Who would you most like to meet (can be based on anything)?
- CM Punk cause he's awesome to talk to.
- Snow, Test, and GN because they all live nearby.
- DK James cause he's chill.
-Butters because he lives in Australia.
Who would you most like to talk wrestling with?
Crayo so we could talk about how sexy Ambrose is. Rain, Test, and Stop would make for good wrestling conversers as well.
Who would you most like to have a serious conversation with?
Punk, Rain, CrayJ, Danny, Crayo, and GN.
Whose home town, of those whose home towns are known, would you most like to travel to?
Butters, Stop, Seabs, and Fooqy's.
Who would you most like to get on it with?
Soli, definitly him. Crayo too if we were offered a 3-way with Ambrose.
Related... Who do you think would make the best wingman?
Aids, he could play a good asshole to a chick then I'd come in for the save.
Who would you most like to punch in the face?
I'd say Gohan but he'd no sell and hit me with a summer.