LogicalWMD....I'm calling you out son.

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Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Mass
What the fuck where does the whole factor of him being drugs come in? Seems like your running out of big words and smart ass remarks that you had to resort to saying he was on drugs.


Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Mass
I once did crack I had sexual intercorse with 5 woman and I never even knew until someone told me.... true story :)


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
CM54: Bipolar Addict. Close to Checkmate

One post and you declare yourself the winner?

In typical chicken shit fashion you deliver your one blow and run away.

Just like your hero, Rick Flair, you are past your prime. You are irrelevent, as dead as the latin you keep quoting.

Somewhere, Someday you will be sitting back reading your philosophy books, reciting big words and thinking..."This philosophical prose will show those members of the IWF." And just when you least expect it, the Chain Gang will bust through your door and deliver the FU to end all FU's. As your lying on the ground, wondering what just happened, wondering if its all over, you will realize that you are locked in the most brutal submission hold in all of sports entertainment.

Now just like HBK at wrestlemania and HHH before him...Tap out before its too late.

Word Life!

Someday, in some ramshackle hovel on whose mortgage you're in default, while you're injecting what you now merely smoke, marking out for the latest kids' cartoon hero, cowering in endless humiliation from the exposure dealt you by LWMD that revealed you as a emotional cripple and mania driven invalid on a fool's errand to slay what your totured imagination deceived you to think was St. George's dragon, you' ll fall through your rotted wood floor and strike your empty head on the cement basement and the rest of you will be dead, joining your brain.


What your Rap/drugged/bipolar mind doesn't know, you call dead. But my powers of expression can't be summarily eulogized. I simply know more, have more, enjoy more, perceive more, and am more than you. And I don't need articial agents or endogenous states of elevation to rise to the occasion. My grandfather was a general and an author from whom I've inherited warrior blood , my father was a seaman and author and I'm in a notable field and also an author and can put 1 and 1 together on scant information. That's why I can take early retirement pursue my first loves, learning and writing

Eat that and poeticize, you addict and bipolar bitch


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
An Objective, Fair Referee

LWMD 1 - CenaMark54 0

Good Call. But I'd say that was a knockout, not a round scored by points. Notice he's been quiet since I figured him out and diagnosed him? What was he thinking? Hell, he's been scarce for hours now. I guess the drugs ran out.


Wrestling Station

^^dude he's just offline thats all.
I dunno why my radar is not working these days to notice you all newbies here?


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
At least a knockdown

^^dude he's just offline thats all.
I dunno why my radar is not working these days to notice you all newbies here?

What did I say about him having a bandwagon? Quit making excuses for guy who calls himself the champ. I'm reading neurobiology and still manage to do this. And he went quiet right after my post that pierced his veil of intoxocation, hours back. Remember the ostrich with its head in the sand? I've scored at least a knock down, and his sycophants can't do his fighting for him.



Friends? Do you think I developed this kind of self confidence from rejection? You see, kid, things are often not as they appear. And if you care about what others think of you or call you, you'll constantly be trying to adjust you behaviour, your "cognitive furniture", or your values to external pressures.

I've always done pretty much what I've wanted to all my life and had people telling me I'd get it in the end, or I wind up on my butt. Well, I've had some knocks, but I've never taken the easy way. And I don't like anything that's easy --easy things don't keep my attention. I aimed for the impossible and reached high. And I don't want a lot of "Joe Blow" friends. I seek out exceptional people and make a point to befriend them.

If you content yourself with hanging and cheering each other on with imagined ideas that I'm a loser and that makes your day, you are easy to satisfy. If CenaMark54 were so cool, he'd have confronted me earlier or engaged me before children like you provided me, my kids and others watching this stuff on my screen with cheap entertainment.

CenaMark54 is on drugs, that's what's brought out this sudden burst of courage like a bolt from the blue. I have to catch a cab, so you all join hands and form a ring and Cena can be piggie in the middle pending my return from my Foreign Policy debate group, which I chair. Then I'm seeing my philosopher goddess, and when she passes out, I'll log in and kick that druggie CenaMark54, if HE'S not passed out.

Druggie? A Chain Gang member? Never. The truth is loyal chain gang soldiers do more than hang out online all night waiting for you respond.

I'm sorry but a philosophy poser like you is not worth my undivided attention.

Chain Gang soldiers do many things besides go on the internet, we eat, work out, sleep, work steady jobs.

We work hard to make a living. We don't live the big city life, living off daddy's trust fund like you are doing.

Are you sippin champagain and eating cavier? I bet you are.

Screw that. the chain gang drinks schlitz beer and eats steak. We are middle class working men, not some high class low life who is chair of the romantic poetry debate squad.

Word Life!


Friends? Do you think I developed this kind of self confidence from rejection? You see, kid, things are often not as they appear. And if you care about what others think of you or call you, you'll constantly be trying to adjust you behaviour, your "cognitive furniture", or your values to external pressures.

I've always done pretty much what I've wanted to all my life and had people telling me I'd get it in the end, or I wind up on my butt. Well, I've had some knocks, but I've never taken the easy way. And I don't like anything that's easy --easy things don't keep my attention. I aimed for the impossible and reached high. And I don't want a lot of "Joe Blow" friends. I seek out exceptional people and make a point to befriend them.

If you content yourself with hanging and cheering each other on with imagined ideas that I'm a loser and that makes your day, you are easy to satisfy. If CenaMark54 were so cool, he'd have confronted me earlier or engaged me before children like you provided me, my kids and others watching this stuff on my screen with cheap entertainment.

CenaMark54 is on drugs, that's what's brought out this sudden burst of courage like a bolt from the blue. I have to catch a cab, so you all join hands and form a ring and Cena can be piggie in the middle pending my return from my Foreign Policy debate group, which I chair. Then I'm seeing my philosopher goddess, and when she passes out, I'll log in and kick that druggie CenaMark54, if HE'S not passed out.

if u don't have any friends, just say so. And who gives a damn that you chair some fucking debate group


Someday, in some ramshackle hovel on whose mortgage you're in default, while you're injecting what you now merely smoke, marking out for the latest kids' cartoon hero, cowering in endless humiliation from the exposure dealt you by LWMD that revealed you as a emotional cripple and mania driven invalid on a fool's errand to slay what your totured imagination deceived you to think was St. George's dragon, you' ll fall through your rotted wood floor and strike your empty head on the cement basement and the rest of you will be dead, joining your brain.


What your Rap/drugged/bipolar mind doesn't know, you call dead. But my powers of expression can't be summarily eulogized. I simply know more, have more, enjoy more, perceive more, and am more than you. And I don't need articial agents or endogenous states of elevation to rise to the occasion. My grandfather was a general and an author from whom I've inherited warrior blood , my father was a seaman and author and I'm in a notable field and also an author and can put 1 and 1 together on scant information. That's why I can take early retirement pursue my first loves, learning and writing

Eat that and poeticize, you addict and bipolar bitch

who's doing the cheap name calling now?


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score

Druggie? A Chain Gang member? Never. The truth is loyal chain gang soldiers do more than hang out online all night waiting for you respond.

I'm sorry but a philosophy poser like you is not worth my undivided attention.

Chain Gang soldiers do many things besides go on the internet, we eat, work out, sleep, work steady jobs.

We work hard to make a living. We don't live the big city life, living off daddy's trust fund like you are doing.

Are you sippin champagain and eating cavier? I bet you are.

Screw that. the chain gang drinks schlitz beer and eats steak. We are middle class working men, not some high class low life who is chair of the romantic poetry debate squad.

Word Life!

Philosophy poseur? BA. Magna Cum Laude, LLB, MA

Now you've gone incoherent. You're admitting what my high-powered, unsullied perspicacity pinpointed just from gathering scant evidence. You're an emotionally disordered druggie who drew artificial bravado and went feetfirst into my jaws, retreated, got more drugged and now you're trying to slough it all off like you're above it all.

You want to try to paint me as gentrified and unworldly? Have you worked on a construction site, multi-stories high? How about setting chokers in a logging operation? Driven taxi from 4 pm to 6 am meeting every member of the demographic? Ever instigated and broken up a loggers' bunk house brawl. Put out a fire? Broken up a mismatched fight. Worked for and donated to charities. Helped down-and-outs get on medical disability. Told Hell's Angels where to get off and been attack, remained standing, and seen their own blood flowing from their punctured hands? I used to have a gang of vigilantes who'd stand up for vulnerable minorities and beat up jerk rednecks like you. I've stood up for weaklings since I was in high school.

I don't drink champagne. I don't drink at all. When I did drink I ordered Double Jacks on Ice or straight up. 8 of them every night and beat the breathalyzer. My daddy raised me well and I got an advanced education, made a hefty income which I invested well. You don't know my age, but I was able to take a fairly early retirement, an with advances on my writings and fees from shorter ones, plus a large inheritance from a childless uncle, I now do what I like. You can do your grunt work, if you work at all. I'm a professional academic and author and fall under the class of what's known as the illuminatti. And I spread my wealth.

I'v e travelled most of the world, have friends of every stripe, all geniuses and live in a mansion on the waterfront with my 2 almost grown kids. What are your accomplishments you pathetic, confused, sick druggie who idolizes a comedian thug? Read comic books? Do coloring books? Play video games? Hit on chicks and get rejected?

I've just creamed you. You're timorously playing defence.

This is overkill. Is this the best this place has got? I thought a wrestling forum would be full of wrestling savants, and I finds Ninja thugs like you. Go bury you beak in the sand and pretend you're an action hero. At least you can pretend yourself a drug induced life. I've already had many lives and longevity runs in my genes. You want to claim some virtue as being something like what's called "the salt of the earth". Weall, you just seem like earth, especially when it's wet: MUD!

This had been VERY ONE SIDED and I don't respect you as a worthy opponenjt or an adult. This is too easy beating on a drunk who's mentally disordered and it weighs on my conscience. But in a few days to see if you've improved. GAME! SET! MATCH!