I'm just using Daniels as an example because he's apparently a "TNA Original who deserves a push to the top over the new guys" I could compare the fanbase that Matt has to 75% of the guys out there and he would still have a bigger one and still get a bigger pop. And like CE said, Matt was starting to build a really good character around this time last year but he got hurt once again and lost all that momentum and now since he's been back he hasn't been given another chance. Now he seems to have stopped trying as hard as he was he's gaining weight,hes capable of doing much better in the ring , and he ditched the new look. I don't think its his age as much as its him being fed up with the way he's being used these days. My whole point was to support him going to TNA, he will be slowly erased from any spot on TV at this rate in the WWE due to all the new guys taking over and I just feel TNA will show him with at least the respect he deserves.
That bit a made bold. That right there is the total opposite Matt said he would be when he got back to the ring after his stomach op.
I'm sure he gave some sort of HHH type statement on twitter
I will come back fitter, stronger, better than i have been. I'm going to work my arse of to come back in the best shape i can be or words to that effect when Ive had this op (talking about his stomach op).
Maybe if he had done what he said he was going to do be fitter, be stronger be in the best shape of his life, Instead of coming back fat, unfit, and looking in the worst he has been for ages.
Then maybe he might of been given another chance you said he had not been given. Don't get me wrong i dont hate Matt i just think some ppl overrate him. And at this moment in time he is outta shape out of date and just plodding along.
And he wouldn't be all that in TNA either he would end up in a tag team with Jeff until that got old and stale then Jeff would go off Main Eventing and Matt would be left mid carding again. So no different than what he is doing now TBH. Oh apart from the pay cheques so he is better of doing fuck all on WWE for more money than doing fuck all for TNA for less money.