Meltdown XXVIII & Fallout 028 || Promo Thread.

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Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
The promo deadlines for both shows are:

Sunday 7th May, 2023 at 23:59 Pacific Time.
Monday 8th May, 2023 at 03:00(am) Eastern.
Monday 8th May, 2023 at 08:00(am) UK.
Monday 8th May, 2023 at 10:00(am) Turkey.
Monday 8th May, 2023 at 17:00 Melbourne.
There will be no extensions. Good luckl!​


Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
[episode twenty two]


1979. Earth.


“Good Will Hunting” || Black Country, New Road.

G. was awoken by the stomping of boots and hushed, hurried whispers. The thin layer of dark blue skin over his bulbous, red eyes peeled back, consciousness suddenly imposing itself upon him. He was lying down on a hard, wooden bed, itself atop the hard and unforgiving stone inside a cave. He figured he shouldn't grumble. He was surprised his captors had even provided him with a wooden board and a few sheets.

Even if he did his best not to grumble, his thorax did enough of that for him. He sat up and massaged the source of the pain, but the urgent eyes of the trio of marines surrounding him suggested there was no time for such endeavours. Each of them wore camouflage facemasks through fears of catching a peculiar and exotic disease from the specimen. That's what they called him. Prisoner was closer to the truth.

He sighed a deep, dissatisfied, and unfulfilled sigh. Another day.

Before he had the chance to do so himself, two of the marines descended upon him and - wrapping gloves hands around all four of his arms - dragged him up onto his feet. Being couriered along had become something of a running theme. He was led from his cell and through a warehouse, eventually emerging into the bright and oppressive sunlight of an unfamiliar desert. It wasn't the American one he recognised, where he'd been held for weeks before a lengthy flight wearing a blindfold. They'd removed that upon arrival, at least. Given the number of Chinese military types standing around and speaking in Mandarin, he guessed that they were somewhere in China. One such man - wearing a dark grey Mao suit and smiling even through his facemask - waited for the trio of marines next to a truck. G. was loaded into the back of it, his narrow and tired legs soon penned in by an American either side of him. The captain and the Chinese man climbed into the front, and they began on their way through the desert.

Nobody said anything during the journey. G. looked at himself in the vehicle's rear-view mirror. His navy blue skin glistened and glimmered under the harsh, hot sunlight. His thorax was bent and bowed through fatigue and his wide, oblong head felt heavy upon the end of his short neck. His ruby red eyes were wide and sad, and he noticed that a pair of tears were emerging from one of them. He didn't even know he had tear ducts. His human host had them, of course. He made use of them often during his teenage years. He didn’t remember anything from before his arrival on Earth. He thought of the family that he’d infiltrated in North Carolina. A happy enough bunch. Father, mother, brother. Real nuclear. They had no idea what was living inside their son, of course. Not until the government descended on their house and ripped it out of him. The host didn’t survive the ordeal. Never does. But he had, and that’s when he was taken to the Deep South facility for observation.

All those years hiding were spent in fear of exactly this. Despite the love that this surrogate family poured into him - love meant for his host but absorbed readily by the being living inside of it - a lack of belonging pursued him alongside a foreboding (and eventually validated) paranoia. Perhaps if he knew where he was really from, he would be able to find himself and the part of him that was missing. That he’d left there, along with his memories. He remembered so little of what happened before his arrival on this strange, alien land. This anti-home.

And so, G. remained hidden, within his host and amongst this unknowing family, inactive through a vague fear of what they’d do to him if he was discovered. He couldn’t remember exactly when and where he’d heard the horror stories about experiments and dissections, but they were always there in the back of his mind. He had an unexplained but firm understanding that, here on this bizarre and backwards planet, his peculiarities and uniquities would be used against him.

“Almost there,” the man in the Mao suit said. He pointed towards an overhanging ridge of rock, bereft of sand. “Just up in the shade, there.”

“I don’t like it,” the marine captain replied, whilst shuffling uncomfortably in his seat.

“You don’t trust our Russian friends?” the other answered, as the truck bumped and bounced through the sand.

“I barely trust my Chinese ones,” the captain replied.

“You need to open up more,” was the dismissive response. “What is it you guys say? Take a chill pill?”

The captain didn’t enjoy the recycled idiom and fell silent again. The uneasiness was only brief and was soon displaced by urgency when they arrived at the meeting spot. The Russian envoy had already arrived. Their own truck was tailed by two more filled with marines, matched by three identical ones carrying Spetsnaz agents who disembarked when the American contingent came to a halt. Dotted amongst the Soviets were a handful of Chinese men, most of whom looked more like academics than soldiers. G. was left in the back of the truck as the marines and their escort climbed out of their truck.

"Мы уже можем видеть его в вашем грузовике," the Spetsnaz commander said, a cigarette between his lips and derision present in his tone. "Он синий. Это другое. Вы должны вывести его. Давайте лучше посмотрим."

None-the-wiser as to his opposite number's meaning, the marine captain glanced up at his escort. The man in the Mao suit had taken up position between the two groups, where he was joined by others wearing the same uniform. They had come to facilitate and translate, but also to get a good look of their own.

"They say they can already see the specimen," the escort said, whilst nodding at the truck. G. stared back at them from the backseat, his oblong head poking out of the window. "They want you to bring him out."

The commander nodded at his underlings. They opened the truck's backseat and took a grasp of G.'s four arms, pulling him out and into the sand for the commander's inspection.

"Интересный," the commander said. He took a couple of steps towards G., the marines either side of him tightening their grip as if worried the Russian might make off with him. "Очень интересно. Такой же, и в то же время другой. Я тронут, но и обеспокоен. Самец и самка вместе…"

The commander said no more. The captain's eyes turned to the translators.

"What did he say?" he asked.

"The commander is moved, but also he has fears," the man in the Mao suit said. "He is worried about a male and a female existing here together. Concerns about reproduction, I assume."

The marine captain cocked an eyebrow. Was the first he'd heard about the gender of the Russian specimen.

"We want to see theirs," the captain said, simply. "We've acted in good faith."

The Chinese man bowed slightly before turning to face the Russians.

"Они хотят увидеть ваш экземпляр, товарищи," he said. "Такова была сделка."

The Spetsnaz commander, most of his face hidden by his red facemask, looked at G. once more with his cold, blue eyes. Then, with a glance at the marines, he nodded his acquiescence. One of the trucks behind him opened up and a hooded, four-armed figure was led out. The Russian prisoner was placed into a kneeling position in front of G. before their hood was finally removed.

She was like him, but not like him, just like they said. Her skin was dark green, shimmering slightly in the aggressive sunlight, a little taller than him but more slender in her arms and thorax. Her hair was silver and fell in tumbles to her shoulder. She wore a black dress, ragged and tattered after what he assumed was an equally lengthy period of imprisonment. Fatigue lay heavily upon her lithe frame.

He looked at her with recognition in his red, bulbous eyes, and she returned his gaze with the same inexplicable familiarity. He knew that she was M., and she knew that he was G., but neither of them were sure how exactly this knowledge was earned.

G.'s mind was filled with visions of unplaced memories. Wet grass beneath his bare feet. The feeling of the untamed wind rushing against his skin. Dancing in the moonlight next to a blackwater lake. And in none of these images, for the first time (at least that he could remember), was he alone. M. was at his side in each of them, a dormant feeling of togetherness and completeness stirring deep within him.

He reached out with one of his hands, his palm open. She did the same.

Before they could touch each other, he watched one of the Spetsnaz agents bring the butt of his rifle thudding into the back of her head. She fell face-first into the sand. The sudden sensation roaring through his own skull suggested that the marines had done the same. He rolled onto his front as one of the scientists climbed upon him, a syringe filled with sedative in his gloved hand.

There was no use fighting. He stared only at M. as he lost consciousness.




As they were both dragged back to their respective forms of transportation - under the helpful (to their captors) influence of the powerful sedatives administered in the Chinese desert - both G. and M. were blessed by vivid dreams that felt more like memories. They each bathed happily in this warm nostalgia, to the point where the American marines as well as the Soviet Spetsnaz reported peculiar smiles upon their peculiar faces during transit.

For G., it was a short truck ride before a long flight, and happy dreams of a blackwater lake. Two pale moons and a planet with dense, colourful rings danced across the black sky, innumerable stars twinkling between them. Sometimes, when he looked across the arcing coastline of the dark lake, the grass was covered with the reclining bodies of everyone of his kind that he'd ever known. Of course, he'd never really known any of them in the conventional sense, or at least had no recollection of such acquaintances. But here they all were, each stirring within him recognition and a vague sense of place.

These figures were only peripheral, though, despite the strange effect that they had on him. More often, he was with only her. Or, perhaps, his investment within her was enough to blind him to everyone and everything else. For G. in those stolen moments, there was only M. and the blackwater lake and the dancing celestial bodies hanging on strings high above them. She moved with the same rhythm as the moons, and G. was not sure if this galactic ballet was meant for him. She was more abstracted than the stars she danced beneath. She was lost in herself and he was lost in her.

For M., her truck ride was followed by an even longer train journey, rickety and loud and generally uncomfortable (especially for a prisoner). Somewhat fortunately, she spent much of the early stretches of it unconscious and under the power of the sedatives. She dreamt of a small boat being ravaged by huge, apocalyptic storms. Black clouds angrily groped at the tiny vessel, which the towering waves threatened to swallow whole. Rain lashed down upon a tiny figure attempting to man the mast, a tiny speck within the immensity of Poseidon's rage.

After a while, though, another stood with her. He climbed up onto the bow of the ship, and with nothing but the strength of his voice alone he began to quell the violent storm. He sang and he screamed and he whispered, and under his spell the whims of Mother Nature were tempered, her rage massaged and soothed by his gentle commands. Amidst the retreating rains, a column of sunlight shone down upon G., a captain upon the bow of his ship, his thorax puffed out towards a morning that he himself had brought about. The column grew and grew until they existed within an island of serenity, the wanton destruction of the storm continuing in a maelstrom around them.

Eventually, M. and G. were each returned to their less spectacular and less fulfilling personal realities. They were also returned to their cells. Half a world lay between them.



“Laughing Song” || Black Country, New Road.

She waited in the gravelled courtyard outside the camp, a mop in her hand and most of the men already garrisoned there with her. They were clustered in groups, each of which would intermittently glance in her direction mistrustfully. The three hands which weren't grasping her mop clenched into fists. She was unwelcome here, even if she was purportedly being held against her will.

The guards were assembled on the courtyard, too, and had conducted a headcount before sending the most junior of their number back into the camp to rouse the missing inmate. A few minutes later, he returned with an old, tired, and somewhat queasy-looking man with a white beard and an ever-expanding bald spot on the crown of his head. M. vaguely knew him as Ivan Denisovich. She only knew most of the men vaguely. They kept themselves away from her and she had little choice but to do the same.

"Поздно, Иван Денисович," one of the guards said, sternly, as the late prisoner arrived. It seemed for a moment as though Ivan Denisovich may have thought about fighting his case, but in the end he closed his mouth and remained silent. M. couldn't blame him for thinking better of it. "Ты с богомолом. Очистите караульное помещение."

For Ivan Denisovich, the task of cleaning the guardhouse was a punishment for his tardiness. For M., it was the duty she was assigned each and every morning, regardless of the standard of her time-keeping. She reasoned that the guards preferred to keep her secluded from the other men (and from themselves) as often as was possible. Maybe being paired up with her was part of the punishment for poor punctuality, too. Ivan Denisovich didn’t seem to mind, though. He rattled on as they changed the soft, clean sheets on the officers’ beds for the second time this week.

“Человек ничего не может поделать, если он плохо себя чувствует!” he said. He punctuated his statement with exaggerated body language to convey the fact that he really was feeling unwell. “Я даже не знаю, когда успею сходить к врачу.”

M. didn’t reply. She never did. But she shared his doubts. He’d be too late to see a doctor, the only man who could sign him off for the day. Which meant he’d be out there in the fields just as soon as they were done with the guardhouse, regardless of the legitimacy of his claims of ill-health. Ivan Denisovich wasn’t so bad. At least he would speak to her, for a little while, until it became clear that she wasn’t going to say anything back. The rest of them just glanced at her, ever watchful and reproachful, in silent judgement of the fact that she had four arms instead of two, and of the peculiarity of her thorax. In truth, the glances had been the same well before she’d been ripped out of her host. Looking the same as them didn’t really change anything.

The years she’d spent in Moscow had been filled with the same vague sense of disillusionment. It was always difficult to tell whether this grew from within or was imposed on her from without. Perhaps a little bit of both. Cyclical, even. The fact remained that she suffered on the periphery of the city, of society in general. There were always people, of course. Not her people, but people none-the-less. It was difficult to avoid them in the sprawling, swamp-like metropolis. She was often dragged down in the mire with them, but as she slipped below the mud there was no escaping the fact that she was dying alone. Alone with everybody.

It was no surprise when they came for her. The KGB had been circling her mundane activities for a while. Being inside Gulag S42, which had been her home (uninterrupted, but for her recent train ride into the middle of the Chinese desert) for more than a year now, was little different from her tedious life in Moscow. The limited freedom afforded to her in the city was only the illusion of freedom. Her agency had long deserted her, ever since she’d arrived on this godforsaken planet with no memory of where she was before. Of where she belonged. Of where was home, if such a concept existed for her.

M. was proved right, and that day Ivan Denisovich joined them out on the fields, struggling through his illness. The same was expected of him as when he was fit and healthy, and he made sure to give it. He worked with M. in the team that carried rocks from the crumbling wall to the centre of the field where a windmill was being built. The metals being used for the turbines were to be brought in from the city after the stone had been broken down from the surrounding wall and carted into position. The younger and stronger men were tasked with using picks to pry the wall apart. They assumed that M. was as fragile and weak as she looked, and so she joined the old and the infirm in carrying stones of various sizes from point A to point B.

Today wasn’t a bad day. Long, but all days were long here. Hard, but all days were hard here. The sun was shining but not too hot. At a few points through the day, she even got to stop and look at it. Not for too long. It hurt her eyes to stare at it for too long. But the blue sky - which resembled a gaping entrance, an open highway, a wild frontier - made her heart skip.

For all the time she’d been here, she knew that she could leave at any time. Escape wasn’t the difficult thing. Gulag S42 couldn’t contain her. The only problematic element was where exactly she’d escape to.

Now, though? Now it was different. He was out there, somewhere.

She smiled, and continued to push her wheelbarrow down the hill.




Once more, he was being led out of his cell. This time, though, the dwellings were more familiar, as was the compound through which his captors escorted him. There were four of them in total, the closest two keeping a tight grip of a pair of arms each and holding them behind his back. There was an urgency about them that G. didn’t enjoy. As he was pushed through the livestock cages the cows backed away from him. Maybe they could smell his fear, or perhaps the sudden sight of him was too much for even them. More marines joined the escort at various points around the compound until eventually they emerged into the surrounding desert.

G. wondered how close the nearest living soul was. His antennae couldn’t sense anything, other than his own fear and the guard’s barely concealed ill-will.

The desert was familiar, too. He’d been taken for exercise around these dunes a number of times. But that didn’t seem likely to be the cause of their current excursion. The moon was already beginning its ascent and the sky had turned a purplish-blue. Although he recognised this sand better than the desert they’d driven through on his recent, unexpected, and unexplained trip across this world, a world that wasn’t his, this knowledge and recognition didn’t bring him any additional comfort. This wasn’t where he wanted to be. This wasn’t where he was supposed to be.

He was unsure if the guards knew that he understood them well enough. He’d spent years in the company of a well to-do family in North Carolina, after all. Perhaps his captors drew no association between the gangly, bug-like specimen they walked through the desert now and the handsome daredevil he’d inhabited through adolescence and young manhood. His parents certainly couldn’t make that connection after they’d ripped their poor son apart and dragged G. out. Regardless, the marines that watched over him felt little need to guard their conversations, and as a result he was privy to what they were going to do with him. Their superiors were scared of what he was and what he could do. He wasn’t showing them any particularly impressive talents or abilities, but that didn’t mean that there were none to be found. They meant to dispose of him and planned to capture the Russian specimen so that they could do the same to her. Total eradication in just two simple moves.

As he spied the noose atop the cliff, G. once again pondered his lack of place in this world. His recent meeting with M. was a curse as much as it was a blessing. Before that encounter, he had begun to accept that he would always feel this way. Always be unwhole. Always wander around amongst the otherly, searching for an adventure, a rush that might fill an unfillable void. Her mere existence was enough to light that in him again. These feelings were better off dead. Hope only led to disappointment.

They arrived at the noose. They forced G. up onto a low platform and placed his head into the loop. A burly, young, hooded marine that G. didn’t recognise stood next to a taut rope with a sharp axe in his grip. A priest approached from a line of witnesses. Everyone upon the cliff wore camouflage except for the father and the prisoner. The holy man began to read G. his last rites. He understood the individual words but the composition of some of his sentences were confusing to him. After a while he struggled to keep his focus. He began to watch the sky instead.

A flock of birds flew across the purple canvas.

Was there even a point in carrying on? Perhaps he should go quietly. Meekly acquiesce. Maybe his time was over.

In the distance, a second group of birds met the first and joined the formation. They flashed over the face of the moon and disappeared over a high peak in the north.

G. sighed.

Then, he unfurled his wings.

The priest and the commander took a step back, aghast, as G.’s hitherto unknown appendages spread out either side of his thorax. They flowed with vibrant bioluminescence in elaborate arrays of navy blue and indigo and bright pink upon his thin, translucent wings.

Showing initiative, the hooded marine struck the taut rope with his axe. The platform disappeared beneath G,, but with two flutters of his huge wings he tore the gallows apart and became a speck upon the face of the large, pale moon. The rope still hung from his neck.



“Concorde” || Black Country, New Road.

G. closed in on his ignorant prey in the Ural foothills. The large cat (he couldn’t tell you the name of it) lounged in slumber near the riverbank. He had flown a long way and was hungry. He was quick and quiet enough to reduce the beautiful, wild animal to a carcass, which he dragged beneath the trees to consume away from the harsh, morning sun.

He had many gifts. Gifts that had prepared him well. He could sense that he was getting closer to her, and that she was getting closer to him. He knew, as well, that they were on his tail. His antennae informed him of the radio communications of his hunters. The Americans had launched a global search with the rather barbaric mandate to execute him upon capture. Uncle Sam wasn’t the only one with a vested interest in his discovery. The Russians were well aware that he was on the loose. He sensed a number of Spetsnaz units present on the ground. And the Chinese wanted a piece of the action for themselves, as well. If the Americans were going to be so careless, perhaps the specimen could be used to the advantage of one of their enemies instead.

“他就在这附近的某个地方,” a voice said, passing by only a few metres away from him. Instinctively, he backed away from the trail he was following and took cover in a dense thicket of bushes. “这些山上没有别的东西可以打倒这样的老虎。西边也太远了。”

He held his breath, the footsteps continuing away from him and up the mountain. Slowly and with great caution, he dislodged himself from his hiding place… and felt someone’s tight, firm grip on his wrist. G. turned around to be greeted by the cold, blue eyes of the Spetsnaz commander. Two of his underlings were at his sides. They lowered the barrels of their rifles to rest on either side of his wide head. In a cautionary gesture, the commander lifted a gloved finger up to his masked mouth. G. glanced at each of the guns that were directed at him. He thought about escape and then thought better of it. The commander took a thick and long length of rope from his waist and began to wrap it around G., being particularly careful to contain his wings in the binding.

“Over there!” the American cry startled the commander, who thrust a thick, muscular forearm into G.’s face to knock him to the ground. A series of bullets flew overhead, a pair of them making contact with the commander’s underlings and throwing them down next to him. His bulbous eyes remained fixed open as the Spetsnaz agents fought for their last, difficult breaths. The commander drew his revolver and shrouded himself in the shadow of a nearby patch of trees.

“美国人!” came a second voice, followed by another whistle of bullets. “俄罗斯人也一样!”

Sensing his opportunity, G. rolled through the undergrowth and to the lip of a small but steep decline. With one glance back at the ensuing carnage, he threw himself over the lip and cascaded down the hill. He lay still at the base of it, dislodged branches and leaves and roots falling atop him and providing some sort of cover from unwelcome eyes. His bonds were tight, and even if he wanted to move it would’ve been difficult to do so. Getting up, at least for now, was out of the question. He would have to wait for his moment. Wait for his miracle.

He remembered how mundane, unexciting, and ultimately disappointing this planet was when the familiar grasp of the marine captain pulled him back onto his feet. He was alone and his eyes said what his hidden mouth didn’t have to. G. was to keep quiet and go with him, if he valued his life.

The captain was strong, and lifted G. up onto his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. He forced a way through the undergrowth and the forest for several kilometres, rarely complaining but for a few muttered expletives along the way. Eventually, he arrived at his unit’s camp. Several of them were still away searching but there were enough of them here. He threw G. down from his shoulders and onto the rock in the middle of the group, which was gathered together beneath the shadow of the forest’s eaves.

“Should we wait for the others?” one of them asked.

“You know the order,” the captain said. “No reason to wait.”

G. was tied to a tree less than a hundred metres outside of the American camp. He noticed there was no priest here. It was difficult to imagine one parachuting in with the marines. There were five soldiers in front of him, four of them holding their service weapon at their sides and waiting for their captain’s command.


Upon hearing the solemn command, each of the marines lifted their weapons and pointed the barrels at the prisoner. He expelled a deep sigh and glanced up at the blue, clear sky. A huge flock of birds traversed the face of the bright, yellow sun.

“F –”

As the squad’s forefingers massaged their triggers, a huge chiral blast interrupted proceedings. Much of the undergrowth along with the entire marine unit was sent flying thirty feet into the air. Most of them returned to the ground well clear of the vicinity. Only the captain remained close. He lifted his rifle, but M. discharged another blast of energy from her outstretched palm, leaving a charred patch of Earth where the captain once stood.

M. unwrapped G.’s bonds. In unison, they unfurled their wings, hers dancing with dark green bioluminescent lighting to compliment and contrast his midnight navies. They flew away from the camp and to the edge of a round, clear lake, hidden behind the broad, grey shoulders of the surrounding mountains.

“Bовξσγ=," she said. The surface of the lake began to ripple. "Β+ηγg οθhл -)6, hфф 8₽γ ηθщe7&! l?рпе."

"Цφς∆§," he replied. A dull, faint whirring noise permeated the scene from the sky. "Ξψо шщ#6 зфλ73, θοπнe64."

"Sцйκσ, υτρфжшб хз*₽8. £gдмяθ ξσрн&."

As the faint sound of human voices conversing in hurried English, Russian, and Mandarin carried up the hill, G. and M. gazed at the sky as a large, octagonal disc skipped upon it and positioned itself above them. With a blinding flash of strange energy, they both disappeared. Three units wearing different uniforms emerged on the edge of the lake as the spaceship hurtled back out of sight.

G. and M. joined their comrades on the bridge. There were a large number of them, and each greeted the newcomers like old friends. It goes without saying that this family that suddenly surrounded G. and M. created more of a sense of belonging than either had experienced before, when they had been apart. Each of them was different to the rest, most obviously and immediately because of their brightly coloured skins. Violet and plum, indigo and purple, teal and dark orange and fire brick (whatever that is). But all of them wore a hot pink tracksuit, indicative of the togetherness that you could feel even without seeing.

They watched through the large, floor-to-ceiling window at one end of the room as three smaller ships burst into the picture. Just like the beings around them in the bridge, these vessels were similar but different, and each of them bore the insignia representative of their disparate political identities. The stars and stripes, the hammer and sickle, the gold stars.

Three photon streams emerged from their ship, their pursuers reduced to a violent but spectacular burst of energy.

G. took M.’s hand in his own as their old home disappeared behind their new one.​

Blizzard Boi

Al F'N Blizzard
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
England, United Kingdom
Favorite Wrestler
"Not So Perfect"

Rain falls on a window, creating a quiet yet noticeable pitter-patter. A few cracks of thunder shatter the sky and the soft breeze whispers through the cracks of the shattered glass. The sound of glass cracking beneath weight can be heard as we see a pair of black boots step onto the shards of glass on the wooden plank floor.

"I always find my mind plagued by thoughts of this place. It haunts me. I see it in my dreams. And I see shadows on my former self and his allies and enemies. From my Ex-Wife to Ricky Daniels, to Robert Steel, hell even Reagan Cole sometimes."

The boots turn away and begin walking away however, we follow the pair of boots as they step over a scorched wooden beam. One boot steps on the wooden beam and embers fly out of it from the impact. We follow the boots into what looks to be a corridor, the walls eradicated by a fire. We see a picture frame on the floor next to one of the boots. A hand then comes down and picks up the picture frame.

“Ah yes. Good times. Among the myriad of bad memories this place feeds me, occasionally it gives me a good memory. What is left of this picture is fortunately one of those good memories. This was quite a few years ago now, six I believe. I was so young. I was so naive, I didn’t see the bigger picture until recently. To think I could get by without any friends at all.”

The picture frame is then dropped onto the floor with a thud. The boots carry on walking through the corridor. A wooden beam cracks and snaps in half, falling to the ground next to the boots. More glass crackles underneath the pair of boots as they make their way through a doorway into an open room that houses a hazelnut wooden desk, a black office chair missing the back support and a few plant pots on shelves with dead plants inside.

“I find it so funny to look back on things and to just laugh and be casual about things. Everyone and everything is always so incredibly serious and I just cannot comprehend how or even why. You just have to take things with a grain of salt and move on.”

The boots come to a stop just in front of the desk as we begin to pan up to see Al Blizzard dressed in dark grey cargo pants, a black t-shirt with the front logo obscured and a hooded leather jacket.

“Take things with a grain of salt… my dad used to say that all the fucking time.”

Blizzard then all of a sudden plants his foot into what remains of the chair, pushing it into a wall and it crashes into the wall and topples over.

“You know how much dumb stuff he used to say to me! My inner soul is consumed by the constant lectures and speeches he used to behold upon me and the rest of our family. Hell, even my br-”

He stops himself. He puts his hands to his face and rubs them down it. He takes a deep breath before continuing to walk around the room.

“I thought I had given everything. I really did. I thought I was completely done. But lo and behold, I am here once again. The fact that you all thought I was done leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. I thought you believed in me, I thought maybe this was finally it, after being around for so long, I thought maybe I’d have a chance. But one injury later I was done. At least both I and you thought.”

A knock can be heard at the door situated behind Blizzard and he turns almost in disbelief. He approaches the door and opens it just enough so that he can see out but we cannot.

“Well, where the shit have you been.”


“You could’ve said that you were going away.”

“I could say the same to you old friend.”

Two laughs then come from the doorway and Blizzard leans behind the door into what looks to be a hug.

“It took you long enough.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Ah nevermind, hey do you want to come and say hi?”

“I think I’ll pass, I have business ventures to pursue, and plus I’d rather not get involved in the Wrestling Biz again, you remember how that went down last time.”

“Hey, it was good.”

“Okay, Mr Perfected One.”

“Anyways, I’ll let you go on your way.”

“Yeah I should go, I have a long trip ahead.”

“Goodbye, old friend.”

“Right back at ya, you old bastard.”

The two seemingly hug again and once Blizzard pulls away he waves and slowly closes the door. Once the door is closed, he turns back in our direction.

“Sorry about that, I had to catch up with an old friend.”

He chuckles and crosses his arms as he walks back toward the desk.

“Like I was saying, a few months ago everything went on shutdown for me both professionally and personally. Because of that, many aspects of my life changed, some for the better and some for the absolute worse.”

He turns toward another picture frame, this time the picture is still intact. In the picture, we can see Al Blizzard standing next to Robert Steel, Violet and Ricky Daniels. His expression changes from joy to a mixture of sadness and anger. As his emotions grow he suddenly rips the picture in two, ironically, the picture is split almost perfectly where himself and Robert are on one half and Violet and Ricky are on the other. He drops the half with Violet and Ricky on the floor and puts the other half back in the picture frame.

“It takes a lot to piss me off, you’d be surprised. But nothing pisses me off like traitors.”

He bends down and picks up the part of the picture with Ricky and Violet on and holds it in his right hand. With his left hand, he reaches into one of the drawers of the desk and pulls out a lighter. He flicks three times on the light before it ignites. Once it ignites, he places a corner of the picture over it and the picture catches fire. He drops the picture to the ground and we zoom in again only to see a pair of boots and the burning picture of his former friends.

“I am going to burn my past bit by bit. If this is my last run. I will make damn sure it means the most. And I’ll make sure you don’t forget it. And you can fucking bet on that.”

The pair of boots walk away into the distance crushing glass and wood beneath them as the picture slowly emits embers and burns into the air. We pan up to see a different picture, this time with two faces scribbled out in red ink, one being Violet and the other being his former tag team partner and eventual rival Ricky Daniels. There are however three more people but their pictures are slightly burnt so it is impossible to make out who they are.

We pan away from the picture and instead toward a TV that switches on and cycles through a couple of old TV programs and some FWA matches before cutting out and displaying some text on the screen.



Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score
I am having the worst insomnia right now.

Every night- Nothing. I can't get to sleep no matter what I try.

And each time I think I'm drifting off- a face appears in front of me.

This one face just sticks with me. Like a ghost. Like a monster.

That face haunts me. So I can't sleep. My eyes just can't stay closed.

Whose face is it?

I think my own.

It scares me, and I don't remember why.

So I stay awake, and when you're having trouble sleeping, you do weird things. I get up and go outside, go out into the street and just stand there. Oh, I never used to do that. I'd say any other person would be insane.

But I kind of found it peaceful in a weird way. Like I look up at the moon, and it's just...always there...and it reminds me of myself. Because I evolve. I change. I become capable of so much more with every day that passes.

So maybe it turns out that this insomnia was the best thing that could have happened to me. Cause it reminds me of what I'm capable of...

...and I'm ready to prove that this week...

...Maybe then I can get some sleep

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Dodgeball: Only the Strong Survive


Chapter 1:
We ARE the Fantasy War Avengers...
And We Will, We Will Rock You!
A young, freckle-faced Tommy walked into Coach Rocco’s office just like he did on most Friday afternoons. The dodgeball team that Coach Rocco, affectionately referred to as “Coach Roc,” led had games every Saturday through the spring. He had sent a text to the kids on his team earlier in the day, asking them to come by his office to go over the next matchup. As usual, Tommy was the first kid to show up.

At only 12 years old, Tommy was an old soul. Hell, he wore a cowboy hat, boots, and jeans everywhere he went. He carried around a pouch of Big League Chew bubblegum, but it was just to throw the teachers off. He had Skoal in the pouch and had been chewing since he was seven. For years, the legend was that he started growing his lovely, voluptuous beard at the age of nine. The rest of the team was a sort of hodgepodge of players that Coach Roc had put together. There was Reagan, who was a dorky kid from England. He and Tommy had had some issues in the past, but for the time being, they appeared to be on the same page. Their teammates were Lizzie, an absolute sweetheart who was occasionally too nice to play a game as ruthless as dodgeball, and Aka, a Japanese girl who had been on a doubles team with Reagan before. She was mysterious, creepy even. But there was no denying the level of talent that she possessed.

These four had been hand-selected by Coach Roc for what he was referring to as a “special game.” He had promised to tell them about the setup when they got to his office.

“C’mon, coach. Go ahead and tell me what the big deal is about this game.”

“Patience, Tommy. Patience. Plus, I don’t wanna have to explain this 4 times. But you should know that this game has the chance to change the future of your dodgeball career if things go your way.”

Rocco had always sort of favored Tommy. Who could blame him? The kid was a hard worker who always went above and beyond to get the win. He was cooler than Reagan, smarter than Lizzie, and not quite as scary as Aka.

Tommy could hear the sound of bubblegum popping as someone skipped down the hallway. It had to be Lizzie. Sure enough, she popped in the door of Coach Roc’s office, her hair up in pigtails, looking as sweet and adorable as ever. She had a puppy in her arms.

“Lizzie, why do you have a dog in my office?”

“Coach, I found this little guy wandering out in the middle of the road. I couldn’t leave him there. Can he be on our team? Huh? Can he? Pleaaaaase?”

“No. No animals on the team. Hell, didn’t this league just get rid of a fucking weasel recently?”

Lizzie’s eyes bugged out and she swallowed her gum at the use of profanity from Coach Roc. Her innocent virgin ears simply weren't prepared for that type of language.

“Sorry, Lizzie. We got rid of a freakin’ weasel that was in this league. Freakin.”

“That’s not much better, Coach. But it’s OK. I know you’re stressed. You wanna pet the puppy? It’ll calm your nerves.”

“No, I don’t want to pet the dam- darn puppy. Just don’t let it shi- poop in my office, OK?”

“You got it coach!”
Lizzie said with a huge smile.


Reagan, looking down at his phone screen instead of where he was going ran face-first into the door frame of Coach Roc’s office.

“Reagan! Pay attention. Holy hell, kid. If you can’t dodge a door that isn’t moving, how can you expect to dodge a ball that’s flying through the air?”

“Sorry, coach.”
His thick British accent annoyed Tommy, who was from deep in the heart of Texas. Actually, everything about Reagan annoyed Tommy. He annoyed everyone, but Tommy was the only one willing to say it out loud.

As Reagan took his seat between Tommy and Lizzie, who was talking to her new puppy like it was a baby, Aka suddenly appeared in the room. Nobody heard her coming, nobody saw her enter, but there she was. It’s no wonder she creeped everyone on the team out. She glared at Reagan, clearly remembering what a terrible partner he was, even though they had won a couple of games. In one of their last games as doubles partners, he had essentially hung her out to dry. He had a history of doing that to partners, though.

The four children (along with Lizzie’s new puppy) looked up at Coach Roc who stood in front of the room in front of his whiteboard. In the eyes of the four 12-year-olds who made up his team, Coach Roc was a dodgeball genius. It was no wonder. The man had been inducted into the International Dodgeball Hall of Fame twice, once as a coach and once as a player. On one side he wrote their team’s name at the top: Fantasy War Avengers. Underneath, he wrote each of their names: Tommy, Reagan, Aka, and Lizzie.

On the other side, he wrote another team name. “The New Blood.” What was that?

“Kids, this weekend, you’re going to play against a team of newcomers. They haven’t been in this league long, but they’re looking to make a name for themselves.”

“The New Blood. Haven’t I heard that name before? Yes, I have! That was the name of a stable in WC……WC…..what was the name of that wrestling company?”

“Yes, Reagan. It was the name of one of the dumbest factions in the history of professional wrestling. But this isn’t wrestling, this is dodgeball. This shit matters!


“Sorry, Lizzie.”

Under their team’s name, Coach Roc began to write down the names that made up their roster. Al, Makima, Madison, and Noriko.

“I don’t recognize any of those names.”

“Of course, you don’t, Lizzie. They’re new. That’s why they’re called The New Blood.”

“What do we know about them?”
Tommy was all business as usual. It’s no wonder that he was Coach Roc’s favorite.

“Well, Al is the biggest kid on the team. Hell, he’s probably the biggest kid on the playground. But, you know what I always say: Bigger kids are easier targets. Besides, he’s already retired from dodgeball once and then turned around and changed his mind. I’m not even entirely sure he’ll show up. Madison is a younger girl, but she’s been playing dodgeball for a few years. Makima, that’s one you’ve got to watch. She does all sorts of weird flippy shit, and Lizzie, don’t correct me. There’s no other way to say it. The kid does some really weird flippy shit. Finally, Noriko is the newest of them all. I don’t know a whole lot about her, seems like a nice kid, but tomorrow, she’s on the other side of the line, and you know what that means.”

“That she’s a friend we haven’t met yet?”

“No, Lizzie. It means that from the time the whistle blows until the buzzer sounds, she’s an enemy. Stop with all this friend-making stuff. Isn’t your blind trust of people why you’ve got people stalking you?!”

“HEHE! I guess so.”

“Anyway, listen. This game isn’t just about beating the New Blood. That’s only the first phase. This game is going to have two phases. First, we need to get rid of their team. Take them out by whatever means necessary. Aim for their faces, hit ‘em in the nuts, do what you gotta do.”

“Uh, I’m not sure about hitting people in the nuts, Coach. That’s kinda Trixie’s thing, and she’s not in this game. Besides, aren’t most of their team girls?”

“I know, Reagan. But anything goes in this one. There’s four of them and four of you. I want the numbers on our side, and I want them there early. And yes, Al is the one with nuts. Hit him there if you need to.”

Tommy was getting annoyed by the stupid questions even more than Coach Roc was.

“What’s Phase 2, coach?”

“Well, Phase 2 takes place when there are only two competitors left. Just getting rid of the other team isn’t enough. When the game comes down to the final two people, they’re going to have to try to eliminate each other so there’s only one person left standing.”

“I have to hit my friends?! Like, the friends I already have?!”

“Yes, Lizzie. If you’re down to the final two with Aka, Reagan, or Tommy, you’re going to have to try to them out."

Aka gave Lizzie a sadistic grin as she tilted her head to the side.

“It’ll be worth it. The person who is the last one standing gets to choose their partner for a doubles match against Michelle and Gerald, the World Dodgeball Doubles Champions.”

All the kids on Coach Roc’s team were awestruck. A shot at the World Dodgeball Doubles Champions was huge. Michelle and Gerald were two of the most feared competitors in the world of dodgeball, and they had just beaten Jeremy and Bryan, who were best friends. They had been playing dodgeball together for a long time and were quite successful in their own rights.

“All right kids, the game starts at noon tomorrow. You know that means that I want you here no later than 11 for warmups. Any questions?”

“Can I bring my puppy?”

“Do not bring that puppy to the game, Lizzie. I don’t need you any more distracted than usual. Oh, and one more thing. The game’s gonna be on TV. ESPN 12 is broadcasting it.”

The kids went from awestruck to excited at the mention of a TV broadcast. Sure, nobody was sure if anyone actually got ESPN 12 in their cable package, but surely, this meant that somebody somewhere was going to see it. As Reagan, Aka, and Lizzie made their way out the door, Tommy hung around.

“Tommy, listen. I need you to be the last one standing tomorrow. Aka has some new teammate she’s wanting to work with that I just don’t know anything about. Lizzie has the attention span of a squirrel on meth, and Reagan…well, nobody wants to be Reagan’s partner. Everybody he works with ends up getting hurt. Hell, the last league he won a championship in shut down not long after he won. I can’t run the risk of him shutting down another one on my watch.”

“You know I’ve got you, coach, I always do.”

Tommy tipped his cowboy hat to his coach as Rocco listened for the sound of Tommy’s boots clacking down the hallway.

“I know you do, Tommy. I know you do.”


Chapter 2
Nobody Makes Me Bleed My Own Blood-Nobody

Tommy, Reagan, Aka, and Lizzie arrived at the gym at exactly 11:00 the next morning. The crowd had already started making their way through the turnstiles, and they were in a frenzy already. Lizzie had held up her end of the deal and didn’t bring the puppy with her. Instead, she had a small orange kitten sticking its head out of her gym bag.

“Coach will not like that.” Aka nodded her head towards the bag as the foursome made their way into the gym.

“I couldn’t help it. He was stuck in a tree. I couldn’t just leave him up there!”

"Again?! Lizzie, you save more cats from trees than the fire department."

The four members of Team FWA made their way around the television cameras and the broadcast table to their sideline. A young man whom none of the players had ever seen before was taking his position behind the broadcast table. His ESPN blazer was two sizes too big, but the lack of organization didn’t matter to the kids. They were going to be on TV. The broadcaster began testing his mic, his words ringing through the PA system in the gym.

“Lizzie, I told you not to bring any animals with you.”

“Coach, you told me I couldn’t bring Rover with me. That’s the dog. You didn’t say that I couldn’t bring Mr. Fluffy with me.”

“Why did you bring a cat to a dodgeball game? Who the hel-heck brings a cat to a dodgeball game?!”

“He was stuck in a tree.”

“Oh for God’s sake. And you had to save him?”

“I knew you’d understand!” Lizzie took the cat out of the bag and skipped across the gym floor, her pigtails waving behind her.

“That girl’s an idiot.”

Reagan and Aka seemed friendly enough considering that they were no longer doubles partners, but Tommy could sense the tension between them. Hopefully, their issues didn’t cause any problems on the team. He at least wanted to get rid of The New Blood before he had to start picking these losers off.

The crowd was filled with friends and family members of the Fantasy War Avengers. Tommy’s mom was proudly standing on the front row ready to cheer her son on. Some of the crowds brought signs while others carried plastic bullhorns. They cheered relentlessly as Team FWA started their warmups.

Their cheers quickly turned to boos as Coach White Goodman, the coach of The New Blood led his team onto the court. Al stood nearly a foot taller than his coach. There was no way that kid was really 12. Had anybody checked his birth certificate? There was clearly some sort of fuckery going on.

Coach Goodman taunted the hometown crowd who had clearly come to support Team FWA and Coach Sullivan. The two coaches traditionally met at halfcourt for a handshake. Coach Roc, always the class act made his way to halfcourt. Coach Goodman started towards him, stopped a few feet shy of him, and flipped him the dreaded double bird. Not one middle finger, but two. Poor Lizzie was inconsolable.

“Mr. Fluffy shouldn’t see things like that!”

“He’s a cat. He doesn’t know what it means. Focus.” Aka was clearly unimpressed with Lizzie’s humanitarian efforts.

The referee had a brief conversation with White Goodman before making his way over to Coach Roc. Tommy couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he assumed that the ref was simply going over the rules of this unorthodox game.

Just before the game was set to start, Coach Roc rallied the troops. He brought all four members of his team over for some last-minute words of wisdom.

“Remember the 5 Ds of Dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.”

A TV producer walked toward the Fantasy War Avengers' bench after meeting with The New Blood. He said something to Coach Roc who made his way toward the bench.

"Kids, get in line. Since this thing is on TV, they want to do player introductions before the game starts. All about production."

The kids excitedly got into a line. Tommy positioned himself at the back. Coach Roc put Lizzie at the front, hoping that he could get her to pay attention long enough to make it onto the floor. Reagan was second, and Aka third.

"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAADIIES AND GENTLEMAN! Welcome to the 2023 Dodgeball Doubles Qualifier Tournament! Now, to meet your competitors. First, led by Coach White Goodman, The New Bloooooooooooood"

The crowd rang out a chorus of boos that filled the gym.

"Introducing first. Standing at 6'3" tall making him the tallest 12-year-old in the tournament...12? This kid is 12? Damn. Standing at 6'3" tall, The Perfect Storm, Al Blizzard!"

Al made his way onto the court, towering over all of the kids who were in the front row and half of the adults.

"Introducing second, standing at 160 centimeters...160 centimeters? What the hell does that come to in feet? Jesus Christ, we don't use the metric system around here. Eh, she looks pretty short. Makima the hell am I supposed to pronounce this?"

Makima, obviously eager about the opportunity before her, cartwheeled onto the court before sticking a flawless double back flip.

"The third member of The New Blood, standing just north of five-feet tall and hailing from Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, 'The Young Lioness,' Madison Gray!"

Madison was momentarily distracted by the diary entry that she was making to document the occasion. Finally, she realized she'd been introduced and hurriedly walked onto the court with her teammates.

"Finally, the newest member of The New Blood, standing at 4'7" tall and hailing from somewhere in Japan, Noriko Kaitomi. Did I get that one right? Where the hell do we keep getting all these Japanese competitors? And that is The New Blood!"

The crowd continued to rain down a chorus of boos over a bunch of kids that was probably a bit excessive. After all, they were just kids. But Coach Roc and the Fantasy War Avengers were more than happy to have the full support of the spectators.

"Now introducing the team that you know and you love. The kids you've been rooting for since they were, well, kids. The Fantasy War Avengers, also known as Team FWA!"

The crowd goes into a state of pandemonium in support of their favorite team. This game would certainly be a home game for Team FWA.

"Introducing first, the smallest member of Team FWA in stature, but also the one with the biggest heart, Lizzie Rooooooose!"

Lizzie happily skipped onto the floor waving to the crowd and blowing kisses.

"Introducing second for Team FWA, hailing all the way from England, Raygun...I mean Reagan Cole!"

Reagan looked up toward the PA announcer with a look that expressed his annoyance with people still getting his name wrong. It wasn't even a hard name, but for some reason, no one cared enough to bother getting it right.

"The next member of your hometown team, the girl who can seemingly make herself disappear and reappear wherever she needs to be on the floor, 'The Ghost,' Aka Yurei!"

Aka stealthily made her way onto the floor with her two teammates. They all eagerly anticipated the arrival of their hero, the best player in the league, Tommy.

"Last but certainly not least. The pride of Sweetwater, Texas. Tommy Bedlaaaaaaaaaaaaaam"

Tommy walked onto the court, taking his cowboy hat off and waving it to the crowd, working them up into an even bigger frenzy than they were already in. Each team of four briefly came together for a brief pregame huddle. They knew the game that had the power to change their lives was about to start.


Chapter 3:
"Ouchtown: Population You, Bro!"

The referee blew his whistle loudly, and for a moment, the gym grew silent.


Team FWA and The New Blood went to their respective ends of the court. Across the middle of the court were four blue, vinyl balls. These were the types of balls used in traditional dodgeball. The kind of dodgeball that was played when kids weren’t afraid to go home with a black eye or a busted lip. You know, the good days.


The players on each side nodded, intently staring at one another and the blue balls that lined the center of the court. The referee dropped his arm, and the whistle blew. Immediately, the referee’s voice was replaced by the ESPN 12 broadcaster who was covering the game.

“I’m Pepper Brooks with ESPN 12, and we’re here at the Dodgeball Doubles Championship Contender Tournament. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a dandy for you tonight that is officially underway!”

Aka, the quickest and most agile member of Team FWA charged to the center line and quickly grabbed one of the balls. Unfortunately, Makima and Al had set up a strategy for the opening moments of the match. While Al lumbered toward the line, temporarily spooking everyone not named Aka on Team FWA, Makima ran up his back, flipped into the air, and landed just on her side of the center line. She grabbed two of the balls as Noriko grabbed the other remaining ball.

“The New Blood has a quick 3-ball to 1 advantage in the opening moments of the match as both teams get set. Who will take the first shot of the game? Aka is holding onto her ball for Team FWA while Al, Noriko, and Makima each have one ball for The New Blood.”

For what seemed like forever, each foursome stalked around their own end of the floor, staring one another down. Makima made her move first, slinging her ball at Reagan who somehow shockingly managed to fall just at the right moment.

“What a move by Reagan! Not quite sure if it was intentional as his scouting report says that he’s a bit clumsy, but either way, that’s a missed shot for Team New Blood and now both teams have two balls. Looks like Tommy grabbed the rebound on the missed shot there.”

Just as Tommy drew back to sling a ball toward the other side, Al grabbed his ankle and fell to the floor. The referee blew the whistle and ran across the floor waving his arms. Play stopped as Al was helped to the sideline.

“Is the big kid out of the game or what? Ref? Hello?”

The referee’s whistle blew as the game got back underway, Coach Roc still looking for an answer.

“It appears that we have an injury of some sort to Al who the scouting report says is a 12-year-old that stands at six feet tall. Yea, if that kid’s 12, I’m the Queen of fucking’ England.”

Lizzie and Reagan both looked at the broadcast table with outrage on their faces. While Lizzie was looking at Pepper, she saw Mr. Fluffy jump out of her gym bag and take off up the bleachers. She took off in pursuit, stepping over the out-of-bounds line as the referee’s whistle blew once again.


“What about the big kid over there? He went out of bounds! Is he out? Ref?”

Al stepped back onto the floor during the stoppage in play, much to the outrage of Rocco.

“WHAT THE HELL REF?! How did he get back in?”

“Folks, it looks like Al is back in the game after taking himself out, but based on my notes, that seems to be kinda normal. He recently appeared in another competition after seeming to retire due to an injury. Let’s see if he fares any better here than he did in tha-“

Before Pepper can finish his thought, Aka slung the ball she’d been holding and nails him in the scrotum. The biggest kid on the court hit the ground with a thud. Once again, the whistle blew.


“Well, that certainly brings a new meaning to the blue balls that are flying around this court today. Looks like Al, the giant 12-year-old is gonna need some medical attention. Fortunately, he appears to be old enough to drive himself to an urgent care clinic.”

Makima did a pointless cartwheel as she continued to live up to her spot-monkey gimmick, picking up the ball that had just bounced off Al’s balls with one hand while she finished her move with another. Once again, The New Blood had three balls while Tommy had the only ball on Team FWA.

Tommy looked to the opposite corner and realized that Madison seemed to be sitting on the ground writing in her diary. That’s right. In the middle of a dodgeball game, the girl was writing in her diary.

“Dear Diary, I’m playing dodgeball. My team was winning for a minute because Lizzie chased a cat out of the gym. I hope she catches it. But then Al got hit in the nards, so now both teams have three people left-“


The ball that Tommy launched across the court nailed Madison square between the eyes. Fortunately, she was a good sport about it. She picked up her diary and the pen that fell to the floor and started walking toward the sideline as the ref's whistle blew.


“Dear Diary, the kid who looks like a cowboy on the other team just hit me in the head with a ball. I’m out of the game now. I think I’m going to go see if I can help Lizzie catch her cat.”

“Folks, I’m not entirely sure what to make out of what we just saw. It appeared that Madison was writing something down and Tommy beaned her square in the forehead with his ball. She picked up the book she was writing in, and it looks like she just went back to writing. The good news for Team FWA is that they have a 3-2 player advantage. Unfortunately for them, they don’t have a ball between them. Instead, Makima and Noriko have allllll the balls.”

With no warning, Makima launched herself into the air and threw a ball with each hand from the apex of her front flip. One of them soared over Tommy’s head, but the other was heading straight toward Reagan. Tommy, always the quick thinker, snatched his black cowboy hat from his head and hurled it through the air deflecting the ball moments before it could strike Reagan.

“What the bloody hell was that?”

“That was me saving your ass, England. Don’t forget it. ‘Merica.”

“What a move by Tommy! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a kid use a cowboy hat to save a teammate, but that deserves a replay! Wait, we don’t have replay? Of course, we don’t. Why would have replay on ESPN 12? Anywho, Team FWA still has a 3-2 player advantage, but thanks to Tommy, they now have two balls.”

Reagan and Aka each took one of the balls on the side of Team FWA and looked at one another. For a moment, they were teammates again, but Aka didn’t appear sure about things. Why would she? Reagan had a history of being an absolutely abysmal teammate. They nodded, seeming to understand what each of them were thinking. Suddenly, Pepper’s voice broke in.

“Folks, I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but there is some sort of furry critter running across the floor. Is that a dog? No, it’s not a dog, but it’s barking. Is it a ferret? Do ferrets bark?”

“Is that a goddamn weasel?! I thought we got rid of that thing!”

“I think that’s a weasel, and it’s heading straight for Reagan. Oh my God, folks! The weasel has jumped up and bit Reagan in the face! We have a weasel attack in a dodgeball match, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything quite like it! Somebody get this kid some help!”

“What the hell, ref?! I thought we got rid of the weasel!”

A man in an animal control uniform jumped out of the bleachers and charged onto the floor. If it seemed odd to anyone that there was an animal control official in the crowd, it probably shouldn’t. Just a random coincidence that may have saved a young man’s life. He ran onto the floor, pulled out a large lasso, and caught the weasel. Unfortunately, Reagan was far too injured to continue.

“Folks, I’m not sure if anyone’s even watching this, but surely it will go viral later. I just watched a human get eliminated by a weasel. How in the hell does a person get eliminated by a weasel? Gah, if I was this kid, I’d be too ashamed to show my face again.”

The referee ordered a guy with a mop to come and clean the blood and weasel droppings from the floor as he tried to restore order.


“Well, the official has made what is perhaps the most pointless announcement in this history of youth dodgeball. But the kid who just got mauled by a fucking weasel….can I say fucking on TV? Of course, I can, it’s ESPN 12; nobody’s watching this shit. The kid who got mauled by a fucking weasel is out of the competition, and now each team has two players and two blue balls.”

Tommy and Aka each had a ball, as did Makima and Noriko, the newest of newcomers to the dodgeball scene.

“Tommy is the last man standing, surrounded by three Japanese young ladies in a scene that looks like something straight out of a [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP]. What was that? Well, I’ll be damned. Looks like we can’t afford replays on ESPN 12, but we do have censors that work. I’m betting I’m getting canned, so let’s have some fun, shall we?”

Each of the four remaining players had a blue ball in their hand. Tommy and Aka, who had never worked together before. As Makima and Noriko huddled together on their end of the court, Tommy and Aka did the same.

“What are you thinking?”

“You’re a bit quicker than me. What if you moved up toward the center line and took a shot at the spot monkey? Just as you throw your ball, I’ll let mine go toward Noriko.”

“Let’s go.”

Tommy and Aka broke their huddle first, and just as they had discussed, Aka stealthily moved toward the center line. She drew her arm back, perfectly aimed at Makima. Tommy, seeing his cue, also drew back, only he threw his ball first. And when he threw it, he drilled Aka straight in the back of the head.

“Holy hell, folks! We have a friendly fire elimination! I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen this in all my years of calling competitive dodgeball! Well, all my months….ok weeks. Fine, dammit. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that in the, let’s see….21 minutes that I’ve been calling competitive dodgeball games. Tommy has taken out his teammate while she had her back turned.”

Aka turned around, a look of shock and pure disdain on her face. Tommy’s face showed the fact that he felt a bit of remorse for what he had done. It was a huge gamble, as he now faced a 2-1 deficit. Rocco charged toward the official and used his one available timeout as the whistle blew again.

“Tommy, what the hell was that?!”

The ref's whistle blew once again.


“I knew he’d do something like this. Does no one remember what he did the one time he and I were on a doubles team together? No one? Anyone? Does anyone even listen to me?!”

“Shut up, Reagan.”

“Coach, Aka, listen. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to get in a one-on-one situation with you, and I saw my chance. I had to take you out when I had the chance.”

Tommy’s apology fell on deaf ears as the crowd continued to murmur among themselves about what they had just seen. Was Tommy an idiot? He had just set himself up for a handicap match against two of the newest members of the dodgeball league. On the surface, it looked like a suicide mission, but Tommy was always one step ahead.

Coming out of the time-out, Tommy finally had two balls. He had been waiting for the moment when he would finally have two balls, and finally, the opportunity had arrived.

Makima and Noriko each had sadistic grins on their face. On their sideline, Coach White Goodman looked just as devious. Undoubtedly, he had drawn up a play that would take advantage of the fact that Tommy was alone.

Tommy wasn’t sure which one of his opponents he should target first. Noriko was newer, so he had a bit less data on her. Meanwhile, Makima, while also new, seemed somehow vaguely familiar to him. She had a certain…weasel-like method in her movements that he was sure he had seen before. Each of them paced around with a ball in their hands. Tommy held onto his two balls tightly.

With no warning, Makima launched her ball at Tommy. Channeling his inner Neo, he somehow bent himself backward, defying gravity, and watched the ball zoom over his face. It hit the wall and Tommy bounced back to his vertical base. Just as he did so, Noriko threw her ball at Tommy. The spry young lad leaped into the air with the gracefulness of a gazelle as the ball went under his feet. At that point, Tommy had all the balls.

“That’s how quickly everything can change, folks. In an instant, Tommy Bedlam went from a man without a team to a man with all the blue balls. Now, can he do anything with his blue balls? Let’s find out. As Tommy stares down his two female opponents, I suppose you could call this 'Two Girls, One C....owboy. What did you think I was going to say?"

Tommy had a decision to make. In his hands, he held the power regarding whom he would go into a one-on-one match with, assuming he hit on his next throw. Who did he want to face? Whom did he have the best chance against? He didn’t know enough about either of them to be too certain. He glanced over at Coach Roc who stood there with his arms crossed. He gave Tommy a knowing nod, reassuring his protégé that the kid had all his trust.

Tommy locked eyes with Makima. At that moment, he knew exactly what he had to do. For a moment, it felt like time stopped. Tommy drew back with all his might and threw the ball. The crowd fell silent. He never took his eyes off Makima.

“Oh my God, I think Tommy may have shown his hand too early, folks! He stared down his target, certainly not something you expect from a player of his caliber-wait a minute! Oh my God, he did it!”

Even though Tommy had his eyes locked on Makima, he had pulled the always difficult no-look strike. The crowd erupted as the loud “PING” of the vinyl ball sounded through the gym. Noriko fell to the ground in a heap as the ref’s whistle blew once more.

“He did it, ladies and gentlemen! Young Tommy pulled off the move! The no-look strike takes out Noriko, the newest member of the dodgeball league. That brings us down to the end of our competition, the one-on-one match that will take place between Tommy and Makima."


Tommy walked back over to the sideline, as Makima did the same. White Goodman stared across the gym at the bench of Team FWA. He was obviously livid about the fact that Tommy had overcome the 2-to-1 deficit.

“Listen, Tommy. You’ve gotta watch Makima. She slides around and flips all over the place. She’s a spot-weasel, I mean a spot-monkey. You’re gonna throw at her, and she’s gonna flip, cartwheel, and do all sorts of other shit that purists like me don’t like. But you can do it, kiddo. You can do it.”

Tommy took a big swig of his orange Hi-C and made his way out to the floor. White Goodman was drawing up some sort of play on a whiteboard, but Makima clearly wasn’t paying attention. Her eyes were focused on the young cowboy who stood between her and a shot at the Doubles Championship.


Chapter 4:
"Line Up, Ladies!"

The ref blew his whistle and motioned for each player to take their place on the floor.


The referee laid two balls on the center line and returned to his post. Once more, he raised his arm into the air, blew the whistle, and the game was on.

Tommy didn’t hang back this time. Instead, he and Makima each charged toward the center line. Of course, her charge included three unnecessary flips, a cartwheel and a back handspring. Each of them reached the center line at the same moment, grabbed a ball, and immediately both threw it. Tommy’s ball went under the leaping Makima while her ball went over his head. Each participant retreated to their side of the court and picked up the ball that had just missed them.

“It didn’t take long for us to get into the action. Both Tommy and Makima threw their balls, and each of them missed.”

The crowd began a slow chant of “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy,” showing support for their favorite competitor. Makima did nothing to hide her disgust toward the crowd that was not in her corner.

Both players stalked the other slowly and methodically. While both of them pump-faked a couple of times, there were no balls flying. Each competitor was obviously looking for their perfect opportunity. The chant slowly died out as the crowd was completely enthralled by the action on the court.

Makima finally grew tired of waiting. She looked up to the sky, seeming to summon some sort of power from the last twinkling star in the night sky on the other side of the gym’s roof, let out a guttural scream, and threw her ball straight at Tommy’s head. She was going for the kill.

As Tommy dove to the floor to evade the ball, his cowboy hat flew from his head. The ball hit his hat, slowing the momentum of the projectile. Tommy scrambled across the floor, scratching and clawing, making every effort to catch the ball before it hit the ground. Just as he rolled onto his back and held his hands over his chest, he did it! Tommy caught the ball, and the crowd went wild.

“I have never in all my minutes of calling competitive dodgeball games seen a move like that, folks! Tommy Bedlam’s hat deflected the ball and he caught it from his ass! Holy cow!”

The referee blew his whistle and charged onto the court waving both arms over his head. Tommy stood up with both of his blue balls in his hands.


“Oh come on! You cannot be serious you fucking Zebra!”

From the sideline, Coach Roc wove a tapestry of obscenities that would hang over the air above the gym for years to come.


Rocco slammed his whiteboard to the ground, breaking it into a dozen pieces. The ref’s whistle blew for what would prove to be the last time. Tommy had two blue balls while Makima had none. With one blue ball in each hand, Tommy knew the play he was going to run. He and Coach Roc had drawn it up months ago, and it was finally time.

“Flip the switch, Tommy. Flip the switch.”

That was the codeword for what Tommy knew he had to do. He took the blue ball in his right hand and threw it, not towards Makima, but towards the panel of light switches on the wall just on the other side of The New Blood’s bench. Coach White Goodman ducked in a move of pure self-preservation, just like Tommy wanted him to. His powerful mustache could have blocked the throw, after all.

As the violent “PING” rang out across the gym, the lights went out. Tommy had thrown the ball with such force that he knocked out all six light switches at the same time. This provided him with the momentary distraction that he needed. As Makima looked to the now dark ceiling above her, there were no last twinkling stars to provide her with the illumination she so desperately needed. Tommy pulled his other blue ball back and hurled it at his last opponent. She cartwheeled to the right, but Tommy had put so much spin on the ball that it curved with her. The ball drilled her right in her face which was only inches above the ground. Her last cartwheel fell flat, as did Makima who landed on her back. The buzzer sounded!


“Tommy has done it! He used both his blue balls to take out his remaining foe! He knocked out the lights with one and knocked out Makima with the other. Tommy gets to choose a partner for an upcoming Doubles Championship match against Michelle and Gerald!”

The crowd went wild once more, and this time for good reason. The referee blew his whistle and ran straight towards Tommy. He lifted the young man’s hand into the air in triumph as the crowd continued to go wild.

Coach Roc ran onto the floor to congratulate his favorite team member. Unfortunately, Tommy’s teammates weren’t as happy for him, but why should they have been? There could only be one winner in this match, and it was Tommy, just like he and Coach Roc knew it would be.


By the time Tommy grabbed his bag and made his way out of the gym, his mind had already started trying to figure out what his next move was. He needed to choose a partner to work with against Gerald and Michelle for the Doubles Championship. As he pulled his cell phone from his bag, he already had some texts.

Hey man, so you're looking for a partner? HMU!

Dude! What a fucking win! I think you know who you need to choose. Let's go.

Been a while. Interested in working together? Congrats!

The compliments were nice, and the people who sent the texts would all make wonderful partners, but Tommy wasn't completely ready to make a decision. Gerald and Michelle were at the top of the Dodgeball Doubles world. They were absolutely the team to beat, and Tommy knew that he would need a partner who was up to a challenge of that level.

It had been a long time since Tommy had been in a doubles match. His close friend James, Tommy's old partner, stopped playing dodgeball quite a while back. There were some other friends from those days, and Tommy would've been happy to work with them again. Unfortunately, life had gotten in the way, people had drifted apart, and Tommy found himself without much certainty regarding who his partner should be.

He had to get this choice right. He had recently lost a mid-level singles match against the dastardly Shawn, the most hated man in the world of competitive dodgeball. The chance to go for a doubles championship could be just the shot in the arm that his career needed. While Tommy wasn't one to show emotion, the power of this moment wasn't lost on him. What stood before him was a potentially life-altering opportunity.

He needed advice. He looked around the now-empty gym. His mom had already left. Coach Roc would probably give him some names to consider the next day, but Tommy wasn't exactly the patient type. Besides, when making a decision of this magnitude, he wanted to act quickly and decisively. The right choice could reshape the course of his dodgeball career. The wrong choice could lead to another loss and another night of wondering what might have been.

No one on Team FWA was an option. Aka certainly wouldn't want to work with him, Lizzie was distracted by the other stuff she had going on like that damn cat, and Reagan...Reagan was still upset about what had happened more than a year prior when he and Tommy had worked together before. No, Tommy would certainly have to go outside of his most recent teammates to find a partner.

Hey, I know it's been a bit, but rumor is you're back in the game. How would you feel about teaming up?

Tommy hit "send," and shot the message into the universe. Hopefully the recipient would take him up on his offer. But, if the person Tommy was texting took him up on the offer, things were certainly going to get interesting.
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Cry me a river
Sep 14, 2022
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“It’s just too dangerous.”

The teenage Jeremy Best heard those words of his mother echoing over and over again in his brain.

“No son of mine is signing up for karate. Why would you even want to do karate anyway? You’re not the fighting type. You’re everyone’s friend.”

“Not everyone’s,
” the young Best remembered responding to his mother. He had presented her with the permission slip to sign up for a local dojo. One that certainly had been taking the Valley by storm in recent months. Nephew-Kai Karate was quickly becoming the thing all the cool kids were doing.

But for Jeremy, the desire to join the dojo was not to be cool.

It was for self-defense.

Jeremy stood outside the Nephew-Kai location on the corner of Lawrence Blvd and Silver Street. The building was quite impressive. Big bold letters above the doors, centered around a large purple octopus protruding from the signage. Jeremy held the unsigned permission slip in his hand as one of the Nephews, as they are commonly referred to at East Valley High, bumped past Jeremy heading toward the door. Jeremy admired the bright pink jackets with the embroidered octopus on the back that each of the students wore as they entered the building.

“You ready for this?”

It was the voice of Jeremy’s friend, Bryan Baxter. While Jeremy was skinny and unassuming, Bryan certainly looked more intimidating with his rotund figure and stature. However, he too was the subject of mockery at school. Mainly due to his oversized figure. But despite his appearance, Bryan was ashamed to admit that he too was not that skilled of a fighter. Barely able to defend himself, much less come to Jeremy’s aid when he wanted to.

“There she is,” Jeremy noted, as he looked through the large glass windows surrounding the building. The star student of Nephew Kai, Michelle. To look at her through just the lens of a high school student, no one would’ve realized how dangerous she truly was. But Jeremy knew what she was capable of.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Bryan questioned. He had witnessed the multiple beatings Jeremy had received at the hands of Michelle. Most recently she had jumped Jeremy after school, really did a number on him, leaving him bloodied and bruised with a nice shiner on his left eye that Jeremy was still sporting at the moment. Bryan had tried to come to Jeremy’s aid, but Michelle easily disposed of him too with a spin kick to his large midsection.

No matter what they seemed to do, Jeremy and Bryan could never get the best of the Nephews. Jeremy and Bryan were lucky that one of the other Nephews, Gerald, had been there to pull Michelle off of him. “He’s had enough,” he had told her, pulling her away.

“For now,” Michelle had laughed as she joined back up with the rest of the Nephews, lighting up a cigarette as they all shared a hearty laugh at Jeremy and Bryan’s expense.

“I have to do something,” Jeremy finally responded. “I can’t just keep getting my butt kicked every day.”

“But joining the Nephews? I dunno man, this doesn’t seem like the answer. Plus, your bully is their MVP!”

“That’s the point,”
Jeremy noted, “that way when I’m able to fight her, it’ll be fair. Not in the parking lot of school but within the rules and regulations of the All-Valley Karate Committee.”

Bryan laughed, “I think we both have seen enough of Nephew Kai to know that they aren’t going to play by the rules.” He paused, noticing Jeremy’s intense stare into the building, never taking his eyes off of Michelle. He hadn’t seen this side of his friend before. Jeremy had always been happy-go-lucky but what he saw was someone who clearly wanted something and was going to get what he wanted. “I’m surprised your mom even signed off on this.”

Jeremy hesitated, “about that.” Jeremy held out the permission slip that was still unsigned.

“Dude,” Bryan said as he snatched the paper from his hand. Bryan spun Jeremy around as he pulled a pen out of his pocket.

“What are you doing?” Jeremy said, slightly protesting.

“Hey,” Bryan assured, “I always got your back, right?” He grinned as he proceeded to forge a signature onto the permission slip and then handed it back to Jeremy. “Congratulations Jeremy Best, you officially have a license to kick some ass!”

Jeremy couldn’t help but wrap his slender arms around his larger friend with a hug. “You’re awesome!”

“I know. I know.”

From outside, still observing through the windows, they could see class was getting underway. The students had lined up in perfectly assembled vertical lines as a man in an octopus mask walked out from a back office. Jeremy and Bryan snuck in quietly through the doors and observed at the back.

The instructor began to lead the class through some karate warm-ups while often berating many of the members for their poor form or lack of focus.


the students all shouted back in unison.



“Splendid! You are all learning so well! Everyone take a breather because I have a very, very special announcement to make!”

The students eased their positions but never stop focusing on their instructor.

“I have to admit, I’m quite proud of the growth of Nephew Kai over the last several months. So much so that it’s allowing me to focus on opening up another gym in South Valley as well. And soon we’ll have dojos all over the Valley!”

The students all clap and shout in approval.

“Now, now - let’s be a little more modest, shall we? We all knew that this was going to happen. You all have been my best recruitment tool, after all. But that’s not all of my announcement because I have to announce a brand new sensei to Nephew Kai who will be leading this branch for me moving forward. Allow me to introduce you to Sensei Billy Scorpion!

Emerging from the back office, a large, tower of a man walked out and shook hands with the Nephew Kai leader.

“Thank you, thank you, it’s a real pleasure.”

“This guy is our new Sensei,”
one of the students spoke up, clearly underestimating the older gentleman. “He looks like he could be my grandpa. What does he know about karate?”

Sensei Billy walked over to the young man who had spoken up, he placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Hahaha, kids these days,” Billy playfully ruffled the boy’s hair, only seeming to irritate the student more. “But then again, I suppose that’s a fair question! I get it, I’m the new guy around here and you don’t trust me. You trust your fearless Uncle! The man who brought you all together! What could a man like me possibly offer you? Maybe you’re right, young man… just… maybe…”

Billy out of nowhere struck with a swift palm thrust right to the throat of the teenager. Jeremy and Bryan both winced at the back of the room as the boy dropped to his knees, clutching his throat in pain.

“I assure you… no… I warn you… do not underestimate me… or you will feel… the sting of the Scorpion!”

The group clapped as Sensei Billy took a respectful bow to their Uncle, who offered a final wave before leaving.

“Now,” Sensei Billy said as he regrouped and prepared to continue the class. But before he can, he finally noticed the visitors at the back. “What do we have here?”

Almost at once, all the students turned around to face the back of the room. All eyes on Jeremy and Bryan. Jeremy could feel the nervous sweat on his brow as all the attention focused in their direction. “Some new recruits? Come on down!”

From the front of the class, Michelle glared at Jeremy as he and Bryan slowly made their way past one of the aisles of students. He could feel the daggers being stared in him. Sensei Billy pulled Jeremy to the front and felt his shoulders and arms.

“Boy, son, you sure ain’t much to look at are ya? I dunno if you’re Nephew Kai material.” Billy turned and looked at Bryan. “But you. Whew! You’re a big boy aren’t, ya! I’m sure we could turn some of that into muscle… you… you got potential.”

“It’s either both of us, or neither,”
Bryan said confidently and proudly.

“Loyalty! I like that! Because the Nephews are certainly nothing if not loyal. Well then…”

Michelle spoke up.


“May I have a word with you?”

“Very well, hold on one second you two.”

Michelle pulled Sensei Billy to the side. She whispered something in his ear before walking back to her spot at the front of her line. Billy eyed Jeremy as he walked back over.

“Now, Michelle here tells me that I’m right. That you ain’t exactly Nephew material after all. What do you say about that?”

“Well, uh… I…”
Jeremy stuttered, “I wanna learn to be, sir.”

“You wanna learn it? Boy, I’m afraid you don’t just learn to be a Nephew. You gotta be built for it! You gotta be willing to do what it takes! Have no fear! Show no mercy! Do you think that describes you, boy? Do you think you have what it takes to be in Nephew Kai?”

“I.. think…
” Jeremy responded softly.


“YES! I DO!”

“See, now that’s better.”

Billy Scorpion began to pace the front of the room, eyeing each line of students before he instructed one of them to grab a wooden block. “Alright boy, let’s see what ya got. Gonna start ya out real simple-like. All ya gotta do is chop this here block… break it clear in two. You got that?”

Jeremy nodded. Seemed simple enough. He’d certainly seen it on television and the movies enough to know this was beginners’ stuff. Billy held out the block in both hands as Jeremy approached. Jeremy hopped back and forth from one leg to another, building himself up before taking a big deep breath.

He lifted up his right arm high into the air and brought it down.


He struck the wood with all his might.

The wood did not break.

Instead, Jeremy just felt a shooting pain up the side of his hand that radiated into his arm. He clutched his wrist in pain.

Meanwhile, the rest of the room erupted in laughter, including Sensei Scorpion. Except for Bryan, who remained steadfast by Jeremy’s side, his hand on his friend’s shoulder offering some consolation.

After a hearty laugh, Sensei began to try and regroup. “Okay, okay, class - that’s about enough. Michelle, come show ‘em how it’s done.”

Michelle nodded, approaching the front as Billy held the block out for her just as he had done for Jeremy. She calmly approached, took a deep breath, and proceeded to not chop the wood but headbutt it clean in half.

Showing little emotion, Michelle turned and stared at Jeremy before returning to her spot in line while her Nephew cohorts offered him a round of applause for her trouble.

“Look kid, I just dunno if this is right for you. Do you even have a permission slip?”

“I.. do…”
Jeremy said, producing the paper from his pocket and handing it to Billy.

The sensei looked it over and began to laugh once again. This time bending over with a deep laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Jeremy wanted to know, clearly confused about the situation.

“My boy, next time you want to forge a signature… don’t put the name as ‘Jeremy’s Mom’! Hahahahahahaha!” Scorpion continued to laugh as now the rest of the students joined in.

“C’mon man,” Bryan said as he leaned in to speak directly into Jeremy’s ear, “we don’t want nothing to do with these guys. Let’s get outta here.”

Jeremy nodded as Bryan led the way past the lines of laughing Nephews, and out the door. They did hear one last message from sensei. “If ya’ll walk out that door, don’t ever bother showing yourselves around here again!”

But that wouldn’t be a problem. Bryan had been right. This had been a bad idea.

“Really,” Jeremy said as he continued to rub his throbbing right hand, “Jeremy’s mom?”

Bryan shrugged. “You never told me her name.”

“Ugh, now what. I can’t keep living my life in fear. I can’t keep being the butt of all the jokes. I have to be taken seriously. I can’t just keep losing to the Nephews!”

Jeremy stopped, leaning against an electrical pole, trying to contain his frustration.

“I’m sure we’ll figure something out,” Bryan said, trying to offer comfort but also being quite unsure himself.

Jeremy felt hopeless. Bryan was a great friend but he needed someone who could truly help him. Feeling like he was resigned to continuing a life of being a nobody, he looked up and saw something posted to the pole. He straightened up to examine the flyer. It was an advertisement.

“What’s that?”

Jeremy smiled as he pulled the flyer down. “It’s what I’ve been looking for all this time.”




The Mustachi-Do Dojo was certainly nothing like that of Nephew Kai.

Jeremy and Bryan had followed the directions out into the woods outside the Valley where a lonesome log cabin sit by a lovely, babbling river. Outside, an unassuming man, perhaps only slightly larger in build than Jeremy himself, sat cross-legged and appeared to be meditating. Of course, the most noticeable feature of this man was his prominent handlebar mustache.

“I guess he puts the Mustache in Mustachi-Do,” Bryan joked, elbowing Jeremy in the side.

But Jeremy paid Bryan no mind. He was fixated on how peaceful the man appeared to be. There was something about him, Jeremy couldn’t quite put his finger on it but he definitely had a good feeling about this. This is where he was supposed to be. This man was going to be the one to help him.

Behind the man, a young woman walked up, carrying a load of chopped-up wood in her arms. She dumped the wood down in a pile near a small campfire adjacent to where the man was meditating.

“Sensei,” she said solemnly, “I have completed the wood chopping.”

The mustachioed sensei opened his eyes. “Beautiful! You have done well, Violet.”

The young woman smiled, clearly glad to have earned the praise of her teacher. She then looked over and noticed Jeremy and Bryan standing by watching them from the distance. “Um, Sensei…”

“We have visitors,”
the Sensei said knowingly with an affirmative nod. “I know. They have been here for a while now.”

“Should I… get rid of them?”

“No, my dear, that will not be necessary.” The Sensei got to his feet. “I think that’ll do it for today, Violet. Head home.”

“But Sensei…”

“I said, head home.”

Violet sighed, but she listened and obeyed her teacher. They took turns offering a bow to one another before Violet scurried off, hopping on a bike and pedaling away from the cabin down a path leading back to town.

With Violet gone, the Sensei approached Jeremy and Bryan. “Welcome to Mustachi-Do. I have been expecting you.”

Bryan looked around with skepticism. “Say what now? YOU were expecting us?”

The Sensei simply nodded. “You come seeking knowledge? Wisdom?”

“We wanna kick some ass,”
Bryan said with excitement.

The Sensei shook his head in disapproval. “Then, I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place.”

“What do you mean? Is this not a karate dojo?”

“Aye, but it is, mate. But karate isn’t about… ‘kicking ass’... as you so eloquently put it. It’s about finding your inner balance. One cannot defend against the physical until you can defend against the mental.”

“C’mon Jeremy, this guy is a nutcase,”
Bryan took Jeremy by the arm, but Jeremy resisted.

“Wait,” Jeremy protested, “we really need your help. We have these bullies… they’re part of Nephew Kai.. and…”

The Sensei held up his hand and shook his head. “I know all about Nephew Kai. They are everything wrong with karate. No one wants to learn Mustachi-Do when you can jump straight to the strike-first mentality of the Nephews.”

“So… can you help us?”
Jeremy looked to his prospective teacher with glimmering eyes.

“How can I say no to that face,” the Sensei chuckled. “But just know, many find my methods somewhat unconventional. But if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it my way. I’ll see you both here bright and early. 5 AM.”

Bryan expressed his discontent. “But it’s a Saturday. I wanted to sleep in. Maybe even watch some cartoons.”

the Sensei confirmed. “Karate waits for nothing… unless… is it My Little Pony?”

“What, no. Why would you ask that?”

The Sensei cut his eyes into a scowl, glaring at Bryan. “Then NO! Karate waits for nothing!”

“We’ll be there!”
Jeremy said with enthusiasm, wanting to make sure that his new teacher saw just how excited he was.


Jeremy stayed with Bryan that night as it was easier to explain to his mom that he was having a sleepover than why he was leaving his house at 5 AM. While Bryan’s parents probably won’t even realize they are gone. Jeremy hated lying to his mother. He didn’t like to lie in general. But this was something he had to do.

They both rode their bikes back down to the cabin and met up with the Sensei. They were not alone as Violet was also there.

And she didn’t seem too pleased to see them. “I heard we had some new students,” she smirked as she eyed both Jeremy and Bryan down. “Yeah… we’ll see how long you two last.”

“Be nice, Violet,”
the Sensei said as he walked out of the cabin, joining the trio of students.

“Good morning,” he greeted both Bryan and Jeremy. “I see you’ve met Violet.” Violet faked a smile and half-heartedly waved at the pair. Bryan nonchalantly sticks up his own arm to wave while Jeremy is much more excited with his own wave. “Some say she is an acquired taste but she has been the only one to withstand my unconventional methods to date. Some may say she’s my star pupil.”

Violet stood up tall and proud listening to the praise of her mentor. “But perhaps you two are up for the task.”

Jeremy nodded fervently. He didn’t exactly know why but he knew that he now wanted that more than anything in the world. He wasn’t typically a competitive person. But something about earning the adoration of the Sensei was all he cared about now. And he clearly thought highly of this Violet. He didn’t know what he had in mind for their training, but Jeremy was ready for it.

“As for me, I am Sensei Krash and I’m happy to be your guide on this karate journey.”

Krash walked away from the cabin, the sound of leaves crushing with each step as he got to a shed behind his cabin. He opened it up. “And now, for your first task of the day.” Krash retrieved three rakes and handed them to each of the students.

Bryan took his and held it up like a joust. “Ah, sweet. We’re gonna fight with these? Awesome!”


“What do you mean, no?”

“No means no.”


“Jesus, you are as dumb as you look.”

“You wanna go lady, c’mon! I’ll shove this rake…”

Jeremy shouted, trying to calm his friend.

“With this rake… you will rake.” Krash pointed to the vast land around his cabin and all the leaves surrounding the ground.

Violet did not question her mentor and quickly got to work. Jeremy and Bryan both walked away, with Bryan clearly frustrated already by the supposed tactics of this so-called Sensei.

“What are we doing, Jeremy? This guy’s chores? Yesterday we saw that girl cutting up firewood for him! He’s not a sensei! He’s a scam artist!”

Jeremy hushed him. “We just have to trust that there’s a reason for this. He said he was unconventional.”

And so the hours went by. The trio raked up every single leaf on the property but Sensei Krash wasn’t stopping there. Next up he had them chop up some more firewood. Krash paced back and forth as the trio held their axes.

“Axes up!” He called out the instruction as the three lifted the axes up.

“Axes down!” They once again followed through, bringing the axes down into the wood.

“I’m about to use this ax for something else…” Bryan commented under his breath, still frustrated at doing chores and not learning to fight.

“Did you say something Baxter?”

he stuttered, “no sir.”

“Axes up!”

And so they continued into late afternoon. “Very impressive,” Sensei Krash noted as he saw the piles of wood created by both Violet and Jeremy. He looked over at the measly pile that Bryan had done and shook his head. “Well, mostly impressive. But I think it’s time for Stage 3. This is where things get really interesting.”

Jeremy, Violet, and Bryan followed Krash into the cabin. Bryan rubbed his hands together, thinking it was finally time that they were going to get into some actual karate action. But instead, they walked into a room filled with mannequins. Mannequins with mustaches.

“What. The. Hell?” Bryan’s jaw dropped.

“This is a very important lesson,” Sensei nodded as he walked over to one of the mannequins. On the counter, he grabbed a container of mustache wax. He proceeded to slather up his hands, rubbing them together before reaching up to the mannequin and began to rub one side of the mustache. Wax On.”

He moved to the other side. “Wax off.”

“Wax on.”

“Wax off.”

“Now you.”

Bryan shook his head. “Nope, I’m done. That’s it.” He stormed out of the cabin as Jeremy chased after him. “Jeremy, I’ve had it. I’ve raked this guy’s yard. I’ve cut up his firewood. But I will not rub down his creepy mannequin mustaches. I got your back and I always will and if you feel like this is something you need to do, then you stay. But I’m out. Mustachi-Do isn’t for me. I’ll find some other way to learn.”

“Fair enough,”
Jeremy resigned. “I’ll see you later, okay.”

Bryan nodded as he headed for his bike and Jeremy returned to the dojo. Violet had already started waxing the mustaches.

“I told you that my methods weren’t for everyone,” Sensei Krash repeated himself. “How about you Jeremy, are you leaving with your friend?”

“Might as well,”
Violet responded with a snark, “it’s only a matter of time.”

Jeremy stood firm. “I want this.” He walked over, grabbed a tube of wax, and began waxing the mustache as Krash gave a smile of approval.

“Wax on! Wax off! Wax on! Wax off!”


The coming days consisted of more of the same for Jeremy and Violet. It was more raking. It was more chopping. It was more waxing.

While Violet continued to follow every task from her mentor, unquestioningly, as more and more days passed, Jeremy even began to wonder if he was getting anything out of this. He still felt drawn to Sensei Krash and wanted to make him proud, but what was the point?

“Is something wrong?” Sensei Krashed noticed Jeremy was chopping wood with much less vigor than usual.

Jeremy lowered his ax, resting it on the ground. “Sorry Sensei, I just am starting to wonder what the point of all this is.”

“Ah, finally the doubt begins to set in with this one,”
Krash smirked. “I will say, you’ve made it much further than most. But I suppose it’s time I let you in on the secret of Mustachi-Do. Violet. Come here.”

Violet nodded and trotted over.

“Fighting stance!”

Violet held up her hands and positioned her feet. Krash circled her.

“Rake the yard!”

Krash went to strike Violet with a low kick, but Violet reached down with her arms as if she was using an invisible rake, allowing her arms to block the blow.

“Ax up!” Krash called out as he now went for an overhead attack, bringing a karate chop down toward Violet’s head, but Violet lifted up her invisible ax, once again blocking Krash’s attack.

“Ax down!” Violet then brought down her invisible ax, chopping Krash right in the shoulder. He dropped down to his knees.

“Very well done!”

Violet stood back proudly before looking over at Jeremy with disdain. “And that’s how it’s done,” she said with a smirk.

“Woah…” Jeremy was not sure what he had just witnessed, “what… just... happened...?”

“It’s all about muscle memory,”
Sensei Krash explained as he got back to his feet. “And as you can see, the best offense is a good defense. That’s how we defeat the strike-first mentality of Nephew Kai.”

Krash paused briefly, a look of concern on his face.

“What is it, Sensei?” Violet noticed the shift in demeanor in her teacher. Jeremy couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy creeping in. She was so in tune with him.

“Well, it brings me to my next point. The All Valley Karate Tournament is in a few weeks. I can only select one of you to enter the Class A Championship. The Main Event, so to speak.”

Jeremy felt his heart sink while Violet looked at him and noticed his look of disappointment. She grinned in confidence, knowing she would be her sensei’s selection.

“Who will Nephew Kai enter? Michelle?”

“I would assume so,”
Krash nodded. “She is their best fighter, after all.”

This was his chance. He could take what he’s learned in Mustachi-Do and get his payback on Nephew Kai and Michelle. “Please, Sensei,” Jeremy pleaded, “I can do it. Just give me the chance.”

“I’m not sure Jeremy. I’m just not sure you’re ready yet. Perhaps you can try your hand at the skills competition instead.”

“Sensei is just being nice. He’s not dumb. He knows who has the best chance to win.”

“Violet, be nice.”

“Yes, Sensei,”
Violet lowered her head but continued to eye Jeremy.

“Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it! We have a few weeks right? I’m sure with your amazing teaching and my eagerness… we can get me ready! Just give me the chance! Please! I can be just as good as Violet!”

Violet held back a laugh while Krash rubbed his chin and then twirled his mustache. “What the hey! I like a good competition! Let’s see what you got!”

Jeremy nearly jumped off the ground with excitement while Violet rolled her eyes.

And so the real training began.


Jeremy attempted to do a one-handed handstand on a fallen tree in the woods but keeps falling. Violet meanwhile mastered it quickly.
Krash attempted to show Jeremy how to meditate.
Jeremy and Violet spar, with Violet easily hip tossing Jeremy to the ground.
Jeremy once again tried the handstand on the tree, but fell, hitting his groin on a tree limb. All while Violet watched on, laughing.
Violet repeatedly slammed Jeremy to the ground. Over and over again. Constantly getting the best of him in their sparring.

After getting tossed to the floor of the cabin once more, frustration was setting in for Jeremy as he slammed both hands down on the floor and stormed out the cabin door. Krash shook his head and followed.

“Let him go,” Violet insisted. “He’s not worth it!”

But Krash walked out onto the porch outside the cabin anyway as Jeremy was sitting down on the steps, his head buried into his hands. Sensei Krash sat down next to his pupil.

“She’s right. You’re wasting your time.”

“C’mon mate, don’t be so hard on yourself. But I think I know your problem. You’re gettin’ in your own way."

“What do you mean?”

“I sense something inside you. A darkness that wants to come out. This obsession you seem to have… it’s not healthy. It’s holding you back. You’ve got to learn to let go of this unhealthy obsession, mate. Or you’ll never be the best that you can be.”

Jeremy lifted his head up. “It’s not even that anymore… I don’t care about Michelle. I don’t care about the Nephews.”

Krash looked at Jeremy curiously. “Aye, there’s still something though. What is it, Jeremy? What is it that’s holding you back? What is it that is keeping you from what you want?”

“I’m not sure…”
Jeremy lied. He didn’t like to lie. Especially to his mentor. He didn’t want to let his sensei down. He wanted to make him proud.

But he knew exactly what was holding him back.

It wasn’t Michelle.

It wasn’t Nephew Kai.

This wasn’t about revenge.

Sure, that’s how this all started. But now that he’s become a student of Mustachi-Do, all he wanted to do was show that he was capable. No, not even that. He wanted to become the best. He wanted to be Krash’s star.

But something was holding him back.

Someone was holding him back.

Jeremy looked back through the open door of the cabin where Violet was doing some stretches.

He could never be Krash’s top student as long as she was there.

“Well, mate, we’ve got to figure it out.”

“And get rid of it, right?”

Sensei Krash nodded in affirmation.

“Then I’ll definitely figure it out.”

Krash patted Jeremy on the back. “Glad to hear it. Now how about we get back to work.”

Jeremy looked at his mentor and smiled.

He was about to get to work.


“Long time no see,” Bryan Baxter met up with Jeremy after school. They hadn’t seen very much of each other in the last several weeks since Jeremy had been spending almost every waking moment at the dojo with Krash. “Was starting to get worried about ya.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Hey, it’s fine. I’ve been pretty busy myself. How goes the chores?”

“You should’ve stuck around. He was right, there was a method to his madness.”

“Eh, I’m fine. I’ve picked up a few pointers myself.”

“Don’t tell me… you didn’t join Nephew Kai did you?”

“Not… exactly. But I have had some meetings with just Sensei Billy. He’s a pretty insightful guy. And he did teach me a few things.”

“Yeah, like what?””

Bryan smirked. “How to take care of business. By any means necessary.”

Normally, Jeremy would have objected to the notion. But he was getting desperate. “Maybe… you could help me out then.”

“Hey man, I’ve told you that I always have your back. What do you need?”

“There’s a bit of a problem with Mustachi-Do.”

“I know, that’s why I left.”

“No, it’s not that. It’s Violet.”

“Oh yeah, she was kind of a bitch. I can see how you could get tired of being around her.”

“It’s not even that. It’s… the bond between her and Sensei. They’ve known each other longer. I can’t compete with that.”

“What do you mean, compete?”

“I’m never going to be his top student with her around. I need… to get rid of her.”

“Get rid?”
Bryan rubbed his chin. “I suppose that’s where you wanted my help?”

“I mean… maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”

“No, no…”
Bryan grinned, “After all that shit she talked at the cabin… I would love nothing more than to test out some of these new skills on her.”

Jeremy was thankful that he still had such a good friend in Bryan. He was even more thankful for what was going to happen next. Sensei Krash would be proud to know that Jeremy had eliminated the obstacle in front of him. That he will be able to become the best he can be. That Jeremy would be Krash’s best student.


Jeremy sat on the floor of the Mustachi-Do cabin, bending forward and stretching out his leg. After a five count, he moved over and stretched out his other leg.

Sensei Krash walked into the cabin with a look of concern on his face. Jeremy looked up at his sensei and could immediately tell there was something not quite right. This was because of the bond he had grown to develop with his mentor. A bond like no one else had with him. “Is something wrong, Sensei?”

“I’m not sure,”
Krash said softly. “It’s just unusual.”

“What is, Sensei?”

“Violet. She’s late. She’s never late.”

“Oh yes,”
Jeremy agreed, feigning ignorance. “That is quite unusual. I sure hope she is okay. Maybe she just needed a day off.”

Krash paused, “Violet doesn’t take days off. I worry something is just not right.”

“Should we cancel our training for the day?”

“I suppose not,”
Krash said with uncertainty. “There is still much training to do.”

Jeremy was pleased by his sensei’s response. Today he would get to spar with Krash instead of Violet. He had his mentor’s full attention. It was just him and Jeremy. It was everything he had hoped it would be.

As for Krash, he noticed something different in Jeremy on that day. His focus was stronger than ever. For the first time, he saw something in Jeremy. He had known there was potential there but for the first time, Jeremy seemed free. Free of whatever was holding him back.

Jeremy would earn the spot in the All Valley, but more importantly… he had earned his spot with Sensei Krash.

Violet never returned to Mustachi-Do.

Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Slam Diego
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Never Better
Fallout 028
Jackson Fenix vs. Katsu

Jackson Fenix sits up on the floor after being eliminated from the CC match and wipes his hair out of his face. Understandably he's upset, but he knows deep down that he has nothing to be ashamed of. For him to have lasted as long as he did in the match is an accomplishment in its own right and something he can be proud of. It also helps that even though he won't be going to the main event of Back in Business, at least he's guaranteed himself a ticket to the Golden Opportunity match later in the year.

Fenix shares some fist bumps with some fans, and he appreciates their newfound support. Not only the newfound fans but the fans that have stuck by him and Nate through thick and thin. At first, a part of him wasn't sure if trying to be good was a good idea. He wasn't sure if he could make it work; he had doubts. He's glad he kept on with it, though. The fans aren't laughing at him anymore; they're showing him the respect that he's earned. Jackson can't help but smile because of how good it feels.

Jackson steps through the curtain of the entrance area, and he's greeted with applause from various crew members and peers. He smiles and nods at them, appreciative of their support. He has a slight limp as he walks down the hall and almost bumps into temporary backstage interviewer Allen Price.

"Whoa, sorry, Price, I didn't see you there," Fenix notices Price isn't his usual cheerful self and looks at Price with some concern.

"Hey Price, what’s wrong?”

"Oh, I've been stuck back here all night on interview duty; speaking of which, how are you feeling after tonight? You didn't make it all the way and win, but you still earned yourself a spot in the Golden Opportunity, so that has to count for something, right?"

"You know, Price, the old Jackson Fenix probably would've put up a big stink about not winning, and he'd go complain to Jon Russnow, but now? I'm feeling good. I didn't win the match, but it lasted nearly 45 minutes. You can say that Golden Opportunity is a consolation prize, and I guess it depends on how you look at it, but it's still better than walking away empty-handed."

"That's a good perspective to have and a good attitude. Chris went into the Golden Opportunity last year, won that, and then won the world title."

"Yeah, and I'm not going to get ahead of myself, but I wouldn't mind repeating that and going on to win the world title. Chris was also seen as a one-note gimmick and a punchline, but now look at him! I'd like the same for me, but I also can't look too far ahead."

"Well, if that does happen, and Chris just so happens to be champ still, I kind of hope you're not as successful, no offense."

"Hey, I get it, but just in case, tell Chris to keep that title warm for me."

"Let's switch gears and move on to your next match, which are you taking on the returning Katsu, formerly Vampyre."

"Wait, so she's not a vampire anymore?"

Allen can't tell if Fenix is serious or kidding, but Fenix looks genuinely confused.

"Uh, Jackson, she was never a vampire, to begin with. She's just going by a new name now; you could call it a revamp."

”Revamp? As in vamp-”

”No, revamp means to switch things up.”

"Oh, well, that's good, I guess. If I'm being honest, I like Vampyre or Katsu, so I'm glad I don't have to fend her off with garlic or put a stake in her heart."

"I'm glad you don't have to do that either."

"Well, I guess I'll have to prepare a different way for my match with her. I’ll see you later Price”

Fenix walks off, leaving Price alone, who shakes his head. Fenix finds his iPhone with many missed text messages in the locker room. Several messages from Nate congratulating him and saying it's time to celebrate, so Fenix gets to choose wherever they go for a celebration.

Before Jackson responds to the text, he notices a voicemail from his Mom. He plays out on the speaker to hear it better.

Hey Jackie, it's Mom! I want to congratulate you and tell you how proud I am of you! I know you didn't win, but no matter what, I'm still proud, and MeeMaw is here too, and she's proud of you too! Keep doing what you're doing and continue to make us proud; I'll talk to you later, Jackie; we love you!

Jackson could almost cry because that's what he wanted most, to make his Mom and MeeMaw proud. Jackson smiles and then opens up his text messages from Nate to respond.
I can choose anywhere I want. I know just the place!


" I know I said you could choose anywhere, but I didn't think you'd choose Chuck E. Cheese."

Nate Savage says to Jackson as he's driving him and his kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Jackson has a big smile on his face while he's covering his eyes.

”Why are you covering your eyes?”

”Because it’s a surprise.”

Nate looks confused and shakes his head.

"No, it isn't a surprise. How can it be a surprise if you already know where we're going?"

Nate shakes his head again, and Jackson uncovers his eyes.

"Sorry, I'm not thinking straight; I'm just so excited. Plus, I've got a million other things on my mind, but this will be nice to unwind a little."

"It's okay, I get it. You have a lot on your plate right now, earning yourself a spot in the Golden Opportunity match after lasting nearly 45 minutes in the CC, and on top of that, you have Katsu on the next Fallout."

"Yeah, man, hey, at least she's not a vampire anymore. That's one less thing for me to worry about."

"Jack, for the last time, she was never a vampire, to begin with. Just because her name sounded like it didn't mean she was a vampire."

"Alright, whatever you say. You know, Allen Price tried to tell me the same thing, and I just took his word for it, which is what I'll do here too."

Nate sighs and tries to change the subject.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me bringing the kids along. I said where I was going, and well, you know."

"Nah man, I don't mind,"
Jackson looks in the back seat where Delilah and Sean are seated. "Hey, are you guys ready for a fun-filled day at Chuck E. Cheese?"

Delilah shouts, which causes her brother Sean to cover his ears.

"Sure, I guess so," Sean says nonchalantly.

"Unky Jackson, are you fighting a vampire?"

Jackson looks at Nate and smiles, but Nate glares at him, and Jackson thinks better of it before responding.

"No, she's not a real vampire. She's just a normal person like you and me."

"Okay, good; I was scared for you because I didn't want you fighting a real vampire."

It's at this time that they arrive at Chuck E. Cheese. Nate helps his kids out of the car, and Jackson is already heading inside. He walks in, and the first person he sees is his girlfriend, Hazel.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be here."

" Yeah, Nate invited me; happy to see me?"

She hugs Jackson and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, of course, but that's it? That's all you have for me?"

"Jackson, we're in a place for kids. I don't think it's appropriate for us to play tonsil hockey in a place like this,"
Hazel leans in close, "Don't worry, there's more where that came from later tonight."

Jackson's face lights up with a smile, and he winks as he catches her drift. Nate and his kids walk up behind them, but soon both run off to play.

"Hey, uh…be good, you two," Nate shrugs, and he orders two large pepperoni pizzas before they all go take a seat. Before Jackson sits, he almost bumps into someone in a Chuck E. Cheese costume.

”My bad, Chuck.”

The mouse gives him a pat on the shoulder and stares deeply into his soul with those creepy eyes. Jackson starts to back away, and he sits next to Hazel quickly.

”So Jack, are you ready for Katsu?”

”Yeah, I guess so.”

”Who is Katsu?”

"His next opponent, formerly known as Vampyra, now Katsu."

"She was a vampire, and now she's named after chicken katsu."

"I don't think that's it, and she was never a vampire."

"Whatever, man, I'm ready for her. I know it won't be easy, nothing ever is in FWA, but I'm ready."

"Look, I know you get along with her, but don't let that get in the way."

"I know, I know. I respect her and all, but at the same time, I want to win. I want to keep this momentum as I head toward Golden Opportunity."

”Remember, just believe.”

”Yeah, believe. I got this, I got this.”

"I'll be in your corner too. I know there won't be any funny business with Katsu, but I still want to be there for you."

Jackson nods in appreciation at that as their pizza arrives.

"That was quick; I'll go get the kids."

"I'm going to go use the bathroom; I'll be right back."

”Is everything okay?”

"Yeah, I have to take a leak."


Jackson finishes up his business and washes up. He splashes his face with cold water.

”Come on man, lighten up!” he mutters to himself.

Still the same old Jackson.

He looks up in the mirror and sees another version of himself looking back at him.

”What does that mean?”

All talk and no bite.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

I’m you, you doofus.

"What's going on? Am I hallucinating? Are you my conscious again?"

I'm the old you. I'm you that you're trying to hide to go soft.

”I’m not going soft.”

Don’t kid yourself. You've gone soft, and no one is buying it.

"What do you mean? The fans are cheering me now."

Yeah, now they are, but soon enough, they'll either realize you're a fraud or get bored with you and turn their back on you because they're fickle.

It's pointless for you to be a goody-two-shoes because, deep down, you're still me. You're still a bad guy.

”No, that’s not true; I’m good now.”

You keep telling yourself that, and maybe it'll come true, but I know you because I am the real you. Why bother trying to hide who you really are, Jack? We had so much fun being bad.

"Yeah, it was fun at first, but it got me nowhere. Being bad never helped me, but being good got me the Golden Opportunity."

"Being bad made me turn my back on someone that just wanted to be my friend, which may have caused them to go off the deep end."

You're still blaming yourself for what Jeremy Best is doing? It would be BEST to let that go; that's not your fault. You did the right thing kicking him to the curb because he dragged you and Nate down. He was dragging us down.

Now you're suddenly friends with this Katsu character? Come on, Jack. Forget all of that respect nonsense and beat her senseless. Show her who's boss!

"No, I won't do that. I have respect for Katsu, and I'm sure she has respect for me. She helped me with that Big Bird situation on Twitter."

She helped you once; big deal! That doesn't mean you owe her respect because you don't owe her squat! Playing nice won't help you beat her, just like it didn't help you beat Mike Parr back at The Grand March!

Oh, that one stung, huh? Did I strike a nerve? The truth hurts, huh, Jackie boy?

"Yeah, I lost against Parr. I didn't win the CC, but I got far. Things are slowly but surely starting to turn around for me, so I won't let you ruin it for me. People are beginning to take me seriously now. People don't laugh at me anymore. I feel better now, better than ever when I was bad. Most importantly, people are proud of me. Nate, Hazel, Mom, and MeeMaw.

You can say all you want, but it won't stop me from trying to improve.

The mirror Jackson is gone, and the real Jackson turns around to find Nate's son Sean standing behind him.

"Dad sent me to come to check on you. Are you okay, Uncle Jack?"

”Never better.”


Apr 28, 2023
Reaction score
Korakuen Hall
A new Beginning.png
Promo 1 Cover Image.png

[ Dialogue Colour Code ]

Present (Current Day) Noriko
Past (5 year old) Noriko

The temperate feather-light breeze tickles my face and scatters the leaves on the ground in ecstatic pirouettes. The early morning sun shines down fluorescently creating various shapes and forming dramatic shadows painting the ground in an exquisite canvas. In contrast, Japanese bush warblers' euphonious melodies synchronize harmoniously, gracing our ears tenderly to set a sanguine ambiance. The rich, earthy aroma of fresh grass and immaculate fresh air fills my lungs with soothing tranquility. I am compelled to snuggle down in blissful contentment as a result of this, practically purring myself to sleep as a result of the experience. However, this isn’t the time to sleep, little one. I think to myself silently. A smile spreads over my face as I peer down at the bashful bundle of joy standing close to me. Her arm extended gripping my hand timidly as she looked up at me with those irresistibly adorable eyes. Small and wide-eyed like a babe in the woods. There's something so precious about her, so naive about her. We continued strolling together at a leisurely and comfortable pace until a sudden flurry of dark and sinister-looking clouds formed above our heads. As we wandered ahead, the once beautiful blue sky gradually engulfed us in gloom and despair. I felt a gentle squeeze of my hand as the little girl looked up at us with a worried expression on her face. I run my hand down her long black hair in one motion and with a gentle smile hold her close, ensuring she remains calm and relaxed. The air feels heavy as if trying to suffocate us under its blanket of gloom.

Let’s run before the rain gets to us.

Come on!

We hurtle down the long and winding cobblestone path giggling uncontrollably. The wind picks up slowly creating a rather ominous and unsettling symphony of howls and squeals behind us. The dense patches of ash-grey clouds consume the heavens above as the sky weeps, and in the blink of an eye sends a downpour of rain down below. The mammoth trees all around creaked and croaked uncontrollably as their sheer agony was unmasked by the vigorous current. The deafening grumbles of thunder rolled out in unpredictable rhythms eventually pounding like taiko drums booming and sending shock waves into the surrounding area.


Several minutes pass by as we fast forward...

The aggravated bombardment of the gods above makes peace for a brief moment, as the low grumbles taper off into the distance now. Small drops of water continue to dribble from the sky in a scattered fashion. They make their way down the branches and patter onto the roof of the temple before us.

I’m all wet!

The little girl yelps and giggles as we sprint into the temple, the rain behind us nipping at our heels.

Me too! I chuckle out of breath behind her, finally catching up.

We were like baby fish, we practically swam here didn’t we?

She nods and smiles back at me.

Like little fishes!

I form my hands into fins puckering my lips imitating a fish and pressing my nose up to the little girl’s nose. I widen my eyes playfully. The girl copies me without missing a beat as we both giggle together.

Come on, let’s move. The ceremony needs to begin as soon as possible.

I grab her hand as we enter the temple, greeted by the extensive array of ancient architecture all around us. Further down the corridor, a small room awaits us at the end. The room is quaint and serene with candles circling the area equally placed apart, flickering persistently lighting up the room. This gives it a warm and cozy tone. A small chabudai table rests alone in the center of the room; a fireproof cloth draped over the table with a wooden pyre mantled on top, and tatami mats covering the floor below our feet. On each wooden pyre a doll clings to and stares back at us with blank expressions. We steadily approach the table. Each of them is similar in appearance to the opponents in the 8-man match about to happen this weekend in FWA Fallout. It seems however that one of the dolls (Noriko) is missing from the pyre.

As we approach, we settle down in front of the table settling down on our knees respectfully. I close my eyes and sit in silence, taking in this precious moment and then opening them again moments later. The young girl unsure what to do, follows along. My eyes are fixed on each doll in front of me before speaking softly.

In my culture, dolls are an integral part of childhood. At least, they were for me personally.

I take one of the familiar-looking dolls off the pyre with a cowboy hat strapped to his head and hand it to the little girl to play with while I continue speaking.

Children all around the world have their favorite dolls, keeping them close to their hearts and becoming confidants for the child. As a child, my dolls were more than just playthings. They were the only ones who could understand what I was struggling with in life. They understood what I was talking about, and all of the troubles I was dealing with at that moment. They developed a precious soul of their own. Japanese culture says dolls hold fond memories of the past, while even having souls attached to them. So simply disposing of them would be rather difficult, with many people feeling there will be spiritual repercussions if they do. Dolls are very susceptible to becoming tsukumogami (付喪神) when they reach a certain age and can often become fueled by anger and sorrow at the sign of their sudden abandonment. So ceremonies such as ningyo kuyo (人形供養), help owners like myself say goodbye in a more –

She turns to the little girl who's staring at the detached head of the cowboy doll in one hand. She also stares at the rest of his body in the other.

– dignified way...

I gently pull both pieces away from her and chuckle lightly while shaking my head in disbelief. The little girl, however, seems unbothered by me yanking the doll from her so suddenly.

I’ve been through a lot in my life, and so have my dolls; whether it was sadness, joy, or confusion. From birthdays to heartbreaks and everything in between. I’ve experienced them all in an unforgiving twister of emotions over the years. These are feelings that I, as a child, often had to learn the arduous way. I turn to the younger me to my right and smile. It will get better, I promise. I turn back towards the dolls sniffling slightly as the weight of emotion overwhelms me. Reflecting on the past feels too heavy. These dolls that sit here before me today, the people they represent, and the spirits associated with them especially will soon deal with something much more real. Something I know myself and something many people find challenging to adapt to and accept.


Growing up, my sister and I didn't have many friends. When my parents suddenly walked out of our lives, it was up to me to not only look after my younger sister, but my grandparents as well considering they were getting older by the day. I had to accept the fact that change was here. It was inevitable, this is how it had to be. Just like the entire FWA, they will have to adapt to and accept my presence. So there I sit, a hopeless and naive thirteen-year-old girl often asking myself; much like my opponents will whisper this weekend ... 'Why me?' All of this change has suddenly swept into my life. It was overwhelming. Can you imagine? What does all of this change do to a thirteen-year-old girl's psyche?

A smile creeps upon my face as I slowly run my hand across the collection of dolls in front of me tilting my head ever so slightly.

Trust me, I know I'm not accustomed to this company. I'm also aware that because I'm a newbie some people will assume that they can somehow sense this hypothetical weakness inside of me; like they have some sort of sixth sense.

Disagreeing with this notion, I shake my head faintly.

You have no idea what I’m capable of achieving and how high I'm capable of climbing. Of course, they'll try to take advantage of my newness. That much is obvious. However, unfortunately for them, whether they like it or not I've already won this match. You see, some of these opponents have been here a while, some for a longer period of time than others. I'm new. Me losing this match won't harm me in any way whatsoever. It's a learning experience. I'll lace up my boots and prepare for the next one. How many other FWA superstars can say they got a number-one contender match after signing with the company? Not many I can imagine... And I can't imagine it will be the same for them after this match. It'll demoralize them, and psychologically cripple them when I emerge victorious.

Amused by this, she turns towards the little girl to her side.

Losing to a newcomer, can you imagine? What's the point of staying here for so long?

They both laughed simultaneously.

My opponents and everyone else in the FWA will have to adapt to the domino effect that’s about to occur when I arrive. Things are about to change for the better and piece by piece everything will fall into place the way it belongs. I've proved everyone who doubted me wrong for the past few years already, and this weekend will be no different. At the end of the night, nobody will look at me as a newcomer anymore. They'll see me as a legitimate threat. While the rest of the upcoming talent dip their toes into the water, test it out and decide if it's okay to plunge in, the more experienced ones will already be in the water waiting for them to come in. However, there's a shark in the water that they haven't yet accounted for and won't see coming until it's too late...


I playfully chomp toward the little girl like a hungry shark as she squeals before copying me.


I pick up one of the candles and turn to the little girl beside me, smiling.

Are you ready, Noriko?

She nodded in anticipation of picking up a candle of her own.


I grab hold of her hand and she grabs mine as we light each doll one by one. In an instant, each doll is suddenly engulfed in flames

The past has been tough to handle. However, it’s time for me to finally accept the change that’s happened in my life. It’s time to let go of negative memories.

It’s time to find a new partner.

Because eventually, every childhood ends.

I look back at young Noriko who’s smiling back at me. As we continue to hold each others’ hands the younger version of me dissipates piece by piece and eventually vanishes into thin air. This is as if she was never there in the first place. A mirage. The burning of the dolls fills the air with billowing smoke. A tear trickles down my cheek slowly as the emotion overwhelms me again.

Almost on cue, the sun shines outside through the temple entrance behind me, filling the room with brightness. The vicious rain downpour has stopped, it seems. A medium-built man can be seen standing in front of the entrance dressed in a traditional all-black yukata. We can't tell who it is by his face. He nods to me as I nod back toward him without saying a word. The dolls continue to burn uncontrollably as their demure faces remain unchanged until they are entirely consumed by the ferocious lick of the flames. Their tiny bodies crumble into dust. Before I stand up I see one more doll next to me where the young Noriko was once sitting, lying there staring back at me with an empty gaze. I smile down at it and run my hand through the doll’s hair again. It’s time to forgive myself and forget about the past and move on. I leave the doll where it is and gracefully stand up from the position I was in. I walk towards the man at the entrance slowly; not looking back at the burning dolls for even a moment. I smile as I look down at my feet while walking.

I’m going to be okay.

I mutter quietly under my breath.

Everything will be okay.


Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
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Jason Randall vs. Derrick Hunter

The last thing I remember was competing in the King of the Deathmatch. I was in a match with Jeffry Mason, and he took me to my limit. I know I didn't win and needed assistance in leaving the ring, but everything after that is a blur.

I wake up and find myself in a place I don't recognize. I look around the room and see a window, but outside the window is a black void of nothingness. I look down at the navy blue tracksuit I'm wearing as I sit up in my bed. I wear clothes I've never worn before, but judging by what I'm wearing, it should give away where I am or who I'm with.

"Good to see you awake."

I look over, and Marcus McClain stands in the doorway wearing a black tracksuit.

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

Marcus walks over to me and sits beside me on the bed.

"You always forget, huh?"

"I guess I do because I have no idea where I am."

"Nowhere in particular; it doesn't matter."

"Okay then, how did I get here?"

"I brought you here after your match with Jeffry Mason. You were pretty banged up, so I asked Uncle if I could take you somewhere to get taken care of, and he gave me the okay, and here we are."

"How long have I been here?"

"A few days."

"A few days? Where's Penny? Does she know I'm here?"

"Penny is at home; she knows you're safe. "

"What about the CC?"

"You're out of it due to the beating you took at King of the Deathmatch. You don't need to participate in it anyway; you could use the rest."

Silence falls over the room.

"Why am I here again? Other than tending to my wounds."

"I wanted to show you something."


"Well, at least you got the right color tracksuit for me, but I'm not one to wear tracksuits."

"Yeah, but if you want to be a Nephew, you'll have to get used to it."

"Wait, who says I want to be a Nephew?"

"I thought everyone wanted to be one, at least deep down inside."

"I have nothing against them, but I don't know. Why would I need to join the Nephews?"

"That's why I brought you here."

Marcus and I are inside a vehicle back on Earth (I'm guessing) and sitting outside a home.

"Where are we?"

"Tampa, Florida."

I realize right away the significance of why we're here. This is where Marcus lived before he joined up with the Nephews. This is where his brother's family lives. The door to the house opens, and out walks Marcus' sister-in-law Lauren, and next to her is Micah McClain.

"Wait, Micah is back on Earth?"

"No, that's one of the many McClones that Uncle had made. Micah McClone and Marcus McClone watch over his family while my brother and I care for Nephew's business."

"Do they know they're clones?"

"Lauren and kids? No, they think it's the real Micah and I."

"Okay, but can't they watch FWA on TV and see you helping the Nephews? Wouldn't they realize what's going on?"

"I don't know, I never thought about that. It's not that deep, I guess."

"None of this makes sense."

"I'm showing you this because I want you to see what the Nephews can do for people they care about. Yeah, you have Penny, that looks out for you, but she won't always be there. We can be there for you."

"Nephews have a bad rap, but we're not that bad. People have this misconception about us and choose to believe it without thinking for themselves."

"Except for Thomas, he's kind of a dick."

"Yeah, even he would admit that."

"Having someone to look out for me isn't the worst idea. Everyone else is in some group or an alliance in FWA except for me. I haven't had anyone since Penny stopped competing."

"I had an alliance with Reagan Cole; I guess you could call it an alliance, but it was more like a team, but after that Tag Warz tournament, we don't talk. He's too wrapped up in his issues with Mason."

"You don't want to be friends with Cole. The guy couldn't even break down a door to save me from getting jumped by the DSI."

"You won't let that one go, huh?"

"All I'm saying is if he cared enough, he would've mustered up all the strength he had to break down that door. Anyway, I digress. What I'm saying is that the Nephews won't let you down. We'll have your back, no matter what."

"Listen, just think about it, okay?"

"Alright, I will. I guess now all that's left is for me to beat the piss out of Derrick Hunter in New Orleans."

"Is that how you're going to end this?"



White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Diary, Dear Diary…

"Really, are you sure you want to read this?"

This entry is not written in ink. These pages are not written with a sharpened point of graphite. This symphonic and rhythmical creation of beauty with words is written with the blood of a sacrifice. The encumbered mind of a force is laid out within the first entry of her diary. Foreword dedicated to the mute lamb soon to be slaughtered.

Diary, Dear Diary… By my side, a Princess, our words sewn together by my mother, our power forged by my father. Our world nurtured, controlled, and developed by me. We two have always been one. But who, or what, is Keres?

Silence. It’s an all too familiar sound, isn’t it? So distinct, yet… unique to each individual being. The quiet hum, for some. The never-ending ringing in the head, for others. Diary, Dear Diary, what do you hear in the silence? For I, tis a void of sound; the ears of a Deaf person. A world gone mute has been my solace. Black solitude, with sprinkles of a rainbow and the orchestration of my whims, has been my ideal. The laughter of a toddler, the chuckle of a ruler, and the cackling of a deity echo throughout my silence for others to endure. I put a lock on my world and only use the key when I see it fit… This keyhole now showing the shape of a rose, so Diary, Dear Diary, tell me why a weak man tries to pick the lock?

“Keres, I’m back!”

Keres’ eyes spring open, her head twitches to the side, and the world around her explodes into existence. A scene akin to depictions of the big bang; furious and fast explosions, colors and sounds bouncing off each other, and what was once a space of nothing is now occupied by the purple-leaved tree of the TORN Universe that binds her parents, a vast never-ending garden of flowers, and her “sister” Princess Nova, whom she holds close to her heart. Keres sits cross-legged at the roots of the tree, in front of her parents, completely covered in a black cloak and hood, only her face showing.

“Oh! I’m sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to.”

“No, my dear sister, you did not. Do not worry yourself. I was engaged in a conversation.”

“Were you talking to your mother and father? It is good to talk to your plants, I mean, since they are a part of the tree now, I figure that would still count!”

“I was conversing with everyone… and with no one. I speak through the silence to those which I cannot see, and which cannot see me. But there is an understanding with how we communicate.”

“Oh, you mean those people! You know even after being here for so long, I still don’t know how to do that. I guess that’s one thing that’ll always be a mystery to me. But to you-“

Princess Nova walks over to Keres and boops her on the nose, which puts a small smirk on the face of The Daughter of Demise.

“To you it comes easy! Every day I see more and more of why Eden and Slate knew you’d be something amazing!”

“I do not mean to be rude, my Princess, but I require silence. I must prepare.”

“Right, for your match against Joe Burr. I really don’t understand why he is so focused on getting in our way-“


“He has to realize that this ends one way for him and that is-“


Keres whips her arm out of her cloak and snaps her fingers, plunging the world around her back into complete darkness, giving her what she requires. Silence. Solitude. Solace.

Diary, Dear Diary, I mean her no harm. She is fine, I have simply gone beyond her perception. Oh, but the princess does raise a rather important question… Diary, Dear Diary, why does Joe Burr think Elizabeth needs his protection? With my eyes closed I can see the obvious. Even you can read between the lines and see that this foolish man grips onto the back of Elizabeth the way a parasite latches onto a host to survive. She stands on the precipice of greatness yet Joe Burr slithers in the shadows, coils around her, constricts her, and drags her away from the edge. I ask you again, what do you hear in the silence?

Keres opens her eyes and reveals them to be solid black and as reflective as a mirror. The void around her mimics her eyes and all reflections are sharp shards of herself. Every direction, every angle, every jagged piece of the TORN Universe reflects Keres back onto herself. She watches herself, watching herself, watching herself. I’m watching myself. I see the beginning of something great and the end of something past due. I see everything and I know the next entry, the next page, the next chapter…

Diary, Dear Diary… I am deaf to all except what I desire and what will come to be. In the absence of sound, I manifest what I see… let me show you a glimpse of the TORN with a snap of my fingers.

The TORN Universe spirals into those dark reflective eyes of mine and on the other side, hanging upside-down from roots that seem to come out of nowhere, is yet again, me. Despite being upside-down, my cloak and hair remain perfectly in place, not obeying the rules of your reality.

Diary, Dear Diary, in this silence I hear a beautiful symphony. A sultry symphonic rendition of the Screams of Joe Burr.

Diary, Dear Diary, I gaze upon a sea of blood and tears as the pain and fears of Joe Burr come to light.

Diary, Dear Diary, I feel the cold flesh and hot air of a gasping Joe Burr that clings to the vision of the last twinkle in his eye. Me.

My grip tightens in more ways than one, in more ways than he realizes, and in more ways than you realize, Dear Diary… You read my words, you hold my words, you see my words, and you understand… Joe Burr is but a footnote, a quick citation in these words… Joe Burr once said that Elizabeth’s life has been made a living hell since Eternal arrived…

Diary, Dear Diary, I beg to differ. Elizabeth has never been more on. Being with Joe Burr, it’s a miracle she survived. Seeing as he’s always been a… moron. He is incapable of many things, let alone understanding why Elizabeth must walk this path. Why she needs to tear away from what is and to walk by the side of Eternal. Joe is in the way… of something powerful. Something that needs to be rescued, refined, and controlled. Given a suit of impenetrable armor so she may face the world and the people that have done her no good. Joe Burr is incapable of surviving on his own, a failure at reaching his potential, and he drags Elizabeth further away from hers. She must be saved, and he must be ended… There is nothing missing from the recipe that is Elizabeth Rose… but there is an extra ingredient that is tainting it, holding it back from unleashing its full profile of flavors and leaving an everlasting taste on the tongues of those at the table.

Diary, Dear Diary, the life of Elizabeth Rose has not been made a living hell, rather, she has not been able to make others experience her hell. Eternal cares for her… the TORN Universe cares for her… I care for her. Joe Burr is not her protector. He is a danger. He leads her astray… I will lead her to her full potential. I will lead her away from what plagues her. Joe Burr fights a battle he has already lost countless times. The wind his words produce cannot strike down a paper wall and they do not rattle me. When my hand rests on his windpipe… his whimpers will not sway me. His gasps will not speak to me. His life does not matter to me. When he is gone… the rose will blossom… the caterpillar will become a butterfly.

The roots that Keres hangs from begin to circle her entire body, encapsulating her in almost a full cocoon, except for her head. The roots tighten and the sounds of cracking, squishing, and gushing echo all around Keres. One final, loud, crunch is accompanied by the sound of glass shattering as the reflective world around her falls apart and her head goes limp to the side, with a twisted smile on her face. The root cocoon and Keres’ body recede into the darkness… and, in turn, out of the darkness comes a massive figure.

This gigantic figure is… the tree of the TORN Universe, only now it is in the shape of Keres. The bark of the tree making up the shape of her face and body, the purple leaves making up her hair. It stares forward, emotionless, as if peering directly through to you. It raises an arm and opens its mouth to let out the sound of an old-school ticking stopwatch.

Keres snaps her fingers and, in a flash, she’s back in the garden. Princess Nova, who had been waiting patiently, sits next to her.

“Welcome back! It’s always weird when things sort of pause here whenever you do that. That raven was just floating in the air for five minutes. Anyway, how was it? Did they listen to you?”

Keres lifts her head, her eyes now back to normal, looks over at Princess Nova.

“We shall see. They may have listened… understanding is a different story. But one thing they can be sure of… the dismantling of Joe Burr is certain.”

“So, how are you going to handle the match?”

“Alone. I must give the world a glimpse of myself… by myself. Although their eyes have witnessed me… they have yet to truly see me. At the expense of Joe Burr… They shall see me. You know what is required of you, in this situation. I need not elaborate, correct?”


“Let us tend to our garden. The silence of Joe Burr beckons… and the rose needs to be watered.”

Keres stands and starts to walk into the never-ending field of flowers while Princess Nova follows closely beside her.

“Diary, Dear Diary... His praises shall be sung by the choir more than ever before… Then they shall weep as he is broken piece by piece. Shattered. TORN. Silent.”

The TORN scene begins to fold in on itself and close like a book. The book is classic in nature, the front cover made of a mix of cloth and paper. The cover of the diary is adorned with a large sunflower. one corner trimming of the diary similarly has a sunflower on it, while the other simply has an ornate floral design on it. The book lays on an old wooden table bearing the wear and tear from lifetimes of use. Slowly reaching towards the book, and proceeding to grasp it, is a pair of hands leading to black sleeves. The book is lifted from the table and out of view. The scene turns around in a blur to meet the face of Keres behind it.

Keres holds the book out in front of her with one hand while she stares forward, emotionless, as if peering directly through the scene. A never-ending ticking can be heard in the background. Keres opens her mouth and puts on a twisted smile that allows a deep violet liquid to escape from her inside her mouth and drip onto the floor, making a sound in tune with the ticking. Her eyes go a solid black. Her voice acts as if it is playing on two audio tracks at once. The faint ghostly giggle of a toddler can be heard in the background.

“Be not afraid. This is my diary. Do you want to read it?”


It Grows, It Crows
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Bellatrix Bordeaux in…
“The Book of Amélie”
May 4th 2023
Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
“Bordeaux Ranch”


It’s been two long, boring days since Trixie and her brother Bret learned of the passing of their great-grandmother. It came as a surprise to the pair, mainly because they didn’t even know that she had existed. Well, obviously they…well, Bret knew that they had bound to have a great-grandmother at some point, but it hadn’t dawned on him that she would still be alive. Well…she isn’t now, so I guess that sorta solves that mistake, unfortunately.

In another depressing turn of events, due to the passing of Bret and Trixie’s parents 14 years ago, and their grandparent’s passing at separate points years prior, Bret and Trixie are actually the last surviving relatives of Amélie Bordeaux (their great-grandmother). As a result, and since Amélie had written no will prior to her death, all of her belongings had been handed down to Bret and Trixie, and well…


…here they are. Roughly 5120 miles away from their tiny little apartment in Baton Rouge, they walk up the long path towards the old house that sits towards the back of the sixteen-acre ranch. Given that it’s a mostly sunny day, with temperatures reaching a pleasant 72°F, the pair are dressed accordingly, with Bret donning a plain white t-shirt, dark blue jeans and a worn pair of white Adidas sneakers, and Trixie sporting a loose-fit white/pink/yellow patterned tank top, light blue denim short shorts, and a pair of black and white Jordans.

“You didn’t have to come, ya know,” Bret says, as he and his younger sister stroll up the path towards the aged building, “you should be home, preparing for your big title match coming up.”

Trixie doesn’t respond. She’s moving forward at the same pace as her brother, but the dotty young woman looks to be in a world of her own. Unaware of this, Bret continues.

“It’ll be a tough old fight, Trix. I mean, the guys you’re up against…well, you know, you’ve been in the ring with all of them. Hell, you’ve beaten that Darius dude and XYZ in tag matches…I mean, granted, you had help, obviously, but still, a win’s a win…and as for Shawn Summers, well, that didn’t go too well for you the first time ‘round, but that was your FWA debut! You’ve come such a long way since then!”

Sounding as though he’s trying to convince himself more than his sister of her chances in this match, Bret continues, with Trixie still yet to utter a word, or even acknowledge that her brother is rambling on…or even blink, for that matter.

“I mean, since your match with Shawn Summers, you’ve picked up big tag win and made a whole bunch of “friends” along the way. You picked up your first singles win! That’s fucking huge, right?! I mean, after your loss to Reagan Cole, you went on a three-match win streak! Like, holy shit!” Bret says energetically, trying to pump his sister up and flood her with confidence. “Like, the fact that I can count the amount of professional wrestling matches you’ve EVER had on two hands and still have room to spare, AND you’re in the biggest wrestling company in the world, AND you’re going on massive win streaks….”

Bret turns his head and momentarily stares at his sister with prideful eyes, all the while Trixie just moves on forward, almost zombie-like, still yet to so much as blink.

“And hell, I know you came up short in that deathmatch tournament, but…” Bret pauses, the memories of watching his little sister be subjected to the torture that Jeffry Mason is known to dish out during his matches, rush to the forefront of his mind, and a sea of pent-up emotion floods his eyes. “...seeing you locked in a cage with that monster, and having to watch on helplessly as he beat you to within an inch of your life was one of the most difficult and painful things I’ve ever had to endure, and I only had to watch….”

As Bret relays the horror he felt at having to watch his sister go through the hell that Jeffry Mason put her through at the KOTDM Tournament, Trixie still shows no sign of life. No flicker of an indication that she’s even listening to her brother pours his heart out to her.

“Trix, the sheer fucking heart that you showed in that match, against by far and away the most savage motherfucker I’ve ever seen in my life. I mean, it was difficult for me to watch, but…” Bret pauses once again, his eyes filled with meaning and fire. “You made it so I couldn’t look away. You, Trix…in your eighth match EVER. Your sixth match in FWA. You stepped into a cage filled with weapons and bad intentions, against an evil man that thrives in that environment, and you gave that bastard a fight that he wasn’t expecting to have, and in doing so, you let everyone in the FWA know, hell, you let the whole damn WORLD know, that stepping into the ring with Trixie Bordeaux ain’t gonna be no skip around in the park!”

As Bret continues his heartfelt motivational speech, Trixie remains…unblinking.

“...and when you step into the ring with your good pal XYZ, and that demented son of a bitch Darius, or Death, or whatever the fuck, and that absolute fucking stain on humanity Shawn Summers…well, you’re gonna let all three of those jackasses know that this little “Bundle of Fun” ain’t no goddamn pushover. You’re gonna let those jackasses know that Trixie Bordeaux ain’t no easy win. Come the end of that match, you…Bellatrix Bordeaux! Are gonna let the whole damn world know! That you are THE! FWA! TELEVISION CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!” Bret exclaims with excitement, as though he’s the one that’s competing in this match. Bret looks at his sister once again, hoping to see her a little more pumped up…

…she isn’t.

Instead, she remains completely entranced. Seeing this, Bret slowly waves his hand in front of Trixie’s face, hoping to see any sign that his sister’s home.

…she isn’t.

Bret sighs dejectedly. He had just given her a heartfelt, motivational speech that wouldn’t be out of place in a Rocky movie, and she hadn’t heard a single word of it.

“Fuck sake…” Bret mutters, before rubbing his face with his hands, looking slightly annoyed.

Staring at his sister for a long moment, Bret smirks, looking as though a lightbulb has exploded into life in his mind.

Stopping a moment, letting his dotty little sister take the lead, Bret creeps up behind her, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Reaching out with both hands, Bret creeps ever closer, his fingers mere millimetres away from the sides of Trixie’s abdomen, and then…

“BZZZZZZZZ!” Bret sounds, as he digs his index fingers into each side of Trixie’s torso, mimicking an electric shock.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Trixie yelps in shock and distress. Jumping clean off her feet, performing a 180° turn in mid-air, and landing on her feet in an almost cartoonish fighting stance.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bret laughs hysterically.

“BRET!?” Trixie shouts in recognition and anger as Bret continues to laugh.

“HAHAHA! Look at your fucking face!” Bret says, pointing at his pissed-off little sister.

Trixie, whose expression lets us know that she knows full well that she’s being made to look a right numpty, stares at her brother with fury in her eyes, all the while her rage bubbling up as her breathing intensifies.

Seeing his sister on the verge of a nuclear explosion, Bret’s laughter intensifies…

“HehehehAHAHAHAHA! You got fucking steam coming out your ears!”

…and, with Trixie not exactly being known for having a long fuse, the bomb goes off…

“WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Trixie bellows thunderously, as she charges towards her brother with evil intentions!

“Oh shit!” Bret yelps in terror as the vicious animal charges towards him, causing him to bolt in the opposite direction as fast as he can. “It was a joke! It was a joke! I’M SORRY!” He pleads amidst laughter as he runs around in circles, trying to avoid an altercation with his enraged sister.

“I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” Trixie screams furiously as she lunges at her brother and misses him by mere millimetres, before her momentum sends her tumbling to the floor, with her knees getting scraped and shredded on the stony path.

“AHH!” She yelps in pain as stones dig into her knees, causing Bret to stop and approach his sister, concerned.

“Shit, are you alright?” Bret asks worriedly.

Trixie, still mad at her brother for scaring her, doesn’t respond verbally. Instead, she offers him a simple nod as she rolls into a seated position on the ground and clutches her stinging and bloody knees in her hands, and a sulking expression on her face.

Bret cautiously sits down beside his injured and sulking sister.

“Sorry for startling you, Trix…” Bret says, looking genuinely apologetic, “It’s just that I was giving you this frankly amazing pep talk and everything, and you were doing that thing where you just zone out and you didn’t hear any of it, and it annoyed me…I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”

Hearing her brother apologise, Trixie’s frustration slowly begins to fade.

“Well…what did you say?” Trixie asks, still rubbing her knees.

“What was that?”

“Ya know, that “amazing” peppy talk thingy you was giving me. What did you say?”

“Oh, uh…”

Bret, having already given his long-winded speech, and doubting that he’s got it in him to reenact it with the same vigour and passion as he had previously done, responds simply and with meaning-filled eyes, “Just that…I’m really proud of you, Trix.”

Hearing this, the last remnants of frustration and anger that Trixie had clung onto slip away, and as Bret looks up towards the old house in the distance, Trixie finally gets a hold of him…hugging her brother tightly.

“Thanks, Bret.” She says gratefully, burying her head in his shoulder.

Bret says nothing for a moment, allowing Trixie to keep a hold of him for a little bit, before finally opening his mouth. “So, ready to see what this place has to offer, sis?”

Trixie releases the hold and nods smilingly before the pair climb to their feet, Trixie wipes a few small stones off her knees before they make their way once again towards the aged building.

“It’s a nice old place,” Bret says as he and his sister grow ever closer to the aged building, “I don’t think I could live here at her age, though. Several miles from the nearest hospital.”

“How old was Grandmama again?”
Trixie asks, curiously.

“One-hundred and twenty-three years old.”

Trixie says in amazement, as though she’s never heard a number so big in her life, “I hope that I get to live that long!”

Bret chuckles. “I don’t.”

“Why don’t you want me to live a long time?”
Trixie says, staring at her brother with a confused, and hurt look on her face.

“That’s not what I meant, Trix.” Bret says while chuckling.

“Then what do you mean?”

“What I meant, was that I hope that I don’t end up living that long.”
Bret responds, his answer only adding to his dotty younger sister’s confusion.

“But, why not?”

“Because being old sucks.”
Bret answers bluntly, as the pair reach their destination.

Bret reaches into his back trouser pocket and pulls out an old-looking key.

“Well,” Bret sighs, “let's see what’s what.”

And with that, he unlocks the door, opens it, and the siblings make their way inside.


“Charming,” Bret says sarcastically as he looks around at the dusty old place. “Guess she never hired a cleaner or nothing.”

“Woah, it’s got a stairs and everything!”
Trixie adds in cheerful amazement.

“Our place has a stairs!” Bret says, sounding slightly insulted.

“No,” Trixie says bluntly, “the building that our place is in has a stairs. Our place itself has no stairs.”

Bret’s eyebrows raise, impressed at Trixie’s response.

“Fair enough.” He says, admitting defeat with a proud little smile. “Wanna go have a look around, Trix?”

“CAN I!?”
Trixie responds excitedly, jumping on the spot slightly.

“Sure,” Bret says, smiling at his sister’s childlike excitement, “just don’t break anything.”

“I won’t! Thanks, Bret!”
Trixie chirps cheerfully, before darting up the stairs.

Watching his sister shoot off on her adventure, Bret mutters to himself. “Well, at least I won’t have to hire a bulldozer to knock this place down.” He says with a smirk as Trixie exits his line of sight.


During her exploration of the old house, Trixie’s excitement about the place quickly faded. The place was nice enough but endlessly boring. There’s no TV, no computer, no internet, nothing fun for the dotty young woman to do. The fact that an old woman had lived in this place on her own made Trixie feel extremely bad.

If only they had known of Grandmama’s existence - she thought to herself as she walked slowly through the hall towards the only room in the house that she hadn’t yet rummaged through - She could’ve moved in with them! Sure, their apartment didn’t have a staircase or anything, but it’s a damn side more fun than this place! Her thought concluded as she reaches what looks to be a bedroom.

Trixie enters the room, which contained only a bed, chair, and a chest that contained everything from clothes, underwear…which Trixie cringed at the sight of, and a tatty old book.


Reaching in the chest and picking the book up, being careful to avoid touching old-woman undies as she does so, Trixie slowly unwraps the leather threat keeping the book sealed, and opens it…

She finds herself staring at what looks to be the insane scribblings of a madwoman, with the page being covered top to bottom with two words, being repeated over and over again…those words?


Trixie stares curiously at the page. Der Basterd…she could’ve sworn she’s heard that before…but where?

She turns the page to find two more pages that read like a collage dedicated to “Der Basterd”, again trying to figure out where she knows this name from.

As Trixie flicks through the pages, finding more of the same as she tries to find a clue as to where she’s heard this name from, she lands on a page and pauses. The first page of this pair is more of the same as the previous bunch…the second page however, contains the same mad scribbling of “Der Basterd” but unlike the other pages, the writing on this one looks to be glowing.

Trixie wonders to herself if she might be imagining it as she raises the book closer to her eyes, trying to get a closer look…before she had time to react however, a bright shockwave of light shoots from off of the page, the brightness enveloping the scene until we can see nothing else.


As the light slowly dissipates, we catch a glimpse of our new surroundings…well, not quite new. The room that Trixie awoke in looks to be the same one that she was in just moments ago, but it looks a little cleaner. She tries to turn her head to have a look around, but she’s unable to. In fact, she seems to have no control of her body at all.

“What the hell!?” Trixie thinks to herself as the eyes that she’s looking out of move of their own accord, her body walking towards the bedroom window and opening the curtains.

Staring out into the distance, she notices a man…a man that Trixie had seen before, somewhere. The man looks up at her and waves. Seeing this, her body darts towards her bedroom door, once again out of Trixie’s control…she knows this because she had attempted to wave back and failed. Opening the bedroom door, we hear a young female voice shouts in a language that Trixie didn’t understand.

“Pierre! Pierre! Il y a un homme dehors! Il a une arme! Pierre!”

Trixie’s mind races as she heard the voice the voice bellowing from…her!?

“Wait, that’s not right! I don’t know how to speak Vampire!!” Trixie thinks to herself, mentally kicking herself for not pressing Cali and Vampyr-no...Katsu, harder to teach he-

“AAAAAAH!” Trixie yells in her mind as her body once again rushes off without her permission. Bolting down the stairs, she bumps into a tall, athletic-looking man in his mid-twenties.

“Amélie, quand tu vois une ouverture, j'ai besoin que tu cours vers la grange. Une fois arrivé, fermez la porte à clé. Il y a deux hommes à l'intérieur. Une fois que vous avez fait cela, j'ai besoin que vous y mettiez le feu. Comprendre?” The man says in a stern voice, as he walks towards the door.

Trixie, looking on helplessly, realises something…that man looks an awful lot like…

“BRET!?” Trixie shouts mentally, unable to force her body to call out to him. “BRET! IT’S ME, TRIXIE!”

…he doesn’t hear her. Instead, Bret, shotgun in hand, yanks open the door and rushes outside to confront the intruder. Before Bret had time to raise the gun and fire, the intruder tackles him to the ground, the impact knocking the guns from his grip.

Trixie, seeing Bret in trouble, tries to force her body into action, wanting desperately to help him. Her body, however, has other instructions.

As the two men struggle, Trixie’s body makes a B-line for the barn. Reaching it, she locks the door shut, before pulling out a box of matches. Before she ignites them, however, she turns her head back to check on Pierre. Seeing him fighting a losing battle, Trixie’s body finally does something in agreement with what she wants it to do, as she drops the matches on the ground and charges back towards the battling men as fast as she can, Trixie’s mind and the young female voice of her body screaming in unison…


…before jumping on the intruder’s back and scratching and clawing at his face, trying to gouge his eyes out, while yelling, “LACHEZ-LE !”

The man lifts himself to his feet, with Trixie and the body that she’s currently inhabiting still scratching and clawing, slapping and punching at him. He catches one of her arms and manages to flip her over his shoulder, sending her crashing to the floor with a sickening thud, with Trixie feeling every bit of the impact, even though she doesn’t seem to have any control of her body at all.

As both Trixie and her body’s voice groan, winded from the impact, she manages to roll onto her stomach and lift herself onto all four limbs. With her body slowly rising to her feet, and her head turning to see the intruder punt kick Bret in the gut, Trixie desperately tries to will her body forward.

“C’MON, GET UP! HELP HIM!” Trixie screams mentally, cursing her new body’s inability to take a hit.

About four or five seconds slower than Trixie would have liked, her body manages to get to her feet and makes a B-line for the intruder, one more time screaming in unison…


…as she charges forward, digging a sloppy series of hammer fists and kicks into his back. Trixie laments her body’s weak offence, wishing so much to be able to take control and smash this man’s head into the floor.

The man, treating her offence as nothing but a mere annoyance, turns around and shoves her away by her face and sending her stumbling to the ground. As she cambers to her feet, Bret yells out in the confusing language that Trixie can’t understand…

“ARRÊT! Faites ce dont nous avons parlé! Je vais le combattre!”

Despite Trixie not understanding a single word of it, her body shoots into action. As Bret squares up to the intruder, ready to engage in round two of their conflict, Trixie’s body, despite her best efforts to fight against it, darts off back in the direction of the barn

“NO! PLEASE! HELP BRET!” Trixie begs and pleads for her body to listen but to no avail.

Her body reaches the door to the barn and puts a hand in her pocket…

“NON! Où est-il?!” She yells in a panic, before dropping to the floor, searching for something. “Où est-il!”

Crawling around the floor hurriedly, trying to find whatever she’s searching for, Trixie’s body lets out an “AHA!” as she finds and picks up the box of matches that she’d dropped earlier. She opens the box and pulls one out, before setting it alight and using it to light up the rest in the box. As she’s about to throw the flaming box at the barn, we hear Bret yell “Juste putain de Mourir!” in a distressed voice.

“SAVE BRET, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Trixie pleads with all her energy, as she tries to will her body to jump to his rescue.

Her head turns back towards the two men fighting momentarily, with Trixie relieved to see that Bret has the upper hand, before she throws the handheld bonfire at the barn, which slowly begins to catch fire.

As Trixie’s body fist pumps the air in celebration as the fire begins to spread across the whole barn, we hear two loud BANGS, which rattles her to their core and sends a feeling of dread rushing over both her and Trixie. As she turns towards the direction of the banging, another BANG pops off, and the sight that both Trixie and her body witness sends the pair shrieking in horror.

“BRET!” Trixie screams in shock and anguish, inaudible to the rest of the world, as she sees her brother, on the ground, with blood spilling from him like an overflown drain.

Trixie’s body, doing exactly what Trixie is begging it to, makes a b-line for Bret, but is stopped as the intruder fires a shot in her direction, pausing her advance.

“NO! I DON’T CARE! BRET! PLEASE!” Trixie’s mind screams in distress, attempting with all her willpower to force her body towards Bret, but she’s frozen in place as the intruder marches towards them. Trixie’s heart shatters into a million pieces as the intruder fires two more bullets into her brother.

“Nooooo.” Trixie whimpers, being emotionally ripped apart as she is forced to watch, unable to save him.

Only when the intruder walks past her, does Trixie’s body bolt into action, rushing towards her brother’s side.

“Bret please, wake up...” Trixie pleads for her brother to show any kind of life, her heart feeling as though it’s being ripped out and crushed as her body whimpers and cries. Her brother lies, lifeless.

As Trixie pleads for Bret to wake up, her eyes turn their attention to the intruder as he walks back towards her and her brother. Seeing this, a raging inferno of rage and hatred builds up inside her, an inferno so big that it makes the blazing barn fire look like the matchstick it came from.

“You stay away from him!” Trixie seethes with hatred as the man walks towards her and kneels down in front of her. Trixie wills her hands to wrap around his neck so that she can choke the life out of him, but her body instead unloads with a series of unsatisfying slaps.

After landing a few slaps to his face, the man catches her arm. Instinctively, Trixie attempts to punch him in the testicles, but once again, her body doesn’t obey. Instead, the young female voice screams…


Hearing this name as she is trapped and unable to strangle the man kneeling before her, Trixie’s mind races back to the book she had found in her Grandmama’s bedroom, what seemed like an eternity ago. Remembering this name “Der Basterd” being scribbled mindlessly page after page, and looking into the eyes of the intruder, it finally clicks…

“Summers…” Trixie seethes as she stares into the careless eyes of a man that she had met only one other time, at the start of her journey in the FWA. The man that had beaten and humiliated her in front of thousands of people in her debut match…the man that had just taken from her the person that she loved most in this world.

As her body screams in anger at “Der Basterd”, Trixie can do nothing but stare…stare and hope that a pair of lasers shoot out of her eyes and explodes his ugly face into a million pieces.

The man palms her face, shoving her backwards and onto her ass. Trixie wishes so badly to be given the ability to retaliate. There is only one thing left for her now. Only one thing left to keep her going, and that is to find out what it feels like to rip Shawn Summers’ head clean off his body with her bare hands.

Summers begins to shout at her in English, but Trixie doesn’t care what he has to say. She doesn’t even listen. She’s being forced to look at this ugly man against her will, when all she wants is to be with her brother.

As Trixie’s mind rushes back to thoughts of Bret, the pieces of her heart being ripped apart even more as the memory of his lifeless body flashes in her mind’s eye, all the while her body yells “BASTERD!” in a rage-filled voice, we hear one final BANG and Trixie’s body crumbles to the floor.


Trixie’s eyes open and she gasps in shock and distress as her body raises to a seated position on the ground, her breathing heavy and her eyes darting around her surroundings, trying to find the body of her brother…he’s not there. Trixie scrambles to her feet, and realises something…

“Wait…I can move!” She thinks to herself, seemingly getting used to talking with her mind instead of her mouth.

The elation at having regained control of her body is fleeting, however, as her mind instantly shifts back to thoughts of her brother. Tears flood her eyes as the realisation slowly begins to set in once more.

“No, no, no, no, no, no…” She whimpers, as the memory of seeing her brother laying dead on the ground in a pool of his own blood comes rushing to the surface of her mind. This whimper turns into a full-on panic as her head once again shoots in every direction, searching for his body.

“Where is he…” She mutters quickly as her breathing intensifies, before realising that she’s not in this room and making a b-line for the door, determined to find his body.

As she storms through the doorway into the landing, Trixie, out of nothing but sheer instinct, calls out “BRET!”...

“What’s up, Tri-OW!”

The sheer momentum that the grief-ridden young woman had built up sends her, and the person that she had bulldozed into crashing to the floor. Trixie, thinking that Shawn Summers had returned to finish the job, quickly scrambles to her feet. Finally, after having to sit there, unable to do anything as Shawn Summers took from her the thing that she cared about more than anything else…finally, she was gonna get the chance to choke him until any semblance of life left his body. Finally, she has the chance to end him…and she squares up, ready to engage in a bloody war, she sees…

A tsunami of emotion builds up inside her as she stares into the eyes of someone she had thought was gone forever. Every ounce of that emotion floods to the surface as she charges forward and grips the man in front of her tighter than she had ever gripped anyone before…she may never let go.

“Uh…nice to see you too, Trix.” Bret says, a look of complete and utter puzzlement plastered on his face…a confusion that increases as he feels his right shoulder slowly becoming drenched under a sea of tears and snot that seeps through his t-shirt as Trixie bawls her eyes out.

“Uh, Trix…are you alright?” Bret asks, knowing full well that the answer is clearly no, but feeling the need to ask anyway.

Trixie sniffs some snot back up into her nose as she keeps her hold on her brother.

“I wanna go home…” She says, her voice muffled slightly as she continues to hug her brother.

“But Trix, we gotta-”

Trixie pleads sobbingly, wishing to be anywhere else but here.

Bret, having had to put up with Trixie’s emotional outbursts for most of his life, can’t help but get the feeling that this time is different.

“O-...okay,” He says softly, a concerned look in his eyes, “let’s get you home.”

And with that, Trixie releases her hold on Bret somewhat, but still clutches his right arm, unwilling to let him go completely as they make their way towards the stairs…and perhaps unbeknownst to Trixie, in her free hand, sits the tattered old journal.



Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team

“Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the 2023 Carnal Contendership Match… CYRUS TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTH!!!”

The thunderous voice of Kurt Harington echoes through the halls of the Bridgestone Arena along with the roar of the fans, ecstatic that a living legend and future hall of famer has got another moment in the sun, one he’s earned. The theme music of Truth rips through the speakers. He’s won.

Shame the same can’t be said for 29 others.

Walking down the hallways that are adorned with the yellow and blue of the Nashville Predators, one of the people who came close walks down the hallway. Her white and red attire sticks out like a sore thumb with golden trims. The mask, taking inspiration from a kitsune, has fox-like ears and several markings on it, some synonymous with the mythical creature, others traditional masked wrestling. The woman’s dark hair sticks out from under the mask with silver tips. Katsu. No longer Vampyra. Truthfully, even with a new lease on life, the result has been much the same for her brief but memorable run in FWA so far. Each time she steps into the ring, she appears to get better and better, but yet so close. So close again. It has been that way since she was sent to swim with FWA’s sharks. Tommy Bedlam? Superkick. Alyster Black? Big time Lariat. Michelle? Dropped on her head. Tag team match? She held her own on her own most of it until her partner lost it. Even the bright spots. Winning the FWA Television Championship, celebration spoiled and lost it without being pinned. Beating Knox? Overshadowed by a shocking revelation. But, if there is one thing that is starting to change for this young woman.

Her reaction.

Ice pack on her shoulder, Katsu is tired. Half an hour in a match. Sweat drenches her hair with some of her makeup smeared. The two places uncovered on her mask, the mouth and her eyes, the windows into her emotion, and she’s got a big grin on her face. Fourth. Fourth out of Thirty. In many ways, making it to the final four in any match like this is an accomplishment in itself. Two world champions, an oddity who was unmasked and exceeded all expectations, and then her, the 22-year old woman from Japan who first entered FWA just six months ago. Relief is on her face. There is nothing taking away from her efforts and heart shown. At least for tonight, the voices of doubt remain silenced.

Rushing to meet her is her friend Kimmy. FWA production member, editor extraordinaire, and overall dork. She’s got her work attire on still, company polo and slacks with a badge on a lanyard. Ecstatic to see her friend after the big match, she rushes forward.

“Vamp- Or should I say KATSU!” Stopping right in front of her masked friend, she holds back the urge for a hug, seeing as her friend went through a half an hour of wrestling. “I knew you’d make it far! Seriously. Awesome-”

“Until I went for the top rope… again!”
Katsu rolls her eyes. “Remind me to never do that again. It is twice now that I have done that in a battle royal.”

“Hey, they don’t call it high risk for nothing.”
Kimmy jokes with a common line from commentary. Katsu groans.

“And yet when you are my size against a company of people twice your size, it becomes a requirement to take.”

She gives a tired laugh and a sigh of relief. First match outside of Japan in months, back at it with her friends. She’s slowly easing her way in, hopefully more prepared this time. Katsu looks at her friend and gives a small grin.

“Thank you…”

Kimmy questions.

“Just, thank you.” Katsu rolls her neck, trying to get it to loosen up after a hard crash out of the ring. “Now, I think it is about time to get changed… Maybe we can eat somewhere when I am changed up? Something must be open.”

“Or everything is closed… But we’ll work something out.”
Kimmy winks. “Mind if I walk you to your locker room?”

Katsu nods and she heads down the halls with her friend to her locker room. It’s a bit farther from everyone else given her privacy as a masked wrestler, something she still keeps outside of her select circle of friends.

“Actually, I’m wondering,” Kimmy asks Katsu a question as they head down the halls. “Want to make hanging out after shows a bit of a tradition now that we’re both in FWA?”

Katsu doesn’t even need to think it over. She knows her answer, she nods to her friend. “That would be wonderful,” as they approach her locker room. Separated from other wrestlers, a page is on the front of the door. “KATSU,” it reads out in black font.

The Joshi reaches for the door as a familiar voice speaks up from behind her.

“Got room for two more?”

Cali. Both Kimmy and Katsu turn around to see their friend, Cali Hayama, in a green tank top and jeans, her silver hair swept slightly over her eye. But she is not alone. Making an appearance across the pacific, the other third of the YOKAI Death Squad Trio, Ririko. Towering over her friends, she has a crop top on with a light red shirt open, her red hair flowing down. Surprised and over the moon at their shocking arrival, Katsu rushes over, giving them a hug. She shouts in Japanese.

“How did you two get here!?”

Cali, fluent in both languages, speaks in English back to Katsu. Come on. I’ve been here before backstage. They know we team together. Only reason why I haven’t made any sort of jump here is because I don’t think I can balance COSMIC, streaming, AND FWA.”

“But Ririko?”
Katsu asks her friend in their native language. “You have never been to America before.”

“My sister was invited here.”
Ririko responds in Japanese.

“REO?” Katsu asks and Ririko nods.

“So I came along because I wanted to see your big return and debut as Katsu-” Ririko touches the fox ear on her friend's mask, “And you look SO COOL AND CUTE!” Overly ecstatic and bubbly for her size, Ririko claps and Katsu rolls her eyes.

“Relax, Ririko. But yes, I love this new look.”

Kimmy speaks up, asking in English. “Uhh, what are you guys saying? I’m still trying to learn Japanese on Dulingo, but that Green Owl freaks me the fuck out. All I got was ‘my sister…’ and cute which I don’t think is accurate.” She looks at Ririko. “How much English do you know?”

Ririko looks a touch confused and Cali whispers a translation in her ear. She speaks in slow, fairly rough English.

“Little… L-Learning.”

Katsu sighs. “Well, this will be awkward.”

Cali steps right in and quickly translates for her friend Kimmy.

“I guess I’m your Google Translate… Ririko is here with her sister.”

Kimmy asks. “Didn’t she just debut in COSMIC six months ago? That's a big deal!”

Cali nods. “But she wanted to see Katsu’s return to FWA. Speaking of,”

Cali puts her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “So sorry you didn’t win. I know you’ve been due for SOMETHING, but seriously, you made it to the final four. That’s AMAZING.”

Katsu gently takes Cali’s hand off her shoulder. “You do not need to worry….” Before switching to Japanese to ensure Ririko understands too, “I am fine. Happy even. I am proud of what I did.”

“Then that’s great.”
Cali nods. “There were a few unexpected performances in that match. Reagan Cole made it far- even if his early elimination got missed. Darius went far-”

“You mean, Death Walker?”
Kimmy clarifies.

“Look, I knew who he was beforehand, him wearing some 'scary' Halloween costume isn’t going to change who he is to me.”

Cali lightly taps Ririko on the shoulder and asks her in Japanese. “Ririko, who stood out to you, apart from Katsu?”

Ririko puts her finger on her chin… “That weird dog.”

Cali snickers and whispers what Ririko called Weaselperson to Kimmy who joins in her laughter.

“But also Jackson.”

“Jackson Fenix?”
Kimmy clarifies and Ririko nods. Kimmy explains while Cali listens, whispering rough translations to her friend.

“Jackson has been a tag team guy with his buddy Nate Savage in FWA. Undisputed Alliance. They’re a funny bunch of guys but usually not exactly the nicest. But they’ve been known to joke around at an opponent’s expense.”

Ririko shouts, “He was the one who chased the big yellow bird!” and both Cali and Katsu laugh.

“Maybe you two can tag team against them and Chiitan?” Cali jokes in Japanese before saying in English to Kimmy. “She knows about Jackson’s issues with ‘Big Bird’ from Sesame Street.”

“Oh shit, that, yeah!”
Kimmy sighs. “Seriously, who can beef with a bird from a children’s show?! But Jackson has been trying to turn over a new leaf, and that’s cool. I guess a clear head helped him go through a gutsy performance.”

Cali gives her input. “But I’ve seen his type. He’s probably the type of person to make multiple accounts to troll someone. I don’t exactly think this will last.” Folding her arms, Cali rolls her eyes, “Expect him to make fun of foxes, or do some stereotypical Japanese routine to get under your skin before the Golden Roulette, because that’s his type. Lex has told me about some guys like him, it's hard for them to mature over time.”

Turning to Katsu, Cali gives her a warning.
“Look, you have Back in Business coming up and it’s a big deal, but that will be second on your list to the Anniversary show for the Golden Opportunity. I’ve seen some promotions in the US do something similar, you win, you get a title match any time any place, and that is pretty literal. It’s a ticket to a world title, near guarantee if you want to catch the champion off-guard by cashing in by surprise, and if you proved anything tonight, you’re already on the cusp of that scene.”

Katsu has a small grin at the compliment, a little validation, as Cali continues.

“You’ve been in the ring with Black before, you know he’s tough. Weaselperson… Or Zachary, whatever the fuck he wants to be called, he's a wildcard. Reagan’s probably hungry considering how long he’s been waiting for something like this. You know Darius, but don’t overlook him. Then Fenix… Don’t trust him. Just don’t. A man doesn’t change his stripes so quickly. He will have no issue not just stabbing you in the back, but bending every rule in the book, then making fun of you for it. Remember what happened last time with S-”

“I get it!” Katsu gets defensive, raising her voice. She takes a deep breath.

“I understand. I am working on it. I have talked to my doctor enough at home and I am already set up to talk to one here when needed. I am committed to not letting that happen again. As for Fenix. He has a history of being a jerk, but in a way, there may be a decent person under there. I know what it is like to be influenced by those around you, bringing out the worst in you. He showed something in the Carnal Contendership tonight. He had a heart, one some of our idols in Japan have. People can change. I know how much things have changed between Ririko and myself over the years too. Nothing is guaranteed, but I recognise the effort. If it makes you feel better, I plan on keeping one eye open for him and his tag team partner. I doubt I can just call you to help, but I will manage. You trust me, right? Right?!”

Cali and Kimmy exchange glances before Cali whispers in Japanese to Ririko so she gets an abridged version of what was said. A silence cuts through the air as Katsu exhales. -Sorry.”

“No. Don’t apologize.”
Cali puts her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “I guess I’m just being a bit overprotective is all.” She grins. “We’ll leave you to change and clean up. I’m sure all of us will find somewhere to eat when you’re done.”

Cali playfully elbows the sides of Ririko and Kimmy. “And while we’re at it, we’ll see who can learn a second language first.” and she sticks her tongue out. Katsu waves to her friends before they leave her to change.

Re-entering her locker room, the same one adorned with the colours of the Nashville Predators, Katsu paces around for several moments, having a rush of emotions after her historic night. A first step on her next FWA journey. A literal Golden Opportunity is ahead,with the Steel Roulette on the horizon. Weird match stipulation by her standards? Yes. An amazing opportunity to plant her flag with FWA’s elite? Absolutely. Sitting down on the bench, after a long night in the Carnal Contendership, she slips off her mask, her hair drenched in sweat. Turning her mask around, she gets another long look at it. The black of Vampyra, gone.

“I- I made this…She mutters to herself, looking at her new mask, the identity she walks through the curtains with. “I don’t feel restricted anymore. I am not trapped in somebody else’s cage.”

Running her hand along the mask, there is a small grin on her face. “I burned out mentally fast. But, I feel like I rose from my ashes into something different. I can and will spread my wings again. Be ready to take on anything… As Katsu.”

“But who will she be?”
She asks herself. “What will make her special? What is the difference between Vampyra and her? Being honest with myself, I am still learning. I have been wrestling for some time, but I still find myself trying to figure things out. But this is a new chance for me-”

Beep, beep.

A notification goes off on Katsu’s phone and she goes over to her bag to check. A text message from Kimmy. It reads.

“Before you get too busy changing, I found out your next match! I’m creatively running wild. I’ll talk to you about my ideas over the next few days.”

Four days later:

Sitting in an airport, Katsu has a facemask on, ever concerned about the pandemic and also her identity in public and next to her is Ririko and Cali. The three are heading back to Japan for another quick tour of shows before Katsu returns back to America. Her opponent, Jackson Fenix. All three of them are wearing matching black unzipped hoodies featuring their trio’s branding. Each of them have their suitcases at their feet as they are on a bench. Oddly enough, a fourth suitcase is in the chair next to them, branded with COSMIC Joshi Wrestling’s planet logo, likely from Ririko’s sister. Katsu lays back, headphones are in as she listens to some music on her phone.

And another message pops up. It’s from Kimmy.

“Hey, worked like MAD to get this done. What can I say? I was inspired! I even got FWA peeps to help make this. That’s right, I got a budget now and I'm being paid for it! We’re going to post this to social media later, but we thought you might want to get a first look. Once again, thanks for doing the lines! Enjoy!”

Katsu taps her two friends on the shoulder and brings their attention to the video sent to her. The video downloads as Katsu removes her headphones, but keeps her volume low enough where they are not to be a disturbance to the others. The video made by Kimmy begins to play.





A lone van rides the long winding roads at night.The dark sky covers the distance with a light glow from a full moon on the clouds in the sky. The road is empty apart from the lone vehicle making a steady and lonely drive at night. The van is black with branding on the side. It reads “Mythical Creature Control” and depicts a lizard-like creature trapped inside of a cage. In the back of the van are boxes with a carrier for canines or felines. It has a black plastic side with steel bars. Inside is a somewhat peculiar creature. It is a white fox. On its face are red markings with two red dots above the eyes. Its collar is fluffy and behind it isn’t just one tail, but rather nine. With limited space, its tails are bundled together, almost providing a small blanket for itself. Resting on its paws, the creature sighs as it is captured.

“Stupid me…” The fox mutters to itself. The creature has a Japanese accent, female voice. “Thinking that disguising myself would protect me forever.”

Her ears droop.

“Why is it always me? Why am I always the one hurt, captured? Everyone seems out to get me just because I’m different…”

Resting her head on her paws, the fox sighs.

“What’s the point?!”

“You seem to be in a pickle too.”

A voice speaks from the other side of the back of the fan. It comes from a bird cage where a bird with stunning and colourful feathers sits, wings unable to spread. The hue of it has a fiery tone, with a mix of warm colours, mostly red, orange, and yellow. Sporting a long beak, it lightly clangs against the metal against the cage. Several longer feathers stick out from the back of its head. Cramped in its cage, the bird looks at the fox.

“At least we have company?” He jokes.

I would rather be free, Mr. Bird.” The fox rolls her eyes

“I have a name. Call me Fenix.” The bird clarifies. Fenix the Phoenix.”

Blinking, the fox does not seem to comprehend the similar sounding words.

“Phoenix the Phoenix?” She asks.

Fenix pronounces his name slowly. “FEE-Nix.”

“I am sorry, English is my second language. F-Fenix?”

The Phoenix nods slightly. “There. And you, Miss?”

“Katsu.” She says. “I am a Kitsune.”

“Now, what on earth does ‘Katsu’ even mean?” The bird jokes. “Ketchup?”

Katsu snickers a bit. “It is from my native language. There are some similar sounding names to it, but it translates to ‘win, victory’ good fortune-”

Before she realizes some irony in her statement. “Well, now my luck is not so good, hehe.” She lies down, embarrassed and upset.

“Taking another loss.” Fenix says. “Something I know too well. You know, sometimes this happens. You seem to do everything right, or are just doing your own thing but everything else seems to go against you.”

“Like hunters out to hurt you…” Katsu mutters. “Praying on every mistake you make, wishing your existence is no more. Honestly, I should be used to it by now. Nothing seems to go my way...”

“Say, how did you get caught here?” The Phoenix asks.

The Kitsune stretches her legs as much as she can in her cramped space and tries to get comfortable.

“I was caught while in disguise.” She explains. “We Kitsune have the ability to disguise our appearance. Sometimes we use it for tricks, or to hide from predators.”

“What were you disguised as?” The bird tilts its head.

“-A vampire.”

“A VAMPIRE!?” The bird caws as the driver overhears its screech.

“Would you two freaks keep it down!? I would love nothing more than to turn you into fried chicken!”

Fenix lowers his voice slightly. “I thought I saw some of those around here before I was captured…”

“One of them was probably me.”

“Damn, you fooled me!”

Turning her head to the side, the Kitsune explains.

“I- uhh, used that disguise for a long time. In away, it was given to me by someone else. They told me that disguising myself as one would make myself seem more… scary. Intimidating to others. That maybe nobody would hurt me?”

“I know a vampire would scare me!” The bird jokes, “Though I would have just tried to give you some garlic bread…”

The kitsune laughs, trying to keep her volume down. “Haha. That is funny, Fenix. I actually think garlic smells nice while cooking. But, no, I was never a vampire. Though I kept the disguise up… A lot. If I am being honest, I felt like I was always in someone else’s body. Like- I was lying.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself now.” The Phoenix tries to lift her up. “You had a reason to do that.”

“Shame it is over, I suppose.” She rolls her eyes. “So, Fenix was it? How did you get captured?”

“I was chasing a big yellow bird.”

Katsu snickers, covering her mouth with her paws. “A B-Big bird?”

“Don’t say it here! That bird is a lying snake!” Fenix shouts and the driver shouts back.

“Shut up, bird brains!”

Katsu has a smug grin on her face, looking across at Fenix. The bird tucks its head under his wing.

“-I get worked up over that bird, okay?”

“You are very… passionate about it.” She jokes.

“But I was chasing it in public, and long story short, the catcher got me and I’ve been stuck in this cage all day. Do you know how bad it is to be this cramped in a cage?!”

“It is not like I am in one now…” She shows a little sass back.

The bird leans back against the side of the cage. Sighing. Feeling defeated.

“Are you okay?” Katsu asks him and the Phoenix shakes his head.

“No. I guess you are not the only one with regrets, little fox.”

Looking out through the back window of the van. The two get a glimpse at the night-time countryside passing them by.

“I’ve done some pretty bad things in my life-time you know. Poked people in the eye, stole, picked on people when they were down and I thought it was funny. I thought it was the funniest thing for the longest time. I’d have this buddy, Nate, we would do whatever we could to ruffle someone else’s feathers.”

He looks at Katsu. “Literally” before winking, causing the fox to smile. “And you know, after a while, you get tired of it. I never thought I was really doing anything bad. It just was what others were doing, so I thought it was okay. But looking back at it all, I regret it.”

He bangs his wing against the side of his cage.

“How was I so stupid to think all that is okay? If I ever get out of here, how on earth can I look at my reflection and think ‘Hey Fenix, you were a nice bird!?’ It’s crazy! Now I’m trapped here. I don’t know if I’ll see my buddy, Nate, again. I have this cute bird I’ve been wanting to see named Hazel. What would they think to see me locked in a cage?!”

Looking up, the bird asks.

“And what would my MeeMaw think of all this catching up to me? The last thing she sees is my stupid choices costing me?”

MeeMaw?” Katsu asks. “What’s a MeeMaw?”

“She’s my MeeMaw.” Fenix responds.

“And WHO is MeeMaw?” Katsu asks for further clarification.

MeeMaw’s MeeMaw… You don't mess with a bird and his MeeMaw.”

The Kitsune rolls her eyes and sits slightly in her cage.

"That is not helpful.”

“-I think we’re losing sight of the plot.” Fenix clarifies. “I don’t want regret, you know. The only thing that comforts me is I can get a second chance.” Katsu’s ears perk up as the Phoenix continues. “One day I will rise from my ashes a new and better bird.”

Katsu looks long into the window, taking a look at the starry night sky as it escapes over the horizon.

“-And that is maybe what I want.”

She turns to Fenix the Phoenix.

“A second chance. A chance to show I’ve learned from my mistakes. A chance to not have the same regrets as before. Just leave everything that hurt me behind me. Every person who made me cry in shame. Leave my mistakes in the past. Maybe this time, I don’t need to disguise who I really am and just be the ideal version of myself?”

“Well, you are a cute fox.”

“Hehe.” She gently flicks her tails slightly in her cage. “Thank you. I suppose this time I do not need to play a scary vampire.”

“I don’t know. Pair that with some techno music, I think you’re onto something really big.” The bird jokes and Katsu laughs.

“No way, that would NEVER work.”

The two new, unlikely friends, share a laugh as the driver, tired of his pleas to them to keep shut, just grits his teeth.

“But maybe I would get use out of showing people my proper self. This, something that just feels… right. I’m not some scary woman. I’d like to think I’m a complex person, not someone who hides in the dark, only caring about violence. We Kitsune at times do act as a guide for people, those in need- Sometimes playing a little trick on those who deserve it, hehe. She hums.

“Hey, maybe I can give you some ideas in the future.” Fenix asks, but Katsu shakes her head.

“No. You have your ways, I have my own. I would like to think I am a fox of character. Maybe it is time I show it? If I get out. I know what I am going to do. No more hiding. I will face my problems head on-”

In the distance, a herd of moose begin to make the trek across the road. There is a good dozen of them as they carefully step across the road, their giant antlers creating a large shadow in the distance.

“-I will try to live my best life, be happy for what I have.”

The driver looks back, eyes off the road, frustrated at the creates behind him making noise.

“Every opportunity I have I will make the most of it.”

The van quickly approaches the herd of moose on the end of the road. The driver is still distracted, not noticing him approaching them.

“And I will make sure I live with no regre-”

The driver turns around and it is too late. The card is speeding towards the herd and it results in a loud-


Slowly opening her eyes, the Kitsune lies on the grass on the side of the road. She is still in a daze as she looks ahead to see the burning wreckage of the van. The fire glows in the night as black smoke floats above from the wreckage. She struggles to get back on all fours, her head in a fog after the crash. Under the car, she sees the wing of Fenix. Something clicks in her head and she approaches the car. Struggling under the weight of the van, Fenix has one wing caught along with his feet. The driver, unknown where he is.

“F-Fenix?” Katsu blinks.

“FENIX!” Katsu gets a rush of panic as the situation dawns on her, he’s in danger. She bites his wing and tries her best to pull him out of the fire, mumbling. “I’ll help you! Come on! Get out!”

Fenix’s eyes slowly open. He looks at the little Kitsune, trying to save him. Katsu keeps pulling, trying to get him free.

“Come on… How much bird seed do you eat? She pulls harder and harder, trying to get him unstuck from the van, but it is no use. She’s too small. Pulling extra hard, she ends up flying backwards, a feather caught in her mouth. She spits it out and frowns.

“I can’t…”

“-It’s okay…”

Looking up, she sees the Phoenix weakly glance up at her.

“I’m a phoenix. It’s expected. I’m going to get my second chance…” He can barely keep his head up. “It’s what I want. You’re the lucky one. You get yours now. Go… Make the most of it.”

Katsu blinks. A tear rolls down her cheek. “No, I can… I can help.”

“The b-best thing you can do is move on. Seize every golden opportunity in life for yourself. Make the most of them.” Through his beak, there is a small grin.

“Go on, kid… Thanks for the talk.”

Reluctantly, Katsu nods.

“No, thank you.”

Tears still in her eyes, Katsu slowly walks away from the wreckage. A small limp is in her leg, beaten up from the crash, but not beaten. She looks back occasionally at the burning wreckage, feeling some guilt. She’s leaving him. But, it is what he wanted, right? Not everyone is fortunate enough to be a Phoenix. Life is limited. When second chances come, they are a blessing. As the wreckage gets in the distance, finally.

A loud explosion comes from the crash. Katsu leaps up and looks behind her as a blazing fire shoots up in the air. Anyone in that crash is long gone. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Survivor’s guilt. A feeling of dread hangs over her head.


A second blaze of fire shoots up in the air. Wings form from the blaze as a bird soars through the air. The rebirth of a phoenix.

“See you again soon…”

Katsu mutters to herself as the video fades.

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Feb 27, 2023
Reaction score

Unc. How you doin'? Back still killing you?

It ain't too bad. Hardly even thinking about it now that you're here. How bout you? Long day?

That obvious?

Neph, don't think I seen you looking this stressed since you quit. You didn't quit again, didja'?

Figured you heard.

That you were back? Course' I heard. How wouldn't I have heard? I was watching the show. Plus, a few of the boys were hitting me up about it, wondering what the hell you were doing looking like that.

It's complicated.

You don't have to explain yourself to me, you do what you gotta do. I'm happy to see you back in there. You don't gotta tell me why if you don't want to. All I know is, it's good to see an artist at work. Felt like I was reliving MJ retirements.

You know how to gas me up, Unc.

I'm just being honest. I wouldn't lie to you. 'Cept you ain't quite reach the three-peat benchmark for a retirement.

Guess I'll have to catch up before retirement number three.

You got a lighter?

How come you never have a lighter?

Because I know you'll have one. Let an old man enjoy his little rituals. Don't question everything.

You get more and more sentimental each time I see you.

Got the rage nearly all out of me, gotta replace it with something else.

Shit, I bet. Here.

Thank you, Neph. So what's got you looking scared shitless.

Not scared. Exhausted.

Guess I'm reading you wrong.

It's about what I was looking like.

This ain't gonna be a weird story is it?


Well, it's just that costume.

Pass it.

I'm just saying.

I know. And the lighter too.


Had to go meet with a pig this morning.



Because of the costume?



They called me in. Said I was a person of interest in the disappearance of this guy called Jonathan Snow. Name of the guy who was weaselperson before me. I was expecting it. Two guys came to pick me up. Some dude with a bushy mustache. He was trying to be nice. Smooth things over. Talked a lot. I hated it.

The other guy didn't say much. Could tell he looked down on me though. Could tell he was annoyed by his partner. But he kept to himself, which was better. Neither of them was gonna be interrogating me though. Another guy took over before they could.

"Mr. Kazadi." Couldn't even say it properly. Hardly tried, to be honest. Guess we're used to that. "I'm Detective Arnold Reginald-Namur. I think my partners already briefed you on why you were called in."

He slammed his suitcase onto the table between us and unlatched it, rifling through files.

"You guys think I've got something to do with some guy called Jonathan's disappearance."

"Yeah. weaselperson. You might be familiar with them seeing as you were pretending to be them at a wrestling event the other night."
He pulled out two pictures from the document, placed them between us, and rotated them around so I could get a good look. One of them was weaselperson getting interviewed, the other was weaselperson competing at CC. "You see the difference between the two?"


"Yeah, most people wouldn't. But in my line of work, I see a lot of people wearing masks pretending to be other people. Dozens and dozens of you have done it. You know why I've trained myself to detect this?"


"Because I was tired of being disappointed every time someone new and exciting turned out to be someone old and boring."

"I wasn't pretending to be them. I am them."

"No. weaselperson is Jonathan Snow. A young individual from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. That's the person we're looking for. You are a few years older, and born several kilometers to the North, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. You don't carry yourselves the same way. Walk the same way. Wrestle the same way. Have the same voice. Even the same build. weaselperson was as average-sized a guy as you'd find. You seemed to have never taken it easy on your body since retiring."

He smiled, after pointing out the obvious. I didn't like his smile, seemed condescending.

"You got questions?"

"Actually, can I tell you something, Zach? Zach's fine, right? Or do you prefer Kazadi?"

He butchered it again. I didn't say anything. The guy was weird. I was trying to shut up and just get through it.

"I'll stick to Zach," he said. "Don't tell my partners back there, but I'm a pretty big wrestling fan. You might have noticed how I became so passionate just then. FWA's my favorite company. Been my favorite company for a while. Carried me through a lot of hard times. Even when I hate it, I can't help but keep watching it."

I don't know. What the fuck do you say to that?

"Now, you and I both know, wrestlers like to get involved in a lot of shady stuff. They kinda live in a different world with different rules than average joes like me."

"You're not average."

He smiled. "Why, thank you."

Didn't realize the guy was gonna take it like that. It was meant to be a negative observation.

Shoulda said what you meant, Neph.

I got no intention of spending as much time behind bars as you did. Don't need to give him some excuse to call me on some shit.

Toughens a man. Helps with the rage too.

I'll pass.

The pig goes, "What I'm trying to say is, you guys always seem so larger-than-life. And none of that shines brighter than in the FWA, the convergence point of the most exciting wrestlers."

I'm not saying shit at this point. I just want him to get on with it.

"And oftentimes, these larger-than-life moments do not contend well with mundane reality. With the laws of the average man." Guy was a pig, he didn't abide by the laws of the average man.

You ain't say that though.

Of course not.

"But, I pride myself on having a knack for intervening in these collisions of the mundane and the fantastic. I've made countless of the FWA's wrestling trespasses fall through the cracks. I'm the solution. The answer to the question 'how the hell aren't they all in jail and this isn't being reported widely across the news and the internet'. It's me. A living deus ex machina for the FWA, if you will. It's a thankless job. And for the most part, it is better if I keep such angelic guardianship at a whisper, or else people might get suspicious. There are subdivisions in the CIA, Interpol, MI6, Mossad, CSIS, you name it, they got eyes on this sort of stuff. When it comes to the FWA though, none of them can outdo me in quick-wittedness... mostly. There have been some mishaps, from time to time. But I'm not professing to be perfect. Still, thankless affair, very thankless. So when the opportunity arises to brag and meet a star, I'm certainly not against seizing it. There's no need to deny myself all the pleasures, I deserve a reward here and then, if I do say so myself."


"I'm saying, when someone like you wanders into my station, I should get the opportunity to celebrate my fandom."

"Uh. Aren't you supposed to be asking me about the missing guy?"

"Ah, who cares about him? I'm saying I'll make sure this gets swept away. Like I've done countless times for the FWA."

"Is this a trick to make me confess or something?"

"What? Did you kill him?"


So were you lying to him or did you kill the thing?

Like I told him, "I had nothing to do with it. It's a long story but I'll tell you everything I know, at least from what I understood. It's a bit complicated. A couple of years ago, after I was retired, a guy came along. J.J. JAY!. He asked to make a clone out of me. I told him hell no. He tried to sell me on it by giving me this key that brought me into another dimension. Now the guy Jonathan Snow, they walked away from the KODM show because they were feeling down. Was on the phone talking to their girl, I think, and they weren't looking where they were walking. In their defense, it was the middle of nowhere. All that to say, they got run over. Pretty much dead on impact. Guy who ran them over took their body and left. Their body found their way to an acquaintance of mine, a wrestler called Izaya. He does taxidermy. He skinned Jonathan. They were already dead by then. Now, Izaya was watching Twitch at the same time. One of his students was streaming. Guy's cheap though, he's not even subbed so he's gotta watch CC ads and shit like that. Anyways, the girl who was streaming, Liyah, was in those BWW shows, she's doing some chess charity competition against this other wrestler Charles LeRoi, been on a few FWA shows. Nervous guy. Gotta zone out and pretend to be at a PONI BOI concert to calm down. PONI BOI are K-Pop artists by the way, but also wrestlers. One of them's gotta zone out and pretend to be a horse to get over his stage fright. Probably why his stage name is that of a horse. But it only calms him down, the other one ain't as good at being a horse as he is so he breaks his leg. Gets put down by the guy who owns him. Old wrestling slash bodybuilding slash Hollywood legend called Colossus. Wife beater and man whore. He's pissed off that his horse is dead and takes it out on his wife. Wife gets pissed and shoots him dead. He wakes up to the sound of his horse dying. Getting shot's just a bad feeling he quickly forgets. Gotta do it all over again. His mind's stuck in a prison. He's being used as a test subject by a business mogul called Genevieve. She got a hold of this guy who's in a coma with a bunch of other people, and they're all dreaming of us. She uses that technology to trap Colossus. The Nephews are trying to trick the guy in the coma into making one of the people he's dreamed up enter the CC. They gotta do it by going into his mind. In there, they meet up with a wrestling legend called Jon Snowmantashi, they're trying to get on his good side after they blew up the wrestling school he ran a while back by turning a miniature version of it giant. He ain't interested because dealing with them is like dealing with a devil. He gets distracted by one of the miniatures these Nephews have where random people calling themselves Nibling sit around a table. They're playing a tabletop roleplaying game. They're in a magic school going through some trials. One of the people's characters ate a flower that makes him dream up a fake life he likes. Another character gets pissed the first ate the flower and tries to kill him because he never liked him to begin with. So two of the remaining three characters force him to eat a flower and now he's out dreaming with the first. The last three move on to the next trial where one of the characters accidentally looks into a mirror that gives her an illusion of the life she wished she had. The last two avoid getting caught by the mirror's trap. One of them becomes a devout nihilist, recognizing that they're just pawns in a game, and starts killing people rampantly. The last one keeps going to the next trial where she finds a wall covered end to end in FWA-associated masks. She picks up a Captain Fantasy one, believing it'll make her live life as whichever mask she does take. She ends up reliving Thomas West hosting one of his podcasts and he talks about how he's Captain Fantasy, and he recently saved a guy who was stuck in the middle of nowhere. The guy was Jermaine Creed. When Captain Fantasy pulled his truck loose though, he found weaselperson's body in it. That was actually who Captain Fantasy was looking for in the first place. Creed explains that the road broke in half, and a lake fell from the sky, and he lost control of his car while listening to the Thomas West podcast and accidentally ran over weaselperson. Feeling superstitious from all that's happened as if it were an omen, Jermaine called his partner Kendrick who told him that he just saw this life-changing painting of the BAOW legend Devilauntie before and after her transition. Devilauntie made this painting now that she was no longer much of a fugitive. But she still had to meet with the people guaranteeing her safety, the aforementioned Nephews. She met up with the Maid of Death. During the meeting, the restaurant they were eating in got blown up. Maid of Death got hit hard enough that she began hallucinating the day she commanded the death of her student's family. Then she hallucinates two of the dead Nephews, the Leviathans. Gator Guy tells her he wrote a play about Stop Sign #2, another Nephew who'd died. The play is actually about Ashley La Bella who was Stop Sign #2. In that play, she's trying to run her own play to legitimize herself as an artist instead of being remembered as a woman who wore a stop sign costume. She's got an interview to get to, marketing for her Broadway run, one of them is with someone who won the right to interview her thanks to a fan fiction contest he won. This guy tells her about the story he wrote, it's about Frodo, another Nephew that died. He's in some type of afterlife. Thomas West gives him a ring that he tells him holds the fate of everything. Inside the ring is a minuscule water kingdom that contains a library that the other Leviathan, Megalodon Man, guards. That's the very same library I entered in which I learned... well, it'd take a while to explain, so I won't elaborate. I told Megalodon Man to read me a passage from a book about an alternate universe where wrestling is fake, and behind the scenes, bookers and writers decide which wrestlers win or lose. In this part of the story, shortly before the main event of The Grand March, one of the Nephews, Quiet, returns to his hotel to put on a weaselperson costume and logs into his account on a wrestling forum where he fantasy books me coming out of another world and entering my backyard to see that Izaya's prepared weaselperson's costume for me. And that's all I can tell you about what happened to Jonathan Snow, and why I'm now weaselperson."

The guy had fallen asleep.

What the hell?

Yeah, I know.

Neph. You told him who killed the guy. You snitched on Jermaine.

It was an accident. Besides, he didn't even care.

That don't matter, Neph.

I was nervous, I wasn't thinking straight.

You're damn lucky.

Calm down, Unc. Light another one.

Bout to cost a man his life.

Anyways, I woke the guy up.

"My bad, my bad. Sorry, you just kept going on and on. I got bored. So many people, my god. I tried to concentrate, but then I got distracted and zoned out again. Anyways, you know the really shitty part about this case falling into my lap? I was actually becoming a fan of weaselperson. The barking stuff was pretty fun. But now I know weaselperson was just some guy from Montreal. That's not nearly as fun. And now he's you, that's as unfun as it can get. Would be less fun if it was like Derrick Hunter, or Kevin Cromwell. Or even Ryan Rondo."

"Oh, I think I get it."
I wasn't the most beloved guy before I left. Figures a 'wrestling fan' like this guy wouldn't think much of someone like me.

Neph, no one liked you back then.

Nor was I trying to cater to their interest. But it made sense a lot of people wouldn't be happy to see me out as weaselperson. The mystique and the intrigue suited them better. I knew that going in. I didn't do it for those reasons.

"Oh? Oh! No, no, no. It's not that I think guys like you are boring per se, though the whole pure stuff is a bit much. But I just didn't really want to find out who weaselperson was. Some random guy who only barks and looks like a gross human weasel winning the CC? That's fun. On the other hand, the old star coming back for the fairweather CC opportunity, bit overplayed, right? You'll have that Golden Opportunity anyways, so it's not that bad for you."

"Why am I still here?"

Didn't seem to hear me. Or didn't care to hear me. Big fan of the sound of his own voice, I guess.

And you're not?

Only time I'm a fan of my voice is when you're listening, Unc.

Ha ha ha. Go on, then.

"And it's going to be a pretty fun Golden Opportunity this year. I'm really liking Katsu. A fourth-place finish on her first attempt? You don't see that every day," he said. I'd finished second on my first attempt but getting eliminated first in the match would've felt as rewarding as finishing second, so I opted not to bring it up. "And can you imagine if Reagan Cole somehow won? Don't get me started on Death Walker. His winning would be like that one time Lilith won the Steel Roulette. Hopefully, they don't mess him up like they did her though. Alyster Black's cool too, but I mean, he's already had his turn, right? He's had plenty of shots. Between you and me, I'm actually really pulling for Jackson Fenix. Now that would be a story for the ages. Keeps falling short every shot he gets, feels like he's letting down his partner with every loss, but always shows up, full of heart, starts turning a new leaf, becomes the iron man of the CC, and then comes out of nowhere to win the Golden Opportunity, and one day becoming a World Champion. Perfect story."

"I'm sure it would be."

"Not nearly as perfect as the Back in Business main event though. Who do you think's got it?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

You don't really think that.

I was tryna get out, Unc. Course I got my own thoughts, but this guy didn't need to hear them.

"It's gotta be Cyrus Truth right? Everyone thought he was done. But Cyrus Truth is the MOTHERFUCKING Truth, pardon my language. He didn't have to change his ways to get back to the top. Didn't have to conform to what the new stars were doing. No need to get fancy. He stuck to his guns. Showed people you can still do it how you used to be able to do it. For a second, I thought he was done after The Grand March, but then number 30 at the CC, and I knew it. I knew it in my bones when that lead riff started up no one was stopping him. I think it's his moment, man. Peacock is cool but Truth is just evergreen. Vino. I don't think there's a more inspirational story than him winning in the main event of Back in Business after being treated like dirt for so long."


I thought he finally realized I was tired of hearing him talk. The tone was adequately delivered that time.

"Oh. How inconsiderate of me! Celebrating Truth's win with the guy who he beat. I know it must suck finishing second again. Gotta be a bit bitter about that."

"No. Not all. I'm happy for him. He deserves it."

I think he believed me.

"He does, doesn't he?"

I don't know how much longer he was planning on going on, but the door opened up, the way I presume happens in every cop show episode, and a woman came in and said, "My client will no longer be answering any of your questions."

"You're his lawyer?"


"Well, look, you don't have to get all bothered. We were just talking."

"And now we'll be leaving."

"Hold up. You can't just-"

"Is he under arrest?"

"No, but..."


I followed her outside the room. I don't know much about how the law works, whether I was allowed to leave or not. But nobody got in our way. And the pig didn't follow us out.

She had that auntie vibe, I didn't wanna disrespect her. As soon as we got outside though, I tried to leave.

"Where are you going?" she asked me.


"We need to talk."

"I'm pretty sure I don't have a lawyer. At least I haven't had one for a while."

"We need to talk about Jonathan. I know what happened to him."

"Where exactly do you want us to go?"

"Get in the car."

"You can't tell me? Look, be sensible. It'd be idiotic of me to get in your car given the circumstances."

She opened her purse and pulled out a Ziploc. She tossed it my way. I didn't bother catching it so it landed at my feet. Ziploc with crumbled-up paper towels inside.

"What is it?"

"Open it and see."

I did. Wrapped underneath some paper towels was a toe. I glanced only long enough to note it.

That's what she was scaring you with? That's it? Neph, you know I bit Jambo Jouffie's toe clean off in Brooklyn '94. And there was Monty Kidd in '01.

Yeah, well, it could've even been fake for all I knew. But I had a feeling.

"It belongs to a friend of yours. Izaya Snowmantashi," she said, and I believed her. He wrestled without shoes sometimes, so I knew his foot. I guess. "He accosted me. Tried to sell me on a conspiracy of some sort, about how I'm merely a part of a larger whole. I grew up in a religious household, I had little interest in that, only in what he had a part in taking from me."

I don't even know how your feet look and I've known you since you were born.

Whatever. The look she had, real auntie vibes, Unc. Cold. Fucking ice cold.

"I will only warn you once, Zachary. Enter the car. Or you'll regret it."

I got in the car.

I'd call you a dumb ass, but you're here now. You still got all your toes?


Guess I can't complain.


She drove us out of the city, into some side roads. And stopped the car in front of empty farmland that went on endlessly. Middle of nowhere type of place. I sort of thought she might kill me, then.

Coulda slapped her.

That's not my thing, Unc.

She was holding you hostage. You gotta defend yourself.

She knew I was connected to a man she cared about and who was dead. It was understandable.

Fuck understandable, Neph. You gotta be priority number one.

Maybe. We're not exactly built the same, Unc. If it's not in the ring, I don't know, I don't have it in me. If this was where I was going to die, maybe it made sense. Finishing second again was the end of it. Who finishes second twice in the CC?

"I know what happened to Jonathan, more or less."

"You're Wanda?"

"You know who I am?"

"No, not really. I only know you're connected to Jonathan."

"I managed his affairs, and we were lovers."


She didn't seem like the sort of person who could say that with a straight face and be lying. Plus, I'd had a feeling.

"And now he's dead."


"And you've taken his skin, and worn it as a costume. You parade around in it for the world to see."

"I... did."

And she didn't try to kill you?

She wanted something more from me.

"I know others were involved. Many, others. And I will see to it that they regret their involvement. This conspiracy that resulted in the death of Jonathan will not go unanswered."

"What will you do?"

"That doesn't concern you. I expect other things from you. You've taken the responsibility of having Jonathan's mantle, the weaselperson, I intend on having you live up to it."

"Live up to it? They hadn't accomplished much to live up to. But you don't have to worry about that, I'm going to keep going on as weaselperson, forevermore. I don't need Zachary Kazadi to be the name people think about when they see what I'll accomplish."

"Good. But not good enough. You're already failing. weaselperson promised me they'd win the Carnal Contenderhsip."

"That was a bit of a bold promise."

"It doesn't matter how bold it was. They made the promise and they were never allowed to try and live up to it. But you were, and you failed."

"You're right. I did."
Making excuses for my failures had never been my thing.

I taught you that.

And I've always kept it in mind. Coming up with excuses is easy. But I won't take away victory from the people that beat me, whatever bullshit they do to get it. That's the coward's way out.

Signs of a weak mind.

And that ain't me. If I lost, I lost. I'll do better next time. I was outplayed, that's what it comes down to.

"Good, I don't want you to think that second is good enough. It's not. weaselperson promised me the world, and I will have nothing short of it."

"Second isn't good enough. We're in agreement on that. I'm not at all satisfied with what I did that night. I was trying to win. I did everything I possibly could to ensure weaselperson was the one who won Carnal Contendership. I wanted weaselperson to be the name headlining Back in Business. And now it's not going to happen. Anything short of victory was going to be disappointing. Even without you coming along, there's no way I could be happy just making it far.

"I get that there's nothing wrong with being satisfied with your accomplishments, no matter how small, I get it. Maybe it's even healthier. But I can't help that deep inside that sort of attitude disgusts me. I'm not one to talk. I've veered in the exact opposite. A lot of us do. The pressure of having failed, of not having achieved absolute success, it's so overwhelming it's caused me to nearly quit, and to actually quit, more than once. I built my whole life up to be a wrestler, and I gave up most of the last six years of my career because of those failures.

"I don't ever want to be satisfied with failure, but I never want to let failure be the reason I give up on it all again. There's gotta be a healthy medium where you acknowledge failure, and rise above it. Still, until I've demonstrated that quality, I can't openly say I'm disappointed in my peers in the Golden Opportunity when my way of dealing with defeat hasn't amounted to much. Without my words feeling empty. And I certainly don't intend on chasing failure to prove I can appropriately deal with it. But I do intend on constantly challenging myself without fear of it."

"Your history of failures did make me question if you had it in you to live up to Jonathan's ambition. But I've done my research and there are few who might be more adequate for the role. If I could find a more suitable individual, I'd ensure you disappeared and move on immediately, however; despite all your flaws, you're the only one appropriate for the role. I'm not so sure if that's a sign of your exceptionality or the underwhelming quality around you. Perhaps enrobing yourself in Jonathan's skin will cure you of your weaknesses."

"That's harsh."

I chuckled to myself because that might've been exactly what I was doing. Trying to cover up my weaknesses with weaselperson. There was no use overthinking the subconscious reasons why I had done it. No one wants to think that deeply about it.

"I've had flaws, but I don't believe I was on the wrong path. Failure is awful and I didn't have the strength not to let it drag me down. But the opposite - satisfaction in failure - is unbecoming of someone who wants to be the best. Those people who'll be with me in the Golden Opportunity, they're all pathetic in my eyes. The first four of them particularly. But the wider world passing them stickers too, for surviving so long. Just being in the Golden Opportunity is cause for celebration for them, I don't think any of them even think they have a chance of winning it, beyond a fleeting dream. They appreciate every moment between now and then because it'll be a moment where that dream can still live unburdened in the corner of their minds. They're all publicly celebrating having lasted so long in the Contendership, but there's nothing to celebrate. I've heard people cheer on the unique lineup of the Golden Opportunity, but I'm not pleased with it. That's not competition. I can't change the part of me that thrives on the competitive spirit of this profession. I don't want to look down on people's way of approaching wrestling anymore, but I'll still make an effort to prove my way to be better."

"You shouldn't underestimate them. If you feel so confident in the difference between you and them, then I'll expect nothing less than your winning that opportunity."

"I do feel confident. I'd give any of them my spot as the last entry and enter first. Happily. I'd put them all to bed one by one. I know I would. I can't allow that lineup to be representative of FWA's best. People are claiming they stepped aside deliberately to pave the way for new individuals to get a chance. For these people to get a chance. That's an insult. There's nothing more disrespectful than the little success you have being only a consequence of others' underestimation of your ability. Of charity.

"I'll never respect a man like Danny Toner. I'm sure every word he says only comes out of a desire to obtain a reaction... but that doesn't change what I heard him say the other night... he's right. The FWA is disappointing. The chance to fight for the world title was at our fingertips, and hardly anyone even cared to try. Is it the champ that's caused the disinterest? Or has that belt been so thoroughly devalued after being tossed across so many laps? The FWA is in a depressive state. It needs a new standard. Golden Opportunity can wait in the wings, I have no concerns about it. But between now and then, I have a mandate to put down everyone I face. And I'm grateful the first man I'll get to do it to is Cyrus Truth. There will be no clearer image for the FWA of what's to be expected of its best after I make him tap out."

"You have a lot to say, but I understand that's a common trait among wrestlers. To boast about what you will do, and yet, statistically speaking, most of you fail to live up to those vows, don't you? I do trust in your conviction, but having conviction and being able to see it through are two different stories. You will have a year to impress me. To imprint your mark in the FWA. To ensure weaselperson's name goes down in legend, as they intended it to. If you don't-"

"Doesn't matter, Wanda. I don't need the threats. I'll give weaselperson the legacy you expected of them. If I don't, then you can do what you have to do. Until then, I'll put my conviction forward against any others."

Whoa, ho, ho. Ah, Kazadi. My nephew! You are so passionate sometimes. Your eyes are so brilliant. I can tell she probably fell in love with you right then, Neph.

I could never sleep safely at night with that sort.

That's what makes it thrilling! All the bad ladies I passed on, I still regret to this day.

This is gonna have to be one of those times I try and risk making my own mistakes, Unc.

My good life lessons you ignore, my bad life lessons you ignore. I guess that's just youth.

I had an appointment afterward, she at least had the courteousness to drop me off there. I was worried she might make me walk.


Dealing with the feds, and dealing with weaselperson's girlfriend hadn't been on the schedule, but the FWA also had concerns about why the individual they'd signed was suddenly someone else, and that was an appointment I'd expected today. I had to meet with Jon Russnow to talk about weaselperson's future with the FWA.

"You're not weaselperson."

Katie confronted me right outside Russnow's office. I knew by then that weaselperson had more than just Wanda chasing after them. It was a wonder why, but I wasn't that curious.

I was wearing the costume, so I disagreed. "Bark."

"You don't sound anything like them!"

"Well, I tried."

You ain't never heard the guy bark, have you?

I skim interviews, usually. They never got much of anything interesting to say.


I prefer the matches. You know that.

"What did you do with the real weaselperson? Where are they?"

"Sorry, can't talk right now. I have a meeting with Russnow."

The door opened, and Russnow was grinning.

That dumb grin of his.

Yeah, makes you wanna punch him.

I woulda punched him.

We're a bit more disciplined these days.

That's why you never get rid of your pent-up anger like I did. Remember Ashley O'Ryan, shoulda knocked him out while you had the chance. Could've undone all the rest of the shit that happened.

"Katie, what are you doing here?" She forced her way in. "Come on in," he added. "Zachary, good to see you! You're wearing the outfit still. For a private meeting?"


"Zachary! You don't gotta do that with me, man. Take a seat, take a seat."

I sat down and tried to keep my eyes off Katie. She was staring at me like she wanted me dead. Not worse than auntie, but a bit awkward.

"Welcome back to the FWA, my man. I've been trying to lock you up for so long, but guess you had to do it on your own terms, yeah? I ain't mad. Whatever gets you back in the ring. Did you hear that pop when they saw it was you?"

"... Bark."

"Dude, seriously."

I sighed. "People always find it easy to cheer when old stars come back. It doesn't mean anything." Then they get bored again, quickly enough. I wasn't there for that.

"I've been trying to get the guys upstairs to bring back Michael Garcia for that face run but they're not biting."


"Yeah, they're not usually so allergic to money. Their loss."

Impatient, Katie intervened. "Aren't you going to question what happened to weaselperson?"

"I am weaselperson."

"Oh, you're sticking with that?"


"You sure? Thought that was the total opposite of your thing."

"My thing didn't get me much, did it."

"Well, it got you as much as this thing got you. Second place again? Rough luck, man. But Cyrus Truth versus Chris Peacock will probably sell more, no offense."

"Luck's got nothing to do with it. I just wasn't good enough."

"You ain't gonna walk away again, are you? I mean, I wouldn't blame you. You got that rep. And I'd need more than two hands to count the number of people that have bailed 'cause they flopped since I've been back."

"I'm here to stay."

"But what about the real weaselperson?"

"You saw them walk away, didn't you? What do you want me to say?"

"Why are you masquerading as them? Why do you look so much like them?"

"To your first question: I'm trying to live up to the lofty goals you set out for them because they no longer can. To your second, the man who made me this is good at his art."

"You got any more questions, Katie? Or can you leave so I can get this sorted out?"

"I do! What do you mean they no lon-"

"Katie, that was rhetorical. You're not on the clock. There's no camera here."

"You lost a wrestler, don't you care what happened to them?"

"Kaaaaaatie! I've lost four Nephews, Krash twice, Randy Ramon, and Stu Grimes. And those are the confirmed ones on global television. I don't care that much about losing the other guy, whoever they were. This guy's gonna move the needle though. And if he wants to do it looking like an idiot, who am I to say no? Shit, I can see it helping."

"You're disgusting. I will take this above you."

She left, but I avoided making eye contact with her when she did.

"So, Meltdown-"

"No meaningless multi-mans. No Boulders. No OMBhausens. I want Cyrus Truth."

"You ain't changed after all. But... Cyrus? You sure about that?"

"Is the World Champ free?"

"Fine! Have at it. Cyrus Truth versus weaselperson. Why not? I still don't know how reliable you are. If he kicks your ass and you bail, at least I got the Back in Business Main Event that wasn't on the record books and you can call me up again when your ego's done bruising, maybe without the costume this time."

"That's not gonna happen."

"Hey, man. Cyrus Truth's a killer. You should know better than anyone else not to underestimate him."

"Russnow, I might be dressed like this, and I might be a bit more flexible in what I'm willing to do as a professional wrestler, but that won't change the fact that I don't think much of being thrown over the rope as a demonstration of my skill. I still believe I'm the best professional wrestler there has ever been, and I've been long overdue in establishing that. I'm going to do to Cyrus what I would've done back then if he and I ever stepped in the ring opposite each other. I'm going to make him tap out. I'm putting the myth to bed once and for all. What I need you to do is to stop all of the other bullshit that happens on your shows which perpetually manage to keep the legend of Truth living on. I don't want to see your world champ anywhere near the ring. I don't want to see Nephews getting involved. I don't want a referee as light as a feather. I don't want commentators who don't know where they belong. I've waited six long years for this moment. No one is going to take this away from me. I'm better than Cyrus Truth. I believe that. But saying it and proving it are two different things. Don't let anybody get in the way of my proving it."

"You believed you were better than Devin Golden, and he made you tap out, he made you quit. It cost you your career. Why are you trying to walk down this road again? Take it easy, man. Learn to enjoy yourself. It's not really all about winning and losing. It's about entertainment."

"There's no other way for me to do this. I'm not here to be hated or to be beloved. I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to make enemies. I'm here to be the best. Or at the very least, try. I'll accept defeat if it happens. No one needs to believe me on that. I don't need them to either. I'll prove it. But if I'm not giving it my all, and if I'm not pushing my opponent to give it their all, then I don't need to be here. The bare minimum I need to be doing here is setting a standard. But that's the bare minimum. The rest is in your hands."

"My hands?"

"I don't choose the opportunities I'm going to get, Russnow. I'll have the Golden Opportunity and the champion, whomever it might be, in my hands when the time comes, but aside from that, the opportunities I get are in your hands."

"You talk a big game, Kazadi. But all of y'all talk a big game. I'll be happy to consider giving you shots, but you gotta be around to get those shots. You know how many shots I've given out since I've been here. The FWA's a meritocracy under me. You show up when you get that shot, you succeed. Some people don't like it, but I stand by it. You're saying it's in my hands. I'm saying it's in your hands. So let's see who's gonna be right?"


He's not wrong, you know?

I know he's not wrong. It doesn't matter if he is, or isn't. I'm a man of my word. I'm here to stay. But I'm not here just to be here. I'm going to deliver every single time weaselperson's name is on the card. No half-measures. No resting on my laurels. No coasting. That's not who I am, it's never going to be who I am. Besides, there are plenty of people already doing that. They don't need me to add that to the roster's filler.

What are you going to be?

I tried to change the FWA when I first got here. I don't think I was wrong to want to do it. Though I think how I intended to invoke that change was wrong. I rejected competition in favor of my values. I know how to do it properly this time. My vision is clearer. And I think there's no way better to start that change than against Truth.

Is that how you really feel?

I know I'm just a footnote in Cyrus Truth's career. A possibility that never came to be. A name on a match list, one-sixth of a multi-man filler. While he was collecting memories and moments and accolades, I wasn't. And so, my biggest memories, and my biggest moments in the FWA, do involve him. I didn't like him even back then. And I had the right of it, he was a piece of shit. I always wondered how he managed to reconcile who he was at the time with the image he's built of himself today. A man of infallible character. Where everyone else is dishonorable, he's stood firm against that. It's laughable. Those values he claims to have always upheld were pretty fucking bent back then, and his refusal to acknowledge it now only goes to show he hasn't changed a bit. He was at my side, and he did what he always expects others will do to him, he turned his back on me. I know he doesn't care that he did it, I know it means nothing to him. I know he hardly remembers. But that doesn't matter, I remember! And if it ever occurs to him to wonder why I'm so hellbent on snapping his fucking arm off, it'll be because of that snub.

Tell me how you really feel.

I won't talk about what would've happened back then if I'd won the CC. If we'd faced at Back in Business. That'd be pathetic of me. I don't intend to talk about what would've happened if I won this year either. I lost. That's the end of it. I'm not main eventing Back in Business this year. And I won't linger on the Opportunity just yet. That's a while away. I'm focused on my next match. With him. Whatever happened in Nashville, I was always going to get my match with Truth, I was never going to let that opportunity pass me by. Right now, Truth is the standard in the FWA. He's been the standard for a while. And that's... a real shame. Once upon a time, Truth was one of the best. But that was a long while ago. Even when I got in here, I knew his time was going, he was clutching for a foothold. It wasn't me that pushed him off, it was Shannon. But it was going to happen. And sure, he climbed back up, when the crowd thinned, when the new FWA recession started. But the talent came back, and Truth hasn't reached old heights since.

I know Truth's running on old glory. On reputation. On myth. He can lose eighty percent of his matches, recycle the same material for a decade, recount the same self-aggrandizing tales about long and winding roads and his solitary presence of the one worth respecting, the only one worthy where no one else is, but it's the longevity that will forever prop him up. I know it was starting to sink in for him. I know he sensed that the myth was about to break. The cracks were beginning to show. People believed less and less in the myth. But sometimes, things work out, sometimes when your spirit is nearly broken, you find fortune. I think Truth's spirit was nearly broken. I think that seemingly indomitable spirit that's kept him around for so long was full of cracks and that Carnal Contendership would've been the end of it. But he didn't. And the legend lives on. And everyone's grateful it does. No one likes to see legends die.

I've accepted the loss, Unc. But I'm pissed about it. I'm pissed I let him throw me out. I'm pissed I've allowed the myth to be prolonged.

Tell me how you really feel.

I won't refuse Truth his flowers. So many more skilled people than him have taken one loss and walked away. Dozens of them. I was one of them. Twice, even. I'll say it over and over again because I won't forget who I was. But there's been lots of others. All the legends and would-be legends he's outlasted - saying nothing of my personal feelings on them: Devin. Kennedy. Gabrielle. Randy. Ryan. Krash. Nova. Sully. Bell. Shannon. The list goes on, but he remains steadfast. I may not agree with the content of his legacy, but even so, his legacy remains that while people have broken, he's endured. To have failed, to have repeatedly disappointed, to have been constantly passed by new, brighter stars, not a lot of people's egos can take that. Countless Carnal Contenderships. Golden Opportunities. Mile Highs. Battle Royals. Bounties. Tag Warz. F1 Climaxxx's. Failure after failure. Losing the North American Championship. Being slapped around by Michelle for the better part of a year. But he took every disappointment that was the result of his inability to measure up to his own legacy, and he kept marching. Even with all my vows about proving I'm legitimate, could I face such constant humiliation and stay? I'm not sure. Even now, I'm not sure. But I've no intention of being confronted with that question. Truth was because he lacks. I won't be found lacking.

Tell me how you really feel.

And that resilience of his, it's admirable. He's a constant. That's why he has a lot of people's respect. That's why people want to see him at the top once again. Because he persevered. And I don't mean any people, I mean the guys in the back, they all admire him, they all respect him. I've seen the World Champion begging to be viewed as his equal. The World Fucking Champion lowers himself to compensate for his insecurities, to get the legend's approval, and he's surprised when Truth rejects him.

It's no surprise Truth rejected him, because why would he ever validate anyone else? When has Truth ever given back to this company, or this sport? Who has he mentored? Who has he paved the way for? Who has he passed on all that knowledge he's hoarded for a decade? Eli Black? Sawyer Xavier? Everyone respects Truth, but no one likes him, because he's a selfish asshole who doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. His involvement in the farcical civil war they had was an exercise in vanity. Stranded with nowhere to go, he latched on to a chance to further fuel his ego.

If you don't want to acknowledge his inaction, then acknowledge what he's said.

Acknowledge the way he's dismissed the talent in this company time and time again, and how that dismissal came to be a reality. Acknowledge how he's seen people pass him by, and not just pass him by, but beat him, over and over again, and how he has the gall to denigrate their worth as world champions when he could never measure up to them. To slander them for being unworthy, instead of offering some semblance of respect.

Truth is an empty symbol. There is no Truth in him. He's venom. He's spite. He's dishonorable. And it sickens me that six years on, nothing has changed about him, and still newcomers line up to worship at his feet. On the surface, he's not the vile man he was back then, but look a little closely, nothing's changed. People like him who weaponize Truth care nothing for it. He cares nothing for anyone. He gives nothing back to wrestling. Passes nothing on to the future. Respects no one at his level. Acknowledges no one who's passed him. He takes away every success of those around him, yet I'm supposed to view him as a legend. He's a man I would never want to be like.

Tell me how you really feel.

I've always made it a point not to make things personal, but that's not always easy. Sometimes, it's tough. It's real tough. And with Truth, it's real real tough. If there's any individual without a gold-plated belt around their waist that I wanted to fight, it was him. It was always going to be him. I know he's forgotten about who I am and what I do, but I'm going to remind him. For a long time, he's been running on pity as fuel. He's been using excuses to hide his inadequacies. I won't let him do that on Meltdown. No one is going to give him an excuse. I am going to make Cyrus Truth tap out. Or, if he's got his legacy to protect, I will make him pass out.

But I'm not going for an empty victory. I am better than him. I know I am. I'm the better wrestler. And I don't think that's an arrogant or outrageous thought.

I think there's a long line of people back there that are better than him. They might not realize it. They may still be starstruck. But that's why I'm here. To end the myth. No more pretending he's still the trophy victory those who've risen above him see him as.

When he walks into that main event against Chris Peacock, and thereafter loses, Chris is going to be celebrating a victory over a Truth who's already been proven long past his best before date.

I know that Peacock's happy to have him. I know he's looking at how easy of a night Back in Business is going to be, because for all his dramatics about wanting Black to win, I know that he was relieved when Alyster didn't, and he was thrilled when Cyrus did. Much in the same way that he was happy to pass on that spot in the F1 Climaxxx to him. Much as he was thrilled to get him into that match at the Grand March. Much as he was thrilled when Truth stepped out at number 30. Peacock knows Truth is a walkover. And he might pretend up until Back in Business that this is going to be a tough go. That he's still got it. The Truth is, Chris doesn't think Cyrus's still got it. All he wants out of Truth, is the last shred of legitimacy he can add to Chris's name before all he's good for is holding the gate closed for Reagan Coles and Katsu.

Tell me how you really feel.

A big part of me thinks Truth is going to look past me. Not because he doesn't think I'm good enough. Not because he's arrogant, though he very much is. But because he's got nothing left in him. Not an ounce of heart. He's going to phone this in like he's phoned most of the last three years. He's going to save the little he's got for Chris Peacock, and he's going to chalk this Meltdown up as an acceptable defeat. I'm a bit of a pessimist, but that's what I think. And really, there's nothing I can do about that. The only thing I can do is make sure I'm never lowering myself to his standards. Whoever turns up opposite of me on Meltdown. Someone whose head is already thinking ahead to defeat at Back in Business, or someone who still gives a shit about wrestling the way he pretends to. It doesn't matter in the end. My promise was pretty clear. At his best, or at his worst: there are no excuses. No way he manages to protect his reputation again. Tap out. Or pass out. Those are the only options he'll have for dictating this next chapter of his myth.

That how you really feel?

That's how I really feel.​

Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
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Exile Chronicles (Volume 5)
Chapter 20: The Faces We Wear

Here, in the middle of the ring in the Bridgestone Arena, surrounded by tens of thousands of screaming fans…the only thing that Cyrus Truth can hear is his own heart pumping blood into his ears.

It’s an eerie silence broken only by an internal drumbeat. The Exile’s mind is clouded by a fugue-like state, where his brain isn’t registering where he is, or what just happened.

But…it did happen, didn’t it?

There’s no one else in the ring. No one else who’ll be entering the ring. How could there be? He was fortunate enough to grasp the 30th and final entry into the Carnal Contendership match. Cyrus remembers being in the final batch of competitors, a spot he was familiar with having entered the Steel Roulette the last three years in a row.

…no, it’s more than that. He had survived to the final three. No, the final two. It was him and…Kazadi? No, that’s not what they called themselves now. Doesn’t matter. Can’t matter.


As confetti drops and music blares, it dawns on Cyrus exactly what’s going on. The noise of the world returns and is overwhelming.

Cyrus Truth…the last vestige of an era many in FWA had long written off, is the last man standing.

Just as he did seven years ago, he stands alone as the winner of Carnal Contendership.

He’s going onward to Back in Business to face Chris Peacock for the FWA World Championship.

No interjection from cowards and trolls.

No Triple Threat, absentee battle royale, ladder match or chamber scramble nonsense.

Cyrus Truth is getting another shot at redemption. The best shot he could’ve asked for.

Cyrus drops to his knees as a raucous crowd chants and cheers. He lets a smile escape his usual stoic and grim countenance as the confetti flies, a portion of it sticking to his sweat. But The Exile doesn’t care.

He actually did it. In spite of everything that has happened over the last several years, all the heartache and strife…having to listen to everyone say that he was done and his time was over? Here, in this moment, Cyrus Truth has shown up once again.

The Exile was enough.

And now, for the first time in a long time, Cyrus Truth can see salvation at the end of the Long and Winding Road.

However, the exhilaration is quickly cooled as he turns to see someone has entered the ring. The man who carries the prize that Cyrus has hungered for. The champion that Cyrus would challenge at Back in Business. The obstacle that stood between him and the final salvation that would justify the struggle.

As Chris Peacock extends a hand and Cyrus, eventually, grasps and shakes it, The Exile snaps back to reality.

What warmth and euphoria that was present for his victory in Carnal Contendership has quickly evaporated in the realization of what the situation was truly was.

Winning Carnal Contendership was only the first step in a much more treacherous journey. One that Cyrus has taken before, but the world he finds himself in is so much more perilous.

As Peacock leaves him to bask in the victory, Cyrus’s mind goes from racing to ice cold.

The true battle, the real struggle?

It’s only just begun…


We find ourselves watching as an unmarked black sedan is rolling down a massive highway, the signs along the side of the road indicating that we’re somewhere near Miami, Florida. The high, bright sun with nary a cloud in the sky indicates that it’s a normal, balmy spring day that harkens the arrival of summer. As we focus on the passengers inside of the car, we find a trio of very unlikely figures.

Behind the wheel is FWA’s resident Mad Wizard, Konchu Hao. Despite the heat, he’s dressed in his usual vestments and garb, and has elected to don a black variant of his trademark locust mask with red accents.

In the front passenger seat sits Cyrus Truth, who’s dressed somewhat more reasonably in a plain black T-shirt and dark blue jeans. He looks out somewhat absentmindedly at the scenery passing him by, but there’s clearly some thought seeded deep behind those hawkish eyes of him.

And sitting in the back, furiously tapping away at his tablet, is Konchu’s faithful minion and best friend Epsilon.

“Epsilion! Are we approaching the correct exit?”

“Mehek voul zop!”

“Fantastic! Cyrus, we’re getting close to our destination. Would you mind coming back to this particular realm of existence instead of wherever your mind happens to be mindlessly wandering?”

Konchu’s question snaps Cyrus back to reality as he turns away from the car window and back towards the Mad Wizard.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was just thinking.”

“About what, if I might ask?”

“Carnal Contendership.”

“Ah, of course. No doubt it would be on your mind. And because I’ve apparently forgotten my manners, I should congratulate you on your victory. It was a long time coming.”

“If you say so.”

Konchu’s face scrunches a bit at that, as if he wasn’t expecting that response.

“Cyrus, you seem rather morose about Carnal Contendership. I don’t understand why. You won, after all. Isn’t that what you wanted? To have another shot at the World Title, at Back in Business no less?”

Cyrus sighs as he leans back into his seat.

“Don’t get it twisted. I’m proud that I was able to win Carnal Contendership again. And it was a great weight off my shoulders…but the Truth is? Winning Carnal Contendership was the easy part. I had the benefit of coming in at the absolute best number after everybody left had gotten the holy hell beaten out of them. The margin of error for my victory was not the same as everybody else’s, and I acknowledge that. And if I’m being honest…as much of a feather in my cap that winning it was? Way I see it, it will mean little and less if I don’t beat Peacock at Back in Business. Carnal Contendership wasn’t the endgame. It was simply the objective that needed to be completed in order to reach the true prize.”

Konchu rolls his eyes at that, but from his own sigh and lack of rebuttal? It’s clear that the Mad Wizard understands where Cyrus is coming from.

“Ah, so that’s what it is. You always have been so damned serious about everything. Would it kill you to not stress about what will be and just enjoy what is?”

“Kind of hard to do when one of your supposed ‘friends’ calls you in the middle of the night and asks you to make a pit stop in Miami to look into something. Is there a point in this little trip where you’re going to tell me exactly what the hell you needed me for?”

“Kehahaha! Now where’s the fun in that, Truth? Honestly, you are SO wound up. At a certain point, you have to learn to enjoy things…”


“Yes, yes, I see the exit. Hold on.”

Konchu turns the wheel to take the next exit, which seems to lead to Indian Creek Island, one of Miami’s most luxurious and high-rent districts. A haven for the rich and famous, and definitely not the kind of scene for this particular trio. However, things seem…off as Konchu continues to drive towards the entrance to this neighborhood.

“Well, if you MUST know…I recently learned that someone of some minor influence has acquired a very interesting artifact. Early Aztec, if my sources are to be believed. However, those same sources weren’t able to verify that the artifact in question was legitimate or not.”

“So you’re saying it could be a fake?”

“I’m saying that the potential of it NOT being a fake is well worth the effort to acquire it. The early Aztecs dabbled in various rituals and spiritualist acts, and artifacts from that time period have the potential for great power.

“You mean to steal it.”

“‘Stealing’ is such an unfair term! I simply wish to recover it from someone who doesn’t know its true value, study it, and then return it to its rightful owners after I’ve learned everything I can from it. If it makes your conscience feel any better, this reprobate acquired this artifact through several black market treasure hunters and pillagers. Rather repugnant types…”

“Okay, okay, I get it…”

As the sedan zips through the neighborhood, we see that there are private police forces scattered about. However, they don’t seem…particularly on alert. Even if they were relaxing, their perception seems to be altered and their attention seems dulled and muddled. The sedan continues as it approaches the end of a cul-de-sac to a house that looks larger and more opulent than the other miniature mansions surrounding it.

“That still doesn’t explain why you wanted me to come along.”

“What can I say? I trust your instincts and knowledge. You were an Observer at one point. And while I’m certain my own prodigious intellect could ascertain the validity of the artifact? It never hurts to have a second opinion. Besides, you still owe me for my assistance in deciphering the sigils on that Observer Vault that was on David Sullivan’s property.”

“Ugh. That shit again? How long are you going to keep holding that over my head?”

“As long as I can, kehahaha!”

“Fine, whatever. But what exactly is it you have in mind for getting to this artifact? You plan on just walking up to the front door, strolling through the mansion, and have enough time to examine this trinket to figure out if it’s real?”

“Hmm. Pretty much, yes.”

“I hate to ask, but how?”

“Just wait. We’re here.”

The car pulls up to the mansion, a massively gaudy and decadent building that screams the trappings of opulent wealth and the desire to flaunt it. It’s needlessly flashy, and Cyrus’s eyes and brain hurt just looking at it.

Konchu parks the car and looks back to Epsilon.

“Mind the car, Epsilon. If anything untoward happens or arrives, let me know.”

“Tevap oyi!”

“Truth? Shall we?”

Konchu exits the car as Cyrus follows, a slightly incredulous look on his face.

“Wait, you were serious about just walking in?”

“Of course I was.”

“And you think that the staff and people living here are going to let you?”

“Hmm. Yes, actually. The master of the house is off on some business trip or whatever. As for the people inside?”

Konchu, without breaking pace, continues to walk up to the front door, as Cyrus follows behind him looking rather annoyed. The Exile joins the Mad Wizard at the entrance and watches as Konchu doesn’t knock, doesn’t ring the bell…nope, he just opens the door with ease and without even a moment’s hesitation. Konchu enters, and Cyrus for whatever reason follows.

“I’ve been planning this particular little recovery operation for quite some time. I don’t have to tell you that I’ve been quite busy with my new tabletop roleplaying adventure module publishing company, and though my appearances in FWA have been spotty as of late, wrestling does take quite a bit of attention even with my lighter schedule. But, this is important, and I’ve spared no variables.

“You must’ve noticed that this neighborhood’s local police are…shall we say, not up to the usual standards of vigilance? I have a few friends here in this part of the world who are skilled enough with enchantment magic to ensure that they won’t respond to any calls from this estate. Not that that’s a major concern, because…”

As both men walk through the entrance foyer and down a series of hallways, Cyrus is surprised when he sees the mansion’s staff just…standing there. Staring off into space, completely oblivious to the two of them just casually strolling by. He stops to wave his hand in front of one of the maids, but the woman is completely unresponsive.

“Konchu? The fuck did you do?”

“Oh, relax. I had one of my contacts infiltrate the mansion’s staff as a cook. These poor saps have ingested a variation of my memory modification alchemical compound, similar to the one I used on those nascent cibernetico partners of mine when they accompanied me on that vampire hunting mission. This particular blend renders them in a dazed stupor. They don’t even register that we're here.”

“Konchu…you are scary sometimes.”

“Only ‘sometimes?’ I will have to work on that. Anyways, the artifact’s this way.”

The duo continue to traverse the mansion, heading up stairs and passing by stupefied butlers, maids, and housekeepers. Konchu whistles as they approach a large study, filled with various books that look like they haven’t been read for ages due to the dust that’s accumulated on them. Behind the various shelves, there’s a large glass case that grabs the Mad Wizard’s attention.

Konchu rushes towards it as Cyrus follows. Inside the case is a golden mask, ornamented with various green and blue gemstones. Konchu rubs his hands with glee as he removes the glass case to get access to the prize, turning to Cyrus.

“Well, go ahead. I’ll allow you to take ther\ first crack at it.”


Cyrus approaches the mask as he begins to run his hand over it. Taking the time to register every bump, every curve, every inch of the artifact…running through his mind every thing he’s learned from his time with the Observers regarding ancient civilizations and, more importantly, the tell-tale signs of forgeries and fabrications.

However, as Cyrus stares into the vacant eyes of this particular mask, he almost absentmindedly asks:


“Hmm, yes?”

“Why do you wear that mask?”

“Must we tread this ground again, Cyrus? The vessel I occupy is not my own, so therefore the face that this vessel wears is…”

“No…that’s not what I asked.”

Konchu’s head tilts, as if he’s confused. Cyrus continues his examination of the mask as he follows up his question.

“Why that mask, in particular? Hell, in wrestling alone, there are thousands of different masks of various different designs. Hundreds of different animals if that’s the kind of effigy you’re looking for. Why THAT one? Why choose a locust, of all things?”

The question seems to give Konchu some pause as he crosses his arms and mutters something unintelligible to himself. Cyrus continues examining it, although it’s clear that his attention is divided between what he’s doing and the answer he wants from the Mad Wizard.

“Hmm, hmm…well, I suppose it has to do with what the locust represents. A good majority of the mythologies of the world portray the locust as the harbinger of famine, plague, and death. However, there are some other, alternative portrayals of locusts. These cultures see them as symbols of fertility…but more importantly, of rebirth and renewal.

“When this vessel’s mind broke and allowed me to emerge…well, I realized that I could be either. A scourge or a harbinger of a new era. So…that’s the reason. Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m facing another man on Meltdown who wears a mask.”

“That weaselperson? Is that what this is about?”

“Yeah. The same kid I beat to win the title shot at Back in Business. The last creature standing between me and the main event. They’re having me fight him again. I understand why, although I find it somewhat predictable and pedestrian. But I don’t get it.”

“Get what, exactly?”

“Why did Kazadi decide to come back as…that?”

Cyrus, at this point, has pulled out a pair of latex gloves as he gingerly picks up the Aztec mask, presumably to get a better look at it in a different light. Konchu follows behind him, arms crossed behind him as if standing at attention, waiting for Cyrus to confirm the validity of the artifact…but also, to listen intently as The Exile works through his own thoughts.

“Has it been so long…so long since Kazadi was so close to winning a Carnal Contendership? When he was within striking distance of being the one who would face me for the World Title? I remember it vividly, have had it replay in the back of my head ever since I tossed weaselperson out of the ring and secured the win. Ever since that mask came off and I saw the face of a kid who seemed like he was destined to become another breakout star. Who knows? Had he succeeded in winning that match and faced me at Back in Business, he might’ve been the one who would carry the banner instead of the long line of nascent champions we’ve had of late.

“But, he’s back…but not back. I know his wrestling style well, and he fights much the same as he did before. So…why does he wear that mask? What’s the point? We all know who he is, so he’s not hiding anything. And if he, like you, is wearing it for some symbolic reason, what is it?”

“An interesting question, to be sure…however, I struggle to understand why you care?”

“Because I can’t afford not to care.”

Cyrus takes one last look at the mask and sighs before recklessly tossing it at Konchu, who almost fumbles it before catching it.

“This mask is a fake, by the way. And not even a good one.”

“Oh, Nine Hells! That is so disappointing…”

Konchu, hearing that it was fake and after looking it over for a few brief seconds to see if there was something Cyrus had missed, tosses it away as if it were nothing more than trash.

“Well, that was a titanic waste of time. Let’s get out of here.”

“No, not yet.”

“Konchu, the mask is a fraud. What else is there to talk about?”

“Why do you HAVE to care?”

“Can’t we have this conversation somewhere else? You know, a place that isn’t crawling with zombified servants and staff?”

“Oh, they’re fine. They’ll be out for another hour or so, and I’m not about to let you just walk off and not explain yourself.”

Cyrus growls at that. Unlike Konchu, he takes protecting the masquerade of the world of shadows seriously. Not that the Mad Wizard was so reckless that he was constantly endangering piercing the veil between the dawn and the dark, but he was certainly cavalier about it.

But Konchu’s boldness in his endeavors isn’t why he’s frustrated.

No, he’s angry because the Mad Wizard is being remarkably obstinate about this. It’s usually the other way around, where The Exile pries Konchu to get him to open up.

Cyrus wasn’t terribly comfortable being on the receiving end.

“...I have to understand him.”


“Because I can’t afford mistakes. I can’t simply just waltz into whatever matches that thick-headed dunce Russnow cobbles together between now and Back in Business. Yes, I’m guaranteed to get my shot at the World Title and there’s not much anybody can do to stop that. That being said…I can’t let off the gas. I’m not about to just coast to the main event. If I hope to actually beat Chris Peacock and reclaim the throne, I have to be sharp. A dull sword is useless against an enemy who has every incentive to see you dead. And what respect Peacock has or doesn’t have for me isn’t about to stop him from coming for my head.

“So…Kazadi or weaselperson or whatever he wants to call himself? I have to crush him. Not because I hate him or anything like that. But because allowing myself to just roll over and let him get one up on me is absolutely unacceptable. I have to sharpen myself, to make sure that when the time comes, I can cut Chris Peacock’s head off cleanly and decisively. And I can’t very well make myself sharp if I let that punk beat me.

“So…that’s why I have to wrap my head around why he’s wearing that ridiculous outfit. There has to be some kind of reason, right? You said that you wear yours because of what it represents. Is that what it is for Kazadi? Is he…I don’t know…trying to channel the spirit of a weasel? What’s the purpose?”

Cyrus, as he’s talking, begins to pace back and forth. What hesitation he had in remaining behind in this manor full of dazed and drugged up people has given way to him performing a self-imposed interrogation of his own thoughts and concerns.

“And if it’s not that, then what? He just WANTS to traipse around in that hideous fursuit? Maybe he thinks it gives him a psychological advantage, or maybe he’s gotten so embarrassed by being the youngest wrestling washout that he needs it to mask his inadequacies. He did spend a LOT of time when he was in FWA during his first run running his mouth about his supposed superiority and high ground as a wrestler. Hell, he spent a lot of his time running me down just because of one goddamn tag team match that didn’t mean anything.”


“I can’t let him win, Konchu! I have to beat him, and beat him decisively. But…I can’t get the fact that he’s decided to be this…weaselperson. What is the goddamn point? It’d be one thing if it was just a mask, but he literally chooses to wear the ugliest, mangiest costume and just pretend like it’s normal. It’s worse than those Nephews. At least THEY have delusional insanity to justify their actions and choices. What the fuck is the point of this stupid fucking…”




The shouting match between Exile and Mad Wizard reaches its end with Konchu’s very pointed question. Cyrus looks a bit stunned by Konchu’s outburst as the Mad Wizard sighs and scratches the back of his head.

“Do you know what your biggest problem is, Cyrus? You overcomplicate everything. Yes, there may be some deep, important reason why this Kazadi fellow has chosen to adorn himself in the effigy of a mangy, flea-bitten, diseased rodent. Maybe there’s something you could understand about the decisions he’s made to be this weaselperson, and that would give you some kind of edge against them.

“But the Truth is? It doesn’t really matter. What you know is that this boy is a would-be savant who has fumbled any chance he had to make a mark in professional wrestling and, the second he suffered any hardship? He walked away and only returned when he was barely recognizable in an outfit so horrendous that people simply gawked. Don’t you see? It was the only means he saw to get noticed. Attention to replace what little respect he had and squandered. It’s the same tactic dictators used, wearing those garish military outfits to make themselves appear more important than they really are, or at the very least? Just to make sure that all attention is on them.

“Honestly, consider the politicians in this own broken country. Do you think that mango-faced racist resident of this cesspool of a state looks like he does because anybody thinks he looks GOOD? It’s all an image. Nothing more or less.”

“Wait…did you just compare weaselperson to Donald Trump?”

“YES! I most certainly did. And it’s right that I did. Before they became weaselperson, this child was nothing more than a blowhard with above average wrestling skills and none of the heart necessary to back any of them up. So, he would talk. Speak as if he understood a damn thing when he knows full well that he understands NOTHING. He simply decided upon coming back to complete the idiocy by wearing that fursuit and that horrendous mask.”

“I mean, yeah, I get that. He always was one to talk more than actually get down to business. He had multiple opportunities to be something more than just some talented upstart, but failed at every step of the way and found excuses to justify his shortcomings. But there’s a decent number of people who’d say the same thing about me…”

Konchu interrupts Cyrus by grabbing him by his shirt collar. Cyrus almost instinctively wants to swing at Konchu, but stops when The Mad Wizard says:

“Maybe…but do you know what the difference between you and that cretin is? You NEVER left. You continued to struggle, even when you had every right to walk away with your head held high, with a legacy few could argue. You got punched in the proverbial mouth over and over again, screwed over by forces wanting to see you fail…and you SURVIVED. You persevered.

“Regardless of what I think about your bloody morals and principles, the one thing I do respect about you is that you’ve never given up. And that is the fundamental difference between you and this brat that you fight on Meltdown. You are exactly who you’ve always been, dents and scrapes and all. Zachary Kazadi, or weaselperson, or whatever they want to call themselves tomorrow? They are nothing more than a vessel containing the essence of someone who wishes for greatness, but lacks the intestinal fortitude to see things through. If there’s any meaning in why they have chosen to wear that mask and that outfit? It’s that it’s an attempt to hide the fact that they failed and refused to move past that failure. In other words…”

“...In other words, this guise is as fake as that mask over there?”

Konchu’s tirade is halted by Cyrus’s interjection, as The Exile points to the fake Aztec mask that, having been tossed, now looks dented and cracked. Konchu looks at it, looks back at Cyrus, and nods.

“So…what? I don’t have to understand weaselperson to beat his ass?”


“Then…I already understand enough. That’s what you’re trying to say, right?”



Both Cyrus and Konchu turn towards the sound of that voice. Standing in the entrance to the study is a portly, tanned man with a pencil-thin mustache wearing a suit that looks like it doesn’t quite fit and is about to bust a button.

The irony is not lost on either Cyrus or Konchu that this man resembles the stereotypical image of what most people would call a “weasel” derisively.

The man continues to jabber as both Exile and Wizard start walking towards him.

“My mask! My study! What the hell is going on? What’d you do to my servants? I’ll have your…”



Before the master of this estate can finish his tirade, Konchu has already thrown dust in his face and Cyrus has already cleaned his clock with a vicious haymaker. The man spins in place before falling and being rendered in a similar state to his servants.

As the duo walks past him and heads out of the mansion, Cyrus looks over to Konchu.

“Will he remember anything?”

“Hmm…probably not.”



“I think you’re right.”

“Of course I am. I’m always right.”

“You say that as if I forgot that one time in Malaysia.”

“...okay, I’m ALMOST always right.”


Despite Cyrus’s dismissive tone, he can’t help but laugh.

As the pair exit the mansion, and Konchu gently scolds Epsilon for not paying enough attention to warn them of the mansion’s owner returning, the Mad Wizard takes his place at the wheel.

However, Cyrus doesn’t enter, instead waving master and minion off. Konchu hesitates, but does eventually drive off, leaving Cyrus to walk and contemplate his own thoughts.

As Cyrus walks through a neighborhood that he clearly sticks out in, he thinks back to what Konchu said.

Zachary Kazadi. weaselperson. At the end of the day, whatever this person decided to call themselves is irrelevant.

If they want to create a stir, let it be because they proved themselves to be the superior wrestler that Kazadi always claimed they were.

Everything else…the angst, the indignance, the shifting of insecurity in the guise of bitter words and feelings? All of that is irrelevant.

If weaselperson felt as if the mask they wore gave them the power that they lacked in their former life, so be it. But such power isn’t enough without the will to see it through to the end.

Cyrus Truth won Carnal Contendership. He was the man slated to take the next crack at the World Champion on the biggest stage that FWA has to offer. A chance to make all the setbacks and heartaches worth it.

People can say or think whatever they want about Cyrus. But the Truth is, The Exile survives.

The Exile is relentless.

The Exile has never, EVER given up.

Which is more than can be said for some people in FWA.

More than can be said for weaselperson.

Konchu was right, damn him. Cyrus was making this far more complicated than it had to be. What little he knew about weaselperson was more than enough. More than enough to tear his head from his body and toss him out just like he did at Carnal Contendership.

Because no matter what, Cyrus was not about to falter on the Long and Winding Road to Back in Business. Not without a fight. Not without anybody who was brave, foolish, or stupid enough to get in his way.

He worked too damn hard to return to prominence.

The Exile was not about to let some rat bastard get in his way.

And as he strolls through this ritzy, upscale neighborhood, this gorgeous visage that hides the ugliness beneath, he hums a tune to himself.

“...Pop, goes the weasel…”


E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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The Story So Far…

After journeying for over two years, the warrior known around the world as Christopher of Lynbrook had finally achieved what most would describe as some form of inner peace. He had waged wars against cosmic horrors, friends turned foes, prodigies, pretenders and legends alike. Not only did he endure such battles, he thrived in them.

By ascending to the rank of recognised champion in the world of Fantasia, Christopher had proven himself in combat and shown that he was not someone trifled with lightly.

After slaying The Golden One to obtain his champion status and fending off challenges to his title from the likes of The Bandit Queen and The Watcher, Christopher believed that the demons which once dwelled inside himself had been eradicated.

With no worries or demons weighing him down anymore, it was time for Christopher to move on with his life, content. However, as he was beginning to learn… there is no rest for the wicked.



Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. The repeated light knocking sounds were enough to wake Christopher up from his sleep. Despite the morning being as pleasant as one can imagine, Christopher awoke with thoughts of anger as he scrunched his face up. Finally, he had managed to rid his sleep of nightmares of raging storms and fissures forming at his feet, yet he was not allowed to enjoy the troubleless sleep which his efforts had earned him.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Christopher sat up in his bed and slowly opened his eyes properly to observe his home for a moment. It was a simple enough house in the village of Lynbrook, where he had grown up. Despite his adventures taking him around the world and his reputation as somewhat of a showman, he preferred a more simplistic and grounded form of living.

The people of Lynbrook knew and accepted him for who they believed him to be, whether they liked him or not for it. Despite being the greatest warrior in the entire known world of Fantasia, to his neighbours and his people, he was still the boy who grew up dancing by the lake to the east of the village. As far as some of them were concerned, he was someone to be proud of.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. As much as it somewhat comforted him that he would have such a stable support system in place should he need to rely on it in the future, Christopher felt guilty over the prospect of it. The villages, his people, did not know the truths of what he had done to become their champion.

They were unaware of most of the atrocities he committed in order to summit the metaphorical mountain to the top of Fantasia, and the rationalisations that he had to remind himself of to justify said actions. The guilt weighed heavily on his heart and seemed to make his body feel even heavier as he stood up out of bed.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. The relentlessness of the knocking against the door meant that the individual on the other side’s identity was not a mystery. It was Apri, a close friend and keen supporter of Christopher since the beginning of his journeys across Fantasia. Apri was once a man but fell victim to a curse which transformed him into a small bird. Christopher opened the door and caught Apri’s beak before the blue tit could jab him in the eye with it, thinking that the door was still closed.

“What is it, Apri?” Christopher said grumpily as he let go of Apri’s back. “I know that you are aware of how hard it has been for me to properly rest. Now I finally have a chance, you cause all of this racket. What is so important that it could not wait?”

“I am sorry, Christopher. But it is urgent!”
It was still jarring to Christopher to see a bird being able to clearly speak as he did, but Christopher did not put much thought to that at this moment in time. Apri’s idea of an urgent situation and his own were very different due to Apri’s much lower bar of what actually constitutes an emergency, but despite this, Christopher was prepared to listen intently.

He knew that one of these days, Apri’s panic would be justified by whatever events were unfolding. This day was not that day, however. “In the Nola Desert… there are reports of people going missing! Someone or something is terrorising the folks down there, so you need to go and help!”

Christopher shook his head. “I don’t need to do anything. It isn’t my problem, Apri.” Why would Christopher interrupt his peace for that? Picking his battles is something that he had learned to do on his journey across Fantasia. Especially the people in the Nola Desert of all places?

They hated Chris ever since he waged war against their leader - The Golden One - and then deposed him to become recognised as the greatest warrior in Fantasia. These are people who had mocked, taunted and dismissed him at every opportunity they could in favour of their own hero.

Christopher placed a pot of water over the fire to boil for some herbal tea, and had to avoid Apri darting around the room in his panic. “Christopher, please. These people need help, and you are the only one who can save them!”

“Why should I care what happens to those people, Apri? After how they’ve treated me. They turned a blind eye to everything that The Golden One did, just… because, why...” Christopher’s thoughts trailed off as he realised at that moment that The Golden One was undeservedly revered in the Nola Desert in the same way that he felt he did not deserve the adoration from his own people in Lynbrook. Still though, it was not enough to convince him to help them. “I am not doing it. Now, are you staying for some tea, or do you have someone else to go and bother?”

“You may wish to rethink your current course of action once you are aware of the facts, Christopher of Lynbrook.”
The sudden appearance of a third voice took Christopher by surprise, and he knocked his head on one of the many support beams running in parallel across the ceiling.

As he turned to where the voice originated from, he felt a cold chill run through his body. The Aic Agency. A group of faceless agents of greed and control under the guise of morality. Self-appointed lawmen of the land who took care to involve themselves in affairs they had no place in, ostensibly to help, but in fact operated solely for their own gains. “Should you assist with this matter, the Aic Agency would be in your debt.”

Christopher approached The Faceless Agent and stood over the being next to the table. Their eyes were not visible under the hoods of their cloaks which covered their entire body. Their anonymity allowed them lack of responsibility in the fires which they stoked through their involvement. Christopher had once assisted them before, but it resulted in a defeat and Apri being cursed to live as a small bird for the rest of his days. It made sense why Apri was so tense; perhaps Christopher does this for the Agency and they reverse the curse.

“Let me make this clear. I do not work for you. I never have worked for you and I never will. Out of all the people I’d do out of my way to help, your kind and those troglodytes in the Nola Desert are very low down the list. Now, leave me alone.”

Apri bowed his head in dismay as Christopher dismissed his chance to rescue him, but Christopher did not notice this. He did not think about the potential to help his friend. Christopher turned his attention back to his pot of tea as The Faceless Agent slowly rose from the table. It travelled across the room as if it was gliding just above the ground. “You may change your mind once you have learned who is responsible for these atrocities…”

It was enough to pique Christopher’s interests to get him to turn around and once he did so, The Faceless Agent nodded their head and held a hand out and snapped their fingers under their cloak, conjuring an image into the air.


Christopher looked into the piercing eyes of Daniel the Great. A man he once considered a mentor, an ally… a brother. A man that, despite Christopher being the recognised champion of the world, many still believe to be the greatest warrior in all of Fantasia. A man that Christopher has always wanted to defeat once and for all.

His sword rested against the wall next to the door to his home. Christopher glanced at it, and the sun caught it at such an angle that the gems it was encrusted with refracted various colours of light into the room. He slowly nodded his head.

“I’ll do it.”


The news of Christopher’s quest to battle with Daniel the Great spread through Lynbrook like wildfire, thanks largely in part to Apri’s loose beak chattering away to anyone who would listen. What greeted Chris as he left his home, suited up with his sword slung over his back was not the traditional departing hero’s welcome.

Daniel the Great was also of Nycitia County, revered by the populace also. This was despite Daniel’s own misgivings and atrocities being well within the public’s knowledge as the reveal of his true colours was done in the most public of settings. When Daniel was injured in battle, Christopher stepped into his former mentor’s shoes, becoming the premier warrior in all of Nycitia County and then Fantasia as a whole.

As a result of this, Christopher had heard of those still loyal to Daniel, warts and all. It was at this moment he realised that the support system he believed to have in place was not as strong as he initially thought.

Regardless of how one felt about Daniel the Great, his skill, charisma and attitude drew people to him. His positives meant that some of the masses simply chose to ignore the negatives. Chris always felt aggrieved by this, as that same cross section of the populace would happily omit his own positive attributes just to focus on his flaws.

Christopher sensed the polarising opinions on both him and his foe as he slowly walked through Lynbrook. He paused in the middle of the village square and ducked his head down. “What I am setting out to do, some of you may not want to happen. Some may actively root against me for accepting this new quest. But please do not mistake my regret over this for a desire to show mercy to Daniel the Great. I will not. What must be done will be done.”

Feeling affirmed, Christopher walked through the parting in the gathered crowd and listened to just as many death threats as well wishes.

“You’re our champion, Christopher!”

“You’re going to die, Christopher!”

“We believe in you!”

“You’ve never been the warrior that Daniel the Great is, and you never will be!”

It was a regular occurrence for Christopher to block out vitriolic comments thrown at him by those who did not understand or appreciate him; those who would reject him without any spare thought. His position on the outside was one he resented at times, that people would deny his ability and refuse to accept him for no apparent reason to him.

After all, it is how the people of the Nola Desert were going to feel about him, regardless of what he did because of his slaying of The Golden One.

It was perhaps because of these thoughts that he thought of the man slouched against the well on the outskirts of the village as a kindred spirit of sorts. The man seemed to have no fixed abode, experimenting with homelessness. Christopher paused in front of the man and examined him, noting his clothes were tattered and his shoes were missing. His face was hidden by a hood and from the dirt collected on the man’s hands and arms he could tell that he had been living in such a manner for some time.

Christopher reached into his inside breast pocket and pulled out a small bag, tossing it at the feet of the vagrant. Some coins spilled out the top of it onto the ground. “Here, weary traveller. May this bring you good fortune!”

The man let out nothing more than a gruff “Humph.” Christopher paid no heed, simply happy with the good deed he felt that he had bestowed upon the stranger, and then entered the forest bordering Lynbrook with Apri in tow. The man reached out and scooped up the coin pouch, and drew his hood back. He had the face of a battle-hardened warrior and watched with intent as Christopher disappear into the thicket with a sour look of disdain.



Travelling to the Nola Desert from Nycitia required Christopher to travel through the Newbark Forest. Several locals had reported vermin dwelling within the forest, which caused damage to the trees and other wildlife which called it home but chiefly made the place much more dangerous. As Christopher was passing through, a small gang of gnomes requested assistance with “this thing of ours”, and requested he clear a dozen rats from the forest to scare off the rest.

Christopher noticed that there was nothing that the gnomes hated more than rats in their circle, and lest he fight or pay them for passage through Newbark Forest, he agreed to their terms. Slaying the creatures was easy enough; he had not lost any tricks since his previous journey and dealt with them handily. Despite this, Apri found it appropriate to remind him how to perform various moves that he would use in combat.

The rats provided him with more battle experience, which he knew would be valuable heading into a showdown with Daniel the Great once he had completed his journey to the Nola Desert. The gnomes allowed him to keep any loot or other trinkets he found in the forest, but Christopher was dismayed to learn that the rats yielded nothing more than some meat and bones. He accepted payment from the gnomes and continued deeper into the forest, with a couple of the rat carcasses slung over his back. A couple of other dangers reared their heads in the forest, but these were also handily dispatched by the champion.

As night fell, Christopher felt it appropriate to set up camp. Apri perched himself on a log as Christopher constructed his tent for the night and then got a fire going. Chris skinned the first of the rats and found himself laughing as he did so. “What is so funny?”

“This just reminds me about something amusing that happened before… with Daniel.”
The realisation of why he found skinning the rat so funny caused him to pause for a moment. Apri watched on as Christopher’s hand slipped as his attention faltered, causing him to nick his thumb with his hunting knife. “Damn it.”

Christopher wiped his bloodied hand on his jacket and then resumed skinning the rat, taking much more care with the strokes of his knife. It was bittersweet for him to think about good times he had spent with Daniel in the past, of which there were many. Daniel was a mentor to Christopher when he first endeavoured to travel around Fantasia. He had helped guide the younger Christopher on how to make the most of the lighter moments and advised him of who could and couldn’t be trusted. For the most part, he was right.

“He’s terrified of rats.” Christopher elaborated, and then chuckled to himself a little. Apri put a wing over his beak as he cawed a laugh out too. “Like, he can’t look at them, can’t touch them or just be around them. He screams and runs away. One time he found a rat in his house, and he burned the place down instead of just removing it. I used to tease him all the time; this fearsome knight, petrified by the smallest of creatures.”

Obviously the rat which would soon become Christopher’s dinner was much larger than the average rodent, and he was finally able to peel away the last of the fur. He skewered the beast on the spit above the fire and sat back down in front of it, listening to the flames crackle. Christopher poured some mead from his flask into his goblet and drank some, letting out a relieved sigh.

Apri noticed Christopher staring at the rat as its skin began to crisp as part of the cooking process. Being a trusted friend of the champion, Apri knew this to mean that Christopher was deep in thought. “Christopher, can I ask what happened? Between you and Daniel? You seemed very close.”

Christopher exhaled deeply out of his nose and then wiped his face with his forearm. “I’m not really sure, Apri. He had this aura about him that I could never quite describe. You’d always want to be around him; people always gravitated towards him. He had that kind of attractive personality that just drew people in. He captivated them. He was just irresistible in that way, and it is the kind of thing I wanted for myself.”

It was not just the things which Daniel intentionally taught Christopher that he learned from him. Daniel had that inherent likeability which Christopher had always hoped to exude himself. Despite this, he had never resented Daniel for it or felt any sense of jealousy. After all, Daniel was regarded by most as the handsome man and Christopher was often dismissed as not much more than a sleaze due to his activities within the four walls of the bedroom. It was this magnetism which Daniel possessed, and the level of affection from companions and admirers alike which made his betrayal even more heartbreaking for those that knew him.

“He… he turned his back on all of us. Everyone that loved him and cared for him all of a sudden just didn’t mean anything to him anymore. He was consumed by greed and by power and would stop at nothing to protect what he had.”

“Do you fear that for yourself, Christopher? That this status you have will corrupt you? It seems like the lustre of power completely changed Daniel for the worse.” There was a hint of concern in Apri’s voice as he watched on as Christopher considered the question.

Christopher had already begun to feel the pressure that his station brought. Just as soon as he had defeated The Golden One, both The Watcher and The Bandit Queen had challenged him. Whilst he had narrowly defeated them both and fended off The Bandit Queen at least for some time, he knew that it would soon be about time that another would step up. How would he cope with that? Preparing for The Bandit Queen had sent him spiralling into a panic at every instance of her appearing within his thoughts.

It was not a tenable position, nor one which he could afford to find himself in every time he was aware someone was looking to face him. No, he had to break the cycle. A champion is not one who cowers in fear or shies away from confrontation, choosing instead to operate nefariously from within the shadows. Such had become Daniel the Great’s modus operandi. It is not what Christopher wanted for himself.

“It worries me, Apri. Yet I do not fear it. I know myself to be stronger than Daniel, as much as many would suggest otherwise. There are those that would say it is just a matter of time before our paths would cross and he would take my head.” Christopher shook his head as he rose to his knees to turn the skewered rat over the fire, allowing the other side to cook also. “No, I will not allow it. I will not allow the corruption which festered inside Daniel to overcome me. It will not take hold, because it simply does not exist.”

“You see, a disease of deceit and deception had laid dormant within Daniel for a long time, long before I had known him. All it took was for the disease to latch onto something inside Daniel and it spread. He abandoned me, thinking nothing of our time together. I have no such disease, Apri. Make no mistake, I am not a pure man. I have sinned and erred and one day I am sure that I will suffer for them, but it will not be at Daniel the Great’s hands. His suffering, however, will be at mine.”

Apri nodded his head as Christopher took another sip of his drink. “I see now why you chose to accept this quest, Christopher. Daniel the Great took you for a fool, and you must right that wrong.”

Indeed, Daniel had taken Christopher of Lynbrook for a fool, as he did with everyone else. This is not why he agreed to face him in the Nola Desert, though.

“Something like that, Apri.”


The journey to the Nola Desert involved the completion of some other small errands such as uniting two sisters named Caroline, travelling south with one from further north. Christopher did not have great issue contending with many of the fiends and ne'er do wells encountered along the way, and soon arrived at the outskirts of the Nola Desert, at the small town of Orleana.

Christopher walked into the town with Apri sat on his shoulder and felt the entire populace of the desert town focus on him almost immediately. These people were fiercely loyal to The Golden One and willfully ignored all of the atrocities committed by their fallen idol. It was very much the same as how some inhabitants of Nycitia turned a blind eye to Daniel the Great’s duplicity. It made Christopher ponder whether they’d be just as forgiving towards him if he shared some of the truth as to how he became Fantasia’s champion.

However, it was not the time for such thoughts as at that moment Christopher was swiftly surrounded by the inhabitants of Orleana. They were a rowdy bunch and many kinds of weapons were being brandished in his direction. Christopher could barely hear himself think over the shouting coming from all directions around him.




With the atmosphere becoming increasingly hostile, Christopher reached back and unsheathed his sword, holding it in front of him. He was prepared to hack and slash his way through the crowd, but a throat was loudly cleared, capturing the attention of the mob. They parted and Christopher watched on as two people - a man and a woman - walked through the opening. The man was a strong, barrel-chested man wearing a bowler hat, whilst the woman was younger and much smaller in stature. Their appearances could not have contrasted more.

“Enough, there will not be any blood spilled at this time. Lower your weapon, Christopher of Lynbrook.” The woman commanded, but Christopher refused, instead moving it closer to her face.

“This is a fight you cannot win. Besides, Rose here is also of Lynbrook, originally. I do not think that your townspeople would approve of you slaying one of your own.” The man was smug, speaking as if he knew much more than he actually did.

“Thank you, Cole.” Rose said, sarcastically. She turned back to Christopher, not backing away from the sword being pointed at her face. “Although I do not think this one is above killing anyone, whether they are from Lynbrook or Nycitia originally or not.”

Christopher refused to lower his sword. “That is why I am here. Not you though, princess, that is unless you move out of my way. I will not show mercy.”

“You mean to say you are here to defeat Daniel the Great?” Cole spoke in a derisive manner, which prompted Christopher to redirect his sword towards him instead. “You may be a champion in name, Christopher of Lynbrook, but you lack the skills required to take on such a task. Only someone with the skill at the same level as The Golden One could have saved us from his reckless torment and destruction. You simply are not good enoug-”

The entire population of Orleana gasped as Christopher swung his sword and in one swift action relieved Cole’s neck of the burden of carrying his head. The decapitated body fell to the ground at the feet of Rose, who was frozen in shock. The other participants in the mob were the same. They did nothing to stop Christopher as he stepped closer to Rose with his bloodied sword drawn and she walked backwards to avoid meeting the same fate as he fellow devotee.

“Consider that a warning to anyone who would doubt my credentials. I am not a follower. The likes of you and our dearly departed Cole will always turn to another for guidance and support. I have outgrown such needs and I control my own destiny now.

The Golden One warned me before I put him to the sword that I will need to continually look over my shoulder when I took his place. I would always have someone coming after me, wanting to do the same. Such is why I chose to focus on the only person in battle that actually matters when I did battle with him… myself. I was not going to allow my feelings towards him cloud my judgement or prevent me from completing my quest.

I am also not going to spend my days wondering when and where the next danger will emerge from. The Golden One was right. That did become my existence for a time, but not anymore. I do not pursue Daniel the Great to avenge our friendship. This is not a personal quest for vengeance for me. This is business.

Those who would say that Daniel would one day pursue me would be right, also. I am sure it is only but a matter of time before he chooses to strike. That is why I am pursuing him at this time. I will not wait for him to sneak up on me. I will not wait for him to strike. I will strike first. I will strike hard and I will strike true.

Therefore, people of the Nola Desert can rest assured. I do not try to win your favour by completing this task. I do not pander to you by coming to your aid. No, I do this for myself and bear witness to this. Anyone who poses a similar threat to my sanctuary of peace will suffer the same fate.”

There it was. Christopher looked around at the awestruck crowd around him and then lowered his sword, not viewing them as any sort of viable threat any longer. No further words were exchanged between Christopher of Lynbrook and Rose of Orleana, formerly Lynbrook as he walked past her to advance further into the desert where he believed that Daniel would be waiting for him.

As he stepped away, he heard the unmistakable sound of a dagger being pulled out of a sheath and turned back around, swinging his sword. His swing bisected Rose at the midriff and he watched in slight disgust as what was left of her internal organs spilled out of each half onto the sand. Apri brought up some seeds that he had partially digested at the sight of it, and several townspeople fainted in horror. It was a petty act to kill the girl in such a manner, but if there was one thing that Christopher was, it was notoriously petty.

“Goodness… was that really necessary?” Apri said, doing his best to contain the remainder of his lunch.

“I have a reputation to forge, Apri. How can I say that I will openly combat plots against me and permit an attempt on my life? I cannot. I want to be the best, Apri. That means defeating all that would stand in my way. Especially those who pose the largest threats.

This is why I must kill Daniel the Great.”


Christopher ventured further into the Nola Desert, accompanied by Apri. Several times, he was accosted by the golden snakes which inhabited the dunes. They would sneak out at the most inconvenient and opportune times, receiving a bite during a battle would require immediate healing to prevent the poison from taking hold. A trip back to Orleana was even required to stock up on apothecary items, and the townspeople met his requirements despite what had transpired before. Cole and Rose seemed to be forgotten.

As he contended with the snakes, he thought about Daniel and how he would approach the fight. He thought it best to strike first and defeat him as quickly as he could. Daniel was susceptible to being caught by surprise. A warrior of his talent would approach every fight with three quarters of his mind believing he had already won it. Such haughtiness had allowed Christopher to defeat him in a duel before. It also allowed the unassuming choirboy Jeremiah Best to defeat him in a sparring bout, before he too showed his true colours.

Despite that, it was a universally held opinion that Daniel the Great had more than earned his moniker. Christopher wondered what would happen should he not be able to defeat Daniel. The people of Nola Desert would surely celebrate his downfall, with some of Lynbrook likely doing the same. The thought of others wishing him ill is something which Christopher had become numb too. What used to bother him was now just an accepted state of affairs, as much as he wished that it was not.

There is no shame in losing to Daniel the Great. Many have in the past and have still gone on to achieve great things. Christopher included himself in that, having been firmly stuck in his position as Daniel’s lesser for a significant amount of time. Losing to Daniel before had no long term effects on Christopher’s future prospects or achievements. This upcoming encounter was different, for reasons which Christopher could not quite put his finger on.

Before, Daniel was the one who held the higher standing. He was the one who stood to lose something. With the roles reversed, Christopher knew that he had to place more weight on this battle with Daniel than any other in the past. Christopher was the one with something to lose, now. The voices would matter. Those who say that he is no true champion would be right and that is something that Christopher could not afford to happen.

So no, Christopher was not going to allow himself to be defeated. Not just because of the implications of losing, but also because of what he still stood to gain if he defeated Daniel. He was fully aware that he would not be hailed a hero by those in Orleana and elsewhere in the Nola Desert. After all, he had now slaughtered three individuals they held dear. Defeating Daniel would not change that fact. What they would have no choice but to do though is accept that Christopher had earned his station. He was a true and rightful champion.

It was a simple enough mantra; to be the best, one must beat the best. Defeating Daniel would mean that no one - even those who detest his very existence - will not be able to doubt him or his credentials. Very few others could claim to have defeated The Golden One, The Bandit Queen, The Watcher and Daniel the Great as well as the many others that Christopher had overcome in his previous journey. His status as the champion of Fantasia would be secure for as long as he wished it to be the case.

The snakes, like the rats of Newbark Forest, provided good experience for Christopher ahead of his upcoming showdown with Daniel. Just as he was nearing Daniel’s fortified base within the Nola Desert, taking as much care as he could, he was ambushed by the man himself. Christopher reacted just quickly enough to time a repellant blow with his sword and it met Daniel’s after the latter had jumped out from behind a smaller sand dune.

“Very impressive, Christopher…” Daniel teased as both he and Christopher walked around in a circle on the sand with their weapons drawn. “I see that you are living with eyes in the back of your head. Has the pressure become too much for you, already? You’ve ruled for what? A few weeks? Have you not had a chance to enjoy yourself at all?”

Christopher did not answer. Many times before, even in jest, Daniel had gained an advantage over him through sheer mockery and Christopher losing his composure as a result. Christopher knew he needed to be resolute and not take the bait. He was frustrated that his plan to sneak up on Daniel had been foiled by Daniel beating him to the punch.

“Oh, come on! You’re just going to leave me hanging here like this? What happened to the doe-eyed dreamer I once knew? You don’t mean to tell me that you have become all serious now, have you?”

Again, Christopher did not submit to the taunts. He noticed in the corner of his eye that some of the snakes had surrounded them, looking for opportunities to attack themselves. It was in this moment that Daniel saw his opening to attack Christopher himself once more, but again, Christopher was up to it and parried Daniel’s sword away. He was reminded of how dangerous Daniel was again at that moment. Being a supremely skilled combatant made Daniel enough of a threat, but the fact that he was an elite opportunist only amplified the potential for him to relieve Chris of his status.

“You’ve clearly picked up a thing or two, Christopher! After the amount of times I have seen you rush in without thinking things through properly, I was certain we’d find ourselves in that position once again.” Daniel rotated his sword using his wrist and then pointed it back at Christopher. “Perhaps you are a worthy champion, after all… as much as many would refuse to admit. Let’s be honest with each other, though. It was only a matter of time before we found ourselves here. I was surprised you sought me out, as I would have thought you would have wanted this to last as long as it could for you. You’ve surprised me. That being said, it is time for me to take back what is rightfully mine.”

After that, Daniel chose to attack Christopher in earnest. Daniel hacked and lunged and slashed and swung at Christopher, and Christopher managed to block each attempt and then return fire with a flurry of his own. Daniel easily evaded or blocked most of what Christopher attempted to hit him with, and even caught him in the mouth with an elbow as they got close to each other.

The disrespectful move on Daniel’s part drew the desired reaction out of Christopher, who promptly adopted the brute force tactic and relentlessly swung his sword in Daniel’s direction. Due to Christopher’s reckless abandon, Daniel had little trouble avoiding contact once more and at one point managed to slice Christopher across the top of his leg, causing him to drop to a knee.

Daniel stood over Christopher and laughed. “How can someone be so surprising, yet so predictable at the same time? I do not understand how you managed to get as high as you have when you are so easy to beat. A couple of jarring comments here and there and you are like clay in my hand. I can make you do and say anything I want, Christopher. Just face it, you cannot win.”

“I… can.”
Christopher picked himself up from the sand with some difficulty. “I’m stronger than you think, Daniel. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been before. You’re not the one in control here.”

Christopher’s comments made Daniel laugh once more. He swung his sword again, and Chris weakly defended it but prevented him from making any true contact with his body.

“I’m not scared of you. I WANTED this. The fearsome Daniel the Great… until you aren’t so great, Daniel. I used to think you were everything that I wanted to be, Daniel. I wanted to BE you! Now, I cannot imagine anything worse. You live a pitiful existence.

All of those lessons you gave me, telling me who I should trust and who I should not give the time of day to. Never once did you warn me of the real villain, did you? You’ve been like this the entire time, but I have just failed to see it until it was too late. You played me for a fool, I admit that. Well, two can play that game.”

As Daniel watched on with a look of confusion on his face, Christopher reached into his jacket and threw a giant rat pelt towards his opponent and Daniel screamed in fear as he batted it away from him, allowing Christopher to disarm him with his own sword. Daniel’s sword fell in the sand some feet away and by the time he had uncovered his face, Christopher’s sword was in his face.

Daniel let out a heavy sigh and then dropped down to his knees and bowed his head, accepting his fate.

“We all have our fears, Daniel. Not even you or I are immune from that. Well, I’m not afraid of rats, and I don’t think you are either. Not really, anyway. What I think you are afraid of is yourself. Because just like how a rat cannot change the fact that it is vermin… neither can you.

I honestly believe you tried. You tried to live an honest life of good and filled with love, but there was only so long you could keep the charade going. I’m not even disappointed in you, anymore. The more I think about it, the more I realise I should have seen it coming sooner. You were never my friend, Daniel. It pains me to admit it, but I was just a means to an end for you. I was there for you only when it suited you and I was weak for allowing it to continue for as long as I did.

Because, that’s what I am afraid of. I am afraid of people not appreciating my value. But let me tell you what I’m not afraid of. I’m not afraid of you, The Bandit Queen, The Watcher, Jeremiah Best or any of them.”

“Just kill me and be done with it.”
Daniel was not interested in Christopher’s revelations. He even grabbed Christopher’s sword and held it to the back of his own neck.

Christopher raised the sword… and then allowed it to sink into the sand next to Daniel’s head. Daniel peered at it through his peripheral vision and breathed heavily upon realising that he had been allowed to survive.


Not needing a second invitation, Daniel rose to his feet and retrieved his sword and escaped, with the snakes following the rat as he did so. Christopher watched him leave and then picked his sword back up and felt Apri landing on his shoulder. “What happened to not showing any mercy, Christopher? He’s going to come back for you at some point.”

“Let him come. Let them all come.”

“What about your peace?”

“I have come to realise that this life I have chosen for myself is not one which allows peace. That being said, life fearing who is coming around the corner is no life, Apri. So, to create my own peace is my only course of action. No one will be left to come around the corner if they do not accept me as their superior. They will all learn their lesson soon enough.”

Christopher watched as Daniel disappeared into the distance and then his eyes focused on something in the distance at the edge of the Nola Desert. It was Saxet City.

A piece of parchment landed in the sand at his feet, brought in by a gust of wind in the desert. He read the paper and nodded his head. “Looks like there’s someone in Saxet City stealing from Fantasia’s gold reserves… a Johan Sommer. Seems like someone we should pay a visit to, Apri.”

Apri nodded his head, and Christopher pocketed the wanted poster and looked ahead into the distance. The time for worrying was over; he knew that he could create such a cult of personality that he would not need to have everyone showering him with adoration to prevent them from disturbing him. No, they would realise themselves that it would be foolish to even try and take down the champion of Fantasia.

Daniel the Great was still alive to attest to this fact. However, he was only just the beginning. Soon, everyone would realise that a dance with Christopher of Lynbrook is not something to be entered into lightly. Next time, Daniel may not be so lucky.

“Let them all come.”


Christopher walked towards Saxet City full of confidence. What he did not notice behind him was a man… Watching. He flipped a coin in his hand several times as he examined Christopher walking away, having witnessed his entire confrontation with Daniel.


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