to tell him of all her adventures since they last spoke… but they were not important. Trixie knew exactly what she wanted to tell Bret, and thus, she put pencil to paper….

To Bret

It’s me, Trixie. I hope you’re doing good. I’m so sorry I haven’t talked to you in so long. I’ve just been really busy with the whole witch training, and the battles, and just loads of Coven business, you know?

Anyway, I just want to tell you how much I miss you. And how much I love you.

Trixie wells up with emotion as she thinks about her brother, and everything that he had done for her.

And I also want to say thank you.

For all my life, everything you did was for me. When we were little, you would always spend time with me, even when you would rather be out playing with your friends. We would play chess, and you would let me win and try to make me feel like I was smart, even though we both knew deep down that there was something wrong with me.

Trixie tries to dry her eyes as she remembers their childhood, her emotions pouring through the pencil and onto the page.

When mommy and daddy died, and we had to move in with Grammy, you would always take the blame, and the hits, when I did something bad.

Trixie sees images of their abusive Grammy striking Bret with a frying pan, as her brother stands his ground between her and Trixie.

And when Grammy died, you gave up your childhood to raise me. You became my father, and I don’t remember ever thanking you for that.

Tears drip from Trixie’s eyes and onto the page.

When I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. When everybody in school told me how stupid I was, or how ugly I was, how creepy and weird I was, when I came home, you were always there to pick up the pieces and put me back together.
Trixie sees flashbacks of times when Bret would patch her up, both physically, mentally, and emotionally, after those gruelling days in school.

You always told me that I was special, and that I would make it big. And even though I didn’t see it myself, I always dreamed of one day proving you right.

And now I have that chance.

Trixie’s mind returns to the ginormous task ahead of her.

I got a letter a few days ago. An FWA government person wrote to me, inviting me to fight in this big battle, where the winner will get the chance to become Champion of the Whole World. I was scared at first, because well, you know what I’m like. But my friends helped me to find the courage to go for it, and now I’m writing this letter in the back of a wagon that’s taking me to Chinatown!

Carriage Driver: “Hey lady, look… Chinatown, dead ahead!”

Trixie’s letter is interrupted by the call of the carriage driver, and she looks up to see the most amazingly beautiful town that she had ever laid eyes upon, and her jaw drops.


Taking a moment to gaze upon the splendid scene before her, Trixie turns back to her diary, and her letter to her brother. Seeing Chinatown with her own eyes, and realising that she’s so close to the biggest fight of her life, fills Trixie with a sense of purpose. Sitting in the back of this wagon, with Chinatown in sight as she puts pencil to paper once more, Trixie did not feel afraid. She wasn’t nervous, not even in the slightest… no. In this moment, all Trixie cared about was letting her brother know…

I’m just a few minutes away from the biggest challenge of my life, and all I can think about right now is you. Without you, I wouldn’t be here. You gave up your life just so I could have a chance to have mine, and I won’t let that be for nothing.

I just want you to know that the next time I come to visit you, it will be as the Champion of the Whole World.

I love you, Bret.

And thank you, for everything.
As Trixie finished her letter, the page disappeared before her eyes. Her great-grandmother had delivered her letter. Trixie smiled, feeling like the weight of the Whole World had been lifted off her shoulders.

As she inched ever closer to Chinatown, Trixie felt something that she had never felt in her entire life… she felt unstoppable. It was as though the spirits of Kleio, Blair, Celestia, Grammy Ethel, her Mother and Father, her Great-Grandmother Amelie, and her brother Bret, were all living inside her. It was a feeling unlike anything she had ever experienced before… she knew she would win. She just…

… knew it.


Final Chapter


Bret entered his humble little abode after a hard day’s work, completely exhausted. He kicked off his shoes and headed straight for the warm embrace of his comfy armchair. As he sat in the chair, he heard the sound of crumpling paper, which startled him, and he rose back to his feet.

Bret Bordeaux: “Hello? Who’s there?”

Bret’s head darted in every direction, trying to find the source of the disturbance, before he notices a piece of paper sitting in the seat that he had wished to sit on. Curious, Bret picked the piece of paper up and sat down… and I huge smile formed on his face as he read.

  • Wow
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Click here for a Big Bryan Bastard Promo

"You're scared..."

"...Instead of beating some indomitable monster I’m beating on some coward little bitch."



Little bitch.

The words echoed over and over in Bryan Baxer's head as he drove down the back country roads of Hickory, North Carolina in his silver Toyota Tacoma. His destination was that of Kristy and Audrey Vance's house out in the country.

He should be feeling on top of the world. He should be ecstatic. For the first time, Kristy was opening the door to allow him into his daughter's life. Something just months ago he thought wasn't even possible. Granted this time last year he didn't even know he had a daughter.

If that wasn't enough reason for Baxter to be happier than his usual grumpy self, you also have to factor in his recent success in FWA. Recent may be an understatement. He has now held the FWA North American championship for over four hundred days. He was closing in on the record for a single title reign. His best friend just won the FWA World Title. The Buddy System would probably be in line for a future tag title shot as well.

They were riding high.

But those words from Mike Parr haunted him.

Scared? Baxter had no reason to be scared.

Would someone who was scared willingly put his most prized possession, the thing he cared about more than anything in the world, on the line in the F1? He didn't have to do that.

But he did.

Because he's not scared.

Parr was just bitter. He mistakes Baxter's pre-match attack at Back in Business as fear. As is him being afraid to step into the ring with Parr.

But that's not cowardice.

That's strategy.

Parr was just jealous he didn't think of it first.

It's why Baxter was the FWA North American Champion and he wasn't. It's why in about a month's time, the record for longest title reign would be his... and not Mike Parr's.

After all, where has Parr been most of the time Baxter has been champion?

He wants to call Baxter a coward... but he's the one who has been spending so much time hiding. Some call it a "hiatus." Parr had already gone into hiding before Baxter won the belt... and then again after Back in Business. Baxter may have done a number on him pre-match, but it wasn't such a vicious assault that he should've been out of action for five months.

Meanwhile, Baxter had still been around. Continuing to rack up win after win. Opponent after opponent fell at his hands. The Bastard had come out at Back in Business...

And Parr clearly wanted nothing to do with him.

The sun was beginning its descent beyond the horizon as Bryan Baxter approached the quaint house that belonged to Kristy Vance. He pulled into their driveway, bringing the truck to a stop. He took a deep breath as he stepped out, his black boots sinking into the wet grass beneath him, a sign of some recent rains that had moved through the area.

Bryan approached the burgundy front door and lifted his arm to knock, but the door flung open before he could.

"About damn time," Kristy greeted Bryan at the door. "You're late. As usual."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Bryan replied sheepishly. "Been a lot going on."

"Yeah, well, you're not the only one," Kristy walked back into the house, in a bit of a hurry as she walked through the kitchen. Bryan followed her, noticing her to be quite flustered as she looked around and finally grabbed a set of keys off the counter.

"What's up? You goin' somewhere? I thought we were gonna hang out?"

"Seriously, Bryan? I thought I was pretty clear what this was about."

Bryan scratched his head, not sure what he had missed. "I need you to babysit Audrey for me tonight."

"What? Oh... uhhh...." Baxter stuttered. He was still struggling with this whole being a dad thing. If he was really capable of the job, so to speak. "Is that such a good idea?"

Slightly annoyed with her ex boyfriend and father of her child, Kristy shook her head with some frustration. "You're the one who wanted to be more involved, right?"

"I mean... yeah. I do. But I thought maybe takin' her to matches... or movies... or somethin'."

"Oh, all the fun stuff, right?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Ugh. Bax, if you're gonna do this you gotta have some responsibility."

"Haha," Baxter chuckled, "that's pretty funny."

"Excuse me?"

"The Kristy I remember wasn't exactly the most responsible."

"Yeah, well... try being a single mom for seven years. It has a way of teaching you a thing or two."

"Well where are you off to anyway? Got a hot date or somethin'?" Baxter faked a smile and a laugh, as his question was half a joke and half an attempt to find out the answer.

"First of all, mister, that ain't none of your business. But if you must know, I'm takin' an extra shift tonight to make some extra money."

"Oooh! It's a money thing. I gotcha. Now that I can help with. How much do you need?"

Kristy sighed, shaking her head. "Bryan, I don't need your handouts. I did just fine the last seven years without your help. I just need you to spend some time with your daughter. All you gotta do is get her to bed anyway, then you can just watch TV or something for the rest of the night."

He nodded, a bit more begrudgingly this time. "Alright, then. I guess I'm on babysitting duty tonight. Let's see if I can survive it."

Kristy cracked a smile as she headed for the door. "Good luck, Bax."

Bryan made the walk from the kitchen towards Audrey's room, anticipating a night of babysitting that he never thought he'd find himself in. As he opened the door, he found Audrey engrossed in a miniature wrestling world. She was seated on the floor, surrounded by wrestling action figures. Around here Bryan could see the likes of Lizzie Rose, Trixie, Gerald Grayson, Jackson Fenix, and Tommy Bedlam. But in the little ring before her she held her Bryan Baxter wrestling figure which was delivering a Baxter Driver to the Chris Crowe action figure. "It's the Baxter Driver! It's all over, Rod!"

The miniature Bryan was placed on top of the fallen Showman figure.




"And the crowd goes wild! Bryan Baxter retains the FWA North American Championship! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"

Bryan can't help but begin to smile, reliving his own victory over Crowe at Winter Wasteland. He greeted Audrey with a round of applause, alerting her of his presence.

Audrey's eyes lit up when she saw him, and without a moment's hesitation, she dropped the action figures and ran towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist in a tight hug.

"Bryan! You're here!" Audrey exclaimed, her excitement infectious.

"Yep, you're stuck with me for the night. Hope I'm not interrupting anything here."

Audrey beamed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I'm playing wrestling! Look, it's you beating Chris Crowe!"

Bryan chuckled, ruffling her hair. "I gotta say, it's almost as cool seeing you recreate it as it was actually beating him."

"I can't believe I got to see it myself! Can we go to more shows, Bryan? P-p-p-p-ppplleeeeeaaasseee?"

"Well," Bryan hesitated. He didn't want to speak for Kristy, of course. He assumed she wouldn't be on board taking their daughter around the world for every show. "We'll see. But for now kiddo, I know you're havin' some fun but your mom said it was time to get ready for bed."

Her excitement deflated slightly as she whined, "Aw, but you just got here! Can't we hang out a little longer?"

Bryan hesitated, glancing at the clock. "Uhhh..."


"But your mom said..."

"Since when does Bryan Baxter follow all the rules?"

She certainly had a point. "Yeah but... this isn't a wrestling match..."

"Pleeeeeeeeaaasseeee... I've been lookin' forward to this all day!" Audrey's big brown eyes were hard to say no to.

"Well.. I guess it won't hurt if you stay up for just a little bit. What should we do?"

"Wrestling marathon! Wrestling marathon!"

Marathon? He said just for a little bit. But Audrey had already raced out of her bedroom, leaping over the couch like an olympic gymnast. "C'mon Bryan! Mom has all sorts of stuff recorded on the DVR!"

Bryan shrugged his shoulders and joined Audrey in the room as she operated the remote control and DVR programming on the television like a pro. Bryan grabbed his phone as it began to vibrate.

The text message on his screen was from Sir Stache. Bryan rolled his eyes. What did this idiot want. "Bryan, wanted to talk about the celebration," the text read. Really, Bryan thought.

"Busy," Bryan texted back simply.

"Just wanted to run an idea by you..."

Sir Stache was quite eager about an upcoming celebration they were planning to celebrate Jeremy winning the FWA championship. Bryan didn't know if all the pomp and circumstance was really necessary. He was happy for Jeremy but it's not like he got a party for his own title win. "Just do whatever," Bryan replied, passing off all the responsibility to Stache. Though he immediately wondered if that was such a good idea.

Looking back up from his phone, the momentary distraction made him realize that Audrey had left the living room. "Audrey? Where'd you go, kiddo?"

She wasn't missing long as she returned with a can of soda in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other. Bryan raised an eyebrow, looking at the snacks. "Uhhhhh.... is this really something your mom would let you have before bed?"

Audrey innocently shrugged her shoulders, her eyes fixed on the wrestling match unfolding on the screen. "She's not here, so it's fine, right? I can grab you some too!"

Unbelievable. She really was a little BBB, wasn't she. "Okay... but this doesn't get back to your mom, okay?"

Audrey nodded, her smile beaming. She left and returned with a candy bar and soda for Bryan as well, settling down on the couch next to him as they began to watch the A Very Crossfire Christmas FWA special. On the screen the Secular Spectacular was underway. The camera focused in on Trash Mammal as he competed in the match but was joined by his trios partners Juan Tothrefor and Halloween Knight.

"Don't you gotta face that guy next?"

Bryan glared at the television at Halloween Knight. "Yep. First match in the F1."

"Those guys are pretty funny. I like them. Go easy on him, okay?"

"I can't make any promises. Funny isn't really my thing. Last year the F1 should've been mine, you know. I was undefeated and got screwed in the semifinals… This time I really wanna go all the way. I’m not losin’ this belt."

"I know, I know! Just like... don't put the guy in the hospital or anything. Or make him disappear for a long time like Mike Parr."

Bryan laughed, this kid was great. "Alright, alright. I'll do my best."

Bryan didn't get many chances to just sit down and watch the shows he was part of. And if he was doing it, he wouldn't usually have someone with him. Besides Jeremy, Bryan didn't really like people. And even with Jeremy there was a limit of how much time he really wanted to spend with him. But there was something different about this. He was.. actually enjoying himself.

So much so that before he knew it... an hour had passed. And another.

Bryan's cell phone vibrated again. He assumed it was Stache bothering him again about the celebration planning, but he was much more surprised to see Kristy's name lighting up on his phone.

"Heeeeeeyyy," Bryan nervously answered.

"Hey," Kristy's voice sounded tired on the other end of the phone. "Just wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay."

"Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?" Audrey said, bouncing up and down on the couch with excitement.

"Everything's great! Nothing to worry about at all," Bryan responded on the phone while silently motioning for Audrey to quiet down.

"Is it my mom? Huh! Mommy? Mommy? HI MOM!"

"Do I hear Audrey?" Kristy said, her voice getting stern.

"Uhh, yeah, she couldn't sleep so I let her hang out with me," Bryan lied.

"She talked you into letting her stay up and watch wrestling, didn't she?"

"....Yeah," Bryan admitted.

"For such a bastard you sure are a pushover around her," Bryan was surprised that he wasn't getting completely chewed out as Kristy broke the tension. "It's fine... I'm not surprised to be honest. But she does need to get to bed. But she's afraid of the dark, that's why she's stalling. Maybe just sit with her until she goes to sleep."

"Got it, boss," Bryan said.

"Don't you forget it. I'll be off in a couple hours, so I'll see you then."

"Alright, I'll be here," Bryan said awkwardly as he hung up the phone and then turned to Audrey. "Well, kiddo, it's been fun but all good things must come to an end. It's time for bed."

"Awwwwwww. Just one more hour?" Audrey made one last plea.

"Sorry, boss's orders. To bed she said! But how about I sit with you until you fall asleep."

"Okay, fine," Audrey relented.

Continue the story as Bryan gets Audrey ready for bed, tucks her in but Audrey is afraid of the dark and is struggling to get to sleep. She asks Bryan if she can tell her a bedtime story. Bryan is reluctant. He doesn't really know any bedtime stories and isn't the most creative person. But Audrey pleads with him that she knows he can come up with something.

Baxter escorted his young daughter to her room, a big pout on her face as she climbed into the bed. Bryan helped cover her up. "Can you leave the light on?" Audrey's face showed concern as Bryan had approached the light switch.

"Wait? Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark?"

Audrey nervously nodded.

"What? I don't believe that! You are the toughest little girl I've ever met. I didn't think you were scared of nothin'!"

"B-b-b-b-but... monsters come out in the dark."

"Psh," Baxter said, "you got me in here with you. You think any monster is gonna be dumb enough to fuc... mess with you with me in here?"

Audrey smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "I guess that's true. Okay, you can turn off the light."

Bryan flipped the switch, putting them both in the darkness. Bryan took a seat on a bench up against her wall that was way too small for his large frame. But he managed to squirm his backside into the seat.


"Yeah, kiddo?"

"Are you afraid of anything?"

"Me? No, not really."

"Really? Nothing at all?"

"What do I have to be afraid of?"

"Oh I dunno... I just thought with all the people coming after you in the F1... everyone wanting your title... maybe you'd be a little afraid."

Bryan remembered the words from Mike Parr again. "I want them to come for me. I ain't scared. I like a challenge."

"Maybe I'm just a little scared. I don't want you to lose your belt! You're the greatest North American champion like ever!"

"Soon enough I will be," Bryan responded, referencing the fact that he was closing in on that record. "But let's close those eyes and get to sleep."

"Hmph, okay," Audrey said, wiggling in the bed, pulling the covers up closer to her chin as she tried to settle in. Bryan watched as she fidgeted, clearly struggling to settle down. After a few moments, she looked up at him with big, hopeful eyes that somehow beamed through the darkness. "Can you, um, tell me a bedtime story?" Audrey asked, her voice small.

Bryan raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit out of his element. "Uhh, a what now?"

"You know, a bedtime story!"

"Well, uhh... I don't really know any."

"Please, Bryan! I know you can come up with something cool!"

He paused and thought. He wasn't much of the creative type. He didn't do much (or any) reading himself, so he couldn't reflect back on any stories he could recant to her. All he could think about was the upcoming F1. The people coming for him and his title. The epic battle that was waiting for him.

"Okay... I think I got something."


Once upon a time, there was a great king. The greatest king even. His name was Bryan the Brave and he ruled over the Fantasy Kingdom with an iron fist.

"Bryan the Brave? How original."

"Hey, do you want a bedtime story or not?"

"Sorry, sorry."

Anyway, yeah, Bryan the Brave was feared by all. But also respected. Because of how he earned the rule of the kingdom through countless battles. Because, you see, the interesting thing about Bryan the Brave is that he is not like most kings. He did not come from royalty. No one would've ever expected his type to be a King. Because Bryan was once a mere peasant with nothing to his name. He lived on the streets, watching the kingdom from his television…

"TV? I don't think they had TVs back then."

"I never said when this was? There could be TVs."

"No, this is the olden days."

"Really? The olden days? What does that even mean?"

"You know. Like the 90's."

"The 90's?"

"Yeah! The good old days people keep talkin' about. I think it's when like the dinosaurs were around."

"What? No! The 90's were not... how old do you think I am? Okay, look, back to the story."

Okay, so he watched the kingdom... from the window of his shack. Dreaming of one day being able to just live within the gates of the kingdom. Bryan the Brave worked hard and maybe did some things that others wouldn't be willing to do... but that's how much it meant to him. He was willing to do whatever it took to get into the kingdom.

And he did.

But he didn't stop there. Not until he was on top.

And now here he was. Sitting upon the throne all by himself.

"That sounds so sad."

"What? He's not sad. He is on top! He has everything he ever wanted."

"But like... he's by himself."

"He's fine with that. He doesn't really like people."

"Doesn't he have any friends?"

"A couple, but he never really needed friends. All he needed was his kingdom."

But that being said, Bryan was growing bored. He felt like he had defeated all possible challengers for his kingdom. So he sent out a royal decree. To anyone from any far away land... anyone who wanted to come for his kingdom... they knew where to find him. Come if you dare, but an ass kicking would be waiting for them.

And so Bryan sat on his throne and waited.

But he would not have to wait long. Word of his challenge spread quickly throughout all the lands. And one faithful day, a mysterious knight rode up on the strangest looking horse, covered in trash. Joining him on this trash horse was his jester, who only spoke in numbers for some reason. The Knight's skull molded into the shape of a sinister skeleton skull struck fear into the peasants as he rode by the slums.

This was…

"The Halloween Knight!"

"I was going to call him the Hallowed Knight."

"It's the Halloween Knight! And his horse is..."

"Okay, I'm trying my best here."

"Sorry. You're doing great!"

So the Halloween Knight rode the Trash Horse up to the gates of the kingdom. And he called out, "TRICK OR TREAT! I have come for your kingdom! Show yourself, Bryan the Brave!"

The King, hearing of the arrival of the knight, stood up from his throne. He walked to the window of his castle, looking down to the entrance. "And who might you be?"

"Tis I! The Halloween Knight! I have heard of your tales. That you all that have crossed you have fallen. So many... fallen at your hands. A countless amount, no doubt."

"One! Two! Three! Four!"

"Ah ha, yes Juan. At least four but probably, many, many more."

Bryan stood proudly, "I see my reputation precedes me. But I'm afraid I've never heard of you before."

"Ah ha! Perhaps you have not. Not yet anyway! But soon, everyone will know and fear The Halloween Knight!"

Bryan shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know if I should waste my time with someone who is playing dress up. Halloween was three months ago."

"The King should not take the Knight so lightly."

"Why not? He's a joke. He isn't a serious threat to the King."

"Oh I dunno, don't be so sure. I think the King might need to be careful. If he doesn't take the Knight seriously, he could lose his kingdom."

"Fine, maybe you're right. The King isn't afraid but he will not let the Knight take his kingdom. He will bring the fight."

The Knight stood up boldly and firmly. "You have until five to answer my challenge!"

He looked to his jester, who nodded and began to confidently count out, "One! Two! Three! Four!"

The Knight stared at Juan, waiting for a five that never came.

"Five! Five you fool!"

Juan just glances up with a confused look upon his face.

However, at this time, the gates to the kingdom began to lower across the moat that separated the Knight from the walls. The bridge touched down, allowing the Knight and his jester to ride their Trash Horse across the bridge and into the walls of the kingdom where Bryan the Brave stood waiting.

"Ah ha! I was surprised to see you answer my call," The Halloween Knight dismounted from the horse, his armor clanking with each step. Juan attempts to follow but falls off the horse to the ground. The Knight glances down and does not bother to help up his jester.

"And why is that? You said it yourself that you have heard of my victories. You have heard of my dominance over anyone who challenges me."

"You see, Sir Bryan, I have heard more than just that. There are rumblings across the lands that Bryan the Brave is not so brave after all. Word is getting around that perhaps your name should be... Bryan the Chicken!"

Juan popped up to his feet and began to walk around in a circle around Bryan the Brave, making clucking sounds and pecking motions. Bryan's fists tightened as his face began to turn red. "What did you say?" Bryan voiced slowly, the anger evident in his tone.

"Ha ha! You heard me! Bryan the Yellow! Bryan the Coward!"

His anger boiling over, Bryan grabbed Juan by his throat, immediately stopping his clucking. With one hand he lifts the jester up in the air by his throat, choking Knight's accomplice.

"Now, now! Unhand him!"

"I'll show you exactly why people fear me."

"Your battle is not with him! It is with me. I am the one that challenges you, not him."

Bryan looked up at Juan, his eyes pleading with Bryan for his life. The King shook his head in disgust as he let go, dropping the jester back to the ground. Juan clutched at his throat, breathing in deeply.

"Who would ever call me a coward? I am Bryan the Brave! I have earned this kingdom and no one will take it from me."

"Ah ha, but the word through the lands is that you did not earn it. That you've lied and cheated your way to where you are!"

Bryan smirked because the words weren't untrue. Like was said, he did what he had to do to get to the top. "So what? That doesn't make me a coward. Would a coward be standing here, right now, ready to take on your challenge? So what is it? Duels at dawn? Sword fight to death?"

"Ahh, don't be so dramatic! We will battle to my strengths! We will joust!"

Bryan's eyes narrowed, "Fine. Jousting it is."

"Ah ha! You fool! I am undefeated at jousting, you fool! Your kingdom will be mine!"

But Bryan was not afraid. This masked maniac would not be the one to take everything he had earned. So while The Halloween Knight took his jester and his horse to prepare, Bryan had to get his own horse ready for battle.

Entering the royal stables, Bryan knew exactly which horse would be his partner in this battle. Jeremy was his most trusted horse. The best horse around, one might say. He had gone into countless battles with Jeremy and knew that with Jeremy on his side, there would be no stopping him.

The horse seemed to smile as Bryan led him away from the stable and prepared for the battle.

The people of the kingdom gathered, whispering quietly amongst themselves about the repercussions of the battle. No one wanted this newcomer to overtake the great king. So they sat in awe as they sat atop their respective steads, staring each other down from one side of the kingdom to the other.

Each held their lance firmly as Juan sauntered to the middle of the battle field. He would give the countdown.

"One! Two! Three! Fo..."

The Halloween Knight took off early! The King shifted his eyes, and he had the nerve to call the King a cheater! But Bryan was not shaken. He gave the signal to Jeremy and they took off. The two horses thundered across the field. The Knight's eyes peered through his skull helmet, locking on the King. But the King remained firm in his own stance as the two men were on a collision course for one another.

The people were on the edge of their seats! The horses almost seemed to run in slow motion toward one another...

And the clash... was EPIC!

Both lances struck with a resounding impact. Two evenly matched forces colliding, the wood of each lance bursting into a tornado of splinters in the air.

While the force was strong from both blows, one rider would lose their footing and fall off their trusty steed, crashing to the ground.

As the dust settled, it became apparent that Bryan the Brave had prevailed. The crowd went wild! The Halloween Knight, dismounted from his Trash Horse, lay defeated on the ground. The jester, Juan, wisely decided to remain silent this time.

Bryan circled around on his horse, riding up to the fallen Knight.

"Ahh..." the Knight winced in pain, "I do not believe it..."

"Don't feel bad," the King said as he dismounted from his own horse. "Many have come before you and many will come after you... and each will suffer the same fate."

"This was going to be different. This was supposed to be different."

"But it wasn't. And it won't be for anyone else. This is my kingdom and nothing is going to change that."

"Are you going to kill me?"

The King shook his head. "No. I will spare you. This time. But I want you to run back and tell anyone you meet... that Bryan the Brave is no coward. And offer them the warning... of what will happen to them when they challenge me."

The Knight struggled to his feet, his Trash Horse coming over to seemingly comfort him in his loss. "Very well... I will go away in defeat. Everyone will know that Bryan the Brave is not someone to fuc... mess with."

And so he did. The Halloween Knight left along with his horse and his jester... and they never returned to the kingdom. But Bryan the Brave knew this was only the beginning. He knew that there would be more challengers coming. His kingdom would not be safe until all threats were eliminated.

But he was ready.

Bring it on.

As Bryan finished his story, he glanced over to the bed where Audrey had at some point drifted off into a deep sleep. Carefully, he approached the bed, his gruff exterior softened by the sight of the slumbering girl. He pulled the covers over Audrey, tucking her in with a tenderness that contrasted with his usual toughness. He quietly whispered to her, "Sleep tight, kiddo."

With a final glance at Audrey, Bryan quietly left the room, shutting the door behind him.

With the house now completely quiet, Bryan took a seat back on the couch and sipped on what was left of the soda Audrey had brought him earlier. Finally he could relax for a few minutes.

He grabbed his phone and saw several missed text messages from Sir Stache.

Wait… he spent how much on a magician for the celebration?

Ugh, so much for relaxing.

Apparently Audrey wasn’t the only person he needed to be babysitting.


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Episode One




Episode 1:

Episode description: In this episode we witness the unexpected twists in Brooklyn Steiner's journey as he becomes the newly crowned FWA Television Champion. However, amid the triumph, Steiner harbors discontent over his exclusion from the F1 Climaxxx Tournament.

Also delve into the intricate tapestry of Steiner's past as we explore the evolution of his relationship with Sarah Grayson. Heartbreak, a universal experience, takes center stage in this compelling episode, shedding light on the pivotal moments that shaped Steiner into the resilient person he is today. Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster as we navigate the complexities of love, loss, and self-discovery


Workhorse TV Show Theme
Love Is A Long Road
By Tom Petty
Opening shot - A dimly lit wrestling ring, surrounded by cheering fans. The spotlight focuses on Brooklyn Steiner, standing tall and determined.
(Tom Petty's voice echoing)
♫ "You've got to love and hate and change, and tear it down and build it up again..." ♫
Quick cuts - Brooklyn Steiner training in a gym, throwing punches, lifting weights, and working on his wrestling skills. The intensity in his eyes is undeniable.
♫ "It's a long road, and we're all trying to find our way..." ♫
Montage - Brooklyn Steiner in various scenes – from a Hollywood movie set to the vibrant lights of the FWA wrestling arena. The juxtaposition of his acting and wrestling careers is evident.
♫ "You've got to take chances and make mistakes, keep on learning each and every day..." ♫
Transition - Brooklyn Steiner dons his wrestling gear, the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance logo prominently displayed. He steps through the curtain, entering the arena as the crowd roars in the background.
♫ "It's a long road, love, but we're all on our way..." ♫
Cut to a sequence of Brooklyn Steiner in the ring, executing powerful moves and thrilling the crowd. The TV show's logo, "Workhorse," flashes on the screen with the HBO and FWA logos.
♫ "Love is a long road, but it's worth every mile..." ♫
Closing shot - Brooklyn Steiner, triumphant in the ring, raising his arms as the crowd cheers. The screen fades to black with the show's title, "Workhorse.




Saturday 30th December, 2023.

Brooklyn Steiner, adorned in a luxurious sweat suit bearing his family crest in striking gold and red hues, strides into the post-show press conference. The FWA executives observe from the crowd, their expressions reflecting contentment after the success of Winter Wasteland. As Steiner approaches the podium, carrying the newly acquired FWA Television Championship, the atmosphere is not one of rejoicing but of contemplation.
Despite the coveted title now in his possession, a cloud of dissatisfaction looms over Steiner. His demeanor, usually celebratory on such occasions, is tainted with a visible discontent. The wrestling media awaits his post-match thoughts, sensing that there's more to this championship victory than meets the eye. Brooklyn Steiner carefully positions the FWA Television Championship on an elegant display stand, ensuring it faces the assembled crowd of media. Taking a seat, he gazes at the prestigious title, a symbol of triumph and accomplishment. Behind him stands his loyal training team, the same individuals who accompanied him to the ring earlier in the night, playing a crucial role in his journey to becoming the FWA TV champion.
As he prepares to address the media, Steiner takes a moment to reflect on his words and the impact they might carry. The weight of the championship, combined with the significance of his message, creates an unmistakable tension in the room. The anticipation among the media intensifies, eager to unravel the deeper meaning behind Steiner's reflections on this momentous occasion.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): You know I got a few things to get off my chest, and before you guys ask me any questions right now, I just have to get something off it. What’s going on here? Why am I not in the F1 climaxx, I’m going to get straight to it before we talk about what just happened here, before we talk about me becoming the TV champion. I just had a classic match out there against KDS and Jack Clipper, all I have been having since I arrived here is classic matches. Brooklyn Steiner has done nothing but give the fans what they pay to see, great wrestling. So how the fuck am I not included in the F1 Climaxx? Huh? Is it because I care more about the “W” in FWA and not the “F”? Do I need a cum truck to get respect around here?
A moment of pause consumes Brooklyn as the frustration etched on his face reveals the internal struggle. He grapples with the sense that the perception of him within the FWA company overshadows the significance of winning his first-ever wrestling championship—the prestigious TV title. The dichotomy of emotions plays out on his features, a mix of triumph and discontent battling for dominance in this pivotal moment.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Should I put on a weasel costume? Should I just imprace the fact that ones making the important decisions around here watch too many fucking cartoons? I really hate for you guys to see this side of me, but, you just don’t know my journey and how serious I take this and it seems that the powers that be don’t. I deserve to be in that tournament against the best wrestlers that FWA has to offer, but am not.
In an unguarded moment, Brooklyn Steiner pulls out a crinkled bag of Pizza Combos from his pocket. Frustration emanates from his eyes as he munches on the snacks, a simple act that, in its nonchalant way, betrays the swirling emotions within.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): First match, they threw a Hall Of Famer at me, I proved to him that he couldn’t hang and we haven’t seen Ashley O’Ryan since. They threw Grayson, a man who hasn’t won a singles match since I've been here, a man that I defeated cleanly in the middle of the ring. He was selected over me? Stop me when I’m telling lies.
Steiner pauses, savoring a handful of Pizza Combos, a deliberate act to draw the attention of the wrestling media. Through this seemingly casual moment, he sends a clear message—he won't be overlooked any longer. The frustration in his rant is noticeable, a declaration against being dismissed or underestimated.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Didn’t I just beat him in the middle of the ring? Stop me when I’m telling lies. I know that he declined the offer, I read the same dirt sheets that you guys do, but the fact that he was picked over me, has me questioning everything about this place. I’m just too bland? Do I need a Nephew or An Uncle to get the respect that I’m clearly not getting? I am here to work my ass off, I’m here to be the black and white in a world of red and to be the best damn wrestler on the planet.
Steiner slams his hand forcefully onto the podium, a visceral display of his frustration and desire for respect within the FWA. The intensity in his eyes reflects the burning determination to earn the recognition he believes he deserves, a sentiment echoing through his impassioned words.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): To be the workhorse here in FWA. You know, as I look at the TV title, just know as long as I have it, this will be the workhorse title, you are going to have to bring it and you are going to have to outwork me. Stop me when I’m telling lies, no one will outwork me. No wrestler on this roster, no wrestler on this planet, and for the sake of how ridiculous this place is, no wrestler in this galaxy will work harder than me.
Steiner's gaze locks onto Jon Russnow in the front row, a fellow spectator who, like everyone else, is absorbing Steiner's impassioned expression of frustration regarding his exclusion from the F1 Climax Tournament. The intensity in Steiner's eyes conveys the depth of his discontent, and the connection with Russno in the audience only amplifies the gravity of his message.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): I will make this TV title here the most important title this company has, and I don’t care who steps up and tries to take it from me. This title has a rich legacy and it will continue with me. Wait no.
Steiner pauses once more, lifting the TV title from the display with a deliberate yet proud demeanor. He gazes at the championship, draping it over his shoulder as he resumes addressing the media. The symbolic weight of the title reflects his determination to be recognized and respected in the world of professional wrestling.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): I will take this title to heights it has never seen. I will not rest, I will not stop till I’m considered the greatest FWA TV champion of all time. And again. Stop me when I’m telling lies. I’m here to make this championship, this TV championship will be more prestigious than the F1 tournament.
With a heavy exhale, Steiner releases the pent-up frustration that has been gnawing at him. He pivots towards the gathered wrestling media, a newfound sense of relief visible in his demeanor.
Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Now that I got that off my chest. I know you guys have questions, and I want to answer as many as I can as I have to head out pretty soon.

The wrestling media barrage Brooklyn Steiner with a volley of questions, each journalist eager to get their query in as the newly crowned TV champion stands ready to field whatever they throw his way.

Larry From Brooklyn, how does it feel finally clinching your first championship in pro wrestling?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): It's an incredible feeling, truly. The journey to this point has been filled with challenges and setbacks, but holding this title, it validates all the hard work, the sacrifices, everything. It's surreal, to be honest. I don’t take this moment for granted and maybe I came off hot about my feelings towards the F1 tournament, but sometimes I can’t keep things bottled in. But to the question, it’s an incredible feeling. I’m the King Of TV, the irony right.

Steiner swiftly transitions to the next question, tackling each inquiry with rapid-fire responses, determined to address the wrestling media's curiosity with speed and precision.

Weshly Jr From ProWrestlingInfo: You've managed to avoid being pinned or submitting in FWA. What's your secret to maintaining such a resilient record?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): You know you would think that would get me in the mix for the F1 but whatever, anyways to the question. It's a combination of things. A mix of training, strategy, and maybe a bit of luck. I pride myself on being tough to beat. But it's not just about avoiding losses; it's about seizing opportunities. That's what got me here.

Steiner swiftly transitions to the next question.

An Original Name For An Reporter From FunkyWrestlingNews: The Secular Spectacular match is on the horizon, where the winner becomes your first challenger. Any thoughts on the participants in that match?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): It's going to be a hell of a contest. The FWA roster is full of talented individuals, and any one of them could step up. The prospect of facing a hungry competitor as my first challenger is exciting. Let the best one emerge; I'll be ready. That’s probably the best “media trained” answer I can give. Whoever leaves that match, I believe the two briefcases have a match where the winners will face off against me for the title? Whoever emerges from that cluster of a match and faces me for my title, just know, they should expect a fight.

Steiner smoothly shifts to the next question, seamlessly moving through the queries with his characteristic confidence.

A Dude FWA Fan Forums: Looking ahead, where do you see yourself in the FWA at the end of this year?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): By the end of the year, I see myself as a cornerstone of FWA, carrying this TV Championship with pride. I want to be in the mix for the biggest matches, elevating the prestige of this title. It's about leaving a mark, creating a legacy. This TV title will mean so much more than it did last year when we closet out 2024, trust me.

Steiner boldly declares his ambitious goals for the year 2024, holding nothing back. He moves on to the next question.

NWAJP Reporter: If you could bring in any free agent wrestler to face in FWA, who would it be?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): That's a tough one. There are so many incredible talents out there. If I had to pick, someone who embodies the same grit and determination as me—maybe a clash with someone like Eli Black would be epic. Make that happen Jon. I really don’t know why he isn’t back in FWA. Such an underrated wrestler.

Steiner's eyes lock onto Russnow, making it evident that he's eager to step into the ring with Eli Black, a notable past FWA star who recently exited the scene. A low murmur ripples through the wrestling media, intrigued by the mention of Eli Black.

Punk Wolf From Llama Wrestling News: Jonathan McGinnis was your trainer, but he's not in that role anymore. Can you shed some light on that decision?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): I will rather not comment on that, I have a new team behind me. Team Steiner, the same guys who walked me to the ring tonight. Me and McGinnis splitted ways on a mutual understanding, and that’s where I will leave it.

E! Hollywood Reporter: Your iconic father, Hollywood legend Kirkman Scott, has publicly expressed his anticipation for your return to the silver screen. Any truth to his statements?

Steiner pauses

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Absolutely no comment. That’s personal.

Annoyed by the personal question thrown his way, Steiner rises from his seat, readjusts the FWA TV title draped over his shoulder, and strides out of the media scrum. The camera follows him as he exits, leaving the ongoing event in the background.

Sometime Later…..

|Beijing, China||Sunday 14th||January, 2024|


FWA Backstage\\\YouTube Exclusive

What Transpired?

Not being one to back down, Steiner stands up from behind the table, taking his headset off. This doesn’t ward Death off, instead it spurs him on, and he offers Brooklyn a smirk as the champion comes around the table to engage in a stand-off. Brooklyn hoists his championship belt into the air whilst nose-to-nose with Walker.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "You have to respect Brooklyn’s spunk, but I’m not sure this is wise considering the dominance we’ve seen from Death Walker so far in this match…"

As Brooklyn lowers his championship, Death’s smirk re-emerges, and he seems to turn away… before grasping a water jug from the top of the commentary desk, and smashing it over the side of Steiner’s head!! The champion immediately drops, and his belt comes loose from his grasp, landing a metre or so away from him.

Rod Sterling: "Death Walker just clocked the FWA Television Champion with a water jug! Brooklyn Steiner was not a part of this match, but holds the gold that two of those presents promise a path to."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "You think this is about the Television Championship? I’m not sure."

Anzu Kurosawa: "You’ve got a theory?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Absolutely not -- but Death’s motivations here hardly seem centred around gold."

Death looms above Steiner, his eyes drawn to the championship belt. He takes a step towards it… as a quartet of FWA officials descend, attending to Brooklyn Steiner, who just seems to be coming to. Walker attempts to reach through the black-and-white barrier to collect Brooklyn, but two of the officials grab him around the waits…

Rod Sterling: "Death Walker throws one of those referees into the ring apron! The other looks petrified…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He should be! Walker needs to be careful, these are FWA officials, and any more violence against them could turn a fine into a suspension…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Are you going to issue him with it, Jean-Luc?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Once more: absolutely not."

With a doctor and security arriving on the scene, a now laughing Death Walker decides to think better of it. The security team tell him his match is over, and - with a shrug - Death turns away from the carnage he’s created. He marches up the ramp, refusing to even glance at Trash Mammal and Madison Gray - who wait on the stage - as he exits the arena
The backstage area is abuzz with activity as Brooklyn Steiner, adorned in an all-black Tom Ford suit, clutches the FWA TV title in his hand. The once-pristine title now bears the scars of the recent attack by Death Walker. Steiner, his face etched with fury, is in the capable hands of the medical staff, who tend to the stitches required from the water jug attack.
At his side is the ever-supportive Katie Baxter, elegantly dressed in a long, white, skin-tight dress. She watches over Steiner, her concern evident, as the medical team works to ensure his well-being.

Amid the backstage chaos, a camera crew approaches the scene, aiming to capture the aftermath of the brutal attack. Steiner, though clearly displeased by the intrusion, allows the cameras to roll, ensuring that every moment of this backstage encounter is documented.

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Hey what's your name… yeah, you the camera dude. I’m talking to you. What’s your name?

Backstage Camera Guy: Ralph!

The YouTube camera guy extends a friendly introduction to Brooklyn, acknowledging the task at hand. Steiner understands that Ralph has a job to do, capturing footage for FWA, and reciprocates the openness and friendliness.

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Ralph, what do you want to talk about huh? Death Walker just clocked me over the head with a water mug and cracked me good. Maybe that’s what I get for being out there for commentary huh? Should I have been out there, what do you think Ralph? Seems like the Youtube crew just love to track me down. For better or for worse. You want to see me get stitches in my head, who would've thought that a water jug would do this. Death Walker really went for my money maker, my face.

Steiner lets out a wry smirk at the jest, a subtle acknowledgment of the irony. His past life as an actor reminds him that, indeed, his looks were a significant asset. In a way, he still considers his face as his "money maker."

Backstage Camera Guy Ralph: Are you okay?

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): That dead-alive guy hit me with a water jug, I've been better but I’m ticked off. I’m going to cross paths with Death Walker again and while people might think that I should be afraid, I’m not. Why should I be? Death looks to be all bark and no bite but he wanted to make a name for himself and attack me, probably frustrated that he lost again. But we will see each other again. FWA is a small place. Trust me. I keep receipts.

As the FWA medical team continues to carefully stitch up the wounds on Brooklyn Steiner, he takes a brief pause from his conversation with Ralph about seeking revenge on Death Walker. In a tone filled with unwavering confidence, Steiner expresses his certainty that their paths will inevitably cross, setting the stage for a confrontation that he seems more than ready to embrace.

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): Madison Gray and Sawyer Xavier have their briefcase and now they must do battle against each other to see who will face me for my TV title in my first title defense, all I can say about that is, may the best person win and may who ever wins expect a fist in their face by me. 2024 will be my year, you understand me Ralph, and it can’t be if I fail to defend my TV title in my first defense. 2024 will be MY YEAR! And it starts with XYZ and it starts with another person who just like KDS and Jack The Clipper no matter the nonsense that surrounds them, the bell will ring and just like KDS and Jack The Clipper, XYZ will have to stand across the ring from me, and stand in the ring with the best big time performer that FWA has, and that is Brooklyn Steiner, that is the current TV champion. These stitches in my head from Death Walker won’t be a factor at all as I face off against XYZ on the 27th of January on Fallout.

A dynamic graphic illuminates the screen, announcing Steiner's inaugural match of 2024 against XYZ on the upcoming episode of FWA Fallout, scheduled for Saturday, January 27th, 2024, in Hong Kong. Fresh off his triumph in capturing the TV championship, Steiner exudes unshakable confidence, ready to face whatever challenges come.

Brooklyn Steiner (The King Of TV): I really don’t know much about XYZ deal but like most people on this roster it belongs in a comic book or a kids cartoon instead of in the ring with me. Come Fallout, Ralph, trust me, I’m going to show the difference between me and XYZ. I will show the world and most importantly the damn decision makers around here why the W in FWA will always be superior to the F, as at the end of the day and unfortunately for XYZ, for many truths in this world, my favorite one of them, in FWA, the bell always rings. Now Ralph with all due respect, I like you and you will probably be the one who gets these exclusive interviews with me in the future . But for that to happen, can you fuck off let these doctors finish stitching me up dude.

The YouTube exclusive segment concludes, and Brooklyn returns to receiving treatment from the FWA medical staff. Katie, satisfied that her friend is in capable hands, resumes her FWA duties as the backstage interviewer as she has other talent to get interviews with. Brooklyn Steiner looks ahead to 2024 with determination, fully aware of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. His focus is on dominating the scene and making a powerful statement as the new year unfolds.



The First Date

Brooklyn Steiner’s loft is bathed in a dim glow from the city lights filtering through expansive windows. The ambiance is warm and intimate. Brooklyn Steiner and Sarah Grayson, both stylishly casual, find themselves at the end of a magical first date.

Brooklyn, charming in a white shirt and jeans, moves gracefully around the island kitchen counter. He has prepared a feast of lobster ravioli, and the enticing aroma fills the loft.

Sarah, in jeans, a pink leather jacket, and pristine white sneakers, is captivated by Brooklyn's culinary prowess. Her eyes sparkle with admiration as she takes a seat at the counter. leaning in with a playful smile

Brooklyn: Could this be any more hyped? Lobster ravioli, made by yours truly—consider it my covert culinary operation.

Sarah: Well, if it tastes half as good as it smells, I might just propose right here.

The chemistry between them is undeniable. The island kitchen counter becomes the epicenter of their connection, a space where love blossoms amidst the delicious flavors and the flickering city lights.

Brooklyn Jordan 1’s add an urban flair to his ensemble, complementing his laid-back yet charismatic demeanor. Sarah’s white sneakers mirror the casual yet chic vibe of the evening, and her pink leather jacket adds a pop of color.

The loft, with its exposed brick walls and eclectic furnishings, serves as a visual metaphor for the uniqueness of their connection. The sounds of the city outside fade away, leaving only shared laughter and whispered conversations.

As they share bites of the exquisite lobster ravioli, the air buzzes with a shared joy that transcends mere enjoyment of the meal. It's a moment of playful banter and genuine laughter. Brooklyn raising an eyebrow.

Brooklyn: Could be smart to have a taste test before putting a ring on it. I mean, relationships have crumbled over less, you know? It's like, lobster ravioli is a big commitment.

Sarah laughs

Sarah: Fair point.

Glances exchanged between Brooklyn and Sarah speak volumes, and a magnetic pull draws them closer. Love hangs in the air like a gentle fragrance, intertwining with the taste of lobster ravioli and the soft hum of the city beyond the loft windows.

In this moment, surrounded by the city's heartbeat and bathed in the warm glow of the loft, Brooklyn Steiner and Sarah Grayson discover something beautiful – the beginning of a love story written in the stars of a New York night.

The Established Relationship

The loft, a canvas of love and dreams, now pulsates with the flourishing romance of Brooklyn Steiner and Sarah Grayson. It's become more than just a space – it's their home. Tonight, creative energy fills the air as they return to the familiar Island Kitchen Counter.

Brooklyn, in comfy gym clothes that showcase his athletic build, is engrossed in a movie script. Sarah, sporting jogging pants and a Deadpool comic-themed T-shirt, is lost in crafting song lyrics. Love and ambition dance in perfect harmony.

The Island Kitchen Counter, a silent witness to their journey, stands at the heart of their domestic haven.

Feeling a surge of love, Brooklyn can't resist stealing a moment. He leans over the counter, playfully interrupting SARAH's creative flow. A tender kiss unfolds, a sweet pause in their creative worlds.

They pull away, smiles exchanged, love lingering in the air. looking at the script.

Brooklyn: This character is more complicated than I thought.

Seizing the opportunity to inject humor, Brooklyn starts throwing paper straws at Sarah. Laughter echoes, breaking the script monotony.

Sarah: Hey, I'm trying to work here!

The loft transforms into a playground of joy. Paper straws become tokens of affection, a light-hearted dance of love.

Brooklyn: You are going to kill it Sarah. Can’t wait to hear what you’re writing..

Sarah: I just adore creating melodies, dreaming of my name in the spotlight. It's all I crave. In my dreams, I see it vividly, and nothing's going to hinder my path. Just like your passion for acting, we're destined for success. We'll both reach those heights.

Steiner hesitates in his reply to Sarah, a moment of introspection revealing that acting lacks the soulful resonance within him that music holds for Sarah. He remains quiet as Sarah realizes that something is wrong.

Sarah: You okay dear?

Brooklyn: Of course.

Sarah: We both will get where we are destined together. I can feel it.

Brooklyn playfully boops Sarah's nose, triggering a cascade of laughter between them. As Steiner glances over, he catches sight of the lyrics of Sarah's penning, her eyes glowing with excitement to share this part of her world with him. The night progresses, and the Island Kitchen Counter stands witness to their intertwined dreams. Laughter harmonizes with creativity, weaving a love story that blossoms amidst the chaos of life and the pursuit of dreams. In this loft, Brooklyn Steiner and Sarah Grayson inscribe a narrative of love, laughter, and boundless possibilities.

Honeymoon Phase Ending…

Brooklyn Steiner, alone in the loft, stands by the Island Kitchen Counter, a cool detachment in his demeanor. He hangs up his phone, the news of not landing the audition barely registering on his face. Acting, a pursuit he seems indifferent to.

His phone buzzes with a text from his father. The message echoes about family legacy and promises to pull strings for the role. Steiner rolls his eyes, responding dismissively, urging his father to let it go.

As Steiner sinks into solitude, phone ringing cuts through the silence. It's Sarah. Brooklyn answers it with the eagerness to speak to his love but before he can’t say anything Sarah cuts him off.

Sarah: (On The Phone) Hey, apologies for going off the grid. Really focusing on the music, and I need to dive in

The call ends abruptly, leaving Steiner staring at his phone, a hollow ache settling in.

Alone, he slumps at the Island Kitchen Counter, fingers tracing a handwritten note in front of him. It's his own script of reluctance – a declaration that he doesn't want to pursue this path.

Time lapses, capturing Steiner's solitary existence at the counter, a visual metaphor for his isolated state of mind.

The phone interrupts the stillness, his father's voice emphasizing the importance of Steiner's acting success. His father warns that Sarah might grow resentful if he doesn't match her rising stardom. Unwilling to accept this narrative, Steiner's patience snaps. He hangs up, frustration etched on his face, and hurls his phone onto the counter, cracking the screen.

Alone and conflicted, Steiner contemplates the crossroads of his life, torn between pursuing his own desires and succumbing to the pressures of legacy and love. The Island Kitchen Counter, witness to his silent struggles, remains the silent stage for this internal drama.

This Is How It Ended…

The loft, once a haven for love and creativity, now echoed with the reverberations of a controversial storm. Brooklyn Steiner sat at the Island Kitchen Counter, his attire – pants and a once pristine white dress shirt – now disheveled, mirroring the turmoil within. The aftermath of his Good Morning America interview had unleashed a media frenzy, and Steiner couldn't escape the relentless scrutiny.

Sarah, dressed in a stylish ensemble that reflected the zenith of her music career, occupied a seat beside him. Distress etched on both their faces, they were a couple grappling with the fallout of the storm Steiner had inadvertently unleashed. The radio played in the background, a constant reminder of how the controversial interview threatened not only Steiner's acting career but also cast a shadow over Sarah's burgeoning success in the music industry.

As the disheartening commentary about Steiner's interview played on the radio, Sarah attempted to make eye contact with him. Her concern was unmistakable, and she sought a connection in the midst of the chaos. Yet, Steiner appeared lost in his thoughts, a visible barrier preventing him from acknowledging her attempts to bridge the growing divide.

The tension in the loft was evident, and Sarah's initial concern began to morph into frustration. She watched as Steiner, overwhelmed by the weight of the controversy, remained ensnared in his own contemplations. The distance between them expanded, not only physically but emotionally, creating an unspoken rift that threatened the foundation of their relationship.

Amidst the turmoil, the Island Kitchen Counter, once a symbol of shared dreams and laughter, now bore witness to the fractures that had emerged in the wake of Steiner's ill-fated interview. The loft, once vibrant with the promise of love and creative synergy, now felt like a fragile sanctuary teetering on the edge of uncertainty. Brooklyn Steiner and Sarah Grayson, caught in the storm of controversy, faced the daunting challenge of weathering the aftermath and preserving the love that had once flourished within those four walls.

Sarah: Is there something you want to tell?

Steiner ignores her.

Sarah: Brooklyn, you are going to have to open up at some point, I don’t know what else to tell you. I need to understand what is going on?

Brooklyn's frustration boiled over, and his voice rose sharply as he directed his words toward Sarah.

Brooklyn: What do you want to hear?!!! Some sad story!!! Are you trying to feel sorry for ME!

Sarah: I don't want to feel sorry for you, I want to understand you. I want to understand what’s going with you in this house.. This damn interview, I want to talk about it.

Brooklyn: I don’t want to talk about anything, it’s dead. Leave it, let it lie, let it die. I’m not talking about that shit no more.

Sarah: Figure out your shit Brooklyn, because what won’t happen will be you dragging my career down with yours.

Sarah walks out of the scene as Steiner furious smacks a glass cup that was on the island counter as glasses smashes everywhere.

The loft, once a haven of shared dreams, now echoes with solitude as Sarah departs, leaving Steiner alone at the Island Kitchen Counter. The timelapse unfolds, a visual testimony to the passage of time as days morph into months.

In the wake of the controversial Good Morning America interview, Steiner finds himself grappling with the aftermath. The loft, once filled with laughter and shared aspirations, transforms into a silent witness to his emotional descent. The weight of his choices bears down on him as he lingers in the haunting stillness of the loft.

Days stretch into months, and an obvious sense of melancholy envelops Steiner. As Sarah's music career soars to new heights, he remains stranded on the sidelines – emotionally and professionally. The city outside the loft moves at its relentless pace, but Steiner, anchored to the Island Kitchen Counter, seems trapped in a stagnant sea of despair. The instrumental of Olivia Rodrigo’s Drivers license plays as the sound of heartbreak is unbearable for Steiner.

The loft, once a canvas for their shared dreams, now serves as a stark backdrop to Steiner's isolation. The air is heavy with the residue of lost opportunities and shattered aspirations. In the silence of the loft, time becomes an agonizing reminder of what once was, and Steiner, a solitary figure at the counter, navigates the ebb and flow of his emotional tumult.

Where I Stand Now
(Present Day)

In the present day, the loft, once witness to a tumultuous love story, now serves as a backdrop to a transformed Brooklyn Steiner. Dressed in a sharp navy blue tailored suit, Brooklyn, now a professional wrestler and reigning FWA TV champion, sits at the Island Kitchen Counter, now a symbol of resilience and reinvention.

The loft, bathed in a muted ambiance, amplifies the contrast between the past and the present. Brooklyn, well-dressed and composed, reflects the evolution of his journey. His gaze is directed downward, contemplating the path that brought him here. The FWA TV championship belt, a testament to his success in the wrestling arena, rests nearby, a tangible reminder of his achievements.

As Brooklyn lifts his head, the camera capturing the intensity in his eyes, he breaks the fourth wall, addressing the viewer directly. In the quietude of the loft, his words resonate with a quiet power, echoing the resilience that defines his current chapter.
Brooklyn: You ever reach a point in your life where it feels like the world's caving in on you? Where everything you thought was solid just crumbles, leaving you grasping at shadows? That's where I was. That's where she left me. Sarah, the love of my life, just up and left without a word. It's a kind of hurt that cuts deep, one that lingers in the quiet moments when you're all alone with your thoughts.

I shut everyone out, turned my back on the world because the rejection was just too damn much. But here's the thing – I realized I didn't have time to wallow in that hurt. I needed a plan, a purpose. And that's when wrestling entered the picture. I made a pact with myself, a promise that I'd be the best damn wrestler this world had ever seen.

It wasn't about proving them wrong; it was about proving to myself that I wasn't a failure. I stopped feeling the hurt when I started working towards the goal. Day in and day out, I poured everything into becoming the best. Outwork everyone, that became my mantra. The rejection fueled me, the pain became power. I cut ties, silenced the noise, and focused on the one thing that made sense – wrestling. All I wanted was a goodbye, a text, a call, anything. But she never gave me that closure. So it was very fuck you watch this!

I channeled that pain into every match, every victory, and every damn championship. Wrestling meant the world to me, but it didn't mean a damn thing to her.

Sarah, if you're out there watching, know this – every cheer, every win, every ounce of success in this ring is a testament to what you lost. Wrestling may not mean a thing to you, but it means everything to me. And I'm here to show you, and anyone who doubted, that I'm not a failure. I'm the best damn wrestler in the world, and I earned it with the hurt you left me with.

Steiner rises from the Island Kitchen Counter, swiftly grabbing the FWA TV Championship before striding out of the scene. The words "Fuck you Sarah" appear in white letters across the screen as the premiere episode of The Workhorse reaches its conclusion, gracefully fading to black amidst the rolling credits.