Ultimate X: Not good by Ultimate X standards, but Austin Aries got the first 17 MINUTES of the show. A+++ Segment!
Don't really like how Hogan talks up the babyfaces, not really sure why. It seemed like the X-Division Title, Sabin, and Ion got buried unnecessarily here, but it did a damn good job of putting over The Greatest Man that Ever Lived.
Joseph Park and Bully Ray backstage: There's no point in even writing anything. Awesome stuff between these two. Again.
TV Title Match: Hernandez seems to be in better shape, but one thing I love about TNA is that you don't see the same guys compete every week, therefore guys feel less stale in TNA than the guys you see wrestle twice a week in WWE. Sheamful and Devon are talented, but they couldn't be any more stale right now. I'd love to see the TV Title get switched over to someone else (not Garett) pretty soon.
BFG Series Royal Rumble: Loved the way they did this, it was a nice way to build anticipation for the BFG Series instead of just throw the guys out there (take a hint, WWE with MITB coming up). There's a load of talent in there this year (and Robbie E), and the match was a lot of fun. Abyss's involvement, Daniels outsmarting AJ, Angle's selling, Samoa Joe looking good... Oh, and POPE! Can probably pick some nits with this (Where's Crimson?), but w/e. BFG Series seems really predictable this year, but it'll be a lot of fun nonetheless.
Tessmacher vs Madison was short enough to not drag, but long enough for me to finish.
Even liked the Brooke Hogan stuff, nice way to keep Gail out of next week, but not looking forward to next week. #BringBackWinter
Main Event... I wasn't really looking forward to this one (Anderson's in-ring work is lackluster) but it far surpassed my expectations (It wasn't lackluster tonight). Never really thought Roode would lose the title, but the match was good and Roode made up for that Slammiversary bullshit.
Sting: I didn't watch this. TNA being TNA.
8/10. Nothing really massive happened, but I didn't see many problems with what we got.