Size: 128x128
Carolina Blue and Black Border, Rep will be guaranteed
Size: 128x128
Carolina Blue and Black Border, Rep will be guaranteed
1) you weren't active here for a while. i thought you's my GIF thread..
Footage wanted:
The first bit with the camera lens and the close up of Hayley would be especially good.
Size: Max possible
Border: Black border of 1 or 2 pixels if poss
Anything else: Nope.
Video you want gif from (post link):
Want a border: Yes a one pixel Black Border
Size In Dimensions (IE: 150 x150): 110 by 110.
Anything else:Nope I think thats all.
rell's one is made but low quality. the first 12 seconds of this video, if possible
Size...I don't know. Not very big, about the average size of a gif lol
example -![]()