Danielson said:See guys, GrammarNazi put it into perspective. Take notesI'm sure they are better but he helped pull in another fan (me)
deth said:lol fucker
Danielson said:Matches on a televised show that go over 15 min? What is this? My eyes are burning lol
GrammarNazi82 said:Such an ass. :testify:
Now I'm curious.
GrammarNazi82 said:Exactly. Hardy is great for pulling in fans, then as you start watching and learning more about the other wrestlers and seeing their in-ring action and personas, you really start developing an appreciation for them. Hardy pulls you in, then it spreads from there. lol
I've always liked Samoa Joe. Now I'm a huge mark for Aries, Bully, Daniels and Roode, as well. But I wouldn't know about their talents as much if it hadn't been for Hardy.
(ETA: Oh, and I still love checking out his facepaint every week. That appeals to me. lol)
Senhor Perfect said:1: nice isn't it?
Aids Johnson said:It still feels just as good in your butt, i promise.
Aids Johnson said:You have a video game avatar of Easy E for your Avatar. :maybe:
Danielson said:Matches on a televised show that go over 15 min? What is this? My eyes are burning lol
Danielson said:Matches on a televised show that go over 15 min? What is this? My eyes are burning lol
Aids Johnson said:Dont forget to give me credit every time someone asks why you got into impact. :boss1:
Senhor Perfect said:Another note Danny: Storm and Roode were in a tag team together called Beer Money, one of the best tag teams of the 2000s. So they have a lost of history.