- Hardy/Storm vs. Bad Influence was solid tag team action, Kaz still bumps like a boss, and Daniels is a boss. Fingers crossed for a title change next week!
- Kenny King/Christian York I liked more than tag match, these guys (especially KK) improved a lots since joining the roster, and with this being the unoffical #1 contenders match, I hope one of them (KK I guess) takes the title of off Bob ASAP.
- Velvet Sky/Gail Kim was pretty good if you ask me. Gail carried Sky, of course, but that don't matter if it was good stuff and storytelling, and this was one. Good job girls.
- Gutcheck I liked less than months before, as I feel the judges should've just simply said if they are giving the contract to Bradley or Cage, not eliminate Cage, and then deciding the fate of Bradley. Still, hell yeah, welcome Jay Bradley!
- Hogan & Sting segment was fine, Hogan sold well and kept me interested, and Sting is Sting, he's always been a great talker.
- Aries and Roode shoot down both TNA and the Tag champs, well done guys. Great segment that even a horrible Chavo didn't ruin!
- The wedding was decent, and the swerve.... Well, nobody saw it CUMMING, alright? I was shocked, I know that. How TAZMANIA will work out for TNA & Aces? I don't know, I'll let the time decide. IMO, it'll be good for the group as long as they find him a good, badass role; and the announce desk, because Taz (hopefully) WAS the horrible fucking commentator.
Strong show. 8/10