Kayfabe Master Interviews: S2 Episode 1.5 (Catching Fire)

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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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The camera starts up as The Reagmaster is already inside the fight club just getting ready, making sure he is looking smart enough by wiping some dust off of his suit and straightening his tie, before turning his attention to the cameraman, standing by with no emotion on his face at all.

Reagmaster: Okay...so you're ready?

Dumb Cameraman: Yes.

Reagmaster: Is "yes" the only word you can say?

Dumb Cameraman:

Reagmaster: Uhh...anyways, ladies and gentlemen, my name is the amazing Reagmaster! It is and will always be The Reagmaster. Now tonight we have the biggest guest that we have ever had on this show. I mean, he's been all over the world, he's been in countless promotions and places for that matter of fact. He is the most high-flying, electrifying, trail blazing and truly amazing wrestler to be seen in wrestling today and he's the manager of Anarchy Inc., Reagan Cole! Oh and the Survival Champion of the world, Will freaking Neilson. So, how are you guys?

Reagan: Now that kind of introduction makes me glad that I paid for your interview set, and your bodyguard slash cameraman.

Reagmaster: Wait, he's a bodyguard? ...is that why he has a face of a serial killer?

Reagan: Pretty much. He once threw a guy into a car, If I'm correct.

Will: I have to admit that was quite funny, it's not everyday you see something like that happen...actually I take that back considering he nearly hit my car...if he did I would have...

The camerman gives Neilson the death stare, causing Will to stop talking and sending chills down his spine and The Reagmaster to slightly move away from the cameraman as he asks the next question.

The Reagmaster: So...you guys have been busy, haven't ya? Neilson, since last time we spoke, You have not only cashed in your Money in the Bank to gain the World Heavyweight Championship, but you have also became the first-ever Survival Champion! So, with those accomplishments in mind, how has it been for you over the past couple of months?

Will: It's been great, going from winning that world title to exposing Rhys Haze, and winning the Survival Championship! Oh, did I mention Rhys Haze is a big ol' twat? He thinks that just because he endured 40 minutes with Joseph Diamond, that he's all big and that he thinks he can get onto my level...that just doesn't happen with someone like him. I won last week, it wasn't a draw, I pinned him! Who cares if my shoulders were also down? A man gets tired from wrestling 15 minutes for Christ's sake. I face this new kid on the block...Gabriel...Kirkshaw, ah, that's the name! I haven't seen him in action...all I know is that i'm obviously going to wi--

Just as the champion is about to finish his statement, everyone in the room pauses for a moment as footsteps can be heard. The cameraman turns nearly 180 degrees and, with a gym bag slung over his shoulder and his hands in his pockets, the aforementioned Gabriel Kirkshaw, the rookie from Star Valley, Arizona, could be seen walking into the gym. Kirkshaw clearly notices the interview going on, with everyone on-site and a camera crew all set up, and he takes his hands out of his pockets, walking with a slightly overconfident swagger over towards the site of the interview.

Will Neilson looks at Kirkshaw with a grin on his face, clearly recognising him as his opponent for this week, Neilson extends his hand and Kirkshaw goes to shake it but Neilson flicks his hair back instead, a sign of disrespect to the rookie. Yet strangely enough, it causes Neilson to grin.

Kirkshaw: So this is the great Will Neilson; Money in the Bank winner, former World Heavyweight Champion, and Survival Championship holder. Oh yes, I've heard many things about you, Will. And you obviously know my name and...seemingly nothing else about me...excellent. Then when we go at it, you along with the rest of the world will get to learn about me firsthand.

Reagan interjects as Gabriel's smirk remains on his face

Reagan: Sorry to interrupt but I must ask, how did you get in? There's a body guard right infront of the door who should have alerted me when someone came to the door.

Kirkshaw: Oh, I broke in.

Reagan: You did what?! Are you being serious right now? I could call the police right now If I wanted to--!

Kirkshaw, hearing this, broke the stare with Neilson and took a few steps to his right, staring right into Reagan's eyes.

Kirkshaw: Mind your place, Cole. Remember, you came to me, NOT the other way around.

Then Kirkshaw refocused his attention to Neilson, smiling cockily as Reagan's eyes are peircing through Kirkshaw at this point.

Kirkshaw: There's not much you need to know for now. You'll learn everything you need to know this week. See you soon, champ.

Will raises his championship up high before holding it in Kirkshaw's face, as if showing him the belt that he wouldn't allow him to hold. He laughs heartily, before slinging the title over his shoulder. Kirkshaw turns back to Reagan and handed him a £50 bill, murmuring the following words...

Kirkshaw: Give this to the guard and tell him to pick out something nice for himself. Lord knows, he's earned it.

Reagan reluctantly takes the £50 with a serious look as The Reagmaster looks very uncomfortable for the second interview in a row.

Reagan: Matt is very well paid, thank you very much but donations to the club are always welcome. Now if you don't mind get out.

Kirkshaw smiles as he stares straight at the British Apprentice

Kirkshaw: Gladly.

Kirkshaw exits the scene as Reagan sighs as he realises The Reagmaster is still there and he glances over to the interviewer who is just trying to ignore the interruption by checking his phone but senses Reagan staring at him so Reagmaster looks up at Reagan Cole who looks slightly pissed off that Gabriel interrupted the interview.

Reagan: Listen, Master. We might have to re-schedule this interview if you don't min-

Reagmaster: Wait but we have questions about Apol-

Reagan: And those will be answered in due time, he is not getting away with that assault that he performed on us. I can fully guarantee that my friend. But for now, I have some new stuff that I have to figure out before we continue this interview.

Reagan looks at Neilson who is just staring at the what we can presume is the distant Kirkshaw as the camera fades to black
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