Meltdown XXXVI & Fallout 036 || Promo Thread.

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Sep 14, 2022
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Promo deadlines:

Sunday 26th November, 23:59PM Pacific Time.
Monday 27th November, 03:00AM Eastern.
Monday 27th November, 08:00AM UK.
Monday 27th November, 18:00PM Melbourne.

There will be no extensions! None! Ha!​


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Act One: A Spoonful Of Sugar, Helps
Madison had chosen to bite her tongue after Horatia went over her head and signed her up for the Buddy Bowl. Initially, they had agreed that all wrestling decisions would be made by Madison. However, she had come to realise that unexpected arrangements sometimes produced results that no one could have foreseen. Grateful for unexpected outcomes, Madison had been lacking real friends since signing with the company. After sitting atop a pyramid, she had gained a newfound appreciation for various aspects of life.

In preparation for her upcoming match, Madison felt that reaching out to 'The Void' could prove beneficial for her mindset. Facing what, on paper, seemed to be a challenging match, she was genuinely scared of stepping into the ring alone against arguably one of the scariest members of the roster. That's why she decided to pick up the phone and call Drusthalva. If anyone in the society knew the answer to her question, it would be her. Madison had deduced that Drusthalva was a 'Fixer' or 'Problem Solver' for "The Void." She suspected that Drusthalva was more involved in the dealings of the Ordo Hammer Fracti than individuals like Horatia, based solely on her public interactions.

The dial tone echoed in Madison's ear as she patiently held her phone, hoping to hear a familiar voice at the other end of the line.

* * * * *

Drusthalva: Hello, this is Drusthalva Morghan, the executive vice president of ‘The Void’. May I ask who I am speaking to?

Madison: Oh, Drusthalva, are you always so formal when you answer the phone?

Drusthalva: Lady Gray? I must admit I was not expecting you to be calling me anytime soon. How may I be of service to you?

Madison: I have a situation waiting for me on the horizon, and I feel I could benefit from someone with a high level of expertise that can give me insight and adjusted skills to increase my chances of success.

Drusthalva: And what is the exact problem you are dealing with? Would it require a more secure line, or are we free to continue?

Madison: Everything we will be discussing is aboveboard, although I will admit I am not a hundred percent on the ethics of the situation depending on the answer you provide, if any.

Drusthalva: Well, I will do everything in my power to find a solution for you. If it's not someone in my direct network, then I will do my best to reach out and find someone capable of doing the job. So what is the situation you are dealing with, and what solution, if any, do you think will remedy it?

Madison: My next opponent is...

Drusthalva: Are we talking about wrestling? Because if so, you know you are the person people are meant to reach out to.

Madison: It is a little more complicated than some scouting advice. It is about something much darker and more sinister, and I feel at present I am lacking the necessary skills to combat it.

Drusthalva: Go on. What exactly are you talking about?

Madison: My next opponent is more than just a normal man. He is more than that. I believe he is some sort of death dealer, a master of the dark arts, some sort of…

Drusthalva: Necromancer? Lady Gray, this is more troublesome than I thought. We shouldn’t talk about this anymore, if members of the spirit world are listening in. I am going to email you an address, and I suggest you get on the first flight to that location. Broad Tree will be able to provide you with all the answers you need to battle this heresy. Good luck, Lady Gray. I am fairly certain you are going to need it.

* * * * *

The line went dead before Madison had time to say goodbye herself. One thing was certain about Drusthalva. As soon as she had brought up the subject of the dark arts she had sounded anxious and worrisome. Perhaps this wasn’t the first time that the Ordo Hammer Fracti had been forced to deal with a situation of this nature. Although there was truly nothing natural about those who dealt in the currency of dead souls.

Madison turned to her laptop which she had placed on her bed and flipped it open and went straight to her secure email account. Making sure to go to Spam, knowing that the message would have been diverted there as was protocol of all covert communiques between members of ‘The Void’. She smiled to herself upon realisation of where she would be travelling to. Big Sky Country. Montana. A land still untouched and not paved over by concrete and urban chaos. A location that Madison was very much looking forward to visiting, especially if it was capable of offering her a solution to her growing sinister problem. A problem she had no intention of walking towards anytime soon.

The line went dead before Madison had time to say goodbye herself. One thing was certain about Drusthalva. As soon as she had brought up the subject of the dark arts, she had sounded anxious and worrisome. Perhaps this wasn’t the first time that the Ordo Hammer Fracti had been forced to deal with a situation of this nature. Although there was truly nothing natural about those who dealt in the currency of dead souls.

Madison turned to her laptop, which she had placed on her bed, and flipped it open. She went straight to her secure email account, making sure to check the Spam folder. She knew that the message would have been diverted there, as was the protocol for all covert communiques between members of ‘The Void’. She smiled to herself upon the realisation of where she would be travelling to: Big Sky Country, Montana. A land still untouched and not paved over by concrete and urban chaos. A location that Madison was very much looking forward to visiting, especially if it was capable of offering her a solution to her growing sinister problem. A problem she had no intention of walking towards anytime soon.

+ + +


Broad Tree was certainly not what Madison had been expecting. She was fairly ignorant when it came to fully understanding the history and practices of the Indigenous people of the Americas, but during her time at ‘The Palace,’ she had learned about the blended culture that the Order and some of the tribes had in the early days, to the point where they had almost become one and the same thing. It was her understanding that Broad Tree took on the role of ‘medicine man’ for the Ordo Hammer Fracti who were working within Big Sky Country. This was the man that Drusthalva believed would be able to offer Madison a spiritual solution to her problems with the death dealer.

Broad Tree had made a point that it was important that he get to know Madison a little bit better before being able to offer her remedies that she would be able to use to aid her in fighting the evil spirits that were no doubt plaguing her next opponent’s soul. Madison would be open about her past and her home life and how she had gotten involved in learning martial arts at the Dojo before jumping forward and plying her trade as a professional wrestler.

When Broad Tree had shared his own history, Madison had been totally caught off guard and had been expecting something very different. Broad Tree had spent a large part of his early adulthood as a member of the United States Air Force and travelled the world and been involved in various combat tours, before returning home and pursuing more traditional routes of his parents. However, a disagreement had resulted in him travelling the country before settling in Montana and being recruited by the Ordo Hammer Fracti where he had apprenticed as a medicine man before taking on the position after the death of the former spiritual leader Wolf UnderWater. Meeting someone who hadn’t been born into the society but rather had been recruited actually offered inspiration for Madison that she could achieve big things if she made the right decisions as a member of the order.

The two of them were sharing herbal teas and were sitting opposite each other on a beautiful Moroccan-style rug as they had finally come round to discussing the issue at hand.

Broad Tree: So, Madison, it seems you are going to be coming face to face with a Necromancer. Is this the first time you have had to deal with something like this before?

Since leaving the United Kingdom, it seemed like nearly every day she had been faced with another first time and really hoped that sooner rather than later she could take things down a gear and enjoy a more slow and normal way of living. Simple living more often than not came with its benefits, that was more often than not heavily underrated.

Madison Gray: I once played a game of Dungeons & Dragons, but that is about it?

Broad Tree offered a large smile before taking a sip of tea before lighting some incense that was giving off a subtle lavender scent.

Broad Tree: What edition? I have rolled the dice a couple of times with some of the younger members of our society, and although I didn’t fully understand the concept of the game, it seemed a very social event filled with smiles and laughter which is a key part of one’s spiritual wellness.

Madison Gray: I must admit I didn’t really understand what was going on. There were a lot of rules and a lot of reading, and I really felt out of my comfort zone. It wasn’t really my vibe. Ever since I discovered Karate and Taekwondo, the world really just made more sense to me. It wasn’t so much about violence, but rather controlled anger. If that makes sense?

Broad Tree stood up and slowly rolled up his knitted sweater revealing a large scar on the left side of his abdomen and some quite significant burn marks that looked like they must have hurt like hell when they were given.

Broad Tree: These hurt, and they were a product of violence. Would I suggest that fighting is the best course of action? Not always, but there is a big difference between war and sport. You have the ability if you travel down the right path to be a role model not just for the next generation, but also the current one. I have a lot of respect for what you are trying to achieve, and if the Order is ever going to become the strong supportive and protective hand it once was, we need more people like you involved in our society. Without you, we will become lost and just become a collection of historians and librarians obsessed with history without a real means of being able to move forward.

Broad Tree pulled down his top covering up his scars, and just looking at them made Madison wince. They looked like they could have easily led to Tree’s death, and at no point in her life had she suffered such tremendous physical pain, and she prayed that she never did. Broad Tree seemed to pick up on her empathic horror but didn’t follow it up and instead returned to the matter at hand.

Broad Tree: So take me through the situation with as much information as you can. What makes you think that your next opponent has somehow infused his soul with the dark arts? Even to have this feeling, there must be something about their inner character that elicited a feeling of fear from you. What is it about their energy that scares you?

The better question would have been, what didn’t scare her? Honestly, just thinking about him made Madison feel queasy, and her legs felt weak just thinking about it. This was very much in many ways one of the last places in the world she wanted to be. Standing opposite Death Walker in a sanctioned wrestling match. It was truly bone-chilling.

Madison Gray: I am not sure where to even start. He is so tall and so large. He is billed from the Depths of Hell and wears a mask that looks like it could be made from the skull of some kind of strange demonic creature. For the best of me, I can’t rationalise how such a person could ever be of this world, and I fear he will influence me in some sadistic way and drag me down through the nine layers of hell for unrelenting punishment. I don’t know if I have what is needed to step into that ring and believe I am capable of getting the job done.

Madison could feel her voice trembling as she was explaining the situation. Broad Tree reached over to a second kettle and poured the contents into another cup and handed it to Madison.

Broad Tree: This is a substance that is similar to ayahuasca. I recommend you drink as much as you can and then lie backward. It will allow you to open up your third eye and have a vision quest that may be able to offer you the answers that you seek.

Madison took a sip although she had no idea what ayahuasca was, so really had no idea what she was putting into her body. Like a rush of a wave, she felt a pins and needles sensation rush over her body, like a crashing wave hitting the shore totally submerging her as she started to fall backward. Her vision started to twist and turn around her, to the point where the colours didn’t make sense, almost as if she was looking into a kaleidoscope. She felt like she was falling, but already on the ground. And then there was darkness.

| + + + + + + + |

Act Two: DarkVision Quest

Madison was confused. Her head was throbbing, and it felt like she had been beaten over the head repeatedly with a hammer until her eyeballs had been ejected from her head like a motel guest who hadn’t paid their bill for over a week. There was a cold metallic feeling against the skin on her wrists and neck, like dunking your head into a trough of freezing cold water. As she opened her eyes, she looked down in horror to find that she was restrained in steel, and it honestly felt like a cruel joke. The air was stale and damp, and she looked at her surroundings. At first, she thought she was in a basement, but after further inspection, it was more likely to be a subterranean cave of some sort. As she looked around, she realised she was on the wrong side of a prison cell, and she very much wasn’t the only person being held against their will. One of the voices, belonging to a virtually disembodied person, finally broke the skin-crawling silence. And upon realisation, some of the faces she was looking at didn’t look all that human.


Buppido: You sleep a very long time for a human, don’t you? Buppido needs a few hours' sleep, but I suppose when you are more used to a tougher way of life, you are more capable than summer babies who are used to sleeping underneath the sun.

Madison didn’t know what to think, let alone say. The man, if he was even a man, had dehydrated blue-grey skin and dishevelled grey hair. The most striking feature though was his eyes, which were pale and seemed to lack irises and pupils, making him look truly haunting.

Buppido: So will you be staying with us long, or do you intend for this to only be a short stay?

Madison was still really confused by the whole situation, and as much as she pinched herself, this nightmare was not ending.

Madison: I really don’t mean to be rude, but where exactly are we? And is the mask you are wearing decorative, or is it something you are forced to wear against your will?

The strange individual snickered, and it was somewhere between a laugh and a cough, leaving Madison feeling slightly uneasy.

Buppido: You are the newest resident of the Prison Cells of Velkynvelve, and I am sure that it won’t be long until you meet our host, the ever-gracious Lord Darius.

Another voice spoke up; this one had something that resembled a French accent with a twist of something else, and it belonged to another individual that also did not look like it was of this world, resembling a fish person of sorts.


Shuushar: Although the words that Buppido says are true, very little that leaves his mouth will be served with honesty. I advise that you hold your tongue and try not to speak out of turn; otherwise, our captors will not offer you any second chances. All you will hear is the crack of a whip and the singe of pain against your skin, which looks softer than most and very susceptible to bruising.

Whip? Madison felt herself shiver inside out; it was not the sensation she liked to endure very often. The anguish in her voice could be felt by everyone else present in the cell.

Madison: I am still so confused. I don’t understand how I got here or how any of this is real. The last thing I remember... I remember... actually, I don’t remember the last place I was. I actually don’t remember a lot of things at the moment.

Shuushar made a sound that could only be compared to that of a bubble machine before replying.

Shuushar: Memory loss isn’t uncommon when captures occur, especially for those that come from above ground. When you have your audience with ‘The Soul Collector,’ it is important to make a good first impression. You need to show them you aren’t afraid of hard labour; otherwise, when they come and collect you and take you to Menzoberranzan, it will be as a sacrificial offering and nothing more. The Underdark is unforgiving, and with very little hope of escape, you can only hope that whoever you bend the knee to can offer you a scrap of decency.

At that point, Madison had stopped listening, and everything around her felt like a blur. As if she had been spinning on a roundabout in a playground for too long and she was about to be sick. She felt nauseous and bent over and proceeded to puke her guts out. The next thing she knew, she heard the clanging of the gate being thrust open and something hitting her over the back of the head, and then everything went black.

+ + +

Madison woke to the chain around her neck being pulled hard from behind her, and it felt like all of the air was being choked out of her lungs. With the chain taut, she came face to face with a woman with a horrific scar running through her right eye. Although this individual looked far from friendly, there was twisted comfort in the fact that this person seemed more human. She wasn’t sure what this meant anymore; she just had this burning sensation within her head, and nothing had been good about that feeling since she had woken up within the confines of the prison cell. She was caught off guard as the woman struck her hard across the face with an open-palm slap that stung like a hornet, and Madison could feel her skin reddening already.


Asha: When you make eye contact with your superior, you bow your head and offer your better a polite greeting.

The woman made a clicking sound with her mouth, and in an instant, Madison heard and felt the cracking of her whip cutting into her back like a razor blade.

Asha: That was given as part of your education on what it means to be unworthy of being in the Lord’s presence. Unfortunately, it is part of my penance to trudge through the crap and straighten out the flowers that need to be crushed and turned into thorns, which are more presentable and appropriate if they are given the honour of being sent to the capital. Now, look up and let me see what I am working with.

Madison looked up and stared into the woman’s eyes, but she felt the crack of the whip burn into her back once more and flinched as the woman grabbed her roughly around the neck and pulled her toward her.

Asha: When I mentioned a polite greeting, I was serious! Does this one not have a tongue?

Madison was flustered and in terrible pain. She wanted to stand up and scream, but there was nowhere for her to run and no means by which to do so.

Madison: I apologise, Lady. I am unaware of your customs.

The woman offered a sadistic smile as she made a hand movement, and the tension on the chain around Madison’s neck loosened.

Asha: You will need to work on a few things, so I suppose it is important you address me by an official title. Priestess Asha Vandree. I am also the official envoy for Lord Darius and work as his stationed Drow representative, which allows for his status within Menzoberranzan to be officially recognized. If you earn my favour and, in turn, earn the favour of Lord Darius, then you will be put forward as the credited property of House Vandree, and you have a chance of seeing the year out. Otherwise, you will be torn limb from limb and thrown to the spiders as chum. Now, when you were purchased from ‘The Devoid Circus,’ you were listed as a sword dancer, and although these skills are unlikely to be sought after anytime soon, I am sure a good work ethic will help you move forward.

The Devoid Circus? Something about this was familiar, but Madison couldn’t quite put her finger on what that meant. Her brain felt like scrambled eggs, and nothing was really making much sense, but there was an element of fear that was acting like a rein, and she most certainly didn’t want to suffer another crack of the whip. Holding her tongue seemed to be the correct option, though, as Asha seemed to offer a smile, although it was hard to deduce whether it was sincere or rather one out of pity. If this woman was even capable of pity.

Asha: Now, in a few moments time, I am going to open the door behind me, and you are going to walk through those doors and have your first and only audience with the Lord Darius. Known to his enemies as ‘The Soul Collector’ and to his friends as ‘Death Walker.’ So drag yourself up and march through those doors, otherwise one of my men is going to tear open your back until your blood is soaking the floor.

Madison found the energy from her reserves and pushed herself back up to her feet and walked towards the door. As she looked at the figure before her, she realised they were sitting on thrones made of bones, and the temperature in the room was so cold, it was as if her own soul was floating on her cool breath and escaping her body. As she looked up and saw the horrific figure staring back at her, it felt as if the world was frozen still.


There was a distant voice lingering in the back of her mind, and suddenly, all she could smell was a pungent scent of lavender, and then…

| + + + + + + + |

Act Three: Reflection


Madison’s time with Broad Tree had left her with more questions than answers, and although the details of her vision quest were still blurry and confusing, and what she had remembered didn’t make much sense, Tree had given her the recipe for the tea. He suggested that it would be to her advantage to have a few more blends, and that further quests might aid her in strengthening herself on a spiritual level. Her anxiety surrounding facing Death Walker had greatly lessened. One thing she had learned from her visit to Big Sky Country was that there was always a bigger and badder fish. If she looked at Death Walker as just another opponent and not the sinister being she had envisioned, and legends were being created for, she might just be able to dig deep and bring out her inner lioness.

Even though she was still fresh out of the blocks and had only managed to pick up the second win of her career, an overall record of 2-10 didn’t exactly generate fear in her enemies. She had every expectation that Death Walker perceived her as an easy opponent. And in many ways, perhaps she was an easy opponent. Being someone that others were wary of facing was earned, and she knew she had to earn this right with battle acclaim and glory. She needed wins, and she needed them now. It was vital that she changed her status and moved herself from irrelevant to a hot prospect. She needed to finish the year strong, and maybe if she played her cards right, she might earn coveted gold in 2024. The real status she wanted to change was to drop the mantle that came with being seen as a Young Lion and very much become her own woman. She wanted to be someone that management pencilled into their plans early on and no longer be an afterthought used as someone to tune up the bigger names signed to the promotion.

The person waiting after Death Walker was the one really hanging over Madison’s mind. Blake Taylor was determined to be a thorn in her side, and his involvement in her friendship with Laramie had created a situation she really wished she could have avoided. However, she felt that the cards from the deck had already been dealt, and the way the planets were lining up, she was going to have to introduce him to the Disappointed Master. But before that could happen, she was going to have to step into the obsidian abyss and prevent her soul from being devoured by the Dark Traveler.


Probably A Skrull
Sep 14, 2022
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A Snazzy Song To Listen As You Read. (Optional)

A Not Very Simple Brooklyn Steiner Thanksgiving RP!
Click Above Here For RP!

A Very Special
Thanksgiving Roleplay?

In a cozy room adorned with posters of superheroes and action figures scattered across the shelves, a young kid finds himself alone on Thanksgiving Day. The air is filled with the enticing aroma of a traditional Thanksgiving feast, with a plate of delectable food laid out on his desk. The room is bathed in the warm glow of string lights, creating a comforting atmosphere that contrasts with the chilly autumn evening outside.
Seated in his favorite gaming chair, the kid eagerly munches on a slice of turkey, savoring the flavors of the holiday meal. His eyes light up with excitement as he scans the room, searching for the perfect entertainment to complement his Thanksgiving celebration. With a mischievous grin, he spots the telltale blue case on his shelf, the PS5 game titled "Brooklyn Steiner vs A Nephew." And pops in the disc and loads up probably the greatest game to ever exist.






Brooklyn Steiner vs A Nephew
Level IV
Chapter IIV: What is a Nephew?
The pixelated world of "Brooklyn Steiner vs A Nephew" unfolded on the screen, bathed in the nostalgic glow of retro Final Fantasy 7 graphics. Brooklyn Steiner, a digital avatar reminiscent of Street Fighter's Ryu, stood determined in his gear, a sword gleaming in hand. The quest had begun, and the first Nephew Castle loomed ahead.
The landscape was a pixelated masterpiece, reminiscent of a bygone era of gaming. Brooklyn Steiner marched with purpose, his animated steps bringing him closer to the towering castle. The chiptune soundtrack pulsed, setting the tone for the impending battle.
As the game character approached the castle gates, the screen transitioned to a dimly lit throne room. There, standing with a nefarious grin, was the first boss, Gerald Grayson. The digital version of Grayson bore a striking resemblance to his real-world counterpart, his sprite exuding a menacing aura.
The pixelated landscape of "Brooklyn Steiner vs A Nephew" unfolded with Brooklyn marching onward, slashing through enemies and defeating Nephew foot soldiers. The looming castle sat on the horizon, a constant distraction as Brooklyn pressed forward in his quest. Little did he know, the NWA Project Sisters, formidable guardians of Nephew lore, awaited him.
As Brooklyn navigated through the pixelated terrain, the screen flickered, and the NWA Project Sisters materialized before him. Titan, Calgary and Honolulu adorned with giant swords, their extremely long blonde hair flowing, and their attire a golden bikini, they emanate an otherworldly presence. Fire glowed in their eyes as they faced the determined game character. The NWA project's sister stands in the way!
Brooklyn - Alright, NWA Project Sisters, stand aside. I have a Nephew to beat and a road to a TV championship to travel on..
Titan - Oh, dear Brooklyn Steiner, you're marching into a realm you don't understand. Turn around now, and we might spare you.
Calgary - You're not ready for what lies ahead. Gerald Grayson is a force beyond your comprehension.
Brooklyn eyes the Sisters, determined but curious.
Brooklyn - I appreciate the warning, but I can't turn back now.
Honolulu - Grayson is a former champion of the Tag, a realm you know nothing about.
Titan - We suggest you leave Brooklyn. Save yourself from a hopeless fight.
Brooklyn, undeterred, tightens his grip on his pixelated sword.
Brooklyn - I appreciate the concern, but I can handle myself. Now, step aside.
The Sisters exchange knowing glances.
Calgary - Very well. If you insist on this path, we won't hold back.
The pixelated battlefield transforms into a dynamic arena as the battle between Brooklyn Steiner and the NWA Project Sisters starts. With a battle cry, the NWA Project Sisters lunged forward, their giant swords clashing against Brooklyn's pixelated blade. The intense duel unfolded, each sword swing and magical attack contributing to the chaos on the screen.
The soundtrack intensified, adding urgency to the encounter. Brooklyn, focused on his goal, maneuvered through the onslaught, dodging fiery projectiles and retaliating with well-timed strikes. The pixelated battlefield became a symphony of clashes and magical bursts. The air crackled with intensity, and the chiptune soundtrack intensified, underscoring the gravity of the virtual confrontation.
Brooklyn wielded his pixelated sword with skill and determination. His eyes locked onto the NWA Project Sisters, each of them armed with giant swords and exuding an aura of mystical power. Their extremely long blonde hair flowed as they moved with an otherworldly grace.
The battle commenced as the Sisters, synchronized in their movements, lunged at Brooklyn with swift and calculated strikes. The clash of steel filled the air as Brooklyn skillfully parried their attacks, his pixelated character demonstrating agility and precision. The NWA Project Sisters, however, were not to be underestimated.
Calgary, with a swing of her giant sword, unleashed a fiery projectile that hurtled toward Brooklyn. He rolled to evade the attack, narrowly escaping the explosive burst. Honolulu, in tandem with her sisters, conjured a magical barrier that surrounded them, deflecting Brooklyn's retaliatory strikes.
Undeterred, Brooklyn pressed forward. He executed a pixel-perfect combo, landing precise sword strikes on Titan. The pixelated character recoiled, but the Sisters quickly regrouped. Honolulu, the eldest of the trio, unleashed a devastating area-of-effect attack, sending shockwaves across the battlefield. Brooklyn, with quick reflexes, leaped to avoid the brunt of the assault.
The battle raged on, the screen filled with dynamic animations as Brooklyn and the NWA Project Sisters exchanged blows. Their golden bikinis shimmered in the pixelated light, adding a surreal aesthetic to the fierce encounter.
As the fight reached its climax, Brooklyn tapped into his character's special abilities. He unleashed a powerful sword technique, creating a dazzling display of pixelated brilliance that struck each Sister with precision. The NWA Project Sisters, momentarily stunned, gave Brooklyn the opportunity he needed.
With a final, well-timed strike, Brooklyn incapacitated the Sisters one by one. The screen flashed, signaling victory, but the lore of the Nephew remained elusive. The defeated Sisters dissolved into pixels, their fiery eyes flickering before fading away. The NWA Sisters dropping loot after the defeat as Brooklyn walks on to and picks up revealing a to be a lucky Fedora Hat that increases the characters skills by plus five but most importantly a note from a princesses character from the game Princess Katie Baxter, picking up and reading the note.

Dear Brooklyn
I hope this note reaches you in good health. I've seen your bravery and determination, and I must warn you about the risky path you're on. The Nephews' world is a maze of complexity and annoyance, and you, being an outsider, may not fully comprehend the consequences of diving too deep.
The reason Fuck The Nephews exist is a mystery to you,, and some things are better left unknown. Focus on defeating Gerald Grayson, for that is your mission. But be cautious, Brooklyn, for the Nephews' lore is like quicksand, and the more you struggle against it, the deeper you may sink.
You are fortunate to exist outside the world of FWA, untouched by the chaos that is the Nephews. Cherish that perspective, for once you delve into their realm, you may never be the same. It's a place where annoyance and absurdity reign, and not everyone emerges unscathed.
Proceed with caution, Brooklyn Steiner. Your destiny may be entwined with FWA, but the Nephews' world is a different beast altogether.
May your sword stay sharp and your resolve unwavering.
Princess Katie

The pale glow of the moon bathes the courtyard in an ethereal silver light, casting intricate pixelated shadows that dance across the cobblestones. Brooklyn Steiner, his 8-bit form standing tall, is illuminated by the celestial radiance. The Nephew Castle looms ominously in the distance, its towering spires reaching toward the star-studded sky.
Brooklyn inhales, the pixelated night air carrying a sense of tension and anticipation. He tightens his grip on the hilt of his sword, the pixelated metal reflecting the ambient moonlight. As he prepares to face the upcoming challenges, he takes a moment.
Brooklyn Steiner - Grayson, It’s a simple story, a simple tale, a simple motive for me, I have to defeat you, I have to enter this castle and take down another one in my path to my ultimate glory. So much history is here in FWA and as I continue my hero journey through it, I plan on encountering it all. From Ashley O’Ryan, a legend of this realm who was my first battle on this path, to tasting defeat on the quest mission for the Gunfight One Ring.
Brooklyn Revisiting on the past battle at the Gunfight One Ring level and how he had to taste defeat as a lesson to move forward.
Brooklyn Steiner - I belong here and the more I start to question myself, the more it seems that statement is true. My story here is an infant compared to others, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t stop me from entering this castle and laying you down and moving you out of the way of my path. I still feel like an outsider here as a man who hasn’t found his place in the world of FWA. The fight doesn’t end. The fight can never end, I lost too much to stop here. I must enter this castle and not only face you, but defeat you. I have a huge battle for the chance to be called the King Of Television, The Television Champion and that road is almost at its end. You are a test needed to see if I can bring gold to my legacy and prove that I belong in this world, Grayson. You used to be a champion Grayson, and you know what it's like to find great success here in FWA and then you left and now returned, now you must be a tune up for me, a battle I must have to prepare myself for Jack The Clipper and Kleio De Santos. Just another test , just another quest, just another way for me to find redemption. One more fight before Winter comes, one more fight before Winter Wasteland!
As Brooklyn Steiner stands before the looming gates of the Nephew Castle, the virtual moonlight casts an ethereal glow on his pixelated armor. He takes a moment to steel himself, his gaze fixed on the ornate doors that guard the entrance to the heart of pixelated darkness.
The ominous silhouette of Nephew foot soldiers emerges from the shadows, pixelated weapons glinting menacingly. Unfazed, Brooklyn unsheathes his pixelated sword, its virtual blade catching the moonlight with each fluid motion. The clash of pixels rings out as he dispatches the foot soldiers with a seamless dance of precision.
The defeated foot soldiers dissolve into pixelated fragments, leaving Brooklyn standing alone, his pixelated avatar radiating a sense of determination. The virtual courtyard, once tainted by the presence of Nephew minions, is now a testament to Brooklyn's prowess.
As the last echoes of battle faded, the colossal doors of the Nephew Castle began to creak open. A foreboding darkness emanates from within, teasing the impending confrontation with Gerald Grayson, one of the infamous Nephews. Brooklyn takes a deep breath, his pixelated form poised for the challenges that lie beyond the threshold.
With a final glance back at the conquered courtyard, Brooklyn steps into the pixelated abyss beyond the castle gates, ready to face the enigmatic Grayson and unveil the mysteries that await in the heart of Nephew territory.
Brookly Steiner - Man, Fuck The Nephews. OH NOW I GET IT!
Brooklyn pauses as he has a come to Jesus as he comes to the understanding that in this virtual world the Nephews are annoying and then……

An Error Has Occurred in the following application
Brooklyn Steiner Vs A Nephew

Just as the intensity of the match reached its zenith, the screen froze. A momentary pause, then the game glitched, and the highly anticipated clash between Brooklyn Steiner and A Nephew came to an abrupt halt. Frustration flashed across Kid's face as he frantically pressed buttons on the controller, hoping to revive the digital battle that had enthralled him.
"No, no, no!" he muttered under his breath, the disappointment evident in his voice. The game, however, seemed determined to deny him the conclusion of this epic confrontation.
With a sigh of frustration, The young kid reached for the controller, his brows furrowed in annoyance. He navigated through the console's menu, attempting to salvage the experience, but the glitch persisted. In a moment of defeated determination, he stood up and approached the PS5, fingers tapping impatiently on its sleek surface.
After a few unsuccessful attempts to unfreeze the game, Kid's frustration peaked. He shook his head in disbelief and, with a resigned sigh, ejected the game disc from the console. Holding the Brooklyn Steiner vs. A Nephew game in his hands, he looked at it with a mix of disappointment and irritation. Carefully, he placed it back into its case, closing it with a decisive snap.
Returning to his spot on the floor, The kid settled back into his cross-legged position. The aroma of the food still in the room, momentarily distracting him from the digital letdown. He grabbed a fork and ate, but the frustration lingered. Between bites, he glanced at the closed game case, a silent testament to the untimely demise of a showdown that had promised so much.
The kid turned the input from the Playstation to cable TV as an FWA Live commercial advertising the Meltdown matchup with Brooklyn Steiner vs Gerald Grayson just so happens to play.
—----- Commercial Plays —------
Commercial Narrator: On the upcoming episode “Meltdown”, witness a clash of titans as Brooklyn Steiner and Gerald Grayson step into the FWA ring for an epic showdown!
Cut to footage of Brooklyn Steiner training in the ring and Gerald Grayson executing high-flying maneuvers
Commercial Narrator: Brooklyn Steiner, the rising star with his eyes set on FWA gold, battles against the seasoned veteran, Gerald Grayson, in a fierce singles match that promises non-stop action!
Montage of Steiner and Grayson exchanging intense stares, showcasing their determination
Commercial Narrator: Steiner, hungry for success, aims to seize the opportunity for championship glory as he steps into the triple threat match for Kleio De Santos' Television Championship! But Grayson, the Daredevil of FWA, has a point to prove after being targeted by the relentless Death Walker. Will he overcome the challenge and rise victorious on Meltdown? Don't miss the pulse-pounding action, the electrifying moments, and the unpredictable twists, as these two warriors collide in a battle that will set the stage for Winter Wasteland!
Screen fades to black, FWA logo displayed with event details…..

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Aug 14, 2023
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Presenting, the newest insight into the backstory of one half of the NEW FWA Tag Team Champions...
“A Circus of Similarities" featuring Xavien Marshall

Cap presents…
Xavien Marshall in “A Circus of Similarities”

The camera shot displays and smoothly navigates through the vibrant atmosphere of a jam-packed carnival, sprawling across a large, open field. The scene brims with life and color; festive banners flutter in the breeze, and the sweet melodies of a carousel blend with the delighted shrieks of children. Families wander back and forth between booths, their faces beaming with excitement as they try their luck at games of skill and chance, winning stuffed toys and other whimsical prizes, oblivious to the fixed nature of every single game.

The air is thick with the enticing aromas of classic carnival fare – popcorn, hot dogs, and especially cotton candy, its sugary scent weaving through the crowd, tickling the noses of children and adults alike. The children, faces painted with bright designs, giggle and scamper about, clutching balloons that bob in the air like colorful specters. Parents follow with indulgent smiles, capturing memories on their phones.

As the camera continues its journey, the sounds of laughter and chatter gradually give way to a sense of anticipation. The field opens up to reveal a grand stage at its far end, its presence commanding attention. The stage, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, is adorned with bold, red and white striped curtains. A large crowd has formed facing it, eagerly awaiting the next show.

At this moment, the Ringmaster makes his grand entrance. He steps onto a raised circular lift, a centerpiece at the forefront of the stage, drawing all eyes to him. His attire is spectacular – a long, flowing red coat that glistens in the light, paired with a classic top hat that adds to his theatrical allure. His presence is magnetic, exuding a mix of mystery and charisma that is the hallmark of every great showman.

With a dignified grace, he walks with the aid of an ornate cane, each step deliberate and full of purpose. The Ringmaster's face, lined with experience, breaks into a broad, welcoming smile, and his eyes sparkle with promise. He reaches out with a gloved hand and picks up an old-school style microphone, its vintage design a nod to the timeless tradition of the circus.

As the Ringmaster brings the microphone to his lips, the crowd hushes in anticipation. His voice, rich and resonant, begins to fill the air…

"Come one, come all, ladies and gentleman, adults and children of all ages and get ready to witness the incomprehensible tale of a man who will embark on a battle with his own inner workings in an attempt to salvage the fractured shards of his personal fortune.

Get ready to be enthralled by a story of struggle, resilience, and transformation. Step right up, and see the saga of a man fighting to reclaim the reins of his own destiny. A man whose demons come to life before his very eyes in the form of Shadows that lurk in the night, speaking to him, leading him to evil.

This is not just any story; this is the story behind Xavien Marshall's road to a life not controlled only by himself. A once promising athlete derailed by the way of life on the bad side of the tracks, now thrust into an entirely new life after eight excruciating years behind bars.

The curtain is rising, the lights are dimming, and the show is about to begin. Hold onto your seats, for you're in for a ride that will captivate your heart and stir your soul!"

Chapter 1 - Vulnerable

Xavien Marshall strode cautiously along the fractured pavement of an East Cleveland sidewalk, his steps measured and slow. The turmoil in his mind was almost palpable, a maelstrom of thoughts and memories swirling ceaselessly. A common trend of late. The biting chill of the Northeast Ohio winter, reintroduced with vengeance after eight years away, enveloped him - The frigidity of Cleveland winters being one of the few things as unforgiving as prison. Dressed in a maroon Cavaliers Basketball sweatshirt, borrowed from his brother’s closet, and layered under a timeworn black wool jacket, his appearance spoke of a rugged, lived-in quality. His outfit was rounded off with tattered dark blue jeans, a frequent choice in recent times, and yellow Timberland boots that hung loosely around his feet. The boots' heavy steps punctuated the silence, setting a lone cadence to his stride.

As a car crept past, suspicion faintly flickered in Xavien's wary eyes. He felt the omnipresence of the Shadows, an ever-watchful, ever-menacing presence. They hovered, both protectors and predators, their potential for sudden emergence a constant threat. This menace had forced Xavien into a life of perpetual surveillance.

Ambivalence churned within Xavien Marshall as he contemplated his recent triumph of the FWA Tag Team Championships. A fierce competitor at heart, he reveled in the accomplishment, the taste of victory sweetening a career that had never known such heights in his football days. His mind, ever a whirlpool of memories and dreams, drifted back to his last taste of championship glory. It was in eighth grade. As a dual-threat on the field, playing both running back and linebacker, he had seized the Most Valuable Player award. Back then, Xavien had envisioned a future of lighting up scoreboards with electric touchdown runs comparable to Adrian Peterson and Jamal Lewis, but fate had other plans. High school had introduced him to a new reality, one where a newcomer eclipsed his prowess on the field. It was a harsh lesson in adaptability, teaching him that his greatest contribution to the team lay not in the spotlight of offense, but in the resilience of defense. And so, he had adapted, putting the team above personal glory.

And what did that accomplish? Nothing. They never won a meaningful game. Fuck the team.

Xavien’s amble came to a halt in front of a similarly ragged structure to the parole office. Adjacent to the walkway, a decrepit sign languished, its features more eroded by the relentless Ohio winters than the faces of those who passed it daily. Emblazoned upon it, in stark scarlet letters set against a backdrop that once boasted pristine whiteness, were the words “Ohio Re-Entry Center.” This haven offered a lifeline to those emerging from the shadows of incarceration, aiding in their precarious journey back into the folds of society. Within its walls, a dedicated staff endeavored to bridge the chasm for ex-inmates, guiding them towards employment, education, and essential emotional support, providing a hand up rather than a handout, something Xavien’s pride despised.
Against his instincts, Xavien had conceded to the idea of consulting with a counselor, to untangle the knot of emotions that both life and prison life had tightened within him. Officer Martin had been adamant about its potential benefits. He had nudged Xavien towards a semblance of trust in Jay Kenny, though the effort had borne no fruit. Yet now, the circumstances had changed; trust was no longer a choice. He and Jay Kenny, bound by the title of FWA Tag Team Champions, faced a new arena – not merely as allies but as adversaries in an impending conflict. They were partners in triumph... but now, this week, they must go to war.

Xavien advanced towards the front door, harboring a noticeable unease after secluded life for so long about engaging in social interactions and executing simple tasks, like announcing his arrival.

His apprehensions were swiftly alleviated, however, when the receptionist at the front desk, upon noticing him, loudly announced, "Sarah! Xavien Marshall is here!" The receptionist, a woman with auburn hair and a plump figure, was clad in attire far more casual than anything Xavien had ever encountered at the parole office. She offered him a warm smile and said, "Congratulations on your championship."

Xavien was momentarily taken aback, then it dawned on him that the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance was broadcast on television. The receptionist must be a fan, he realized – a first for him. A faint smile crept onto his face as he expressed his thanks and proceeded to take a seat in the lobby.


Chapter 2 - A Pleasant Surprise

As Xavien's patience began to fray at the edges, the door beside the receptionist's desk swung open. A woman with lustrous brown hair and an aura of quiet confidence stepped through. She was impeccably dressed in a crisp pantsuit, which, despite its professional cut, couldn't overshadow the warmth of her long brown hair and her inviting smile.

"You ready, Xavien? Sorry about the wait," she said with a tone that was both professional and genuinely apologetic.

"It’s all good," Xavien replied, his voice carrying a youthful, East Cleveland-accented lilt. He sprang up from his seat, following her into an office tucked away at the rear of the building. The room, bathed in the soft light filtering through a large window, offered a serene view of Lake Erie. She motioned towards a plush leather chair, then settled into a rolling chair across the room, closing the distance between them with a smooth glide.

"So, I’ve heard a lot about you from Officer Martin and Kathy, our receptionist. She’s a huge wrestling fan and couldn’t stop talking about you. Tell me, are you really such a tough villain, or is that just who you play on TV?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"I mean, have you seen my rap sheet?" Xavien quipped, a playful edge to his tone, mingling with an undercurrent of defensiveness.

"Xavien, the actions of a seventeen-year-old don’t reflect the man I see before me. The streets ensnare many, but that doesn’t mark them forever. You have a promising future, especially in Professional Wrestling," she said, her voice imbued with a mix of professional assurance and personal conviction.

Xavien paused, absorbing her words. "You're right, Mrs... Uh, I didn’t catch your last name?"

"Just call me Sarah, but it's Edwards," she responded, her smile softening.

"Ight, Mrs. Edwards. Thanks for not judging for real. But leaving that life, shaking those demons... it's not easy," Xavien confided, his voice tinged with the weight of his past.

"The first step is wanting to change. Do you?" she probed, her gaze steady and encouraging.

"Would I be here if I didn’t, Mrs. Edwards?" Xavien replied, a sly smile briefly lighting up his face.

"You’re here to stay on Officer Martin’s good side and keep your freedom. He also helped you land a pretty impressive gig," she pointed out with a knowing look.

Xavien fell silent, contemplating her insights. "You’re right. But I want to change. I'm tired of the paranoia, I’m tired of not trusting anyone. I want to win this match against my tag partner and then leave that behind us and be great tag team champions."

"Word is, you’ve been playing mind games with your partner," she noted, her eyes not missing a beat.

"Maybe a lil’ bit." Xavien admitted, his smirk betraying a hint of mischief.

"And how do you expect to build trust that way, Xavien?"

"Just a one-off strategy. Jay Kenny's good, I need an edge. I still have my eyes on that Gunfight One ring," Xavien explained, his determination clear.

"Don't play me, X. You enjoy the games, don’t you? Just be honest here," she challenged, her voice firm yet open.

Xavien paused, the gravity of her words sinking in. "Is this how this works? I speak, and you see right through me?"

"No, Xavien, you talk, and I offer my perspective to help you stop stumbling over your own life. It won’t be easy, but if you're open and willing, I can help," she reassured, her tone sincere.

"You got it, Mrs. Edwards. I need the help."

"Take me back to the start. Tell me about the football coach, your arrest, everything. I'm all ears," she said, leaning in, her attention fully focused on him.

Xavien leaned back into the leather chair, closed his eyes briefly, inhaled deeply, and let out a long breath before beginning to unravel a tightly woven web of a life gone awry.


The screen at the carnival flickers and dims to black, signaling the end of one act and the promise of more to come. The vibrant curtains, with their bold stripes, draw together, cloaking the stage in mystery and anticipation. In this moment of quiet suspense, the Ringmaster reappears, his figure emerging confidently against the now-darkened backdrop. His presence reignites the excitement in the air, as the audience eagerly awaits the next chapter of the tale. All eyes are fixated on the Ringmaster.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests of tonight’s grand circus, brace yourselves for the continuation of a tale so gripping, so profound, it will leave you on the edge of your seats! We've only just begun to scratch the surface of the extraordinary journey of Xavien Marshall. From the frostbitten sidewalks of East Cleveland to the battle for glory in the wrestling ring, his story is a tapestry of struggle, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit.

As we delve deeper, get ready to be swept away by a narrative rich in emotion and transformation. This is a story of a man not just fighting against the odds, but rewriting his destiny with every step. Xavien's journey is a testament to the power of will, the strength of heart, and the unyielding courage to face one's demons.

So, my dear audience, I implore you to remain with us! The next act promises to be even more riveting, more captivating, as we witness Xavien navigate the complexities of his newfound fame and confront the shadows of his past. The twists and turns of his life are more intricate than the most elaborate circus performance, and the revelations are as astounding as our most breathtaking feats!

Stay with us, for this is not just any story – it is a story of transformation, a story that embodies the very essence of hope and redemption. The curtain is set to rise again, and what lies beyond is a chapter so thrilling, so inspiring, it will ignite the very core of your being. Prepare yourselves for an experience like no other, as we continue the mesmerizing saga of Xavien Marshall!"

The curtains open again…

Chapter 3 - Opening Up

Xavien delved deeply into his interactions with Coach Jacobs, narrating each twist and turn with a raw honesty. He recounted moments of misunderstanding, conflict, and the emotional tumult that ensued, leaving no stone unturned in his detailed account. Whether his views were justified or misplaced, he laid them bare, his voice sometimes catching with the intensity of the memories.

Throughout his narrative, Sarah listened with unwavering attention, her expression a study in empathy and understanding. Her silence wasn't one of judgment or interruption, but rather, it was the silence of someone providing a safe space for unfiltered expression. She offered no interjections, no suggestions that his feelings were misplaced or his perspective skewed. This wasn't her way; she was there to listen, to understand, not to guide him any one way or another to impact his feelings.

As the story wound its way to that fateful night, the night of Xavien's arrest, there was a visible shift in his demeanor. The memories seemed to hang heavier in the air, each word weighted with the gravity of that life-altering event. Xavien's voice grew more solemn, his pace slower, as if each detail he recalled was being carefully extracted from a deep well of memory. Sarah remained a silent pillar of support, her presence a comforting constant as he approached this crucial juncture of his tale.

“It was pretty late and Lucky Jay, uhh, Jay’Nathan Crawford. He was a great friend, man. He had money. Helped me out a lot. Obviously, he was selling drugs for it. Just weed, nothing crazy. He’s a little dude, probably 5 foot 5 and 130 pounds max. Full of life, funny as hell, you know? Well he told me he’d been selling to a bigger dude over on St. Clair Avenue outside of a bar. He asked me if I’d come back him up in case the dude needed fucked up. I told him I had a life I didn’t want to get twisted into the game, and he said his other option was to bring a gun. He said he wasn’t ready to take somebody’s life over this shit. I went, and I just hoped it wouldn’t escalate…”

Xavien paused, drawing in a deep, steadying breath. Delving into the events of that night was like peeling back layers of a long-sealed facade, exposing insecurities he seldom allowed others to see. The reality was, beneath the exterior of the hardened individual the world often saw, he was still just a kid at heart on that night. A kid who had grown up with his eyes fixated on the bright lights above Euclid High School on a Friday Night, dreaming of the roar of the crowd and the promise of a future.

Yet, that same kid was molded by a code of loyalty, a trait that ran deep in his veins. His best friend, a constant in his life, had called for help, and Xavien couldn't turn his back. That night, fear had been his silent companion – a stark, unfamiliar emotion that gripped his heart with icy fingers. It was a fear he had only confessed to a few souls, a vulnerable admission that contradicted the tough persona he often projected.

In that moment, sharing with Sarah, he allowed himself to confront that fear again, acknowledging the scared teenager he had been, caught in a whirlwind of loyalty and a desire to protect. It was a rare glimpse into the inner workings of his psyche, a truth he had battled with and kept hidden beneath layers of time and experience.

“Then what happened, X?” Sarah quizzed softly, encouraging him to continue to tap into the roots of his mistrust.

“Jay handed him two bags, $20, that’s all. The dude was older, probably 30 or something. I was bigger than him, but he was bigger than Jay by a lot. I stood behind him and Jay said he owed him $200 on top of the $20 worth he just collected. I have no clue why he was letting him run a debt up, but Jay said he’d paid him back well at first. Eventually, Jay told him he would have to handle it if it wasn’t paid in 3 days. That’s when the dude said what the fuck are you two punks going to do about it and walked off. I blacked out, Sarah. I’ve always had problems controlling it when I’m mad. I decked him as hard as I could in the back of the head. He hit the ground and reached down towards his pants. I thought he had a gun. I thought football was over, my life was over. I stomped the back of his head and I remember the sound of his head hitting the pavement. I kicked him in the head… then I heard footsteps. When I turned, there were cops everywhere. One minute, I thought I was dead. The next minute my life was over.” Xavien finished, unusually emotional.

“I can imagine that was hard. You were just trying to protect Jay’nathan, and that’s honorable. You were trapped. I don’t blame you for being mad, upset, hurt, and any other feeling you are.”

Xavien lapsed into a contemplative silence, his mind churning through the murky depths of his greatest regret. It was a cloud that trailed him, a dark specter from his past that he couldn’t quite shake off. He had often told himself, perhaps as a way to mitigate the sting of his choices, that his involvement in that fateful night was inevitable, an unavoidable detour in his life's journey. This self-assurance, however, did little to dull the sharp edge of his loss – the loss of everything he had tirelessly worked towards.

Breaking the silence, his voice carried a mix of raw emotion and bitter reflection. “I feel a lot of things. Now I’m always fucking mad. I want to be left alone because everybody will fuck me over eventually.” The words spilled out, tinted with the cynicism born from betrayal and hurt. His issues with Coach Jacobs, once a simmering undercurrent, had escalated into an outright conflict. “I already had my beef with Coach Jacobs, but then he abandoned me when I needed him the most. When I couldn’t make tackles or interceptions anymore,” he confessed, his voice laced with a mix of anger and sorrow.

In that moment, Xavien’s struggle was obvious, a turmoil of emotions that had been bottled up for too long. His admission was not just an expression of anger, but a revelation of his deep-seated sense of betrayal and abandonment, a feeling that had festered in the absence of the sport that had once been his life's purpose and passion.

“And how did it impact you when Lucky Jay agreed to testify against you in court?”

Suddenly and with total lack of control, any trace of emotion that had been playing across Xavien's face vanished in a flash, replaced by a stoic mask. It was as though the innocent question posed by the counselor had flipped an imaginary switch inside his mind. However, beneath that calm exterior, a storm was brewing. A familiar surge of rage began to simmer within him, a hot, swirling tumult that threatened to overflow. His face flushed with a mix of anger and betrayal, a heat that seemed to radiate from his very core.

He took a moment, drawing upon a reservoir of self-control, and asked for clarification, his voice barely containing the turmoil within. “What did you say?”

“How did it impa— wait, did you not know about this?” she said, realizing by his reaction something was amiss.

“Nah, I didn’t actually,” he admitted, the revelation hitting him harder than any physical blow from an opponent ever had. Abruptly, he rose from his chair, his movements sharp and swift. He yanked his black jacket over his shoulders.

“I gotta go,” he announced, his voice a mix of anger and urgency.

The counselor, recognizing the signs of escalating tension, quickly interjected, “Xavien, don’t do anything rash. Officer Martin mentioned it as a root of your trust issues. I wanted to explore that with you.”

Xavien, however, became almost turtle-like, already retreating into his shell, the shock of the revelation demanding space and time to process. “I just need to process that, for real. I’ll be back next week. Thanks for your time, ma’am,” he said, his voice strained yet polite.

With that, he exited, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving the counselor alone in a room now thick with tension and unspoken concerns. She reached for her phone, a reflexive move to perhaps seek advice or report the development, but then paused, deciding against it and trusting Xavien at his word that he just needed to cool down.


Dusk has begun to fall as we again see the vibrant carnival occurring in an unidentified field. The lights of the different vendors and rides illuminates the evening as the only source of light aside from a bright third quarter moon. The children’s laughter that previously rang through the air is replaced by the chatter of their parents who find themselves tangled in the web of the Xavien Marshall story. For the first time today, the sight of the Ringmaster appearing is unwelcome. The crowd is ready for Act 3.

“Children and adults of the night, have you not learned that good things come to those who wait? Patience is key!” the Ringmaster exclaims, his voice commanding the restless crowd's attention. “A compelling tale, such as Xavien’s, unfolds in layers. His journey, rooted in his youth in Ohio, is more profound than you can imagine. Each of you holds trust in someone dear; you can name a best friend without a second thought. Xavien was once like you in this regard.

Yet, I invite you to view the world through Xavien's lens – a lens dirtied by deceit, scratched by the harsh realities of life. Despite this, he remains a man on a path to redemption, a man striving for betterment. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a story of resurgence, and that story resumes now…”

The crowd chatters to themselves once more as the curtain rolls open.

Chapter 4 - Seeing Red

Xavien's yellow Timberland boots pressed firmly against the weathered concrete of the sidewalk, each step resonating with the weight of his thoughts as he began the journey towards his home. The boots, scuffed and marked by time, mirrored the path he had walked in life - tough and enduring. However, after a mere ten paces, a torrent of doubts and unanswered questions caused him to halt abruptly. He spun on his heels, a whirlwind of emotions guiding his change in direction.

For years, he had harbored nagging uncertainties about Lucky Jay's fate following the incident. The questions had lingered like shadows in the back of his mind, never fully addressed. His family, always vague, had offered no concrete answers, only mentioning they hadn't seen Jay'nathan. This lack of closure had left a void, a space filled with speculation and unrest.

As he turned back, Xavien's stride transformed, driven by a newfound urgency. His anger, a smoldering fire within, was channeled through his steps, each footfall pounding against the sidewalk with enough force to fracture the concrete. His thoughts, once again, raced like a tempest, sweeping away the brief moment of calm he had experienced.

In the counselor's office, speaking with Sarah Edwards, he had felt an unexpected comfort. For the first time in a long while, Xavien had allowed himself to be vulnerable, to peel back the layers of his guarded persona. He had been candid and forthright, baring his soul in the hope of exorcizing the demons that had haunted him. For a fleeting moment, he had been on the path to leaving his tormented past behind, and it felt…good.

But with a single sentence from the counselor, those demons were summoned back with renewed ferocity. She had inadvertently shattered the fragile trust he had begun to build, upending the reality he had known for the last eight years. The revelation that Jay'nathan Crawford, his best friend, had agreed to testify against him in a bid to save himself was a betrayal too profound to process immediately. This crucial piece of information had remained hidden from Xavien, especially since he had never gone to trial, opting instead for a plea deal.

Armed with this knowledge, a mix of betrayal, hurt, and the need for confrontation surged through him. Xavien couldn't let this revelation go unaddressed. It demanded a confrontation with a chapter in the darkest section of the story of his life.

Chapter 5 - A Grave Mistake


Seething with an uncontrollable fury, Xavien burst into the East Cleveland Probation and Parole Office, his every step resonating with the intensity of his anger. The receptionist, perched behind the front desk, barely had time to look up before Xavien unleashed his demand in a voice that was both forceful and desperate.

“I need to fucking see Officer Martin right god damn now, bro,” he declared, his words slicing through the air like a blade.

The receptionist, taken aback by the urgency and aggression in his tone, managed a composed response. “I’ll let him know you’re here,” she said, attempting to maintain a semblance of protocol.

Unwilling to wait, Xavien retorted sharply, “Nah, pop that god damn door. I know where his fucking office is. I need to talk to him now.”

There was a moment of tense silence as the receptionist weighed her options. Eventually, with a resigned nod, she instructed Xavien to pass through the metal detector. Reluctantly, she buzzed the door open. Xavien, not pausing for a second to be cleared, charged through the metal detector and down the hallway. His heavy boots thudded against the floor, each step echoing his state of mind.

He soon arrived at a door marked distinctly with “Officer Martin” in bold, authoritative letters. Here, Xavien paused, the gravity of his actions catching up with him. He knew that losing control in this place could cost him dearly, potentially sending him back to the Ohio State Prison for the remainder of his fifteen-year sentence. Seven more years of confinement loomed over him like a dark cloud.

In this crucial moment, Xavien drew in a deep breath, attempting to quell the storm raging inside him. Then, with a sudden and reckless disregard for the consequences, he lifted his right foot and, fueled by despair, kicked the door open with a force that reverberated through the corridor.

The moment Xavien's foot made contact with the door, Officer Martin leapt up from his chair, his face contorted in a mixture of concern and anger. He didn't give Xavien a chance to utter a word.

“Son, I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you, but if you kick my door one more time, you’ll find yourself on the express route back to Columbus. Am I fucking clear?” he thundered, his voice a sharp rebuke echoing through the room and the hallway beyond it.

Xavien, undeterred by the warning, shot back, “You’re hiding shit from me mother fucker!”

“Watch your fucking mouth, Xavien. There will be no discussion until you regain your composure,” Martin retorted, his voice firm and unyielding.

“Nah br-” Xavien began, only to be cut off mid-sentence.

“Sit down, NOW!” Martin’s command boomed, filling the room with its resonance. Despite Xavien's simmering anger, Martin’s authority was unmistakable. “Sit, and breathe. Sixty seconds. Either that or leave my office now, and expect a warrant by tomorrow morning. Let’s think this through logically.”

Xavien's initial impulse was to rebel against the threat to his freedom, to embrace the chaos and return to prison. But a sliver of rationality prevailed, and he forced himself to feign calmness, sinking reluctantly into the chair. Martin, too, sank back into his seat, and an intense gaze-off ensued. Xavien began to silently count, each number accompanied by a controlled breath, struggling to keep his emotions in check.

“Now, Xavien, there’s a constructive way to handle this,” Martin began, his tone slightly softer. “If I’ve done something that upset you, we can discuss it, but you need to approach this calmly. Understand?”

Xavien, biting back a storm of words, managed a terse “Yeah.”

“Good. So, what’s troubling you? And please, explain it without the theatrics,” Martin added.

Gathering his composure, Xavien addressed the issue at hand. “Officer Martin, why didn’t you tell me the truth about Jay?” he asked, his voice strained but steady.

At the mention of Jay, a visible discomfort washed over Martin. He turned away, rummaging through a desk drawer. Pulling out a file, he placed it on the desk and clasped his hands under his chin, his fingers forming a steeple. The air in the room grew tense, charged with unspoken revelations and uneasy anticipation.

“I hope you can understand that I was looking out for you. I thought the information would lead to you self-destructing, which based on this encounter, I assume I was correct in that belief. How did your time with the counselor go?” Martin asked.

The tension in the room escalated as Xavien, leaning forward with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, challenged Officer Martin. "Man, cut the bullshit. Why wouldn’t you just be honest with me?” he demanded, his voice ripe with frustration.

Martin, sensing the potential catastrophe of the moment, leaned back in his chair and drew a deep, deliberate breath. The air slowly escaped his lips as he leaned forward.

“Allow me to explain in full, please. Don’t speak until I am finished” Martin requested, his tone hinting at the complexity of what was to come.

“Go ‘head,” Xavien replied, his words laced with a hint of snark. He threw himself back into the chair, his body relaxing from its previously tense posture, yet his mind remained alert.

Martin began to unfold the tale. “Okay. Jay Kenny was a kickboxing prodigy in England, before he got involved with various gangs and street life in Birmingham. England, not Alabama. He was selling drugs to help pay fees for kickboxing events.”

Xavien's immediately felt confused, but resisted the urge to cut him off. This narrative about Jay Kenny seemed irrelevant at first, yet something in Martin's tone suggested there was more to this than met the eye. He wasn’t even asking about Jay Kenny…

“After turning twenty, Kenny narrowly escaped a prison sentence for drug offenses. The consensus is that his youth played a role in the leniency,” Martin continued, his voice steady. “However, the gang he was mixed up with suspected he traded information for freedom.”

Xavien's mind raced as Martin detailed Kenny's connection to the United States through his uncle, Thomas Princeton, a former FWA figure. Martin's cautious approach to revealing this information hinted at its potential volatility.

Xavien's expression almost broke into a smirk. This was a twist he hadn't expected. Misled about Jay'nathan Crawford and now Jay Kenny – the irony was almost too rich. The parallels between the two Jays in his life suddenly seemed starkly apparent.

“See how easy that was?” Xavien quipped, his words belying the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. “Obviously just a misunderstanding, right?”

“Right, but I know the codes of the street can twist perceptions,” Martin acknowledged, aware of the different lenses through which such information could be viewed.

“One hundred percent. I’ll get out of your hair,” Xavien conceded, a hint of mocking in his voice, his earlier anger subsiding into a contemplative calm. “Sorry about the outburst. Thought I was being played.” Standing up, he moved towards the door, his steps slow and light. Pausing briefly, he glanced back at Martin. “Thanks for the full story.” he said, a trace of a smile lingering around his lips.

“No problem, Xavien. Take care, have a good day.” Martin responded, unaware of the mistake he had just made. As Xavien exited the room, Martin remained oblivious to the significance of this encounter, not realizing it was indeed going to be a very good day.

Chapter 6 - Brotherly Love


Xavien, with measured steps, made his way to the street, turning in the direction of his home. Initially, he had been tempted to immediately address the situation that had unfolded at the counselor's office, but he had instead chosen to seek answers from Officer Martin. This decision had turned out to be insightful, shedding light on the murky circumstances surrounding his current tag team partner.

As he walked, Xavien mulled over the revelations about Jay Kenny. The truth had unraveled, validating the distrust he had harbored. The Shadows had proven accurate in their silent warnings. With each step, Xavien's mind processed the newfound information, piecing together past interactions.

Upon reaching his house, Xavien entered, the transition from the frantic street to the quiet of his home marked by a subtle change in ambiance. Inside, he was greeted by the sight of Zander, who stood nonchalantly at the kitchen counter. The familiar company of his brother juxtaposed sharply with the experiences he’d felt throughout the day. He still had questions.

“Dawg, where the fuck have you been?”

“I’ve been busy. My bad.” Zander replied casually, his tone nonchalant.

“I didn’t see you all of last week.” Xavien said, sitting down onto the couch in the living room.

“I had to work.” Zander responded.

“You work overnight bro, I ain’t see you.”

“Listen, work’s been scarce so I picked up some side work. My bad, been going over to Youngstown.” Zander explained as he returned to the living room beside Xavien.

“... Zander you not fucking with no bullshit are you?” Xavien said, alluding to using shady means to supplement his income.

“Some things are better left with you not knowing. It’s just temporary, I’m not about this life anymore. Just trying to keep a roof over our heads.”

“Cut that shit. Right now, bro. I’ll get a big bonus for winning the Tag Team Championships last week. I’ll take care of it until you’re on your feet. I live here too, it’s the least I can do.” Xavien said.

“It’s my responsibility. You just got out. I know you got a good job, but I gotta step up for my family. You know how it is, bro.” Zander answered back.

“Not like that. This life has fucked your family before.” Xavien retorted. “I got some shit to handle in relation, anyways.” he continued before getting up. He walked into the kitchen and pulled something from a drawer. Zander turned to the kitchen and could see him in his peripheral vision.

“Aye bro, the fuck you talking about, what you ‘bout to do?” Zander asked.

“Did you know about Jay’nathan?” Xavien queried, his back to Zander.

“Nah, what about him?” Zander responded, his curiosity piqued.

“Snitch.” he said, pulling the knife he had just retrieved out of his pocket and flicking it open. “You know how we feel about snitches, too.” Zander looked at him with a hint of disbelief. “I need to borrow the car.”

Zander looked at his brother with a concerning look, but he wasn’t going to try to dissuade him. Zander felt just as betrayed as Xavien, remembering Lucky Jay hanging around the house in their youth. He reached for the keys in his pocket and spoke.

“I’ll drive.”

The guests of the carnival are stunned by the latest development of Xavien pulling the knife. They have now gone silent, many of them masking their children’s eyes as the scene cuts to black. The onlookers immediately begin to jeer in disgust.

The Ringmaster doesn’t bother to appear this time.

Just as quickly as the curtains pull shut, several members of the crowd opt to move towards the exit. Before they can settle in their steps, the curtain opens quickly back up and the film continues.

Those who intend to leave turn back to the screen, unable to look away.

Chapter 7 - Madness


We now see a scene unfolding over the bustling streets of downtown Cleveland, cloaked in the tempestuous embrace of a thunderstorm. Lightning streaks across the brooding sky, its jagged fingers illuminating the cityscape in brief, eerie flashes. The rumble of thunder rolls over the towering buildings, its resonant booms echoing through the rain-slicked streets, empty save for the occasional hurried pedestrian seeking refuge from the storm.

The rain intensifies, drumming against the concrete and glass, a relentless symphony that underscores the voice's mysterious message. Thunderclaps punctuate its phrases, as if the very elements are responding to its call. The camera continues to sweep across the city, capturing the dance of lightning in the sky, the relentless downpour, and the occasional flash of life within the urban expanse.

As the camera pans across this dramatic tableau, a disembodied voice, reminiscent of the enigmatic Shadows, weaves through the sounds of the tempest. It's a voice that seems to emerge from the very heart of the storm, ethereal and haunting. Its timbre is deep and resonant, filled with a weight that speaks of ancient wisdom and hidden truths. The voice speaks in cryptic tones, its words floating through the air like leaves in the wind, elusive yet compelling.

“In the labyrinth of human existence, the events of a man's life can be the weaver of his destiny, guiding him through corridors of triumph or leading him down the spirals of despair. For some, the journey is a tale of resilience, a testament to the strength of the human spirit. But for others, the path can twist into dark alleys of the mind, where the consequences of past events loom large, engulfing them in an inescapable maze of turmoil.

Consider the story of a man, once brimming with ambition and hope, his eyes set on a future bright with promise. Life, in its unpredictable nature, throws him into a vortex of unforeseen events - a tragedy that shakes the foundation of his existence, a betrayal that shatters his trust, or a failure that crushes his dreams. Each event, a stroke on the canvas of his life, paints a picture far removed from what he had envisioned. The colors of joy and aspiration slowly give way to the monochromatic shades of despair and disillusionment”

As the scene transitions, the focus of the camera shifts, moving away from the urban landscape of downtown Cleveland. It now captures the stark, imposing image of a prison, its presence a grim contrast to the city's vibrancy. The camera glides smoothly, offering panning shots that reveal the daunting perimeter of the facility - a formidable fence topped with spirals of barbed wire, a potent symbol of confinement.

The camera sweeps along the length of the fence, each segment a cold, metallic barrier standing between freedom and captivity. The relentless rain from the thunderstorm continues to fall, creating a rhythmic patter against the unforgiving surfaces of the fence, transforming each droplet into a shimmering bead that briefly clings before trailing down the iron.

Beyond the fence lies the prison yard, a desolate expanse of concrete and sparse patches of grass, worn and trampled by countless footsteps. The yard, usually a place of exercise and a brief respite from the confines of cell blocks, is now deserted, surrendered to the elements. Puddles form in uneven patches across the ground, reflecting the gray, overcast sky above.

The camera's movement captures the oppressive atmosphere of the prison, the sense of isolation lingering in the air. The thunderstorm, with its dark clouds and chilling winds, seems to cast a gloomy shadow over the facility, its mood mirroring the despair and resignation that often dwell within such walls.

In these panning shots of the prison fence and yard, the camera tells a silent story of the lives contained within, of dreams deferred and freedoms curtailed. It's a poignant reminder of the harsh realities of incarceration, a visual metaphor for the barriers, both physical and metaphorical, that can imprison individuals long before they ever find themselves behind bars. The voice continues to narrate.

“As the days turn to months, and months to years, the accumulation of these events begins to weigh heavily on him. The vibrant man, once full of life and laughter, now walks with a hunched back, burdened by the invisible weights of his experiences. His mind, once a sanctuary of dreams and ideas, now becomes a battleground where ghosts of the past wage a relentless war. Sleep, once a peaceful escape, now becomes a rare commodity, chased away by the nightmares that replay his failures and losses in an unending loop.”

“In this state of perpetual unrest, his perception of reality begins to warp. The lines between the past and present blur, with each day becoming a struggle to distinguish between the two. Paranoia creeps in, whispering sinister tales in his ears, tales of conspiracies and deceptions. His thoughts, once coherent and logical, now meander through mazes of confusion and irrationality.”

“As madness takes hold, the man finds himself standing at the edge of an abyss, staring into the void of his own psyche. The world around him seems alien, a distorted reflection of what it once was. People he once loved now appear as strangers, their intentions suspect, their words hollow. In his isolation, the man battles his demons alone, fighting a war that no one else can see, a war that consumes him from within.”

The camera now cuts to the shadowy confines of a dark Cleveland alleyway, the unfolding scene captures a gritty and unsettling reality. The dim light from a flickering streetlight barely penetrates the gloom, casting an eerie glow over the narrow space. Here, a group of young gang members, clad in distinctive orange and with bandanas masking their faces, exudes a menacing aura.

Their target, a solitary man trapped and vulnerable in their midst, embodies the helplessness of those unfortunate enough to cross their path. The tension is thick, almost suffocating, as the man's body language betrays his fear and desperation. He is surrounded, outnumbered by the young predators who move with a ruthless efficiency learned on the streets.

This scene, playing out in the hidden corners of the city, resonates with echoes of Xavien's own turbulent past. It was in similar alleys that Xavien first learned the hard lessons of street life, embracing the codes of survival and loyalty that dictate the harsh reality of gang culture. The act of robbery is more than mere theft; it's a rite of passage, a demonstration of power and belonging in a world where might often makes right.

As the camera captures the final moments of this tense encounter, the mysterious voice, reminiscent of the Shadows that have long trailed Xavien, weaves its ominous narrative. The voice, eerie and otherworldly, threads through the scene, its words lingering like a cold breath on the neck. It speaks in enigmatic tones, a ghostly commentator adding a layer of chilling foreboding to the scene. The voice persists, a haunting presence in the dark, as the image slowly fades to black, leaving a lingering sense of unease.

“This descent into madness is not just a fall; it is a slow, tortuous unraveling of the mind, a disintegration of the self. It is a journey where the events of life, both big and small, become the architects of a destiny that spirals out of control, leaving behind a shell of a man who once had dreams, now lost in the echoes of his own fractured mind.”

The scene transitions, the distinct sound of television static cuts through the air, abrupt and jarring. The screen, previously a window into the gritty reality of the alleyway, now flickers and glitches erratically, as if struggling to maintain its connection to the narrative. This chaotic dance of pixels and noise creates a disorienting effect, blurring the line between the story and the medium through which it's being told.

For a brief moment, the screen succumbs to the assault of static, plunging into darkness. The sudden absence of visual input leaves a void, filled only by the persistent crackle of the static.

In this darkness, the voice returns, more prominent now in the absence of any visual distraction.

“We are in control now.”


The Ringmaster comes over the loudspeaker as the screen shows colored static… Many in the crowd have left, but those who remain move closer to the stage.

My dear spectators," he begins, his voice a blend of charm and underlying malice, "Have you lost your faith in the spectacle? True mastery, the kind that tiptoes along the fine line of right and wrong, it does not manifest in the blink of an eye. I invite you, no, I dare you to embark on this roller coaster of the macabre. Feel it as it ascends, higher and higher, into realms untold, into the very heavens of thrill and terror..."

His voice lowers to a near whisper, thick with anticipation, "But remember, what ascends must inevitably plummet. Prepare to revel in the descent. Because our next scene… is live. Embrace the ride, my audience!"

With these words, the Ringmaster releases a deep, resonant laugh that echoes throughout the entire carnival. The film continues...

Chapter 8 - Come Out and Play


We see the inside of a car with the FWA logo fixed at the top right of the screen. The atmosphere inside Zander Marshall's Toyota Camry was steeped in a heavy, wordless tension. Xavien, having switched into a black sweatshirt layered beneath a similarly hued hooded jacket, sat immersed in his own turbulent thoughts. Beside him, Zander, clad in a casual beanie, a grey hoodie, and classic blue jeans, gripped the steering wheel with a quiet intensity. The rhythmic patter of raindrops against the windshield provided the only soundtrack as they navigated through the slick streets towards downtown Cleveland.

The revelation of Jay'nathan's betrayal had not just shaken Xavien; it had also resonated deeply with Zander. He had always extended a hand of friendship towards Jay, motivated by the close bond Jay shared with Xavien. There had been times when Jay had stepped in to help - contributing towards Xavien's football gear, pitching in during hard times when the family struggled to put food on the table. Until that fateful night eight years ago, Jay had never seemed to want anything in return.

In the world they came from, the street code was sacrosanct - a code of silence that was adhered to religiously. 'Snitches Get Stitches,' as the saying went, was not just a catchy rhyme but an unspoken law, underscoring the severe consequences of breaking that code. This betrayal was not just a personal affront; it was a violation of the unspoken rules that governed their lives.

As the car moved closer to the illumination of downtown, the resolve between Xavien and Zander, though unspoken, was palpable. They were united in their feelings, a silent agreement hanging in the air like the storm clouds above. What they would do upon finding Jay'nathan was left unarticulated, but the understanding was clear – tonight was going to be a dark one. The rain continued to fall, each droplet mirroring the cascade of emotions within the car, as they journeyed forward into the uncertain night.

Zander spoke up.

“I’m here to protect you, too, Xavien. From yourself.” he explained. Xavien remained focused on the road ahead gazing deeply into the cityscape that lies ahead of him.

“I’m not the one who needs it.” Xavien responds, and the scene fades to black once more.

Xavien strides through the pelting rain, while Zander, a steadfast shadow, follows at a measured distance, his eyes fixed on his brother's back. Amidst the downpour, a two-story A-frame house emerges to their left, with scattered lights piercing the gloom. Without a moment's pause, Xavien approaches the house, his steps purposeful.

Reaching the front door, he pauses briefly to survey the interior through the mosaic of colors created by a stained glass design. His hand then raps on the door, knocking hard and rapid, echoing through the night. With a swift, practiced movement, Xavien steps aside, positioning himself where he cannot be easily seen from inside. Zander, meanwhile, remains a silent observer, standing off the porch, his gaze intent on the unfolding scenario.

Inside, Jay'nathan Crawford, startled by the sudden intrusion of sound in the quiet of his home, moves cautiously towards the door. His eyes scan through the glass, searching for the source of the disturbance. The street outside offers no clues, the usual calm of the neighborhood heightening his wariness. In this part of town, pranks like Ding, Dong, Ditch are unheard of, piquing his curiosity and concern. Unable to quell his need to know, Jay'nathan reaches for the door handle, his movements tinged with hesitation.

As the door swings open, Xavien's right hand, clenched and forceful, shoots through the opening, connecting squarely with Jay'nathan's nose. The impact sends Lucky Jay staggering backward, reeling from the sudden assault. In a desperate bid for defense, he fumbles towards his pocket. Xavien's yellow Timberland boot crashes through the threshold, landing with brutal precision on Jay'nathan's arm, sending his radius and ulna in a different direction than his upper arm. The sound of snapping bone is nearly drowned out by Jay'nathan's screams of agony.

Xavien attempts to push the door shut behind him, but Zander is entering the home. He scurries through and closes it behind him. Xavien reaches down under Jay’s waistband and removes his Glock 45 pistol. Without much thought, he places the barrel to the weapon just between his former friend’s eyes. Jay’nathan, still reeling and screaming from the sudden onslaught, tries to squirm away, unable to muster any words.

“Been a while, Lucky Jay. Where ya been?” Xavien asks in a low tone, keeping the gun fixed on Jay's forehead.

“I’ve been here.” Jay stammers, fear evident in his voice. Jay’nathan has been staying in an old house in Shaker Heights for the last ten years, he wasn’t hard for Xavien to find.

“Oh yeah, you been here, huh? Livin’ it up, hustling the East side like nothing ever happened. Or did you get a desk job down at the police department? This the Department issue gun?” Xavien muses, pulling the gun away to look at it.

“They use 9 millimeters down there.” Jay snaps back, but his defiance is cut short as Xavien hits him across the face with the gun butt, smashing his cheekbone. His head whips back, hitting the hardwood floor hard.

“You would know, wouldn’t you, you fucking rat?” Xavien sneers. Jay cries out, his left eye instantly swollen and bloodshot.

“He’s got the message, X.” Zander interjects frantically.

“Shut the fuck up, Zander.” Xavien rattles back. He places the gun back between Jay’nathan’s eyes. He looks deeply into them, realizing he hasn’t laid eyes on what was once his closest friend in eight years.

“You were my best friend, man. I went that night to protect you. Then I went too far. None of this shit ever happens if I don’t go too far… but you agreed to tell on me? You agreed to say that I tried to kill that cop, but only if they dropped the charges on you and you said you had nothing to do with that part? What kind of friend is that, Jay?” Xavien asks, anger giving way to hurt in his voice.

“They gave me no choice.” Jay responds, still shaking with his own mortality hanging by the weight of only the air between Xavien Marshall’s finger and the trigger of his gun.

Xavien pulls the gun to the left side of Jay’s head and fires into the flooring of the old home, directly beside his ear.

“FUCK!” Jay’nathan screams out.

“You had a god damn choice, Jay. You made your god damn choice, Jay. You thought you could fuckin’ run because I never went to trial, huh? Do you hear me?” Xavien screams into his face, making sure he is clear.

“I think I’m fucking deaf!” Jay’nathan cries, squirming to not move too much in fear of the next bullet piercing through his skull.

“Let me make sure you hear me, motherfucker.” Xavien responds before putting the pistol to the right side of his temple. Jay’nathan’s head turns over, his right ear facing up and his left cheek pinned against the bullet hole on the floor.

“Debt’s due, Lucky Jay. Time to pay up. You thought you could run. You can’t run, bro.”

“Xavien, think about this man.” Zander pleads.

“You can’t kill me, X.” Jay finally says. Xavien fights the urge to prove him wrong instantly, and pulls the gun back away in disbelief at the courage of Jay’nathan to even challenge him.

“Do you want me to prove that I can?” Xavien finally says, pushing the gun back to his right temple and pressing the barrel hard against his skin.

“They’ll know you did it. You’ll never come home.” Jay explains. Xavien thinks deeply about this.

“He gets the message, X, let’s get out of here.” Zander pleads once more.

Xavien pauses to think. Jay’nathan lies in front of him with a bloodied nose, swollen eye, and snapped arm. Perhaps the message has been sent. Loud and clear. He pulls the gun back from Lucky Jay’s head and tosses it across the room.

“I got one more message to send,” he says. Xavien grabs Jay’nathan by the hair and leads him to the kitchen. He throws him into a chair and punches him once more in the chest, doubling Jay over. Xavien grabs his hair and pulls his head back before flicking open the knife from his pocket.

“Jay, I hope you’re listening. I’m not talking to you, Lucky Jay. I’m talking to you Jay Kenny. My tag team partner. The first person I had thought about trusting in eight god damn years. Wouldn’t you know, you’re just like this fucking guy. You may have thought shit was rough in England. You were wrong. Life has gotten you twisted up with one sick motherfucker, Jay. I think my former best friend here would agree, wouldn’t you Lucky Jay?” he asks, pointing the sharp end of the knife against Jay’nathan’s head. He nods and mumbles in agreement.

“I don’t have a god damn rich uncle. I couldn’t flee and ask for help. I did my fucking time. I sharpened the ends of god damn toothbrushes to keep motherfuckers from stabbing me over a lunch tray. But you did exactly what this bitch made motherfucker right here did. You sang. You talked. You gave up somebody else’s freedom for your own, and then you ran here to America to join the FWA.” Xavien continued.

“You’re a rat, Jay Kenny. You’re a rat just like Lucky Jay is. Let me show you what we do to rats in the street. Let me show you what we do to rats in Cleveland. Let me show you what we do to rats in fucking prison.” he punctuated the sentence by grabbing hold of Jay’nathan’s dread locks and whipping his head backwards. Xavien puts the blade of the knife against the corners of Jay’nathan’s mouth and slashes them, sending blood shooting across the room as Jay’nathan falls to the floor. Xavien looks down at him and smiles, before swinging his boot back as a pendulum and connecting a vicious kick directly into the already bleeding mouth of Jay’nathan Crawford. Lucky Jay cups his hands to his lips and pulls out multiple broken teeth swimming in blood.

“He won’t talk now, will he? I’m the nice guy here. I’m letting him live. My message is sent. And Jay Kenny, I’m going to send you yours at Meltdown. The only difference is… I’m letting this Jay walk away. This is only partly about the Gunfight One Ring now, Jay Kenny, this is about paying for your own mistakes. Debt’s due, partner. See you soon, bruv.” Xavien concludes with a sinister chuckle. He gives a farewell nod to the man who betrayed him, leaving him lying in a bloodied mess on the floor of his own kitchen. He walks towards the door.

“How are you going to explain thi-” Zander begins to say.

Xavien stops in his tracks, and turns back to his brother with a smile. “It’s all a part of tonight’s entertainment.” Xavien says with a wicked laugh, and the screen fades to black.

We see the circus once more. The clouds have become thick and black, rumbling as they begin to release rain. Those in the crowd’s faces remain blank, staring onward, unsure about what they’ve just seen. The Ringmaster appears once more, his appearance changed from every previous one before it. His jacket still shines bright under the carnival lights, but his face is painted completely white.

From each temple to the opposite side of his chin, a bright red line forms an X that meets on the bridge of his nose.

“They must pay for their mistakes, citizens. They must pay for what they’ve done to Xavien Marshall…

And they must pay… in blood.”

The Ringmaster leans his head back, and blood begins to pour from his eyes, washed down his face by the torrent of rain from the sky. The crowd begins to chant in unison.


The Ringmaster lets out another hearty laugh, this one more sinister than all before it, and we continue to hear the crowd chant while he allows the rain to wash the tears from his face.

As he leans forward, the Ringmaster glances down to his feet. A rodent runs across the stage in front of him, catching his eye.

In one swoop, he steps from his platform and onto the rat, crushing it instantly. He smirks and bends to pick it up, then raises it in front of his eyes. Blood pours from its lifeless carcass.

He holds it up for the viewing pleasure of the patrons surrounding him to see and tilts his head back once more. The dead rat rests in his hand as the rain continues to wash the bloody tears from his demented face.

The crowd continues chanting as the screen fades to black.


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Trixie Bordeaux in…

A Near Death Experience.


After coming up short in her Buddy Bowl crusade alongside the man who had kidnapped her only a few days prior, Trixie had wandered aimlessly around the backstage area at Fallout 035 in Cairo, Egypt, trying to come to terms with yet another defeat. She had a trickle of blood running down her forehead and face from a bitemark delivered by the rabid Weasel that she had fought in a losing effort. She didn’t seem to notice, however…her mind was elsewhere.

“WHY!? Why do I keep losing!?” Trixie wondered to herself, hoping that an answer that wasn’t “you’re not good enough” would come to her…

…it didn’t. It was her fault and she knew it. She had let herself down, and she had also cost Aaron an opportunity to get a job in the FWA…it was that second fact that really stung Trixie. She had promised to help Aaron Harrows showcase his skills in the hopes that he would get his long-awaited opportunity in the FWA, and yet, Trixie got her butt kicked by a Weasel, and Aaron was left to fend for himself. The rage that Trixie had felt towards herself had reached a boiling point, and she had snapped. She kicked a nearby equipment box as hard as she could in anger…

“OWW!” Trixie yelped, hopping up and down as she clutched her foot.

Once the pain had dissipated slightly, Trixie had decided that she just wanted to go home, and began to make her way towards her locker room, when she saw something…no, someone.

She glared at the man before her with evil intentions. For all intent and purposes, this was literally the last person that Trixie had wanted to be around, as the last time Trixie had come face to face with this man in a fight, it had ended with her hospitalisation at the King of the Deathmatch Tournament…yup, you guessed it, that man was Jeffry Mason.

In any other circumstance, Trixie would have turned around and run as fast as she could in the opposite direction upon seeing the man that had decimated both Trixie AND her friend and Coven leader Kleio De Santos en route to the KOTDM Final, however, Trixie was not in her usual state of mind…and to top it off, Jeffry was wearing a t-shirt that read “Die Hard is NOT a Chrismas Movie”. This, in combination with everything else, sent Trixie over the edge.

In a rush of fury, Trixie marched towards Jeffry with evil intentions, screaming furiously as several FWA personnel and security held her back!


All the while Jeffry Mason just laughed in her face, further enraging her. Trixie had lost all sense of self-preservation when she exclaimed…


Having won his first round match alongside Chris Crowe, Jeffry Mason was feeling quite good about himself at that moment and, amused at the prospect of getting to physically and mentally torture this dotty young woman once again - having thoroughly enjoyed their last little “date” - Mason accepted Trixie’s challenge, but only if it were contested under “Deathmatch Rules”.

Clearly not remembering the pain and torment that she had endured not only during her own match with Jeffry but also from having to watch on from a hospital bed as Kleio suffered a similarly gruesome beating at this dangerous man’s hands, Trixie accepted his terms, before being dragged away by security…

…and well, as Trixie stood at the Gorilla Position two weeks later in Beirut, Lebanon, her face paler than it had ever been, she knew that she had made a mistake. Deep down, she knew that this was it…she was about to die. Jeffry Mason was going to finish the job he started at the King of the Deathmatch, and he was gonna kill her…

…and as is customary when someone is about to die, Trixie’s life flashed before her eyes.

Memory 1 - The “Boodeyman”.

21st August 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Most children in the neighbourhood had retreated indoors as the sun set on Saturday in Baton Rouge, retreating to light up other parts of the world and begin again on Sunday morning. Among the children that had made their way inside, a 12-year-old boy named Bret walked through the door to his cosy bungalow home, all dirty and sweaty after a long day of fun.

Seeing the state of the little man as he kicked his muddy sneakers off, a beautiful blonde woman who looked to be in her early 30s greeted him.

“Hey, Bret!” She said, smiling. “Looks like you had a fun day!”

“Hey, mom! Yeah, me and the boys’ been playin’ Football over the Highland.” The boy responded, sounding worn out.

“Did you win?” Mommy asked, interested.

A masculine voice spoke up rather hushedly as a tall, athletic man, roughly the same age as Mommy, crept down the stairs.

“Of course he did!” He exclaims in a proud, encouraging whisper. “Gotta keep our voices down…just put Trixie to sleep, and if we wake her now, we’ll be up all night playing hide and seek.”

Bret cringed slightly, hoping he didn’t wake his restless little sister, as his mother spoke up.

“Yeah, good call, babe,” Mommy responded in a whisper, “best not wake the little gremlin, haha.”

“Well, imma go take a shower,” Bret said, a little louder than his parents would’ve liked.

“Okay, but be as quiet as possible, or else playtime duties fall on your shoulders if you wake your sister, got it?” Daddy said, smirking.

Taking the warning to heart, Bret nodded before creeping up the stairs, quiet as a church mouse. The parents smiled at each other warmly as Daddy spoke up.

“I swear, we may need to invest in some of those tranquiliser things they use to knock out elephants ‘n stuff.” The Father said jokingly, as he and his wife shared a loving hug.

“It’d be a waste of money,” Mommy responds, chuckling, “we’d need something a helluva lot more powerful than that to knock out Trixie. I swear she’s allergic to slee-”

Before Mommy could finish her sentence, a thunderous, high-pitched scream bellowed throughout the Bordeaux residence. Both parents sighed in unison before a little blonde girl who looked to be around 6 years old charged like a bat out of hell down the stairs, a look of terror on her tiny face as she leapt into the arms of her Daddy.

“Aww, what’s the matter, baby girl?” Daddy asked, a little fed up as Trixie buried her head into his shoulder, crying.

“The Buh-Buh-Buh-Boodeyman’s i-in my roo-oo-oom.” The little girl said, sobbing.

“Oh, Trixie…there’s no such thing as the “Boodeyman”. It’s probably just a bad dream.” Mommy explains reassuringly.

“B-But I seens him!” Trixie explained, clutching her father tightly. “He came from under my beddie and tried to eat me-e-e-eeee!”

Despite their daughter’s fearful tears, her parents couldn’t help but chuckle at Trixie’s story.

“Aww, it’s okay, Trix…he’d probably only bite off a finger or toesie before spitting it back out. There’s no way a stinky little girl like you tastes nice!” Daddy said jokingly.

The thought of the evil “Boodeyman” biting off her fingers or toesies didn’t alleviate Trixie’s fears, and she cried even louder. Mommy shook her head disapprovingly at Daddy before she pried Trixie from him and plonked her on the floor.

“Okay, listen here…” Mommy said, kneeling so she and Trixie were eye-to-eye “Remember what I told you to do if someone tries to bully you, hmm?”

Little Trixie, a river of tears falling down her face, tries to think of the answer.

“P-Punch them in the pee-pee…?” Trixie said, unsure.

“Good girl...” Mommy smiled proudly. “Now, we’re gonna march back up those stairs and go see this “Boodeyman” fellow. If he’s still there, then together, we’re gonna punch him so hard in the pee-pee that he will explode into itty-bitty “boodey-dust”, okay?”

With an apprehensive look in her beady little eyes, the young girl nodded bravely as her mother offered her hand. Little Trixie gripped her mother’s hand tightly as the pair headed up the stairs towards Trixie’s bedroom, ready to face the evil monster that lurked within.

“What does this “Boodeyman” look like, anywho?” Mommy asked, curious about what goes on in her daughter’s imagination.

Trixie’s eyes widened with fear as her mind conjured images of the monster that, apparently, inhabited her bedroom.

“He’s big, a-and he’s really really ugly, and has a big pointy beard!” Trixie said, horrified, as they reached the slightly opened door to her bedroom.

“Sounds like the Devil from Pick of Destiny.” Mommy quipped as she opened the door, revealing an adorable and cosy bedroom. “Right, let’s see if this big, ugly, beardy dude is around, shall we?”

Mommy gave Trixie an encouraging smile, to which the scared little girl responded with a brave nod of agreement before the duo stepped into the lair of the “Boodeyman”.

007 : James Bond : Theme

Bursting into the room with a theatrical “A-HAH”, Mommy looked to make this as entertaining as she could for her little daughter as she landed on the soft carpet after a vigorous leap. Mommy looked around at the open area that was littered with toys and found nothing even remotely threatening - except for a few pieces of cleverly placed Lego blocks designed to send even the most hardened parents hopping around, clutching their feet in agony as they cursed the day they decided to have kids - and took up a crouched position as she looked over at her scared daughter.

“The coast is clear! Quick, TO ME!” Mommy commanded as though she were the leader of a swat team.

With her eyes wide and unblinking, Trixie looked as though she was in a life-or-death situation as she darted through the doorway and into her room before she leapt to her mother’s feet and clung onto her leg for safety!

“Okay, Trixie, you check under the bed, and I’ll check the closet!” Mommy commanded with a loud whisper as she shook her leg free from Trixie’s grasp and did an athletic barrel roll towards the closet before she crouched behind it and silently gripped the closet door handle.

While Double-oh-Mommy leapt and dived around the room, Trixie’s eyes turned to her bed, and she froze…

“Bu-But what if I sees the Boodeyman?” Trixie asked, her mind racing back to thoughts of her fingers and toesies being bitten off by the evil creature.

“Pee-pee punch!” Mommy whispered encouragingly. “C’mon, Trixie! You got this!”

As Mommy slowly but surely opened the closet door, Trixie began to crawl on her hands and knees toward the bed, her pace getting slower and slower the closer she got. As Trixie reached the foot of the bed, the little girl gulped and turned her head back towards her Mommy, who had opened the closet door and was snooping around the inside.

“Doesn’t look like the “Boodeyman” is in here!” Mommy called out. “You find anything under the bed, Trix?”

Not wanting to let her Mommy down, Trixie shakingly reached forward and slowly lifted her blanket up, revealing the underneath of her bed. Her eyes were closed in an almost permanent flinch, as though she thought she was going to be attacked there and then by some vicious predator. After a second or two, Trixie slowly opened her eyes and…

“AAAAAAAAAH!” Trixie yelped out in horror as she backcrawled clean across her room until she crashed into the chest of draws that housed a small TV. “MOMMY!!!”

In a split second, the games were over for Mommy. Her instincts had kicked in, and she darted towards the bed and reached underneath, gripping something by the throat and dragging it from its hiding place…

“Oh, hehehehehehe!” Mommy giggled as she lifted the culprit to show her daughter. “It’s just Yosemite Sam! He’s your friend, right!?”

Little Trixie stared at Sam mistrustingly, but this faded as her mind caught up with what had transpired.

“Y-Yeah…” Trixie said, her head dipped low in shame. “I’m sowwy Sammy. I-I shoulda knowns it was you.”

Mommy’s heart melted as her daughter apologised to her “friend”.

“Aww, don’t feel bad, Trixie. It happens to the best of us…like that time Daddy came home from the bar, and I thought he was a burglar and hit him on the head with a hairdryer!” Mommy recalled, chuckling as the memory replayed in her mind. “Just a big misunderstanding. No harm done.”

“Tell that to the massive lump I had on the back of my head for, like, four days!” Daddy said, chuckling as he entered the room. “Did you find the “Boodyman” after?”

“Yeah, it was just Sammy.” Mommy said as she waved the toy in a dancing motion. “Anyway, ready for beddy byes again, Trixie?”

Still guilty about mistaking Sammy for an evil “Boodyman”, Trixie nodded. Daddy walked over, lifted her off the floor, and plonked her into her bed, and with Mommy’s help, they tucked their daughter in before each giving her a loving kiss on the forehead.

“Night night, sweetheart,” Mommy said with a loving smile.

“Sweet dreams, Trixie.” Daddy added lovingly before both parents exited the room, not before he switched off the light.

As she lay alone in the darkness, Trixie’s eyes wandered to the closet that her Mommy had thoroughly searched for evil monsters. The little girl could not help but feel as though something was watching her. As she gazed at the closet, it looked like two big, bright red eyes were staring back at her menacingly. Knowing her parents wouldn’t believe her now, Trixie could do nothing but pull her blanket over most of her face with her eyes peering out from beneath the sheets, and just like that, the night-long staring contest between Trixie and her imagination had begun.

Memory 2 - The Bullies.

18th June 2011
West Dale Middle School
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Ever since Trixie had begun to attend Westdale, she couldn’t help but feel as though she didn’t fit in. Not only had she struggled to keep up academically with most of the other kids, but she had also struggled to make any friends, with the majority of her peers having viewed her as nothing more than the weird, creepy, dumb girl.

Any attempts that Trixie had made to join in a playground game, or even in group assignments in the classroom, the dotty young girl had been made to feel unwanted…and so when it came time for recess, Trixie had gone to her usual little break time spot at the far end of the school playground, far from the vast majority of the other children, and bit into her sandwich sombrely and gazed into the distance at the other children as they ran around and played, wishing that she could be one of them.

As Trixie ate her packed lunch alone, she could hear a group of feminine voices growing louder as they approached. Looking around, Trixie noticed 3 girls wandering past her, chatting and giggling away. To her recollection, Trixie had not yet attempted to make friends with these girls before, and so, in a moment where she felt so alone, she bravely decided to take the leap.

“Hello!” Trixie called out in a sweet, innocent voice.

The girls’ heads swivelled as they attempted to find the source of the disturbance, and eventually, their eyes fell on Trixie.

“What do you want, rat face?” The girl in the centre of the trio spoke bluntly, not even attempting to be polite.

This girl had been - or at least looked like - the oldest of her group, and Trixie found it kind of odd that she seemed to have grown a slight beard, but Trixie didn’t want to upset her, despite the beardy girl’s rudeness.

“I-I-…I’m Trixie.” Trixie introduced herself with a sweet yet nervous smile. “I-I was wonde-“

“Who asked?” The beardy girl interrupted.

The beardy girl’s harsh response made Trixie feel on edge.

“I-I-I’m s-sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you,” Trixie responded, wracked with nerves as she flinched, seemingly expecting a physical response from the beardy girl.

Seeing Trixie so scared, the girl on the left of the beardy girl looked sorry for Trixie as she spoke.

“Hello Trixie, I’m Colene-“

“What the fuck are you doing?” Beardy interrupted as she glared at Colene menacingly.

Colene looked nervous as she tried to explain herself to who seemed like her commanding officer.

“She only said hello, Macey,” Colene responded nervously, “I don’t think she meant any disrespect or nothing.”

“So?” Macey responded with a scowl. “I don’t want to talk to this ratty little creep! I mean, look at it! Scrawny, weak, ugly, stupid. Why on earth would I want to be associated with that!?”

Trixie’s head sunk as Macey rattled off insults aimed at her, and she began to sob. She just wanted to make a friend, but anytime she tried, this would happen.

“Oh for fuck sake…tears, really?” Macey blurted out while she shook her head in disgust. “I would’ve thought that something as fugly as you would be used to being rejected. Fucking pathetic.”

Macey and the girl to her right, named TYANA - who looks to be nothing more than Macey’s sheep - snickered as they watched Trixie’s sobbing intensify. Colene did not seem comfortable with Macey being so mean to this poor, innocent girl, however, Macey had birthed a horrible plan as she stared at Colene, and back at Trixie….

“Colene, do me a favour and take this little rat’s backpack, would you?”

Both Colene and Trixie stared at Macey with pleading eyes, practically begging the dominant, beardy girl to just leave Trixie alone, but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Macey, please…I don’t want to-“

“Now.” Macey interrupted Colene’s protest as she glared at her with threatening eyes, making it perfectly clear what would happen should Colene have disobeyed.

Understanding what her punishment would be, Colene looked at Trixie apologetically, as the young blonde girl clutched her backpack and rose to her feet.

“Sorry about this,” Colene said regretfully before she moved towards Trixie, who attempted to flee!

Unfortunately for the young blonde girl, Colene was by far and away more athletically gifted than she was, and Trixie was caught and tackled to the ground almost instantly as she screamed for help, but none came.

Macey and TYANA laughed hysterically as Colene easily yanked the backpack from Trixie’s weak grasp and climbed off her, making her way back towards her “friends”.

With a rush of anger and adrenaline, Trixie climbed to her feet and charged at Colene, who had her back turned…

“WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Trixie screamed furiously as she dived on Colene’s back, scratching and clawing at her eyes and face. “GIVE IT BACK!”

“WAAAAAAH, GET OFF ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!” Colene yelped in protest as Trixie attempted to gouge her eyes out!

While this scuffle was happening, Macey and TYANA seemed to be having a blast as they pointed at the comical-looking scuffle and laughed hysterically as Colene cried out for help!


After a few more seconds of laughter, Macey and TYANA finally decided to come to their friend’s aid, as they violently peeled Trixie off Colene’s back and threw her to the ground with a sickening thud. Trixie had been knocked for a loop as her head bounced off the concrete, and for a moment, she looked to be completely out of it, however…as Macey and TYANA yoinked the bag from Colene’s grasp and began to rummage around inside, Trixie dazedly dragged herself to her feet, with a mean look beneath her glazed eyes…

Remembering what her Mommy told her to do when Trixie was being attacked, Trixie marched towards the distracted trio, turned Colene around, and with everything she could possibly muster, Trixie landed a picture-perfect uppercut to Colene’s delicate area!

As Colene yelped and dropped to the floor in a heap, Macey and TYANA turned to face the enraged Trixie, who without hesitation, attempted to do the same to Macey…

…unfortunately, the element of surprise had vanished, and as Trixie knelt down to deliver yet another devastating strike, Macey launched a nose-crushing knee to Trixie’s face, which caused Trixie to crumple to the floor in a heap as she clutched her nose, which had a great deal of blood spilling out of it as she cried in pain.


The beating hadn’t apparently stopped there, judging by the state of Trixie as she sat in the principal’s office, holding a rag to her nose. Her nose wasn’t the only thing bleeding, with several new bruises and cuts on Trixie’s face, forearms and legs, seemingly from being repeatedly hit and bounced off of the concrete.
Her backpack, which sits beside her, had been ripped and torn, along with its inner contents.

Macey, Colene and TYANA had already been picked up by their parents and sent home, suspended from school for their part in the scuffle. The principal had also decided to suspend Trixie, given that Colene had had several scrapes across her face, and had been walking like a Wild West cowboy after Trixie’s devastating groin punch. So all Trixie could do now was wait for someone to pick her up…

…45 minutes later, an old lady had walked into the Principal’s office and her eyes immediately fell on Trixie, her face one of anger and disappointment. Trixie stared back at the old lady, her eyes still leaking tears due to a combination of physical and emotional trauma.

“Hi, Grammy.” Trixie greeted unenthusiastically, with a very bunged-up voice.

Grammy ignored Trixie and turned her attention to the Principal.

“I’m sorry about my granddaughter’s behaviour, Principal Skimmer. She’s been acting out ever since her parents died.” Grammy explained, trying her hardest to sound like a sweet old lady.

As Grammy and Principal Skimmer conversed, Trixie’s heart ached as Grammy mentioned the passing of her parents around 4 years ago. Not even time distancing her from that tragic day was able to ease the pain Trixie felt anytime she thought about Mommy and Daddy.

“I’ll make sure she’s learned her lesson, don’t you worry.” Grammy finished her little conversation with Principal Skimmer, and turned her attention back to Trixie, scowling in contempt at the burden that had been dumped upon her. “Let’s go.”

And with that simple command, Trixie climbed gingerly to her feet and limped out of Principal Skimmer’s office, heading for home.

Memory 3 - Bloodlust.

30 June 2015
NGW Downfall
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City

Trixie was never a professional wrestling fan. Men and women scrapping it out in their underwear wasn’t exactly Trixie’s cup of Jolly Rancher juice, but for her brother, the business was EVERYTHING. Any excuse that he could find to go to a show. Any money that he could scrimp together for a ticket. It was everything to him…hell, even something as usually sad as receiving news that Grammy had passed away was cause enough for Bret to celebrate with tickets to a wrestling show.

Granted, Grammy had never been nice to Trixie and Bret, especially when she had to take care of them after their parents died, but still, Trixie couldn’t bring herself to feel happy or celebratory about her passing. She was still Grammy after all.


But, Trixie just assumed that this was Bret’s way of coping with the pain, and so she had asked to accompany him to this wrestling show to be there with him in his time of need…and so here Trixie was, sitting next to her big brother at a live NGW show (not that NGW, a different NGW! ;p), watching on while these people ran around and jumped off of things in their undies for the entertainment of others.

While Bret was absolutely relishing in the action, jumping off his seat and reacting accordingly should he love or hate someone, Trixie just sat there, bored. At the very least, even if people didn’t get the whole wrestling thing, there were at least still some buff men with amazing bodies, and extremely attractive females to look at, right!?…well, for reasons that Trixie couldn’t understand, none of that appealed to her either. She had been given “the talk” when she was younger about growing up and “feelings” and stuff, but sitting there as a 15-year-old young woman with zero understanding of how all this stuff works, looking on as these two great-looking guys grappled and fought, Trixie came to a realisation…

“Bret…?” Trixie called as she nudged Bret with her elbow to get his attention.

“What’s up?” Bret asked while keeping his eyes on the action in the squared circle.

“I think I’m a lesbeing.”

“Yeah yeah, that’s great, Trix-wait, what?” Bret asked, Trixie’s statement taking a second to load in.

“I’m watching these guys fight in their undies and I’m not getting “the feeling” that you said I would get when I got older. Well, I’m older now, and there’s no “feeling”,” Trixie explained curiously.

Stunned into silence for a moment, but not wanting to miss any of the action in the ring, Bret responds.

“Uuh, can we-…like, talk about this later?” Bret asked, really not wanting to have this conversation.

“Okey dokey!” Trixie agreed, before falling back into silence as she watched on, uninterested in the show, but enjoying that her brother was having fun.

As the matches rolled by one by one, it came time for the match that Bret had said he was “looking forward to the most!”.

Firstly, a cage was lowered from the ceiling, which surrounded the ring in steel chainlink, which got a cheer from the audience. Shortly thereafter, a competitor named Kou Kazuma made his way to the ring, looking ready for battle, and then…

Revolution Is My Name (2003 Remaster)

The crowd erupted in a chorus of deafening boos as a mean-looking man with a pointy beard walked out from behind the curtain, soaking in the negative attention with a sickening grin.

Bret, unlike the vast majority of the audience in attendance, was not booing this evil-looking man. Bret, unlike pretty much everyone else in the arena, chanted “JEFFRY! JEFFRY! JEFFRY!” as…Jeffry (apparently), walked down the ramp as the ring announcer introduced him.


As Jeffry entered the cage and he and Kou Kazuma locked eyes - each looking as though they hated the other more than anything else on this earth - Bret jumped up and down, giddy with excitement!

“This is it!!!” Bret squealed excitedly. “It’s about to start!”

Trixie smiled as she saw Bret’s sheer excitement. Seeing him so happy was worth enduring the boredom of watching this wrestling thing…

…well, that’s what she thought as the bell rang to start this highly anticipated match.

From pretty much the get-go, both men were at each other’s throats in what had swiftly become a symphony of violence that not even a non-fan like Trixie could avert her eyes from. Seeing the brutality of what Jeffry Mason and Kou Kazuma were doing to each other, all in the name of winning a match, frankly, Trixie couldn’t wrap her head around it. She winced as bodies bounced off steel walls, flesh getting ripped open by barbed wire, and she squealed in horror as thumbtacks stuck in these warriors’ backs!

Bret was having the time of his life. Relishing every blow like a bloodthirsty fan in the Roman Colosseum, but Trixie could not bring herself to feel the same way. These were people! People, who were destroying themselves in front of Trixie’s very eyes! The way these men were fighting, it had crossed Trixie’s mind that one or both men were gonna die in this battle! She didn’t wanna see that!

“Bret, I-I wanna go home…” Trixie said pleadingly as she shook her enthralled brother by the shoulder, trying to get his attention. “Bret…”

“After this match, Trix,” Bret said, his eyes not leaving the barbarity being committed before him.

Eventually, it was Jeffry Mason who took control of the action, and with Bloodlust in his eyes, began to mercilessly beat upon Kou Kazuma with a barbed wire 2x4, relishing his opponent’s screams of agony!

Trixie winced and averted her eyes. She couldn’t watch this anymore.

“Bret, please…” Trixie begged, shaking Bret once more. “I think I’m gonna be sick. I need to go, Bret please…”

Glancing at his sister momentarily and seeing the horror in her eyes, Bret sighed and nodded.

“…fine. Let’s get outta here.” He said disappointedly, wanting so badly to see what happens in this match, but he couldn’t bring himself to make Trixie sit there when she was this uncomfortable.

As the two get up to leave, Trixie glances back at the ring for a split second to see Jeffry Mason laughing maniacally as he ravages Kou Kazuma’s broken body, before averting her eyes and exiting the arena as fast as she possibly could, with her brother in tow.

Memory 4 - Torture.

8th April 2023
King of the Deathmatch PPV
An Undisclosed Location


If I were to best describe how Trixie was feeling - as she lay in a hospital bed, bloody, battered, and bruised after the beating that she had received during her extremely gutsy performance against one of the most violent men that the world had ever seen, in HIS natural habitat - then I would simply use the word “OWW!”.

It had been the most painful physical torment that she had ever endured, and yet, her physical health was not what was dwelling on Trixie’s mind at that moment, for above all of the chair shots to the skull and thumbtacks being gently pulled from her ravaged body, the most excruciating part of that match was waking up after and realising that she had lost. Jeffry Mason had been the one who sent Ray Gun Cole after her when Trixie first arrived in FWA. It was Jeffry Mason, along with Ray Gun Cole and TYLER, who cornered Trixie in the locker room and bullied her like so many others had bullied her during her life, and this was her opportunity to fight back and show that she was not to be messed with…and she failed.

Jeffry Mason had beaten Trixie up, and Trixie couldn’t stop him…but, as she watched the TV screen in her little hospital bed as Jeffry Mason was battling in the Semi-Finals of the KOTDM Tournament against one of her new friends, Kleio De Santos, Trixie knew that Kleio would kick Jeffry’s ass…she just knew it.

As she watched the match, all the while thumbtacks were being pulled from her slender body and the gashes and cuts that had been ripped open were being sewn shut, Trixie could feel every blow that Jeffry had landed on Kleio. Trixie wasn’t quite as squeamish as she once was at the sight of hideously grotesque violence, but this felt different. Kleio was her friend, and she was being put through the same wringer that had just shredded her. She winced and flinched every time Jeffry had nailed Kleio with a weapon, and along with the pain of needles being pulled out and needles being put back in, this felt like torture. All she could do was watch, and she did. She watched…every. Bloody. Second.

Kleio put up one hell of a fight. She gave it everything she had, and Trixie had relished every sickening blow that Kleio had dished out to the “Savior of Deathmatch Wrestling” but, in the end, Kleio had suffered the same fate as Trixie. Her body had taken an inhumane beating, and it had become too much for her. Trixie could only watch in tears as Kleio was forced to tap out to Jeffry’s Lock of Ages.

Jeffry Mason had won. Kleio De Santos, Trixie’s friend, the coolest and most powerful woman that she had ever met - aside from her mother - had lost.

Trixie’s face turned evil as she watched Jeffry Mason stand over Kleio’s battered body with his hand raised, and a sickening smile etched on his bloody face. One day, she would face Jeffry Mason again…and when that confrontation happens, Trixie would make him pay. She would avenge Kleio’s loss, and she would avenge everything that Jeffry Mason and his friends had put Trixie through. When the time came, Trixie would end Jeffry Mason, once…and for all.


2nd December 2023
Camille Chamoun Stadium
Beirut, Lebanon


You could say that a lot was going through Trixie’s mind as she stood in the Gorilla Position, awaiting her catchy theme song to hit. She had come a long way from the little girl that had run to her Mommy and Daddy when confronted with the idea that the “Boodeyman” was coming to get her, and yet here she was, frozen in fear. Afraid of what the man that she had come to consider her “Boodeyman” would do to her.

He has bullied and tortured her on and off for pretty much her entire FWA career, and she has never been able to get her revenge. Maybe she could have gotten it at Back in Business with Blair and Celestia’s help if not for Jeffry abandoning the Trios Battle Royal and his friend in the process. Trixie could not fathom doing such a thing. In her mind, only the most evil people would ever abandon their friends…hell, maybe Trixie was also fighting to avenge Ray Gun Cole. Despite Trixie’s hatred for him, Cali had said that Reagan was a good person. Maybe Jeffry Mason was so evil that he turned Ray Gun Cole bad.

“Thirty seconds, Trixie.” One of the show producers said, startling the young woman slightly as she momentarily snapped out of her thoughts.

…Trixie takes a deep, shaky breath. Whatever is about to happen, it is not going to be pretty. Maybe Jeffry Mason will do to Trixie what he had done last time they faced off in this environment, or worse. Has Trixie gotten better since the King of the Deathmatch tournament? In her mind, the answer was no. She has won a championship since then, but Blair and Celestia helped so much, and they wouldn’t be able to help her here. Pretty much all of Trixie’s success has come with somebody fighting alongside her. Hell, even in her big win against Reagan Cole, Trixie needed the help of The Coven to cross the line victorious. This was not going to happen this time. Trixie had made Blair and Celestia promos not to interfere…whatever happens here, Trixie would do it alone.

She needed to prove to herself that she could do it. She needed to prove to herself that she wasn’t just some worthless bimbo that The Coven had carried to success. If she fails, and Jeffry Mason batters her once again, then so be it, but she needs to find out for herself whether or not she has what it takes to win on the back of her own skill and toughness, and not everyone else’s.

She took one final breath as the producer counted down from five…it was the longest five seconds of her life.

She knew what was about to happen, but she would step through that curtain regardless. She would do it for her Mommy and Daddy. For Bret. For Kleio, Blair, Celestia and Ethel. For Grammy. Hell, she would even do it for one of her biggest rivals, Ray Gun Cole…but most of all, Trixie was stepping through that curtain, for herself.

Hex Girls - I'm a Hex Girl (Extended)



Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Jack The Clipper: "I was only twenty-two years old when my entire life changed forever,"

The camera opens up in an old run-down barber shop that looks like it's seen a lot of better days; we see Jack The Clipper dressed in his "work" clothes; after all, his day job is well known to all, so it shouldn't be a surprise that the man with the scraggy beard was clad in a full-length apron with a towel hung haphazardly across his shoulders. He stood there staring at an empty barber chair, torn and worn at the seams and looked like it hadn't been washed since the mid-90s. The barber shop itself was all-white and spacious. Under his father's charge, it had been black and imposing, built to intimidate. It was important for Jack to command respect, especially at such a young age when he assumed command, but he demanded it in a different way from the start. He immediately began to rebuild the shitty little barber shop's aesthetic in his image, and his detractors began to earn a reputation for suddenly becoming silent... or vanishing altogether.

Jack The Clipper: "All I had in the world was my dad. And when he passed away, I had nothing, no money, nothing of value, not even a fucking kind word, the only thing I got- I inherited this barber shop... I inherited this shitty little shop, crumbling down for the last thirty years, but my dad had one request and one request only in his will for me "Keep the shop going" So I did. Fuck school. I left it. College plans? Off the table? Rugby career? What rugby career? Everything I did was to maintain this store, just like Dad wanted. So there I was, in this world, with no money, just this shop, and when I was thrust into this world, I was given a choice: adapt or die. When you're in the gutter, the only way to get out is to fight. So I spent the next year of my life getting seven shades of shit out of me to get into wrestling. There were many who resisted me and thought that I was unfit for the life of pro wrestling. They called me a child, they called me an idiot, they said, "What, that guy? He runs a shitty barber shop. He's nothing but a Clipper. Do you know what that's like, no matter what you do, the chants of "Clipperrrrrrrrrrrr. Clippppppeeeeeeer." following you around everywhere you went.

A smirk forms on Jack The Clipper's face, bitter and without any kind of joy.

Jack The Clipper:"That's how it was for me to get, just a TOE in the goddamn door in this business. To get a fraction of what I wanted...So when I see wankers like Sawyer Xavier get the world handed to him on a silver platter...Do you wonder why I'm bitter? Do you wonder why I have a chip on my shoulders when I see young punks who can't hold my barber apron? Where was my five-year contract-!? Cyrus Truth never vouched for me to join him in the jailhouse blues? No one ever called Jack The Clipper a "Human highlight reel", whatever the fuck that is! Where are the wrestling purists calling me the future? HUH?! WHAT HAPPENED TO JACK'S BRIGHT SHINY FUTURE-! WHY IS IT THE WRESTLING WORLD CALLS SAWYER XAVIERS BRIGHT, AND THEY KEPT OL' JACKIE IN THIS BLOODY BARBER SHOP. NO FUTURE. NO HOPE. NOTHING-! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU BASTARDS TO DECIDE SAWYER XAVIER WAS BETTER THAN ME?!"

With a sudden intensity, Jack grabs the towel from his shoulders and chucks it across the room in a Gail of anger; as he THUMPS the barber countertop, a lot of pent-up anger flows out of him in waves. He takes a few deep breaths before continuing.

Jack The Clipper: "But here's the thing. I have never known a life where I did not get what I wanted. I guess I am fortunate in that way. Though this shitty barber shop takes up the majority of my time, I make an effort to do the things I love. I began training in combat sports 14 years ago. I wanted to prove I was more than a barber from the shitty side of London. I have proven more than once now that I am willing to do whatever it takes to win. I am not here to shake hands, show respect, and have fun... those are children's games. I am not only here to make up for the weaknesses of people like Sawyer Xavier and Brooklyn Steiner ... I am here to correct them! I am here to win. Look at all these bright sparks everyone is giving flowers to and CUT them down to size, CLIP their weeks and SHAVE them down to size, for having the big hype machine behind them that I never had...and now? Sawyer Xavier?"

Jack abruptly grabs the chair in front of him and swings it around in one well-practised motion, and it swings perfectly to face the camera.

Jack The Clipper: "Your number is up, so come on by, take a seat, make yourself nice and comfortable as all that promise, all that potential gets clip...clipped....clipped away. It's what I do, and no one does it better.

With a snort, Jack idly pats down the seat as if to say that this chair has Sawyer Xavier's name on it and that it's waiting just for him.

Jack The Clipper: "See, I know how this is meant to work; this is how pro wrestling moves along its merry way; you're the up-and-coming exciting talent, and I'm the grizzled vet, so by wrestling logic, the owness is on me, I'm responsible for leading you in this merry dance of ours, Make you look good, and it doesn't really matter if you win, or I win, the focus is on you. That's what we're here for; that's where all the attention is going to be, right on Sawyer Xavier. So my role in all this is to teach you a thing or two, make you a better wrestler than you were stepping into the ring, push you to your physical limitations, make you have to go deeper than you ever had to go, Bring out the best version of Sawyer Xavier, and when the match ends. I'll pick you up, dust you off, give you your flowers and make sure your reputation is as high as it could possibly be...

Jack The Clipper seems to consider this for a moment, just a brief second, where he seems to meditate on this concept for a second

Jack The Clipper: "Fuck that shit-!"

And Jack spits bitterly on the ground.

Jack The Clipper: "I ain't here to give anyone flowers ya wanker. You're going to give me MY fucking flowers Sawyer Xavier! And if you don't, I'm going to MAKE you give me my flowers, and then I'm going to take those flowers and shove them up your ass, you skinny little wanker. People say this is your time to prove yourself. That this is your moment. I NEVER GOT A MOMENT. IT WAS STOLEN FROM ME. SO I'M GOING TO STEAL YOURS AND MAKE IT MINE. I'm not going to dust you off and make you better; I'm going to slap the taste out of your mouth and break your fucking nose. Just like what happened to me when I was your age. Don't get it twisted; I don't want to break you physically. To be honest, that's too easy; I'm not coming for your body; I'm coming for your spirit. I'm coming for your heart. I want to ruin you not just as a wrestler but as a man. I'm going to make you realize you made a grave mistake following your dreams and I'm going to beat you so bad, you'll never get back in the ring ever ever again, without suffering from a panic attack. You won't be able to emotionally recover from your appointment with the clipper? And why? Why do I want to ruin you? Why do I want to destroy the career of someone I've never met before?

" Because fuck you, that's why."

Jack scowls at the camera as if insulted that they'd dare question if he had a deeper reason.

Jack The Clipper: "Fuck Sawyer Xavier. Fuck Brooklyn Steiner. Fuck KDS. And fuck everyone who doubts me. I've had to deal with so much shit in my life, and now I got to deal with little twerps like Sawyer Xavier thinking they can get over on me. Well Fuck that, and Fuck you. I've scraped and clawed too damn much and too long for someone like Sawyer Xavier to get one over me, and frankly? Come fallout; I won't be able to sleep at night if this match ends any other way besides me delivering, taking a little off the top so hard he has to take his teeth in a doggy bag with him.

Evil intentions from the hairy man with the scissors, and that's clear for all to see as he turns away from the camera and starts rummaging around the countertop.

"Now jog on, me tea's going cold and I got work to do."

Cue awkward silence as Jack starts to mess around with various bottles of shampoo until he notices the camera is still there.


Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
Reaction score

“Reconciliation of One’s Failures! The Harsh Road to Redemption and Revelation!!!”

“Konchu, that’s enough!”

“I’ll let you know when it’s damn well bloody enough, Truth!!!”

We cut backstage in the locker room area of the Marrakech Stadium. Meltdown has come and gone, and the main event is now nothing more than an entry in the record books.

It…wasn’t supposed to end up like this.

This…wasn’t what was supposed to happen.

The Dark Roads Alliance should’ve steamrolled Xavien Marshall and Jay Kenny, two random neophytes who are united more in their mutual hunger for a vastly different prize and their lack of cohesion than in their desire for cooperative glory.

There is no reason why the DRA would still be sitting here, alone in the locker room without the FWA Tag Team Championship still in their grasp.

But…they lost.

But it’s not just the fact that they lost that has the Mad Wizard in an uncontrollable, unbalanced fury as he tosses trash bins, kicks in and dents locker doors, and rips off towel racks from the walls with reckless abandon as his partner, Cyrus Truth, is trying his best to keep his own frustration at bay long enough to calm Konchu down. Epsilon, for his part, remains motionless in the corner, desperately wanting to console his master and friend while knowing that, in this state, Konchu is in no mood to be consoled.

“I said that was ENOUGH! Get a hold of yourself, Konchu. This isn’t helping.”

Konchu, having grabbed a previously ripped-out towel bar with the insane intention to use it to smash a nearby porcelain sink, stops dead in his tracks as the bar slips from his grasp. Konchu turns to his tag team partner and slowly walks up to him, anger and indignation burning like bright red coals in his eyes.

“...’Isn’t helping?’ ‘ISN’T HELPING?!’ Truth, we LOST! We lost the Tag Team Championships in our first match to a mush-mouthed limey nepotistic drug dealer and an unreformed street thug who thinks that dipping his toes in the world of shadows makes him anything more than a scared brat who refuses to grow up beyond his past. We were HUMILIATED in our first title defense, not just by those two cretins, but by Alyster Black and that sordid little paraplegic worm’s revisionist history and managerial manipulations!”

“I know.”

“DO YOU?! Then why in all Nine Hells are you not as angry as I am?”

“I am. If you think I don’t want to break those punks’ necks for what happened tonight, you damn well don’t know me at all. But you throwing a temper tantrum in an empty locker room isn’t going to fix this, and you know that.”


Konchu, never one to lack the right words to say in any given situation, now finds his vocabulary being stymied by his powerful, overwhelming emotions. But what surprises Cyrus when Konchu gets close enough isn’t the fact that Konchu’s angry. It’s not the Mad Wizard’s frustration that strikes The Exile like a hammer to an anvil.

It’s the tears welling up in Konchu’s eyes behind the mask.

“...I failed. Me. I am the one who cost us the Tag Team Championships, Truth. It is MY fault.”

Epsilon, hearing this, starts to slowly make his way out from his hiding place in the corner of the locker room as Cyrus, having done his damnedest to keep his own resentment at the loss of his and Konchu’s title belts at bay, finds that anger evaporate as Konchu is overcome with sorrow and regret.

“It was I who gave up the pin to that street rat after we defeated FTN decisively at Lights Out. And tonight? I was the one who gave up the pinfall that surrendered the FWA Tag Team Championship to a pair of unworthy, undisciplined children. Because I wasn’t strong enough, we lost what you and I worked so far for.”

“Konchu…I mean, yes, you were the one who got pinned, but that wasn’t your fault. You got low-blowed tonight and Xavien…”

“Don’t. Don’t…don’t try and give me that, Truth. I am a man whose signature move is blinding my opponents with dust. If anyone in this company should anticipate treachery and deceit in a wrestling match, especially with the highest of stakes, it should be me. However those two did it is irrelevant. The fact is they did it, and they did it because I was neither clever enough nor quick enough to counter it.

“I have fought too damn hard to make my mark in FWA to allow myself to be the weak link in this team of ours, Truth. The very thought of it repulses me, and I cannot accept that.”


Cyrus tries to put a hand on Konchu’s shoulder, still bare and drenched in sweat from the contest earlier tonight. The Exile’s gesture is intended to be comforting, reassuring.

But the Mad Wizard is in no mood for that as he violently slaps it away, a flash of anger in his eyes as he pulls away. The anger mixes with Konchu’s own sorrow and helplessness as he backs away from Cyrus and Epsilon.

“No…I…not now. I…need time. Time alone. I have to process this. I have to…”

Konchu doesn’t bother to finish his sentence. Perhaps the Mad Wizard can’t finish his own thought, not in his state of mind. Instead, he simply grabs his discarded robe and drapes it over his shoulders as he exits the locker room into the shadowy bowels of the stadium and beyond.

Epsilon moves to follow, but is stopped when Cyrus puts a hand on his shoulder. Epsilon wants to fight out of it, to be there for his dearest friend at his absolute lowest point, but stops when The Exile says:

“Let him be, buddy. I doubt there’s anything you or I can say that’s going to get him out of this funk tonight. He’s decided he needs to sort this out himself, and as much as neither of us like it? We do have to respect his wishes.”

Epsilon stops fighting against Cyrus’s grip. His diminutive muscles relax as he sadly mutters:


Cyrus, despite not being nearly as fluent in Epsilon’s garbled language as the homunculus’s master, knows enough that he gives Epsilon a comforting pat on the head as he sighs himself.

The Exile shares Konchu’s frustration. Understands his guilt and where it stems from. But Cyrus can’t allow himself to follow Konchu down that dark path. Not yet, not when there was still a chance, ironically provided by Alyster’s arrogance and need for validation, that the Dark Roads Alliance could resolve this.

Kneeling down so that he can look Epsilon face-to-face, Cyrus keeps his jaw tight and his focus razor-sharp as he continues.

“Give him his space, but keep an eye on him for me. If he tries to go off the really deep end like he did with that oni’s blood business a while back, you know how to reach me, right?”

“Ataka, Varzos.”

“Good. Konchu’s tougher than most, so I have faith that he’ll sort this out. Until he does, I need you to be my eyes and ears. I have to work through some of my own stuff after this mess, but I’ll reach out and keep you posted. All right, buddy…go, and look after your master.”

Epsilon nods as he immediately scampers off, heading off into the same darkness that Konchu disappeared in. The Exile, now alone, lets out a deep sigh as he surveys the ransacked, ravaged locker room left in the wake of the Mad Wizard’s anguish and furor. Seeing his own reflection in a cracked mirror, Cyrus’s own ire slips as that same fire in Konchu’s eyes is reflected in The Exile’s.

Cyrus punches the shattered reflection in a confession of his own frustration.

But that’s all.

That’s all he’s going to allow himself.

He has to remain strong. Retain hope that redemption can be achieved…


It had been some time since Konchu had graced the Citadel of the Black Mass with his physical presence.

As Primogen, Konchu was naturally kept abreast of anything and everything going on in the world of shadows where the Black Mass held sway. Occult practices, monsters from myths and legends, ancient and forbidden religious rites, and communions with spirits both celestial and demonic all fell under the purview of the Black Mass, and it was their task to make sure that such creatures and rituals were regulated.

Not so much for whatever moral reasons, per say. But mostly for the purpose of ensuring some upjumped would-be sorcerer didn’t accidentally end the world trying to summon a succubus for a saucy Saturday night or exposed the world of shadows because he couldn’t keep his newly created pet werewolf from mauling some unsuspecting civilians.

Despite the Black Mass’s importance in the world of shadows, and Konchu Hao being its guiding force after casting its previous primogen to a demiplane of nightmarish screams for daring to extend the Black Mass’s influence dangerously beyond its already prodigious grasp, the truth of the matter is that the Black Mass is one of the most stable and well-organized factions within the world of shadows. While Konchu was and wanted to continue to be kept informed of the various happenings that fell on his underlings’ ears, Konchu had made a concerted effort to ensure that his clergymen and women were all incredibly capable and self-sufficient.

After all…Konchu had reasoned that a truly worthy overlord wouldn’t just keep minions around that were incapable. Empires need many hands to keep things running if they want to survive.

As such, Konchu had been able to maintain his position as primogen while still having plenty of free time to pursue his other interests and master other mystical arts and arcane magic, as well as manage his burgeoning tabletop gaming publishing company and professional wrestling career.

But Konchu can’t bring himself to think about professional wrestling at this point in time.

Neither does he want to sequester himself alone. Knowing full well that his mind wasn’t best equipped to process all these darker emotions after the loss of the FWA Tag Team Championships, and rightly fearing that he’d end up coming to an awful conclusion and enact an even worse attempt at compensation for what the Mad Wizard continued to feel was an inadequacy, the only recourse Konchu felt he has is to bury himself in something else.

So, here he finds himself, in a sanctum far away from the prying eyes of the world of dawn.

Listening to reports from new acolytes on an uptick of demonic possessions within various right-wing political organizations to stoke fires of hatred and upheaval.

Writing letters to various mystics across the world requesting that they provide more information on artifacts that they’ve uncovered to determine their magical potential.

Signing off on requests from the Alchemist’s Guild and Techomages for a joint conference with the Black Mass to address growing concerns about the newly reorganized Necromancer’s Union.

More and more busywork.


Diversions from the dark thoughts that still poke and prod at Konchu Hao, reminding him of his failures.

Diversions from the derisions lobbied at him and his partner from braying jackasses and mewling children.

“Primogen? Are…you all right?”

As if awakening from a chemically-induced fugue state, Konchu snaps to attention as one of his deacons, standing at attention behind the Mad Wizard, apparently looks concerned as she interrupted her own reports on growing occult observations in the jungles of Africa to try and get Konchu’s attention. Konchu, lost in his own thoughts while using a massive crystal to look out beyond space and time, turns to face the deacon with a look of exhaustion on his face.

“Hmm? Oh, yes, of course. Apologies, I have had…never mind, it is nothing. But yes, I concur. Send some of our spiritualists to oversee these rituals. Tell them they have standing orders to stop the rites if they end up being a summoning ritual for Popo Bawa or some other problematic shetani.”

“It will be done, Primogen.”

“And…about that other investigation I asked you and your acolytes to look into?”

The deacon’s shoulders slump, her posture indicative that she’s not thrilled about delivering what is certainly not what her primogen wants to hear.

“Yes…these shadowy figures that approached this…’Xavien Marshall.’ While we’ve been able to determine they have connections through underworld power brokers with ties to private incarceration provider companies among other interests, we’ve yet to identify these ‘Shadows’ that approached Xavien nor do we have any inclination as to what their goals are. I’m…sorry, Primogen.”

The wet sound of Konchu sucking his teeth, inhaling as a reflex to the news or lack thereof that’s been delivered to him, is enough that the deacon immediately adds:

“...However! However, we are still chasing down leads using those connections we’ve been able to uncover. We will find out who these figures are. You have our word, Primogen.”

Konchu wants to rant. He wants to rage, to rampage as he did that night after he and Cyrus lost the FWA Tag Team Champions. The sting of the title loss still tormenting him is bad enough…but to continue to get absolutely nowhere in determining who in the world of shadows has taken an interest in a street hood that continues to be angry at the world instead of himself is unbelievably frustrating.

Still, Konchu keeps his anger and irritation in check. He is still addressing one of his subordinates in his position as leader of the Black Mass. Even in his rage, the Mad Wizard knows full well that decorum demands his discipline.

“...Very well. Continue your research and keep me abreast of any information you find.”

“Yes, Primogen.”

“What else do you have for me?”

The day continues. More and more acolytes, clergy, and administrators come to give their reports to Konchu Hao on the comings and goings with the occult and other world of shadow dealings. However, as time goes on and the reports continue to be delivered, it becomes more and more obvious that all of this is just micromanaging at this point. Konchu’s fellow Black Mass clergy are more than capable of handling much of this business without the Mad Wizard’s direct meddling.

And Konchu knows this.

But it’s either bury himself in work, or let his dark thoughts consume him.

However, eventually the day draws to a close and Konchu again finds himself alone, his clergy and acolytes having left for the day. Konchu, taking a moment to gaze at the large crystal, mutters some prayer or chant before taking a deep breath and sighing.

No more distractions.

Damn it.

Our scene changes from the inner sanctum of the Black Mass. Far away from the gothic, unearthly and otherworldly private refuge to the streets of…somewhere. It’s a massive city, but the architecture, the atmosphere is…muddled, shrouded in such a way that this city could be anywhere and nowhere. Even the people milling around the streets and corner shops look nondescript as the Mad Wizard, bundled up in a heavier black coat instead of his traditional robes, keeps walking to…well, nowhere in particular, it seems.

Konchu is trying his best to keep the dark thoughts leashed. His narrowed eyes behind his mask are a testament to his struggle…trying to close the windows to his soul, unwilling to allow what’s behind them to escape. The city doesn’t matter, the throngs of humanity around him with their nameless, faceless personas don’t matter nearly as much as Konchu’s own fears, his own feelings of inadequacy.

Until winning the FWA Tag Team Championships with Truth, Konchu had forgotten how much he enjoyed being a champion. It was something he thought he didn’t need after nearly destroying himself in pursuit of the World Title a few years back, when Toner escaped with the title shot that the Mad Wizard had fought so damn hard for, having only been pulled back from the brink thanks to Truth and Epsilon’s intervention. For the longest time, Konchu believed he had moved beyond the call of gold. He got title shots, sure…but it was always ancillary to whatever else Konchu had going on at that point in time.

He was less a challenger and more…

…more what?

Attraction? No, that’s not quite right. The men he challenged, Alyster for his X Title and Baxter for his North American Championship. Even if they had their backings and their fans, neither could be considered…good, honest men. Alyster even at the height of his popularity was little more than a violent misanthrope who had nothing in his heart but misery and a desire to inflict pain. And Baxter…well, the bastard fully embraced his horrid attitude en route to his persistent reign as he abandoned friendship and virtue for arrogance and brutality.

Konchu, in the middle of this thought, stops in the middle of the sidewalk, just in front of a shop that looks as if it’s some sort of retro records store. His hand cups the back of his head, as if there’s a thought back there that refuses to come out to the front, an itch that is refusing to be scratched.


Jeremy Best’s little tournament of random pairings, done under the twisted little man’s warped view of promoting friendship, now comes to Konchu’s mind. Had the Mad Wizard been a better partner, it would be he and Truth who would be defending the Tag Team Championship against the eventual winners of that five-ringed circus.

Still, the word “friendship” rattles in his brain, and Konchu finds himself pondering why.

Konchu Hao has many peers, countless acquaintances and partners in various shadow activities across the world. He also commands legions of minions and acolytes both within the fandom of FWA and beyond.

But when it comes to “friends,” Konchu really only has two.

His loyal partner, Epsilon.

And The Exile.

Konchu’s mind cuts back to his first few meetings with The Exile. The initial encounter investigating early Mesopotamian ruins, the confrontation in Malaysia that forced the duo to work together to escape a street gang financially backed by disguised lizard people in charge of a multinational corporation, and the incident in Zimbabwe that ended any rivalry between the two and set the foundations for a partnership and understanding between the Mad Wizard and the Wayward Warrior that would, in time, culminate with the defeat of FTN at Lights Out and rending their surface-level affection for one another asunder.


…maybe that’s what frustrates Konchu so much about losing the Tag Team Championships.

Cyrus Truth, for his many faults, is nothing if not loyal to those who earn his trust. When Konchu’s unique nature became apparent to The Exile in their early encounters, Truth did not judge him for it. Truth never saw Konchu as a usurper, a bodysnatcher that inhabited the mortal body of a broken young man. No…The Exile, as he always does, looked beyond the surface and saw the Truth beyond.

That’s not to say there weren’t arguments. More than once, harsh words were exchanged, and even a few fists. But it was never due to what Konchu was, but what he said and did. And while The Exile would often question the actions of the Mad Wizard, he never really ever questioned Konchu’s heart or intentions.

Cyrus Truth was as good of a friend that a creature like Konchu Hao could’ve ever hoped to make since his emergence.

And to let him down by giving up the pin that cost them the Tag Team Championships…

“Leave me alone, you sleazeballs! Help! HELP!”

The shrieking, pleading voice of a distressed woman snaps Konchu back to reality as he turns to see if he can see the source of the voice.

Down a nearby alley, Konchu sees a young woman, back pressed against the wall trying to put some space between her and a couple of aggressive men in balaclavas. Despite the hoods hiding their faces, it’s clear that they have lecherous intentions, a desire to impose their will upon this poor girl.

In Konchu’s already fractured state of mind, he blinks and thinks he sees Xavien and Kenny.

He blinks again, and it’s Alyster Black and Chris Peacock.

Whatever the apparitions, regardless of what Konchu’s twisted mind sees, the words are clear as day.

“Oh, quit your screaming. You know you want it. This whole town wants it.”

“Yeah, me and my partner? We’re the ones who’re going to make the world our bitch. So why not start with you? It’s only right, after all.”

The woman struggles and tries to run, but she’s cut off as one of the thugs grabs her by the throat and just…laughs.

“Don’t you know? Men like us always get what we want. The world bows to us, and lines up to suck some clout from us. So you might as well do the same, right? Go ahead…open wide and just…”

Before it gets super uncomfortable, before lines are crossed, the thug throttling the woman begins to choke.

A dark tendril, emerging from a shadowy portal of swirling madness, has wrapped itself around the thug’s throat, crushing his windpipe. The other thug, seeing this, tries to grab the tendril and free his partner…

…Or, does he try to run in fear, hoping to avoid the nightmare himself?

From the perspective of a madman, it's hard to tell. It matters little either way. He, too, is caught by another tendril.

More and more tendrils of darkness wrap up the would-be abusers, the beast that wish to pillage, rape, and victimize to feed their own need for power and control. Eventually, little of the thugs can be seen in the darkness as Konchu Hao, muttering foul arcane words upon summoning this nightmare from beyond space, time, and reason, closes his fist as the tendrils pull the thugs away from the woman, into the portal, and away from reality.

Konchu’s eyes are wide and wild. His spell, his actions more a reflex than a conscious effort. The Mad Wizard breathes heavily as the woman, still in shock over what happened, looks at Konchu and stammers:

“W-w-what happened? W-who…”

Konchu raises his hand to silence the woman with a gesture.

“Nobody. Whatever you think you’ve seen? You didn’t.”

“I…I don’t…I don’t know what I saw.”

“Good. Better that way. You…you should leave here. Go get some help or something, I honestly don’t know.”

“R-right. Um…thank you.”

Konchu’s head tilt betrays his strange confusion at the woman’s gratitude.

“For what, exactly?”

“You…you didn’t have to step in there. But you did. And you stopped them.”

“Only temporarily. They’ll be back. If not them, then some other cretins will inevitably replace them.”

“Maybe…but you can’t control that. You chose to help regardless. You’re…you’re a hero.”


Konchu Hao, the Mad Wizard and would-be supreme overlord of the world…a hero?

Before Konchu can say anything else, the woman rushes up to him, hugs him, and runs off into the city without another word. The Mad Wizard stands there in the alley, alone and dumbstruck.

Why was he a hero? All he did was rid the world of some scum for a small time. In the grand scheme of things, it’s such a minor thing. And scum would always rise up from the sewers of depravity that they spawned from. It’s…nothing, really. A small thing.

How can that make someone a hero?

It’s at this moment that Konchu recalls something Cyrus told him once, when the Mad Wizard questioned why The Exile was so damned inflexible when it came to his precious principles:

“Konchu…the world’s full of people who’ll lie, cheat, steal, rape, and kill because they want something, or just because they can. And that’s not going to change. But do you know why those people don’t run completely roughshod over the world? It’s because decent people who actually care about preserving the best aspects of humanity continue to fight them back, driving them back into the dark.

“Yeah, they might return. And it’s not as if people won’t stop being awful so long as they think they deserve to or that they think they can get away with it. It’s a never-ending battle, but one that’s important enough to fight. So…I fight. And I’ll continue to fight the good fight. Because so long as I’m willing to fight? I know eventually I’m going to win.”

That’s it, isn’t it?

The ultimate Truth.

Konchu may have failed. But he hasn’t lost. Not yet.

There was still the fight that had to be fought. A battle that, despite Konchu never thinking he’d be fighting, is one that’s become important to him.

Konchu may style himself an evil would-be overlord, but that’s not all he is. It’s not the only thing he’s become since meeting Cyrus and joining FWA.

He has battled the very best that FWA has to offer and taken their measure…forcing them to the very limits of their abilities.

He has captured the hearts and admiration of the FWA faithful.

And he has united with his best friend to ensure that scum will never rule FWA and rot it from the inside.

Thugs like Xavien Marshall.

Degenerates like Jay Kenny.

Nihilists like Alyster Black.

And the root of all this decadent decay…

Chris Peacock.

A man whose failures were swallowed in a sea of unearned hype.

A thief whose greatest victories were stolen.

A ruler whose power was provided by a charmed management and the bleating bolstering of sheep…no, of leeches wishing to suckle upon his tainted teat.

It all starts with Chris Peacock, the liar and thief, the delusional hack who fancies himself an unstoppable emperor. The fountain of vile arrogance upon which Alyster, Xavien, and Jay have engorged themselves upon, embracing Peacock’s disease of self-importance and inflated ego.

Chris Peacock, who robbed Konchu of his X Title so many moons ago. In a match that should’ve never happened.

Nobody’s ever loved Chris Peacock. Not like they’ve loved Konchu Hao.

And it’s long past time that Konchu Hao showed his gratitude.

For the FWA fans that chant his name and rise from their seats to chant their support.

For the love of his minion, Epsilon, ever faithful and always by his side.

For Cyrus Truth…his only true friend, who stands as a rock to keep Konchu’s foundation supported and grounded.

Standing up straight, Konchu lets out a long exhale. He knows that he has to be better than what he has been in order to set right what he allowed to go wrong. But the Mad Wizard has come to a conclusion, a determination to make the effort and fight like hell and ruin any designs Chris Peacock has of bringing FWA down to his deplorable level once again.

For the first time in weeks, Konchu smiles as he calls out:

“You can come out, Epsilon. I think I’m fine now.”

Out from a dark corner of the alleyway, Epsilon indeed emerges. Cautiously, the homunculus approaches his master…but as soon as he’s close, Epsilon immediately rushes over and gives Konchu’s legs a big hug. We can hear Epsilon sobbing as he continues to jabber in his incoherent tongue as Konchu gently pushes his minion off and kneels down, putting his hands on Epsilon’s shoulders.

“My sincerest apologies for worrying you, my friend. But I believe I’m done with moping and raging at what was. It’s time to move forward, to take what may be and make it a reality. I’m ready to begin the process of reclaiming Truth’s and my Tag Team Championships, and put an end to those young thugs and FTN once and for all. And I’ll start on Fallout with Chris Peacock, and ensure that his wicked crusade ends with his crucifixion upon the altar of retribution.”

Epsilon takes his sleeve to his mask, as if trying to wipe away snot. But he does stop sobbing as he and Konchu share another hug.

However, in a flash of remembrance, Epsilon breaks off the embrace and excitedly chirps as he digs through his goblin backpack and produces his tablet. He hands it to Konchu as the Mad Wizard, a bit perplexed, takes the tablet and reads it.

“...this is from Truth?”

“Iyak, Jubakara!”

“And…you want us to go?”

Epsilon nods as Konchu, a little uneasy about the prospect, nevertheless hands the tablet back and somewhat sheepishly asks:

“Well…do I need to bring anything?”


In a small little house at the end of a cul-de-sac in Lafayette, Indiana, we see an almost bizarre sight.

Tending to a dog while enjoying a cold beer in the crisp autumn evening is former FWA World and Women’s Champion Shannon O’Neal, who is currently looking over the shoulder of Cyrus Truth as he is standing over a makeshift fire pit with a turkey being slowly rotated on a rotisserie spit. The Exile looks completely focused on the bird, ensuring that the turkey is consistently basted and seasoned as the skin gets a nice char on it.

“Ya gonna tell me where you learned to cook a turkey like this, Cy?”

“I spent some time in Auckland, New Zealand when I was younger. While I was out there, I ended up living with this wonderful Maori woman who ran a restaurant. I guess I picked up some things.”

“Well, whatever the hell you’re doin’? That bird smells great. What made ya decide to finally take me up on my offer to come over for Thanksgivin’?”

Cyrus shrugs as he checks the internal temperature of the turkey with a thermometer.

“I guess…teaming with Konchu made me decide to be a bit more open with other people, you know? It’s been hell finding people to trust in, so I figured I might as well show my gratitude to those who have my trust.”

Shannon chuckles as she gives Cyrus an affectionate shoulder squeeze. However, before she can reply, the dog turns towards the street and begins to bark.

“Rufus! The hell are ya…”

Shannons turns as she stops mid sentence. She then whispers something to Cyrus as The Exile turns his attention away from the turkey and onto the source of Rufus’s outburst.

There, standing by the fence separating Shannon’s yard from the sidewalk, looking absolutely awkward, is Konchu Hao. Epsilon is there as well, chirping excitedly as he waves at Cyrus. Cyrus, for his part, gives Shannon a nod as she takes Cyrus’s place by the pit fire to allow The Exile to greet his friends.

“I was starting to think you wouldn’t show.”

Konchu, nervously, lets out a cackle as Cyrus opens the gate of the fence to allow Epsilon to bound in. He immediately stands next to Shannon as he admires the turkey while Konchu holds up a dish.

“I…ah…I brought a dish. Epsilon said it was not necessary, but I felt that it would be rude if I did not. It’s…a tiramisu. A proper Italian-made one, and not one of those poor mega-grocery facsimilies…”



“Thanks for coming, pal.”

Konchu exhales as he relaxes.

“Are you sure you still want me here?”

Cyrus, gently, slaps the side of Konchu’s head as he holds out his hand. Konchu takes it as the former champions, the partners…the Dark Roads Alliance shakes hands.

“Couldn’t imagine not having you here, Konchu. Happy Thanksgiving.”
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
N̟̥̔̍͢ ̥̪̮̦̏ͩ͗̅́O̧̖͖͉ͥ ̧͕͕̣̣̬͚̽͂̒̾ͅṮ̗͉͎̟ͥ̈̃͘ ̵̻͇̬̫ͣ͛H̗̮̦ͪ̀ ̡͉̞̲̖̙ͬ̄ͫ̐I̥̘͇̝̤͔͙ͥͦ̈́́ ̩̱͕̘͙͂̐ͦͦ͢N̸͚̞̼͑̓ ̱̩͈̰͂̐͌̄͜G̹̙̭͔̖̅̐͞

Th-thud, th-thud, crrshhh, th-thud, th-thud, crrshhh....

The sound of a pair of boots are accompanied by the light sound of something brushing across the floor. The camera slowly rises to show the legs, then torso, and finally the face, of Keres. Her stone-cold gaze is focused straight ahead and one of her arms is slightly pulled behind her, forcefully tugging on something in her hand. She stops walking and looks over her shoulder.

"This match... means nothing. It is void of purpose. The Buddy System does not concern me. Chris Crowe might as well not be there. I... focus on one Tommy Bedlam. His mind has been such a treat."

Keres, still looking over her shoulder, now looks down at what she is holding in her hand... a bunch of... hair?

"I will be there, your vessel will be there... but you will stay asleep, my Princess."

The camera lowers further down and reveals what is on the other end of the hair in Keres' hand... the completely limp body of her puppet, Princess Nova. Keres has been gently dragging the puppet-like Nova, across the ground, by her hair, on the way to their match.

"You will be nothing in this match. You will do nothing in this match. We will do nothing in this match. You will lay in that ring, and Tommy bedlam... well, he will see how real nightmares can be."

Keres smiles as she continues to drag the lifeless husk of Princess Nova on the way to their match... to do... n͇̩̩̲͓̠̻̭͂͞ ̧̥̘̥̤̻̮́ͩ̓ͅo̼̣̜̝̎͜ ̬̪̱ͫ̅̀ţ̱̟̪̜ͫ ̗̭̏̽̀̒͝h̟̗̻ͩͭ͟ ̵̯̥̞̺̺͖̤͚̃ͮ̊̅i̸͍̩͉̼͙̦͔̾ͤ̈́ ̪͇̲̲̹͇͌ͪͣ͌͞ͅͅn̺̤̿̎͛͜ ̝͇͉̳̳̳͎͒̇ͯ̚͡ͅg͈͚͚̯͊͟.
  • Wow
Reactions: WelshyBOI

FWA Dustin

New Member
Nov 26, 2023
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Knock, knock, knock

Who is it?

It's me, Jeff. I got the snake.

Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell out of here.

Are you crazy? It's wayyy too cold out here for him. Let me in!

What money?

Money? What are you even talking about?

Is that a fact? How much do I owe ya?

You've gotta just go along with it Mel, he didn't let me in til the end either.

Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more

As she scoffs and puts her head down, she notices the black marks on the sidewalk in front of the door.

Seriously? Oh my god, please tell me he's not doing the thing with the firecrackers!

He's upstairs, taking a bath. He'll call you when he gets out... Hey, I tell you what I'm gonna give you, Snakes. I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to get your ugly, yellah, no-good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead.

Jeff I swear to god you better not!


Goddammit Jeffry.


Just hurry up already, he didn't drag it out like this in the movie.


The door bursts open and out come Jeffry Mason and TYLER, both of them dual-wielding bunches of bubble wrap. Delighted to see the plastic non-explosive bang noises, and thrilled to see her friends, a smile immediately washes over her face. She opens her arms and gives a kiss on each side of TYLER's face followed by a big hug. She even more enthusiastically greets Jeffry the same way, but she lets Lucien slither off of her and onto Jeff's shoulders.

Keep the change, ya filthy animal.

Hey, that's my line!

Well next time don't make me wait out here so long and I won't have to hurry things up, deal?

Fine, deal. C'mon, let's get you inside then.

The trio scurry inside the motel room, Jeffry closing the door behind him. The room is just a standard Days Inn room, if you've seen one, you've seen them all. Two beds with the ugliest emerald and maroon patterned covers a person could imagine. A TV on top of a dresser, a generic painting of fruit in a bowl, a mini-fridge, a table with a couple scratched up wooden chairs, and the classic bathroom/coffeemaker combination in the back that no cheap motel room would be complete without.

Whoa, is this the same room? Just yesterday it looked like a dumpster. Don't tell me we're actually eating Thanksgiving dinner here.

Relax, Mel, I promised you a nice Thanksgiving and I'm a man of my word. Part of Thanksgiving is tradition and family. So I figured, since the three of us don't really have many other people in our lives, why not get together and celebrate instead of spending it alone? After what we've all been through, that makes us family. And I've got the perfect tradition to share with you guys.

You two aren't even American.

Technically I'm half American. My mom was from North Dakota. And I spent enough time wrestling in the States all those years that I'm a dual citizen.

How am I just now finding this out?

Probably because until a couple weeks ago at that show I ran, we hadn't talked in like five years? Ha ha ha.

Yeah, probably. Hey, shit happens for everyone though. All that's important anyway is right here, right now.

You always did know how to avoid awkward situations by paraphrasing Sammy Hagar.

Oh hush, you. Anyway, so what's this half-American tradition you were talking about?

Have a look in the bathroom.

Has anything good ever happened after those words have been said?

Just go look.

Despite sarcastic groans and eye rolls from both of them, TYLER and Melissa head toward the bathroom. Mel pulls the handle down and opens the door. TYLER plants his face into his palm, as Mel can only shake her head.

What. The. Fuck.

Merry Thanx-mas!

Trust me, even sharing a mind with him, I don't get it either.

I just, like Christmas time, alright?

I don't think that's what she's questioning, Jeff.

Why the hell is there a Christmas tree in your bathtub?

Because that's the tradition. Every year my family would set up the tree on Thanksgiving Day. As a kid, I always hated it. It was just a chore. Once I was an adult with a family of my own, I realized how much I took those times for granted. But now that that's gone, I guess...

Jeffry takes another pause, thinking about his daughter and wife and the accident for the second time during this visit.

I guess I just want some sort of normal again, you know?

And that's the real reason you want to have this one last run, isn't it?

You really do know me too well. Yeah, I suppose it is. A big part, at least. The few times I got in the ring this past year or so, it just felt like a part of me was home. It felt almost like the old days. I went from having my career and family ripped away from me, to getting in the ring again and doing some of the most violent shit I've come up with to the biggest crowds of my life. I don't know how long it'll be for, hell I can't even say for sure this will be my last run. All I know is that at the very least, I've got one more shot, and it's the biggest shot of my career, to make sure that the legacy of deathmatch wrestling lives on after I'm gone.

Melissa embraces Jeffry with a comforting hug. Lucien slithers across Mel's back and bridges his body over to the Christmas tree, which he coils around, twisting his way up until his head is perched at the top. The three of them laugh at this sight.

Well I guess Lucien's decided that the star goes on first this year. Who else is ready to decorate?

TYLER and Mel both excitedly raise their hands.

Alright, let's do this. So where are the ornaments?

So uh, they were on the first tree.

What do you mean, 'first tree?'

Well I set up a tree yesterday in between the beds. I left the sign off the door so I could actually get the place cleaned for once, and I guess they didn't like me having a tree in here, so it was in the dumpster by the time I got out. So I went and got a second one, and put it in here. This way, I can leave the bathroom door locked when I leave so they won't see it. And it's always in water now, so I'll never forget to do that.

I guess you did say you wanted a sense of normal, not actual normal. So this works. I'm sure we can find some things to use as senses of ornaments, too. OW!

Jeff playfully punches her shoulder in response to the teasing, they both let out a small laugh.

Here we go, Jeff. WIll these work?

TYLER goes up to the tree and places multiple shiny empty beer and soda cans throughout the tree.


I think I can contribute, too.

Mel reaches into her small black handbag and pulls something shiny out. She begins placing the objects on the tree. When she finally stands back, it's seen that she stretched and tied her tiny silver string top and panties on the tree like it was a mannequin.

That stripper's got way nicer cans than you do.

And harder wood than you've probably got these days.

And on that note... can we finally go eat now?

All three of them have a good chuckle.

Yeah, let's go have some turkey! Merry Thanx-mas guys!

Merry Thanx-mas Jeff!


The unlikely family of outcasts pulls up to the diner in Jeffry's beat up old red Tercel. The artificial nostalgia of what should be an illegal amount of neon and chrome in one building certainly had its charm. As the trio walk through the doors, the charm instantly doubles once they see the large glass display with the large assortment of pastries and desserts. Before they begin to drool over the pies like Shaggy and Scooby, a young blonde waitress greets them wearing an old-fashioned black and white dress with the checkered skirt. Despite having to work on Thanksgiving even though this was only her third group of customers that day, the girl hid her disdain well with a pretty smile.

Happy Thanksgiving! Welcome to Nick's Diner! Booth or table?

Booth, please. In the corner if that's possible.

All four of them take a glance around at the otherwise empty dining area.

Um, yeah, sure, right this way.

The group follow her. Mel slides all the way into the booth, with Jeffry doing the same but immediately putting his back against the wall and his feet on the seat. TY takes the empty spot next to Mel.

So hi, I'll be your waitress today. Uh, can I get you some drinks?

Coffee, please.

Coffee's good for me.

Do you have eggnog? Actually, nevermind, I've got some at home. I'll just have coffee. Thanks Marg.

Marg looks down at her red name badge.

Oh, haha, actually, it's Marg. Not Marge like in The Simpsons, Marg like a margerita. Or I guess like Margaret, because that's what it's short for. Because that's my name. I guess I didn't tell you that, so you wouldn't know. I'm so sorry. I'm Margaret, but you can call me Marg...I'll just go get those drinks now, sorry.

She mutters insults aimed at herself as she walks away.

Poor girl.

Remind you of anyone, Jeffry?

You mean Trixie, right?

Of course I do.

Look, don't go lecturing me about being a bully to her. Don't forget she's the one who challenged me.

Alright, that's fair. But like, what's the plan? What do you gain from facing Trixie?

Why do I have to gain anything at all? She clearly has something to prove, who am I to deny her that opportunity? And just like I told Tommy, I can probably use some practice matches to chip away at some more of this ring rust. This year, I'm making goddamn sure I walk out of King of the Deathmatch with that crown on top of my bleeding head, or I'm gonna die hard trying. Get it? Hahaha.

You do realize that Home Alone isn't a Christmas movie either, right? Like, the same arguments you can give either for or against it being one pretty much apply to both Home Alone and Die Hard?

Mel, please don't tell me you're falling for this. Isn't it obvious one of the main things he loves about Christmas is pissing people off?

You should both be ashamed of yourselves. I can't believe you're both on her side in this!

Marg shows back up to the table with the tray holding the coffee.

Hey Marg, please tell me I'm not the last sane person alive. What's your favorite Christmas movie?

Marg thinks about this as she places the creamer cups on the table.

Hmmmmmm. Probably Rambo First Blood. That counts, right?

TYLER and Mel both try to hide their giggling and stare at Jeffry, waiting for his meltdown.

Wow, nice answer. I never would have thought of that as a Christmas movie, but y'know, I can see it.

Dumbfounded by his reply, Mel subtly nudges TYLER, who spontaneously reacts by swiftly bringing his arm to his side. This is just enough to make the waitress flinch, tipping the tray and sending the three cups of hot coffee all crashing directly onto Jeff's crotch, each one shattering the one before it and leaving white porcelin shards all over. Seeing this Marg starts to panic and cry, though the other two react more with a blend of shock and hysterical laughter.

OH MY GOSH I'M SO SO SORRY ARE YOU OK LET ME FIND SOMETHING TO CLEAN THAT UP WITH OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH I'm so dead, they're so gonna fire me, my parents were right, I am a screwup.

Red in the face, but smiling, Jeffry gently grips the waitress by the wrist.

Hey, look, it's ok, alright? I'm fine. I promise, I'm no Karen, I'm a deathmatch wrestler. If anything, I should thank you for the extra training. You're not a screwup, it's like a really good friend once told me, shit just happens for everyone. You're fine. That woke me up more than drinking it ever could anyway. Let's just order and I'll clean this up, and we call it even, ok?

The laughter ceases, but the shock remains. The waitress stops crying before she does too much damage to her makeup, gives a quick nervous smile, then takes out her pen and pad.

Th-thanks. W-wh-what can I get y'all?

Oh, um, just the turkey dinner for me.

I'll have the same. Extra mash if you could, love.

I'll have the Gobbler and Cobbler meal. Can I get that with regular fries though? Sweet potatoes suck. Still give me the dip though, please.

Marg awkwardly stands there for a minute nodding and writing before turning and scurrying to the kitchen to put in the order.

Meanwhile at the table, Jeffry starts trying to absorb the coffee from his lap with napkins from the chrome and blue dispenser, while TYLER and Melissa exchange an awestruck smirk, trying to silently determine which of them gets to jump on this opportunity first.

You sure it's no big deal, mister 'I'm a tough deathmatch wrestler?' No wonder you didn't want sweet potato fries, you've got a set of steamed yams right there in your pants.

Hey Mel, think someone's hot for the waitress, or is that just the coffee?

Well if that's the case, maybe that's why he's going after Trixie again. He did just say before that she reminds him of her, right?

Gross, Jeff, she's like half your size.

Not to mention half your age.

Jeffry chuckles mockingly at his two friends.

Ha, ha, very funny. Are you two comedians done yet? Look, just because I look forward to a little foreplay in the ring with a hot blonde with pornstar good looks when she starts beating my sack like a punching bag, that doesn't mean I want anything more from her. She's an opponent, and the mission is still first and foremost. I've faced her before, and Trixie's tough. Facing her might be harder than most would give her credit for, but trust me, for every ounce of pain she dishes out that I withstand, in the end I get two ounces of pleasure.

Jeff, bruv, as someone who has spent enough time in your head to get to know you better than anyone else, I can honestly say... none of this even surprises me.

I didn't need to spend any time in his head and even I could have told you that!

Believe me, you don't want to see in there. Anyway, what about the Coven?

The witches that brainwashed her into being one of them? Who would even do such a thing? They're wicked, terrible people for what they've done to her, and I promise if any of them try to get involved, you two better have marshmallows ready for the witch roast.

The obvious self-aware hypocrisy aside, what if they just want to, how would you put it, see into the future with your crystal balls, too?

Well if that's all they want, I guess that's ok. Especially if it's that cutie Ethel, am I right?

Melissa spits out her coffee in laughter. Or at least, she would have if Marg had brought them fresh cups yet. Instead she kinda just chokes on air for a moment. TYLER just shakes his head in disgust and disappointing, being very sure of what would come next.

I bet naked she looks just like one of those flappy things on the turkey necks. What is she, some kind of gizzard wizard?

Melissa looks as though she's gonna puke a bit, and neither her nor TYLER are very pleased with the convenient timing of their turkey dinners being placed on the table in front of them.

Jeffry however smiles, very proud of himself for seeing the waitress's reflection behind those two in a bit of the chrome and timing his crude humor perfectly.

Well thanks for ruining turkey for me forever. What the fuck is that mess you got anyway?

Well the cobbler is exactly what it sounds like, some of the best blueberry cobbler in the state. You've never had a Gobbler though? Geez, and you said I'm the one who's not American. This, my fine friend, is the greatest hits album of Thanksgiving. You get the turkey, the cranberry sauce, the dressing, some green bean casserole, and mashed potatoes, you smother it with gravy, wrap it in a tortilla, and what else can I say about it but gobble gobble?

Just like you'd do to Ethel.

Ok see, it's much less funny when you do it. Asshole.

Takes one to know one. And I'm sure you'd love to get real familiar with-

So, um, well then, this is awkward, um, enjoy your meal I guess. Is there anything else I can get you?

Just the coffee.

She pivots once again and goes to get the coffee. Jeffry eagerly chows down on his Thanksgiving burrito, taking fries and dipping them into the maple marshmallow sauce in between bites. Mel hesitates a moment, but after getting the image of Ethel out of her mind, she begins to eat her turkey and the sides. TYLER has mostly stayed quiet, but has slowly started to pick at most of his food. The group continues eating, the CD already repeating and playing 'Run, Rudolph, Run' for the second time since they've arrived. Jeffry finally breaks the silence among the trio.

What's wrong, TY, you don't eat vegetables?

I eat vegetables, what do you mean?

Well you're looking at those peas like they just fell from space. This your first time having peas or something?

No way, Jeffry, I've had peas befo'.

To prove his point, he scoops up as many peas as he can and puts them all into his mouth at once. Jeffry shrugs, impressed, and the group goes back to eating, finishing the rest of the meal with few words exchanged. It's not until they are done, and Jeffry is eating his cobbler, that Mel speaks up.

You know what, Jeff? I've gotta hand it to you. This definitely was far from the most normal Thanksgiving I've ever had. But I'm far from the most normal gal, and compared to all the other shitty Thanksgivings I've had, when I even got to have them at all, I've gotta say that this is loads better than any I've ever had. Thank you. I'm really glad we reconnected, and I'm really glad I get to be a part of this weird, fucked up little family of yours. You too, TY. We just met a couple weeks ago, but it feels like we've known each other for most of my life. If you're family to Jeff, I'm honored to call you family, too.

She puts an arm around TYLER's neck and shoulders and they smile into each other's eyes.

Jeffry puts his fresh cup of coffee in the air over the table.

Happy Thanksgiving. To family!

TYLER and Mel follow suit and touch their cups to his.

To family!


2:47 a.m.

TYLER abruptly awakens from a deep sleep in the middle of the night. He looks over at the other bed, Melissa is still in a peaceful slumber. Lucien is snuggled cozily underneath her pillow, coiled up with only his head peeking out. Gone from her side however is Jeffry. This doesn't surprise TYLER though. In fact, he has a pretty good idea of where his stablemate has gone to, and he rises out of bed to put his slippers on. He steps as slowly as possible, using only the slivers of moonlight to guide him through the otherwise dark room as he makes his way to the door and exits, being extra careful to make as little noise as possible.

TYLER climbs the two sets of stairs on the side of this Super 8, then makes his way over to the ladder and pulls himself up to the roof. He sees a silhouette of a man smoking on the other side of the roof, his back to TYLER, and his features indistinguishable with the full moon shining all its silver light on the man. But TYLER already knew who this was.

Why are you thinking about death again?

Jeffry takes a long hard drag of his cigarette, exhales the smoke, and flicks the butt into the air, gracefully falling to the alley below.

How did you find me up here?

Because I know you're a fan of dramatic, if not cliche, settings. How do you think I found you?

Ah, I see. So I guess you're back to living in my mind. Why ask a question you already know the answer to, then?

Not exactly. I've mentioned it to you before, but I think you just shrugged off. Ever since that amethyst thing from when we were training you for King of the Deathmatch, I've been my own person in my own head. But every now and again, I get these... glimpses, I guess you could say, back into your head. They last anywhere from a few seconds to a couple minutes, and they seem to happen at completely random times. They're... different, though. When I was inside your head all the time, I had full control. With these glimpses, it's almost like I'm being taken on a ride and shown things, except all those things are like, blurry or something.

Things like death.

Well, usually, yes. Which brings us back to my original question. Why were you thinking about death again? If you wanted someone to be dead, they'd already be dead. Yourself included. You're not a killer though, as much of a fucked up bastard you can be sometimes. So if it's not about killing someone, you must be afraid of someone dying. You wanna talk about it?

You know what, TY, sure, why not. Let's talk about death. You know what my biggest fear has always been? Maybe you do, maybe that was one of the few parts of my mind I was able to keep hidden from you, but I'll go ahead and tell you anyway. My biggest fear, hell, maybe my only fear, is of dying. Yeah, I know, ironic right, that the God of Ultraviolence, the Savior of Death, is afraid of death itself? It sounds funny, but Jeffry Mason fears death. You know why? I could care less if the afterlife exists or not. I don't give a shit if it hurts when it happens. No, I'm just afraid that when I leave this living form, it's gonna hurt the very few people I still have in the end. I might be a giant piece of shit in most people's eyes, and maybe that's a self-defense mechanism I've built up so that as few people miss me as possible, but you know something? That small handful of people who actually get to know me, who actually stick around? They are my everything, they're the first thing I think about when I wake up, and they're the last thing when I go to bed. With you, I don't need to worry about leaving anything left unsaid or unexplained. With everyone else though? Forget it. I already lost my parents, I lost my wife, and I lost my daughter. I've been around death before, it fucking hurts, and the thought of inflicting THAT pain onto someone I love? That's the shit that eats me up. And that's why I'm gonna do everything I can to hang onto the few that I have left. I’ve got Scuzz and Keegan I guess. I’ve got you. I’ve got Mel back, now. And I’ve got Reagan. I think I do at least. That seems to be in your hands more than mine, though. Have you talked to him since he went back home?

Now it’s TYLER who hesitates before answering.

A couple times, just to check in, nothing much. He’s enjoying being home with the family.

That’s good, he deserves it. Sometimes I really wish I knew how to make friends some normal way, y’know? Can I ask you something now, TY?


Why did you insist that we lie to Reagan? He’s your best friend, the only one who really ever had your back for very long in your whole life. And you want me to keep lying to him, keep acting like we’re connected, keep pretending that he’s still got a reason to play nice around me. Obviously I haven’t broken that promise, and I don’t intend to. But you never did give me any sort of reason. So let’s hear it.

You’re right, Reagan’s my best friend. But when I was inside your head, I saw two major things happen. The first thing was that I saw your vision. Not just for deathmatch wrestling, but just, how you look at life in general. How you think things should be. And you know, maybe it’s some sort of psychedelic Stockholm Syndrome, maybe the old me wouldn’t have felt the same, but when I saw your vision as a whole, I realized that I actually agreed with a lot of it. It made sense to me. And even once I was back to my own mind, I found myself still wanting to make that vision a reality. I knew then that I could never go back to being British Kid again. I NEED to be TYLER. Because being someone else is the only way to be your true self, I guess, hell I don’t know. It’s late and I’m tired, can we just go back to the room already before Mel wakes up?

Sure thing. After you tell me the second thing.

The w- oh, right. The second thing that happened to me. Well I saw… I saw people for who they really were. I realized just how few people I had that TRULY cared about me. How often has Sarah called to see how I’m doing? What’s Roy’s excuse, are his fish hook wounds still preventing him from talking over a year later? No, the people I considered family couldn’t be bothered to take two minutes out of their day to see if I was still breathing. But you? The guy I thought was this big bad villain trying to hurt us? You ended up caring the most, about all of us. And Reag, I finally saw solid proof that he cared, too, after years of questioning whether he did or if he just cared about the team because he was a part of it. His intentions were always good, after all.

You and me? We’re still a lot different from each other, but we’ve been outcast to the same damn exile. We may as well learn to live together before we end up dying alone, right? Do me a favor though, I know you already promised not to tell anyone, but just to be perfectly clear, Mel’s still a part of anyone, ok?

Jeffry lets out a small chuckle.

Somebody’s got a small crush, eh? Ha. Yeah don't worry man, I won’t tell her. But if things end up working out, you better tell her before the wedding, deal?



E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Trash Mammal: “Roight! How do y- Lads, smile fer the camera?”

Halloween Knight: “What are you- Why do you have a camera?”

Trash Mammal: “Why wouldn’ I? Don’t you?”

Juan Tothrefor: “Yeah, I have a camera on my phone. I don’t lug around the same camera this company uses to film Meltdown.”

Trash Mammal: “Fallout.”

Juan Tothrefor: “What?”

Trash Mammal: “Fallout, this one films Fallout.”

Juan Tothrefor: “What’s the differen-nevermind I don’t care.”

Halloween Knight: “Look, Basura, you’ve already got that weird interview-thing you were angling towards-”

Trash Mammal: “Yup, gonna do Katie Baxter’s job better than her for twice the pay.”

Halloween Knight: “Unlikely. But you’ve already got that simmering in the background, so what, you’re gonna be a cameraman too?”

Trash Mammal: “Nah, nah, nah, maybe, I dunno. I figured, y’know, why don’t we go… BEHIND THE WRESTLING.”

A beat of silence.

Halloween Knight: “Is that… Some kind of reference to something?”

Trash Mammal: “I don’t… Think so?”

Juan Tothrefor: “So, what, you’re just going to document our dramatic rise and fall through the Trios Division?”

Trash Mammal: “What makes you think there’s going to be a fall?”

Juan Tothrefor: “I dunno. I feel like one of us will get an ego, think themselves to be too big for the group, and go solo with a middling singles career. Another has a drug scare and quits the industry all together.”

Halloween Knight: “And the third guy?”

Juan Tothrefor: “They’re the third chick from the group, the Beyonce one. What was it, Destiny’s Child?”

Trash Mammal: “Who?”

Juan Tothrefor: “Exactly.”

Halloween Knight: “This seems oddly specific.”

Juan Tothrefor: “Are you going to pay some vaguely European narrator to talk over the documentary?”

Trash Mammal: “Oh, you betcha! The most vaguely European narrator you can think of.”

Juan Tothrefor: “Werner He-”

Trash Mammal: “Doc Umentary.”

Juan Tothrefor: “-rzog. What?”

Trash Mammal: “What?”

Juan Tothrefor: “Doc Umentary?”

Trash Mammal: “Yeah, Doc Umentary. You never heard of him?”

Juan Tothrefor: “No?”

Trash Mammal: “Oh, so you’ll namedrop Destiny’s Child, some TV series from like a decade ago, but you don’t know who Doc Umentary is? Catch up on some modern pop culture, why dont’cha?”


Freeze frame. Voice over of a strange european accent, the voice of the iconic Doc Umentary, sighing as Juan Tothrefor makes a strangling motion towards the camera.

Doc Umentary: “Tr1ck or Tr4sh. Such pioneers of the industry. Such trendsetters, of the division. How is it that a trio of near strangers, with little in common outside of a shared love of the business, had such a meteoric rise… With such an equal meteoric fall?”

The freezeframe of Juan leaping towards the camera fades out, slowly replaced by that of the trio, united after their first victory together. Then, dramatically, the photo tears apart, separating the three athletes dramatically, as Doc Umentary clears his throat.

Doc Umentary: “Was it the fame and ego, going to one’s head? The sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll overtaking another? Or maybe they were nothing more than a one-hit wonder, a flash in the pan, and struggled to come to terms with it? Tonight, join me, as we go… Behind The Music.”


The voice over of Doc Umentary continues, as the video focuses on a gif of Halloween Knight pelvic thrusting. This goes on in silence for several beats longer than necessary, before Doc Umentary clears his throat.

Doc Umentary: “From the start, as soon as Halloween Knight was a being capable of independent thought at around age 22 or so, he knew he was destined for stardom….”

Fade in, to the de facto face of the band, Halloween Knight. He’s sitting on a stool in a dark room, several cigarettes smushed in his mouth, wearing a leather jacket over his skeleton onesie. For some reason, a nameplate pops up showing the name of ‘CHAD BRADLEY (the artist formerly known as Halloween Knight)’.

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “I knew I was gonna make it. Sometimes you just know, y’know? And I knew. I woke up in bed at the age of seven, and said to myself, ‘I’m going to be famous by being the lead in a lucha-musical trio, very specifically with a numbers guy and a rodent as partners.’ I had a very overactive imagination, see. So, I painstakingly spent months - no, years, tracking down the best talent I could find, to propel the band to stardom. Juan, and Trash. Together… We rocked the world. We could’ve had it all! … Except…”

Cut to Juan Tothrefor, in a rather rigid suit and tie, who stares blankly at the camera, before leaning in.

Juan Tothrefor: “Tr1ck or Tr4sh was small time. Good for a jumping point, sure, but it can only go so far. I knew that. Trash knew that. Knight, I don’t think he ever did. So when the time was right… I split.”

Cut to Trash Mammal, cheerfully dividing up rows of a suspicious powder. We don’t know what it is, because it’s blurred to heck, but it’s definitely some kind of white powder.

Trash Mammal: “-So anyway, roight out the middle of nowhere, Juan jus’ drops this solo album, this artsy minimalist piece that sounded like it came from Michelle von Horrowitz’s drainage pipe, and peaces out. Said he was off to ‘bigger and better things’, like, y’know, viscerally shitting yourself an’ calling it modern art. I don’t know. You want a line, by the way?”

Doc Umentary: “That’s kind of you to offer, but I promised the wife I wouldn’t partake on workdays.”

Trash Mammal: “Ah, the compromises of marriage. My condolences.”

Doc Umentary: “I’m very happy in my marriage.”

Trash Mammal: “Roight.”


Cut back to Juan Tothrefor, gazing dramatically into the distance.

Juan Tothrefor: “The guys, they understood. They supported me, as they should’ve, and we’re all the better for it.”

Cut to Halloween Knight, looking rather dejected.

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “Look, I was happy for him, y’know? We all were. He wanted to follow his dreams, and me and Trash, we were happy for him.”

Cut back to Trash Mammal, the snout of his mask stained white.

Trash Mammal: “Fuck ‘im.”

Back to Halloween Knight…

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “But we tried to fill his spot, y’know. Tried to keep it as a trio, not a duo, but…”

Cut to, inexplicably, Lou Cha.

Then back to Halloween Knight without hearing a word from him.

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “But his replacement… It wasn’t the same.”

Cut back to Trash Mammal, laying on his back, staring at the ceiling fan.

Trash Mammal: “It was kinda the same.”

Cut to Lou Cha…

Lou Cha: “I’m the numbers guy now!”

Back to Trash Mammal…

Trash Mammal: “Weirdly so.”

Cut to black.

Doc Umentary: “Alas. That was not the end of troubles, for Tr1ck or Tr4sh…”

Cut to a photo of Lou Cha, being led away from a destroyed hotel room in handcuffs, shamefaced and crying.

Trash Mammal: “An’ I’m pretty sure that was the last we saw of him.”

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “But with our third gone, we had to cancel the west coast tour. The fans were furious. There was rioting in the streets!”

Cut to… Lou Cha, again, happily holding up a pair of broken handcuffs.

Lou Cha: “Some of the rioters broke my cuffs as a rebellious sign against the man, or something. Lou Cha’s comin’ back baby!”

Doc Umentary: “With their tour in tatters, things were looking grim for Tr1ck of Tr4sh… But Juan wasn’t doing that good either.”

Cut to Juan. His suit is now incredibly sweaty.

Juan Tothrefor: “The solo album bombed, okay? I guess today’s audience wasn’t ready for it, but trust me, give it ten, twenty years, and it’ll be a cult classic. Alright? Retroactive Recognition, bitch! … But until then I still got bills to pay, sooo…”

Cut to Halloween Knight, who happily slams his phone down.

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “WE’RE BACK, BABY! REUNION TOUR, LET’S FUCKIN’ GO. TR1CK OR TR4SH LIVES.”

Doc Umentary: “And so, after the length of time after their split, will there be any hard feelings between the trio? Can they recapture what made them big in the first place? Only time will tell. But for now, the future seems… Optimistic, for Tr1ck or Tr4sh.”

Cut to the three sitting together, quietly in silence.

Chad Bradley, The Artist Formerly Known As Halloween Knight: “Can you believe it’s been so long since we last teamed together?”

Juan Tothrefor: “I could count the days on both hands and have fingers left over.”

Trash Mammal: “Ahh. Yeah no the other guy couldn’t do that.”
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Sep 14, 2022
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[insert nice looking banner... someone help me with graphics next time plz]

Gerald Grayson in…
“The Daredevil Foundation”

It's been two weeks since I've been back and it feels like I never left. The fans were one of the many things I’ve missed and they’ve been incredible in my return - I could really feel their energy in Timbuktu and Cairo. Thankfully, there doesn't seem to be any sign of ring rust on my end other than the first couple of minutes in the Buddy Bowl. Overall, my return has been going well so far. However, while I was away, someone the caliber of Death Walker rose through the ranks, inflicting pain on anyone who stood in his way. So here I am minding my own business, but who does Death Walker think to target? Me, of course. I've gotten a few bruises, but nothing too serious that the FWA doctor is calling to put me on the sidelines. Even if he did, Dr. Smith knew better than to keep me out.

I still haven't been able to find Michelle either. I feel like she's hiding in plain sight, so either I'm super oblivious or she's that damn good at hiding. Ah well, I'll find her sooner or later. Hope she’s okay for the time being.

The Buddy Bowl saw Falcon and I come up short, finishing in third place – decent for a makeshift team. You win some, and you lose some, but lately, I've been doing a lot of losing. Hopefully, sooner rather than later, it’ll be my turn to be doing some winning. Falcon was an awesome partner, and I'm sad we couldn't get the job done, but he was a joy to team up with. He's young and naïve, but so was I once upon a time. Maybe taking him on a Nephew adventure wasn’t the best idea as he didn’t seem the same after that, so I might be the one to blame for that. He's probably partying his brains out right now anyway, he'll be fine.

The holidays were approaching with Thanksgiving aka the prelude to Christmas almost here. I always tried my best to give back to my community - and this year was no different. While I was away, it gave me time to work on some of the special projects I've been wanting to do - one of those was the establishment of the Daredevil Foundation. With the foundation officially up and running, we looked to host events during some of the most important times of the year to spread the holiday joy.

Thanksgiving at the Grayson household was one of, if not, the biggest occasions in our family. The Grayson Scavenger Hunt was a huge thing my mom had planned every year, which she'd run either on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but there was also that odd time she ran it during July 4th weekend. Anyway, the scavenger hunt would take us all over Wakefield. Why did we try so hard, you ask? Well, the prizes were pretty damn good. Most years, it was cash prizes up to $5,000, and other years, it was plane tickets to wherever the winning team chose. Every year, a new champion was crowned as the teams were mixed each year.

So yeah, Thanksgiving was a huge deal in my family. Everyone had to dress well as we came together to celebrate the many things we were grateful for that year. Some years were better than others. I remember the year my brother, Jay, brought his now-wife, Jamie, to our house without telling anyone but me as he wanted it to be a surprise to everyone because no one had brought a significant other to the house before. Sure enough, it was a huge success. I remember how happy all the ladies in our family were – my mom, my aunts, our close family friends, everyone. They felt they had another ally on their side, finally outnumbering the men in the family. It was a great time indeed. I really liked Jamie for Jay – it's no surprise they ended up marrying one another.

I let out a sigh, knowing this is the first holiday season I wouldn't hear from my brother. Tears suddenly rolled down my cheeks as my eyes turned red almost instantly. However, I couldn't let this affect me too much as I had just arrived at the Wakefield Community Center, an hour and a half passed since the festivities started. I never liked arriving when things started, so I made it a point to come a bit late to these gatherings. It was a solid 50 degrees Fahrenheit tonight, not too chilly, but not too hot either.

For the first event under the Daredevil Foundation, we rented out the Wakefield Community Center, a venue big enough to accommodate up to 3,000 people. My management team worked with the various leaders of Wakefield to make this event a success. My only input was for there to be a ton of food and various activities for all age groups to enjoy.

I entered through one of the side doors and entered a spacious lobby area. On the far side, I could see multiple rooms filling up the perimeter. The lobby area was filled with numerous people sitting down, eating and having a conversation with one another. In the open room, a whole lot of food was being served from mashed potatoes to corn on the cob to ham and stuffing – everything you could ask for in a Thanksgiving feast!

“There he is,” a voice from my left broke the silence.

It was Ted O’Neal, my hard-at-work manager for the Daredevil Foundation. Without Ted, the foundation wouldn’t be a thing.

“Thanks for coming dude,” I told him as we shared a hug.

“Of course. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he said in response with a big smile on his face.

I knew that underneath that smile was a sadness Ted wouldn’t show. Unfortunately for Ted, he had just gotten out of a six year relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Patricia. I felt bad when he’d stay back and work long hours on the foundation, but then I realized, maybe it was something he needed at the time to distract him.

“It looks great around here. You’ve really outdone yourself,” I said, looking for something to talk about.

“You know I couldn’t skip out on the decorations. If I could get paid more to do something – it’d be interior design,” he said with a chuckle. “I think you’ll really like what’s in room #5, you should check it out”

“Oh? It better be what I think it is,” I said with a grin on my face. With that, Ted pointed me towards the rooms as we parted ways for the time being as he had to go make the rounds and present himself to the various Wakefield leadership members in attendance, a task I was grateful to Ted for handling.

Making my way towards room #5, I passed by some younger kids playing tag while the others were in a circle, engaged in what would look like a fight club. When I stepped closer, I couldn’t believe my eyes – it was a Beyblade match! Beyblade was one of the more popular shows I watched growing up. It was good to see the show still making an impact on this generation.

Suddenly, a notification sound goes off in my back pocket. I pulled out my phone to check it and it was a text from Ted – weird, I literally just saw him a few minutes ago.

“Oh by the way, you’ve got Brooklyn Steiner on the upcoming episode of Fallout,” it read along with a file attached.

That’s so weird because Ted isn’t usually the one who handles my FWA stuff. I didn’t really have anyone handling my FWA stuff unless the Nephews were around, which they unfortunately were not. I miss those weirdos. I guess Ted is taking this separation pretty bad now that he’s willingly handling my FWA stuff. I need to have a conversation with him soon, but in the meantime, I opened the file Ted sent.

First thing that caught my eye was seeing Brooklyn was once an up and coming Hollywood star. Failure was a powerful motivator. At least for Brooklyn, he used it to get himself back on track rather than fall even harder. This tells me Brooklyn is resilient and won’t go down without a fight.

Calling himself “The Redeemer”, he knew he was destined for greater things – and that’s where I’ll strike. Being a FWA newcomer, I’m unsure if Brooklyn really understood what it meant to be a FWA superstar. The FWA employs only the best of the best and everyone’s fighting for a spot at the top these days, even the champions are fighting tooth and nail to stay perched where they currently are. If Brooklyn were to bring anything but his best, the Redeemer may not have anything left to redeem.

Despite my assumptions of him, Brooklyn didn’t seem like a bad guy. He has acknowledged his past mistakes and was determined to better himself. Everyone loves a good underdog story – and Brooklyn’s story has all the makings for an inspiring one. However, enough was enough. I already had Death Walker trying to make a name for himself at my expense. There was no way I was letting Brooklyn do the same.

I snapped back to reality after hearing cheers coming from the room I was headed towards. I quickly put my phone away and hurried towards the sound of cheers. Upon entering, I opened the door to a huge game room filled with various gaming consoles. The space was packed with people, appealing to the kids and young adults of Wakefield. Navigating through the crowd, I passed stations that were crowded with people playing Call of Duty, Halo, and Super Smash Brothers to name a few.

Nearing the back of the room, there were only a handful of people around this video game setup where they were playing my favorite competitive fighting game – Street Fighter 6. It was being played on the Playstation 5 with only around 10-12 people looking on as two 20 somethings engaged in a match. One kid played Zangief, a powerhouse-type character, against the other kid’s JP, an agile character who wielded a short staff, empowering him with magic. However, pure power came out on top when the Zangief-user powerbombed the JP-user from the heavens back down to the ground for the KO victory.

Up next were two younger kids, one probably around 12 years of age and the other around 15 years of age if I had to guess. The 12 year old was a short, blonde kid with big eyeglasses that masked the round circles beneath his eyes. His clothes were worn and disheveled, a faint order accompanied him. Opposite of him was a brash, rich-looking kid, that had slick blonde hair that looked like he had used up the entire world’s supply of gel.

“Go Aaron! Yeah!” a kid with similar features shouted behind him.

Aaron, as we now know, chose the character Guile as his fighter, a fierce striker. On the other hand, the other kid chose Cammy, an aerial specialist, but could end you by slowing it down and tearing you apart.

When the match began, the Cammy-user started off with some aerial moves that kept Aaron guessing. Being unable to focus, the Cammy-user took advantage of the situation by landing a pair of consecutive missile dropkicks and a back elbow for good measure. Sensing the end was near, the Cammy-user pulled off a beautiful combo of an uppercut followed by a kick above Guile’s head, leaving a dent, sending his character to the floor for a flawless victory.

The audience who witnessed the match were shocked at the Cammy-user’s prowess. He looked around, apologetic at showing his level of skill.

“What a freak!” Aaron’s friend shouted, with a few of them agreeing with him. The Cammy-user’s eyes welled up in that moment as he turned away and ran.

“Hey kid!” I said, managing to catch up to him as he ran out of the room. “Are you alright?”

He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

“Kid? You alright?” I said once more, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

“You- you’re Gerald Grayson,” he blurted out, his voice barely able to get the words out.

“Ah yes, that is I,” I replied nonchalantly, smiling, rubbing the back of my neck forgetting I was actually somebody in this type of crowd. “And what’s your name?”

“Gerald,” he said shyly.

“Whoa really?” I paused, letting the name sink in. “Nice name kid,”

I gave him a thumbs up, but he didn’t seem to share my sentiment.

“Listen, I saw what you did back there – you’re a skilled player!” I said, kneeling down to his level.

“You don’t think I’m a freak?” he questioned.

“A freak? No way,” I said confidently.

That seemed to have calmed his spirits as he wiped away his tears.

“How about we go back in there and we have a match?” I proposed, a playful grin etched on my face.

“You and me?” he questioned in disbelief.

“Yes! I think it’ll be fun,” I said, pausing, hoping for a good response. “It’s been a good while since I’ve played, but I think I can give you a good match.”

“Yeah! Let’s do it!” he screamed in excitement.

We went back to the game room to the same station where Street Fighter 6 was being played. No one was playing, which allowed us to take our positions and begin setting up for our match.

Nerves suddenly came to me knowing this kid’s probably going to kick my ass at this game. He wasted no time in selecting his character, Cammy, aerial specialist from before, akin to a certain canceled Hollywood actor. A surge of excitement came over me suddenly thinking about my match against Brooklyn because of the thought of us bringing the roof down for the fans.

Suddenly, I heard applause from behind me as a crowd started to form behind Gerald and I. I looked at Gerald, who flashed me a smile, his demeanor completely different from before. We exchanged fist bumps once more before I chose my character for the match – Cammy. Audible gasps were heard from the crowd, knowing it was now a mirror matchup. I heard audible gasps from the crowd. When I turned to look at Gerald, he was looking at the screen, focused as ever, but I could see a little smirk on his face form

As the game motioned for us to begin, Gerald went on the attack peppering me with two quick back fists followed by a high knee strike. He saw me guarding well against his punches then hit me with a new move instantly. This kid’s good, being able to adapt on the fly like that. He then mashed a combo of buttons on his controller that allowed him to perform a tornado kick that I was barely able to dodge. He looked at me with surprise, to which I replied with a shrug before pointing his attention back to the screen.

It was my turn to go on the offensive as my Cammy went on the offensive scoring a go behind before hitting a poisonrana. While my opponent was on the ground, my Cammy rained down vicious elbows to the other Cammy’s lower back, garnering cheers from the crowd. I looked at Gerald and he looked worried, causing me to worry.

That’s when I came to a realization that struck me hard. It was Thanksgiving, a time for giving thanks and showing thanks. Wins and losses were a part of life and at this very moment, Gerald needed this win more than me. In that moment of hesitation, Gerald pulled out a roundhouse kick combo that floored my character.

The crowd began their applause as they knew what was coming next. I vividly heard the mashing of buttons as if they were a chorus of symphonies at an opera. On the screen, his Cammy would throw my Cammy in the air, hitting a knee strike right to my character’s temple followed by an aerial move called a Spiral Arrow. The best way to describe it was a tornado missile dropkick to the lower back of my character. It was over. The crowd erupted in cheers at the match they just witnessed.

I looked at Gerald and he was all smiles – I was happy for him. His victory wasn’t just an in-game victory, it was a personal victory. In the game of life – wins and losses happen no matter what. It is up to you to choose how you want to react to it.

As we put our controllers down, we bumped fists, walking out of the game room to get some air.

“Good game dude,” I told him in a congratulatory tone.

He smiled that sheepish-kid smile – a newfound confidence now resonating from him.

“I know you let me win,” he said in response, a grin on his face this time.

“I will neither confirm nor deny that, buddy,” I said, chuckling once more.

“Thank you,” he said sincerely, bringing tears to my eyes.

“Hey, don’t mention it,” I paused to compose myself. “How about we go get you one of those PS5s so you can keep playing?”

His face glew up as all the features that made him look old before were gone for a moment. My heart swelled with a feeling I couldn’t describe, but it felt damn good knowing I was able to make his Thanksgiving a memorable one.

On that day, I promised myself that that was the last time I’d give someone a free win. Brooklyn, the Daredevil will see you now.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2022
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
You log into Onlyfans as you do most days, browsing through and liking the posts from a collection of soft core and more hardcore contributors or models. Paige Van Zant, Bella Thorn, Abella Danger…and then you see a username you haven’t seen on this site for a couple of months now; Caramel Gabrielle.

Her account was still there, you’d occasionally go back and watch her videos and browse her photos. But she hasn’t uploaded anything recently. This was a new post, a new video and it's free.

The caption reads: “You guys have loved watching me take the Queens Web deep in my mouth recently. It made me miss taking something a bit more fun, and a bit more willingly, with its own ‘web at the end.”

Now you know Gabrielle didn’t actually write that caption. The same way you know Gabrielle didn’t actually rate that dick pic you paid $20 to send her. But the fantasy ff it all, you choose to think it's all Gabrielle’. Besides the things you’ve seen her do over this past year…she can be as filthy as the captions suggest.

So you hit play on the video…

Gabrielle is face down on a couch with her head buried in someones crotch. Just a little lace pink skirt is the only visible clothing on her body. Though her male companion’s hand is covering much of that as he squeezes her ass.

A delighted little moan emanates from Gabrielle’s being as he does so. That noise is practically legendary at this point, as are the other noises emanating from the room currently as she bobs her head up and down in his lap. A loud ‘smack’ follows as he then brings his hand down on her backside firmly. Another legendary, and more guttural squeal escaping her body that time, though it's muffled.

She doesn’t stop what she’s doing though, just skillfully working her head up and down as he grins into the camera. “Good girl ”he coo’s” almost proudly.

He’s a familiar face, but you don't know his name. Just that he’s ‘worked’ with Gabrielle several times over the past year. He got a call from her earlier in the day, and there’s only one thing she ever wants from him…

He lucked out simply by living in Dallas as well. Gabrielle could have simply gone to the nearest Nightclub, Bar, whatever and gotten laid. Hell she could have walked out her front door and anyone of her neighbours would gladly be staring down at the back of her head gleefully right now. But this is more than just getting laid, this has an identity that comes with it.

Besides, she's slept with admirers and fans before, and it never lasts long enough.

An identity she wanted to feel again.

There’s a myriad of thoughts that had gripped Gabrielle’s mind as firmly as his hand now grips the back of her head. Thoughts that had led to her seeking this out again.

“She wanted to get the taste and texture of Princess Nova’s glove out of her mouth.”

“She wanted to take back some perceived power, submitting herself to this here and now, as opposed to having the Queens Web forced upon her.”

“Losing a match so quickly into her return again, the darkness was closing in on her.”

“History had repeated itself. A tag team match with Bell Connolly involved in her second match back, and a bitter loss.”

“Eternal had been putting her on her back, handing her moments of failure. But when she’s inevitably on her back later tonight it’s not a failure.”

It’s those thoughts and more just like them that had inspired her to make that phone call, inviting this man over to her house. All her female neighbours whispering and gossiping as they’d seen him head into her house. To them she’s just a Pornstar, nothing else. The World Championships, Back In Business Main Events, Trial by Fire matches, Mile High triumphs are all meaningless. All forgotten and replaced with her naked exploits on camera.

She’d wanted to escape into that identity.

Gabrielle the Pornstar has no pressure on her shoulders, unless someone is resting their hands there. Gabrielle the Pornstar doesn’t have to watch her back, its kind of hard too when someones yanking on her hair afterall. Gabrielle the Pornstar doesn’t have anything to prove, it's well known what she’s capable of. Gabrielle the Pornstar doesn’t have to fight her way back to her feet when she’s knocked down, she’s better off down there.

It was a carefree existence truth be told. Everything was done for her, all she had to do was be there. All she had to do was make a phone call and it wasn’t depressing thoughts buried deep in her head anymore…

He lets her catch her breath, smiling down at her for a moment as Gabrielle looks up into his eyes sweetly. He clutches a handful of her hair, holding her tightly as he leans over and grabs the camera off the tripod so he can show us what he see’s, a little POV. A naked Gabrielle laying in his lap with this huge smirk on her face, this playful but coyly dumb smile.

“No one sucks dick better than you Babe.” He exclaims.

Gabrielle’s smile grows wider as she licks her lips almost proudly, she is proud truth be told.

Gripping the camera in one hand and her hair in the other he guides her to resume what she was doing, which she eagerly does so. It's as he enters her again, that a moment of clarity enters her as well.

All that other stuff doesn’t matter. She’s not taking back power, or erasing that feeling of Princess Nova’s hand in her mouth, or anything like that. She’s not looking for a ‘win’, or fighting off any darkness. Perhaps this was true all along; but she’s simply having fun, she’s enjoying herself.

“Goooood Bimbo, take it all…”He grunts.

She does exactly that while looking up into the camera. You could say she does so greedily even. This isn’t an escape, this isn’t just something she’s good at, to replace something she had failed at. That could never be the case with Gabrielle. She’s a Warrior and a Whore. Known as much for her prowess in the ring as much as she’s known for her skill in bed (or on the couch). A reputation built over nearly two decades; when she’s coming at you, is it to punch you in the face, or too sit on your face?

She doesn’t have to do or be one or the other, she’s both. It wasn’t past failures that had ever broken her. It was separating the two sides of her existence, the two most carnal joys; fighting and fucking.

The likes, the comments, and the $$$ tips have flooded in quickly. You’ve already tipped her, and posted a lewd comment she’ll likely never bother to actually read. Her subscriptions are rising, as are the statements of people exclaiming “they knew her return to the FWA was just to generate a buzz for her adult career.

You’re five minutes into this video that goes on for another half an hour. You and hundreds of thousands, and eventually millions of others watching Gabrielle make another return. A return involving everything you want to see. Moving on past her oral activities, to taking it in other ways, and places. Different positions, different noises, different camera angles…all leading to the money shot.

Its as you watch her kneeling there, her caramel coating in turn coated in…other things as she grins blissfully and starts to tell the World how much fun she just had as her friend towers over her that you send her a hopefully witty DM; “How do you hold your breath so long? That's actually impressive. You could get a gig as a sword swallower.’”

Is it witty? Well, no, not really. But it's still probably better than most of the DM’s she gets. Well it was, until you follow it up with this: “I mean a real sword, not like a meat sword, not a dick.”

Then there’s this: “How sores your ass áfter that butt fucking?”

Yeah, that really wasn’t witty. But you sent it, and of all the DM’s she’ll be sent, why would she look at yours?

So you shower, brush your teeth, and then prepare to head to bed for the night. But it's just as you go to close up your laptop, that a notification pops up. A message from ‘Çaramel Gabrielle’. Çould it actually be?

You click on it, and she has replied. Or maybe it's whoever handles her account, it could actually be her. Is it? It is!

“LOL no. Sword swallowing seems scary, how do people do that?” Is her reply. You can't help but chuckle at this. This is the woman you’ve seen compete in three Trial by Fire matches, and Carnal Contendership matches. You’ve seen her take on no less than half a dozen guys at once earlier this year. You just watched her swallow a man sword effortlessly.

“It does seem scary. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to that pretty throat.”

It feels weird talking to Gabrielle like this, but you did just watch her in all her glory for the last 35 minutes or so. If for some reason you needed too you could describe her butthole to a Police sketch artist at this point.

“Exactly I need my throat, it takes enough of a battering.”

You cant help but wonder why she’s talking to you randomly of all people. Of all the people who have DM’d her in the last hour. She replied to your message. Maybe it was that witty. Or maybe she’s just bored now.

“So, what are you doing now?”

She replies pretty quickly: “Talking to you…” A photo then comes through, a selfie. She’s showered and gotten dressed in a nearly sheer nightie. There’s a radiant glow about her, and a much more pure smile on her face than you had seen from her earlier.

“Why me?”

“Why not?”

“That was incredible what you did before.” Shouldn’t have sent that, instant regret.

“It was a lot of fun, he always has a lot of stamina.”

Change the subject quick, the last thing you want to talk about is another man's sex stamina. “Its been incredible seeing you back in the FWA.”

There’s a long pause before she replies, like she’s taking her time with this response before sending it through. “I honestly thought I was done with Wrestling and would never step foot in the ring again. But nothing replaces that rush of stepping through the ropes into that ring.”

“Tough break in the Buddy Bowl, Eternal don't know who they’re messing with.”

“Don't worry, they’ll find out before long exactly who they’re dealing with and why they should never have opposed me.”

That was aggressive, and kind of hot too. “But you’ve got Kleio up first huh?”

“What's with all the cults in the FWA now? What happened with me gone? I wasn't gone that long really and all these girls have started cults. Though Kleio was in one before too though.”

“Yeah with Sully.” As soon as you send that message you regret it, its no secret that taking on Sully was the start of a spiral downwards for Gabrielle. She lost to him, lost all her confidence, became Broken, became desperate for any kind of success and ended up in porn. Watching her adult movies is a joy, but there’s always this little factoid in the back of your mind that she was never doing that stuff as her first choice.

“Yeah, Sully. Maybe I can exorcise some personal Demons this week then.”

“Give her hell.”

You keep chatting to Gabrielle for the rest of the night. Discussing her career, her life, and her ambitions in returning to the FWA…

Then you wake up with your Laptop on your chest. Oh damn! Did you fall asleep while chatting to her? You quickly fire it up, jump on Onlyfans and straight to her page. That video isn't at the top of the page. Then you check your DM’s nothing from her…in fact the last DM to Gabrielle is from months ago, not last night. What happened? A check across wrestling social media, no buzz about Gabrielle shooting a new Onlyfans scene.

It was all a dream.
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Sep 14, 2022
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Jeremy lifted his arm up weakly…

Krash leaned against the excavator.

“Go to Hell.”

And he pulled the lever.

The dirt from the bucket above dropped from the heavens…

Krash watched. He waited.

He wanted to make sure the deed was done.

And it was.

November 22, 2023


Mejor Amigo seemed confused as Sir Stache hung up a banner in the Jeremy Best “safe house.” The house that had served as the base for where Jeremy had kept Krash for six months but now has become the Friendship Wrestling Alliance headquarters. Sir Stache was hard at work decorating the drab, dusty interior of th home to turn it into a welcoming Friendsgiving for Jeremy.

Normally Jeremy gathers together at a restaurant and invites all his friends… though typically it was only Mr. Scorpane who would show up. There would always be places for others. Krash or Chris Peacock or Jackson Fenix or Gerald Grayson… but no one ever showed up.

But not this year!

“Oh Amigo, you still have so much to learn about the Friendship Wrestling Alliance.”

Even Bryan Baxter was in on the festivities, walking out of the kitchen with a plate of hors d'oeuvres. “Watch it fellas… I’ve made my famous pizza rolls… Jeremy’s gonna them.”

Mejor Amigo tried to grab one off the plate, but Baxter slapped his hand away. “No! None for you! These are for Jeremy.” Amigo hung his head in disappointment as Bryan placed the tray down on the coffee table. “Ok, listen up, idiots because I don’t want either one of ya’ll messin’ this up.”

“Hey!” Sir Stache took offense to the notion, almost falling out of the chair he was standing in to hang up the “Happy Friendsgiving” banner along the back wall of the room.

“Yeah, exactly,” Bryan said, feeling like his point was being made for him.

“Ok, fair enough.”

“Tonight is all about Jeremy. I don’t want to hear a single word about the Buddy Bowl. Or Krash. Or Alyser Black.”

“Ay, I thought the Buddy Bowl was a lot of fun! If only mustachio here hadn’t tapped out so quickly!”

“Hey! Jeremy’s Friendship Bracelet hurts! You try being locked in it.”

“Enough! I said no Buddy Bowl talks! It did NOT go the way Jeremy had planned. I need him to not be worrying about what’s happened in the past but to focus on our match next week… it’s time for The Buddy System to be back in the tag title picture.”

“Oh! So this is actually just about you? Because of course, it is!”

“What? No!” Baxter defended himself, “It’s about Jeremy, too. He would love to be tag champs just as much as I would, you know. And as the great friend he is, he no doubt wants to help me get the upper hand on the Deathswitch assholes.”

Baxter was right about one thing. Jeremy certainly had every reason to be unhappy. He had spent months planning the Buddy Bowl. Planning his return from the Buried Alive match at Back in Business. He wanted to show the FWA… and the world… that friendship was alive and well despite Krash’s best efforts to destroy it. He had pulled every string he could to make sure that he would create new friendships in the FWA. Sure, he had hoped to pry Chris Peacock away from that friendship succubus that is Alyster Black… but that didn’t quite work out.

And then Alyster Black somehow managed to ruin all the fun anyway.

Alyster Black ruins everything.

So if Jeremy Best walked through the door of the safe house feeling down on his luck, certainly everyone would understand.

“Hiya pals!” Jeremy Best did in fact walk through the front door, announcing his arrival with plenty of zeal. “Oh my goodness! You guys! You guys remembered!” He immediately dropped his bags and felt tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of the Friendsgiving decorations.

“Jeremy, you’re early…” Baxter expressed panic, looking up at Stache who was trying to finish hanging the banner. “I told you to hurry up with that.”

“You guys are the best!” Jeremy said, walking in and giving a big hug to Baxter.

“Uhh.. well hey bud… you okay?”

“Of course I am! I have the best friends in the world, why wouldn’t I be okay?”

“Well… it’s just that…” Baxter tried not to mention the very words he warned against.

“What? You think I’m still upset about the Buddy Bowl?” Jeremy chuckled. “Pish posh, my dear Bryan!”

“Oh, wow,” Bryan felt relief immediately off his shoulders. “I really was worried about you after Saturday night.”

“I know, I know. I may have gotten a little flustered… but everything is okay! Because, guess what, I’M BACK! And The BUDDY SYSTEM IS BACK! How can I stay disappointed when I’m teaming up with Bryan Baxter once again! I’m so happy to be back… a little superkick from Krash’s killer can’t even keep me down.”

“Whew…” Baxter took a seat on the couch, inviting Bryan over to have a seat.

Jeremy noticed the pizza rolls as he sat down. “Are these what I think they are?”

“Yep! The world famous Baxter Rolls.”

“Best. Friendsgiving. Ever! Stache. Amigo. Come over and have some.”

“But… Bryan said…”

“You heard the man! Have one!” Bryan interrupted.

Stache got down off the chair and he and Amigo joined in on munching on Baxter’s delicious treat. “Mi amigo… we are all so happy to have you back. And I was proud to take part in the Best Crusade to try and find you… but I have to wonder, my friend… what happened between Back in Business and now?”

Baxter gave a serious ‘if looks could kill’ glance at the masked luchador. Jeremy noticed and smiled. “It’s okay. You all went through so much effort for me… it’s only fair that I tell you all about it. Because honestly… I didn’t know if I’d be sitting here with you guys tonight after Back in Business…”

“I thought I might just give up…”

Underneath the glow of the moonlight, Jeremy Best had stumbled his way to a weathered old stone bridge above a flowing river..

He couldn't recall how he got here.

He remembered the darkness. He remembered the feeling of the dirt covering him and there was nothing he could do. He remembered the crushing feeling of watching the cold, dead eyes of the man he used to call his hero. Covering him up in the grave and leaving him to die.

But he didn't remember getting out of the grave.

But somehow here he was. Standing on a bridge.

He leaned across the edge and looked down to the rushing river below. It reminded him of the waters that he had watched his hero fall into at Back in Business one year ago in the battle with Randy Ramon. The water that claimed the life of the Krash he knew and loved.

But watching the water flow beneath him, Jeremy felt like he wanted to be back in the grave.

He felt like a failure.

On that night of Back in Business, it wasn’t just a loss for Jeremy Best. It was a loss for the concept of Friendship. The legend of the Jeremy Best and Krash friendship was supposed to be something that would go down in history books. It was supposed to be something that stories and songs were written about. Movies would be made about it. A legend that would live on forever.

Each ripple in the water seemed to mirror the tumultuous waves of his emotions. He couldn't shake the haunting echoes of his failures.

What was the point anymore?

Was he the only one who cared anymore?

He came to FWA to make friends. To build friendships for himself and for others. It wasn’t always about the wins and losses. It wasn’t always about the championships. It was about… Friendship.

But two years in and what had he accomplished?

Jackson Fenix ended up being a jerk.

Krash ended up being dead.

XYZ made a bunch of other friends.

Lizzie Rose joined a cult. Or something.

And Bryan Baxter seemed to be doing better without Jeremy than he had been with him.
Maybe none of them needed him.

Maybe no one needed him.

Maybe the world would’ve been better off with Jeremy Best ever in it.

“Don’t you dare.”

Jeremy’s self doubt and depreciation was interrupted by a voice. A voice he thought he recognized. Only somewhat. It wasn’t a voice he was super familiar with but one he certainly had heard before.

Jeremy turned to face the person in which the voice belonged to.

“Oh…” Jeremy seemed surprised to see this person. “It’s you. What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been watching you for a while now. I admire what you’ve been trying to do…”

“Yeah, well, I’m not doing it very well.”

“No… that’s not true! I believe in you. I believe in Friendship just like you do. That’s why I came to help you tonight.”

“How’d you know I’d be here?”

“I’ve followed you since I helped you out of the grave.”

“That was you, too?”

“Yeah… I guess you could call me your Guardian Angel, huh?”

“I suppose I could use one of those right about now.”

The Guardian Angel approached with an aura of serenity, emanating a gentle warmth. "I've seen the depths of your dedication, your relentless pursuit of something many fail to understand. Your actions, though misunderstood, have not gone unnoticed."

Jeremy's brow furrowed, still wrestling with his own self-doubt. "But what's the point? I tried so hard, yet it all fell apart. Krash... he rejected everything I stood for. Maybe they were right. Maybe Friendship is just a lost cause. I think everyone is doing much better without me these days.”

The Guardian Angel's presence exuded a quiet reassurance as they regarded Jeremy with a compassionate gaze. "Come with me, Jeremy. Let me show you a world without Jeremy Best. I think you'll see just how important both you and your role as the Defender of Friendship truly is."

With a gentle gesture, the Guardian Angel extended a hand. Jeremy was unsure, but there was something about them that he felt like he could trust. He nodded his head and took the hand…

Atlanta, Georgia

A worn down and ragged 1999 Toyota Corolla pulled into the driveway of a modest suburban home. The grass in the yard was overgrown and the exterior of the home was in clear need of some TLC. The car backfired as it pulled into the driveway and came to a stop.

“I’m not familiar with this house? Who is this?”

“Just watch.”

The driver door popped open as a couple of large legs stuck out, almost humorously from the smaller car. Emerging from the vehicle was a man Jeremy was quite familiar with, in fact. It was his former agent, Mr. Bill Scorpane.

Except he certainly did not look the way he remembered him. He had never seen Mr. Scorpane not in a luxurious car and dressed in a leisure suit of some sort. Here Scorpane was just dressed in a wrinkled white button up with stained black dress pants.

Scorpane lumbered out of his car sporting a five o’clock shadow on his face while a beer can fell out from the car to the driveway. He kicked the can from his driveway and into the road before he stumbled his way down to the mailbox. Scorpane opened up the mailbox, pulling out a stack of envelopes - most of which were stamped with “FINAL NOTICE” or “DEBT COLLECTION” on them.

“What’s going on? Mr. Scorpane is one of the most successful people I’ve ever met! None of this makes any sense.”

Scorpane took the bills and immediately dumped them into the garbage can sitting on the curb. Jeremy and his Guardian Angel continued to watch as the portly Scorpane made his way up through the yard and to the front door. He fumbled with his key, finally getting it in and turning it to open up the door.

Mr. Scorpane entered the dark home, turning on the light. “Hunny, I’m home!” Scorpane bellowed out before letting out a belch. But no one was home. Scorpane shrugged as he walked over to the kitchen, swung open the fridge and grabbed a cold beer from the fridge.

“Where’s Mrs. Scorpane? And the kids?”

“They’re gone.”


“No… of course not. But they left him. Days ago. He knows it but he still announces himself every time he comes home. Hoping that maybe… just maybe… this time they’d be there waiting for him.”

“That’s… really depressing. But what about his business? Big Bill’s Used Car Emporium is huge!”

“Not here it isn’t.”

“I don’t understand.”

“There’s no Jeremy Best here.”

“What do I have to do with that?”

“Well, you remember your contract with Bill? How generous it was?”

“Yeah, Bill gave me a great deal.”

“Actually, Jeremy. You gave him a great deal. He made so much money off your success it funded the majority of his car business. But there was no one else out there willing to give him such a huge percentage of their earnings like you were… so without you, his business never gets nearly as big… and in fact, he would never admit it, but a little bit of your optimism rubbed off on him. It helped give him the spark he needed. But he doesn’t have that now. And all that stress has put a huge strain on his marriage and his family..”

“I just don’t understand how I had anything to do with this.”

“Come on… there’s more to see.”

Sweetwater, Texas

Tommy Bedlam lifted up his masked opponent onto his shoulders…





The crowd went wild for the Texas legend. Tommy Bedlam, the Longhorn Championship Wrestling Champion and Fantasy Wrestling Alliance X Champion once again victorious. At ringside, Tommy’s friend and tag partner, Chris Crowe, was giving a round of applause for the dominant win.

“I’m not sure what Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe have to do with anything? I’m not sure I agree with their friendship style… and they haven’t been very nice to my friend, Bryan Baxter.”

“We’re not here to see them. That masked man… you don’t recognize him?”

The Guardian Angel referred to the luchador in the ring who was wearing denim colored tights and a longhorn style mask.

“No, I don’t know who that is.”

“I believe you know him as Mejor Amigo. Except, here he never met you and got inspired to take on the Mejor Amigo character. So instead, he’s just El Caballero. A cowboy gimmick in a sea of cowboy gimmicks in Texas. Nothing about him stands out. His career in lucha or in Texas never takes off and he certainly isn’t anywhere near sniffing ring time in FWA.”

After the match, El Caballero approached Tommy Bedlam backstage.

“Excuse me, Señor Bedlam. I was hoping I could get my check…”

Bedlam, tossing back a long neck bottle of beer while laughing alongside Chris Crowe, turned his attention to the masked man. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

“Uh… my friend, it’s me… El Caballero… we just wrestled?”

“Did we?” Tommy glanced over at Chris Crowe who nodded his head in affirmation. “Well I’ll be damned! I guess we weren’t out there very long, no were we? Hard to get to know someone in eight seconds, am I right? Hahaha!”

El Caballero hung his head, clearly showing some shame.

“Jerks! Mejor Amigo deserves better!”

“Of course he does. You knew that and that’s why you helped him.You see… these people need you, Jeremy. And he’s not the only one…”

The Residence, ???

“What is this place? I don’t like it… really creepy.”

“Absolutely it is. It’s the home of The Eternal.”
“The ones who took my friend Lizzie!”

“Right, but this isn’t about her. Lizzie’s path was already set and that would’ve happened either way.”

The puppetmaster, Keres, stood before the lifeless forms of Princess Nova, Elizabeth Rose, and the masked Sir Stache.

“El Diablo Stache! Come forth!” The young girl demanded. She waved her arms and the masked Stache stepped out of line.

“I have a job for you.”

“Yes, my master. I will do as you command.”

“Of course you will. Because I said so.”

“Yes, my master.”

“That Tommy Bedlam… he has become a problem. And we don’t like problems, now do we?”

“We do not, my master.”

“Good. So I can count on you to eliminate that problem?”

“Yes, my master.”

“What is this? It’s like the lights are on but nobody's home.”

“You remember how you found Frank?”


“Sir Stache.”

“Oh yes, right. He was homeless… he literally had nothing but he was a big fan. I had an idea of how he could help out the Friendship Wrestling Alliance…”

“Right. You gave him a purpose in life. But without you, he was easily manipulated when Keres found him instead of you. And now he’s just a pawn of the Eternal.”

“I don’t like this. Please… no more…”

“We’re not done yet. There’s still one more spot to go… and I think you know who you need to visit next.”

“Oh no. I don’t want to know what has become of Bryan without me…”

Charlotte, North Carolina

Bryan Baxter stepped out of his silver Toyota Tacoma parked outside of what Jeremy immediately recognized as Bryan’s parents house. Stepping out of the truck, Bryan definitely hadn’t just left the gym or the wrestling ring this evening. No, he was dressed in a well pressed shirt and suit jacket, black pants, and was carrying a leather briefcase.

“Oh dear, Bryan had to move back in with his parents again.”

There’s an uncharacteristically big smile on Baxter’s face as he makes his way up the walkway and enters through the door.

“Daddy! You’re home!”

Bryan was immediately greeted by his daughter, Audrey Baxter, who ran over and wrapped her arms around Bryan’s large midsection. “Hey squirt! Nice to see you too. How was school?”


Bryan chuckled as he rubbed the top of her head. “I hear ya. Work was boring too, but we gotta do what we gotta do, don’t we.”

“Hey babe,” Bryan’s wife, Kristy Baxter, walked in from the living room, also greeting him with a hug and then a kiss. “Rough day?”

“Nah, actually the old man announced he was gonna retire at the end of the year…”

Kristy’s eyes grew wide. “Does that mean?”

“Yep, you’ll be looking at the new President of Baxter & Son Properties.”

“Oh my God! That’s amazing, babe! I knew all your hard work was gonna pay off. I think this calls for a celebration. Steak dinner?”

“You sure do know the way to my heart.”

“What is happening right now?”

“Uh… well, I suppose this is a little different. Without you meeting him when he was just a jobber on the indy scene, he never gets to become your tag partner. There was no Buddy System to help his career… then of course there’s no path to him ever joining the FWA. So he pretty quickly gave up on his wrestling dream, never got hooked on alcohol, went to school, got a job at his dad’s firm and apparently has been doing pretty well for himself.”

“No Buddy System?” Jeremy’s voice expressed a deep sadness despite seeing his friend so prosperous.

While waiting for dinner, Bryan headed to the living room, tossing his briefcase to the table as he sat back in his recliner. He grabbed the television remote and turned on the TV, quickly tuning to FWA Meltdown.

“Yes! Yes! It’s wrestling night!” Audrey, perhaps an even bigger wrestling fan than Bryan or Kristy, rushed in and jumped in her dad’s lap. “What’s the main event tonight?”

“Uh… I think Chris Crowe is defending the North American Championship against Princess Nova.”

“Boooo! Chris Crowe sucks!”

“Damn straight! Hope the freaky girl kicks his ass tonight, right squirt?”

“Uh huh!”

Jeremy watched as Bryan and Audrey took in the action on the large television screen mounted to the wall in front of them.

“This is unbelievable.”

“Yeah… I suppose I miscalculated on this one… but three out of four isn’t bad.”

“No, this is just awful. This is the saddest one you’ve shown me so far.”

“Wait, what?”

“Look at him. My buddy Bryan is living a lie! He gave up on his dream. He gave up on everything! I can see it in his eyes… he wants more. He wants to be the one on that TV screen. That’s HIS championship, not Crowe’s! Oh dear, oh dear… you’re right, Angel. This world needs me. This world needs Friendship now more than ever.”

“Well yeah, that’s the point… but…”

“Take me back… we’ve got work to do.”

In an instant, the pair were returned to the stone bridge over the river in Mexico City. Jeremy backed away from the edge and hugged his mysterious Guardian Angel.

“Thank you. I understand now. I know what I have to do.”


“Never has a more critical time existed in the FWA… in the world… for Friendship. And I’m the one that has to protect it. To defend it. I’m going to be there for my friends. They need me. The FWA needs me.”

“Great! Let’s get you back then…”

“Not yet… there’s something I must do. If we want to do this… we must do it right. I have an idea. An idea for how we can begin to battle this war on Friendship. It’s a little thing I’ve been dreaming up… called the Buddy Bowl. But I need some time to work out the details… but soon.. I will return, I promise. And we will usher in not just a great era of Friendship… but the Best era of Friendship for the FWA.”

“Soo… yeah, I just did a lot of reflecting that night on the bridge in Mexico City and came up with the idea for the Buddy Bowl. I had to work out some kinks, ya know, with Russnow… but yeah, that’s about it.”

Jeremy conveniently left out some of the details from his story as he recounted that night to Baxter, Stache, and Amigo.

“But the important thing is, I’m here now.. And I’m ready Bryan. I haven’t been around for you as much as I should have lately… but is going to change. It’s time for the Buddy System to show the world what Friendship is all about.”

Baxter shrugged his shoulders as he ate another pizza roll. “All good, man. Will definitely be nice to have you by my side again though… especially with Crowe having Bedlam in his corner. I just don’t get what that cowboy sees in that asshole.”

“A prime example of one of the many counterproductive friendships in the FWA. So many people giving Friendship a bad name. And I don’t just mean Krash. And don’t get me started on Alyster Black and Chris Peacock…”

“Couple of immature jackasses. How many cum jokes can two grown men make?”

“But it’s not just them. Our opponents… as you mentioned, Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe are not the type of friends that should be role models. Drinking? Drugs? Chris Crowe is clearly a bad influence and he was more interested in getting tag titles than his own friendship with Tommy Bedlam in the Buddy Bowl!”

“Hey, I warned the guy. Chris Crowe is bad news.”

“And the Eternal… that group is definitely concerning. Keres is changing people’s personalities, manipulating them and controlling them. That is NOT Friendship! It appears I’ve come back at the right time, my friends.”

“Yeah, let’s show these assholes what a real pair of friends looks like.”

“The Buddy System is back! Happy Friendsgiving to all!”
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What A Maneuver!
Jun 27, 2019
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Badlands Trailer Park

It is a crisp late-Autumn day in The Badlands Trailer Park as the overhead shot zooms in to four infamous men walking down one of the many different beaten paths The Badlands runs on.

We pan in to see none other than “The Showman” Chris Crowe, his manager and best friend Crazy Harry, reigning FWA X Champion Tommy Bedlam, and his manager Rocco walking, searching for what appears to be the right trailer.

“So, what kind of shit are we getting into tonight, boys?”

Tommy Bedlam asks as he takes a sip of his Miller Lite beer can.

“Rocco, you’re gonna love the two I’ve picked out. But we only have them for one hour, so they’re really just dinner guests.”

Harry insinuates to Rocco that he’s scored some escorts for them to…well…escort them around a Thanksgiving dinner? Rocco is more than okay with the idea.

“Harry, I trust your judgement more than anybody around. If you are pumped for them, then so am I!”

Rocco says as he gives Harry a high five. Deathswitch is on fire right now, and the four men are more of a cohesive unit than ever before. Tommy is confused about a dinner guest, because he thought the crew were going to a bar, or a strip club, or a strip club that sells booze…

“I didn’t want to tell you guys, but I promised my Aunt Mae that we would come over for a little get-together. It is Thanksgiving after all, and she’s really the only family I got left. Oh, and another thing. My Aunt Mae has over the people she plays cards with every Tuesday afternoon. So, we gotta try our best to be respectful. Now, I’m not telling you to act any differently than you usually do, but let’s make sure we read the room before anything else…”

Harry runs up to each trailer, and in typical Harry fashion-instead of looking for the house number, he decides to peak into each trailer’s window to search for Aunt Mae.

“Harry, I told you it’s the green trailer with black shutters.”

Crowe says to Harry, who looks at Crowe a bit puzzled.

“I’m looking for the two hookers right now. Not Aunt Mae’s house.”

Harry jolts off and finds the two escorts he reached out to earlier on, as they are in an alley-way in between two sets of trailers. Rocco follows suit as Crowe and Bedlam continue walking ahead.

“Big match on Fallout, buddy. I can’t wait to get into the ring with those two teams and flip the fucking switch on all of them…”

Crowe says as he spits out a wad of tobacco juice on the dirt road…

“I fucking hate The Buddy System…not too fond of Eternal either, especially Keres…”

Bedlam says as the entire reason he is in The Badlands today is to gear up for Deathswitch’s big match on Fallout against The Buddy System and Eternal.

“That piece of shit Baxter has it coming, I can tell you that. Masquerading around with my fucking title the past year. I’m gonna remind him that North American title is on fucking loan until he sees me inside the ring.”

Crowe and Bedlam crack open another round of beers as they continue to venture off down the beaten path. While Tommy is the reigning X Champion, Crowe is within reach of the North American Championship he never lost. However, standing in his way is a massive challenger on Big Bryan Bastard, a man who has held the title essentially since Crowe relinquished it in July of 2022.

Suddenly, off in the distance, Crowe notices a green trailer with black shutters.

“That’s it! That’s Aunt Mae’s house! C’mon, Tommy. Harry and Rocco will catch up eventually, I’m fucking hungry.”

Crowe and Bedlam toss their beer cans aside, leaving them in eyesight so Harry and Rocco know which house to come to whenever they eventually catch up. Crowe and Tommy walk up the steps. Instead of knocking, Deathswitch decide to just let themselves in.

As they enter, they are met by a host of people. This trailer looks more like a nice house on a cul-de-sac rather than a trailer park. Everybody is dressed up very nicely. There is elegant music playing in the background. These are high-end people, and for all of the years Crowe has lived in The Badlands, he has never seen or heard of anybody at this dinner…

“Damn, your Aunt must play in some big money games. Look at the fucking people in here.”

Crowe looks over at Tommy and smiles.

“Do you smell that fucking kitchen? We hit the jackpot tonight, my friend!”

Crowe and Tommy help themselves into the kitchen, seamlessly transitioning into the line of people waiting for their buffet-style Thanksgiving dinner. After scooping heaping spoons of everything on the table, Crowe and Tommy find a place at the long dinner table.

Across from Crowe and Tommy sits quite the odd couple. A man wearing a Rogue thermal shirt that is three sizes too tight, and a woman on the much heavier side. The odd couple stare at Crowe and Tommy like they don’t belong here.

“Hi, I’m Chris. This is my friend Tommy. Pleasure to meet you.”

The odd couple make a pass of the eyes at each other before putting on the fakest smiles you can ever imagine.

“Hello. I’m Jerry. This is my lovely wife, Bryanna. With a ‘Y’. And these are our kids, Ethan and Princess.”

Ethan and Princess are high-school age kids, both rocking the emo look to perfection. They both are dressed in all black and purple. Each kid has in air pods and are glued to their phones, shutting off the outside world.

Tommy digs into his plate full of food before coming up for air.

“Nice to meet you Jerry and Bryanna with a ‘Y’. This is some fucking spread, huh? Hey Bryanna with a y, did you try these fuckin potatoes yet?”

Jerry and Bryanna are taken aback at the language used by Tommy. One thing that catches both Tommy and Crowe’s eyes (and ears) are the gold bracelets each Jerry and Bryanna are wearing. They clang against the table every time either of them uses their fork.

“Oh, no. I am lactose intolerant. I brought my own special potatoes.”

Crowe reaches across the table and puts his fork into Bryanna’s plate and helps himself to some of Bryanna’s potatoes. He tries them, and instantly spits them out.

“They’re missing something...not creamy enough. Not enough milk, Bryanna with a y.”

Crowe and Tommy share a look that both of them are about to go in for the kill on this couple…

As a basket of bread is being passed around the table as Tommy and Crowe grab a handful of dinner rolls. Crowe passes the basket to Jerry, who quickly waves his hands.

“Oh, no. I am gluten free. I brought my own special bread.”

Crowe still hands Jerry the basket as Jerry quickly passes it along.

“So, Chris and Tommy, what do you guys do for a living? Me, personally, I’m in Sales. I sell a brand-new energy drink. But if you really ask me, I’m into Crossfit. It’s my passion. There’s just something about setting a PR that is so satisfying…So is Bryanna.”

Bryanna attempts to get a word out but before she can, Jerry cuts her off…

“The energy drink I sell is called Eternal. It’s quite simple how it works. Say one of you guys gives me $500, and you can become a seller of the drink. You set your own hours. You are your own boss. You just have to chip in $3,000 at the end of every month for shipping and other costs. The rest is yours to keep”

“So, you’re telling me I give you $500, you give me a case of your cat piss, and then I’m stuck with it, and have to find another sucker to get my money back?”

Tommy is onto Jerry as Crowe chimes in…

“Sounds like the biggest fucking scam since Bryan Baxter being North American Champion, if you ask me…”

Bryanna quickly changes the subject back…

“What did you two say you do for a living?”

“We never did. We were interrupted.”

Crowe fires back, but Tommy keeps the peace for now. He knows dessert is right around the corner and wants to make sure he gets first in line to grab some.

“Well, Jerry, Bryanna with a y, me and my tag team partner here bust people’s fucking skulls in for a living. We’re pretty good at it, too…”

Before Jerry or Bryanna can figure out a way to keep this conversation going, there is commotion at the front door…


Harry and Rocco have emerged into the trailer with their beautiful (for Badlands standards) dates.

“Harry! Rocco! C’mon back here. There is space next to Jerry and Bryanna with a y.”

Harry and his friend, followed by Rocco and his friend, all scoot in next to Jerry and Bryanna, basically sitting on top of them. Jerry attempts to move down but his son Ethan, head buried in his phone, prevents him from moving his chair.

“Hi Bryanna with a y. I’m Harry. This here is Candy.”

Jerry and Bryanna are taken aback by the escort with Harry. They look at each other before looking in disgust at the two escorts. Candy is a red-head middle aged woman who shouldn’t be wearing the skin-tight dress she has on, as she is popping out of it all over the place.

Candy has rose tattoos on her arms, and has on the cheapest perfume from The Badlands flower bed. She winks and waves to Jerry as the skin on her body is so wrinkled it is practically begging her to quit smoking.

“And I’m Rocco. And this lovely lady is Paradise.”

Paradise looks to be Candy’s twin sister, except she is blonde.

“Hi honey. It is my pleasure. Always my pleasure.”

Paradise says in her extremely raspy voice. Jerry likes what he sees and holds on an extra second to Paradise’s hand until Bryanna gives him the look of death.

Crowe eyes up both ladies and gives Harry and Rocco the nod of approval.

“So, as I was saying. Yesterday, at The Best Gym-yeah, that’s the name of my Crossfit gym. It’s Crossfit, so I don’t think you guys would understand the basics of it. We reach our personal best every day and write it on the board. Anyways, I was doing a burpee and threw out my shoulder. But it’s okay, I have on kinetic tape now."

Jerry rolls up his Rogue thermal long sleeve to show off his kinetic tape, but half of it is stuck in his shirt. He presses it back down and continues to feel his oats.

“We were doing a circuit. And I was hitting the very heavy sledgehammer against the tire…”

Crowe cuts off Jerry to end this mundane story that nobody is listening to…

“Sledgehammer! That’s what we should use on Fallout. Fuck, Tommy. A sledgehammer! Why didn’t we think of this, but this fuckwit did!”

“Ah, fuck, Showman! I can’t wait for Fallout. I can’t wait until you’re in the ring with Bryan Bastard. You’re gonna teach that fucking fraud a lesson!”

Rocco is also excited for Fallout, but he is beyond hungry right now and motions for his crew to go and get some good dinner.

“Jerry, Bryanna with a y, anybody want anything?”

“Oh, I shouldn’t have seconds. I’m starting a diet on Monday. I want to try to intermittent fast to get my anabolic rate up for Crossfit.”

Bryanna with a y is trying, give her a break!

Harry, Rocco, Candy and Paradise all come back with their plates full of food. Candy has a large glass of milk in her hand. As she goes to sit, her six-inch heel gets caught in the rug and she trips forward, as the milk from her glass goes flying through the air, right onto Bryanna!


Tommy shouts out…

“Candy, she’s lactose intolerant. She can’t have any milk on her, she might die!…but where in the fuck did you find the milk? I was looking everywhere for it!”

Crowe follows up, mad he couldn’t find the milk. Jerry quickly helps sop up the milk from Bryanna’s hair and lap. Jerry and Bryanna get up from their seat as Bryanna wipes the milk off of her. Jerry is very mad, and whispers to Bryanna as he helps her clean up.

“These people are inhumane! I don’t know who invited them, but I’m going to have to have a serious talk with some of our dinner guests. This is a freak show, it’s not a proper Thanksgiving meal! Wait until I tell everybody at Crossfit about this one!”

The odd couple turns back around and sits down at the table. Candy waves in an apologetic manner as Bryanna smiles. Tommy and Crowe pull out a pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes and each light one up.

“Oh, could you please put that out. That’s not appropriate etiquette for this dinner table.”

Bryanna says in a very stern, mother-in-law busting your balls type manner…

“Sorry Bryanna with a y. I like to smoke when I drink…”

Tommy says as Paradise pulls out a bottle of Southern Comfort, pouring it around for everybody to have a nice drink.

“You know what, guys. Pour me one. It’s Thanksgiving. I haven’t had a drink in quite some time, but it will make for a fun story to tell everyone about at Crossfit.”

“Hey, Jimmy. You gonna eat that bread? No? Pass it down here to Mama!”

Paradise says to Jerry as he passes her his gluten-free bread. Paradise takes a big bite and immediately makes a face.

“Why is this fucking bread so dry, Jimmy? It feels like I’m eating cardboard.”

“Well, Paradise, honey, that’s gluten-free bread…”

Before Jerry can finish, Paradise begins to choke on the bread.

“Oh fuck! Paradise! She’s choking! Somebody help! Quick!”

Harry shouts out. Rocco goes behind Paradise and begins to thrust as hard as he can. Thrust after thrust after thrust. Some may call it the Heimlich, some may call it getting his money’s worth… At the same exact time, Rocco lets out an animalistic roar as Paradise spits out the bread…and her dentures…which fly right into Jerry’s glass of Southern Comfort!

“Holy shit, Rocco! You did it! You saved her life!”

Harry shouts as Crowe and Tommy are on the floor laughing, but not from the “Heimlich” maneuver or Paradise’s dentures flying into Jerry’s glass of Southern Comfort…

“Now that’s enough! I can’t believe you people! Who in their right minds would invite you animals over to this proper supper?”

Rocco, face red from the “Heimlich”, sits back down and lights up a cigarette.

“I’m starting to get the feeling that you don’t fucking like us, Bryanna with a y!”

“YEAH! Why don’t you like us? What’s so different about us?”

“We’re actually better than you. Your whole family is full of fucking losers! Your husband runs a fucking ponzi scheme with energy drinks and has crossfit orgies. You can’t drink milk. He can’t eat bread! You’re everything wrong with the world outside of The Badlands! You two sure as hell aren’t from The Badlands!”

Crowe and Tommy stand up from their seats, as the other side conversations stop at a standstill.

“Who the fuck even are you people down there? Who invited you?”

A voice from the other side of the table shouts. At this point, it doesn’t matter who said it, or who invited who…

“Yeah! Who invited the hookers? This is a formal gathering! We don't condone such filth behavior at this type of soiree...”

Another well-spoken man shouts…

“We’re fucking DEATHSWITCH! And we’re leaving! We’re gonna go somewhere that we’re appreciated!”

Crowe and Tommy are half way out the door as Harry shouts before racing into the kitchen…

“Damn right! Heels Up! Here we come!”

Harry barrels over a few dinner guests before grabbing the rest of the turkey in its tray as he dashes out the door. He catches up to the rest of the crew.

“No, really, guys. We gotta go back to Heels Up. I don’t have enough money to pay Candy and Paradise another hour!”

Harry shouts as he tries to hold his pants up with one hand, turkey in the other.

The crew soon clears the trailer where the eventful Thanksgiving took place.

“Well, that was something. Fucking losers. Jerry and Bryanna with a y. Ethan and Princess. Eternal Energy drink. Fuck it all. They’re not Deathswitch, that’s for sure…Hey, Showman, did you even get to say hello to your Aunt?”

Crowe stops in his tracks to think about his Aunt Mae…

“Come to think of it…no, I didn’t. But she sure plays cards with some assholes!”

The crew continue down the street, heading to Heels Up- the Badlands one and only Gentlemen’s Establishment. Before they go any further, Crowe has to stop and take a piss.

As Crowe begins to pee, he looks into the window of the trailer he is pissing up against.

“What? No fucking way!”

Crowe shouts as he finishes up his business.

“What? That can’t be her…Fuck!”

The rest of the crew head up towards the trailer as Crowe looks into the window. A small, elderly woman is doing the dishes as her old friends sit around the table, shuffling a deck of cards. They all look full from a nice Thanksgiving meal…

“There’s Aunt Mae!”

“Fuck yeah, Aunt Mae!...Aunt Mae?”

“If that’s Aunt Mae, and this is Aunt Mae’s trailer that we’re up against looking through her window about to give this old woman a heart attack…then where the fuck were we in the first place?”

Crowe shrugs his shoulders and lets out a loud laugh.


The crew all howl out in laughter as they’ve all come to the realization that they simply went to the wrong trailer, had Thanksgiving with the wrong family, and then took the wrong family’s turkey.

“That’s the fucking Badlands for ya, Rocco!”

Tommy says to Rocco as Rocco shakes his head. Rocco pats Tommy on the back…

“I could get used to this shit.”

Tommy nods his head as he takes a sip from his flask…

“Me too, Rocco. Me too.”


Harry shouts…


Crowe shouts, feeling the camaraderie, knowing full well that he and his friends are firing on all cylinders, just days away from their big tag team match on Fallout.

“It is no longer Thanksgiving fellas. We just made it DEATHSWITCHGIVING!”

The crew continue up the road as the pink neon high heel for Heels Up is within reach. Deathswitch may have gone to the wrong Thanksgiving dinner, but they learned a very valuable lesson. They are different. They do and say things that other people like Jerry, Bryanna with a y, Ethan and Princess would scoff at…

That’s what makes them so unique…

That’s what makes them so unstoppable inside the squared circle…

That’s what makes them…

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Death Walker

Better Known As King Of Armageddon | Trapped In Darkness
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Parts Known Only By The Unknown.
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The Curtis Mayfield sample welcomes tonight's guests…


In darkness, Death Walker steps into the emptiness… out of thin air. He immediately goes into action, moving frantically from a couple of steps to another. At first, it's not clear what's going on but his concentration is on whatever task at hand. Which is kind of funny since he seems to be holding things in his hands but nothing is visibly there. Strange… or maybe not, this is Death Walker’s life after all. He’s still in his usual attire, bare chest with his black ripped jeans, black hand wraps and black boots. The camera begins to revolve around him as he works at whatever. And in seconds, things begin to appear from nowhere… one after another. Starting with The Dark Traveler now wearing a black apron and black chef's hat with his outfit. Then at random, different pieces of decor fade right into the open space.

The beautiful chords from musical instruments fill up the area while rap lyrics from Kanye West and Jay-Z make for a more warm, serene atmosphere. One that no one would ever expect from the demon…

“Hmmm… now where's that basil? Ahh I got it right here.”

Death hums to the melody as a double bowl sink, walls, countertops, backsplashes, kitchen island, cabinets, drawers and an electric stove all materialized into the black surroundings. It all comes together like magic… perhaps even dark magic. Meanwhile whipping up a full course meal in this now visible kitchen, Death spouted another remark…

“Oh hey, I’m just trying to spice things up here. What did I do with the black pepper? It waaaaaasss… oh there it is!”

He picks up the little tin can and shakes it over a stainless steel stock pot. Inside this pot, basil and black pepper stays afloat a deep red substance until Walker takes a large spoon to them. Stirring up the ingredients in the red sauce or soup, Death takes this moment to address a few things…

“Ahhh… another wholesome tradition for the season, am I right?”

The demonic hybrid raises his demon face from the pot and walks over to the kitchen island. Here he looks straight into the camera…

“Greetings, my dark hearted ones. I’m just preparing a feast to feed an army. But let's not have that distract us from these important matters that I have come across recently. First… let's set the mood…”

He snaps his fingers and a decorative yet disturbing festive graphic becomes a border for the full frame. With bloody entrails acting as garland, several eyeballs and a few humanlike hearts hooked along like ornaments, especially in all four corners. Draped and wrapped around the entrails are red and white lights to give that holiday spirit with a touch of hysteria.

“Mmm mmm mmm… okay, I know what you're thinking…”

He stares directly at the camera while breathing in silence for some seconds. Then continue with his witty rant…

“...‘Why is Death Walker recording a holiday special at a time where he should be more concerned with his upcoming matches?’ And you're right! You are all right to ask that and I should be. So… I am. Don't let this particular moment change the fact that I have my mind on breaking Gerald Grayson and scattering his remains over the world. But for now, that'll have to wait as I have another soul to attend to.”

Standing straight up, Death’s apron shows a demon skull and crossbones and underneath that is the common phrase, “Kiss The Chef”. But there's been a slight adjustment, the word ‘chef’ is crossed out in red lines and stitched below in red letters, ‘Death Walker’. Death Walker signals to wait a minute as he digs in both pockets with what looks like bloodied hands. He pulls out a piece of paper with something written on it and opens it up to read it.

“Oh yeah! Madison Gray! Wait… why did I need to write this down?! Ohhh… Gray, Grayson. I know that you can see the confusion with that but anyhow… it is time to put you to the test, Young Lioness. It has been almost a year since we’ve last encountered one another. We even teamed together, Do you remember that? Yeah, that was a fun time coming in brand spanking new to FWA. However, this is the first time that we have faced one another in a one on one match. And I would have thought that what you witnessed from me earlier in your career, would've deterred your efforts to go against me but here we are. So your test will begin this next episode of Fallout and I’m not going to take it easy with you. Tensions are rising… Winter Wasteland is getting closer, there's no more time to delay the undeniable truths. You have a Blake Taylor problem, I’ve made issues with Gerald Grayson and things have gotten worse after everything I have done in previous weeks. Madison… I can't tell you what to do but I can advise you. Because when I saw you make your debut in FWA, I knew that you might have what it takes to be the badass you’ve dreamed of.”

Remember that he was cooking dinner, The Dark Traveler glides back over to the stove and stirs whatever is in the big pot. He takes a finger, dips it into the red stuff, lifts his mask and tastes his finger.

“Mmmmm a bit spicy! I’m loving it. Where was I? Ahhh, the word of advice! AND THAT WORD IS… Try. Try your best to stop me because I can promise you this is not a good time to be an obstacle on my trail. I am fuckin’ determined on taking care of my business and in order to get to that. I must put you down before I head to Winter Wasteland. Keep your focus on me, stick to your strategy and just maybe you'll have a worthy shot at beating me and saving your sweet, sweet Laramie.”

Our cook then goes over to the oven and opens its door before peeking inside.

“Ooooooohhh I’m so excited!”

Death jumps around with joy like a kid waiting to play with their new toy.

“Oh this is the part where I should be done talking. Probably do one of my 'illusions’ as some think they are. But this time, I just wanted to do something different. Tonight… I just wanted to enjoy a great meal… with my family.”

The pride in his usual deep voice is recognized and he might even be smiling from ear to ear under his demon mask.

“Back to the show…”

Death walks back to the island and slowly pulls out a butcher knife.

“Let's get to chopping, shall we? Okay!”

Without a moment to spare, the demon takes the knife and pushes down on something hard with it. And well…


He holds up a gory mess of a hand but his scream… his scream turns into his maniacal laughter. Why is that? Insanity has a funny way of working wonders… if it works in your favor.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Did you? I cut? I’m that careless and stupid?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

After wiping off the unharmed hand and removing his mask, Walker takes a bite of what looked like his own finger.

“Yummy, yummy, yummy… what?! It’s a carrot! Look… and this beautiful redness is my very own cranberry dipping sauce. You all should really try this, it's soooooo good.”

Even with his true face covered in his war paint, Death finds himself smiling wide. Suddenly, smoke spreads across the kitchen from where the stove oven is.

“Uh oh! Something's smoking! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

He takes his time going back to the smoking oven, turns the burner for the pot of red goop. Then opens the oven door and more black smoke fills up the kitchen. So much that it obscures the view of the camera and the operator can be heard choking off this hazardous smoke.

“Talk about cookin’ your goose! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Getting all up into the lens of the video camera, a smiling Death Walker requests that you follow him into the next room in this all black space.

“Come on, come on. Let's not keep company waiting.”

Death dashes through the doorless frame and the camera person follows him into a “room” with nothing.


Just a lot of dining tables and his hooded freaks, the Terrors of Darkness. They all have the regular faces hidden with black full face masks which cover their identities. To their right of where they sit at these tables is something big covered with black cloths. Other than some grumblings amongst them, the disciples of all ages and sizes patiently await their dinner. Walker reappears with the stock pot and sets it onto the closest table.

“Dinner is served! Come and get it, my family.”

One by one, each member comes up for their bowl of red stuff. And to save time, there was already a stock pot at the end of each table including the kids’ tables. Once everyone has been served and their deranged leader is ready, he makes the following statements…

“Finally! My children… brothers… and sisters… both young and old, we have made it to this point. Creating a footprint, deep and permanent… in the company known as… Fantasy Wrestling Alliance. We have so much more to do whether in the world of wrestling or in the real world. You all sit here under my own directive and as such, it is time to give your thanks… But we don't do anything normal here… So before we feast, you all will give thanks… TO ME! UNDERSTOOD?”

All members: “YES, MY LORD!”

Death gives a smirk and nod in a pleased manner while looking over his followers.

“So who will be first? Stand and let your voice be heard among us!”

Almost immediately, one of his members stands up and confidently gives his thanks.


Then another member stands up and she shouts her praise as well.


Death Walker responds to her with a humble nod and then another member stands up but one of the little ones.


Taking a seat on his throne, Death looks around his devoted disciples.


“You mean dark powers, old soul.”


The revelation makes everyone cheer and rally for more. Hearing and seeing the appreciation from his flock, The Dark Traveler stands up on his feet and gives his next orders.

“At this very moment, I need you all to remove your black masks… raise your bowls… and drink the bl- uhh, the juice. Yeah our special juice, as your final commitment to this cause and no other.”

This takes a minute for them all but when they all are done, The Death Walker makes an announcement as the last part of this celebratory supper.

“There's just one last thing that I ask of you tonight. To the right of your bowls is something hidden under black cloths. Remove those cloths and receive your reward.”

Some grumbles develop over the masses as they remove their cloths and unveil… their very own demon masks. Quite similar to their leader's but theirs has elastic straps and isn't a full mask as it only covers the front of a person’s face.

“Make sure you wear those over your black masks, my grateful terrors.”

And this riles up the Terrors of Darkness again…


The monster gives a low growl while smirking then sighs deep…

“Now this is what I call… soul food! Mmmmmmm!”

The scene fades out into darkness…


“Ah, damn it! I forgot to give them the recipe… Oh well, there's always next year! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! HOPE YOU GAVE THANKS… or else, you're going to have to pay… for your sins.”