Legacy Pro Wrestling

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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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This is going to be a BTB set in an alternate universe, so be prepared for some wacky rosters. I gave myself the rule to only use retired/semi-retired, alive Wrestlers (I do have an idea for deceased Workers, but that's for later) for this and I basically use a cut-off date for eligibility. If a wrestler didn't have a match in 6 months in the real world, they are free agents for me and they only get written out of shows, if they start to have more matches again. (So if someone has 2-3 matches over 2-3 months, after I started using them, I'll probably not gonna get rid of them.)


Legacy Pro Wrestling is the result of the merger of Legacy Championship Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Rebellion. Think LCW as WWE and PWR as a mixture of ECW and WCW. While LCW (owned by Eric Bischoff) had the long history and became THE big dog in the business a long time ago, PWR (which was known as American Wrestling Outlaws until they started to get real momentum; owned by Paul Heyman) was the first company that was able to creep up on LCW in things like TV ratings and PPV buys, thanks to some deep pockets from a big TV Network tycoon. After some years of getting closer and closer, PWR finally took over for quite some time, but it didn't actually hurt LCW that much. Quite the contrary actually, because both companies profited from that all out war and Wrestling itself went up, up and up for a couple of years. Then the problems started to form. The business couldn't keep the momentum going and especially the two big companies had to suffer because of the rapid decline in numbers, that started to happening. For the bigger part of two years, bad decisions and bad management in both companies were the reason for them opening up talks about a merger. That merger happened in the Fall of 2017. For two full months both companies went through a whole lot of re-branding and neither promotion put a single show on the TV screens, but they officially started the streaming service Legacy Wrestling Network. LPW Turmoil (with General Manager Eric Bischoff) is now, what once was LCW and LPW Rebellion (no GM/Commissioner named yet; Heyman took over a higher Management job within LPW) is now, what once was PWR. The first show that airs, is LPW Turmoil #1, on Monday, January 1st, 2018 and both brands kept a lot of stuff secret, including full rosters. Only a few Workers are, as of the start of 2018, known to be back under contract for one of the two shows, after all contracts got terminated because of the merger last year.

(There is obviously a lot of backstory involved, when it comes to past storylines, title lineages and all of that. I will throw a lot of that into the shows, but I'm going to try and not throw too much historical exposition into your faces. Maybe at some point I'll write out a much more detailed backstory for each promotion, but we'll see.)

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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I put them into spoilers, since a whole lot will be revealed within the first couple of shows, so you can decide yourself, if you want to wait for the sweet show reveals, or see some names beforehand.






??? (??? & ??? w/Theodore Long)
Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray w/Jacqueline)
NWO (Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle & Scott Hall)
Rotunda & Hennig (Bo Rotunda & Joe Hennig)
The Varsity Villains (Alex Riley, Kenn Doane & Ted DiBiase Jr.)

Christy Hemme (Interviewer)
Eric Bischoff (General Manager)
Jacqueline (Manager of Harlem Heat)
Jim Ross (Commentator)
Jonathan Coachman (Color-Commentator)
Theodore Long (Manager of ???)







(Bradshaw & Faarooq)
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley)

Josh Mathews (Interviewer)
Paul Heyman (Executive Producer & Head of Creative)
Tazz (Color-Commentator)
The Big Show (Commissioner)
Tony Schiavone (Commentator)

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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Placeholder #2 (Show archive + other stuff)

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Monday, January 1st 2018 @ the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York
Commentary: Jim Ross & Jonathan Coachman

After a short intro video we are in the packed Nassau Coliseum where the audience goes wild, until "I‘m Back" starts playing. The positive mood from the fans turns into loud boos and heat, while Eric Bischoff enters the Arena. With his distinctive smirky smile on his face, he welcomes back the fans in the arena and at home. „I can‘t tell each and every single one of you, how much I missed this energy over the last two months.“ He gets some applause for that, but also a small „Asshole“ chant breaks out. „I know, I know. I have made mistakes and I deserve every single point of your criticism. As an apology, I want to give you guys, our loyal fans, a guarantee. I, Eric Bischoff, guarantee to do everything in my power, to give you all the god damn best entertainment with LPW Turmoil, you can get. Also, I guarantee, to bring this newly fused together promotion back to the point, where my baby, LCW, once were.“ That earns Bischoff far more positive feedback from the audience. „In three weeks time, on January 20th, we are going to have the very first MSG Main Event show under the new LPW banner and for that very special occasion, I wanted to do something special and since all titles are still vacated due to the fusion back in the fall last year, we are going to crown a new World Heavyweight Champion in Madison Square Garden.“ He explains, that he picked eight Wrestlers, that will compete over the next two weeks for a spot in the semi final of that tournament at the MSG, but he won‘t spoil the surprise with naming names. So the fans have to stay tuned to see, who the participants will be. Bischoff ends his segment with the announcement, that the very first Title Tournament Quarter Final match will start right now.

Before we start that match though, JR and Coach welcome the fans in front of their screens. Both are happy to be back on TV, but neither one of them is sure about Eric Bischoffs demeanor.
JR: „I never heard Bischoff admitting that he made mistakes. Maybe the disaster, that was the whole last year, finally got to him.
Coach: „Yeah, I have no clue where that is coming from and I‘m not sure, if I like it. I hope Eric didn‘t go soft.
Ross and Coach then speculate over the participants of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament and while Coach says, that he thinks he knows at least half of them, due to him supposedly having a good source, JR just says, that because of the contractual situations over the last couple of months, anyone could show up.

„The Chosen One“ plays and out walks Jeff Jarrett with his short blond hair, the sun glasses on his nose, his guitar in one hand and a microphone in the other. On his way to the ring Jeff tells the fans, that last year was supposed to be his year, but because of mismanagement and backstage politicking, the „Chosen One“ was hindered from getting to the spot, where he belongs, the absolute top of the pile. „This year nothing will stop the rise of me, the Chosen One, to...
Suddenly, „Snow-Man“ starts playing and Al Snow enters the stage. He also has a microphone with him and halfway down the ramp, he directs some words towards Jeff. „You wanna talk about getting hindered? What do you know about being hindered to climb to the top? For a freakin‘ decade… A DECADE… I was held back by the voices. I was held back by a mannequin head, that whispered thoughts into my mind and when I finally broke free last year...“ Snow, now being on the apron, snaps his finger towards Jarrett. „...my momentum was stopped. I waited a very looong time to finally be free and then...“ He enters the Ring through the ropes, walks up to Jeff and again snaps his fingers right in front of Jeff‘s face. „…I was STOPPED. So let me ask you again, what do you know about being held back?“ Jarrett waits a moment, before lifting his microphone to his mouth and it looks like he wants to answer, but instead he floors Snow with a cheap shot and the bell gets rung.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Al Snow
Jarrett tells Snow that that‘s what he gets for interrupting the Chosen One, before trying to pin him, but Al kicks out immediately. The first minutes of the match belong to Jeff, who utilizes the cheap shot from earlier to keep Snow down. Everytime Jeff attempts a pin, Al kicks out early and Jarrett complains to the Referee about the counting speed. After a failed attack in the corner, Snow starts his comeback. The fast paced offense of him leads to Jeff fleeing to the outside, but Snow follows him and can continue to inflict pain around the ring. Jarrett finds a way out, with a thumb to the eye though. He sends Snow into the Ring post and follows that up with a quick Double Underhook Facebuster, before he returns into the Ring. Barely, within the very last possible moment, Al can break the ten count.
Jarrett isn‘t happy about that, so he picks Snow up and wants to show The Stroke, but Al can counter and brings Jeff to the mat with a Side Suplex. Both take there time to catch a breath and when they simultaneous get back to their feet, a short exchange of punches follows. It looks like Jeff is able to win this, but Snow ducks under the supposedly finishing blow and floors double J with a Spinning Heel Kick. Afterwards Snow starts to slowly climb to the top of the turnbuckle. A Moonsault is planned, but it took too long. Jarrett is able to get to Snow and Powerbomb him into a pin from the ropes. He immediately puts his feet on the ropes for extra leverage and one, two, three.

by pinfall: Jeff Jarrett

Jeff rolls out of the ring and celebrates his sketchy victory with saying into the camera, that „I told you this is going to be the Chosen One‘s year“, while Al Snow seems not to realise, what exactly has happened just now.

JR: „I guess not a lot has changed about how Jeff Jarrett tries to get ahead.
Coach: „I don‘t know what you mean, JR. I saw a stellar, clean victory for a worthy Champion. You better jump on the double J train, before it‘s too late.
JR: „I‘d rather jump in front of it, if I‘m honest.

We go to Eric Bischoff, who is on the phone in his office. He is in the middle of a conversation, when he turns around and stops in the sentence. „I‘ll have to call you back.“ Eric hangs up and Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Kurt Angle, the NWO, walk up to his desk. Bischoffs sighs and asks, what the three want. Angle opens with „E! Easy E! Old buddy… why the hell, do we even have to qualify for Title Matches? Hall never lost his World Title. Nash and me never lost our Tag Titles. Now, since we are back in business, you know the only right thing to do is to give us back, what rightfully belongs to us, the New World Order.“ Hall agrees with Angle and wants to say something, but Bischoff stands up and cuts him off. „What makes you guys think, that you, Hall, are even in the World Title Tournament, or that you two are at the top of the list for the vacant Tag titles? Over the last three years, since I first let me talk into aligning myself with you, this company went into a direction, I have never thought it would go and that is downwards. I almost lost MY company completely. I had to negotiate with these freakin‘ Rebellion guys, to keep this ship running at all and that is partly because of you three. You three should be thankful for me not firing your asses two months ago, when I probably should‘ve had.“ Hall, Nash and Angle start walking around the desk to intimidate Bischoff, but he continues. „You guys want „your“ titles back? I tell you what. Why don‘t you go out there and finally proof to me, to the fans and to all the boys in the locker room, that you three are still what you guys want to make us believe, that you are. You want to be the big, bad New World Order? You want to be the big dogs, the guys on top, the guys with the biggest cohones around? Prove it. Go out there to the ring and effin‘ prove it. Prove that you three aren‘t washed up has-beens yet. Then… and only then, we can talk about Title matches. Now get out of my office.“ The three NWO guys keep Bischoff in there sight, until Hall throws his hands up in a kinda sarcastically surrendering motion. „A‘ight, you got it, E.“ Then, slowly, the NWO leaves the office and Bischoff shakes his head, takes a deep breath and sits back down.

JR: „That should confirm it. Bischoff finally woke up and is back on the right track.
Coach: „What are you talking about, JR? This is horrible. You don‘t talk like that to the NWO. They are an institution and they are right! They should get back their titles!
JR: „I don‘t know why you are even on their side. Do you already forgot the time, when they put you through this announce table?
Coach: „Why can‘t you let that one go? Everyone knows that was just a misunderstanding.
JR: „Yeah, right.

„It‘s A New Day“ starts playing and the audience pops, because that means Bo Rotunda & Joe Hennig are up next. The two second and third generation Wrestlers come out and are pumped up to finally be back on air. They pose on the stage, before they start making their way down the ring, while high fiveing some of the fans. Their opponents come out to a version of „Pomp and Circumstance“, which prompts waves of boos from the fans in the arena.

Coach: „Aw yeah, guess who‘s baaaack! The Varsity Villains are back in action for the first time since 2016. I‘m so glad we‘ll see those losers Rotunda and Hennig getting their rear ends kicked in a minute.
JR: „Those „losers“ as you call them, have Wrestling in their blood and they were one of the few more exciting things of the last year. Also… who‘s that along Doane and Riley? TedDiBiase Jr.? What does he have to do with them?
Coach: „Looks like the Villains became even better. DiBiase is a perfect addition!

Rotunda & Hennig vs. The Varsity Villains (Ken Doane & Alex Riley (w/ Ted DiBiase Jr.))
DiBiase Jr., wearing a nice suit, settles besides the ring, while the other four exchange some trash talk. The match starts with Bo and Riley, who lock up and it doesn‘t take long for Bo to push Alex in the corner. There is a fair release after the referee breaks the two up, but Alex tries to get a cheap shot in, which doesn‘t work. Instead he finds himself in the corner a second later and Rotunda drills his shoulder into Riley‘s mid-section. Rotunda sends Riley towards the other corner and tries to attack him there, but Alex gets the boot up and brings Rotunda down with a clothesline. Over the next couple of minutes it goes back and forth. First the Varsity Villains have the match in their hands, with Riley and Doane tagging in and out while wearing Rotunda out. The first hot tag with Hennig gets prevented by the Referee, after he got distracted by DiBiase Jr. in the deciding moment.
Bo has to endure a bit more punishment, until he can down Riley and the legal Doane with a double Clothesline. Another hot tag try works out and Hennig runs wild for some moments, including Rolling Neck Snaps for both of the Villains. He then shows the Perfect-Plex, but the pin gets disrupted by Riley in the very last second. That brings Bo back into the action, who starts brawling with Riley in one of the corners. The referee tries to break the two up, while Hennig is about to hit another Perfect-Plex. Suddenly he gets hit by a low blow from DiBiase Jr., who just slid into the ring. Kenny now has the opening he needed and he plants Hennig to the ground with a quick Pumphandle Slam. Rotunda and Riley, while still brawling, fall out of the ring and so the referee is there for Doane‘s pin try, after his Doane-Nation from the second turnbuckle and one, two, three.

by pinfall: The Varsity Villains

The three Varsity Villains laugh and celebrate their victory together with Jonathan Coachman afterwards, who congratulates them extensively, much to the disapproval of Jim Ross.

Backstage we see Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Kurt Angle who are about to leave the Arena with their bags and stuff. They talk and laugh and seem to be pretty chill, despite what we saw happening earlier with them and Bischoff. Angle and Hall are entering a Limousine, when Christy Hemme approaches them for a short interview, regarding what Eric Bischoff told them earlier, but Kevin Nash cuts her off. „Bischoff will see what happens next.“ With that said, Nash also enters the Limousine, which drives off immediately, leaving Christy behind.

At a different spot backstage Tyson Dux is walking down a hallway, while he finishes taping his wrists. He also pumps himself up and tries to focus, until he stops in his track when he sees someone. The camera pans to the side and Finlay walks up to Tyson with a big grin on his face. „Well, if it isn‘t Tyson Dux... Last time I saw you, you were pickin‘ up yer teeth after I kicked them out.“ He laughs and adds „Glad to see you‘re back, kid. I can‘t wait to repeat, what I did to you last summer.“ Tyson finishes his tape, shakes his head and with a disapproving smile on his face, he tells Finlay that he didn‘t forget what happened back in August. „Believe me, Dave, I am not the same man, that I was months ago. I was arrogant, cocky and thought nothing would be standing in my way. That attitude has changed over the time I was on the shelf. This is the first chapter in the Tyson Dux redemption story and I couldn‘t be happier about Bischoff granting me my wish to have you as my first opponent, you tough son of a bitch.“ Dux steps up to Finlay for an intense staredown and after a couple of seconds, he walks off. Finlay looks after him, then smiles and nods. „That‘s what I wanted to hear, kid.

JR: „It was one of the most decisive, gruesome beatings I have ever seen, when Finlay and Tyson Dux stepped into the ring for a Belfast Street Fight at last year‘s Heat Wave PPV. Even though the upcoming match is just a… normal… one on one bout, this could get ugly.
Coach: „For once you are right, JR. I can‘t believe Tyson came back and is dumb enough to again pick a fight with the Belfast Bruiser. We better call the nearest hospital, so they can get a bed ready.

And with that Tyson Dux comes out to his new entrance theme „Knuckle Up“ and makes his way to the ring with a very determined look on his face. It doesn‘t take long until Finlay enters the Arena as well, Shillelagh as always in his hand.

Tyson Dux vs. Finlay
Right from the get go it‘s a rough and tough bout. The initial lock up ends pretty much after two seconds with them rather start beating the living hell out of each other. Hard Chops and stiff European Uppercuts get traded, until Finlay ends this with a crushing Lariat. He picks Tyson back up and shoves him into a corner, just to deliver some Knee Strikes to the mid-section of Dux and two more, very stiff looking Uppercuts. Finlay then gets surprised by Dux, who springs out of the corner with a Clothesline, bringing both to the ground. The camera zooms in on Tyson face, who started bleeding from his nose. When the Canadian notices that, he pounds the mat in rage and follows Finlay, who just rolled out of the ring. There, Finlay goes for another Lariat, but Tyson avoids the attack and drills Finlays back into the ring post. Afterwards the Irishman gets whipped into the ring stairs, which he hits with the legs and flies over them. Back in the ring, after Dux picked Finlay up and put him back in there, the Canadian goes for a throw, but Finlay surprises him with a quickly performed Fujiwara Armbar.
Tyson tries immediately to get to the ropes, but he is placed right in the middle of the ring and Finlay has the hold locked in tightly. After a while and a lot of moving, Dux reaches the ropes and the Irishman reluctantly releases Tyson, when the Referee already counted to three. Finlay comes back to his feet first, pulls Dux up and tries again to go for the Armbar, but this time Tyson counters, takes two steps back and puts the Irishman to the ground with a nasty Chop Block. Finlay cries out in pain and holds his knee after this move and Tyson realises the chance he just got. For the next couple of minutes he works over the knee and leg and is then about to put Finlay in a Texas Cloverleaf, but the Irishman reacts fast and escapes promptly into the ropes. After that missed opportunity Tyson picks Finlay up, who out of nowhere puts Tyson into a Crossface. Even though the hold also strains his own hurt leg, Finlay can put enough force in it, that Dux slowly starts fainting, after he fought for half a minute. Just before Tyson is completely out, he can find his very last reserves and thanks to Finlays bad leg, the Irishman can‘t hold it anymore and loses the grip. Both need a short moment to catch a breath and when they get back to their feet they again trade some slow, but still hard looking, European Uppercuts. Finlay wins this exchange, when he lands three Uppercuts in a row and Tyson falls into a corner, but when the Irishman grabs him there, Dux shoves Finlay away and kicks his bad leg. The Irishman drops instantly to the ground, holding his knee and Tyson sees the chance. He pulls Finlay into the middle of the ring and locks in the Texas Cloverleaf. Finlay screams in pain and tries to find an escape, but the ropes are far, far away. He raises his hand and is about to tap, but he‘s fighting it. One more time Finlay tries to crawl towards the ropes, but Tyson immediately repositions him and that is the last straw. Finlay slowly taps out.

by submission: Tyson Dux

Coach: „Holy… What a match! I would have never bet on Tyson Dux coming out of this alive. I‘m actually impressed.
JR: „I can‘t believe he made Finlay tap out. What a victory and what a first step on his exclaimed redemption arc. I‘m wondering, what we‘ll see next from Dux.

After posing in the corner for the victory, Tyson watches how Finlay struggles to get back to his feet. Dux walks over to him and offers him a hand and at first, Finlay doesn‘t seem interest in the help. After the Canadian says something though, Finlay grabs the extended hand and Tyson pulls him onto his feet. The Irishman has some words for Tyson, slaps him on the shoulder and nods, seemingly in approval.

We are back in Bischoff‘s office, where we see Jacqueline seems to have a heated argument with Eric. She tells him that her „boys deserve to get a shot at the Tag Team titles. You know what happened at Heat Wave last year. Those damn cowards Nash and Angle took the easy way out, when they were supposed to fight my boys. T and Ray were on fire and you know… YOU FREAKIN‘ KNOW... that they deserve an actual title shot without any bullshit attached. You know that.“ Before Bischoff can answer, Theodore Long approaches the two. Jacqueline is upset about the interruption, but Long has onlay a short, probably not actually meant, apology left for her. „Mister Bischoff, I want to give you the opportunity to receive a new, exciting team for LPW Turmoil‘s Tag Team division. These two clients I represent are the most powerful, dominant force in Tag Team wrestling today. Promotions all over the world approached them to get their signatures on contracts, when their contractual obligations in Japan ran out, but I was able to secure representing managerial rights from them and that means that you, Mister Bischoff, are lucky. I, Theodore Long, can guarantee, that if you sign these two for LPW Turmoil and immediately give them the opportunity to become the new LPW Tag Team Champions, they will not only dominate the Tag Team division, but also elevate it to a whole new level.“ Jacqueline is still pissed about Long being there and she starts to verbally tear him a new one, but Eric cuts her off fast. „Alright, alright, alright. You two had your speaking time. … Now, Jacqueline. Yes. Yes, you are right. Your boys deserve another, fair opportunity for the Tag Team titles and I am going to give them exactly that. And you, Mister Long, normally I wouldn‘t do this, but since I have a hunch, who these two guys are, that you are talking about, I agree. They could be a huge addition to our roster. So here‘s what we do.“ He stands up from his chair, starts to lean on his desk and looks at Jacqueline. „Booker T and Stevie Ray will be in action next week. If they win their match, they will be part of a Tag Team Title match at the MSG Main Event. In two weeks your guys...“ Bischoff looks at Theodore „...Mister Long, will have their debut match in a LPW ring and if they win, they will face Harlem Heat at the MSG Main Event for the LPW Tag Team titles. If either team loses their match in the coming weeks, the other team will get the Title handed to them at the PPV. If both team lose… well, you both better make sure that won‘t happen. And now get out of my office.“ Long thanks Bischoff, while Jacqueline looks like she would love to give Theodore a beating.

Back in the Arena, the light goes out and shortly after an intro of a theme starts playing. When „Also Sprach Zarathustra“ really hits for the first time, a spotlight jumps on and it is pointed at the muscle flexing Rob Conway, who poses on the stage and bathes in the heat that comes from the fans. He slowly makes his way to the ring, while the spotlight keeps being on him and when he arrives in the ring, he gets a microphone. „It‘s been way too long, since the GIFT of the Wrestling GODS had been bestowed on you, the simple folk, but the wait is finally over. The Conman is back to make the ladies faint and the gentlemen rage in jealousy, because this…“ Conway presents himself with a motion of his hands „…is what they wanna be, but never will become.“ He laughs and can‘t stop himself from flexing and posing for a bit. „The Conman does not care for his opponent tonight, whoever it will be, because in the end eeeeveryone knows, that there is only one body on this planet, on which the World Heavyweight Title would look right.“ He again laughs, but then „I Walk Alone“ starts pumping through the Arena and the audience goes nuts, while Conway looks like he has just seen a ghost.

Coach: „Oh...my...lord. Can it be? Is he really here?
And the fans explode a second time when Batista actually walks into the Arena.
JR: „He is! He is actually here! After 4 long years, the Animal is back from Hollywood!

Batista goes through his usual routine, like he hadn‘t missed a beat and when he arrives in the ring, we can see Conway arguing with the Referee. That doesn‘t help though, since shortly after Batista shaking the ropes, the bell is about to ring.

Rob Conway vs. Batista
The Animal instantly goes for Conway, who can save himself through the ropes. On the outside, Rob stalls and still argues with the Official, while Batista angrily paces around in the ring. When Rob steps up the stairs, he order the Ref to get Batista on some distance, before re-entering the Ring. Batista again goes quickly for Conway, who again flees to the outside, where he taunts some booing fans. After a while of more stalling by Rob and pacing by Batista, Conway jumps onto the apron which makes the Animal go for him. Rob grabs Batista‘s head though and jumps down to the floor, inflicting some pain to his opponent‘s throat. Quickly, Rob slides into the ring to continue his offense, but Batista kills him with a hard Lariat. Batista then sends Conway into a corner, where he thrusts his shoulder multiple times into Rob‘s mid-section. The pace is kept high, as the Animal plants Conway with his Spinebuster and he already signals for the finish. He wants to show the Batista Bomb and… hits it without a hitch. Pin attempt and one, two, three.

by pinfall: Batista

After the Official raised Batista‘s arm, he leaves the ring and walks up the ramp, when a „You still got it“ chant breaks out. Then suddenly we hear a loud „If ya smeeeeeell, what the Rock is cooking“ and just like when Batista came out, the fans go crazy. Batista can‘t stop himself from having a slight smirk on his face, which vanishes quick when The Rock actually comes out. There is a short staredown between the two, when Batista reaches the stage, but after four, five seconds, he turns away and continues to leave the Arena. The Rock on the other hand makes his way to the ring, where he poses in all four corners under the deafening cheers from the fans. After getting a microphone and stalling for a couple of moments, he let them have it.

FINALLY… The Rock has come BACK… home.“ Rocky shortly goes over what happened over the last 2 years. He talks about his departure from LCW back then, the movies he shot and that with the news of the merger of LCW and the PWR into LPW, that itch to stand once again in a Wrestling ring, started getting to him. The Rock then explains that that was the reason, why he decided to come back. To be once again, like so many times before, a part of history, but not only that. He also wants to be once again the one who writes history. „And that is why The Rock decided to lay down an open challenge. An electrifying open challenge. The most electrifying open challenge in ALL of entertainment. January 20th, Madison Square Garden. Who wants to write history with The Rock? Who is going to step up and face the Jabroni-beatin‘, pie-eatin‘, hell-raisin‘, trailblaizin‘, People‘s Champ? Who wants to go one on one with the Great One? Whoever it might be, keep the following in mind. When The Rock comes to New York City to once again electrify the millions (*fans* "...AND MILLIONS...") of The Rock‘s fans, the Brahma Bull will be ready to lay the smack down and kick some roody-poo candy ass and regardless of whether you are a former World Champion or a young Jabroni who wants to make a name for himself or maybe even a monkey‘s uncle. You better be ready to bring it, because The Rock is. IF YA SMEEEEEELLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK...is cookin‘.“ The audience goes nuts, Rocky‘s music hits and with The Rock posing in a ring corner, the show fades to black.
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Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018
Rumors About Turmoil Roster Additions

During the first LPW Turmoil show we saw two matches in a World Heavyweight Title tournament and
obviously the rumors about the last four participants, that will be in two matches next Monday, are
running wild. With the comeback of Batista and The Rock, a lot of names were thrown into the hat of
possible additions to the roster of Turmoil. Same goes for the possible opponent of The Rock for the
MSG Main Event, because everyone knows an open challenge is always a great opportunity to have a
big surprise. One of the names, that being yelled out probably the most, is Bret Hart. The Excellence of
Execution left the company three years ago, because of ongoing problems with the management, but
he always said, he could see himself come back for another run.
Bischoff himself took to social media and let the fans know, that even though he's not going to blatantly
name names, he guarantees a couple of more surprises are on their way to LPW Turmoil. He also stated
that the "other guys" over at Rebellion can still learn a thing or two from him and that Paul shouldn't feel
bad about his "baby" never gonna get the momentum going, that Turmoil has, just from one single show.
Shortly after these comments, Paul Heyman answered with a tweet, saying "Rebellion just signed
someone you desperately wanted for Turmoil, Mister Bischoff, so let's just say... we'll see, Easy E."

First Rebellion Show Preview
According to some Wrestling sites, the first show of LPW Rebellion on Friday may feature, besides
the reveal of the new Commissioner of the show, at least one Title match. Just like with Turmoil, all
Rebellion Titles are officially vacant at the moment, but Paul Heyman seems to be adamant about
changing that for at least one, if not two Titles within the first two shows and with Turmoil waiting
on handing out Titles, it is very likely that these rumors are true.
Other than that, two matches were announced on the official LPW Rebellion Twitter account for the
Show in Philadelphia. First, the APA will face the Dudleys in a Tag Team Match and then X-Pac, Billy
Kidman and Paul London are going to search for a winner in a Triple Threat Match.

PPV Schedule News
Legacy Pro Wrestling announced on their webstie, directly after Turmoil, that Rebellion will hold their first
PPV under the LPW banner two weeks after the MSG Main Event and it will be called Raising Hell.
Furthermore, LPW also announced that in March Turmoil will be presenting their Amped PPV and then,
in April, Rebellion will be putting on Last Man Standing, which was normally always held in December.

Another Promotion Joining The Network?
So far the LPW Network, that officially started at the beginning of December, got a satisfying amount of
users in its first month, according to a LPW press release. One Executive was quoted with "Since Turmoil
and Rebellion only now starting up again, we are sure that the Network will receive another push of
customers over the next 2-3 months." in said press release.
That draw attention to old plans of Legacy Championship Wrestling from the beginning of 2017, when it
was pretty much an open secret, that LCW and GLORY Wrestling, the biggest Women's Wrestling promotion
of the US independent scene, were in talks about joining forces. Back then nothing came of it, but both
promotions kept the door open for further negotiations. With the LPW Network now in place and a steady
climb of fan interest in Women's Wrestling, fans wonder if LPW will approach GLORY sometime soon.
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Friday, January 5th 2018 @ the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tony Schiavone & Tazz

The show starts with a short Rebellion intro that shows some big moments of the past and when we are in the Liacouras Center, Paul Heyman, Executive Producer and Head of Creative for Rebellion, already stands in the ring, with a microphone in his hand and a big smile on his face. The loyal Rebellion fans chant everything, from „Thank you, Heyman“ to „P-Dub-R, P-Dub-R“, referencing the former PWR name of the promotion and Paul let them have their moment, obviously enjoying it himself. „For those few, who doesn‘t know it by now. My name is Paul Heyman.“ A big pop erupts in the Arena. „I am the founder and mastermind behind the rise of Pro Wrestling Rebellion and now I am the executive Producer and Head of Creative for this show. MY show. LPW Rebellion.“ Paul can‘t keep himself from laughing, when another wave of chants start making their round. He then continues to talk about the history of PWR and he thanks everyone who has ever stepped into a PWR ring, as well as the Rebellion fans. Heyman then announces that the rumors are true. The LPW Rebellion Title will find a new owner next Friday. „You may be wondering now how we‘ll decide who‘s going to be a part of that title decision. Well, let me introduce to you the man, who has the answer. The new LPW Rebellion Commissioner!
Paul points at the entrance and after a couple of seconds „Well it‘s a Big Show“ can be heard playing and Big Show, wearing a suit, comes out of the backstage area. He‘s pumped up, happy and high fives a lot of fans on his way to the ring, where he shakes Heyman‘s hand. Show thanks Paul for the opportunity to be a part of the rise of Rebellion, before starting to explain that next week, there‘ll be a 10-Men Over the Top Rope Battle Royal to find the new LPW Rebellion Champion and that the ten participants will be determined by drawing numbered balls out of a raffle drum during this and next week‘s show. The guys who draw the numbers one to ten will be fighting for the LPW Rebellion Title. „I know it might not going to be the most popular decision...“ Show continues „...but all the guys in the back are starting on a leveled battlefield here and Rebellion WAS build on the feeling that ANYTHING is possible. Who knows… maybe we will see ten former PWR Champions in the ring, maybe we will see ten guys who never got the chance of fighting for gold going at it. In my eyes...and Paul agreed with me on this, when I told him about my idea… this is the most rebellious way imagineable, to start the rise of LPW Rebellion.“ Heyman agrees and both of them then want to get this show rolling with the first match of the night.
At the commentary table tonight, long time PWR announcer Tony Schiavone welcomes the former PWR World Champion Tazz, who wasn‘t seen on a Rebellion show for over a year by now, after retiring due to injuries.

Tony:What a way to start this first edition of LPW Rebellion! You, Tazz, as our new commentator. Big Show returning as the new Commissioner and now this Battle Royal, in which anyone could end up in and win the LPW Rebellion Title.
Tazz:Yea, Tony. This is just crazy. Big decisions by the biggest Commissioner in the history of Wrestling. I‘m so freakin‘ happy to sit ringside for this.
Tony:Time for some action though, as we open this show with a Tag Match between the Dudleys and the APA, who were involved in a heated rivalry through most of last year.
We hear the sound of a bomb dropping and on the titantron appears „Welcome to Dudleyville“ in big letters. It doesn‘t take long for Bubba Ray and D-Von to enter the arena and start on their way to the ring, where they are posing and waiting for their opponents, who don‘t make them wait long. „Protection“ is playing loudly and when Bradshaw and Farooq appear on the entrance stage, we can see the Dudleys already gesturing towards APA to come to the ring. They don‘t even make it there though, because Bubba and D-Von jump out of the squared circle, when the APA are close enough and a wild brawl ensues.

APA (Bradshaw & Farooq) vs. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley)
The four brawl wildly around the ring until D-Von and Farooq enter it and the bell gets rung. Farooq is able to power D-Von into a corner, where he drills his shoulder into the Dudley‘s mid-section. Bubba enters the ring and goes after Farooq, but he evades the attack and shows a Big Boot of his own. When he turns around again, D-Von scoops him up and slams him to the canvas, followed by a couple of Elbow Drops. For the next couple of minutes the Dudleys tag in and out and work over Farooq. At one point, Farooq tries to get to his partner, but Bubba is able to attack Bradshaw beforehand and the provoked Bradshaw gets held back by the Referee. Bubba taunts Bradshaw a bit more, but when he turns around, Farooq floors him with a Spinebuster.
A couple of moments later Bubba tags D-Von in, who tries to reach Farooq, but it‘s too late. Bradshaw comes in and cleans house. He beats up both Dudleys and after hitting Snake Eyes against D-Von, he‘s perfectly lined up for the Clothesline from Hell and… in the very last second Bubba was able to shove the Referee into the line of fire and the official gets killed by Bradshaw‘s Clothesline. Bubba sends Farooq, who just came back into the Ring, to the outside, while Bradshaw tries again to hit D-Von with his Clothesline. D-Von ducks away though and due to his velocity, Bradshaw runs straight into the 3D. The Dudleys then assess the situation and since the Referee is out, Bubba shoves D-Von. A thunderous „GET THE TABLES“ goes through the Arena a couple of seconds later and it doesn‘t take long until a table stands in the middle of the ring. The Dudleys wait for Bradshaw to get back to his feet, but Farooq prevents another 3D with an attack on Bubba. Pretty much at the same time Bubba and Bradshaw get thrown out of the ring and D-Von goes for Farooq, who blocks an attack, shoves D-Von into the ropes and delivers a catastrophic Spinning Spinebuster through the table. Suddenly the bell rings. The earlier killed Referee is sitting in a corner, still seemingly groggy. After a short discussion with the Referee, Ring Announcer Justin Roberts announces the winners of the match.
by Disqualification: The Dudley Boyz

Farooq is of course confused and pissed. Same goes for Bradshaw and both of them go for the Referee, while Bubba drags D-Von out of the ring to celebrate the victory.

Tazz:What? What the hell happened?
Tony:I guess the Referee saw that Spinebuster from Farooq.
Tazz:I don‘t wanna be in the shoes of the Ref now… or in those of the Dudleys.
Tony:Believe me, you are not the only one thinking that.
We see Paul Heyman and Big Show in an office talking to each other besides a table, on which the raffle drum stands. „Ah, there‘s the first one“ says Paul to someone off camera and stands up. That someone turns out to be Hardcore Holly, who greets Heyman and Show briefly. After a bit of chit-chat, Holly picks the first ball out of the drum, looks at it and shows it to Heyman. „Five. Congratulations, you are in the...“ Paul gets interrupted by someone entering the Room. Holly turns around to see, what‘s going on and Monty Brown walks into the room. Show, Heyman and Holly just quietly watch as Brown goes up to the raffle drum, turns it one time and then picks a ball. While he looks at Hardcore Holly, he gives Heyman the ball, who looks at it. „Congratulations to the both of you. You two will participate in next week‘s Battle Royal for the LPW Rebellion Title.
Brown and Holly keep eye contact and start sizing each other up, before Holly starts to smirk and gives Brown some pats on the shoulder. „See you next week, when I throw you and the other eight losers over the top rope to finally get, what I have always deserved to wear around my waist.“ Monty looks angrily at Holly‘s hand on his shoulder, before he takes another step towards Hardcore. „Are you sure, you want to go there? Do you really think it‘s a good idea to make the Alpha Male mad? Why waiting until next week, Bob? Why not today, huh? Go out there and face me, Bob. Go out there, onto the Alpha Male‘s hunting ground and face me, Bob. Put your money where your mouth is. I dare you.“ Holly takes a step back, looks at Monty from top to bottom and back up. „You‘re on.“ And with another intense staredown between the two, we go somwhere else.
To the locker rooms, to be exact, where Bradshaw and Farooq wreak havoc. They are obviously still pissed because of the outcome of their match earlier and throw some chairs, as well as other stuff around. Rebellion Interviewer Josh Mathews stands at the wide open door and tries to ask the upset team what happened. „The god damn Referee. That‘s what happened“ answers Farooq. „That son of a bitch gave those bastards the win, because he saw D-Von laying between the broken table parts.“ Bradshaw throws another chair across the room and comes to the door. „This is not over Dudleys. This is far from over, you damn sons of bitches.“ And with that, Bradshaw slams the door shut.

Tazz:Just as we said. If I were the Dudleys, I wouldn‘t go near the APA for some time.
Tony:I‘m pretty sure Bradshaw is right. This is far from over between those two teams.
Tony:Alright. Also Hardcore Holly and Monty Brown are the first competitors in next week‘s Title Battle Royal and they‘ll be up next in a one on one match.
Tazz:This is going to be good. Holly‘s gonna get Pounced right back to Alabama, baby.
Tony:Sounds like you have a favorite.
Tazz:It‘s Monty Brown, Tony! It‘s the Alpha Male! I tell you right now, he is on the way to the top.
Tony:Sure, if you say so.
Slow Death“ starts playing and Hardcore Holly enters the Arena. In the ring he poses on the second turnbuckle when „The Alpha Male“, the theme of his opponent hits. Monty Brown comes onto the stage and gets a good pop from the Philadelphia audience. As soon as he enters the ring and posed for the camera, he and Holly start to circle around.
Hardcore Holly vs. Monty Brown
It‘s a pretty typical, old school starting sequence between the two. Holly gets powered into the corner twice, but while the first break up was fair, he tries to get a cheap shot in during the second one. Monty anticipated this though and sends Hardcore multiple times to the mat with his quick offense, which makes Holly roll to the outside to take a breather. Holly stalls a bit and then tries to get back into the ring, but since Monty is immediately going for him, Hardcore retreats and ultimately waves off. He slowly starts to leave, while he trash talks some fans. That doesn‘t sit right with Brown, who instantly hunts Hardcore down and when he gets to him, he shoves Holly directly into the guard rails a couple of times. The Alpha Male brings Holly then back to the ring, but there it‘s Holly who takes over, when he shoves Monty into the steel steps and drops him onto the guard rails. Back in the ring Holly works over Monty‘s back with a couple of slams and holds. An Abdominal Stretch ends with Monty powering out and then countering another attack of Hardcore with an Exploder Suplex.
Brown needs a second for a pin attempt, but it takes too long and Holly kicks out. After that Monty sends Hardcore into a corner and flattens him there with a Splash. Another one follows in the opposite corner, directly followed by a Straightjacket Neckbreaker. Again, Monty tries to pin Holly, but he kicks out at 2.5 and Brown shows a tiny bit of frustration. Back on the feet, Holly evades an attack and rolls Monty quickly up, but it isn‘t enough. One more quick try, this time with holding Monty‘s tights also doesn‘t bring the victory and Hardcore floors his opponent, when both are back on their feet, with a picture perfect Dropkick. A Power Slam is next and instead of going for another cover, Holly picks Monty up again and goes for the Alabama Slam. He picks Brown up and gets in position, but Monty is able to move his weight and escapes with rolling Hardcore through Sunset Flip style. Both are quick and simultaneous back on their feet and Hardcore goes for a punch, but Brown ducks and sends Holly into the ropes and then… POUNCE! Hardcore gets annihilated with that move and Monty immediately goes for the cover. One, two, three.
by Pinfall: Monty Brown

Tazz:What did I say, Tony? WHAT DID I SAY? Damn, man. THAT‘s why he‘s the Alpha Male, Tony!
Tony:You were right. He didn‘t quite make it to Alabama, but you were right. Holly didn‘t see that Pounce coming and Monty Brown‘s standing tall. I bet some of the guys in the back have taken notice.
Tazz:They can, but it won‘t help against getting floored by that beast.
The Alpha Male celebrates in a ring for a bit, until we go back to the office, where Tyson Kidd joins Heyman and Show and he opens with „I‘m not here to draw a number, I‘m here to ask for a different opportunity. I‘ve taken a lot of steps in the right direction and learned a lot over the last two years here and yes, I do feel like it‘s time for me to feel some gold around my waist, but I know that I‘m not ready for the LPW Rebellion Title… yet.“ Show and Heyman look at each other slightly confused. „I want to do, what many of the greatest names in Wrestling did before me and that is to dive into the Tag Team scene. I still have to learn a lot and I do have a new mentor, who‘s willing to join forces with me on the way to the LPW Tag Team Titles and we want a match… tonight.“ Show doesn‘t seem to be convinced and answer with „I‘m not sure, Tyson. I don‘t even know who you want to team up with.“ Heyman got a smirk on his face though. He leans towards Show and whispers something. The giant looks surprised. „Really? You think he‘s talking about him?“ Heyman just nods and Show stands up and tells Tyson „Alright. You‘re on. You and your mentor will face The Cólons tonight. Good luck.“ Kidd nods and thanks Show and Heyman for the opportunity on his way out.
After a commercial break we are again in the office of Paul Heyman and Big Show, where Billy Kidman and Paul London are standing and talking to each other. Both talk about how they will win tonight‘s Triple Threat match and we learn that neither of them drew a number that lets the be a part of next week‘s Battle Royal. X-Pac, third participant of the Triple Threat match, enters the room. „Good to hear you two flash in the pans won‘t be dragging down the Battle Royal‘s quality next week.“ Kidman and London want to answer, but X-Pac holds up his hand, while he‘s walking over to the raffle drum. „Spare your adrenaline for the ring. You two will need it, even though it won‘t matter in the end, because…“ He picks a ball out of the drum. „…there is only one possible outcome tonight and that is me getting my hand raised after I pinned you or you.“ X-Pac looks at the ball, smiles and shows it to Heyman. „Just like always. Be it in the ring or after the show. I‘m the one who gets lucky.“ He throws the ball to Kidman, who catches it and pats London on the shoulder and leaves with a wide grin on his face.

Tazz:What does that mean? Is X-Pac the next man in the LPW Title Battle Royal next week?
Tony:Your guess is as good as mine, but I‘m pretty sure he is.
Tazz:Holly, X-Pac, Brown… looking good so far. Can‘t wait to hear more names for that Battle Royal.
Tony:Me neither, Tazz. Next week‘s Main Event is going to be simply hot.
The next match is on and Billy Kidman comes to the ring while „You Can Run“ plays. On his way he‘s high fiving some fans and then stops at a kid, which holds a „Shooting Star Press > Anything else“ sign up. Billy points at it, while he says to the camera „That‘s what I‘m talkin‘ about.“ and gives the kid a fist bump. Shortly after that „Rocker“ starts playing and a couple of seconds later London comes running down the ramp. He slides into the ring, jumps on the second rope in the corner and poses for the fans. Last but not least it‘s X-Pac‘s turn. A concert of boos breaks out, when we hear a loud „Make some noise!“. He appears on the stage and on his way to the ring trash talks with a lot of the more aggressive fans.
Billy Kidman vs. Paul London vs. X-Pac
The first part of this match is just high paced action and high flying inside the ring and around it as well, from all three participants. At one point X-Pac has Kidman sitting in the corner and he runs towards him for an early Bronco Buster, but Billy gets his foot up and smashes the little X-Pacs. When Pac turns around, while holding his crotch, Paul London Superkicks him and X-Pac drops to the canvas. While he slowly rolls out of the ring, Kidman and London start circling around each other in the ring and finally lock up. A quick, classic cruiserweight sequence goes down, until Kidman tries his luck with a Kick, but Paul catches his foot and turns him around. An Inverted Atomic Drop is followed by a beautiful Frankensteiner into a pin attempt, but Kidman kicks out. London then picks Kidman up, but he sees that X-Pac is back up on his feet and Paul decides to floor him with a Suicide Dive. While he celebrates, Kidman jumps onto the top turnbuckle and from there he hits London with a Diving Dropkick, while also landing on X-Pac with his body. Now it‘s Billiy‘s turn to celebrate with some fans, who are very pumped up at this point.
Kidman then grabs Paul and shoves him into the ring. Before he also enters it, he picks X-Pac up and sends him over the announce table, where Tazz and Tony get out of the way just in time. Back in the ring, Paul counters an attack by Kidman into a Northern Lights Suplex. A pin attempt follows, but it‘s no good. London then continues to alternately sitting Billy up and kicking him down again. After four of those kicks, he shows a perfect Springboard Moonsault, but the following cover again brings him only a two-count. Paul picks Kidman then up and tries to Powerbomb him, which fails and Billy lands on his feet. He immediately kicks London and tries a Powerbomb of his own, but this time Paul counters it directly into a DDT. London realizes the opportunity and he makes his way to the top rope. There he focuses for a second, before delivering his 450 Splash. One, two and there is suddenly X-Pac, who grabs London and throws him over the top rope. He immediately covers Kidman and one, two and kickout!
X-Pac can‘t believe it. He complains to the Referee. Suddenly London is back in the ring and he tries to surprise Waltman, but X-Pac reacts lightning-fast and brings Paul to the ground with a Roundhouse Kick. A Spinning Heel Kick follows, after X-Pac sent London into the ropes and Pac tries a cover, but London kicks out in the very last moment. Pac again complains about the speed of the Referees counts and when he realizes it won‘t help, he grabs London and puts him into his Buzzkiller named Crossface Chickenwing. Paul starts instantly to fight against the hold, but Waltman has it locked in tightly. It doesn‘t take long until it looks like London might going to tap, when Billy Kidman interrupts with a Knee Drop to X-Pac‘s face. The submission hold is over and Kidman retaliates for X-Pac‘s sneaky try earlier, with dumping him quickly to the outside. A couple of seconds later is Billy already on the top turnbuckle and it is time for his Shooting Star Press. He lands it exactly and then needs a second too start the cover. One, two and Waltman pulls Kidman out of the ring. There he plants Kidman with the X-Factor to the ground and swiftly slides into the ring to cover Paul London. One, two, three.
by Pinfall: X-Pac

Tony:I can‘t believe it. X-Pac stole this one!
Tazz:What do you mean, Tony? X-Pac didn‘t steal anything! He just played it smart.
We see X-Pac getting his hand raised in the middle of the ring, while Kidman and London are still knocked out. We go backstage where the APA and the Dudleys are having a wild brawl right outside the office. Bradshaw just throws D-Von into a couple of ladders, while Bubba Ray sends Farooq over a table. Officials arrive and have a hard time to part the two teams, when Show comes out of the office. „Hey! HEY! STOP IT! STOP!“ Show helps to separate the four and then announces that if they want to fight, they can have it. „Since all four of you drew blanks for the Battle Royal, you‘ll face each other next week instead, in a rematch of tonight‘s Tag match. Now get the hell out of my sight.“ With that both teams leave in different directions and Show heads back into his office.
After another commercial break, the screen is kept in black and white. We see a small chapel, surrounded by a cemetery and some seemingly dead trees. A couple of birds fly over the building and you can hear some crows in the distance. The camera slowly approaches the big wooden door of the chapel that is halfway open. A voice can be heard, coming from the inside and when we enter it, it goes pitch black. Suddenly the camera shows how someone lights up a candle on the altar. We can only see that person from the chest down. „Soon, my children. The dawn of a new era is approaching. The creatures of the night...despair...and death… shall very soon reign once again.“ The person picks up a small, leatherbound book and opens it. Again, the screen goes black, before flashing pictures of a gravestone, a dead tree, a crow and then the chapel door closing with a loud slamming noise. Then we see on the black screen how a phrase is slowly typed out in big, white, eroded old school letters. „6 weeks left“

Tony:Uh… I‘m... I don‘t know what we just saw.
Tazz:Yea, me neither, Tony. That was something else for sure.
In the background we can hear „Primos“, the theme of the Cólons playing and Eddie and Orlando are already in the ring to await their opponents. First, Tyson Kidd comes out with his „Raw to the Core“ music, but he cuts it short. „This is the last time anyone will hear this music for a long time, because from now on, when I‘m coming to the ring, it will be at the side of my new Tag partner and mentor and I‘m pretty sure all of you fans here in Philadelphia, as well as around the world, will like, what you are about to witness. When I finally decided to make my way into the Tag Team scene it was obvious to me to look into my past for the right partner and mentor and yes, I did go back. Waaaay back.“ Tyson takes a couple of steps to the side and points towards the entrance with a big smile on his face and then all hell brakes loose, when „Hitman“ starts playing and Bret Hart walks out onto the stage. The Cólons are shocked and they start to argue with the referee, while Bret and Tyson, after a short hug, make their way to the ring.

Tazz:Holy sh… Bret? Bret Hart is here?
Tony:He sure is, Tazz! For four years he hasn‘t stepped into a wrestling ring in the United States and now the Excellence of Execution joined the Rebellion!
Bret Hart & Tyson Kidd vs. The Cólons (Eddie Cólon & Orlando Cólon)
Eddie starts this match against Tyson and they lock up very quick, followed by a fast paced back and forth between the two. This ends with Eddie catching the foot of Tyson, who then hits an Enzuigiri. While the Cólon holds his just hit face, he tags out and Orlando goes into another lock up with Tyson. This time Orlando can overpower Kidd with some quick jabs and a Dropkick. After that Tyson is sent into the corner and Orlando follows him. Kidd uses the corner to get behind the Cólon and he attempts a German Suplex, but Orlando grabs the ropes and blocks the throw. That leads to Tyson hitting Orlando a couple of times in the back of the head, but he still can clutch to the ropes, when Tyson again tries a throw. The Referee comes a bit too close, which Orlando uses to hit Tyson between the legs with his own leg. Kidd goes to the ground and the Cólons start to tag each other out and in, while delivering pain to Kidd. Bret wants to get in and he starts to rile up the audience. The Cólons continue their offense with a Double Suplex and they are starting to throw in pin attempts left and right, but Tyson also gets increasingly more offense in. Eddie picks Tyson up for a Vertical Suplex, but Tyson shifts his weight and lands back on his feet. He immediately kicks Eddie against the knee twice and delivers a Knee Breaker.
That is the opening he needed, because it doesn‘t take long and Bret finally gets in to clean house. He floors Orlando who came in to hinder Tyson to tag out with a couple of Clotheslines. Afterwards Bret sends Orlando into a corner and follows that with his Corner Clothesline and Running Bulldog combination. Then Eddie tries to stop Bret, but he counters the attack and Dropkicks the Cólon into the corner. He instantly slides out of the ring, to slam the knee of Eddie, that was hit by Tyson earlier, into the ring post a couple of times. Back in the ring Orlando is back on his feet, but not for long, because Hart drops him with a Russian Leg Sweep and the Puerto Rican rolls out of the ring. When Bret gets up, Eddie hobbles out of the corner to hit him, but again Hart is able to evade the attack and picks the Cólon up for a Atomic Drop. Right after that he grabs Eddie by the legs and puts him into the Sharpshooter and it only takes a handful of seconds for Eddie to tap out.
by Submission: Bret Hart & Tyson Kidd

Tony:And that‘s why they call him the Best there is, the Best there was and the Best there ever will be. What a debut of the living legend here on Rebellion!
Tazz:What an incredible performance by him! Tyson Kidd‘s gonna be over the moon with his decision.
Tony:Definitely, Tazz. With performances like this, it‘s just a matter of time until Hart and Kidd can strap the Tag titles around their waists.

In the ring Tyson Kidd and Bret Hart getting their hands raised and especially Tyson is happy about it. Here and there are „You still got it“ chants audible, while the camera catches the Cólons being visibly angry about Hart and Kidd celebrating. Then we go back to our commentators and a graphic is shown on screen, showing us the participants in next weeks Battle Royal for the LPW Rebellion Title.
Tony:I just got told that besides Monty Brown, Hardcore Holly and X-Pac, another man was able to pull one of the ten numbers during the Main Event and his name is…
Tazz:Who is it, Tony? WHO?
Tazz:The K-Dawg?! Damn, another great addition to that match.
Tony:Also it seems that Paul Heyman and Big Show are still waiting on one more person, who is scheduled to draw his number tonight, but...
Suddenly „Cult of Personality“ starts playing and the crowd in the Liacouras Center goes wild. CM Punk appears on the Entrance Stage and it is, for the first time in months due to him being out with an Injury for most of 2017, Clobbering Time. On his way down the ramp, he‘s looking more annoyed than anything else though and after climbing all four corners to look at the cheering audience, he gets to the point fast. „It‘s been a long, loooong nine months, but here I am. Back in the ring. Back where I belong. Back at being the Best in the World!
Punk lets the fans cheer, but a „Welcome back“-chant is cut short by him. „And I am pissed. This company was build on MY back. I worked my ass off for six years. I was the the one who put Pro Wrestling Rebellion on the map! I clawed, I scratched and I fought my way through each and every obstacle that was put in front of me. Be it an opponent, or a Authority figure, or the Television Network or Injuries. I trudged through all of it. I broke walls down. I competed in grueling matches, despite being not at one hundred percent. I left sweat, blood and tears on this canvas. For all of you, for this company and for this business. I was the reason PWR rose to new heights. I was the reason PWR was able to creep up on LPW AND surpass them. I was the reason the Wrestling business boomed for the bigger part of the last ten years with ratings exploding through the roof! And what did I get for it? What did I get? The moment when I for the first time thought about myself and was about to achieve the one thing I deserved to finally get, two big wannabe bikers had a field day with me and sent me to the hospital for nine months.
A loud concert of boos start. „And now, when I‘m finally back, they want me to draw a number out of a hat to have an opportunity at the Title that should have been mine for the first time nine months ago.“ He shakes his head. „Paul...and I mean you, Heyman… that is not an option. I am...

A loud „Dead Man Walking“ is heard and while the audience again starts to boo, The Undertaker and Chuck Palumbo appear on their bikes on the Entrance Stage. They drive to the ring and each of them stops on one side of the squared circle. Taker gets himself a microphone and enters the ring, while Palumbo climbs on the apron, to observe the scene. „Well, if it‘s not good ol‘ CM Punk. I didn‘t think you‘d show your face around here anymore, kid. I mean, after what Chuck and I did to you, I thought you‘d end up like that guy over there.“ Taker points to Tazz and leans on the top rope to direct his next words towards the now commentator. „How are you doing, old buddy? Finally complete broken down, I assume? Man, it was fun to break you into pieces back in 2016. I still remember the sound of your bones breaking. We should repeat that some time, buddy.
Laughing loudly Big Evil turns back around to Punk. „All jokes aside though. I‘m glad you are back, Phil. It‘s gonna be my pleasure to send you back to the hospital and maybe even end you for good this time.“ Punk fumes with rage and he wants to say something, but Taker puts a hand on the microphone Punk holds. „You are right with one thing. Your anger about a random draw to decide over who should become the LPW Rebellion champion. I should not have to draw a random number, just to get the opportunity to win back the Title that I have never lost. You might think you are entitled to a chance at the title, but in that line I‘m still standing at the pole position.

And then we hear glass shattering. Taker and Punk both can‘t believe it and the fans in Philadelphia go completely nuts. And there he is. Stone Cold Steve Austin trudges towards the ring in his unique style and in the squared circle, he mount every single corner to pose for the fans, while pretty much ignoring Punk and the Undertaker, who both backed up a bit. Austin then looks at Punk and Taker and he pulls the microphone out of Big Evil‘s hand and turns towards Punk. „So let me get this straight. After being gone for two years I arrive at the Arena, enter the building and can already hear you, Punk, whine about how you supposedly single-handedly made PWR into the big name it was AND you single-handedly lifted the Wrestling business in never before seen heights AND that you should get a title opportunity, because of that, even though I‘m pretty sure there are way more people responsible for the success of PWR, including me.
Austin immediately turns around to Taker to continue his tirade. „Then I go see Heyman and Show to pull my damn number…“ he pulls a ball out of his pocket „...and while I do that, I hear you, Taker, talking about how you broke Tazz AND that you should get a title opportunity, because you never lost the title, even though we all know you wouldn‘t had the title by the time of the merger, if it weren‘t for that long son of a bitch covering your ass.“ He points at Chuck, who enters the ring, but Taker holds him back. Steve continues. „Now where I come from you don‘t whine about hardships. You don‘t whine about life kicking you to the curb. Where I come from, you stomp a mudhole in that son of a bitch and kick its ass and that is EXACTLY what I am going to do next week. I‘m not gonna whine about being surrounded by nine other man who would want nothing more to throw me over the top rope to get their hands on the LPW Title belt. I‘m going to take them one by one and dump their asses over the top rope to become the new LPW Champion and that‘s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so.

He flips off Punk and then Taker who attacks Austin. Stone Cold ducks under it though and Punk delivers a hard kick to Taker instead. Then, simultaneously, Punk and Austin throw Taker and Palumbo out of the ring with hard Clotheslines and when they turn around, they lock eyes and walk a couple of steps towards each other. And with that staredown Rebellion goes off the air.
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What a show :stephena2:
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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
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What a show :stephena2:
Yea, it got kinda long, even though I originally planned not to make them so long :lol
And I didn't want to shorten it now, that would've been uneven. Gonna probably shave them more for the next ones though. :hmm:
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Dreams are Endless
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Yea, it got kinda long, even though I originally planned not to make them so long :lol
And I didn't want to shorten it now, that would've been uneven. Gonna probably shave them more for the next ones though. :hmm:

You just went 6 hours in a venue you booked for 4 but it was a great show so you're forgiven
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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
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You just went 6 hours in a venue you booked for 4 but it was a great show so you're forgiven

I don't have time stamps, but I'd say these clock in at... maybe 90-120 minutes TV time?

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Saturday, January 6th, 2018
Big Surprises In Philadelphia

Yesterday in Philadelphia, the first LPW Rebellion show went off air after a couple of surprise debuts
and comebacks happened. First, The Big Show was presented as the new Rebellion Commissioner.
After the show Wight, who was part of the active Roster until he got injured in May of 2017, thanked
the Rebellion Fans in Philadelphia for the warm welcome and all fans on social media for the generally
positive reactions to his comeback. Another big surprise was the return of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in
the closing segment. While CM Punk was already confirmed of staying with Heyman and Rebellion and
The Undertaker was almost a guaranteed addition to the Roster, no one expected to see The Rattlesnake
coming back after a two year hiatus. Especially since his exit from PWR back in late 2015 was fueled by
constantly getting into arguments with Heyman over creative over his two and a half years in the
promotion. After the show, Austin just reacted to the flood of tweets about his return with a short
"Never say never" tweet of his own.
Even with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin showing up, the biggest shock of the night came with the debut of
Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Back in 2014 Hart had his last match in the US, before heading to Japan and
Europe for two years and even though there were some rumors about him returning to the North
American circuit heating up, no one could have expected him to head to Paul Heyman's LPW Rebellion
brand, since he spent pretty much most of his career in the former LCW, the predecessor of today's
LPW Turmoil brand. Last week Paul Heyman tweeted about how he signed someone that Eric Bischoff
"desperately wanted" for his Turmoil show and most fans on the social networks are convinced that
person was in fact the former two time World Champion Bret Hart. While a lot of fans already
speculating about when they would get to see their dream matches like Hart vs. Austin again, or
Punk vs. Hart for the very first time, the Dirt Sheets speculate that Hart will be at Tyson Kidd's side
for at least some months, before maybe starting another solo run, since he always stated that if he'd
came back to the US, it'd be to help the next generation of Wrestlers to make their next step.

First Ratings Victory Goes To...
...LPW Turmoil, kind of. In the raw numbers, Turmoil achieved a 2.7, while Rebellion "only" got to a 2.3,
but seeing that Eric Bischoff's Turmoil stayed on his old time slot on a bigger Network, compared to
Rebellion it sure doesn't feel like a real "victory". All in all though, the winner was LPW in general.
Thanks to all the hype about the merger of LCW and PWR, those rating numbers went up quite a lot for
both shows, compared to last year, where neither show was able to overcome the 2.0 mark more than
two, three times.

LPW Turmoil #2 Preview
In about 48 hours the second LPW Turmoil show will be live from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North
Carolina and Eric Bischoff already told the fans over social media to get ready for an action packed show,
because the other two World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quarter Finals will go down and despite him
originally not wanting to give the names of the participants beforehand, this time he partly did. Bischoff
didn't say who their opponents will be, but he announced that William Regal and Mr. Kennedy will compete
in those two Tournaments matches on Monday. Also there will be a singles Match between Tyson Dux and
Ted DiBiase Jr., as well as the Tag Match for a Title opportunity at the MSG Main Event, that was set up last
Monday, involving Harlem Heat.
The NWO directed a Tweet towards Eric Bischoff too, regarding the upcoming show. In the Tweet they
announced that they will be in Charlotte and that Bischoff should rethink his position towards the NWO,
because his "precious little show" might turn out not the way he wants to, if he doesn't.

GLORY Owners About Rumors
Last week we saw some rumors start spreading about the Women's Wrestling promotion GLORY Wrestling
might join the LPW Network soon and now the owners of the promotion answered some questions in an
Interview with one of the biggest Wrestlingsites on the Internet. In summary, they did confirm that LPW
restarted negotiations with GLORY Wrestling shortly after last Christmas and that the talks are already in
an advanced state. Nothing is signed yet, but there is a good chance that the fans will be able to see the
finest Women's Wrestling in North America on the LPW Network soon.
With GLORY Wrestling being on its annual hiatus during January, speculations surrounding a possible joining
date are running strong. In the eyes of many fans it would just "fit" to start off GLORY Wrestling on the LPW
Network with their annual early February event called "GLORY's Back In Town".
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