Judgment day mysterios bore me.
Tag tourney match. Feel it's gotta be Asuka Alexa.
Dana get face surgery?
Doudrop flailing her head around made me miscount. I've never understood asukas fake thong on her ring gear. As predicted Alexa and Asuka. Bianca showing up unnecessary. Iyo sky and Dakota not being on the opposite side of the bracket confuses me.
Ziggler theory feud still going figured it'd die. Theorys words gotta sting a bit.
Does anyone want them to do the spoof trailers like last time wrestlemania was in Hollywood?
I wish Drew felt like a viable threat. I hope he gets another title run at some point in his career. Unfortunately I could see him never holding it again. The roster is going to be getting stacked. KO being let off his leash. Finally. Did he just declare he's not a nugget? Damn these two are entertaining.
I Could see a storyline where it's owens, McIntyre, Kross, Rhodes, wyatt, Roman Ala wrestlemania 2000 they all team up against roman and then brawl. It'd be a true who will win and a Roman match hasn't felt like that in awhile. Ugh saving that legit finish for another day.
Riddles angry face

. Uhoh someone forgot their phone on the announce table. I'd mark for a face to politely hand an announcer their phone or drink.
Corey Graves voice over does not work for me on this us title package. Predict miz or ciampa cause dq.
Is Chris sabin still alive? Wasn't he supposed to be a huge star? I haven't watched impact in years. Still there? Bobby's yellow pedestal should be more gold. Bet mvp is disappointed he got stuck with omos I assume it's less pay for ppv? Good match.
Wait Dolph in the main event? Time to make theory look like a champ. Well I guess making yourself look like a has been can make the other look like a champ? Oh finally offense. Ugh finish. Whose story is this if it's dolphs the loss makes sense he'll win the next two matches. If it's theory not much reason to continue with Dolph