I'm Brandon! Im 20 years old, married and have a beautiful daughter. My favorite superstar is Dean Ambrose. He has the potential to be a top heel for WWE in the coming years (maybe even months). I started watching wrestling when the Attitude Era was coming to an end. My favorite match of all time Stone Cold vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 19. I found the site by searching WWE forums in Google lol. I will be very active here because no one I'm friends with watches wrestling and I need people to talk to about it and vent to when things happen that piss me off (like DB joining the Wyatt's, even though WWE fixed that tonight.) Anyways, if you want you can follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/tooforwon and subscribe to my YouTube www.youtube.com/tooforwon I will be uploading WWE 2K14 videos such as PPV sims and Dream Matches (First one will be DB vs Bret Hart!) Besides my shameless plug, Im glad to have found a place to talk about wrestling!