Meltdown XLI: '41//416' || RESULTS.

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Jimmy King

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Dec 12, 2010
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XLI: “41//416”.

Live from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Thursday 13th June, 2024.



Alyster Black steps through the curtain, sauntering toward the ring, ignoring the mixed reception that he’s receiving. Even with the mask covering his face, he looks determined and focused.

Rod Sterling: “Welcome, one and all, to Meltdown XLI, live from Toronto, Ontario! We’re only seven weeks out from Back in Business, and our main event tonight has major ramifications for that event, with the FWA North American Championship on the line.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “But first, our opener sees non-championship singles action, as Michelle von Horrowitz prepares to go one-on-one with Xperienx Xtacee. But before that comes to pass, it looks like we’re going to hear from one of the men who will be challenging for the FWA World Tag Team Championships at Back in Business!”

Black climbs the steps at ringside and enters the ring, immediately motioning toward the ring crew for a microphone which he promptly receives.

Alyster Black: “I have a few things I need to get off my chest, and I need to do it quickly because this shit is eating away at me and it has been for the last four years.”

Alyster looks toward the entrance ramp, inhales sharply and then exhales.

Alyster Black: “Randy Ramon and Danny Toner.”

The crowd practically explodes at the mere mention of our World Tag Team Champions, and Alyster Black is not amused.

Alyster Black: “Yeah, go ahead and cheer them on. You sick fucks. Have you any idea what those two men have put me through, have you got any idea what they’ve put this company through?”

Apparently they need reminding as a “DANNY! DANNY! DANNY FUCKIN’ TONER!” chant breaks out, much to Alyster’s chagrin.

Alyster Black: “Fine, we can start with that scumbag Danny Toner. There’s a lot of history between us, stuff that I’d rather not mention, but it’s there and every time your name is mentioned I just want to vomit. What you’ve done to me is unforgivable. What you’ve put me through is vile. You are the biggest scumbag that has ever walked through that locker room, and no one can deny it. Who is worse? Summers maybe, but maybe not brother. Without delving too deep into our history though, let’s just look back at the FWA a year ago. When yours truly was the World X Champion, happily defending his title over a record setting reign, and poised to defend said championship in King of the Deathmatch.”

He tails off as memories flood back, memories of Danny Toner’s weekly assaults, backstage sneak attacks, and weapon aided beatings.

Alyster Black: “Only for Danny Toner to throw a hissy fit because the spotlight isn’t on him for once. You jealous bitch, you couldn’t just stay home. You couldn’t just rob me of a World Championship win in the main event of the biggest pay-per-view in FWA history. You couldn’t fight me forever, or to the death like you were supposed to. No, you had to get one over on me and quit before things could well and truly be settled. And then when you heard some buzz about me, well, you couldn’t stand idly by and let me be happy. No. You had to go and find yourself an Alyster Black mask and try to ruin my life. And then instead of fighting me like a man you had to go and disappear again. Danny Toner, I hate you more than I’ve ever hated anyone before. But you know that, because you love the fact that you’ve gotten to me in a major way. You’re sick like that. But Back in Business is coming up quick and a guy like me relishes the chance to fuck up a guy like you on a stage like that.”

He’s pacing around the ring, getting worked up. So much so that he needs to stop and collect himself before he can move on.

Alyster Black: “But as vile as you are, and as much as I hate you, I still have space in my heart for your tag team partner. Randy, Randy, Randy. You took my best friend away from me for a year, left him vulnerable and allowed him to be taken into the clutches of that evil maniac Jeremy Best. That is the worst thing you’ve ever done to me, but it isn’t the only notable atrocity you’ve committed. See, I’ve figured out something about you Randy. You may portray yourself as a fighting man, as a hero, as someone these people can and should get behind. But that’s all a lie, we all know the truth. And by we I mean you, me, Chris and even Danny. You’re trash, you’re scum, you’re evil. Why else would you be teaming with Toner, why else did you team with Devin? It’s because you’re an evil piece of shit and to make matters worse, you’re a follower.”

He lowers his head and gives an order to the back.

Alyster Black: “Roll the clip…”

A video begins playing in black-and-white. There’s a date in the corner “23-04-2021”. Alyster Back is beaten and broken, laying against the ring post on the outside as Devin Golden approaches him with a piece of glass in his hand. Devin lunges forward, stabbing Alyster in the chest and begins to carve out the letters F-W-A. Alyster is bloodied, and the blood retains its colour. As the footage rolls Alyster is eventually covered almost head to toe in gore, as is Devin Golden who is ecstatic with his efforts. The video stops just as Randy Ramon grabs his former partner on the shoulder.

We cut back to the ring where Alyster has a hand placed over his chest, right where he was assaulted three years ago.

Alyster Black: “Randy Ramon was there, and he stood by while Devin Golden cut out a piece of my heart. I just wanted to remind you all what a coward Randy Ramon is, and what a piece of shit he is. Thanks to you and your buddy I now bleed FWA, and at Back in Business FTN is going to put you and your scumbag buddies out to pasture once and for all.”

‘Sonne’ plays once again as the gauntlet has been thrown down by ‘Black Jesus’ towards the FWA World Tag Team Champions. Black tosses the microphone over his head and departs from the ring to minimal other fanfare.


There's a mixed reaction in Toronto to start the in-ring portion show, as the former two-time FWA World Champion walks out onto the stage. She doesn't seem in a particularly good mood, probably down to her recent issues with Shawn Summers and a certain piece of video footage, as she begins her descent of the ramp.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following is your opening contest, scheduled for one fall and with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, from Rotterdam in the Netherlands and weighing in at fifty four kilograms… ‘Dreamer’... Michelle von HORROWITZ!!"

Rod Sterling: "Despite her victory against XYZ three weeks ago at Meltdown XL, MvH left that show in a foul mood, after being unable to get the face-to-face with Shawn Summers that she wanted. That trend continued on Fallout 040, when Michelle wasn't even allowed into the building."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Dreamer was turned away by security, and it doesn't appear as though tonight will be any more fruitful for Michelle. We've heard from backstage that Der Basterd is not in attendance here in Ontario, and has travelled directly to Montreal for Fallout 041."

Maybe this has contributed to the dour scowl upon von Horrowitz’ face as she rolls into the ring. She takes her usual seat in the corner, her head rested upon the second turnbuckle. She listlessly stares up at the screen as her music fades out.

The alluring vocals of Janet Jackson’s ‘That’s The Way Love Goes’ begins to play as the mood lighting in the arena dims to a sultry shade of red. Walking out onto the stage, through a steady cloud of smoke, are two people… but not Xperienx’s usual seconds. Instead, it is the members of the Undisputed Alliance that have appeared on the stage. After a few seconds, out saunters Xperienx Xtacee, looking as flashy as ever with a matching velvet cloak and holding a rhinestone-encrusted cane. He motions Nate and Jackson with the cane, signaling them to come over and kiss him on either cheek. Jackson is accommodating, but Nate doesn't seem so sure. Xtacee puts on a very satisfied smile and holds his cane with both hands.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Making his way to the ring, side-by-side with Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage of the Undisputed Alliance, hailing from The Right Side of the Bed in Las Vegas, Nevada, and weighing in at a lean 180 pounds, Xperienx Xtacee!”

Xtacee finally joins Michelle in the ring, Jackson and Nate - not his usual seconds but showing unity here with Xperienx, perhaps a statement of intent with regards to the Trios division and the upcoming Back in Business - remaining on the outside. Michelle uses the top rope to pull herself up onto her feet. The official conducts his final checks with both competitors, before eventually ringing the bell.


FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Michelle von Horrowitz
vs. Xperienx Xtacee.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

Rod Sterling: "And we're underway here on Meltdown XLI, with Xtacee looking to circle the ring… but Michelle charges in immediately with an attempted discus forearm!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Evasion by Xperienx Xtacee, who sidesteps the blow and then catches Michelle in a backslide! Her shoulders are down!"


Rod Sterling: "Almost a highly embarrassing defeat for MvH, given that we are just seconds into this one, and she thinks better of launching another attack on Xperienx."

Anzu Kurosawa: "She instead rolls under the bottom rope, re-evaluating matters. A wise call…"

MvH turns her back on the ring to interact with a fan, one who is holding a SUMMER'S OVER sign. She jaws with him a little, the fan antagonising her by pointing at the sign as he shouts in her face. Dreamer yanks the sign out of his hands and ripping it in two, rather pleased with herself as she turns back towards the ring…

… and gets taken out by a suicide dive from Xperienx Xtacee!!

Rod Sterling: "Maybe not such a wise call! Michelle allows herself to get distracted, and again gets caught off guard by Xperienx!!"

The majority of the audience cheer Xtacee on as he pulls Michelle up onto her feet on the outside, connecting with a series of alternating jabs, and then a kick to the gut to double her over. He applies a front facelock, hooks the arm, and takes her over with a snap suplex!! Michelle tries roll and crawl away from Xtacee, but immediately he follows her around the ring, hoisting her up again by the scruff of the neck before throwing her back into the ring. Xtacee follows her in, hooking the far leg.


Michelle is again able to kick out, with Xtacee grasping at the arm that she thrusts up and looking to wrench it into a cross arm breaker. Dreamer senses her peril, scrambled to the bottom rope, and hooks onto it. Xperienx allows a clean break, with Michelle using the ropes to tentatively get to her feet, staring across the ring hesitantly at XX. She seems reluctant to remove herself from the sanctuary of the ropes, the official telling her to do so but MvH shaking her head in refusal. Xtacee grows tired of waiting, approaching in order to drag her from the ropes… but Michelle lashes out with a thumb to the eye!

Xtacee is temporarily blinded, allowing Dreamer to connect with a Russian leg sweep. She goes for a quick cover of her own.


Xperienx kicks out, but Michelle immediately slaps on a headscissors, attempting to keep the energetic Xtacee grounded. The match rolls on…


<< 07:12. >>

The match has been back and forth, with both Michelle and Xperienx enjoying lengthy periods on top. As we rejoin the action, though, it's Michelle who has the advantage. She backs Xtacee up into the corner with alternating forearm strikes and overhand chops. She whips Xperienx hard across the ring, XX hitting the opposite turnbuckles with force and bouncing back towards Michelle, who has already launched herself towards Xtacee. She goes for another discus forearm, having unsuccessfully attempted the same move twice before… only for XX to again duck beneath it. Michelle turns to face him, only to eat a standing dropkick from her opponent!! Michelle is sent into the turnbuckles, stumbling backwards towards Xtacee…

Rod Sterling: "Xperienx Xtacee hits her with a wrist-clutch back suplex! He appears to be gathering some momentum here again!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Savage and Fenix know that on the outside, too. They're cheering Xtacee on and the crowd is following suit!"

Xtacee neglects going for a cover, instead hoisting Dreamer up and placing her in a rear waist lock. It looks like he's going for a German suplex, but Dreamer anchors her weight down, and then lashes out with three elbow strikes to the side of Xtacee's head. And then she stamps down hard on his foot! Xtacee hops away in pain, with Dreamer following up with a spin kick to the gut. She applies a front facelock and hooks both arms, looking for a double underhook DDT, but Xtacee breaks out of it, and then reverses with a Northern Lights suplex! He bridges for the cover…


Michelle kicks out, but something in Xperienx’s facial expression suggests that the time has come for him to end it. Dreamer is staggering up to her feet, with Xtacee stalking her, and then returning the favour with a boot to the gut of his own.

Rod Sterling: "Xperienx applies a front facelock here, perhaps looking for the straight jacket DDT that he calls Foreplay…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "But MvH is reluctant to put the jacket on! She writhes and wriggles with all of her might…"

Michelle looks like she's in desperation mode, but in reality she is positioning her body between Xtacee and the official… so that she can insert her thumb and forefinger into Xtacee's eyes, and yank back with a rake!!

Rod Sterling: "Michelle is clawing at Xtacee's vision again! That's the second shortcut she's taken in this one, after weeks of staying within the rules throughout the F1 Climaxxx…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Perhaps that loss to Peacock had more of an effect on Michelle than we thought…"

Either way, the result is separation, with Xperieinx blinded once again and Michelle allowed to take a breather. With Xtacee shaking loose the cobwebs, she lines up…

Rod Sterling: "Discus forearm!! Michelle nails it, and Xtacee slumps forward."

Anzu Kurosawa: "She applied a front facelock… and drops him on the top of his head with a brainbuster!!"

Rod Sterling: "That should be it right there, but Michelle looks to put an exclamation point on it. She climbs up to the top…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "450 SPLASH!! Into the cover…"


Winner: Michelle von Horrowitz via pinfall at 10:00.

Michelle gets up, but doesn't immediately remove herself from Xtacee’s personal space, instead looming over him, staring down at her defeated opponent.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here is your winner… Michelle von Horrowitz!"

The official is hovering around Dreamer, unsure as to whether he needs to remove her or XX from the ring. It's only when Michelle places her boot atop one of Xtacee's hands. She applies no pressure yet, but the act is enough to spark reluctant protestations from the official. Michelle offers him a smirk.

It's only, though, when Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage enter the ring that she's removed from Xtacee’s person. Savage goes so far as to shove her away from Xperienx, the Undisputed Alliance then positioning themselves between Michelle von Horrowitz and their partner. They both look ready to fight, with Xperienx beginning to climb up to his feet behind them.

Rod Sterling: "Michelle von Horrowitz allowing her anger and frustration at Shawn Summers get the better of her there, with a timely intervention from the Undisputed Alliance stopping this from getting out of hand."

Anzu Kurosawa: "It still might, Rod…"

Dreamer is still smiling as she regards the three men now standing in front of her. She stands her ground, backing into a corner and waiting casually for the three men to leave. Her music is fading and, eventually, Jackson Fenix leads the way out of the ring for the UX. Nate Savage scowls at Dreamer before following his partners.

Now alone with Michelle in the ring, the official has a passing thought that he should raise her hand in victory. He thinks better of it and scurries out of the ring, too.

Rod Sterling: "A second win in a row since her F1 final defeat, with Michelle von Horrowitz picking up a head of steam before Back in Business. An event for which she does not yet have an opponent."

Anzu Kurosawa: "You'd have to think she has one specific man in mind…"

Dreamer's attention is returned to the stage when, all of a sudden, her music abruptly cuts off. She stares up at the screen, half expecting it to stir into action to reveal another communication from afar from Summers, the latest chapter in his campaign of psychological warfare.

Instead of video footage, though, we see the unveiling of a huge banner, perhaps thirty feet long, on the far left side of the stage. There are two women depicted on the dark blue fabric: unfamiliar to newer fans, maybe, but those who've been around a while they are recognisable as Taylor Toxic and Raquel Wednesday, collectively known (somewhat unsurprisingly) as Toxic Wednesday. Beneath them is a date: 05.22.2016.

As Michelle regards the faces of the two women, a second banner unfurls right next to the first one. This one features five people, layered atop one another and sprawling up the entire length of the blue cloth. Donovan Moore, Jason Randall, Eli Black, Kevin Cromwell, and Gerald Grayson. Four former X Champions (and Donovan Moore). The date at the bottom reads 03.15.2020.

A third banner in the centre of the stage. The two men upon this banner are instantly recognisable to even casual FWA fans. The Prodigy, the man synonymous with the FWA North American Championship, Mike Parr. And the King, the Saint, the Triple Champion, Dave Sullivan. The date reads 06.27.2021.

A penultimate banner: Chris Kennedy. A man who needs no introduction, here or anywhere else. 07.16.2022.

Finally, in the fifth position along the procession of banners, a cloth featuring the passive, unbreakable image of Jon Snowmantashi unfurls. Unlike the others, which are unblemished, a long tear breaks the material of this final banner. This rip is meaningful, evoking the events of that night one year ago in Mexico City. The date of it is etched in her mind, just like it is on the torn fabric. 07.22.2023.

With Michelle regarding this line-up, which acts as a guided tour through her past, we fade to black.


Backstage the camera shot opens on a golden ring adorning a slender feminine finger. Panning out bit by bit we see 'The Goddess' Gabrielle standing before a blank canvas backstage with Christian Quinn who holds a microphone in hand. The live audience pops, cheering and whistling for Gabrielle, while the mini Executive Excellence reunion of long ago is quickly glossed over.

Christian Quinn: Gabrielle welcome. When we saw you on Meltdown recently you issued a challenge to Elizabeth Rose for a trilogy match between the two of you. She accepted, and it's on for Back In Business with a lot of the line third time out. She's putting her future with Eternal on the line, and you, well you have your Hall of Fame ring on the line. Do you regret accepting her demands as we get closer to that big night?

Gabrielle: Well before I get to that. I just want to thank everyone who made the Right Side of the Bed's big grand reopening as big and successful as it was.

Christian Quinn: I've seen some videos from that night…

Gabrielle: …And?

Christian Quinn: …So your Hall of Fame ring?

Gabrielle: So, do I regret accepting her demands for the match? I've worked my ass off for nearly 2 decades to get this Hall of Fame ring. I know I've made it so that everyone looks at me differently now, but getting inducted into the Hall of Fame, I earned that through years upon years of hard work. This ring…

She holds her hand out, showing off that ring in question.

means so very much to me. Championship reigns come and go, Back in Business Main Events last for one night. But a Hall of Fame induction is forever and this piece of jewellery symbolises everything about that. It is a representation of every match I've had, every Title, every historic victory. It means so much to me.

But if that's what it takes to help Elizabeth, Lizzie… I'm willing to put it on the line for her. I won't pretend I was good to her, but that's why seeing her still being taken advantage of doesn't sit right with me. Lizzie deserved to be treated better than I treated her, Elizabeth deserves better than Eternal treat her. I just want to give her the opportunity to get away from that…whatever it takes!

Christian Quinn: Well, Gabrielle, I think it's clear just how much this match means to you. And the fans, they...


Gabby crumbles to the ground, clutching her back in pain as Elizabeth Rose bursts into the scene from behind, Slamming her rose cane into her back, causing Christian to hurry up. The Cameraman goes to follow

Elizabeth Rose: "Don't you god damn move!"

Elizabeth points her cane at the cameraman before leaning down towards Gabby

Elizabeth Rose: You think you can save me, Gabs? Huh?! You think your little speeches and grand gestures mean DICK to me?!

Elizabeth drops the cane and grabs Gabrielle by the hair, yanking her up to face the camera. Gabrielle winces, her face a mixture of pain and defiance

Elizabeth Rose: I don't want your redemption and I don't need your saving, All I want is you broken!

Elizabeth shoves Gabrielle back down and stands over her, the intensity in her eyes burning brightly.

Elizabeth Rose: At Back In Business, I'm going to end this once and for all. I'm going to show the world that I'm not some damsel in distress waiting for a savior. I'm going to take your Hall of Fame ring and everything it represents, you hear me?! I'm going to break your heart like you did mine!

Elizabeth slams Gabby's face down into the ground and walks away.


We return to...

“A bird does not sing because it has answers. It sings because it has a song.”

The sun is shining in beautiful British Columbia. The residents of the Motherbird Rehabilitation ranch are out on a daily activity, enjoying nature and sunshine as part of their own journey to good health. An entire group is out, many of whom have hiking boots, backpacks with the essentials, walking sticks, and make the trek up the mountain trail. There is a soothing feeling with birds chirping in the distance with the gentle rustling of the leaves and pins from the gentle breeze. This is a picture-esq escape. Appearing extra chipper, making her way near the front of the pack is Nova Taylor. Her dark hair is in a ponytail as she wears a blue ball cap branded with the Vancouver Canucks logo. She has a red top on with hiking shorts and boots. She has a wristband on her left hand with pink, royal blue, and a purple stripe. Big grin on her face, she’s enjoying the first bit of sunshine she’s likely seen in weeks.

Heading up behind her is one of the counselors, Dr. Dolan, who once again has that overly chipper camp counselor vibe, wearing a polo shirt and her own hiking gear.

Dr. Dolan: “Someone’s an energetic little honey bee this afternoon?”

Nova snickers at the weird metaphor used by the doctor.

Nova Taylor: “No, I’m not that… But I guess the fresh air’s bringing something out, ya know? I’ve been stuck inside the ranch for who knows how long?”

Nodding, the therapist smiles.

Dr. Dolan: “It took you quite a while to be given the green light to go on one of these big group activities, given how you were before. We tried after two weeks for you to join us for a game of ball hockey, but then you wacked someone over the head with a stick and then stuck your hand in someone’s mouth.”

Continuing her walk, Nova rolls her eyes.

Nova Taylor: “In my defense, I’m a true blue Canadian gal’ we’re pretty nice until you put a hockey stick in our hands. But yeah, for being a ‘Princess’ I did get a bit nasty. Though I guess it worked for a while in wrestling.”

Dr. Dolan: “You must have been some wrestling champion with the way you fought.”

Nova thinks and shakes her head.

Nova Taylor: “Honestly… no. Uh, never won a title and I have been doing it for several years now. In Europe, North America, I have honestly been thinking about making some appearances in Japan too. Get that off my bucket list, ya know?”

Dr. Dolan: “Sounds like you have a lot to do when you’re well.”

Nova Taylor: “Maybe. But I got beat up a lot. I guess that’s maybe what I thought would have changed when I uhh, ‘became’ the Princess”

The counselor, seeing a chance to get Nova to work through some of her thoughts and feelings, continues their conversation as the sound of running water begins to be known in the background.

Dr. Dolan: “So you joined up with uhh… ‘Those who must not be named’ to get stronger?”

Nova Taylor: “-Yes and no. It’s a little more complex than that. Like, they were messing with me for MONTHS. They got in my head so much.”

The doctor nods, continuing to listen.

Nova Taylor: “But they also wanted to give me a place to be a family. Maybe they knew some of my issues growing up and exploited that? But they did give me that feeling for a while, and I got to see them in a light nobody else did. I didn't see them as black and white. And I was like… on a big winning streak afterwards. I was seemingly unbeatable. Ended up getting my first world title match, but after a close loss… I sort of fell apart. Even when we went to another promotion I just never felt the same.”

Letting out a frustrated groan, Nova sticks her tongue in her mouth, shaking her head.

Nova Taylor: “I felt I was letting myself down along with Slate, Ede-”

The counselor “sushes” Nova.

Dr. Dolan: “They’re not here, remember?”

Stopping herself Nova takes a deep breath, talking to herself.

Nova Taylor: “Right. Don’t focus on them, Nov’s.”

Dr. Dolan: “But I think right now, it is better to focus not on what has happened in the past. Here, we want you to start over. Rediscover who you are.”

The roar of the water becomes louder as the group heads towards a waterfall. It crashes down below into a lake with some droplets splashing in the air, creating a peaceful haze.

Nova Taylor: “You got it, doc. It’s a process, but I guess being out here has been great.”

Turning to the group, Dr. Dolan shouts.

Dr. Dolan: “Okay, gang, we’re at our rest stop and it’s going to be a treat. Here we have the crystal caves. Expect to see something beautiful inside. Go inside the cave, look around, just don’t touch anything or go too deep. Then once we’re all rested, we’ll head back!”

She motions with her arm for everyone to follow and they head along the path next to the waterfall. There’s a cool spray on the crew before they head inside…


And the crew are immediately awestruck by the cave. With the light coming in from the outside, it glistens on the gemstones inside, showing different shades of purple and blue. They gasp and awe at its beauty. As the cave gets farther away from the waterfall, the cave gets darker, but some of the crystals have a gentle glow to them. Nova looks around in shock. This place doesn’t feel real.

Dr. Dolan: “Beautiful, I know. Let’s rest for a bit, get some water and food before we head back. Remember not to touch anything on the walls!”

Nova Taylor steps inside and feels herself lost in the caves. A small grin appears on her face as she walks through. Most people in her group are talking, enjoying the view, but she’s heading deeper in the cave, feeling drawn into it, going into the darkness. Sooner or later, the counselor loses sight of the former model.

Dr. Dolan: “Has anyone seen Nova?”

She asks. Someone points to the other end of the cave. The doctor shows a brief smirk before following her along.

Stepping around some of the crystals, Nova’s eyes twinkle at the beauty of the cave. Truly a place of healing.

Nova Taylor: “I’ve never seen any place like this.”

She talks to herself. Going up, she looks to see a bit of sunlight breaking through the wall. It creates a spotlight on the cave, being in between two giant gemstones. For some reason, she finds herself drawn to it. Looking up she sees a small speck flying around in the light.

Nova Taylor: “Is that a giant fly?”

Blinking, she’s curious about the shadow dancing in the light. There’s something innocent about it, until she sees the shadow begin to grow and grow, taking the shape of-

A small bird.

Nova Taylor: “The fu-”

She covers her mouth and stumbles as she sees the shadow of a small bird flapping its wings in the light. Once the shock wears off, she begins to… appreciate it. The novelty of the show in front of her.

Soon, the shadow begins to warp again, growing long ears and hopping in place. A rabbit.

Nova Taylor: “Aww, is that a little bunny?”

She chuckles to herself.

Nova Taylor: “I didn’t expect to see a show here, haha.”

She sits on a nearby rock and watches the shadow shift and move, taking on different forms. Walking into the part of the cave she’s in is Dr. Dolan. She remains quiet, watching the patient enjoy the little show. But then the shadow shifts into something familiar. A long tail flicks with small ears. The shape is a little pudgy, and it has a bow around its neck. A cat.

Nova Taylor: “That… That looks like my old cat, Hayley.”

Covering her mouth, Nova hides her smile, holding back tears.

Nova Taylor: “I had her since I was a kid. Named her after Hayley Williams from Paramore. Heh. Even when she moved in with me at… ‘their’ place, whatever TORN magic they had didn’t mean she’d live forever. But she was a good cat. A great one. I really miss her.”

Rubbing her eyes, Nova looks up at the light show as Dr. Dolan finally approaches.

Dr. Dolan: “Enjoying the show, I see?”

Nova looks up, embarrassed as the doctor found her deep in the cave.

Nova Taylor: “Oh, sorry Doc. I guess I got drawn to the lights and travelled a bit too far, didn’t I?”

Dr. Dolan: “It’s okay. You didn’t go too far. I think you ended up right where you’re supposed to be.”

The doctor sits next to Nova and explains.

Dr. Dolan: “A lot of people have reported seeing strange shadows in the cave. Shifting and shaping its reality in front of people’s eyes. I guess this must be what they were talking about?”

Nova Taylor: “They’re beautiful.”

She comments. The shape of the cat slowly changes to that of a wolf in front of their eyes.

Dr. Dolan: “You know, sometimes I think we can learn something in nature. Looking around us we can find little lessons.”

Nova Taylor: “That sounds cool.”

Humming, Nova continues to watch.

Dr. Dolan: “What do you think the lesson here is, Nova?”

Looking at the dancing shadows in front of her, Nova’s mind races. The doctor blinks. Her voice goes monotonous, and cursed, as if something, or someone, has possessed her.

Dr. Dolan: “̴̨̡̧͈̖̀W̶̜͐̽̂͆ḩ̶̼̤̎̓̓̄̕͜ā̵̗͎͂̽͝ͅt̶͉̣̗̂͐̄̽̐’̵̨͙̤̬̅̇̒͘͝ͅs̵̡̧̱͉̫͓̈ ̴̺̞̭̼̓͗̀͋ţ̸̧̻̦̉̌͛͜h̸̭̾̌̇̕ḙ̸̳̃̈́̒ ̸̦̉͂l̷̨̪̱̈e̵̢̛̳̰̮͗̏̃s̶͋̈́͜͠s̸̡̛͙͓̺̯̊̊̿͘͜͝o̷͖̦͚͈̒͗͠ņ̷̠͙͐͋̈́̈́̚͘,̸̞̠̘͑ ̵̩̺̪͎̦͉͋̆̓̈́̕͠d̴̻̑̌͛e̵̮͠a̴̢̧̜͊͜ṛ̵̡̤̬̬̎̈́̈̊?̷̬͇͓͔̾”̸̗̀͗

The change in tone somehow doesn’t register to Nova. She continues to think through before something ends up sticking out to her.

Nova Taylor: “I think the lesson is… That you can be anything.”

The doctor shows an odd grin on her face, patting her patient on her shoulder. Nova shows a small smile.

Dr. Dolan: “I think that’s a good mindset to have. Now I think we should head back.”

Getting up, the pair turns back and heads towards the rest of their group as the shadow shifts-

To a raven.

Looking through the opening, we see strings move and dance, making the ‘raven’ flap its wings. Sitting at the opening of the cave is a woman with a pure black dress, long dark gloves, and a pure white mask. In her hand is a stringed puppet of a raven.

The woman gives a small head tilt before making the puppet vanish in front of her very eyes.

The feed blips in and out before cutting away.


Blender advert.


We open up on Jon Russnow, standing in his office with a trio of darts clutched in his hand. He lifts one up, staring down the flight of it and at a dartboard on the back of his office door. Arranged around the dartboard are a series of post-it notes, each with a different booking idea scrawled upon it. For instance: ‘bring back gauntlet title’, ‘ratin v steve part xii’, ‘return el demente’s calls’, etc. It is well known that this is how Russnow comes up with his wackiest ideas, and it appears that a brainstorming session is ongoing.

Just as he is about to release the dart, the intention being to throw it the (regulation) 2.37 metres from oche to board, the door opens. Instead of aiming the dart at the board, he is now aiming it at Michelle von Horrowitz, who stands on the other side of the opening. Russnow lowers the dart, looking a little sheepish at almost throwing an arrow at one of his stars.

MvH: "Is that not a little dangerous?"

Russnow shrugs.

Jon Russnow: "Small office here. Nowhere else to put it. What can I do for you?"

Russnow has moved away from the oche to sit down behind his desk, which is cluttered with notes, contracts, dirt sheets, and various other documents that he doesn't really have the time to read. There are bags under his eyes. The smile that he shines at Michelle looks tired and etched on.

MvH: "I'm here to talk about Fallout, and this ridiculous ruling that I'm banned from the building until Back in Business. Why are you kowtowing to Summers? What's in it for you?"

The authority figure shuffles uneasily.

Jon Russnow: "It's not just Summers. Let's just say he's got some powerful people at his side. People who still have some sway here, inspite of everything that happened. I believe you know who I'm talking about. And, well, the network wants him back. He does good numbers."

Michelle sighs, impatiently.

MvH: "That may be true, but he won't draw a dime if he keeps hiding. And now his boy Ocean's nowhere to be found, either!"

Jon Russnow: "Trevor is booked on Fallout. He went ahead to Montreal. And separately from Summers. Ocean wants nothing to do with his old friend. Trust me."

Michelle's eyes narrow. It appears she has a hard time trusting Russnow. Those that know her are aware that she has a hard time trusting in general.

MvH: "Be that as it may, I'm not going to wallow here patiently, whilst the man prodding me from afar hides in the next city along, unwilling to face me. Answer me this, tulip: what's to stop me from sneaking into Fallout 041? And not through the front door this time…"

Russnow let's out another sigh, beleaguered and browbeaten. He scratches his head, lamenting that there isn't a dart board for this situation.

Jon Russnow: "Well, what do you want?"

Von Horrowitz thinks for only a beat.

MvH: "Let me book a match. Next week, on Meltdown XLII."

Russnow cocks an eyebrow.

Jon Russnow: "You can't have Summers. His contract was unique. Very peculiar. And I don't know if he's even signed a new one. Either way, he holds more cards than I do when it comes to booking his matches."

MvH: "That's fine. I'm not an idiot. I know what this is all leading up to. I won't dance with Shawn again until New York. That much is obvious."

The authority figure cocks a second eyebrow.

Jon Russnow: "Then who?"

A smile creeps onto Michelle's face.

MvH: "I want a tag team match. Nate Savage thinks he can lay hands on me and nothing will come of it? Give me the Undisputed Alliance."

If Russnow had a third eyebrow to cock, he would've done so.

Jon Russnow: "And your partner?"

MvH: "Is that not obvious? I want Ocean."

As if the deal has been made, Michelle turns around and walks through the open door. Russnow picks up his darts.

Jon Russnow: “Oh, and close the door! I've got some thinking to do…"

Michelle does as she's told, and almost immediately bumps into another FWA star as she turns away from the door. Juan Tothrefor is apologetic, having been in a world of his own on the way to Russnow’s office.

Juan Tothrefor: "Lo siento! Sorry, sorry! Don't mind me. Was just on the way to see Mr. Russnow. I hope he's in a good mood…"

Michelle's eyes narrow momentarily, before she relaxes. A plan begins to hatch.

MvH: "He's in a great mood. Don't bother knocking. His door is always open, metaphorically speaking."

Tothrefor seems excited to have made a new friend.

Juan Tothrefor: "¡Gracias, mis amiga!"

Michelle smiles at the camera, which follows her as she continues around the corner.

In the background, we hear a bloodcurdling squeal, as one of Russnow's darts finds its way into the flesh of his latest, unsuspecting visitor.


To a mixed reaction, mostly leaning on the side of jeers due to the lack of popularity of the North American Champion above the border, Chris Peacock saunters out from the back. He has his championship strapped around his taut waist and is wearing a special jacket over his bare chest, inscribed with the writing, ‘ALL NIGHT LONG’. Peacock cracks a small smirk and then tosses his sunglasses to one side, strutting down to the ring.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The following contest is the North American Gauntlet! Two competitors will begin this match and another will enter once an elimination has occurred, until one competitor remains; they will leave as the FWA North American Champion! Additionally, if a decision is not reached between two competitors after a period of twenty minutes then BOTH active competitors will be eliminated from the match!

Entering first, representing FTN… from Brooklyn, New York and weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds… he is the current, reigning and defending FWA North American Champion, a Grand Slam Champion and ‘The King of Dong Style’... he is CHRIS PEEEEEAAAAAACCCOOOOOOOOOOOCKKKKKKKK!!!”

Rod Sterling: “Well, we’ve been waiting for this thing to get underway tonight, Anzu, and true to his word, Chris Peacock is going to run a gauntlet of former North American Champions in an attempt to prove that he is the greatest North American Champion in history, despite only holding the championship for a month. It is worth noting that this challenge was laid out before the injury suffered by Allen Price at the hands of the current FWA World Tag Team Champions, Randy Ramon and Danny Toner.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Chris Peacock along with Alyster Black is going to have the chance to obtain some revenge for that backstage assault on Allen Price on Fallout 040 when FTN challenge for those tag team titles at Back in Business, but for now, Peacock’s focus has to be on this gauntlet match and defending the North American Championship. He worked so hard to win the F1 Climaxxx, making numerous enemies along the way; it would be rather anticlimactic if he were to lose it here having been hoisted once again by his own petard.”

Chris Peacock waits in the ring, the joviality drained from his face as the seriousness of the situation he finds himself in finally kicks in. The North American Champion paces on the spot for a few moments and then closes his eyes in frustrated acceptance as the music of his first opponent plays through the speakers in the arena. Albeit, it is totally drowned out by the cheering from the fans.

The Toronto crowd becomes unglued as the person who is going to kick this match off with the North American Champion is the one synonymous with the title and additionally, the hometown hero. Mike Parr steps out to what would definitely be considered a hero’s welcome from the Toronto faithful. He slaps hands with fans on the way to the ring, but his eyes are full of intensity and anger with the man standing in the middle of it.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Starting this match alongside Chris Peacock… weighing in at two-hundred and forty pounds… from TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA… he is ‘THE PRODIGY’ MIKE PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Mike Parr returns to his home country which was the scene of his unprecedented FIFTH North American Championship victory back in February of this year. It took him sixty-five minutes to overcome Big Bryan Bastard in that match but tonight, if he wants to make it number six… he’s got to get past Chris Peacock in under twenty.”

Rod Sterling: “What will be fresh in Parr’s mind is what happened on Meltdown XXXIX when these two faced off in the Semi-Finals of the F1 Climaxxx tournament. Chris Peacock faked a knee injury, causing Mike Parr to let his guard down and capitalised. That was the match which ended Parr’s fifth reign with the North American Championship. Parr will ensure that he does not make the same mistake tonight in Toronto.”

Parr hops up onto the apron and then leans back against the top rope, taking in the very loud and positive reaction from the fans. He nods his head and then enters the ring, walking past Peacock and onto the middle rope in one of the corners to raise his arms into the air and get the crowd fired up even more. Once he drops down, a few words are exchanged between the two men, with Peacock gesturing towards his knee in an allusion to their previous encounter.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Peacock should be careful with those taunts, Rod. Some might argue what happened to Allen Price’s leg at the hands of Randy Ramon was karmic retribution for what Peacock himself pulled against Mike Parr. What goes around, comes around, after all.”

The nominated official for this match is Matthew Dean, who first goes over to check the champion and once satisfied, he passes the North American Championship from Peacock to someone at ringside. As the referee heads over to Parr, ‘The Prodigy’s music abruptly cuts and the fans react loudly to something being shown on the large screen.

Rod Sterling: “I think we could be getting a slice of deja vu here… that’s Danny Toner and this looks awfully familiar!”

Indeed, Danny Toner’s face fills the majority of the space in the frame and from inside the ring, Chris Peacock marches towards the ropes closest to the entrance way and very attentively watching on.

???: “Yo, Peacock! Up here, Chris.”

The sound of someone calling out has everyone looking around until the large screen at the top of the ramp comes to life and much like it did on Fallout 040, the screen is fully taken up by a close up image of one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions, Danny Toner. The appearance of ‘The Chessmaster’ draws a loud, indeterminable, response from the crowd. He cracks a smile and Peacock is shown watching intently.

Danny Toner: “Chris, I’m not alone, don’t worry. Randy’s here, too. Wanna say hi, Ramon?”

There is no audible response other than some loud shuffling around in the background as Toner turns to look off-camera, presumably at Randy Ramon.

Danny Toner: “Yeah, Randy heard what your boy Alyster had to say about him earlier tonight and I don’t think he took it very well, you know?”

Toner finally does spin the camera around and allows everyone to see what is transpiring in the backstage room that they are located in. Randy Ramon is standing up and stomping down on someone… and it is Alyster Black! In the ring, Peacock is beside himself, shouting up at the screen and pointing in the direction of the back.

Danny Toner: “Well, we’ll just crack on with this, but we wanted to wish you luck in your match tonight! What’s that saying again? Break a leg? Don’t know about you, Peacock, but I think we’re gonna. See ya!”

By the time the feed has cut back into the arena, Chris Peacock is already half-out of the ring and breaking into a jog and then a sprint up the ramp and eventually out of sight.

Rod Sterling: “Wait, where’s Peacock going? This match is about to begin and he’s out of here!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I don’t think Chris Peacock wants a repeat of what happened to Allen Price with his other best friend, but it looks like Alyster Black’s words from earlier on tonight are already coming back to bite him! Peacock is running away from his own creation to go after the tag champions!”

With Peacock completely disappeared from view, Mike Parr is shown to be debating with the referee what this means for the match, which has not actually officially gotten underway. With a quick consultation with Katie-Lynn Goldsmith to inform her of his decision, he can be heard calling for the next entrant to come out and start the match alongside ‘The Prodigy’. Dean beckons to the back and after a few seconds, some music plays to a very loud cheer…

Given the circumstances surrounding his earlier than anticipated entrance into the North American Gauntlet, the curmudgeonly demeanour of Cyrus Truth is only exacerbated as he storms out from the back, presumably having passed longtime nemesis Peacock on the way through. The crowd are salivating at the prospect of seeing these two phenoms colliding as just the start of this match.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Making his way from the Long and Winding Road and weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-seven pounds… he is ‘THE EXILE’ CYRUS TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTH!!!”

Rod Sterling: “Well, Chris Peacock’s abandonment of this match has come at the expense of Cyrus Truth and anyone else to follow him. ‘The Exile’ was probably expecting to first face a worn-down Peacock or Parr but instead he has ‘The Prodigy’ at one-hundred per cent.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “These two are also scheduled to take part in the Golden Opportunity Steel Roulette following Back in Business. They’re already overwhelmingly familiar with one another due to their statuses as two of the longest tenured competitors here in the FWA but with that briefcase lingering on the horizon, a chance to set an early standard and send a message to the remaining four participants ahead of their match on Fallout.”

Truth gets into the ring and shares a brief look of acknowledgement with Parr ahead of them getting this match underway together. Truth is examined by the referee who had previously cleared Parr. As the epic music cuts out, the bell rings, meaning that this match is underway.


Mike Parr
vs. Cyrus Truth
Match writer: Man.

As soon as clearance is provided to get things going, Cyrus Truth rushes the ring and meets Parr with a kick to the midsection. This doubles Parr over and allows Cyrus to cradle his head and crack him in the ear with a couple of elbow smashes. Truth pushes Parr back into the turnbuckle and delivers a very stiff Knife-Edge Chop which echoes around the arena. Parr manages to find some awareness and he shoves Truth back, but Cyrus spins on the spot and catches Parr with a Discus Punch that knocks him down against the turnbuckle.

A couple more elbow smashes to Parr’s head knocks ‘The Prodigy’ down against the bottom turnbuckle. There is no pause for posturing or posing for Cyrus, who stomps on Parr’s face and head several times. The Toronto crowd loyal to Mike Parr does not count along with the First Five Steps, and seem rather taken aback that their hometown hero is on the back foot in such a manner so early on into the match. There is no wasted time or movement by ‘The Exile’. Cyrus grabs Parr by the wrist and drops a shoulder, allowing himself to scoop Parr up into a Fireman’s Carry.

The confusion for Parr’s slow start morphs into abject concern as Truth sets things in motion for an early JOURNEY’S END - but Parr slides off of his back! Cyrus turns around, into a big Clothesline from Parr which takes him down. ‘The Prodigy’ lays next to his opponent on the mat, puffing his cheeks and breathing a sigh of relief which is shared by the crowd.

Rod Sterling: “That was certainly a hot start for Cyrus Truth and Mike Parr almost found himself surely succumbing to Journey's End in the opening minutes of this Gauntlet.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Cyrus Truth is a very smart competitor; he knows that even if he does beat Mike Parr here in this first stage, he’s got to get things going here. That fatigue and damage will build up the deeper into this contest Cyrus is involved in it so it makes perfect sense to me that he’d want to get things done as quickly as possible here. Parr knows it, too, and we don’t usually see him throwing out Clotheslines like that. That was a desperation move there, Rod.”

They both pick themselves up at the same time, and once again Cyrus is the aggressor with a gut kick. Truth follows it up with another directly up into Parr’s face, causing ‘The Prodigy’ to recoil back. Parr leans on the ropes holding his nose, but is able to catch Truth with an elbow to the side of the head on the follow up. Again being very resourceful with his movements, Truth spins around and attempts a Dropkick which Parr brushes off though. Landing on his chest, Truth does not anticipate Parr applying a waistlock and taking him over with a Release German Suplex!

Cyrus gets dumped on the back of his head and partially rolls through back onto his knees, leaving him in prime position for a Shining Wizard!! Parr’s knee causes Truth to fall to the mat, and ‘The Prodigy’ dives on top of him for the first cover of the match;


Despite the kick out, it is clear that the quick combination of blows to the back and front of his head has messed with Truth’s equilibrium somewhat. He is still able to rise to his feet but gets his arm wringed by Parr, who transitions skillfully into a Hammerlock. The wrenching of his left arm causes Truth to try and flail his right arm around behind him wildly in an attempt to catch Parr once again. ‘The Exile’ attempts to force Parr back into a looming turnbuckle, but Parr’s slight size and weight advantage allows him to resist this.

Changing courses, Cyrus instead charges forward whilst trapped in the hold - he ducks as they near the turnbuckle together, and Parr takes the full impact with his face! Truth rolls backwards away from the corner as Parr turns around and stumbles out, hand on mouth. Another kick to the midsection is then followed by a Fisherman Suplex from Cyrus Truth! However, he does not release, instead bridging for a pin;


Anzu Kurosawa: “Rod, we’ve seen it again there. Cyrus wants to get this match over and done with, so he forced a shift back to a quicker pace after Parr tried to slow it down with that Hammerlock. Then did you notice the pin? Cyrus could have released it and then transitioned into the cover but no, he held firm with the bridge.”

Rod Sterling: “Great observation, Anzu. Both of these men know that they are not just competing against one another, but the clock as well. Energy conservation is important like you alluded to earlier on, Anzu, but another reason to keep the hits coming is to make sure that you beat that clock. After twenty minutes, if a decision is not reached, they’re both out!”

They break out of the pinning predicament and Parr gets to a knee, and he eats a kick across the chest from Cyrus Truth, who remains in control. Another kick stings Parr’s chest, and leaves him vulnerable for Truth to lift him from the mat and place him on his shoulder. Truth attempts a Shoulder Breaker, but Parr slides from his back once more and shoves him forwards. Cyrus barrels forwards and hits the turnbuckle, and Parr follows him in to cut him off with a knee to the gut. A couple of clubbing blows to the back follows, and Parr then elevates Truth up and places him on the top turnbuckle.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Parr could be going for a plethora of different things here, but all I know for sure is that when you start elevating the contest like this, you need to be prepared to follow through. Parr has been found out in recent times where his conviction failed him - when he lost the championship to Peacock - so he needs to have a specific idea in mind, especially against someone like Cyrus Truth.”

Parr steps up onto the middle rope and hits a couple of punches to Truth’s head, doing his best to keep him in situ. He moves Truth’s legs so the veteran is straddling the turnbuckle and steps up onto the top rope next to him. With Parr in a precarious position, Truth attempts to fight back at him but some more strikes across Truth’s back maintain’s Parr’s advantage. With a heave, Truth is pulled up from his perch after Parr hooks him up… SUPERPLEX!! Both men are down on the mat once more, and Parr has to pull himself along the canvas to get close enough to pin Cyrus;


There is some anguish on Parr’s face after the high-risk move failed to put Truth away but also caused some damage to himself due to the harsh landing for both men following a move like that. ‘The Prodigy’ sees Truth hunched over on all fours on his way up from the mat. Parr leaps across into action, catching Truth with an Oklahoma Roll! Truth’s shoulders are down, and his legs kick out wildly in a desperate attempt to escape;


The fans have their heads in their hands after the close call and last-moment kick out from Truth after ‘The Exile’ was caught off guard. Cyrus rolls back onto his knees but Parr is waiting for him and this time it is he who stings his opponent with a kick across the chest. Anticipating another, Truth protects his chest with his forearms but this leaves his ribs exposed, and Parr kicks him stiffly in the exposed area. ‘The Prodigy’ lasers in on the same spot and steadily aims with his forearm, driving it down into Cyrus’s ribs once more. A Heabutt from Parr to the ribs follows as well. It then becomes apparent what Parr is working towards when he lifts Truth up from the mat and wrings his arm once more, transitioning into an Abdominal Stretch. The strain of the hold is bad enough for Truth, but Parr also driving the point of his elbow under his diaphragm only makes matters worse.

Anzu Kurosawa: “You don’t want to be on the receiving end of a submission from someone as technically sound as Mike Parr, and what is crucial for both men is the time being spent with Truth trapped in this hold. Not only does he have to endure and attempt to escape the Abdominal Stretch, there are precious seconds ticking over. Time spent on the back foot is no good to Truth.”

Rod Sterling: “You could potentially say the same thing about Parr, but he’s working on those ribs of Cyrus Truth. X Marks the Spot? It definitely will if Truth’s ribs are shot. Parr knows what he’s doing now he has found his foothold in this first stage of the North American Gauntlet.”

Matthew Dean asks Truth if he is going to submit in a futile completion of his obligations as an official. Cyrus defiantly refuses, despite the wishes of the fans in the arena wanting him to give up to allow their favourite to progress. Not giving up, Truth’s priority shifts to trying to source an escape from the hold that has been expertly applied. Parr transitions the pointed elbow into some hammer fist strikes onto Truth’s ribs, assuredly winding Truth on top of contorting him. The referee unwisely suggests the possibility of submitting to Cyrus again, only to be told no in an expletive-laden response.

The two men jostle for position as Truth begins to will himself free from Parr. He manages to unhook one of his feet from around his opponent’s and uses this small piece of leverage to adjust his footing and then Hip Toss Parr over his head and onto the mat below! Parr gets back up but is caught by an irate Cyrus who facepalms him and sweeps his legs out for the MEMENTO MORI!!! Holding his ribs and side, Cyrus shuffles closer to Parr on the mat and leans back across Parr’s chest to cover;


A big and raucous cheer goes up for Parr shooting his shoulder up from the mat and Cyrus runs his hand through his hair in frustration, cursing under his breath. ‘The Exile’ slowly picks himself up and Parr does the same. They stand face to face in the ring and Cyrus rears his arm back and stings Parr’s chest with another chop. Parr however fires back with a forearm to Truth’s head. The two men settle into a rhythm of exchanging these strikes, with the crowd cheering loudly for their fellow Toronton and being slightly less enthusiastic each time Cyrus Truth connects with a chop. This goes on until both men have worn each other out, with Truth struggling to stand after the repeated shots to the head and Parr’s chest turning a shade of bright red. The two warriors are worn from their battle thus far at just the beginning of this gauntlet, and simply slump forwards, leaning on each other.

Rod Sterling: “Two men going at one hundred percent, all guns blazing… this is the result and you can just hear what it means to these fans to see them exhaust themselves like this. Don’t forget that this is just the beginning of this North American Gauntlet.”

From their stationary position, Cyrus suddenly springs to life and once again attempts to get Parr up on his shoulders but once again Mike Parr is able to evade Journey’s End! Parr resists it and things break up for a moment. Truth gets in close to go after Parr, but ‘The Prodigy’ leaps into the air and catches Truth with a Jumping Knee directly to the face! This puts Cyrus down on his back and the fans cheer for Parr as he tentatively gazes at the turnbuckle. It is a position that he has been in countless times before and Parr stumbles towards the corner and starts to pull himself up.

It is evident that Parr is looking for X Marks the Spot to put Cyrus away, but with his back turned, he fails to see Cyrus slowly rising to his feet at the same time. Parr makes it up onto the top turnbuckle but Truth is behind him and sweeps his feet out, crotching Parr on the top rope! Parr slumps back and straight onto Truth’s shoulders… EXILE’S EDGE!!! Getting a small second wind, Cyrus is quick to follow up with a pin;


Anzu Kurosawa: “What great resiliency being shown by Parr here; that Exile’s Edge could have spelled disaster for him, but I’m not sure there’s much left in the tank for ‘The Prodigy’ after that one.”

Sensing that too, there is no waste of time from Truth as for a third time he attempts to keep Parr to stay in position upon his shoulders in the Fireman’s Carry. The deadweight offers no resistance against JOURNEY’S END!! The crowd are deflated but respectful of both men’s efforts, but they can only watch as Cyrus hooks both of Parr’s legs tightly;


Winner: Cyrus Truth via pin fall at 16:34.

Rod Sterling: “It is not to be this time in Canada for Mike Parr; I’m sure that the fans here were hoping for another performance of epic magnitude akin to his showdown with Big Bryan Bastard over the years, but he definitely gave Cyrus Truth a run for his money here.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “That’s right, Rod. Cyrus may have advanced past the first stage, but he looks like a man who has just gone fifteen minutes with one of the best wrestlers in the world. You’ve got to imagine that whoever is out next must be salivating at the prospect of taking on a Cyrus Truth at reduced capacity.”

Truth takes a moment to have a breather as Parr is helped out of the ring. The dazed Parr looks back at Cyrus, who nods his head in acknowledgement of the efforts put forth by ‘The Prodigy’ here tonight.


The feed cuts backstage where Katie Baxter is standing by with someone not seen before on FWA programming. He is a young man, very tall and this causes him to tower over the interviewer. He wears jean shorts and has impressive muscle tone over his bare chest.

Katie Baxter: “We’ll be right back with the North American Gauntlet shortly, but I have someone here who wanted to take a moment of your time to introduce himself to the FWA fans. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Sebastian Mandadi.”

Mandadi steps forward and nods his head gratefully in Katie’s direction. After clearing his throat, he looks deep into the camera.

Sebastian Mandadi: “I am-a here in the FWA to show-a the world that-”

Before Mandadi is even close to finishing his sentence, he is cut off by the arrival of someone into the interview area. Chris Peacock looks very unkempt and breathes heavily, clearly having been furiously searching for Alyster Black since he departed the ringside area.

Chris Peacock: “Where is he? Have you seen him?”

Sebastian Mandadi: “I don’t-a know who you-a think-a you are, but this is Sebastian Mandadi’s time! Get out of here, CAPISCHE?!”

Instantly becoming less frantic, Peacock looks up into the imposing man’s eyes with a look of confusion, finally realising that he does not have a clue who has just addressed him.

Chris Peacock: “Who the fuck are you?”

Sebastian Mandadi: “Sebastian Mandadi! Your ears don’t a-work?”

Chris Peacock: “Hey. First of all, go fuck yourself. Second of all-”

Instead of finishing his sentence the traditional way, Peacock drives his knee into the abdomen of Mandadi which causes the Italian to hunch over. Grabbing him by the side of the head, Peacock slams him into a nearby production crate! This leaves Mandadi sitting against it… and Peacock drives his knee into Mandadi’s face with THE STRUT! This causes the newcomer to slump to the ground and Peacock makes a rude gesture down at him.

Katie Baxter: “Um, Chris?”

Chris Peacock: “What’s up, toots?”

Katie Baxter: “You were looking for Alyster Black?”

Chris Peacock: “OH SHI-”

After getting over his sidetrack, Peacock runs away from the area to continue his search for his tag team partner. Mandadi remains on the ground and Baxter calls for a medic.


The Bastard’s Anthem heralds the arrival of the co-holder of the record for the longest reign as FWA North American Champion, an honour he shares with the man in the match he is replacing, Mike Parr. Baxter and Parr also share a small nod of understanding as they pass on the ramp. In the ring, Cyrus Truth has a face of thunder. Out of pure spite and vitriol, he ignores his maladies inflicted by Parr and has his eyes firmly locked on BBB.

Rod Sterling: “There’s very good reason for Cyrus Truth to be looking at Bryan Baxter like that, after Baxter along with his allies in the Friendship Wrestling Alliance cost Truth the FWA World Championship back at Carnal Contendership. As we know, Cyrus is not the kind to forgive or forget.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “From the look on Baxter’s face, you can see that he is not massively pleased with having to come face-to-face with Cyrus Truth either. But Cyrus took a beating in that bout with Mike Parr, that’s something that Baxter can use to his advantage. Some explosive, powerful moves from the big guy could see this portion of the match over pretty quickly.”

The look of rage on Cyrus Truth’s face causes his temper to boil over as Baxter gets up onto the apron and steps through into the ring. A loud reaction goes up as Truth charges Baxter as he gets into the ring, catching him with a boot to the side of the head! Matthew Dean has no choice but to deem the second stage of the North American Gauntlet as begun!


Cyrus Truth
vs. Bryan Baxter
Match writer: Man.

The initial kick caught Baxter out and he has to endure a barrage of hits from Cyrus as he tries to properly enter the ring. After wincing and doing his best to shrug off some kicks, chops and elbow strikes from Truth, Baxter stands up straight. Angered by the jump start, he attempts to grab Truth around the throat with both hands, but a Spinning Back Fist from Cyrus catches him on the jaw! This dazes Baxter, causing him to stumble back a couple of paces. Truth takes a couple of quick steps towards the ropes and jumps to get one up on the middle rope and he turns in mid air to crack Baxter across the back of the head with an Enziguiri!

A stiff strike like that to the back of the head is enough to get Baxter down to a knee. Truth quickly scrambles back up to his feet and hits the ropes, catching Baxter with a knee strike to the face which collapses him down onto his back. Stopping in his tracks, Cyrus then steadies himself and leaps vertically into the air, dropping his knee down across the Bastard’s face! A good cheer goes up from the Toronto crowd for the Wanderer’s Wrath, and Truth lifts one of the big legs of Baxter up to pin him;


The fans are stunned as Baxter kicks out at just one, and the big man is instantly back up to his feet and Cyrus endeavours to meet him. This time, Baxter beats Truth to the punch and shrugs away his chop attempt, spinning Cyrus around. Baxter spins around as well, flooring Truth with a huge Discus Lariat! Cyrus gets turned inside out from the move and Baxter looks down at him on the mat disdainfully.

Rod Sterling: “Anzu, that was a good call. Look at the state of things in there; a hot start by Cyrus, getting Baxter down… but all it takes is just one of those big moves from Baxter to establish an advantage. After everything Truth took from Parr, every move from Baxter like that one is going to make it harder and harder for Truth to stay in this thing.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “That’s right, Rod. I also think Truth starting this in the manner he did only lit a fire underneath Baxter. This man is mean and is rough in the ring as it is. The last thing you want to do is piss him off and make it even worse for yourself.”

Rod Sterling: “He held the North American Championship for four-hundred and fifty-four days and that wasn’t by accident. His most recent forays with Parr, Peacock and MvH haven’t gone his way but that shouldn’t undercut how dangerous Baxter can be. We also don’t even know whether we can expect any interference from the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, either.”

For now it is just Bryan Baxter on his own though without any of his FWA cohorts. He puts a boot to Cyrus’s face to keep his opponent down on the mat. Hitting the ropes, the larger man lines up Cyrus who is prone, leaps into the air and lands on top of him with a Running Senton! There is no cover from Baxter, and he rises to his feet as Truth attempts to rise up, holding his ribs. Baxter sees the area to target and falls forwards… landing a Falling Headbutt to Truth’s ribs. The work done by Parr is being carried on by Baxter, and the Bastard gets up, bringing Cyrus with him. Grabbing Truth by the tights and around the neck, he throws ‘The Exile’ down to the floor.

BBB brushes off the referee who attempts to prevent him from being able to follow Truth out to the floor. Baxter adjusts his trunks after landing on the floor, walking towards Truth. Cyrus is able to get off a couple of strikes to slightly cut Bax off, but a knee to the chest and midsection from Baxter extinguishes any hope of a comeback on the outside. Taking Truth by cradling his neck, Baxter rushes Cyrus forwards and sends him hurtling into the ring barricade! It is another big impact for Truth and his ribs in particular, and Baxter follows up with a mean kick directly to the ribs as well for good measure.

Baxter picks Cyrus up and tucks his head down underneath Truth’s arm and he charges forward… driving Truth’s ribs into the ring apron! Keeping Truth in the same position, Baxter steps back from the apron and then positions himself so he and Cyrus are adjacent to the side of the ring… and he takes Truth over with a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX ON THE OUTSIDE!! Cyrus’s body hitting the padding on the floor makes a loud slapping sound and his back arches upon impact. A small smirk forms on Baxter’s face as he sits on the floor, looking over his shoulder.

Rod Sterling: “This just goes to show how valuable the advantage to entering a match like this later is. Mike Parr put in a lot of work on the ribs of Cyrus Truth, and now even though Truth advanced past ‘The Prodigy’, the damage has been done. Big Bryan Baxter can capitalise on that work put in. It’s free real estate, is what I believe that the kids would say.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “They probably would, but I don’t think you should, Rod. Baxter scored big with that move on the floor. You all heard that disgusting sound of the impact… wait, what’s Baxter going for here?”

A determined and steely look is on the face of Bryan Baxter, and he looks over at Truth before shoving him away. The big man bends down and picks at the protective padding and mats on the outside of the ring, managing to lift up one of the corners of a section of matting. He yanks at it, exposing the concrete laying underneath! There is a loud reaction from the fans, and an ominous atmosphere begins to develop as all onlookers realise that Baxter has something very dangerous in mind for Cyrus Truth.

After discarding the padding and continuing to ignore the referee’s repeated requests to bring things back into the ring, Baxter grabs Truth around the neck and drags him over the concrete. He slowly and methodically lifts Truth from the mat and doubles him over and lifts him up onto his shoulders. There are concerned gasps from the fans as Baxter prepares to POWERBOMB TRUTH ONTO THE CONCRETE - BUT CYRUS COUNTERS IT AND SPIKES BAXTER ON THE CONCRETE WITH A FALLING DDT!!! Both men are down as Cyrus also landed harshly on his back, and the referee is quick to check on both men.

Cyrus groans and rolls away from Baxter towards the ring barricade and the official tries to check on the big man who has seldom moved since his head was driven into the unforgiving concrete. It becomes evident to Matthew Dean that his only course of action is to get back into the ring and apply a count in respect of both competitors.


Rod Sterling: “Well, Matthew Dean is doing all that he can do here, folks. If he reaches a count of ten and neither Cyrus Truth or Bryan Baxter has made it back into the ring, I think that means that they’re both eliminated!”


Truth is the first of the two to become aware of what is going on, and his eyes widen when he sees that he has to climb over the downed Baxter and then into the ring if he wants to avoid being counted out.



‘The Exile’ slides himself across Baxter, causing the larger man to roll over at the same time. Baxter’s eyes are open but are glazed but most noticeably is the trickle of blood from the top of his head dropping down onto the concrete below.


Anzu Kurosawa: “I’m not surprised to see that busted Bryan Baxter open, Rod. Head, skull, flesh, whatever you want to call it… concrete wins, every single time.”


There is no consideration for his opponent from Cyrus Truth, and he manages to pull himself up with the assistance of the apron. He gets a leg up slowly and edges himself into the ring. Baxter, meanwhile, has still barely moved, aside from raising a single arm up from the floor.


Rod Sterling: “Cyrus Truth is safe but things aren’t looking very good for Big Bryan Baxter - Truth might have been able to knock off both holders of the record for the longest North American Championship reign. Even though he’s in the ring, Cyrus is flat on his back. He’s taken a beating from both Mike Parr and Bryan Baxter.”


Some awareness finally arrives to Baxter and he looks up to see the referee inside the ring making the count. With some difficulty, he rolls onto his side and then gets his knees up underneath him.


Baxter is up on his feet and he falls towards the apron, hitting it with his body. He grabs onto the middle and bottom ropes…


BAXTER ROLLS INTO THE RING JUST IN TIME! It was touch and go for a moment for the big man, but he made it in. Together next to each other, both Cyrus and Bryan breathe heavily and then lock eyes from on the mat. Truth brings his foot up and drives the sole of his boot into Baxter’s face. Baxter holds his mouth and nose after that, with Truth picking himself up. There is still some lingering pain on Cyrus’s face from his ribs. Baxter backs up against the bottom turnbuckle. This leaves him in the same unfortunate position that Mike Parr found himself in earlier on… being subjected to the FIRST FIVE STEPS!!

Each stomp to the head of Baxter, all straight on the abrasion caused by his meeting with the concrete on the outside, only causes the flow of blood to increase. Cyrus backs away and he leaves a trail of bloody footprints as he does so. The referee wants to check on Baxter due to the repeated head strikes, but Cyrus barges past him and pulls Baxter up in the corner. The big man leans back against the corner and Cyrus chops him harshly across the large chest.

Rod Sterling: “Cyrus has Baxter where he wants him, but we’ve got to wonder whether in this condition he is able to get the big guy up for Journey’s End? That’d be pretty hard to do under normal circumstances, let alone having competed for the best part of half an hour.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Truth is an accomplished competitor with many different options available to him to put away an opponent. For now, it is clear that his focus is on wearing Bryan down as much as he can. Baxter is losing blood, that’s going to affect his breathing, his vision and impede his thinking. Look at him now, that cut on Baxter’s head is nothing more than a target for Truth to go after now.”

‘The Exile’ climbs onto the middle rope and balls his fist, and then brings it down several times down onto the top of Baxter’s head. Bryan’s blood is visible on Truth’s knuckles from each strike. Cyrus reaches ten strikes, and tries to jump down, but Baxter holds onto him. It looks as if Baxter is somehow aware enough to attempt a Powerbomb on Truth, but Cyrus attempts to convert it into a Hurricanrana, Baxter stands firm and does not allow himself to be taken over. With a loud heave, Baxter lifts Truth back up but once again the Powerbomb attempt is thwarted when Truth readjusts his positioning on the big man into a Crucifix. He then clasps his hands around Baxter’s neck, locking in THE LONG ROAD TO NOWHERE!!

As alluded to by Anzu Kurosawa, Cyrus is going into another reliable move from his arsenal to try to finish Baxter off, looking for a submission victory. The loss of blood and haziness caused by the repeated strikes to the head makes Baxter close his eyes and then drop to a knee. The crowd appear to be somewhat split in what they want to happen with this situation; Baxter is evidently fighting with all of his might and some seem to be getting behind him.

Rod Sterling: “Well, we’ve seen in recent months a slight softening around the edges for Bryan Baxter, despite him still being one of the roughest and toughest members of the FWA roster. He’s done a lot of Jeremy Best’s dirty work, too, and well, I’m not sure that he’s fully on board with what the FWA World Champion has been doing in order to keep the championship around his waist.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Well, we’ve seen in previous matches Baxter refuse help or scold his stablemates if they attempted to involve themselves in his matches. I don’t see Sir Stache, Mejor Amigo or any of them out here. That’s probably something that Cyrus Truth is conscious of given what happened at Carnal Contendership, when a steel cage was not even enough to prevent Friendship Wrestling Alliance involvement in the FWA World Championship match. Bax is on his own though, and he’s not in a good place to be. This hold HURTS, and he’s finding it out the hard way.”

There is a determined and vengeful look on Cyrus Truth’s face as he cranks as hard as he can on submission. There is a clear will to not just defeat Baxter, but to render him incapable of competing altogether due to the events of Carnal Contendership. The referee asks Baxter if he wishes to give up, but he shakes his head and weakly responds that he does not. This only causes Truth to increase the intensity of the hold even further. Baxter drops down onto both knees, perhaps starting to fade due to the loss of blood combined with the pressure of the submission.

Baxter bows his head, shutting his eyes and summoning all of the strength that he can muster. With great effort and strain, he gets to one knee and then soon enough after both feet are planted on the mat. He still has Truth on his back, though, and the submission is still applied even though Baxter is no longer down. Baxter tries to shuffle Truth higher up on his back, so Cyrus is lying across his shoulders… and he falls back into a Samoan Drop! Truth crashing onto the mat and with Baxter’s full weight on top of him is more than enough to cause the hold to be broken and once more, both men are down on the mat.

Rod Sterling: “This portion of the gauntlet has been brutal so far, Anzu, it is hard to remember that even once this stage has been decided, we’ve still got more to come! Chris Peacock’s creation has resulted in former North American Champions trying to damn near end each other for a chance to hold that prestigious championship once again.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Speaking of Peacock, we understand that he is still storming around the backstage area in search of where Danny Toner and Randy Ramon had taken Alyster Black. We saw him before the commencement of this stage of the North American Gauntlet and I think we know that he is not going to stop until he’s rescued his friend and got his hands on Toner and Ramon.”

In the ring, Cyrus and Baxter try to lift themselves up and it is much easier for Truth to do so despite him being in the match for a longer period of time. The blood coming from Baxter’s head is obscuring his vision and of course the blood loss is affecting him severely. Truth measures Baxter from behind and then stomps on the back of his knee, he hits the ropes and comes back with a big boot to the face! Truth goes for a pin after the Broken Path;


There is some surprise from the fans that Baxter was able to lift a shoulder from the mat despite everything. ‘The Exile’ takes one of Baxter’s wrists whilst he is down and then stomps down onto the big man’s head. He repeats it several times, targeting the cut on Baxter’s head each time. The big man grits his teeth and attempts to weather the storm. After kicking Baxter in the head six times, Cyrus uses all of his strength to lift the big man from the mat. Once he is up, there is a loud reaction from the fans as Cyrus attempts to place the large man on his shoulders. The Fireman’s Carry is there, but Baxter manages to get off a couple of elbows to the side of Truth’s head which causes Truth to drop him… but Baxter falls down on top of Truth, crushing him against the mat!

Cyrus Truth is clearly winded from having over three-hundred pounds land on the top of his back and he attempts to catch his breath on the mat. Baxter on the other hand pushes up from Truth’s back and grabs him from the floor. He takes a deep breath for a moment and hooks Cyrus up… looking for the BAXTER DRIVER - BUT TRUTH ROLLS THROUGH INTO A VICTORY ROLL!!!


With both men’s adrenaline pumping once more due to the near fall, they are able to get up together at the same time quicker than before. However, Truth is the fastest to react and he catches Baxter on the side of the head with a Roundhouse Kick! Baxter drops to a knee after the strike and like a serpent, Truth wraps himself around the Bastard and applies the LONG ROAD TO NOWHERE FOR A SECOND TIME!! Both men scream out for different reasons… and a timer appears on the large screen - there’s only one minute left!

Rod Sterling: “One minute to go in this stage of the North American Gauntlet, ladies and gentlemen! Cyrus Truth has the Long Road to Nowhere cinched in once more but if Baxter can hold on for this entire final sixty seconds, he’ll be eliminated still, but Cyrus Truth will be going with him!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “This isn’t the first time that Baxter has come close to the wire in Canada this year and from the looks of things, I think the same outcome of disappointment could be waiting for him at the end. if he can’t get out of this and do something quickly, he’s eliminated no matter what happens.”

The hold seems to be having the intended effect, as like earlier in the match, Baxter seems to be fading. There is an occasional glance by Cyrus Truth at the clock displayed and his determination morphs into desperation as he knows if he cannot see Baxter off here, his participation in this match will be over, too. The clock ticks past thirty seconds, with the fans rising to their feet in anticipation for this nail-biting conclusion to this portion of the North American Gauntlet.

With twenty-one seconds left, Baxter’s eyes open and he too sees the clock. With a loud guttural roar, he fights through the pain and flexes his chest, causing Truth’s grip to falter slightly. Getting back to a solid base once more, another loud bear-like roar from the big man allows him to manoeuvre Truth whilst the latter is on his shoulders… into a Vertical Suplex position… AND INTO THE BAXTER DRIVER!!!! Both men are down, with just ten seconds left. Baxter slowly manages to roll over and place a forearm across Truth’s chest…


Winner: Bryan Baxter via pin fall at 19:58.

Rod Sterling: “With TWO seconds to spare, Big Bryan Baxter has advanced! That was an almost twenty-minute war between two of the best wrestlers in the world and even though Baxter has advanced here, he doesn’t look in the best shape to be continuing on to face whoever will be coming next.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “That was a Herculean effort by Cyrus Truth as well, Rod. It should come as no surprise to anyone that he fought until almost the very last second, with over thirty five minutes under his belt. I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of him duelling with Big Bryan Baxter, though. Those scars from Carnal Contendership will not have healed and vengeance will be his and he won’t stop until he gets it, I think.”

Baxter wipes some of his own blood from his eyes and just about makes out Truth being helped out of the ring by the referee and ringside personnel. He slaps their hands out of the way and starts walking to the back on his own accord, definitely feeling the effects of such a brutal match. Baxter slowly starts to make his way back up to his feet, awaiting his next opponent.


Backstage, the focus is once again on Chris Peacock. He pushes through a set of double doors and sees a large crowd of people, which he bustles through to see what they are looking at. In their manse is Alyster Black, who is sitting up against a corrugated steel gate being tended to by the FWA’s resident trainer, Dr. Smith.

Dr. Smith: “Alyster, the medication should kick in soon. Now, you’re sure you’re fine?”

Alyster Black: “For the last fucking time, I’m fine. Don’t you even fucking try to say that I’m not cleared for Fallout.”

Black’s sentence/threat trails off as he looks up to see Peacock at the front of the pack surrounding him now. He instinctively holds out a hand and Peacock helps him to his feet.

Alyster Black: “What you doing here?”

Chris Peacock: “Looking for you. I thought they were going to break your leg, you know, like they did before.”

Alyster Black: “Nah, they just jumped me, recorded their little video and did one. Don’t think that they want any excuses for Back in Business if they took me out beforehand. Think they were just trying to throw you off. Looks like it worked. I just sat around waiting for the doc so I could get some free pain meds. Sucker fell for it again.”

Dr. Smith: “Come on…”

There are no further words from Chris Peacock as he escorts Alyster away from the crowd ahead of his impending crash due to the overprescription of pain medication. The (for now) current North American Champion breathes heavily in annoyance that he was so easily toyed with by FTN’s Back in Business opponents.


The lights of the arena power down and there are small flashes of light as the music builds, with the only light coming from the big screen playing the entrance video. After seventeen seconds, a red spotlight apears on the stage as "The Blacklight Knight" Elizabeth Rose, stands on the stage, back turned. Her signature Rose cane rests on her shoulders. She slowly turns around, planting her cane on the ground, looking forward with an almost bored look on her face. Lifting her cane up, she places it on her shoulder. before walking down the ramp. The fans are not best pleased to see her given her actions earlier tonight.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Fresh off a backstage assault on her Back in Business opponent Gabrielle earlier on tonight, Elizabeth Rose will be seeking to bring some gold back to The Residence and Eternal. Let’s not forget the history between Rose and Baxter and their battles over the North American Championship in the past. Both have undergone some rather significant character shifts in the time since.”

Rod Sterling: “That’s an understatement, Rod. They have battled over this championship twice previously during Baxter’s reign, with the Bastard coming out on top twice on Fallout 022 and at the Back in Town Pay-Per-View last February. It was arguably that second loss that began Rose’s changing in goals and led to her ultimately agreeing to join Eternal last summer.”

Ignoring the fans who once cheered her, Elizabeth Rose looks forward to the ring, walking slowly. Heading around the ring, she runs her finger along the apron before she slides onto the edge of the ring. She sits along the apron, cane on her shoulder as she looks over her shoulder before rolling into the ring. In the middle of the ring, she plants the end of her cane on the ring canvas and looks forward at the hard camera. She spins her signature weapon around before heading to her corner, placing it down and removing her cap as her theme music fades. Once there, she waves at Baxter and feigns concern for him due to the condition that he finds himself in.


Bryan Baxter
vs. Elizabeth Rose
Match writer: Man.

Once Baxter is ready to go, Matthew Dean calls for the bell and immediately, Rose charges across the ring and catches the big man on the top of the head with a Spinning Heel Kick. The heel of Elizabeth’s boot catches the wound and causes more blood to pour out of it. Baxter stumbles back into the corner and Rose comes straight in to follow up, first stomping on his foot to cause his head to slump to allow her to hook him up and she kicks off the ropes - into The Eternal Effect! The Tornado DDT drives Baxter’s head into the mat once more, causing him to stay down for a few seconds.

Rose opts not to go for a pin, instead enjoying the early control she has easily achieved, much to the chagrin of the Toronto crowd. The taunting and posing quickly comes to an end once Lizzie snaps out of it though and smashes the recovering Baxter in the side of the head with the Kneehilism knee strike!! Bryan flops down onto his chest and then slowly rolls onto his back spread eagle. Still though, Rose chooses to not go for a pin attempt.

Rod Sterling: “Anzu, what’s the thought process for Elizabeth Rose here? She’s got an old rival in Bryan Baxter exactly where she wants him and could possibly just win the match here. Why the hesitation to just try to finish this thing off?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “It’s been said time and time again but this isn’t Lizzie Rose that we’re dealing with here, Rod. This is Elizabeth and basically someone else entirely. Why doesn’t she just end the match here? Because she has the opportunity to inflict further punishment on her opponent and she’s going to take it. This is where the time factors into it once again - she has as long as she wants to punish Baxter and given how much she suffered at Baxter’s hands when the roles were reversed? I think we could be here for a while given her vengeful streak.”

It is clear from the look on Rose’s face that she is extremely enjoying the opportunity to cause as much suffering as possible on someone she likely believes to completely deserve it given his past actions. The crowd is much more sympathetic to Baxter though, as there are sizeable pockets audibly willing him on to mount a comeback. Rose wags her finger and then starts picking Baxter up, grinning with glee at the sight of his bloody face. She transitions and starts charging forwards towards the corner for the SLICED ELIZABETH - BUT BAXTER PUTS THE BRAKES ON!

The big man stands firm with Rose up in the air and he is able to switch her around… and Powerbomb her into the turnbuckle! Rose manages to remain on her feet as Baxter backs away out of necessity, but this leaves her in a bad spot for when he regains his awareness as he charges in and crushes her with a splash in the corner! It is somewhat of a third wind for Baxter who grabs Rose by the head and uses her hair to hold her back against the corner. The referee demands Baxter release his grip but he ignored it, and slaps Rose across the chest!!

After the resounding gunshot-like noise, Rose drops to the mat and holds her chest. She has a furious look on her face that Baxter would do that to her. In the opposite corner, Baxter shakes out some of the cobwebs and then measures Rose up against the bottom turnbuckle. The big man charges in, looking for a Running Hip Attack - but Rose slides out of the ring at the last second! Elizabeth watches from the apron as Baxter holds his side after eating the turnbuckle. She climbs up to the top rope in the corner and waits on him to turn around… TORNACANRANA!! It is a spectacle as the big man is flipped over and spiked on the top of his head, and this time Elizabeth does go for a pin, sitting on top of Baxter with her arms in the air;


Rod Sterling: “I think Elizabeth Rose thought she had it there after the Tornacanrana - we all did! I think she could well have done had she gone for a more traditional kind of pin though.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Yeah, I’m not sure whether that was a case of naivete or overconfidence there from Elizabeth Rose. We know that she’s on a high after her beatdown of Back in Business opponent Gabrielle Montgomery earlier tonight backstage, but I think given her history with Baxter she should really know that a lax cover like that is not going to get her the result that she desires. A let off for sure for Baxter, for lack of a better word.”

Baxter kicking out of the Tornacanrana despite her less than optimal method of trying to pin him causes Rose to take issue with the referee. Matthew Dean holds his position firm, making it clear that he believes that Baxter kicked out just before his hand hit the mat for a third time; something which the instant replays shown corroborates. The frustration and petulance of Rose leads her to walk towards the corner and reach through the ropes to grab her cane. This draws large boos from the crowd, but she twirls it around menacingly over Baxter who stays down on the mat.

Unsurprisingly, the introduction of a weapon into the match does not go down very well with the official and after a small struggle, he manages to wrestle the cane out of Elizabeth’s grasp. As Dean hands the weapon to someone at ringside, Rose takes advantage of his back being turned and she removes the padding from one of the top turnbuckles. She disposes of the evidence at ringside, ignoring the reactions from the crowd for her underhanded tactics. Once the referee turns back around and brings his focus back on the wrestlers, Rose is already back on top of Baxter, trying to lug his large frame from the mat.

Elizabeth struggles to get Baxter up to his feet and in her growing frustration she chooses to slap him on the back of the head. Despite the damage that has been dealt to him, this immediately gets Baxter’s attention and he rises to his feet, looming over her. Rose raises her boot to emphatically stomp on Baxter’s foot, but he manages to reach down and catch her leg. A look of worry forms on Rose’s face as she looks into the eyes of the bloodied beast. He shakes his head to indicate that there is no escape for her and then flattens her with a Clothesline!

The crowd begins to get behind Baxter upon his urging as Lizzie rises once more, only to take another big hit from the Bastard. She gets up for a third time and once more Baxter attempts to strike her with a Lariat, but this time she ducks it and hits the ropes. Baxter manages to find the energy and ability to hit the ropes himself and when they collide in the ring, Rose is sent flying by a huge POUNCE BY BAXTER!! The smaller frame of Rose ragdolls upon impact with Baxter and she is left in a heap in the corner of the ring. Baxter rises and beats his chest to a cheer from the crowd, who are now mostly completely on his side.

Rod Sterling: “I think it was during that North American Showdown earlier this year that Bryan Baxter forged a connection with the people of Toronto, due to his actions towards their hometown hero Mike Parr that night. He went against form, denied his allies the opportunity to interfere on his behalf and then acknowledged Parr as the better man on the night when all was said and done. Despite Jeremy Best, despite everything else, these people here want to see him succeed.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “That’s right, Rod. I know that we’ve seen Baxter on the side of the people in the past, primarily before Jeremy Best showed his true colours, but I don’t think he has ever enjoyed fan support like this in the FWA that is just for him. They’ve seen him bleed tonight. They’ve seen him fight with everything he has to endure Cyrus Truth and everything that ‘The Exile’ threw at him for twenty minutes and here they’ve seen him for almost another ten doing what he can to withstand the diabolical Lizzie Rose. I don’t think Baxter is doing what he can for Jeremy Best out of anything other than misplaced and historic loyalty.”

Baxter uses the ropes to rise back to his feet and he sees that Elizabeth is once again in position up against the bottom turnbuckle and once he has caught his breath he charges in once more… and this time connects with the Running Hip Attack! Rose’s head whiplashes against the turnbuckle upon contact. Baxter grabs one of Rose’s legs and pulls her away from the ropes, before dropping down to go for a pin of his own;


The big man puts his head in his hands as he realises that it is going to take more than that to finish Rose off, and the crowd shares in his disappointment. After taking a deep breath, Baxter lifts Rose up from the mat and attempts to get her in position to bring an end to this stage of the Gauntlet with the BAXTER DRIVER - BUT ROSE ESCAPES IT! A couple of well-placed knees to the top of Baxter’s head causes him to break his grip and she is able to land on her feet on the mat. Baxter swings back wildly with an elbow strike, but Rose dodges it.

Baxter turns around, looking for another Clothesline, but Lizzie ducks it again and this time floats over to hit Baxter with another Eternal Effect! She is unable to follow up though as instead of allowing himself to be pinned, Baxter shows very strong ring awareness to be able to roll out of the ring where he stands on the floor, holding the top of his head.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Baxter’s head will be pounding, but feel numb at the same time. I’m not quite sure I have ever seen anyone take so many hits to the head in a match, Rod. There’s a very strong chance that he’s not even going to remember this match tomorrow if he’s concussed, which he surely has to be at this point?”

Rod Sterling: “I’m no medical expert but I’d assume so, Anzu. What amazes me here is how he still thought to get out of the ring. Rose could have got the pin there after another DDT but here is Baxter now standing on top of that exposed concrete once again. You can see the dark red stains down there from when Cyrus Truth first drove his head directly into the unforgiving surface. How he’s still functioning, let alone thinking critically, I have no idea.”

With Baxter on the outside, Rose takes a moment to posture for the crowd once again. They shower her with negativity, as she has done nothing to endear herself to any of them the entire night with her actions both in and out of the North American Gauntlet. As she does this, she slowly makes her way towards the turnbuckle and begins to scale it. She positions herself on the top top and looms over Baxter, but the negativity and loud jeers from within the stands cause her to continue to play up to the fans. What she does not realise is that this has left her susceptible to being impeded and that is exactly what happens when she fails to notice Baxter up on the apron.

He grabs her by the ankle and pulls it towards the ring and Rose falls face first… STRAIGHT INTO THE EXPOSED TURNBUCKLE!!! The collision with the bare metal leaves her body limp against the corner, and Baxter hustles as much as he can to get back into the ring and he pulls Rose from the corner and hooks her up… BAXTER DRIVER!!! The fans cheer as the Baxter hooks both of Rose’s legs and closes his eyes in hope…


Winner: Bryan Baxter via pin fall at 13:45.

A look of elation creeps onto Baxter’s face and the crowd burst into loud cheers as he comes to terms with the fact that he has survived the North American Gauntlet. He watches as Elizabeth Rose rolls from the ring and lands on the floor on the outside and then checks his head for fresh blood. Matthew Dean enters the ring with the North American Championship, waiting for Baxter to rise back to his feet before handing it to him.

Rod Sterling: “What a turnaround in fortunes for Big Bryan Baxter - after a months-long turmoil of losing big match after big match, he has bounced back in the most spectacular of ways. A new North Amer-”

Music plays, but it is not that of Bryan Baxter. The crowd looks to the stage where a very fired up Chris Peacock walks out from the back. He wears a determined scowl on his face and looks appropriately dishevelled from his adventures backstage during the course of the night which drew him away from the action where he was to defend his championship.

Anzu Kurosawa: “What’s Peacock doing out here? I know that he can’t be happy about what has happened here and losing his championship but the match is over!”

Peacock slides into the ring just as the referee is about to hand the title over to Baxter, but he snatches it away from Matthew Dean. The official attempts to argue with him and question his actions, but Peacock sternly informs him of something. Dean nods his head and in understanding, is handed the title back from Peacock who goes to wait in the corner of the ring. Baxter reaches out for the gold, but the referee ignores him and speaks to Goldsmith at ringside.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “I have been informed by FWA official Matthew Dean that as Chris Peacock never officially entered the North American Gauntlet and has therefore not been eliminated… that this match will continue!”

Despite the professional enthusiasm shown by the ring announcer, the fans in Toronto are very disappointed with this turn of events. A smirk forms on Peacock’s face as his fortunes definitely seem to be turning around. Baxter’s eyes open widely, not even considering prior to this the possibility of having to go through someone else after two demanding battles with Cyrus Truth and then Elizabeth Rose.

Rod Sterling: “Let me cast my mind back to an hour ago and when we first saw Danny Toner appear on the large screen… it was before the match officially got underway! Peacock never started his own damn gauntlet match and now he’s free to swoop in at the end after Bryan Baxter has been put through hell! What started out as a panic for Peacock has turned into a supremely fortunate turn of events!”


Bryan Baxter
vs. Chris Peacock
Match writer: Man.

As soon as the referee indicates to Chris Peacock that this stage of the North American Gauntlet is underway, the Grand Slam Champion charges across the ring and barrels straight into Baxter with a forearm strike to the top of the head. Just with Truth and Rose before him, Peacock treats the cut from Baxter’s head being driven into the concrete as a homing beacon and immediately targets his attacks there. A barrage of punches follows as Baxter is stuck in the corner. The referee has to get in between the men but Peacock shoves him out of the way and turns his attention back to Baxter.

However, Baxter is able to rattle off a couple of strikes himself on Peacock to a good reaction from the crowd. The momentum gets cut short though when Peacock goes for the underhanded route and pokes Baxter in the eyes. This leaves Baxter rendered blind for a moment but he is immediately brought back to awareness by a huge PIMP SLAP from Peacock! The blatant disrespect causes the crowd to get all over Peacock who flashes them a middle finger before going to work on Baxter in the corner with a series of stomps to his knees and midsection. Peacock rises to the middle rope and grabs Baxter’s head and thrusts into it with his pelvis to rub salt into the wounds further.

Rod Sterling: “I think given the night’s events, Chris Peacock is in a weird mood. You’d normally have sympathy for someone in Peacock’s position. His best friend got jumped backstage by his fierce rivals and he spent a good amount of time trying to find him to make sure he was okay… but he’s now come out here like he’s won the lottery! This match was conceived by Peacock on the notion that he’d take on all of the former North American Champions, but Bryan Baxter has done that. Peacock hasn’t!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “If there’s one thing that we have learned about Chris Peacock in the last year it is that he’s not afraid to take any opportunity or advantage presented to him. Yeah, a lot of bad stuff has happened to him recently to dampen his spirits after winning the F1 Climaxxx - Black attacked tonight, Allen Price on Fallout - but you can’t help but feel he deserves it?”

As if paying tribute to his tag team partner, Peacock lays into Baxter in the corner with several hard strikes. After he finishes his own variation of a Violence Party, ‘Disco’s Last Warrior’ motions for Baxter to approach him and when Baxter involuntarily does so to come out of the corner, Peacock boots him in the midsection and drops him with the Disco Thriller Stunner! Baxter falls to his knees on the mat and the crowd starts to boo as they realise where the big man has found himself. In a familiar sight of the last four years, Chris Peacock takes up a position in the corner of the ring and lines his opponent up.

He rubs his jaw, beaming in the knowledge that this move dislocated MvH’s at Carnal Contendership. In an even larger showing of disrespect, he begins dancing as he advances closer to Baxter who is in the middle of the ring. Peacock swings his knee towards Baxter’s head, but BAXTER BLOCKS THE STRUT!!! He shoves Peacock’s leg away, only to eat a boot to the face in response. A flash of anger crosses Peacock’s face and he gets on top of Baxter, punching him several times in the head.

This converts into slamming Baxter’s head into the mat repeatedly and Peacock is eventually forced off by the referee and given a stern talking to. Peacock predictably has something to say about this and in his frustration he piefaces Dean, sending him down to the mat! There are loud boos from the fans for this action and Peacock begins talking shit to both them and the downed referee.

Rod Sterling: “I think that Chris Peacock has lost it here, Anzu! The stress of tonight’s events has seemingly got to him and is acting as erratically as we’ve ever seen him before. Is the pressure of everything happening to him becoming too much? Toner, Ramon, MvH, Truth, FWA… this is a man bereft with enemies and they’ve all been circling in on him.”

With the referee down, Peacock hops out of the ring and scours the ringside area for something. What catches his eye is the discarded cane belonging to Elizabeth Rose, which he snatches from the grasps of the timekeeper after the referee had previously confiscated it from the previous entrant. He sizes it up and realises that it is not too dissimilar from his usual weapon of choice and rolls into the ring with it. After a quick check to confirm that the referee is still immobilised, Peacock raises the cane and slams it down across Baxter’s back! This turns into a flurry of repeated strikes on the big man to raucous boos from the crowd.

Peacock slides the cane out of sight as the referee begins to stir, and he brings the challenger up. It takes some effort from Peacock to move Baxter around the ring, but he does so and gets him towards the corner with the exposed turnbuckle. It becomes clear that Peacock is planning on slamming Baxter’s head into the metal ring, but Baxter manages to get a foot onto the middle turnbuckle to block it. Peacock tries again and the same thing happens. However, before a third attempt can be made, Baxter cuts Peacock off with an elbow to the gut… and Baxter drives Peacock face first into the exposed turnbuckle!

Much like Rose, Peacock is knocked loopy by the meeting with the metal and a close up shot shows Chris leant against the corner and blood trickling from his own head to match Baxter’s. Baxter trundles into the middle of the ring and waits for Peacock to develop enough wherewithal to do the same thing. Once Chris does, Baxter boots him in the midsection and slowly lifts him up into the air. The Baxter Driver does not come though as Peacock is able to slide out of Baxter’s grasp, and he brings him down into a Famouser on the way down!

There is no pin from Peacock, who once again takes a position in the corner, waiting for Baxter to get up to his feet. He charges forward once Baxter is up and manages to rush him into the corner, but Baxter is too big for him to complete the Roller Disco on! Peacock is shoved back by Bax but runs straight back in… BUT BAXTER LIFTS HIM UP AND HOOKS IT… BAXTER DRIVER TO PEACOCK!!! Peacock’s hastiness got him caught and Baxter sits on the mat next to the North American Champion and looks down at him disapprovingly.

Rod Sterling: “There’s the Baxter Driver! Baxter should have this now, surely! No one has ever kicked out of this move before, but I don’t think he wants to take any chances on someone like Chris Peacock…”

Sterling’s assertion is true, as Baxter pushes off the mat and gets himself back to his feet. Chris Peacock is out, so this only makes Baxter lifting him up from the mat even more difficult. There is however no resistance to Baxter elevating Peacock up into the air for a second time though and A SECOND BAXTER DRIVER CONNECTS!!! This time, Bax does go for the pin;


Winner: Bryan Baxter via pin fall at 6:33.

The bell rings, and this time there is no doubt from anyone in the arena that Bryan Baxter has emerged victorious! He gets up to his feet and graciously accepts the North American Championship from Matthew Dean, who holds his own jaw. Chris Peacock is left on the mat, eyes closed and likely unaware of what has happened.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Here is your winner and the NEW FWA North American Champion… BIG BRYAN BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXTERRRRRRR!!!”

Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock’s plans exploded in his face tonight in Toronto and given his Machiavellian run to become the winner of the F1 Climaxx and a Grand Slam Champion, it is most fitting that his reign should come to an end at the hands of a seemingly-reformed former Bastard, who played this match down the middle through each of the three opponents that he faced. Redemption for Bryan Baxter in Toronto after the North American Showdown earlier this year.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Despite how much punishment he took - the DDT to the concrete, the submissions, the knees to the head… he just kept going. That’s what it takes to be a champion and what I am sure that Chris Peacock envisioned himself doing before his world was turned upside down by the tag team champions three weeks ago. Baxter did it, and scored an important victory in the overarching battle between the Friendship Wrestling Alliance and the FTN Family.”

Rod Sterling: “One does have to wonder how Jeremy Best is going to feel about this; he’s got to be pleased, surely. The Friendship Wrestling Alliance once again houses two champions!”

Bryan Baxter has now left the ring and he reaches out to the fans in the front row as he walks up the ramp. In the ring, Chris Peacock remains motionless after a night to forget for him and FTN.

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Neo Genesis
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Just when you thought he was done as NA Champ-

They pulled him back in, Bastard.
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Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
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Stellar show, shout out to my fellow mods that got this thing done.

Cheers to Baxter, Truth, Peacock, Parr, and Rose for the showing in the NA title gauntlet. Congrats to Baxter on regaining the NA title, well deserved win.
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