well xtreme. im wasn't stoned at all when i made that. and no im not self centered, but there r quite a few ppl who smoke on here, and there were no threads on any of this stuff. and you must not have ever smoked becuz no matter how high i am or have been, i alwasy knwo what im doing, and typing for example. chuck, you have a goo dpoint, they're easy to make out of everyday house hold items. but they're much worse for your health if you smoke out of a plastic bong made out of a bottle cap with tin foil around it. because you also inhale fumes from w/e is melting. so glass pieces are much better for no tonly your health, but they're better for smoking too, because you taset only the weed, not w/e the bowl is made of. i still cnt find my camera, so mine aren't posted yet. everybody quit ****ign flaming me.
^^ no, its becuz of what i just typed, dumb f*ck.