Live from the Denver Coliseum in Denver, Colorado, USA.
Thursday 23rd May, 2024.

As the show begins, the packed crowd inside the Denver Coliseum is in very high spirits as the FWA is hot off the heels of another history-making annual Carnal Contendership event and the first steps on the path to Back in Business being taken by the destined few that have already secured their places. Loud fireworks and flames billow from the stage and around the large screen. The crowd themselves are shown, with the five ‘K’, ‘R’, ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘H’ fans shown with their shirts off, proudly displaying their freshly-painted letters after their hero’s victory in the Carnal Contendership match. The scene then shifts to the commentary table, where Rod Sterling and Anzu Kurosawa are both broadly smiling at the camera;
Rod Sterling : “Welcome one and all to a landmark episode of Thursday Night Meltdown - we’re ‘XL: EXTRA LARGE’! It is an extra large show tonight in terms of potential repercussions for the FWA landscape. Not one, but TWO championship matches tonight. Rod Sterling, joined as ever by the supremely talented, Anzu Kurosawa!”
Anzu Kurosawa : “Thank you for the kind introduction, Rod. That’s right, two championship matches for the price of one. In tonight’s main event, we’re going X Rules as Trixie Bordeaux defends the X Championship against Johnny ‘The Legend’ Johnson and Carnal Contendership was a busy night for Trixie and the rest of The Coven, wasn’t it?”
Rod Sterling : “A change in leadership was sought when Trixie aligned with the Ravenwood sisters to eject the now former leader of the group, Kleio De Santos, from The Coven. That’s surely going to sting for KDS, but she’s got to deal with Sawyer Xavier first when she puts her Television Championship on the line against him in our opening match. Not only that but Michelle von Horrowitz - who may or may not have had some dealings with Shawn Summers - versus XYZ, Brooklyn Steiner returning to action, Vengador competes and a special match between recent returnee Trevor Ocean and ‘The Exile’ Cyrus Truth.”
Anzu Kurosawa : “One can only imagine the kind of mood that Cyrus will be in after his bid to become the FWA World Champion once again and main event Back in Business for a fifth time was thwarted by the Friendship Wrestling Alliance. Their involvement in that steel cage allowed Jeremy Best to worm his way out of Carnal Contendership with the FWA World Championship in his grasp still…”
Rod Sterling : “But what Best’s victory does mean is that in the main event of Night Two of Back in Business XVIII in Brooklyn, it will be a rematch of last year’s Night One main event when Jeremy Best defends his championship against the winner of the 2024 Carnal Contendership… Krash.”
Following the mention of Krash’s name, the shot expertly transitions to a picture of his face on a golden balloon which is part of a wider display in the ring. In fact, the ring is filled with balloon arches and towers. A banner hangs between the two tallest towers at the back of the display - both are questionably phallic in shape - with the writing being in calligraphy; ‘CONGRATULATIONS BOYS’. A closer inspection of some of the balloons shows that Krash’s face is not the only one depicted, but another moustached man also has his visage plastered on them too.
Rod Sterling : “Well, with all of that to come to tonight, I think we’re starting this show off with a celebration!”
Anzu Kurosawa : “You’re probably right if all of this in the ring to be believed. After what happened in Vegas, you know that there will be a particularly rowdy group that will be very pleased with the night’s results.”
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith fights her way through the sea of balloons in the ring and then grins broadly as she makes an introduction;
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith : “Ladies and gentlemen, to kick off Meltdown XL, you have all been cordially invited to FTN’s ‘Celebration of Achievements’! So please welcome your Master of Ceremonies… ALYSTERRRRRRR BLAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKK!!!”
Alyster steps out through the curtain with a skip in his step. He’s uncharacteristically peppy, rocking the brand NEW Chris Peacock t-shirt depicting his four qualifying championship belts, stacked on top of each other, with Chris mounting them in a suggestive manner.
Rod Sterling : “That new Chris Peacock shirt is available on FWAShop.com for anyone interested. But you can see why Alyster Black is in such high spirits, Anzu. His two best friends got some pretty impressive victories at the Carnal Contendership.”
Anzu Kurosawa : “Yeah, I’d want to throw them a party, too!
Alyster dances his way down to the ring, keeping his head down low, swaying back and forth and then throwing his head back and shaking his chest. He rolls into the ring and hops to his feet with a spring in his step before asking for a microphone. He allows the music to cut out and nods his head a couple of times before addressing the crowd,
Alyster Black: “Boy it feels good to be in Detroit!!”
The crowd begins booing profusely, confusing Alyster who turns to Katie-Lynn for clarification.
Alyster Black: “Colorado? Where the fu- ahem. I’m not sorry, your country’s geography is the least important thing on my mind. What is important is what happened in Vegas, at Carnal Contendership. I consider myself a very lucky man because not just one, but two of my best friends won arguably the biggest matches in both of their careers. FTN are H-O-T right now and I think it is about time that we heard from the men of the moment, huh?”
A cheer goes up, but there is some trepidation as one of Alyster’s friends is much more palatable than the other.
Alyster Black: First, please allow me to welcome the man that I am going to win the tag titles with once again very soon… he is the man, the myth, the LEGEND! Ladies and gentlemen, he is the winner of the 2024 F1 Climaxxx tournament and your NEW FWA North American Champion, and your newest Grand Slam winner… CHRIS! PEACOCK!”
Alyster trails off as the simmering crowd breaks into a fever pitch.
After a few seconds of the song, Chris Peacock slowly struts through the curtain with the North American Championship strapped around his waist, and a big toothy grin on his face. There is no attempt from him whatsoever to hide the smug expression on his face, a knowing “I told you so” ready to come out of his mouth at any moment. The crowd is unsure if they should boo or cheer, but mostly seem to err on the side of booing the Grand Slam winner. Alyster takes over the commentating duties as Peacock takes his sweet time.
Alyster Black: “Look at him folks. Isn’t he just the sexiest beast you’ve ever laid your eyes on? Look at that ruggedly handsome face, that manly moustache, and that shiny golden belt! You all wish you were him, you all wish you could be with him.”
Anzu Kurosawa : “I wouldn’t go that far, Aly. What is true and undeniable for sure is that Chris Peacock has etched his name into a very esteemed group of wrestlers by becoming only the fifth ever FWA Grand Slam Champion. The other four have already earned their places in the Hall of Fame and well, that seems to be the only thing that Peacock hasn’t yet done here.”
Rod Sterling : “He defeated Michelle von Horrowitz in the final, denying her the crown for a second year in a row. Peacock spent a large portion of last year as a double champion and he could be doing it again soon; FTN face the Undisputed Alliance on Fallout, with the winners challenging for the FWA World Tag Team Championships at Back in Business.”
Chris struts up the steps and enters the ring, just as his music begins to die down. He and Alyster point at one another, shooting finger guns at one another, before Alyster hands the microphone to his partner.
Chris Peacock: “Wow, that was a truly touching introduction. One worthy of your newest GRAND SLAM champion!”
Chris quickly unfastens the North American championship from around his waist and hoists it up high in the air. The crowd are displeased to say the least at the cockiness being shown. Alyster applauds Peacock with great enthusiasm.
Chris Peacock: “I have so many things to say but such little idea of where to start. I think it would first make sense to talk about my opponent from Carnal Contendership, wouldn’t it? Michelle, I know you’re here tonight but I also know you’re not going to be showing me that face of yours for a long, long time after I did what I do… and that’s beat you. You’re not worth my time anymore, and you’re certainly not worth this man’s time - in fact you never were. So enjoy whatever comes next for you, and stay out of my way you NEPHEW SCUM!”
To emphasise his point, Peacock spits on the ring mat. Given their disposition towards MvH, the crowd does not seem to take too much issue with Peacock insulting her. Black pats Chris on the back and Chris looks down at the mat in surprise, as if he has suddenly remembered something.
Chris Peacock: “That’s not the first time I’ve spat in a ring lately, is it? Yeah, because I seem to remember standing in the middle of the ring in the Carnal Contendership Match spitting in the face of a bloodied, washed out, bandana-wearing piece of crap!”
The reference to Chris’s fierce rival gets some cheers from the crowd, and Peacock looks out at them with a face of fury.
Chris Peacock: “Yeah, it was about time I cost you something, wasn’t it, Randy? After Back in Business, Lights Out… how’d you like getting taken out from behind, huh? Well, I’m only just gettin’ started. First, on Fallout this Saturday, me and my buddy Aly here are gonna beat those Undisputed Assholes and then we’re going to Back in Business, friend. Once we’re there… we’ll be taking those titles from you and that guy you cucked Chris Crowe out for. Yeah, you know who I mean. Besides, there’s only room for one dickhead in a mask in this company and his damn name is Alyster Black and HE AIN’T NOTHIN’ TA FUCK WIT’!”
Peacock, full of fire, points directly into the camera as Alyster pats him on the shoulder and ruffles his hair in their combined enthusiasm.
Chris Peacock: “I’m not going to stop there though, Randy. No, costing you the Carnal Contendership won’t be enough. Taking your tag titles won’t be enough… beating you in front of millions at Back in Business won’t be enough. I’m not going to stop until I’ve done to you what I did to that cane-using, bowler hat-wearing, all-round piece of HA-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SHIT, Devin Golden. When I’m through with you, you can join Devin in the great beyond or wherever the fuck pieces of crap like the two of you go once Chris Peacock is finished with you!”
Taking a beat, Peacock breathes slowly and allows himself to calm down somewhat. He stares intensely into the camera for a few more seconds and then raises the North American Championship up next to his face.
Chris Peacock: “But hey, looks like you’re not the only one with a target on his back, hey Randy? No, I’ve got to get used to being a champion again! I’m fully aware of what people like Michelle and Cyrus like to say about me; that I only go in for titles just to be able to say that I’ve won them… that I’m just a trophy hunter and that I don’t understand what it means to be a champion and defend a title. When I was World Champion, I defended that title against the best and I beat the best. I beat the best and proved that I know exactly what it means to be able to fight through as many people as I needed to to prove that I am the rightful champion. I did that - I beat the best - until I was face with the very best and then I lost, but I put up a pretty good fight if you ask me.”
Chris looks back at Alyster - the man who did beat him for the FWA World Championship - who nods in agreement.
Chris Peacock: “You’re not supposed to agree that you’re the very best, asshole. Anyway… I did that with the World Championship and I’m going to do the same with the North American Championship. I’m going to be a champion worthy of this title and defend it against who I need to defend it against to prove myself as that champion. So, for a first defence, who knows better of what it takes to be a good North American Champion than a former North American Champion?
“In fact, forget a former North American Champion… what about EVERY former North American Champion?”
There is some confusion from the crowd as Peacock holds his championship up into the air in the direction of the backstage area.
Chris Peacock: “On Meltdown XLI, in Toronto… Chris Peacock presents the ‘North American Gauntlet’! Any former FWA North American Champion is welcome to participate and compete in a Gauntlet Match, and the winner will walk out with this baby right here… Aly, who could we expect to see in that match?”
Alyster Black: “Cyrus Truth?”
Chris Peacock: “Beat him.”
Alyster Black: “Toronto’s own… Mike Parr?”
Chris Peacock: “Beat him.”
Alyster Black: “Bryan Baxter?”
Chris Peacock: “Beat him. He can’t run a forty yard dash, let alone a gauntlet…”
Alyster Black: “Lizzie Rose?”
Chris Peacock: “Anyway… we know the North American Gauntlet is happening… Why don’t we bring the other guest of honour out here? I can’t be hogging all the glory… but I will if you let me!”
FTN have a small and playful tickle fight after the jokes they shared with one another and the crowd watches on almost uncomfortably.
Rod Sterling : “Whilst there’s apparently a small break in proceedings, let’s just digest on that for a moment. Chris Peacock is willingly defending the North American Championship against any former North American Champion! You heard the names they mentioned just there but you’ve got Johnny Johnson, Chris Crowe… and hey, we could see someone we’ve not seen in years suddenly spring their head up!”
Anzu Kurosawa : “The man they’re about to bring out also fits the bill, Rod…”
Once the tomfoolery has subsided, Peacock takes a step back and tosses the microphone back at Alyster who catches it with one hand with ease.
Alyster Black: “Alright, the fun is only just getting started because ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the man that you’ve all been waiting for. I feel truly blessed to be able to introduce to you all the WINNER of the 2024 Carnal Contendership Match and the next FWA World Champion… KRASH!!!”
The music plays to an emphatic reaction in the arena. Both Black and Peacock begin applauding in the ring and the crowd joins them on their feet. Krash’s shirtless fans are shown to be going wild and the volume only increases when the man himself walks out from the back. Despite his prospects, Krash cuts the same timid figure as was seen upon his return in the Carnal Contendership; the noise in the arena seems to trouble him, he flinches and squints his eyes at the bright lights and the cameras and attention all being on him.
Rod Sterling : “Like we mentioned earlier on, Anzu, Krash is on a course for a rematch against Jeremy Best at Back in Business but there are some genuine doubts over his wellbeing from those close to him, we’ve been led to understand. If you’ll remember the crash from a little over two years ago, before that fateful night in Rio, you’ll remember the showman that we’d grown to know and love. This still seems like the husk of the man we once knew, Anzu.”
Anzu Kurosawa : “I think Krash was incredible in the Carnal Contendership; he pushed those demons aside as much as he could and outlasted everyone in the ring, including a very game Katsu who took him all the way to his limit in every way possible.”
With great trepidation, Krash gingerly climbs up the steps, holding onto the ring post as he does. He sees the large balloons in the ring, including the ones with his face on them. The picture on them is an old one, from a few years ago, and Krash looks at his likeness in a way which suggests that he does not even recognise the man he used to be anymore. When he gets into the ring, Alyster immediately puts an arm around him and brings him in for a hug, which Krash reciprocates. There is a moment where Krash and Peacock lock eyes, with the former seeming concerned to see the latter in front of him. However, Peacock extends a hand and Krash comes to his senses after his momentary haze and the two moustached men shake hands.
Alyster hands Krash the microphone and the music fades out. Suddenly, everyone is waiting with baited breath to see what Krash has to say about Carnal Contendership and Back in Business.
Krash: “So…”
It is almost deathly silent in the large building. Krash winces as he feels all of the eyes looking at him, expectantly.
Krash: “I… It’s been a while, huh? I… I don’t…”
Again, Krash fails to get his words out. Seeing him struggling, Black gently takes the microphone back off of him, and in the background, Peacock can be seen reaching for one of his own, which he is passed.
Alyster Black: “Krash, we’re here for ya, mate. Whatever you want to talk about… the floor is yours. Winning Carnal Contendership? Must have been good, right? Neither of us have ever done it!”
The encouragement from Alyster seems to help and Krash nods his head under heavy suggestions from Black, but it is clear that he is still incredibly unsure about the situation he is in. Alyster lifts the microphone up and pauses, as if Krash’s tentativeness has rubbed off on him.
Alyster Black: “Chris, you wanna weigh in here, bud? Anything you think the world needs to hear from Krash?”
Peacock steps forward and Krash turns slightly to face him. Chris smiles so broadly to the point where it is very obvious that he is putting it on.
Chris Peacock: “Yeah, sure… Krash, there’s so much to talk about. Carnal Contendership, Back in Business, your rematch with Jeremy-”
As soon as the word exited his mouth, Chris Peacock instantly realised his mistake. Alyster puts his hands on his head in shock as it is clear that FTN had discussed things beforehand and agreed on the one word that neither of them was to say in front of Krash. Krash looks up at Peacock; his visage already slightly paler than before, the pupils of his eyes flickering into pinpricks - unconsciously, he begins to dig his fingernails into the palm of his hand.
Chris Peacock: “Krash, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
Peacock is cut off by the sudden action of Krash grabbing the microphone and he looks at Peacock for a moment in panic before he turns to Alyster. Krash slowly lifts the microphone up, his hand shaking as he does.
Krash: “I… can’t. Give the match to someone else. I can’t do it, Alyster… I’m sorry.”
Simply allowing the microphone to slip between his fingers and it clunks on the mat, Krash drops down and shuffles his body underneath the bottom rope and he walks up the ramp. In the ring, Peacock can be shown profusely apologising to Alyster, but Black’s concern is more on Krash and he watches on helplessly as Krash disappears out of view.
Anzu Kurosawa : “Rod, if I understood that right… Krash has just pulled OUT of Back in Business?! One mention of Jeremy Best’s name and he’s decided that he can’t do it. What does this mean?!”
Rod Sterling : “I don’t know, Anzu. What happens next is above my pay grade. What we do know is that the route to the main event is going to be a tricky one and we don’t know what twists and turns are still in store… this celebration didn’t go quite to plan for FTN, they’ll be hoping that their fortunes turn around on Saturday night.”
Black gives Peacock some reassurance that he’s not upset with him as the two of them then leave the ring themselves, resolving to go after Krash.

There’s a mixed reaction inside the arena as the challenger in tonight’s opening contest appears on stage. Xavier doesn’t even register the fans as he begins to stride down the ramp, focussed on the task at hand and the ring ahead of him.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "The following contest is scheduled for one-fall, with a thirty minute time limit… and is for the FWA Television Championship! Introducing first: the challenger. From Savannah, Georgia… he weighs in tonight at one hundred and seventy six pounds… Sawyer… XXXXXXXAAAAAAVIEEEEEER!!"
Rod Sterling: "Sawyer Xavier earned his shot at the Television Championship by overcoming Xperienx Xtacee on Fallout 038. That was a big night for the young man in Sapporo, and now back in the United States he has an opportunity to capture his first taste of FWA gold."
Xavier slides into the ring and loosens up in his corner, his music fading out and soon replaced with…
There are boos in the arena as Kleio appears on stage, despite the fact that she was the victim of a blindside three weeks prior in Las Vegas. The Denver crowd has no sympathy for KDS, who begins her descent of the ramp - alone - with eyes only for Sawyer.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And his opponent… she is the reigning and defending FWA TelevisionChampion… wrestling out of Miami, Florida, and weighing in at one hundred and fifteen pounds: ‘the Boa Constrictor’... Kleio…. DEEEEE SAAAAANTOOOOS!"
Rod Sterling: "It’s been a rough month for Kleio De Santos, who saw the faction she had created implode at her own expense during May 4th’s Carnal Contendership match."
Anzu Kurosawa: "Las Vegas saw the end of the Coven as we knew it, and now Kleio must go it alone for the first time in what seems like eternity against a very able challenger. This is a huge threat to her second reign as Television Champion. A reign that is still in its infancy."
Kleio climbs into the ring and removes her championship belt, holding it above her head before handing it off to the referee. It is presented to the challenger for the customary inspection before being passed out to the timekeeper's area. The official conducts his final checks and then, content that we can begin, he calls for the bell…

FIRST MATCH || 1/30.
Kleio De Santos vs. Sawyer Xavier.
Singles Match for the FWA Television Championship.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>
The bell rings and the pair circle the ring, Kleio looking supremely confident as she darts in and attempts to take Sawyer by surprise with a roundhouse kick. Xavier shows off his lightning quick reactions, though, and ducks beneath it, proceeding to hit the ropes and then take Kleio down with a hurricanrana! De Santos scrambles to her feet, but Sawyer meets her after her ascent with a standing dropkick, knocking her back into the corner. The audience is split in their reaction for Xavier, but owing to their general disdain towards KDS they are on his side as he retreats into the opposite corner.
Rod Sterling: "Sawyer Xavier goes for a running forearm, getting incredible airtime on the standing leap… but Kleio darts out of the way!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Xavier lands hard against those turnbuckles… and then has his vertical base taken from underneath him by a chop block!"
Boos circulate around the arena as Kleio gets to her feet, laying into Sawyer with stomps as he crawls into the centre of the ring. Kleio first collects him in a front facelock, looking to drive Sawyer down face first with a DDT, but Xavier shrewdly blocks it by dropping down onto one knee. De Santos transitions, instead taking Sawyer to the mat with a Russian leg sweep! She neglects to go for a cover, instead dragging Sawyer up to his feet in another front facelock… and this time she’s successful in spiking the challenger onto his head with a DDT! Kleio goes for the cover…
Sawyer thrusts a shoulder up, allowing Kleio to grasp it and wrench the joint into a grounded hammer lock. The challenger reaches for the rope with his free hand as the match rolls on…
<< 05:10. >>
Kleio grapples Sawyer into the middle of the ring, where she lays into him with forearm strikes, before sending him into the corner with a monkey flip! Xavier hits the turnbuckles chest first and slumps to the mat, with De Santos quick to grasp him by the scruff of the neck, yanking him to his feet and delivering a scoop slam!
Anzu Kurosawa: "The eagle-eyed amongst our viewership will notice that that string of moves was borrowed from two other FWA wrestlers. A monkey flip a la Celestia, and a scoop slam in ode to Blair…"
Rod Sterling: "And Kleio isn’t done there… is she lining up for a Shining Witch?! De Santos is looking to end this one early and send a clear message to her former teammates in the Coven!"
It appears that KDS does intend to hit this move, but Sawyer telegraphs it, ducking beneath the attempted strike at the last moment! De Santos stumbles but keeps her feet, allowing Sawyer to capitalise and collect her in a rear waistlock.
Rod Sterling: "Sawyer Xavier with the German suplex! He doesn’t bridge, instead rolling through into an arm bar! Some ground and pound on display from the challenger!"
De Santos looks in considerable agony as she begins to scramble towards the ropes, a considerable portion of the FWA crowd cheering Sawyer on. He struggles to keep her in the centre of the ring despite the pressure on her elbow, and Kleio proceeds to edge closer and closer to a break, until she’s fingertips away from the ropes… and Sawyer collects this free hand, dragging her into position for a crucifix pin!
Kleio gets the shoulder up, but it’s Sawyer who has the momentum now… and he returns the favour from earlier in the match with a hammerlock DDT!
Anzu Kurosawa: "This could be it! We could have a new champion!"
Sawyer rolls Kleio over onto her back and hooks the far leg…
Rod Sterling: "The champion’s instinct to kick out! And this match continues!"
<< 10:20. >>
We return to the match with Kleio backing Sawyer into the corner with a series of front jabs and elbows strikes, before whipping him hard into the opposite set. Xavier hits the turnbuckles with impact, bouncing back towards Kleio, who takes him down with a Thesz press, proceeding to lay into him with right hands. Xavier manages to get a hasty guard up, causing KDS to drag him up to his feet. She backs him into the ropes with a series of kicks and attempts to Irish whip him into the opposite set, but Sawyer shifts the momentum, countering and sending Kleio into them instead. Kleio ducks the initial lariat attempt, but isn’t so lucky with the roundhouse kick upon re-approach!
Rod Sterling: "We saw Kleio De Santos attempting that same kick early on in this match, and this one has constantly been a battle between two surprisingly similar athletes. Both have tried to ground and pound the other with strikes, and so far neither has managed a conclusive advantage!"
Sawyer neglects to go for the cover after the strike. Instead, with a reasonable portion of the crowd now firmly on his side, he drags KDS up off her feet. He applies a front facelock, hooks the arm, and then grasps Kleio by the leg. He hoists her up off the mat…
Anzu Kurosawa: "FISHERMAN’S DRIVER!! The Television Champion is spiked onto her head again, and the challenger hooks the leg…"
Rod Sterling: "But still, the champion gets a shoulder up!"
Meanwhile, on the stage, two interlopers show up to keep a closer eye on proceedings. Blair and Celestia Ravenwood appear, fanning out onto separate corners of the stage, watching on as the match unfolds. The two competitors, for their part, remain oblivious to their presence.
Sawyer appears to be signalling for the end, collecting both of Kleio’s arms, perhaps looking for the Kamigoye that is the first half of the Obsolete Rebellion finisher. He perhaps hesitates too long, though, with KDS managing to wriggle one of her wrists free before Sawyer drives the knee into her face. She shifts her weight sideways, and all of a sudden Xavier finds himself rolled up with a school-boy!
Sawyer kicks out, and both wrestlers are quick to scramble to their feet. Xavier goes for another lariat, but KDS ducks beneath it…
Rod Sterling: "SHE’S BITING HIS NECK!!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Glorious!!"
Sawyer screams out in agony, reaching out for the ropes, as the official admonishes Kleio. She only relinquishes Xavier from her grasp (specifically that of her teeth) when the referee’s count reaches four, and then pulls Sawyer into position in the centre of the ring in a front facelock.
Rod Sterling: "I think she’s going for Letters to Kleio? But… now KDS spots the two sisters standing on the stage."
Anzu Kurosawa: "She hesitates… and that’s enough for Sawyer to rotate out of Kleio’s grasp… LAY IN WASTE!"
Rod Sterling: "A picture perfect pumphandle spinebuster, but no pin attempt from Sawyer Xavier. He’s going for one more big move, maybe?"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Perhaps that Brain Squasher? That knee to the back of the head has proved devastating before, and Kleio is climbing up to her knees, in perfect position…"
Sawyer heads to the ropes, but he hesitates as he now spots the Ravenwood sisters standing on the stage. He has a momentary look of confusion on his face, before he proceeds to hit the ropes… only for Kleio to throw herself to the mat at the last second, avoiding the flying knee! Sawyer stumbles to the mat and struggles up to his knees…
Rod Sterling: "SHINING WITCH!! Kleio hits it, with the Ravenwood sisters looking on!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "A definite message. And KDS isn’t done there, she has Sawyer Xavier in a front facelock… LETTERS TO KLEIO!"
Rod Sterling: "This one’s over…"
Winner: Kleio De Santos via pinfall at 15:41.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here is your winner… and STILL the FWA Television Champion… Kleio De Santos!!"
Despite the message sent during the match, Kleio is in no mood for smiles as she carefully and reproachfully regards the two women on the ramp. They glare back at her before retreating onto the stage and then through the curtain, the Ravenwoods clearly unhappy at the outcome of the match. De Santos snatches her championship belt from the official, and one look from her is enough to tell him not to attempt to raise her hand in victory.
Kleio (finally) smiles to herself in the ring, before climbing out of it as we fade away from the arena.

Before we get to our next scheduled slice of entertainment, a graphic appears on the big screen, eliciting a chorus of boos from those assembled for Meltdown XL in Denver…

The downtown skyline of Chicago sits painted atop the serene surface of Lake Michigan. A seagull calls into the wind at nothing in particular as the Windy City breathes life into the latest segment. Shawn sat on the edge of the brick wall that separated the artificial meadow from the sand and mud at the lakeside. It had been almost six months since they had last seen him, but the fans knew the role cast upon them - booing him upon sight.
Though he couldn't hear them, the knowing that his presence would illicit a negative response brought him a sense of joyful familiarity. After all this time, he would think to himself before turning to the camera, presenting himself to them with his trademark half-smirk.
Shawn was perfect. His hair was styled and dyed - not a strand out of place. The Chicago Blackhawks hockey jersey he wore fit him in just a manner to see that he had put on some muscle since the last time.
Shawn Summers: "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Ever the seasoned entertainer, he pauses, allowing for the reactions of the crowd to be born and die before continuing.
Shawn Summers: "I wanted to address the videos and the rumors about me and my involvement with their release, but it seems that in my absence, the FWA have forgotten my preferences.
'I only appear live on the "A" show and, unfortunately for you, my tulips, Meltdown ain't it. So, thanks to management, you'll have to wait a little longer to get the live, exclusive, interview with Shawn Summers...on Fallout. I'll see you soon."
He smiles and winks at the camera as it pulls out and slowly fades back to the arena.

We return to the arena in Denver, and specifically to the locker room of Michelle von Horrowitz. Dreamer is watching the events on a monitor, a scowl etched upon her face. The sleeves of her hoodie are rolled up, allowing her to wrap surgical tape around a bruised left wrist.
Rod Sterling: “Well, any hope of a confrontation between Dreamer and Der Basterd tonight has just disappeared.”
Anzu Kurosawa: ”She looks so disappointed. Michelle never was the most patient…”
Rod Sterling: “We'll see her in action later on tonight, as she hopes to return to winning ways against XYZ.”
Von Horrowitz turns the monitor off, shakes her head, and clenches her right hand at her side. She would do the same with the left one, but for the rigid tape holding it in place. She leaves the locker room, the feed fading back to the arena.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit! Introducing first…”
The power metal tune rips through the sound system and after a few seconds the fans are greeted to the appearance of Cyrus Truth on stage. The fans are happy to see Truth despite his usual stony demeanor, and Truth is not looking to waste time as he walks down to the ring with purpose.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “From the Long & Winding Road and weighing in at 227 lb…he is The Exile…Cyrus Truth!”
Rod Sterling: “Cyrus Truth can’t be in a good mood after what went down at Carnal Contendership, Anzu.”
Anzu Kurosawa: “No doubt, Rod. Not only was he unable to dethrone Jeremy Best and became world champion again, and let's face facts: he was outnumbered. Despite it being in a steel cage, Jeremy Best still had the numbers in his favor and weaseled his way to victory.”
Rod Sterling: “He can thank Big Bryan Baxter for helping him secure that victory!”
Anzu Kurosawa: “Not only that, but Truth came up short in the Carnal Contendership match later on in the same night.”
Rod Sterling: “There is a silver lining though, even though he did not win the match, he was able to qualify for the Golden Opportunity match. I’m sure Cyrus would love nothing more than to win that briefcase and get another shot at the world championship, especially if the champion is still Jeremy Best by that time.”
We cut to Gorilla position with Cyrus Truth's music still playing, where Trevor Ocean is in the zone ahead of this singles match. He stares ahead of himself at the curtain, his eyes closed, his body loose and relaxed. He gently inhales and exhales rhythmically to the music, until it suddenly stops, his breathing momentarily catching at the interruption.
Then, another interjection. A voice, feminine and hostile and laced with a European accent, calls to him from off-screen.
???: “What the fuck was that?”
Trevor, unperturbed, continues his breathing exercises. The crowd is expectant. We can hear them through the curtain. Finally, Ocean opens his eyes and turns to the interloper. The camera retreats into a wider shot, revealing Michelle von Horrowitz, ready for action later herself in full ring gear. Trevor doesn't open his eyes as he first speaks.
Trevor Ocean: “I'm listening.”
Dreamer is impatient as ever.
MvH: “Your boy. That shit he pulled earlier.”
Ocean turns to face her. His facial expression is neutral, almost passive. He knows who she is referring to.
Trevor Ocean: “He’s not my boy, Michelle. I watched it the same as you did. Now, if you'll excuse me…”
Trevor offers her a slight smile before disappearing through the curtain.
As the opening chords of "Hero" reverberate through the arena, the lights dim, and the crowd begins to cheer for the impending arrival of Trevor Ocean. Trevor's silhouette is outlined against the backdrop of flashing strobe lights as he stands center stage.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “His opponent…from Kansas City, Missouri and weighing in at 215 lb…Trevor Ocean!”
With each beat of the music, Trevor walks with purpose down the ramp, his confidence and determination at an all-time high with every step. His gaze is focused forward as he prepares to step into the ring and face his opponent.
Rod Sterling: “What surprise it was to see Trevor Ocean return to FWA in the Carnal Contendership match at number 30, Anzu. It’s been several years since Trevor Ocean was last seen in FWA.”
Anzu Kurosawa: “Indeed it has been, Rod, and what a show he had in the match where he also qualified for the Golden Opportunity match. Interesting fact, Ocean finished fourth while Truth finished sixth, so technically Ocean lasted longer than Truth.”
Rod Sterling: “I’m certain that Cyrus Truth is well aware of that fact, which may not bode well for Trevor Ocean.”
As the chorus of "Hero" kicks in, the intensity of Trevor's entrance builds to a crescendo. He ascended to the top turnbuckle and outstretched his arms, soaking in the cheers and a few fans singing along to the infectious tune. He descends the turnbuckle and stats tall in the center of the ring, taking a brief moment to look back at his opponent to see if they are in the ring before making his way to his corner in preparation for the match to start

Cyrus Truth vs. Trevor Ocean.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.

The match starts off with a traditional collar and elbow tie up but it quickly takes a turn from that after Ocean traps Truth in a side headlock but he’s quickly shoved off by Truth. Ocean is quick though and goes for a spinning back fist, but Truth senses that coming and ducks underneath and then stuns Ocean with a headbutt! Truth then sends Ocean into the nearest corner where he lights up Ocean’s chest with brutal open palm strikes mixed in with some knife edge chops that echo through the building…
Truth drags Ocean out of the corner in a front facelock and he goes for a snap suplex, but Ocean flips out behind Truth and he drills The Exile with a spinning back fist to the back of the head! He turns Truth around and hits his own modified snap suplex, seamlessly transitioning into a bridge…
Truth gets a shoulder up and just as he sits up he’s planted right back down into the mat with a double foot stomp from Ocean right into his chest!
Anzu Kurosawa: “Ocean calls that the Shotgun Blast!”
Rod Sterling: “A fitting name because it looks like it feels like a shotgun blast with how quick and precise Ocean executed it! Truth had the wind knocked out of him there!”
Ocean brings Truth up in a front facelock and lights up Truth’s chest with a couple of knife edge chops, and Ocean sends Truth into the ropes but Truth comes back with a discus punch that nearly takes Ocean off his feet! Truth unloads a few more knife edge chops of his own before taking Ocean for a ride into the ropes and catches him with an arm drag takedown…
Truth applies an arm bar on Ocean but Ocean manages to wriggle free, and both men are on their feet now as Ocean goes for a spinning back fist but Truth ducks underneath it, and he takes Ocean into position…blue thunder bomb!
The match rolls on now with Truth slowing down the pace with a rear chinlock on Ocean. Truth adds more pressure by digging his knee into Ocean’s lower spine, but eventually fights through the pain and breaks free. He drives a few back elbows into Truth’s midsection before unloading with a flurry of elbow and knee strikes to Truth…
Anzu Kurosawa: “Ocean with the Storm Surge on Truth with that flurry of strikes!”
Rod Sterling: “Pain has to be surging through Truth after all of that!”
Anzu Kurosawa: “Rod, you don’t have to make your own quips after I say the name of the move.”
Rod Sterling: “I know, but it’s fun!”
Anzu Kurosawa: “Fair enough, but what can’t be fun is what Truth is experiencing right now, yet he is still standing…the resiliency of The Exile is unmatched!”
Ocean doesn’t let up as he strikes with a spinning back fist, followed by a spinning roundhouse kick! Truth finally goes down after that but Ocean isn’t through quite yet as he positions himself on the second rope before coming down with an elbow drop! Ocean reaches over to hook the far leg…
Truth rolls to his side after kicking out while Ocean lies in wait for Truth, who is slow to his feet, and Ocean goes for kill as he jumps on Truth and locks in a crossface chickenwing submission! Truth is trying to break free but Ocean does his best to block any attempts. Ocean has Truth down, and eventually Truth is able to counter as he somehow flips over and counters into a pin with Ocean’s shoulder’s on the mat while still in the hold…
Ocean has no choice but to kick out! Ocean is on one knee now and Truth strikes with a running knee strike! He follows up with a knee drop! Wanderer’s Wrath! Another pin attempt from Truth…
Truth has Ocean in the corner and after a flurry of strikes, Ocean is slumped down, which leaves him open for the First Five Steps!
Anzu Kurosawa: “Truth is holding nothing back with those stomps to Ocean’s head!”
Rod Sterling: “Ocean is being introduced to the First Five Steps the hard way!”
Truth has dragged Ocean up out of the corner and he has him up on his shoulders now for the Exile’s Edge, but Ocean slips out behind and he counters with a roll-up!
Truth kicks out with authority and he’s back on his feet in an instant and catches Ocean with another knife edge chop, followed up by a forearm smash! He sends Ocean towards the ropes, but Ocean comes back off the ropes and counters with a running swinging neckbreaker!
Both men are laying on the mat and are catching their breath after exerting a ton of energy in this match. Ocean is up first and he has Truth set up for another modified snap suplex, but it's countered by Truth this time and he flips behind Ocean, and Truth catches him with a stomp to the back of his knee…followed by a running big boot!
Rod Sterling: “Ocean took a wrong turn on the Broken Path!”
Anzu Kurosawa: “Sterling, enough!”
Truth has Ocean where he wants him now as he sets him up in position…Journey’s End! Truth drops down for the cover…
Winner: Cyrus Truth via pin at 14:57.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The winner of the match…Cyrus Truth!!!”
The heavy sounds of Cyrus’ theme song blasts through the arena once more as his hand is raised by referee Richard Davis. Truth nods at Davis and before he exits the ring he looks back at Ocean and nods at him before leaving. David tends to Ocean, who looks a bit deflated but keeps himself composed.
Anzu Kurosawa: “Talk about a big win for Cyrus Truth after consecutive losses at CC a few weeks prior. Hopefully he can keep this wave of momentum going along the way as we are on the path to Back in Business…”
Rod Sterling: “Perhaps not how Trevor Ocean wanted his first singles match back to go but given his showing here tonight I have no doubt he’ll bounce back in a big way!”

We cut away from the ring for a moment and go backstage on yet another busy and chaotic FWA show atmosphere, where we see the recently returning Elizabeth Rose walking down the corridor with purpose, her flaming red locks flying behind her, her rose cane in her hand, and a cigarette bud in dangling from her mouth her boots stomping on the ground like she physically hated the floor and wanted to punch it as hard as she possibly could with her feet, She continues down the hallway, that's until she's grounded to a halt by a production assistant trying to stop her, but Elizabeth just shoulder checks him, causing him to stumble a little
Production Assistant: Elizabeth-! Elizabeth!
Elizabeth keeps walking, ignoring the calls.
Production Assistant: Elizabeth, we need you down to the ring right now.
Elizabeth Rose: Fuck off-!
Production Assistant: No, you don't understand; it's Gabby.
Elizabeth stops.
Production Assistant: "She's in the ring right now, refusing to leave until you come down to the ring.
Elizabeth tilts her head to the side, a little curious, as we cut away from the scene and returns to the ring to see that Gabby is indeed standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone.
Gabrielle: "....Like I said before the commercial break, I apologize for holding up the show, but I need to say something, and I need it now, to you, Lizzie and I'm not leaving the ring until-"
Sure enough, 1983's "In this Moment" hits the sound system, and A buzz goes up from the crowd, and they don't have to wait long for a response. Elizabeth Rose's theme kicks into gear, stopping on the stage to stare down her former mentor before she strolls down to the ring, surprisingly alone as Gabby doesn't break eye contact with Elizabeth as she steps into the ring. Gabby seems to go to greet her, but unusually, Lizzie doesn't move into the centre of the ring. She just lazed on the ropes, looking quite frankly bored as a stagehand handed her a mic.
Elizabeth Rose: "This is getting to be a bit of a habit, and quite frankly, this is starting to annoy me. The only reason I'm here is because they told me to be out here. So make it fast.
Gabby blinks but moves forward.
Gabrielle: Ok, fine, I'll get right to the point. I came back from exile for one reason, and that was you, save you from yourself now a little bit of time has passed, but I haven't forgotten, and how I see it, You beat me, and a few months ago, I beat you,..The way I see, we're all tied up, so there's one-"
Elizabeth Rose: "No."
Gabrielle: "I-"
Elizabeth Rose: "No."
Gabrielle: "You can't just-"
Elizabeth Rose: "I said no."
Well, this is somewhat awkward. We all kind of knew where Gabby was going with that, but before Gabby could build up any momentum or the crowd could buzz, Elizabeth unceremoniously cut her off.
Elizabeth Rose: Don't get me wrong, If I could, I would spend my entire life beating you up, every show we have, but....honestly? I'm done with you. I hate being shackled to you for the last four years of my life. You know what you are, Gabby? You're a leech; no matter how many times I try to shake you, you just cling on to me and try to suck out every last bit of blood out of me. So you know what? I'm done. We're done. You are officially out of my life. See you at the funeral. I'll be the one dancing on your grave.
And with that, Elizabeth casually rolled out of the ring and started to stroll backstage without looking back, Gabby.
Gabrielle: "Hey, where do you think you're going?! We're not done here!"
Elizabeth just keeps walking
Gabrielle: "We have to end this, Lizzie. We both know it; you can't just walk away."
Nope, still no response from Elizabeth
Gabrielle: Fine, Lizzie, you run away but just know I'm willing to do anything in my power to make sure you-
Elizabeth Rose: "Anything?" Any time? Any place?
Elizabeth suddenly stops midway up the ramp, turning back towards the ring. She suddenly looks interested, and an idea comes to her, but Gabby holds her ground.
Gabrielle: "Anything"
Elizabeth seems to consider this for a moment before nodding to herself.
Elizabeth Rose: Okay. If we do this again, Gabby, the only place to do it is Back In Business—Brooklyn, New York.
A buzz of intrigue goes through the crowd as Gabby shifts her weight slightly in the ring. Brooklyn is known to be the home of Lizzie's most rampant fan base. Gabby will be tossed into the lion's den, and she knows it; nonetheless, she nods.
Gabrielle: "Deal"
Elizabeth Rose: "I'm not done yet."
Gabrielle: "What else do you need Liz?"
Elizabeth Rose: "It's not what I need. It's what you need. See- if you can beat me in my hometown? I'll leave Eternal."
Gabby raises an eyebrow, unconvinced.
Elizabeth Rose: "No, really, I mean it. I'll leave Eternal, I'll give you exactly what you want, and I might even get professional help if you want. But if I win... if I win..."
Elizabeth has an evil smile on her face, as Gabby waits for the other shoe to drop.
Elizabeth Rose: "See, I could say, You have to leave FWA, but let's be honest, you're in the fabric of this place. You'll take an extended vacation again, make one phone call to the office, and you'll be right back here. No, I want something that'll hurt. I want to take something from you that means more to you than anything else, something once you lose, you can never get back.”
Elizabeth pauses for dramatic effect before pointing at the ring.
Elizabeth Rose: "Your hall of fame ring...."
OHHHHHHHHH-! goes through the crowd as. Gabby's eyes go wide as she examines the ring on her finger.
Elizabeth Rose: "That's the price, Gabby, the one thing you value over yourself and everything else in your pathetic life. Your legacy. Once I take that from you? You'll have nothing. You'll be hollow. You'll have nothing left. Do you care that much about me? To risk it all? Is Lizzie Rose worth risking everything you're worth?"
Gabby pauses for a second, staring at her ring, considering the weight of her decision before raising the mic again.
Gabrielle: “You're on.”
A roar goes through the crowd as the challenge is accepted. Gabrielle vs Elizabeth Rose three, at Back In Business, Elizabeth's Eternal status and Gabby's ring on the line, the two stare at each other from afar, as it's clearly game on.

The scene quickly cuts to backstage and a locker room door as the music begins to play. The door swings open, and the camera pans down to reveal the top of Joe Burr’s head! A good cheer goes up for ‘The Giant Killer’ as the camera follows him down the corridor towards the ring. Joe pauses as he sees a very familiar face in his way… Elizabeth Rose, returning backstage after her confrontation with Gabrielle… he looks to her longingly, but she brushes past him without a word.
Anzu Kurosawa: "Carnal Contendership saw the return of Joe Burr to the FWA after an almost year-long absence following an assault by Keres and Eternal… but his time in the match was not very successful…”
Rod Sterling: "It was a very - you’ll have to pardon the pun - short stint in the match for the former Gauntlet Champion, being thrown out almost immediately by his former friend and current Eternal member, Elizabeth Rose. Look at these body mods, though…”
As Burr enters the view of the fans in the Denver Coliseum, his mechanical voice box and leg brace which runs from his hip down to his ankle can be seen more clearly. The ‘enhancements’ do cause him to walk with an unusual gait, however.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a twenty minute time limit! Introducing first, from New York City and weighing in at one-hundred and twenty-nine pounds… ‘The Giant Killer’ JOOOOEEEE BUUUUUUUUUURRRRRR!”
Climbing up the steps like one of those AI robots, Burr finally makes it into the ring with slight difficulty. His music fades out and he intently watches on in the direction of the stage, awaiting his first singles opponent for over a year…
A big cheer goes up for Burr’s opponent, Brooklyn Steiner. Steiner slowly walks out from the back and then removes his sunglasses to take in the appreciative reaction from the fans in Denver. He nods his head and jogs down the ramp towards the ring, slapping hands and bumping fists with fans in the front row.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "His opponent, also from New York, weighing in at two-hundred and five pounds… THIS IS BROOOOOOOOKLYN STEEEIIIIINNNNERRRRRRR!!!!”
Rod Sterling: "Another returnee in the Carnal Contendership in Vegas was this man - the former Television Champion, Brooklyn Steiner! Steiner came in and made a big impact with a couple of quick eliminations, and lasted all the way until the final ten when he was eliminated by Elizabeth Rose - the former friend of his opponent tonight.”
Anzu Kurosawa: "Lasting over twenty-five minutes as well in his first Carnal Contendership; a very respectable showing for Brooklyn in his return. Tonight he’ll be wanting to rebuild some of that momentum he had prior to having to vacate that Television Championship, and who knows? Perhaps ‘The Workhorse’ might make another charge for it?”
Steiner gets into the ring and sheds himself of his jacket and he tosses his sunglasses out into the crowd. He jogs on the spot for a moment and uses the ring rope to stretch for a moment before being slightly taken aback at the small stature of his opponent. The referee is Gracelynn Guerrero and she confirms both competitors are ready to go and then calls for the bell!

THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
Brooklyn Steiner vs. Joe Burr.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Man.

It is a cagey start from both men as they circle the ring, with Burr finding it slightly difficult with his leg brace restricting his full range of movements. Steiner tries to lock up with Burr, but the smaller man ducks it and then connects with a chop to Steiner when he turns around! It does not do much damage, and Steiner quickly cuts Burr off with a knee strike to the midsection. A simple Scoop Slam follows after holding Burr in the air for a few seconds. Brooklyn then hits the ropes… and lands on top of Burr with a Springboard Moonsault!!
The high-flying move gets a loud cheer from the crowd, and Steiner rears up and holds his ribs for a moment. He gets back down and gets on top with a lateral press;
Rod Sterling: "A very fast start to the match as can always be expected from Brooklyn Steiner, who looks like he has not missed a beat since his injury. Some surprising resilience shown by Joe Burr there, too…”
Steiner pulls Burr up from the mat and places him up on his shoulder, depositing him on the top rope in a seated position. With Burr higher up, Steiner waits a moment and then slaps him across the chest, causing a loud crack to echo around the arena. Brooklyn climbs up onto the middle turnbuckle and hits Burr with a quick strike to the head. He seems to be setting Burr up for something, but Joe’s robot voice can be heard fighting him off. Burr rears his braced-up leg back, and kicks Brooklyn in the chest… sending him flying backwards!
There is a look of slight shock on Steiner’s face due to the power packed in the kick. However he quickly shakes this off and sprints towards Burr, leaping onto the top rope and then taking Burr over with a FRANKENSTEINER!!!
Anzu Kurosawa: "You think that metal attachment to Joe Burr’s leg alleviated the power of that kick? It wasn’t enough to halt Steiner’s progress whatsoever but that could end up being a pretty impressive weapon in Burr’s arsenal. I’m not too keen on his chances here though, if I’m being honest, Rod.”
Burr groans in pain on the mat as Steiner lifts his legs up from the mat after the high-impact move and Brooklyn carefully steps through… looking for a Sharpshooter… but Burr gets his foot on Steiner’s back and pushes him forward with a lot of force once again! This frees Burr from Steiner’s clutches, but Brooklyn charges in at him, looking for a Clothesline. Burr avoids it and then ROLLS STEINER UP WITH THE DREADED SCHOOLBOY!!!
The move that Burr has used to earn the majority of his victories fails him at a crucial moment and he stands up to plead his case with Guerrero. This proves costly as it allows Steiner to come in from behind with the TURN THAT TV OFF!!! The elbow to the back of the head causes Burr to crumble to the mat and he falls onto his back in front of the turnbuckle. Steiner opts not to go for an immediate cover;
Anzu Kurosawa: "I’ve got a feeling that Steiner wants to mark his return with a bit of style…”
A big cheer goes up as Steiner steadies himself on the top rope… AND CRASHES DOWN ONTO BURR WITH THE OLED SPLASH!!! Steiner then backs up onto his opponent and the referee comes down to count the pin;
Winner: Brooklyn Steiner via pin fall at 03:05.
Steiner steps through the middle ropes after securing a huge victory over Joe Burr in his first singles match back. The FWA erupts in support of Steiner, just a sea of his fans chanting his name, their excitement and support for him undeniable.
As Brooklyn makes his way up the ramp, he extends his hand to the hands of fans. Exchanging high fives with the FWA universe that supports him, with a smile widening with each step. The crowd is electric tonight for Steiner. Just feeding off his huge win.
He reaches the top of the ramp, there he pauses as he faces the roaring FWA crowd. He scans the jam packed arena of fans, each reflecting a piece of his journey back to the FWA. The camera zooms in, capturing the raw emotion on his face.
Steiner raises his arms in victory, the crowd roaring even louder. He just basks in the moment and lets it all in. The fans' approval hits deep with him, as he knows that this is just the beginning of his climb back to the top of the FWA mountain and that mountain is FWA gold. The camera focuses on him, as he speaks to the world watching at home.
Brooklyn Steiner: “It’s good to be back! All the fans, from the arena here tonight to the ones watching tonight. I thank you for all of the support, and I mean it. You never let me go, and, now I’m back, and now I look to climb the mountain one more time, and I do it with the support of FWA fans. Let’s go guys, “The Workhorse” is back and I’m coming for what was taken from me…..
A hooded figure hops the security barricade, slides under the bottom rope behind Steiner and levels him with a forearm to the back of the head. The invader unzips his hooded sweatshirt revealing a lead pipe.
Rod Sterling: “WHAT THE HELL?!” Who is that?!”
The attacker slowly raises the pipe over his head and drives it into Steiner’s ribs twice, three times, before unleashing a series of stomps into his torso. He grabs Steiner by the arm and drags him, coughing and wheezing toward the corner and props him up against the bottom rope.
Rod Sterling: “We need some help out here!”
The masked assailant slowly backs across the ring, sizing Steiner up. He charges toward him and drives his knee into Steiner’s face, snapping his head back. As he raises the pipe again, seemingly aiming for Brooklyn’s head, security and FWA officials charge toward the ring. The attacker, seeing them, quickly throws the pipe down, slides out of the ring, and escapes through the capacity crowd.
Rod Sterling: “Folks, I’m not sure what we just witnessed, but we’re going to get Brooklyn Steiner some medical attention. Stay tuned. Let’s go to a commercial or, or something.”

The lights in the arena shut off with an extremely loud shuttering sound.
“Hello, world.”
The lights in the arena come back on with the same extremely loud shuttering sound.
Standing in the middle of the ring, seemingly having manifested out of nowhere, is the returning “Daughter of Demise” Keres and standing close by her right side is one of her Eternal sisters, Elizabeth Rose.
“It has been quite some time since I have manifested in this place. There was a need for recuperation on my part. There was also a need for some lessons to be taught.”
Keres slowly turns her head to Elizabeth Rose, who rolls her eyes in response.
“On that note… I would like to apologize to Elizabeth. Not for leaving her on her own, I knew she would be more than capable of surviving and passing her test… no, I would like to apologize for being away longer than intended. You see, there was an issue that needed to be dealt with.”
From inside her jacket, Elizbeth Rose pulls out a tiara. This tiara is dull, chipped, and full of scratches. It resembles more of an ancient relic than a current sign of royalty. Elizabeth hands it to Keres.
“Someone decided to step out of line… so I put them on a stronger one. Someone decided to speak out of turn… So now I control their voice. Someone decided to try their hand at sitting on the throne… so I ripped the crown from their head. But do not fret… they will be firmly back in the spot they belong once their lesson has been learned…”
Keres hooks the tiara onto the loop of her belt, letting it hang from her waist. She starts to slowly pace side to side without breaking eye contact with the camera.
“Before I continue… I would like to say thank you to everyone that enjoyed the glimpses into the other world I graciously allowed you to have a peek into some weeks ago. My TORN Universe is vast and there are multiple realities that I claim domain over… but what is truth? Is it what you see with your own eyes? Is it what you hear with your own ears? Is it what you feel with your own hands? Is the air that you breathe actually keeping you attached to your life?”
Elizabeth Rose laughs behind Keres. Her laughter is directed at the audience listening to Keres’ words.
“I will tell you what the truth is… the truth is that I am always in control. The truth is that I never truly lose. The truth is… that I always get what I want. Yes, you have seen me pinned to this very mat. Yes, you have seen my shoulders down for the count of three… But have any of you ever thought that maybe this was how it was meant to be? Fate works in mysterious ways, and I work to fold it how I please to get what I desire.”
Keres finally breaks eye contact with the camera. She looks towards the big screen on the stage and it flickers a few times before turning to static, much like the television inside of Elizabeth Rose’s locker room before the Carnal Contendership. She turns back to the camera.
“My sister here, Elizabeth Rose, became Eternal. Joe Burr, in trying to prevent that, lost the one thing he utilized most, and is no longer able to speak out of line. Tommy Bedlam may have defeated me, but he relinquished his championship and left to go be the father that I encouraged him to be from the very beginning. Everything I have wanted… I have gotten. My will knows no bounds and I am inevitable.”
Keres raises her free hand and snaps her fingers. All lights in the arena turn off except for one spotlight that fully illuminates Keres and slightly casts on Elizabeth Rose, giving her an unsettling shadowy appearance.
“Now that I am back… it is time to present to you all the next stanza in the poetry of my TORN Universe. Call to me… and change your fate.”
Keres looks back over at the static screen on the stage and smirks. Just as she smirks, the image of a crudely drawn and oddly shaped bright red heart flashes once on the screen with an accompanying heartbeat sound. The heart disappears and the screen turns off as the spotlight around Keres slowly begins to close in on her and the camera zooms in on her face at the same pace.
“Be not afraid…”
At the end of those words the spotlight fully closes in on Keres sporting a devilish smile and shuts off, leaving the entire arena in darkness. The same shuttering sound from when she and Elizabeth Rose first appeared echoes through the arena once again as the lights turn back on and both sisters of Eternal are gone.

Boos circulate in Denver as Michelle von Horrowitz appears on stage, her hood pulled up over her head as if to hide her shame. She pauses on the ramp momentarily as her music builds, surveying the audience from beneath her hood, before beginning her descent of the ramp towards the ring.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one-fall with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, from Rotterdam in the Netherlands and weighing fifty four kilograms… ‘Dreamer’... Michelle… von… HOOOORROOOOWIIIIITZ!!"
Rod Sterling: "MvH tasted defeat at the Carnal Contendership event in Las Vegas, losing in singles competition to Chris Peacock. Missing out on the F1 Climaxxx and the North American Championship would’ve been secondary disappointments to losing to Peacock, I’m sure."
Anzu Kurosawa: "‘Disco’s Last Warrior’ has had Michelle’s number over the past eighteen months, and now he holds a singles victory over Dreamer to add to his tag team successes. Von Horrowitz will hope to return to winning ways, but will do so under a dark cloud."
Rod Sterling: "That dark cloud has a familiar face, Anzu, and it’s one we saw earlier tonight. Perhaps we’ll get a clearer idea of what’s going on between Michelle von Horrowitz and Shawn Summers on Fallout in Chicago."
Anzu Kurosawa: "I think that’s clear enough already, Rod…"
MvH slides into the ring and takes her customary position in the corner, sitting down with her head rested against the second turnbuckle. The arena lights come up for a moment, her music fading out and then being replaced with…
The reaction from the crowd is far more positive with XYZ, who is less than his enthusiastic self as he appears on the stage. He is alone and looks far from ready for the battle ahead, walking down towards the ring whilst appearing distracted and unfocused.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And her opponent… from Sitka, Alaska and weighing in at one hundred and eighty kilograms… X… Y… Z!!"
Rod Sterling: "XYZ looks like his mind is anywhere but on this match right now, which is understandable considering what happened to him at the Carnal Contendership."
Anzu Kurosawa: "He once again ran into his long time rival, and once again came out on the losing end, with Kleio De Santos dumping him out of the battle royale match."
Rod Sterling: "And now he has to face a former world champion with a point to prove. One empathises with XYZ, for that and many other reasons…"
X begrudgingly climbs into the ring, and seems to glance longingly at the spot where the Menage would have once stood. The official pays no mind to his pathos, immediately conducting his final checks, and then eventually calling for the bell…

Michelle von Horrowitz vs. XYZ.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>
Michelle begins to circle the ring, but X looks forlorn and almost despondent in his corner. He sighs deeply before stepping away from it and reciprocating Michelle's circling. She offers a test of strength, which he takes, psyching himself up momentarily before reaching for her hand… and Dreamer attempts a kick to the gut, which XYZ catches! His reactions remain sharp despite his mental state, and X follows up with a leg whip, throwing Michelle onto her back. She scrambled up to her feet, but X is waiting for her, hitting her with a Manhattan drop, and then throwing himself off the ropes to connect with a single-leg dropkick!
Rod Sterling: "Michelle von Horrowitz seemed to almost not expect this barrage of offence from XYZ, and she rolls beneath the bottom rope to get a few deep breaths."
Anzu Kurosawa: "Maybe a sound strategy, but it doesn't account for XYZ, who is in perpetual motion. He hits the ropes again…"
Michelle is leant against the barricade, but sees X coming towards her like a torpedo, attempting a suicide dive… but she telegraphs it just in time, throwing herself out of XYZ’s way as he flies through the ropes!!
Anzu Kurosawa: "XYZ crashes and burns! A rush of blood to the head, maybe!"
Michelle takes control of the match-up, immediately collecting X by the scruff of the neck and hurling him into the nearby steel steps! XYZ clatters into them shoulder first and slumps to the mat, the official berating Michelle to get the action back into the ring. Dreamer obliges by rolling beneath the bottom rope, and then back out again, continuing the assault on X on the outside…
<< 04:32. >>
Still on the outside, MvH has XYZ backed up against a barricade, where she proceeds to lay into him with alternating knife edge chops and forearm strikes. XYZ throws up a hasty guard, prompting Dreamer to grab him by the wrist and Irish whip him towards the ring apron. She doesn't release, though, reversing him back towards the barricade and hitting a drop toe hold, ending XYZ face first onto the steel railing! X remains in position, bent over the barricade, allowing Michelle to casually roll under the bottom rope and then out again. She then hops up onto the apron, swiftly ascending towards the top turnbuckle with X prone over the barricade.
Rod Sterling: "Michelle von Horrowitz has enjoyed near complete control since the early exchanges of this match, and now she is taking things to the high rent district…"
Dreamer straightens up on the very top, looking over XYZ… and then flies off with an attempted leg drop…
Rod Sterling: "But the risk outweighs the reward!! It's XYZ’s turn to throw himself out of the way, and Dreamer crashes and burns on that barricade!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "She lands nastily on that steel railing, one leg either side of it and with no budge from the unforgiving barricade!"
XYZ hopes to press the advantage, collecting Michelle in a front face lock whilst she is still straddling the railing, and dragging her back into the ringside area with a snap suplex!
It's X’s turn to notice that the official has reached seven in his count, but rather than roll in and out to interrupt it he throws Michelle into the ring. He follows her in, forcing her away from the ropes before hooking the far leg…
Michelle gets the shoulder up, but XYZ assumes control of the match…
<< 10:12. >>
Michelle is backed up into a corner with XYZ driving a shoulder into her gut repeatedly, a half dozen times. He then heaves her up into a seated position on the top turnbuckle, connecting with a looping overhand chop that connects with Michelle's chest. She almost topples but holds onto the top rope to steady herself, the imbalance giving X time to climb up with her.
Rod Sterling: "XYZ looking for perhaps a superplex as this match wears on. He stands on the second rope and connects with some forearm strikes, before applying a front facelock…"
Anzu Kurosawa: "But Michelle still has a hold of that top rope, and she refuses to budge! X can't shift her!"
He's forced to release, and aims a big forearm strike in Michelle's direction… which she blocks, before returning with a forearm of her own! XYZ teeters on his perch on the second rope, and then is knocked off with a big headbutt!
Rod Sterling: "This is Michelle's moment, but she's forced to remain seated on the top rope, sucking in deep lung-fulls of oxygen… giving XYZ crucial time to recover!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Even in his current state, he's managing to go toe to toe with Michelle von Horrowitz… on nothing more than spirit and muscle memory alone!"
With Michelle seated on the top turnbuckle, X decides it's time to go big. He charges at the corner, leaping up onto the top rope, using Michelle's seated frame for support. He attempts to springboard from the top rope directly, and makes the jump easily… overshoots it a little even, maybe, and as he tries to propel himself higher for a hurricanrana he loses his footing. He tangles in the ropes before landing in a heap on the mat!
Anzu Kurosawa: "Commentator's curse strikes again…"
X rolls towards the centre of the ring as Michelle pushes herself up onto the top rope…
Rod Sterling: "Dreamer with the frog splash! Straight into the cover!"
XYZ kicks out, but once again the pendulum swings back into Michelle's favour…
<< 14:12. >>
Michelle doubles X up in the middle of the ring with a mule kick, and then applies a front facelock, perhaps looking for the brainbuster that she learnt from a certain commentator. X is wise to it, though, and anchors his weight down… before reversing with a small package!
Michelle kicks out and both competitors climb to their feet, with Dreamer winding up for a discus clotheslines. X ducks beneath it, though, and proceeds to hit the ropes…
Rod Sterling: "XYZ leaps up, spins around in the headscissors… and then completes the takedown! Vintage XYZ in Denver! Who would even know the Alaska show got cancelled?!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Usually, we'd see XYZ spin a pull 360, sometimes even a 450 or 540, before delivering that headscissors takedown. I'd wager that was only a 180. A 270 at best. A clear sign that something's not right with XYZ…"
Either way, X has the upper hand, and waits patiently for Dreamer to climb to her feet. He connects with a series of rapid fire kicks to the thighs, although Anzu is quick to point out that they are a little slower and a little less prolonged than usual. They are enough to have Michelle recoiling, though, and X collects Dreamer in a front facelock. He charges to and up the turnbuckles, before spiking MvH on her head with a tornado DDT!! X follows up with a cover, hooking the far leg…
Michelle refuses to lose again, thrusting a shoulder up at the dying breath! X doesn't look frustrated. He looks passive, almost as if his focus is elsewhere, even at this important moment.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen: this is your… FOUR MINUTE WARNING!"
X doesn't show any sign of urgency at the announcement, instead allowing Michelle to climb up onto her knees and then her feet, before eventually stroking with a spinning kick to the gut. Dreamer is doubled over, allowing X to pull her head into position between his legs. He hoists Michelle up into position on his shoulders…
Rod Sterling: "XYZ looks to weaken Michelle up for his somersault leg drop with a powerbomb, but Dreamer begins to fight back with right hands to the top of the head…"
Anzu Kurosawa: "He can't hold her! She's wriggling free… and she rolls him up with a sunset flip!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Two point nine nine!"
Rod Sterling: "Bah gawd I thought that was it!"
Michelle rolls backwards after the kickout, and before X has a chance to collect himself she is charging towards him…
Rod Sterling: "Discus forearm! XYZ is rocked!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "And now MvH collects him in a front facelock… BRAINBUSTER!"
X is dumped at an ugly angle on his head, and there's a sense in the arena that that might be enough. Michelle wants to make sure, though, and begins an ascent to the top rope. The audience mostly boos as she steadies herself, although there is an audible contingent of support for Dreamer in some pockets of the arena. None of it means anything to her, though, as she takes a deep breath atop the turnbuckles…
Anzu Kurosawa: "450 SPLASH!!! Nails it!"
Rod Sterling: "Right into a cover…"
Winner: Michelle von Horrowitz via pinfall at 17:59.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here is your winner… Michelle von Horrowitz!!"
Dreamer doesn't wait around to have her hand lifted by the referee. She has already left the ring by the time the announcement has been made. She rolls out of it to recover after a hard fought victory, sucking in some air before confronting the ring ramp.
Rod Sterling: "Michelle von Horrowitz emerges with the victory, and she does so after a match with no interruptions courtesy of one Shawn Summers."
Anzu Kurosawa: "I guess we'll have to tune into Fallout 040 in Chicago to get answers from the man himself on that subject."
Dreamer is hunched over as she stumbled up the ramp, the roll of this and earlier matches weighing heavily upon her.
Rod Sterling: "And tune in is precisely what Michelle von Horrowitz will have to do, too. I'm hearing through my headset that Jon Russnow and the executive committee have made the decision to ask Dreamer to stay away from Chicago's event!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "There's no need to sound so gleeful about that fact, Rod."
Rod Sterling: "I am merely an announcer, reporting a breaking news story."
Anzu Kurosawa: "Be that as it may, this reeks of Der Basterd. He's desperate to avoid a confrontation with Michelle in person, to the point where she is asked to stay away from the arena!"
Rod Sterling: "Summers no doubt wants the chance to speak uninterrupted on Fallout 040. Whether he deserves that chance is one thing, but it looks like he'll get it."
Michelle finally disappears through the curtain, and we fade to black.

Welcome To...
“A mother bird's love knows no bounds, as she tirelessly cares for her young.”
The sun shines through on this beautiful late spring day here near the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. The ground is covered in a thin layer of dew, the last grips of a cold winter melted away. In the forest with the picturesque mountains behind is a ranch with a rustic but modern feel.
Tucked away in one of the rooms of the ranch is a face familiar to FWA fans, though most of her appearance is otherwise unrecognisable. Her long dark hair is somewhat messy from the comfortable bed. She wears a white shirt top with splashes of colour on it and a red plaid skirt. Her tattoos on her arm are still visible, with some black wristbands as well. Without her tiara on her head, she is no longer royal.
Just Nova.
Waking up groggily, the former royal figure looks around her room. The outside has a luscious scene of trees. In front of her is a fireplace with a picture above it reading “One Day at a time.” The rest of the room has pictures of nature, most notably a picture of a bird giving another a hug. Nova rubs her eyes and sits up on her bed. She sees a plush next to her of a bird and places it on her lap, feeling some comfort as she’s still wrapping her head around things in her new home.
Nova: “I feel, so fucking weird… It’s like I’ve been in a dream for the past 4 years.”
She mutters to herself. Her tone and expression is nothing like the ‘Princess Nova’ we have known. No child-like whimsy, or a dark turn of violence. She feels normal. A knock is heard on her door and a cheerful voice is heard.
???: “Knock knock. Is the sleepyhead finally awake?”
The Vancouver-native nods.
Nova: “Yeah, come in.”
The door to the bedroom opens and insteps a woman with a polo-shirt on and khaki shorts. She gives off total camp counselor vibes. With her dark hair done up in a bun, she has a clipboard in her hands. Her black polo shirt has the logo of the place on it.
Dr. Dolan: “Hello there, Miss Taylor. I’m Dr. Dolan, one of the councilors here at Motherbird Rehabilitation Ranch. I thought I’d come in and check on how our newest resident is doing?”
Her tone is chipper, smiling at the wrestler. Nova Taylor looks at Dolan.
Nova Taylor: “I’m still coming to grips with being here.”
Dr. Dolan: “What do you remember? From your time here.”
Nova thinks back, crossing her legs and placing the plush on her lap. She hums.
Nova Taylor: “All I remember is talking to some therapist, not remembering what was said. I’ve been on some pretty heavy medication, which I have been taking before you ask. And uhh, now I feel…”
She thinks, the word on the tip of her tongue.
Nova Taylor: “Sort of normal.”
The doctor looks through her notepad and hums.
Dr. Dolan: “Well, you are probably the most unique case we’ve had here. We’ve dealt with different addictions and forms of depression, even one or two people escaping cult-like scenarios, but your mind has been through quite a lot.”
Falling back on her bed, Nova sighs.
Nova Taylor: “Tell me about it. It’s like I’ve been stuck playing a Princess at a Horror themed Disney world for years.”
Dr. Dolan: “I can imagine how… traumatic it has been. Let’s see here.”
Flipping through her notes, she reads off some symptoms.
Dr. Dolan: “Since being here we have seen from you rapid mood swings from an abnormally manic high to extreme anger. Depressive symptoms. Signs of a split personality. You talked to stuffed animals like they were real people…”
Nova Taylor: “In my defense of that, I’ve always had a soft spot for plushies-”
Taylor interjects with a sheepish look on her face.
Dr. Dolan: “And even talking to yourself as if you had schizophrenia. Out of everyone who has been here, you have been the most unique case. So much so that we basically had to throw the entire DSM out the window. You have been through quite a bit in your experiences.”
Nova Taylor: “The experience I have like…”
Once again, the former Princess Nova has a hard time discussing how she feels to the councilor. Sure she has gone through a lot mentally, but she was in a position to see Keres and the Bassignani family in a way few others have, and they did treat her like one of her own.
Nova Taylor: “Mixed feelings on. But I just feel uncomfortable talking about it.”
Dr. Dolan: “Well, let’s maybe focus a bit on something else.”
The doctor claps her clipboard and takes out a pen.
Dr. Dolan: “Because I’d like to get to know you a bit. Uhh, the old you, that is.”
Going to the corner of the room, the counselor sits on the rocking chair. She clicks her pen.
Dr. Dolan: “Take your time.”
Turning to the counselor, Nova nervously taps her fingers together.
Nova Taylor: “Geez, I don’t know where to start.”
Dr. Dolan: “The beginning, maybe?”
The counselor asks. Taking it to heart, Nova starts. She nervously speaks.
Nova Taylor: “Uhh, okay. I am Nova Taylor. I was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia to my dad Terrance, and my mom, Kelli with an ‘i.’ I’m half-Acadien on my mom’s side so uhh, Je parle français.”
Nova gives a friendly chuckle. The counselor smiles back, encouraging her to continue.
Nova Taylor: “We moved to Vancouver when I was about 5 because my mom and dad both got jobs out there and I grew attached to the city. The rocky mountains to the east, the vast pacific ocean to the west. I did some Gymnastics as a kid, though I loved watching hockey with my dad. I seriously had a crush on the Sedin twins as a kid. Then of course, when my older cousin, Ryan, visited in the summer, he’d often watch wrestling with my dad and my uncle, so I got roped in and felt it was cool.”
Dr. Dolan: “Sounds like you had a great family.”
The counselor comments, writing stuff down.
Nova Taylor: “It was mostly good. My mom was SUPER sweet but uhh..”
The cheerful Nova’s tone shifts slightly. She clears her throat as it catches.
Nova Taylor: “She got super sick around my Grade Eight graduation. Turns out she had cancer and she hid the signs from us until it was too late. She passed away about halfway through my first year of high school.”
A chill goes down Nova’ spine.
Nova Taylor: “I missed two weeks of class when she was on her deathbed. She was a bit stubborn and hung in there, but watching her suffer was, h-hard on me. And to not have her around for some of the biggest moments of my life was rough.”
The counselor continues to write down her notes, but reaches over and places her hand on Nova’s knee.
Dr. Dolan: “My condolences, Nova. I know everyone deals with grief in their own way and sometimes, even when you move on, there’s still that part of you who misses them.”
Giving a sigh, Nova has a somber tone. She clears her throat.
Nova Taylor: “I do. I also think a lot of things came undone. We had to move to a lower-income part of town. Even with some businesses my dad ran it wasn’t enough to afford where we lived before. Then my dad began to medicate himself with… uhh, booze. He would drink a lot more. He wasn’t always a violent drunk unless I had done something wrong but, uhh, I didn’t recognise him. I acted out a lot more in school, I was very depressed and then when I was sixteen I started to sneak drinks for myself. I’d try smoking out behind the pizza shop across the street at lunch. I just needed to medicate myself in some way.”
Trying to hold back tears, Nova wipes her cheek.
Nova Taylor: “In senior year when my dad found out I had stolen some of his drinks I, uh, I was kicked out for about two weeks. My school’s guidance counselor found out, the police showed up at my dad’s and there we sort of both had a lightbulb turn on. My dad went into addiction’s counseling to clean himself up. I-uh, I think he showed up at a place like this. And I had gone to a youth center until my dad and I could talk to a family counselor to know I’d be safe to return. Something that happened was, for a workshop to ‘build confidence’ there was a field trip to a photoshoot and we all got to ‘play model.’ There they thought I was a natural and right out of high school when I got myself sorted I was into modelling.”
Hearing this, her counselor gives a nod and smiles.
Dr. Dolan: “I’m glad you worked through that, Nova. I think it is a major accomplishment to make it through what you have done.”
Giving a weak grin, Nova takes the compliment.
Nova Taylor: “It was… It was a lot. I still had a lot of figuring out to do about myself though. I eventually got into wrestling, trying to balance that with modelling before wrestling won out. I’m bisexual, and I managed to come out at Vancouver Pride 2017. So that was a bit of weight off my chest. Even wrestling, I first started out as the ‘Punk Rock Princess,’ trying to act tough but cute, before settling on the ‘Rainbow Princess’ since I dyed my hair a lot and found acting positive was more fun. And honestly…”
Dr. Dolan: “Yes?”
She asks.
Nova Taylor: “I’m still figuring out who I am. Who I want to be.”
Dr. Dolan: “Well, while you’re staying here at Motherbird, I’m sure we will help you get on the right path with that. Thank you for sharing with me. It was quite a lot to get into, and I imagine someone like… She who must not be named, would see someone like you and lead you down the path you were on for a while.”
Inhaling, Nova tries not to get herself worked up.
Nova Taylor: “Honestly, I still can’t find myself hating her and I don't know why. I just can’t. Her or her family.”
Standing up, the counselor closes her notes.
Dr. Dolan: “Maybe that’s for your own good-”
The verbiage causes Nova to freeze in place, as if she’s seen a ghost. Her skin goes pale. The counselor continues.
Dr. Dolan: “Holding on to too many grudges might dampen your mental health.”
Nova Taylor: “-What did you say?”
Turning to the patient, Dr. Dolan re-explains herself.
Dr. Dolan: “You spent a long time with those individuals. While there are right times to express how you feel, focusing on them and those negative thoughts can leave you worse for wear. But here, it isn’t about those people. It’s about you. We are focused on the recovery of Nova Taylor here so you can live the best life you can after leaving here. We are committed to doing what we can to help you, Nova. I suggest taking it easy today. Enjoy some activities inside, and go to your appointment at 3:30pm. Because tomorrow, I got some great activities planned.”
Smiling and being put at ease, Nova grins, picking up her complimentary stuffed animal. She does a curtsy towards the counselor.
Nova Taylor: “Thanks Dr. Dolan I-”
Realising what she has done, Nova’s face blushes.
Nova Taylor: “Oops, s-sorry doc. Old habits die hard, I guess? In my defense, I'm totally a Disney nerd.”
The doctor laughs and goes to the door.
Dr. Dolan: “That’s alright. Our TV room does have Disney Plus if you want, and no, that is not sponsored. Take care, Nova.”
Leaving the room, the doctor closes the door, leaving Nova Taylor to herself. She’s alone. Away from the wrestling world. Away from her ‘sisters.’ Here she can finally be herself.
Outside, a lone bird flies around and lands on a branch nearby, looking directly into Nova’s room.

A raven.

Outside the arena, Bobby Joel is stepping out of his Ford F150 truck and is joined by his client, the masked Vengador. As they begin to approach the arena, they are suddenly interrupted by a loud voice coming from what it seems to be a microphone as the camera turns to reveal a decently sized crowd of FWA fans, who couldn’t get tickets for tonight's event, surrounding a small pedestal. And on top of the pedestal, right next to the sign saying “The FWA is unfair! Jon Russnow is in there! Standing at the concession! Plotting his oppression!”, stands a very annoyed Top Star with microphone in hand.
Aaron Harrows::”And here they are, folks! The dream crushers themselves, give them a round of applause!”
Bobby Joel stops in his tracks as Harrows’ supporters all turn at once like some kind of cultish horror movie and start booing. He immediately holds Vengador back.
Bobby Joel: :”Pardon me?”
Aaron Harrows:: “You! You two! The dos of you! You cost me! I was THIS close to winning the Carnal Contendership! THIS close to a FWA contract!”
At this point, Harrows jumps off the pedestal and makes his way over to the duo, gesturing to his group to stay where they are, the closer Harrows gets, the clearer the text on his t-shirt becomes as it reads #SignHarrows.
Bobby Joel: :”Haha, I’m sorry kid - did you say say you were THIS close? You were no where close to winning..”
Aaron Harrows:: “I was on my way! Hell, I could have atlleast made it to the Golden Opportunity! And then the contract would have been mine!”
Bobby Joel: :”Nope, you weren’t even close to the Golden Opportunity.
Aaron Harrows:: Yeah.. well… whatever, CW version of Slimer over there cost me my spot on the FWA roster!”
Bobby Joel: :”Hahaha! Oh, my boy, is this what this is all about? A contract? I think we can come up with something that is mutually beneficial!”
Aaron Harrows:: “What do you mean?”
Bobby Joel: : “Walk with me! Talk with me! I think I know exactly how to make things happen…”
Bobby Joel wraps his arm around Aaron’s neck and leads the young man through the parking lot toward the arena. Harrows gesturing to his colleague Patty to keep the crowd entertained, with Vengador following the duo slowly behind.

Returning to the ring, the behemoth Big Bam Slam is already in the ring, doing his best to look menacing as the crowd remains mostly apathetic.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, already in the ring… BIG BAM SLAM!”
The lights in the Sapporo Dome go pitch black as the the guitar rifts and drums of Here Comes Revenge kick in. Purple strobe lights flicker and smoke fill the arena as a spotlight reveals Vengador now standing at the top of the stage.
The lights come back up to reveal Vengador is joined on the stage by Bobby Joel, sporting his cowboy hat and a shit eatting grin.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And his opponent… being accompanied to the ring by “The Dubb” Bobby Joel… he hails from The Realm of Despair… this is VVVVEEENNNGGGAADDOOOORRR!”
Rod Sterling: "Vengador returns to action this week after a nice showing at the Carnal Contendership, though he came up short.”
Anzu Kurosawa: "Under the guidance of this crooked looking gentleman, Bobby Joel, he seems to have his eyes set on the X Championship now… but I’m quite curious about the interaction earlier tonight with Aaron Harrows…”
Rod Sterling: "Yeah, I’m not sure what to make of that either… but Aaron Harrows is obviously quite desperate to get himself a FWA contract. He’s been trying for what feels like forever. So who knows what he’s willing to do to get one.”
Anzu Kurosawa: "But for now, Vengador has quite the challenge in front of him. That’s a big boy in the ring!”
While we can’t see Vengador’s face, Bobby Joel certainly seems confident as he leads the masked man down to the ring. Vengador removes his cape and hands it off to The Dubb before climbing into the ring.

FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Vengador [w/ ”The Dubb” Bobby Joel] vs. Big Bam Slam.
Singles Match
Match writer: Dubb.

The bell rings as Vengador and Big Bam Slam walk to the center of the ring. The big man begins running his mouth at the masked man, appearing confident in himself and certainly looking to try and make a name for himself tonight.
Rod Sterling: "Vengador is not a small man… in fact, he’s quite a powerful presence in the ring. But Big Bam Slam makes him look like a lightweight in there.”
Vengador remains unphased by Bam’s taunting, and finally it’s Bam who tries to strike first, swinging a right hand at the masked man. But Vengador blocks it and strikes the big man right in the throat with a straight thrust. Bam stumbles backward, clutching his throat before Vengador then spins around and hits a thrust kick to the massive chest of Bam.
Bam falls back into the turnbuckles where Vengador charges in with a running clothesline. He then keeps Bam in the corner and unleashes a flurry of machine gun chops, lighting up his chest with some big red welts. He follows that up by bringing his big boot up to Bam’s throat, choking him right in front of the referee.
Vengador earns a warning from the referee and he breaks it before being disqualified. As Vengador is admonished by the official, Bam comes out of the corner swinging, but again the masked man avoids it. He ducks under and shows off his strength as he lifts the big man OFF HIS FEET… SAMOAN DROP to Big Bam Slam!
The larger man tries to start to get up, but as he’s sitting up, Vengador bounces off the ropes and hits a rolling neck snap to take Bam back down to the mat and then follows it up with a standing moonsault for a pinning attempt!
One! Two! Thre - No! Big Bam Slam kicks out.
Vengador gets back up to his feet as Bam begins to try and pull himself up… BOOT to the midsection…
Can he get the big man off his feet?
Vengador does struggle to get the big man up…
Vengador makes the cover.
One! Two! Three!
Winner: Vengador via pinfall at 02:08.
Vengador sits up, showing little emotion from the win simply lifting up one arm in victory.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here is your winner… Vengador!!"
Rod Sterling: "A dominant and flawless victory by Vengador!”
Anzu Kurosawa: "Certainly impressive! But wait, what’s this jerk doing now?”
While Vengador is getting up to his feet, “The Dubb” Bobby Joel climbs into the ring with a steel chair, handing it to Vengador and pointing to Big Bam Slam on the mat. Vengador simply nods and takes the chair… and as Bam is starting to get up, he drives the chair down across his back!
Bam drops to the mat as the bell continues to ring… Vengador lifts the chair up… and brings it down across Bam’s back again… and again… and again!
Finally, the damage certainly done, Vengador tosses the chair to the mat. Bobby Joel is all smiles as he takes Vengador by the arm and lifts it up while the crowd boos both men.
Rod Sterling: "That was certainly an uncalled for attack… but a statement has been made tonight by Vengador!”

FWA.com exclusive segment from after Carnal Contendership
Following the elimination of FWA Television Champion Kleio de Santos at Carnal Contendership, cameras caught up to the estranged leader of The Coven backstage. Kleio is inconsolable, understandably so, following her elimination that seemed like a usurping of her stature as The Coven leader by the other three in the stable. Blair and Celestia Ravenwood along with Trixie Bordeaux played a role in her elimination.
Kleio is pacing backstage in an empty-yet-public hallway, her fists clenched. Her head is pointed down to the floor, and all the while she is saying the names of the three who teamed up to eliminate her, along with the name of her long-time rival XYZ, who she eliminated early on in the battle royal match. XYZ was not part of eliminating Kleio, yet he still seems to be drawing her ire.
Could it be because she projects the turbulence within The Coven onto him? Or Kleio feels embarrassed by the fact that one of the Ravenwoods approached XYZ about helping overthrow her? Or maybe she simply just dislikes XYZ so much that she scapegoats him for all of her troubles? Regardless, as she continues to say the names of Blair, Celestia, Trixie, and XYZ, she begins saying XYZ twice in every rotation.
Suddenly, her attention is taken to a hidden hallway off to the right side of her eyesight. She looks around the corner and the cameras pick up a whisper.
"Kleio. Here," the voice says.
The cameras follow Kleio, who goes down the hallway toward a black curtain. Whoever is whispering is hidden behind the curtain.
"Keep it closed," the voice whispers. "Peek around. Only you. Don't let the cameras see."
Kleio obliges and peeks around, her eyes growing big. Then she looks back at the camera following her. She holds up her hand to the cameraperson, a signal to not come any closer. The curtain blocks the camera from seeing whoever it is. It's halfway covering the narrow hallway, which means Kleio stands on one side that's visible and the other person stands on the side that's hidden.
"What do YOU want? Why are you here?" Kleio asks. Her fists are again clenched and she's holds a posture seemingly ready to attack. Whoever this person is does not appear to be someone Kleio is fond of.
"I want what you want," the person whispers, barely audible for the camera to pick up from about 15 feet away with only the curtain blocking.
"And that is?"
"I want to ruin XYZ. I want him broken beyond repair."
Kleio smiles as she is now standing to the side of the curtain, which only covers half of the hallway. The person is behind the half covered, only their black shoes visible on the floor.
"And I know how to do it. Come closer"
The exclusive video ends with Kleio stepping closer, her body nearly hidden by the curtain, as their voices lower to an inaudible whisper.

Vengador and Bobby Joel are returning backstage as they bump into Johnny Johnson, preparing for his X Championship match.
Bobby Joel: “Excuse us.”
Johnny Johnson: “Impressive stuff out there fellas, but Out of my way, I gotta match to win.”[/b]
Bobby Joel: “Ah yes, the X Championship Match… good luck out there…”
Johnny Johnson: “Not sure I really need it but…”[/b]
Bobby Joel: “I appreciate the confidence, my boy, I really do. But just know… whoever… and I mean whoever… walks out with that title tonight… just beware… you got yourself a big target on your back… a target that Vengador is coming right for.”
Johnny Johnson shrugs and smirks.
Johnny Johnson: “Ooooh so scarey and spooky. I’m not worried about you… I’m not worried about Trixie and her witches… I’m walking out with that title and whoever wants to take me on after that… bring it on… including you weirdos.”[/b]
Bobby Joel: “Well, in that case… we’ll be seeing you soon then.”
Johnny Johnson shakes his head, walking past Joel and Vengador to head toward the ring.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an X RULES MATCH, scheduled for ONE-FALL, with a sixty-minute time limit, and it is for the FWA X CHAAAAAAAAAMPIONSHIP!!!"
The fine folks of Denver, Colorado doesn’t hold back as ‘The Legend’ walks out from behind the curtain, greeting him with a chorus of boos.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Introducing first, the challenger, fighting out of Phillidelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 230 pounds,... he is ‘The LEGEND’, Johnny JOOOOOOOOOOHNSOOON!!!"
This negative reaction only serves to amuse Johnson as he makes his way towards the ring with a shit-eating smirk plastered on his face.
Rod Sterling: "Johnny Johnson has an air of confidence about him, right now, Anzu. He has an opportunity here tonight to win his first championship title here in the FWA, and also to gain a measure of revenge over the woman that pipped him to that very championship when they fought for it in the finals of the King of the Deathmatch tournament."
Anzu Kurosawa: "Johnny’s never been one to lack in the confidence department, Rod, but, having eliminated Trixie from the Carnal Contendership match a few weeks ago, and given Trixie’s reaction to that, both at ringside and backstage, if I were Johnny, I’d be a little more concerned heading into this one…"
‘The Legend’ climbs through the ropes and enteres the squared-circle and saunters around, taunting the crowd, as he awaits his opponent, the FWA X Champion….
Outisde of the norm for the once lovable Trixie, the fans in attendance greets her with a mixed reaction as she walks out from behind the curtain after her many questionable transgressions at the Carnal Contendership show.
Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And his opponent, fighting out of Baton Rouge Louisiana, weighing in at 127 pounds, she is… the REIGNING, DEFENDING, FWA X CHAMPION… the Queen of the Deathmatch… TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIXIEEEEEE BOOOOOORDEAUX!!!"
With the FWA X Championship wrapped loosely around her slender waist, Trixie makes a b-line for the ring, with her pace growing ever quicker as her blood-thirsty eyes looks to beam a hole through the man that cost her a chance to main event Night Two of Back in Business against Jeremy Best for the World Heavyweight Championsip.
Rod Sterling: "Well, you’re not wrong, Anzu. Trixie doesn’t look to have calmed down in the slightest in the weeks following the Carnal Contendership… there is murderous intent in her eyes as she stares down the man that eliminated her from the CC."
With her ever-quickening pace turning into a full on sprint, Trixie slides into the ring and IMMEDIATELY TACKLES JOHNNY TO THE GROUND! The bell rings as Trixie mounts her opponent and unloads with a vicious series of headbutts!

Trixie Bordeaux vs. Johnny Johnson.
X Rules Match for the FWA X Championship.
Match writer: Welsh.

<< 00:00. >>
Rod Sterling: "And Trixie is absolutely ZERO time here! She’s laying into JJ with some vicious headbutts!"
Trixie connects skull to skull with JJ a few times, driving her head so hard into his that, when Johnson finally manages to throw Trixie off him, Trixie staggers to her feet with blood dripping down her face from a nasty gash in her forehead.
Rod Sterling: "Jesus Christ, Trixie’s already busted open, and JJ hasn’t even landed an offensive move yet!"
As JJ climbs to his feet and stumbles to the corner furthest from his opponent, trying to create some space to regroup, Trixie shakes the self-induced cobwebs loose and eyes him up before charging, and CONNECTING with a Shotgun Dropkick, sending JJ crashing into the corner, before he collapses to the floor.
Rod Sterling: "Trixie’s looking to end this quickly, she’s going topside!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Whistling Trixie INCOMING!"
As Trixie is about to leap backwards off the top turnbuckle, JJ manages to roll out of the ring, before staggering to the barricade. Noticing this, Trixie readjusts her position on the turnbuckle, and BARELY CONNECTS WITH A CROSS BODY TO JJ ON THE OUTSIDE!
Rod Sterling: "Trixie looks to have taken a nasty landing there, Anzu…"
Anzu Kurosawa: "She definitely got more of the barricade than she did her opponent, Ron, but it doesn’t seem to have slowed her down at all!"
As JJ crawls towards the ring, seemingly hoping to get some sort of weapon to turn the tides of what has been a one-sided start to this match, Trixie scrambles to her feet and jumps atop JJ, unloading with a barrage of punches, elbows and slaps! 'the legend' gets his arms up in an attempt to block the oncoming, relentless assault at the hands of the X Champion, and, after managing to block a few and gain some of his barings back, he grabs Trixie by her head and shoves her SKULL FIRST into the side of the ring, causing her head to snap unnaturally !
Rod Sterling: "JESUS CHRIST, the ring structure is made from solid steel, and Trixie’s head just clattered off it like a damn pinball!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "Trixie hasn’t moved, Ron. I think she’s out cold…"
To Anzu’s point, as JJ gets to his knees and looks down at his opponent, Trixie is unresponsive. A shit-eating grin takes hold of Johnny’s face as he savours the moment, slowly rolling Trixie onto her back and leaning atop her nonchalantly in a half-assed pin attempt.
Anzu Kurosawa: "I’m not even sure if that was before or after the 3 count, Ron, but according to the referee, this match ain’t over!"
JJ scowls frustratedly as he stares down at Trixie - whose eyes are glazed over and looks as though she’s in another dimension - before reaching underneath the ring, hoping to find a weapon to use.
<< 06:23. >>
Rod Sterling: "It’s been all JJ for the last few minutes, Anzu. Trixie hasn’t been able to get anything going since her nasty, head-first collision with the side of the ring."
The match cuts to replay of the nasty skull vs. steel collision, before returning to the action at present, where several weapons have been brought into play, presumably at the hands of 'the legend' Johnny Johnson.
Anzu Kurosawa: "Trixie’s tried to claw her way back into this match, but she’s having trouble even staying on her feet right now, let alone getting any effective offense in."
Trixie uses the ropes to climb to her feet, her legs shaky and unsteady as she drags herself up off the canvas. Finally getting up, Trixie groggily turns around, and-STRAIGHT INTO A SICKENING CHAIR SHOT BY JJ! The chair wraps around Trixie’s neck as she collapses once more to the ground, seeming out cold once again. Feeling that the match is done for good this time, JJ removes the chair from around Trixie’s neck and makes the cover, not wasting any time as he hooks the leg…
THREE-NO! Again Trixie kicks out!
Rod Sterling: "How in the hell is Trixie still in this match!? She was OUT COLD!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "It’s like her brain’s been shut down, but her body refuses to die!"
Much like the commentators, and the fans in attendance, JJ can’t believe it. Shaking his head in disbelief as Trixie begins to stir, blood spilling out of her forehead in great quantity now, JJ mounts Trixie and unloads with a series of unanswered punches to Trixie’s head, before dragging her near lifeless body up to her feet and drags her over the chair, looking to plant her with a DDT onto the chair. As JJ places Trixie’s head under his arm, Trixie collapses to her knees, only being held up by JJ’s body. ‘The Legend’ rolls his eyes and goes to lift Trixie back to her feet, when…
JJ clutches his gentleman’s sausage in agony as he drops to his knees, and comes face to face with his glassy-eyed, blood-covered opponent, who, despite still not looking all there, gtares at JJ hatefully, before delivering a vicious HEADBUTT! And another. AND ANOTHER!
Rod Sterling: "Given the amount of damage that Trixie’s head has taken in this match so faar, I don’t think using it as a weapon to bash your opponent’s brains in is a good idea, Anzu."
Anzu Kurosawa: "Maybe not, Rod, but I don’t think Trixie’s brain is working right now. I think she’s just fighting on pure instinct."
Strangely, the more headbutts Trixie lands, the more she seems to come back around. She lands another, and another, and another, and now JJ is busted open too, and Trixie sees it. Having somehow knocked some of her wits back into herself, Trixie sees the gash on JJ’s forehead, and lunges towards him, tackling him to the ground, and BITING HIM, her teeth digging into the gash! JJ screams in agony as Trixie digs her teeth into his skull, trying with everything he has to get her off him. He manages to throw her off, but she seems to have woken up completely, and she scrambles up and dives back atop him, before digging her long nails into his forehead wound!
Anzu Kurosawa: "A brutal display of violence from the X Champion!"
One more, JJ manages to throw Trixie off himself, but this time, he rolls out of the ring to try to create some space. Seeing JJ climb to his feet with his back turned on the outside of the ring, Trixie doesn’t hesitate and dives through the ropes, looking to connect with a suicide dive, but JJ gets out of dodge, and TRIXIE CRASHES HEAD FIRST LIKE A MISSILE INTO THE FRONT OF THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!
Anzu Kurosawa: "I’m looking right into her eyes, Rod… she’s completely out of it."
Desperate to end this match, JJ pulls Trixie from underneath the announce table and rolls her over for the cover. The referee takes an extra second to roll out of the ring before making the count…
Anzu Kurosawa: "And JJ may be thinking that too, he’s in disbelief…"
<< 11:36. >>
Some how, Trixie has once again managed to shake off the cobwebs of what should’ve been a match ending collision, and is now trading punches with ‘The Legend’ in the center of the ring, much to the crowd’s delight. The boo loudly as Johnson lands, and despite her questionable attitude of late, they cheer for Trixie, probably moreso in hatred of JJ than anything else. After quite a lengthy back and forth, where neither competitor wants to take a backwards step, the two eventually grab each other by the scruffs of their necks and just whales everything they have at each other as the crowd goes wild!
Rod Sterling: "They’re just beating the crap out of each other! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!"
A ‘This Is Awesome’ chant breaks out as these two warriors bust each other’s faces in with vicious strikes. Eventually, it is Trixie who begins to stumble, having taken a few too many blows to the head in this match, as JJ backs her into the corner with rights and lefts. He kicks Trixie in the gut, before rushing to the opposite corner with the hopes of charging back at her and connecting with a vicious kick to the head. But, as JJ bounces off the opposite corner and turns around, TRIXIE RUSHES HIM AND CONNECTS WITH ANOTHER SHOTGUN DROPKICK!
Rod Sterling: "JJ’S DOWN, AND TRIXIE’S CLIMBING TO THE TOP ONCE AGAIN! Is she gonna hit it!??"
Rod Sterling: "Trixie’s going for the cover!!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "I don’t think anyone’s ever kicked out of Whistling Trixie! Johnny Johnson proving his championship metal here tonight!"
The commentators aren’t the only ones in disbelief, as Trixie face tells the story of someone in complete disbelief… that was her best shot, and Johnny Johnson kicked out! She scoots back, shaking her head as Johnny Johnson stirs, and uses the ropes to climb back to his feet. Shaking the doubts out of her mind, Trixie’s expression changes from shock to rage as she scrambles back to her feet, looking to go to the well one more time…
Rod Sterling: "SHOTGUN DROPKICK AGAIN! Trixie’s looking for Whistling Trixie number 2… AND SHE GETS IT!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "IT’S GOTTA BE OVER…!"
Trixie goes for the cover, hooking both of Johnny’s legs…
Anzu Kurosawa: "I don’t think anyone’s ever kicked out of Whistling Trixie! Johnny Johnson proving his championship metal here tonight!"
The commentators aren’t the only ones in disbelief, as Trixie face tells the story of someone in complete disbelief… that was her best shot, and Johnny Johnson kicked out! She scoots back, shaking her head as Johnny Johnson stirs, and uses the ropes to climb back to his feet. Shaking the doubts out of her mind, Trixie’s expression changes from shock to rage as she scrambles back to her feet, looking to go to the well one more time…
Rod Sterling: "SHOTGUN DROPKICK AGAIN! Trixie’s looking for Whistling Trixie number 2… AND SHE GETS IT!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "IT’S GOTTA BE OVER…!"
Trixie goes for the cover, hooking both of Johnny’s legs…
Winner: Trixie Bordeaux via pinfall at 15:21.
As Katie-Lynn announces her victorious, Trixie rolls off JJ’s unconscious body and onto her back. Her face is a crimson mask as the referee presents her with her Championship Title, snatching it from him as she struggles up to a seated position and looks down at the man who cost her the Main Event of Back in Business, who begins to stir.
Rod Sterling: "What a match these two absolule savage competitors put on for us to close out what has been a fantastic episode of Meltdown."
Anzu Kurosawa: "Nah, that wasn’t no match, Rod… that was A FIGHT. A brutal, vicious, career-shortening FIGHT, and these two competitors proved tonight that they are some of the toughest in the whole damn world."
As Trixie is helped to her feet by the referee and has her hand raised, Johnny Johnson is coming too as he sits in the corner, staring up at his opponent here tonight, but more importantly, the X Championship that has slipped through his fingers once again… and judging by the look in his eyes as he stares at the champ and her title, Trixie hasn’t seen the last of 'the legend' Johnny Johnson, as the copyright logo signals the end of the show, with Trixie standing tall, as all Queens should.