Legacy could use a little expansion?...maybe?

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So I was just sitting at home thinkking some second gen wrestlers who are in talks with WWE (Shawn Stasiak)

I mean he was not the greatest in his WWE/F runs but he can get better just like Ted and Cody are. Cody wasn't that great either when he first started. Maybe a little time in FCW can help hone his skills.

I think Legacy needs to be expanded a bit. Maybe 1 or two more superstars because although I love Legacy now, they just look like Randy Orton's henchmen.

Especially since a talked about face turn of Dibiase(that is another story :sad_2:) Legacy needs more members and Stasiak could be a good asset

Same goes for Sim Snuka (who is now officially a benchwarmer in the RAW locker room). He should have been in Legacy the whole Cryme Tyme Match was bull. For those who say he does not have in ring talent watch some of his OVW matches and tell me how many guys his size can do a Jumping Hee Enziguri Kick with that much height. So he isnt that good on the mic, neither is Cody or Ted(especially Ted). He can get a name change (Sim is a stupid name) and a new look. I feel Legacy would be a much stronger force if it looked an actual FACTION and not Randy Orton with Henchmen


I think we're simply going to have to accept that this is as good as Legacy is going to get for quite some time now. They've been a "stable" and I use that term extremely loosely for months now and STILL have not been given a group theme music. Neither Dibiasi or Rhoades have shown any improvement or character development since the start of Legacy and honestly if it all were to end tomorrow I don't think either would be left with a decent rub from the whole thing.
As far as Shawn Stasiak goes... I think the former "Meat" is a bit too old to be included in the Legacy. The best bet for the stable in DH Smith has passed them by and is currently heading up the honestly far more entertaining Hart Dynasty.


I think either he or Manu definately should have ended up in the group, or at least given a little more of a chance. They would have given the group some more depth instead of simply two Orton clones. From what I saw neither were that bad in the ring to warrant not getting a chance....no worse than Priceless anyone. I actually remember Sim pulling off a few pretty sick moves in the few matches we saw him wrestle on RAW. There was a rumor floating around a while back if I remember correctly that he would be filling a commentary void.


What upsets me is that if they didn't like Sim they would have fired him like Manu but they kept him and are doing nothing with him. Either they are planning something huge for him that requires time or he will get another job besides being an in-ring competitor. Again with Stasiak, he is alittle aged but he looks good if you seen some recent indy matches or pics he looks in his early 30s even though I think hes pushing 40. Charlie Haas is pushing 40 and look at him(minus the goatee)


You don't just throw guys in for the hell of it. Just because someone is 2nd or 3rd generation, they shouldn't be in the stable. They need to fit. Manu and Sim Snuka don't fit at all.


I never really liked Manu but how does Sim not fit in as much a much as Ted or Orton...because he doesn't look like a minature version of Orton. I don't want to throw guys in for the hell of it I think Legacy should consist of TALENTED wrestlers who happen to be 2nd or 3rd Gen like THF is. Maybe Stasiak was not a great idea but Snuka is talented and has the potential and should be doing something useful and career building instead of that stupid WM25 stunt or a broadcasting spot. Snuka needs to be in something to hone his skills like Ted and Cody are instead of doing nothing but putting himself on the list of the next batch of those "Future Endeavored" people. That is all I'm saying


Snuka doesn't fit in at all. He's a greaser, he's old (37 or 38), he's not even really 2nd gen, because he's only Jimmy Snuka's adopted son. You're basically saying he should be thrown in so he doesn't get released. But why? Who cares? I don't wish for anyone to get released, but that's a stupid reason to put him in. I can't think of anything he has in common with the group.

The Rated R CMStar

I never really liked Manu but how does Sim not fit in as much a much as Ted or Orton...because he doesn't look like a minature version of Orton

Actually, that right there is enough of a reason to keep Sim out.


I think we need to refer back to my Legacy Pledge thread to figure this all out...lol.

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They actually expanded a bit tonight, and it looks like Priceless wont be SOLELY used to take shots for Orton and they might actually have a fourth member lined up somewhere. To me, it feels like the whole Orton-Triple H storyline might finally be coming to a close, or maybe even turning new corners so we can see this new member be the guy to help Orton as his muscle while Cody and Ted get to develop a bit more.

Hometown Kid

I would recommend picking out Joe Hennig if they're going the 4th member route. His work from FCW was pretty good, plus he's every bit as robotic on the mic as Orton so that'll be just fine. Although I don't know how well he'd fit in, ANYBODY would be good if it stops all the beatdowns Priceless take. Orton + lackeys hasn't really accomplished much and Priceless would have been better off without Orton around all this time.


Chris Masters would be epic. They can lie to the fans and say he's 2nd gen, and he would be a good enforcer.


Chris Masters would be epic. They can lie to the fans and say he's 2nd gen, and he would be a good enforcer.

That what I was thinking he could be the muscle and he has experience and he is a good performer
Orton's lackies need to develop alot more before adding in more people.
That's it right there. If Legacy wants to be a great FACTION, it needs to stop acting like a STABLE. Legacy shouldn't be refered to as "Orton's lackies" each member needs to develop themselves into INDIVIDUALS instead of being Randy Orton's sidekicks

I don't want Sim to be in Legacy just to save himself even though I know it sounds like I am say that, I see great potential in him. I believe he is trying to mature himself from being a "Greaser" and actually take his career seriously. Like I said they released Manu in Febuary. They must have something for this kid to still have him. He doesn't even job(or at least I have never seen him). As far as age goes whatever, he looks good for someone pushing 40.


I just read something that said he has been missing for 5 months(Sim)