Honestly, I wouldn't mind any of these guys winning.
All-Stars MITB:
CM Punk is my favourite and is just awesome, so obviously I'd like him to win.
Rob Van Dam is only on a part-time contract, so although I doubt he's going to win MITB, they did have The Rock as WWE Champion, so it is a possibility.
Daniel Bryan is my prediction to win. I don't think Bryan has really been given a world championship run that he deserves yet. His WHC reign was good but was ultimately forshadowed in a dreaded 18 second match. (Although, it did get Bryan massively over.)
I think Kane also deserves to win. He's been in the company for a long, long time yet he's never won the rumble, never main evented 'Mania, and many think the majority of his career was really just forshadowed by his storyline brother, Undertaker. It'd be nice to see ane get a good WWE title run.
I like Sheamus. I know some of you will dissagree with me, but I like his goofy, tough guy character. He's far too loveable (no homo) to hate, and it's just cool to support him at WWE events.
Don't get me wrong, I want Randy Orton to turn heel. However, I like his character, and after 2 years, it kinda feels about the right time to put a title around his waist again.
Christian definately deserves to win this match. He's been here for 17 years (minus his time in TNA) and all that's under his name is a 5 day WHC reign, and a 1 month WHC reign in which he won via DQ and lost on his first defence. He deserves to win MITB, and he deserves a good, length WWE title reign.
World Heavyweight Championship MITB:
Dean Ambrose is my personal favourite, and the smark community's favourite to win. Dean is a great pro wrestler, and, after not being here that long, has impressed me a lot more than some superstars have impressed me in years. It'd be cool to see The Shield stalking the champion, as we wait and guess whether he's gonna cash in or not
I've always liked Fan ... Dan ... Gooo, so I wouldn't mind if he won.
Antonio Cesaro is another that definately deserves to win. He's has a lengthy US title reign, however most of that reign wasn't very memorable, and he spent half the time jobbing to top stars. It ended at a low point, too. He didn't appear at WM, and then he lost it to Kofi. So yeah, I'd like him to win and I'd enjoy his run.
Swagger's won this match once before, and, although there are some others I'd prefer to win, I'd like him to win, too. I've always liked Swagger, he's a good wrestler, with bad mic skills. Now that he has Zeb, he could do great things, if they let him, that is. I wanted Swagger to win at WM, but then he was caught with the DUI and everything else, he was obviously not going to win after that.
I'm a bit biased, as I am from England, but I genuinely believe it's well overdue that Barrett wins the world title. He was going to win the MITB at WM28, but then he got injured. He came back, and, to my surrise, wonthe IC title. Although I was happy he was holding a title, I thought he was beyond the minor titles at this point.
Damien Sandow, in my opinion, is one of the most entertaining people in the company. I love his promos, his intellectual language, and his wrestling. I'd like him to win a title.
I think Cody Rhodes is another with a World title run that's well overdue. I thought he was going to be pushed in the WHC picture after he lost the IC title, bu t then he won it again, lost it at the next PPV, and it kinda went dcownhill from there. Another guy I really want to win this.