The only response I've seen online so far is "why does anyone care about this it must bc she's a woman" but I've yet to see anyone actually feel that way
Its gonna be like black panther/wonder woman, it'll be super overhyped at first bc of demographics and that's gonna make people give it more hate than it deserves so the only opinions you're gonna be allowed to have is greatest movie ever or terrible feminist garbage.
It's probably gonna be fine plus it's got young Coulson and Nick Fury so I'm fucking with it regardless
Absolutely. I think Bree Larson and having both Sam Jackson and bringing the hugely underrated Agent Coulson back(not to mention Jude Law) are going to make this a good film. It looks good so far.
BUT, it’ll be hugely overhyped, and the freaking promos for this are already showing the lean towards female empowerment with the “her” turning into “a HERo” and stuff like that.
It’ll be touted as “changing the industry” just like Black Panther and WW were when they were just good additions to the genre.
Heck Black Panther gets more love than it deserves because it made so much money, while people forget that it basically had a month or so of absolutely NO competition. If Infinity War has been released in mid February it would have not only surpassed BP, it might have had a chance at Avatar.