Mass Effect 2

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Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Here are a few new features we'll see in Mass Effect 2, I apologize in advance if a thread like this has been posted already:

General Improvements
  • Camera positioning for conversations with NPCs will no longer remain static; the camera will now move for dramatic effect
  • During conversations there will be context-sensitive controls; Shepard will now be able to interrupt and interact
  • The world will also be more open-ended; uncharted worlds the player could only explore for "cheap thrills" will now be more detailed and have more to explore

Combat Improvements
  • Interface overhaul
  • Improved combat A.I.
  • Heavy weapons
  • Realistic damage modeling
  • Regenerating health as primary health mechanic; no more medi-gel
  • Over 200 cover animations (the original Mass Effect had 20)
  • Nineteen different weapon types and classifications; for example the pistol has been broken up into the "heavy pistol" and "machine pistol" classifications
  • Characters are now able to use any weapon their class is trained for at full effect, meaning the player is no longer required to or able to invest in weapon skills
  • Armor skills have also been removed, and there are no longer class restrictions on armor
  • Weapons no longer overheat; instead weapons now use "heat sinks," which is a form of universal ammunition
  • Grenades have been removed and replaced with heavy weapons; grenade launchers a possibility

  • The M35 Mako will be replaced with a new vehicle
  • The Normandy will return, only to be replaced by the Normandy SR-2

Saved Games
  • Decisions made by the player in the first game will continue to have influences on their character in the sequel
  • Each completed game will be viewable by the player when deciding which save to import into Mass Effect 2, and a summary of some of the key decisions made during the game will be shown to help you make sure you import the save you want
  • Players who have not played the first Mass Effect will start a new character in Mass Effect 2, and will be brought up to speed on the story elements that have taken place thus far in the series
  • Characters from the previous game will come back, provided that they were not killed
  • When transferring a file from the first Mass Effect, players have the option to change their class to a different one

The plot itself will also undergo a dramatic change; focusing on a general threat rather than a single foe and his army of goons, à la the original Mass Effect. This time around Shepard will be pitted against an unknown race of alien beings, dubbed "The Collectors," who abduct entire human colonies. The following a direct quotation from a Mass Effect 2 Wikipedia project and it provides some added detail:

I'm assuming Mass Effect: Redemption is a novel written within Mass Effect's universe. I've heard that Mass Effect has more than a handful of books out there, all of them canon, just in case a few of you nerds out there wanted to get a little more out of your Mass Effect experience.

Regarding the game's conclusion, if any of you were worried about whether or not you can continue your Mass Effect 2 game past the Mass Effect 2 ending, the ending itself may actually depend on the choices you make during the game. That's right, whether Commander Shepard dies or not at the end of Mass Effect 2 is all up to you the player, er-I mean, Commander Shepard. BioWare Executive Producer Casey Hudson explained that "If you do die in the ending of Mass Effect 2, it will not come as a surprise, nor will it be random. It will be pretty obvious that you headed into the final mission knowing that Shepard probably wouldn’t make it out alive." Hudson also confirmed that team members would be affected by the player's decisions during the final mission, "You might have an ending where Shepard’s entire team survives, or where the entire mission is a bloodbath and everyone (including Shepard) is killed, or anything in between."

Whatever the case, and whatever you choices, Mass Effect 2 is going to blow some minds in a few days, and I for one can't wait. :D

If anyone plans on getting this game in a few days or just has something they'd like to add to the thread, don't hesitate to share (NO SPOILERS, PLEASE).

Moonlight Drive

Has anyone got this yet? I'm replaying Mass Effect one atm and was wondering if this was worth getting.

This Guy

15 mins till official release in North America....unfortunatly no one is doing a midnight launch around here....and I won't be able to play mine till I get home from work tomorrow and I'm closing. :( booo

Moonlight Drive

For some reason I thought it was released on the 24th lol.

I'm playing through with a lot of different choices this time than I did on my first playthrough, so that I'll have to two different Shepards I can import if I do buy it.

This Guy

^^I read somewhere you can only import once, but I don't think thats true. I'm pretty sure if you start a new game you can import a different save file.

Moonlight Drive

Hopefully that's not true, as I was looking forward to seeing how the story would unfold if you imported characters with opposite decisions.

This Guy

yeah I can't see it being true because with the many unique endings they have to let you be able to go back and do it again.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
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no you can import many times but i think it only gets like 8 profiles so if you have 9 it wont show the last one to even pick. I'm getting mine in the mail since i wanted the CS edition and gamestop was no longer taking preorders. I only have 3 profiles on 1 so im good :)

Can't wait but its good since once i get this game i wont do anything else. so during the day got some writing to finish for efed and i can play the AC 2 DLC.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
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15 hours in and still havent switched discs which means im still in the beginning of the game lol, but I have tried to do everything i can before main quest. done ever side mission and a crap load of stuff on omega. I love this game

Moonlight Drive

Is that fucking Mako still there?

I'm on Artemis Tau on ME1 right now and I swear to God I'm not going to buy Mass Effect 2 if I have to try that fucking thing one more time.