I do understand Matt believing he and Jeff can still offer something more than a nostalgic pop before jobbing to...
*spins wheel*
... The Righteous again, but both guys are visibly past their shelf life. Even looking aside Jeff's noted issues, it put it politely, they're best suited to doing Trios stuff with Isaiah, and I feel like they've only stuck with Isaiah for so long so when Marc Quen comes back - fun fact dude got injured over a year ago and hasn't been seen since - they can put over Private Party real good and put a bow on that storyline.
By all means he should offer as much creative input as he likes, so long as the base of it isn't some fashion of 'Get The Hardys on TV.' He clearly has a creative mind, for better or for worse, and there's a good number of younger talent who can benefit from his input and directions. So offer some suggestions for storylines and characters for Lowercard Wrestler A vs Lowercard Wrestler B, if you want to tick that 'artistic integrity' box, I guess, and help some of the struggling guys get over in a way that isn't limited to 'Attach Matt Hardy & Co To Them' otherwise we'll end up with the Hardy Family Office thing again.