I think your gonna love our match at the PPV Bonez. ^_^.
Either way, here's MY personal breakdown as to why I put certain people in certain places.
Jobbers are generally unpopular members of the forum. Guys who are considered less intelligent when compared to more quality posters, guys who tend to spam a lot, freak out over stupid shit a lot. Otherwise people who claim to be something they are not, claim they don't give a shit when they obviously care a lot. Generally, guys who are not doing anything to help IWF's image, therefore they are jobbed out to be "put in their place" from a kayfabe standpoint. As there isn't a person on the IWF "Roster" right now who wouldn't want to kick someone like say, Blazes teeth in.
Mid Carders are generally members who are just there. They haven't done necessarily anything amazing, but they arn't really a detriment to the forum either. They are active when they need to be, contribute when they need to, but otherwise arn't exactly to be considered movers & shakers of the forum as a whole. Sometimes even, people who are just above jobber status are considered a mid carder simply because they can construct semi intelligent posts from time to time. Otherwise, the top tier mid carders will possibly someday get a push up to Upper Midcard status after improving.
Upper Mid Carders are those who are right on the cusp of main event level talent. They either at one point were Legendary status, are legendary status, or have been staff or members of the forum for a long time. The only thing keeping them largely from being main eventers would be a significant decrease in activity over time, or something holding them back as in stunted popularity or recently having a falling out with the forum in general. Otherwise they are still recognized as valued members of the IWF roster should be respected as such.
Main Eventers are the most active guys on the forum. The guys who have made the most impact, done the most to enhance the forums experience with their unique and differing opinions that don't just follow the mold. *honestly I only put myself on here because I'm the IWF Champion in this BTB so it wouldn't make any sense for me to be anything less, although I don't nearly consider myself this top tier. Although some people may say otherwise*. In other words, quality posting > quantity of posting, but still having enough respectable quantity to be considered a major part of the forum. Thus, they are the elite, and deserve to be fighting for the elite prize in the business.