Matt's future...

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With the WWE draft coming up after 'Mania, Matt Hardy could go two directions.
-He may end up staying on SD as a heel, and continuing the feud with Jeff
-He could be drafted to Raw or ECW, and see what's in store for him there.
Now, whether he goes to Raw, or stays on SD, doesn't really make a difference. The onyl difference would be that if he's drafted, his feud with Jeff ends right away instead of going on.
So what I wanna know is, does anyone think he has a future as a heel after the whole feud with Jeff? Which show would serve him better for his future?

IMO, I think if he does have any shot at a push as a heel (or face for that matter), his chances are better on Raw. Sounds strange, eh? My thoughts though, are, that, if he stays on SD with Jeff, he doesn't have much of a window. They may end up making his feud go on to long, until it becomes stale, and once it's over, if either of them gets a main event push whilst both are on the same show, it's almost certain to be Jeff. I highly doubt the WWE would put two Hardy's in the main event on the same show. On Raw, I think he would have the oppurtunity to be top do gin the midcard, and even go into the Main Event as the only Hardy on that show, thus allowing the writers to consider him more...

So what'd ya think? Does he have a future as a heel, and if he has any hope, is he better served on SD or Raw?


New Member
Mar 26, 2009
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Future Endeavors? We can only hope.


Going over Jeff at Mania would obviously do a lot for him. He'd be able to claim he's the better Hardy, gaining heat off that and I'm sure it wouldn't effect Jeff in the least bit.
If the RAW roster does indeed get stacked like rumors say it will I really don't think it'll be the right place for Matt. He's been struggling for years to climb over that mid card hump and getting stuck on a show with the likes of HBK, HHH, Orton and other being his competition would do a lot more harm than good.
Sending Matt over to ECW would obviously once again allow him to have the big fish in a small pond syndrome once again but really wouldn't do much in terms of his development. We've already seen him as ECW champion and I don't think anyone here would say he's now a "main eventer".

I really think his ticket to advancing up the card at this point would be a solid showing a program with a face WHC.
Perhaps if Cena wins the title and comes over to Smackdown a victorious Matt would make a good first challenger. Honestly what would be the worst that could happen? A little trial by fire for Matt could be a good thing.


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Mar 22, 2009
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Matt's Future

Matt's future looks bleak and dark. After this feud, Matt will leave the WWE, retire and fade away into obscurity, leaving Jeff as the LONE and SUPERIOR Hardy.


Jan 1, 2009
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I'd like to see him on w/e show MVP is on so he can at least have anther feud with him while their roles are reversed. Matt was at his best in his career during their last feud IMO.


I agree with whoever said he should stay on Smackdown and be pushed to the main event. I really hope he goes over Jeff at WM because if he loses he will be buried down the card, while if Jeff loses, he won't really go anywhere. It is Matt's time. I agree that he could feud with Cena over the title as his first challenger, even just for 1 PPV, just to test him out. A reverse roles feud with MVP could also be good, but fighting over the US title isn't where Matt needs to be. Possibly a feud with Christian over the MITB briefcase. That would be sweet.

Moonlight Drive

TNA all the way :y:

If not, stay on Smackdown so the WWE can edit his matches and promos.


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Mar 22, 2009
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I agree with whoever said he should stay on Smackdown and be pushed to the main event. I really hope he goes over Jeff at WM because if he loses he will be buried down the card, while if Jeff loses, he won't really go anywhere. It is Matt's time. I agree that he could feud with Cena over the title as his first challenger, even just for 1 PPV, just to test him out. A reverse roles feud with MVP could also be good, but fighting over the US title isn't where Matt needs to be. Possibly a feud with Christian over the MITB briefcase. That would be sweet.

Matt WILL LOSE at WM and will get continually buried by Jeff in the angle, leading to Matt's premature departure and retirement from the WWE. Matt will go down while Jeff will rise up.


Jan 1, 2009
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I can't really see matt gettin burried that bad. I think if the feud continues for a few months the results will be fairly even. WWE would be pretty stupid to do that to Matt when most fans will be lookin forward to seein the hardy's team up again sooner or later when this is all over.


^^^Someone suggested them team as heels at some point.... I think that would be sweet at some point (especially if WWE finish the repair job they've started on the tag division), so yeah, I think it'd be a real waste for WWE to let Matt go (again).

With more specific regard to Mike's orignal post, I think you have a good point in as much as they should have the Hardy/Hardy fued and then seperate them cos them fueding for two long and continuing to buck heads will eventually suck their characters dry...

Then eventually you can have Jeff turn up, supposedly 'for the save', while Matt's heel-ing; beating down on a babyface, only for us to see Jeff help Matt, giving birth to the first heel run for the Hardy's in, what, 10, 11 years....

I'd prefer Mattt to stay on SD, so unless WWE have SERIOUS title intentions for Jeff (who I don't see ever being a mid-to-long-term world champ) I guess HE should return to Raw and be a sometime ME-er (a bit like Jericho in the later years of his first WWE run).
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
I think Matt is more skilled in-ring, but that's about where it stops with Matt. It's sad that Jeff has passed him on the mic, and that he has almost zero connection with the fans, face or heel. He's attacking the most over face in the company (he NEVER gets the Cena boos) who happens to be his brother and he is still only gettin mild heat at best. I feel sorry for the guy since he has given so much to the company, had real life dirty laundry aired and used as a slap to the face, never tested positive for anything or suspended and seldom rewarded for all his hard work and usual consistency in the ring. But when you look at the reason for having a job in the E, which is having a connection with the fans and moving merchandise, the name Hardy is what keeps Matt employed.

But to answer the question, I don't really think there is anything you can do to get Matt more over in any direction. He's kind of in the same boat as Shelton in the respect that he is highly talented but no one cares and he is similar to Christian as the WWE seems to think there is no money to really be made off of either and their tag partners are very bankable. After he's done with this angle, he'll re-assume his position in the mid-card wherever he lands and that will be it. He'll NEVER sniff the main event outside matches with Jeff. Welcome to Peeptown, Matt. Population: You and Christian.


The Hardy/Hardy feud should last another month or two. With both about split. Matt does have a future as a heel imo. But he is better fitted for Smackdown. Send Jeff to Raw or preferably ECW and be a mid card/occasional main eventer and feud with Swagger on ECW or someone like Punk on Raw. Hardy should stay on Smackdown and feud with either HHH after his program with RKO is over or Cena and the WHC if he is sent to Smackdown. Just to see how Hardy would do as the heel in a high profile program, I always thought that he could be good as a heel, possibly rehash his old feuds with someone like MVP or possibly Christian?

I think a Christian/Hardy feud could be great, Christian and Hardy have really both grown since the "TLC era" of 2001. Both on the mic and in the ring and think that possibly tying in those matches and Christian's TNA run into the feud. Christian was always the heel and Hardy the superface. Now with the roles reversed, with the exception of Christian not being a superface could be interesting.


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Mar 28, 2008
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You know, I've got this funny feeling that Matt may go over at 'Mania. They're pushing Jeff in squash matches and Matt just scraped past R-Truth. Could be a shock in the making? Jeff getting overzealous missing a high-risk move and bam! 1-2-3 and Matt wins. Jeff will probs win the feud when it concludes in a couple of months, maybe in another gimmick match at Extreme Rules?


Yeah, I could see Matt getting over at Mania. I think that this feud will last until the draft and possibly a short amount of time after.