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From Newark, New Jersey
Episode 6:
"Boiling Over"
The show's intro begins to play, showcasing LDW's stars as normal, with the song "Made An America" by FEVER 333 blaring through the speakers before we see shots of Darius Wright and then Slate and Eden before we cut to the Newark crowd. The home city of the New Jersey Devils is hot for a night of Liberty or Death Wrestling. We go to our resident commentary team of Rodney Perkins and Wally Shine, and Perkins does his normal intro.
Perkins: Ladies and gentlemen, we are in Jersey, Newark, New Jersey and we are on our final stop before we head to the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn for Blackout and we are coming off the heels of an explosive episode where the main event ended in a gruesome scene.
Shine: Slate Bass, after Nova Taylor was pushed to her mental edge and caused his and Eden's daughter Keres to sob after three straight Starlight Splashes, cut her head open with a shard of glass and Eden making a match between him and Nova official for Blackout.
Perkins: Nova Taylor is not expected to be at the show tonight, which after the injuries from that attack and mental exhaustion she's had, nobody blames her. But we have plenty more on this show. From the return of the BTG Lounge, Jay Washington taking on Luke Saint, and a tag team main event featuring Jersey's own Debaucherino, formerly known as Dat Kid, teaming with Patriot to take on Patriot's Blackout opponent, Brian Toogood, and LDW World Champion, Darius Wright.
Shine: The former IWT Champion is in LDW and it will be a treat.
Perkins: First, before we get into action tonight, earlier today there was a press conference between our Blackout main event participants, Reagan Cole and Darius Wright. Wally and I were moderating it, and well...
Shine: Let's just say things are going to get a lot more personal for Blackout between them...
LDW World Championship Press Conference
Shot Earlier in the Day
Back in the performers' parking garage, a black stretch Hummer pulls up and parks. One of the rear doors open up and out comes…
it's the…
it's the…
it's the LDW World Champion, Mr. Darius Wright and he seems to be in the best of moods as he gets ready to head inside the building. Darius, in his dressy all black attire, holds tight to the covered title as he takes just a few steps before being stopped.
Staff member: Uh, excuse me...D, I MEAN...Mr. Wright. You're needed over here in this room.
Darius Wright: Over here in this room?!? What type of shit is this? HUH?! What the fuck is this, huh?!? Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'll tell you what...how about you tell yourself and that room to go jump off a fucking cliff...because Mr. Wright ain't having it. Oh and by the way...go fuck yourself...and your mom too.
The champ proceeds to walk off and the staff member grabs his bicep which makes the champion not only halt but turn around irritatedly.
Wright: You...you put your hands on me? Do you or do you not remember what happened to the last guy who put their hands on me and we weren't fighting?! NO? That's because THAT LAST GUY WHO PUT HIS HANDS ON DARIUS WRIGHT...got his head bashed in until he became a vegetable. So I'll ask you this...do you want to be hooked up on life support?
Staff: No, Mr. Wright...but this matter is of the utmost urgency.
The staff member staring directly into the eyes of walking, breathing dark soul...and it's staring right back. Darius takes a second to think and then decides to make the proper response.
Wright: Well...in that case...let's see what this "urgent" matter is all about then.
Staff: Right this way, Mr Wright.
Mr. Wright is now in the same pleasant mood he was when he arrived here tonight. He follows the staff member's guide and ends up next to a room door. Fearless and anxious for whatever this could be, the champ opens the door only to find…
...that seems to some type of meeting with...Rodney Perkins, Wally Shine, security and REAGAN COLE! And before anything is said from anyone, Cole instantly goes at Wright.
Reagan Cole: Oh look who decided to show up. We’ve just been having a nice chat while waiting for you, did you know that Rodney’s friend is getting married soon? So great.
Darius still taking in the whole organized setup while a few security guards stand in the way of a passive-aggressive Reagan Cole. Seeing that he's gotten under the skin of his contender, Darius smirks and approaches the other end of the stage with side-by-side long tables, some chairs and a pair of mounted microphones. The champ takes a seat at the far end of the opposite side of Reagan Cole. Reagan finally taking his seat and turns to face the commentator duo.
Wright: Aaaahh, I get it now! Fighters...conference before our match, nice touch...char-Cole.
Reagan tightens his lips and stares blankly at the commentators as they begin to speak.
Perkins: Hey uh, thank you, gentlemen, for being here for this conference before your big bout at Blackout.
Wright: Yeah, I only had to be ambushed by all of this to be here.
Shine: Well, to be honest, we tried to reach out to you several days ago per instructed by our bosses and your bosses too...Slate Bass & Eden. We left messages but still never heard back from you, Mr Wright.
Cole: Really surprising there.
Wright: Excuse me, what did you say?!
Darius turns his face to directly address his opponent for the title match at Blackout. Cole is now smiling, never looking in the champion's direction.
Perkins: ...ok...we see you both still have some deep tension between the two of you. We're going to ask that you gentlemen remain professional and respectful for the time being as we conduct this live conference.
Shine: Since we heard from the champ is past PrimeTime, we'll start with the challenger, Reagan Cole. Reagan, why do you feel this match is more important than ever at this time?
Cole: Because it's my chance to prove to myself that I'm currently the best version of me. I've had chances at the big title and I have failed every time so this is my big chance and I'm not gonna waste it. Plus it helps that I get to take down Darius a peg or two like I haven't mentioned what he's doing right now with that belt. Covering it up like you're trying to hide the alcohol bottle from your parents! Yeah, I speak for a couple of people backstage when I say that the utter disrespect for such prominent reward in our business...should not have to be covered up because a certain someone decides to pull a hissy fit.
Perkins: Darius, would you care to respond...in regards to the covering of the brand new title and highest achievement yet in this company?
Wright: You know I've explained what I was doing and even why…
Cole makes an attempt to cut the bullshit by cutting off Darius.
Cole: Because you're intimidated by your own belt?
Perkins: Reagan, please. Let's allow the champion to give his response about what he's done since winning the title.
Reagan annoyed a bit, rolls his eyes but quickly apologizes to the commentators, still refusing to look over at Darius Wright during all this.
Wright: LIKE I WAS SAYING...I did what was necessary...for these people. These people didn't respect me or what I was doing for this company. They never cared about the sacrifices I made to get here and compete week after week at the beginning of my career. Come on, they were just hanging on...to ride my wave. Well, when I noticed that it was all they were concerned with then I made it my business to make an example out of them. Just like I'm going to do this pathetic sack of shit over there.
The British Apprentice is ready to explode with his own retort as he patiently rocks in his chair.
Shine: Um, Cole, would you like to respond to that?
Cole: Please... People did like him, people did care about his sacrifices, people did respect him. Hell, I respected him. Yes, I've said that from the start that he's an egotistical motherfucker, which nobody really believed me until recently, but I always had a piece of RESPECT for what he can do. But since he became champion and the shit he has pulled as the face of the company, all that respect went out of the window. So at Blackout...
Reagan shakes his head is pure disgust for this situation and the champion.
Cole: ...at Blackout, it's all over for the sanctimonious prick!
The entire room gets quiet as the champion does HIS best to remain focused on the questions and not allowing Cole to bother him.
Shine: Darius, do you think you have a good chance of winning against Reagan Cole at Blackout and why?
Wright: A good chance?! This underling has been trying to be like me...for years. Until he finally had to face reality, which is...I'm just simply the better fighter at the end of the day. I'VE FOUGHT FOR FAR TOO LONG TO LET HIM OR ANYBODY JUST WALK UP AND WIN THE TOP SPOT. Check my track record, consecutive wins...and one... let's say "blemish". Now check his track record, ONE LOSS...TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! And then we "suddenly" started to…”WIN” matches.
Perkins: Darius, it sounds like you're both are pretty much evenly matched. One loss apiece, fighter backgrounds, tall and jacked guys. It's really tough to say either of you have a better advantage over the other EXCEPT…
Rodney stops Mr Wright from restating that he beat Reagan before in a match.
Perkins: ...except for the fact...that you, Darius Wright have beaten Reagan Cole in a match a few months back.
Shine: Moving on! Cole, do you think you have a better understanding and strategy when it'll come to beating the champion at Blackout?
Cole: I'll say this much, I wasn't as prepared before to take Darius on. He was my first opponent in a year, I wasn't ready for the ring rust that came with that. And in the end, he got the better of me but this time all that ring rust is gone! I've been on a good steady roll and I'm not about to make that stop anytime soon if I can avoid it. So to answer your question, yea I believe I can beat that son of a bitch and take the LDW World Heavyweight Championship to new levels. I’m the guy THAT DOESN’T hide behind a facade of himself, then intimidate his opponents just to make them his friends. I am just here to be the best man I am...every single time! And I don’t need to use scare tactics or make fake friendships...because I...I have a family. Something Darius will never truly have.
Perkins: We’re going to wrap this up with the last comments from each of you heading into Blackout soon in the upcoming weeks. Cole, do you have any final words to say to the champion before you’re finished?
Cole: Yeah um, talking about family. I got to spend some quality time with my son. Watching all of the MCU movies it was fun. Jason would cheer each time Thor was on screen. But during the whole thing, I heard a quote that automatically made me think of this match. Its the line of "You’re going to struggle. So you’ll need to surround yourself with people you trust. You’re a good man with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be king.” Listen Darius, it's really nothing too personal...but at Blackout when I become the new LDW World Heavyweight Champion maybe you can finally take a few lessons...from yours truly, The British Apprentice.
Shine: WOW, I always did love that quote.
Darius is upset but a bit confused to what that line was used from so he asks one of the nearby security guards sitting between them. One of them whispers back to the champ that the quote came from The Black Panther and that sends the champion over the edge.
Wright: WAIT A MINUTE!!! MUTHAFUCKA DID YOU JUST QUOTE ONE OF MY FAVORITE SUPERHEROES?!? WTF IS WRONG WITH YO PUNK ASS?! HUH??? Damn, that Killmonger had a way with his words…say what now?!
The same security guard leans back over to correct the Dark champ that it was the actual Black Panther characters father, not Killmonger. The champion makes another outburst…
Shine: It’s alright, Darius. Let’s get back to ending this conference, champ. Are there any last comments or words you have for your challenger at Blackout?
Mr Wright goes into a pondering expression as he thinks of what to say next.
Wright: Uhhhhhh, yeah...I’d like to say...I hope you do get a chance to win this title...ONE DAY. But I’m afraid your ugly ass hag of a wife and Blue, cross-eyed son will have to return to swamp or wherever the hell you oafs came from because you have to be completely STUPID IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CHANCE AGAINST ME!!! YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH!!! FUCK YOUR LITTLE WIMPY ASS KID AND BUCK-TOOTHED, DULLARD WIFE!!!! UHHHH DUUUUUUHHH UUUUHHHHH DDDDUUUUUHHH!!!
Darius mocks and insults Reagan with the deliberate intention of causing him to lose his mind and go insane with rage. The security is fast on catching Cole before he could even get a hold of Mr Wright as he stands up laughing his ass off.
Singles Match
Taboo vs Reagan Cole
The out of this world theme of the bizarre Taboo plays and the lights flash green as this masked cult favourite rushes out to both sides of the stage in a manic run. He tilts his head before rushing down the ramp and Clarissa Garcia starts the introductions.
Garcia: This opening match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring first, from the Other Realm, weighing in at 201 pounds, Taboo!
Perkins: The masked oddity is back once again and he better pray he has a chance.
Shine: But he does apparently have some new allies, although they aren’t here right now. There was some developments backstage which we will play right now.
Backstage Moments ago:
As Taboo waits in the hallway, he talks to himself as, in the background, we see three men who have shared his misfortune, Daemon Raze, Corey Keenan, and Marley Jameson. The rookie of the group, a little apprehensive, taps Raze on the shoulder.
Keenan: Are you sure we should talk to this… freaky dude about “joining us?” We already have three people. We’re a trio… apparently.
Jameson: And I’m not sharing my stash with any of you.
The man from the Mile-High city adds in.
Keenan: Where else can we go?
Raze: One word, factions!
Corey Keenan facepalms hard as the Canadian explains.
Raze: Factions are the best thing in wrestling. Have you seen them in Japan? There are entire companies littered with them, they make it BIG in merch sales, and I have a feeling us four can be the next great faction!
Groaning, Corey Keenan sarcastically adds.
Keenan: At this rate, you’re going to form your own company!
Raze: I mean, I got the trademark filed for Raze Pro Wrestling… But babysteps.
Jameson: Hehe, it has “P” in its initials.
Daemon Raze leads his group to Taboo.
Raze: Heyya Tabs!
He lightly taps Taboo on the shoulder who yelps out!
Taboo: Ah! You scare Taboo!
Raze: Easy easy, we’re just want to talk…. We’re friends after all?
The use of the word “Friends,” Taboo jumps up.
Taboo: Friends?! Taboo has friends!
Raze: Right, and as friends, we think you’d be great to join our faction!
Taboo: Fraction? What fraction?
He tilts his head.
Keenan: It's a FACTION. That would mean that we have each other's backs and we work together…
Taboo: So… SUPER Friends?!
Raze: Yeah, so you’re in?
The Freak nods and Raze explains.
Raze: Great, now a word of advice, as a super friend, this is a big match for you. If you beat Reagan Cole, you can likely get a chance at the title since he is number one contender so-
Taboo: Shiny!? I can get SHINY THING!?
Without letting Raze continue, Taboo runs down the hall, rushing to the Guerilla position.
Raze: What-
Keenan: Well, he’s on his own I guess.
Raze: At least it’ll give me time to make a t-shirt design…
Jameson: Good, all of my shirts I can't bring to the airport.
Back to the ring:
Going back to the ring, Taboo is already rolling around in the ring, frothing at the mouth at the thought of getting a chance at the shiny.
Perkins: So, Taboo is with Raze, Keenan, and Jameson?
Shine: Talk about a “dream team.”
Perkins: More like a “Meme team.”
Taboo gets up at long last and waits for his opponent who, after the press conference earlier in the day, will likely have some anger to let out.
The crowd cheer as the guitar riffs of “Wire-Walker” blare through the speakers and the Newark crowd are behind Reagan Cole. Walking out with his signature maroon jacket and a t-shirt with the necklace from Black Panther, he doesn’t take much time to play to the crowd as he removes his jacket and t-shirt on the ramp.
Garcia: And his opponent, from Essex, England, weighing in at 215 pounds, the British Apprentice, Reagan Cole!
Perkins: With Darius Wright taking a shot at Reagan Cole’s family, I think it is safe to assume Reagan Cole will be thinking of Darius during this match.
Shine: Yeah, he’ll imagine Taboo is Darius Wright.
Reagan Cole walks down the ramp, keeping pretty straightforward as he heads up the steps. He gets into the ring and paces in place, staring a hole through the mask of Taboo. His theme music stops playing and he rolls his wrists, ready for a fight.
Taboo immediately runs at Reagan Cole who quickly drops him down with a double leg takedown and throws a flurry of punches and elbows at the head of Taboo! The referee has to get him to step away, but Reagan Cole quickly picks up Taboo and pushes him in the corner, stomping away until the official gets to a four count. “Didn’t want to make this personal…” Reagan Cole mutters as the masked freak stumbles forward. Reagan Cole runs off the ropes full force, taking out his knee with his Kickstart Chop Block! Taboo flips over and Reagan Cole very quickly locks in the tightest Heel Hook possible. Taboo taps out very quickly to the Cole Lock and Reagan Cole keeps the hold on for a few extra seconds before letting go.
Reagan Cole
Perkins: And in record time, Reagan Cole makes Taboo tap out! What an intensity from the British Apprentice?
Shine: The level of competition is questionable, but just that intensity… Right off the bat, I saw something special. That may be what is needed at Blackout.
With the official raising his hand, Reagan Cole rolls his neck and gets on the top turnbuckles, playing to the crowd for a brief moment, before getting down. He points to Taboo who is still rolling on the mat grabbing his leg. Cole says, “That’s a preview, Darius…” before heading out of the ring. Reagan Cole high fives some of the fans as he neglected to do so before the match as we cut to commercial.
Brian Toogood presents…
The BTG Lounge Episode II
Sponsored by Yellow M&M's
After a commercial break, we see the set in the ring for the BTG Lounge is back. With the black carpet, luxury sofas, and table in the middle with yellow M&M’s, the ring is lavish just like the last time. While rolling her eyes, Clarissa Garcia gets on the mic and does her introduction as quickly as possible.
Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the second-ever edition of the greatest talk show in Liberty or Death Wrestling history, hosted by the Embodiment of American Exceptionalism himself… The Best At Hashtags, Big Money… The Slayer of Freaks and Tamer of Geeks...The Great…
And on a mic in the back, Brian Toogood shouts his initials… AGAIN
Both: B...T...G…
Clarissa shakes her head and then says…
Garcia: Brian Toogood…
Drawing a fountain of boos, the theme music of Brian Theodore Goodman… Brian Toogood plays. After a few moments, Brian Toogood walks out, wearing his designer fedora and sunglasses along with a different attire of expensive jeans and a custom polo shirt. He walks backwards slowly. He wiggles his hips a little bit with his arms out wide before, at the 35-second mark, he turns around showing his smug, rich grin to the fans. He pretends to be overjoyed by the reception he got before laughing it off then pretending to barf and he walks down the ramp.
Perkins: Love him… or probably hate him, Brian Toogood gets some time in the ring next as he hosts the BTG Lounge. Hyping a mystery guest, he says they will “Break ratings and scales,” and things will go better compared to last time.
Shine: He has Patriot in his sights at Blackout as they go in a rematch from both last week, and at Foundation, and he wants to fix his slide… And he thinks this show will change it?
Brian Toogood walks up to a younger fan and reaches to shake his hand, before moving his hand away and shooing off the youngster. He walks up the stairs before stepping into the ring. He grabs a microphone on the table before his theme music fades away.
BTG: Ladies and gentlemen, consider this a redebut, because this time, it will be done right! Welcome to the BTG Lounge starring your humble host… BIG MONEY… B...T...G…
He does his pointing routine.
BTG: Brian Toogood!
There are jeers from the Jersey crowd as Brian is amused.
BTG: Oh come on, this is the best show to come to Jersey. What were your best shows? One a fake ‘reality’ show about a bunch of spray-tanned dumbass frat kids? Then another about a fatass Italian baker and his family? Your state has been the second biggest butt-end to jokes in America. If it wasn’t for the fact “Florida men” act like total freaks, you’d still be number one. But don’t worry, as someone from a neighbouring state, I decided to grace you with this talk show. And this edition will be the best edition of the BTG Lounge! Why? First…
He takes a hand full of M&Ms and pops it in his mouth, chewing it before swallowing.
BTG: I get to have my lovely M&Ms, and second, I have the best guest possible. And before I get to that, I need to talk about the first guest because lucky me, I have to team with him tonight. You know him, Mr Darius Wright…
With a negative reaction matching the one he just received, the fans have turned against Darius Wright since he faced Brian Toogood a mere month ago, which causes Brian Toogood to shout back.
BTG: Oh yeah!? Where was THAT when he faced me!? You guys got fooled and yet I, a man with integrity, was honest the whole time! Darius, I didn’t forget how you ruthlessly threw me on a pile of chairs and you have now taken MY title I should have now and have covered its beauty up. I don’t like you. I know that one day I’ll take that title from you once and for all. I’ll never ever forget what you did to me...
Changing tune, Brian adds.
BTG: Buuut, considering I have an opportunity to kick Patriot’s ass, and I’m also facing a former world champion, I’m willing to tolerate you at least tonight, and who knows? Maybe you’ll impress me and that partnership you are orgasming over can be possible for at least another night when it’s required?
Shaking his hand, Brian Toogood brings the subject to the fourth man involved in the tag team match.
BTG: As for Patriot’s partner for the night, clearly the bosses wish to preserve the main event because they have a PPV main event to preserve…
He says with a bit of jealousy.
BTG: So they found a new signee, a veteran. He goes by the new name of Debaucherino, but you may know him as ‘Dat Kid.’
Being his home state, the New Jersey crowd erupts in cheers for the man debuting tonight.
BTG: Which, by the way, your grammar SUCKS! ‘Dat,” Dat… IT IS THAT! Then again, you were educated in New Jersey.
The crowd boo at the jab at them… again.
BTG: So THAT Kid as I’ll call you, I’ll admit, I never paid attention to where you wrestled before. Internet Wrestling Titles, I think it was called. I was too busy owning life. But with your laundry list of titles, no matter the promotion is something to marvel at. Deep down I hope that you can show that magic you had before… THAT Kid, I want you to show me how good you are… Rather than you show up as a washed-up has-been. I hate that more than a freak or a geek. Trust me, this is a young man's game, and I am the best young star in this company. But if you have something left, show it because then it’d mean so much more to me when I beat you. That way I can remind everyone that Brian Toogood is more than a name…
Letting out a confident laugh, Brian Toogood brings his attention back to the show at hand.
BTG: But, that’s for later tonight and for now, we have a very special guest, one close to my heart. I told you that they would break the ratings and scales, and that’s true. You see, while everyone else stops at ten, they go all the way up….
He smirks.
BTG: To an eleven. They are also the biggest supporter of Brian Toogood, and I thought it’d be great to light up this dull state with them. Introducing for the first time to LDW fans live, she is the Eleven, the one girl more good than Toogood, my girlfriend, the Beautiful, Stacey Keys!
Shine: Get ready for the most self-indulgent talk show ever…
Surprisingly having her own theme, the song “Go Awf” by Lil’ Kim plays and trumpets blare before, sure enough, the girl we saw backstage a few weeks ago, Stacey Keys, walks out with a red dress and heels and lipstick. She runs her hands through her blonde hair before walking down the ramp, staying away from the fans.
Perkins: And she has her own theme music… Great... Ladies and gentlemen, this is the woman Brian Toogood has been constantly bragging about on social media over the past few months and looks like she is making an appearance for LDW.
Shine: She’s been backstage a few times already, and from first impressions, I’ll say her and Brian are perfect for each other. Both self-absorbed, condescending, and when I tried to introduce myself, she tried to direct me to a senior’s centre, and I’m only 40!
The “Eleven,” Stacey Keys walks to ringside where a fan reaches for her shoulder and she steps away, calling him a creep before looking to the ring and having a big grin looking at Brian Toogood. Stepping up the steps she steps under the middle rope as Brian Toogood raises the rope, like a gentleman. Her personal theme fades away as Brian Toogood sits on the couch. Stacey is about to sit across from him, but Brian speaks up.
BTG: Babe, don’t need to keep distance, I got a spot for you right here.
He pats the cushion next to him and his girlfriend gladly sits down. Putting his arm around her, Brian smiles at Stacey who returns his grin. She talks into the microphone.
Keys: Wow, I didn’t expect to have this talk show to be so… personable.
She giggles a bit and winks at Brian.
BTG: It only is when we have a guest as special as you.
Stacey smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek before saying.
Keys: I love the view though. I needed something good to look at after being stuck looking at the garden-less state of New Jersey, uhhg, no wonder their basketball team left for a better state…
Going low once again, the crowd jeer as Stacey Keys, much like her boyfriend, knows how to get under a crowd’s skin.
BTG: So, shall we get going with this interview? Because I know everything about you…
Keys: Everything? Even what I ordered at the cafe when we first met?
BTG: I mean, you know mine.
Stacey rolls her eyes.
Keys: Well, duh, a Blonde Almond Milk Suger-Free Vanilla Hazelnut Latte with light foam, and an extra shot of espresso.
She says without any hesitation.
Keys: But I am asking you, dear.
Brian puts his hand on his chin before saying.
BTG: A vanilla Chai Tea Latte made with soy, half sweet, extra hot…
Both of them excited and practically in sync, they say together.
Both: Extra foam with a shot of espresso and cinnamon and nutmeg powder on top!
Stacey claps.
Keys: Toogood there, babe.
The “Big Money” wrestler smirks.
BTG: I see what you did there.
Keys: I know! I’m such a genius!
BTG: As I was saying, I think it’d be fair for these people, who are going to be seeing a lot more of you soon, get to know you a bit. First, babe, talk a little bit about your life before you met me. Oh, and here is a little treat for you.
Brian reaches over to the bowl of M&Ms and takes one, feeding it to his girlfriend who smiles back.
Holding his mic for his girlfriend, Brian lets her talk.
Keys: Well, I was born in the bright lights of Manhattan, New York. My mom was a fashion designer, getting her designs featured in every hit magazine in the world, no biggie. My dad was an agent for several big athletes before going into the financial service industry and their genes lead to an adorable baby girl who blossomed into the hottest girl alive.
She chuckles to herself.
Keys: And I took time for a marketing degree in school and did some modelling on the side.
BTG: Didn’t you hear, one of the guys who trained me, his cousin wrestles here and she is also a model?
Stacey rolls her eyes.
Keys: You mean Nova? Like, yeah, I did some shoots with her, way too cheerful for my liking. She’s such a nerd! She always was seen watching some stupid Japanese wrestling shit, talking to her cousin or something, and talking about hockey or some trashy rock band or games. Anyways, where was I, oh yeah, I completed a marketing degree, went up to Niagara Falls to do a big shoot there, and I went to get coffee after, and I fell in love.
She runs her hand on his leg and smiles at him.
BTG: And you left quite the first impression on me…
Keys: And you know what we say.
Together, they both say
Both: First impressions matter!
They laugh as Stacey Keys continues.
Keys: And let me guess, you want me to continue.
Brian smiles.
BTG: Take as long as you want, babe.
Keys: Perfect, because after that, we had a date which lead to a romantic evening and since I’ve been with you to… well, most places. I didn’t want to touch Philly with a ten-foot pole. Those nerds and weirdos there freak me out… And I guess hearing more and more about wrestling from you lead me to have an interest in the interest of my interest.
BTG: Interesting…
He winks.
Keys: And that leads me here tonight.
Keeping his big grin, Brian continues on.
BTG: Perfect, because next question I have to ask… What’s your favourite thing about me?
Leaning closer to her boyfriend, Stacey Keys puts her hand on her arm.
Keys: Let’s see… you’re funny… handsome… you have such class and you’re such a gentleman… You have big strong muscles… You have such confidence in yourself… You make me feel special…
BTG: Because you are…
Toogood winks at Stacey who nudges a bit closer to him.
Keys: Then what do you love about me, babe?
BTG: Well, you’re smart, so clever ...beautiful… Like seriously, look at that complexion it can light up the darkest cave… You always support me… and you are way better than the entire state of Jersey put together…
Already starting to groan from the self-indulgent display, the fact he is able to throw in a jab in his flirting just causes the crowd to boo these two lovebirds even more. The couple kiss and they are about to do an open mouth kiss and God knows what else, but the much-needed relief from this is here.
Perkins: THANK GOD! Patriot is here to end this lovefest!
Shine: I was scared where that was going next. Thank God, indeed.
With their lips locked, Brian and Stacey’s eyes open wide as they both glare towards the stage, letting go of their kiss and the “Toogood couple” we’ll call them, are furious as Patriot makes his way out.
The All-American Wrestler walks out through the curtain, sporting his normal jeans and tee outfit. His face disgusted at the sight before him. Making a few over the top waves if his hand to signal his distaste of the situation before raising a mic to speak, but an angry Stacey Keys gets up and shouts.
Keys: Hey, dumbnuts! We booked this time, not you! You’re interrupting the greatest talk show in wrestling history!
Patriot: I'm sorry to break up such a lovely … event we will call it, but I'd rather not have LDW get taken off of networks for Brian getting to second base.
The couple both are up and stomp their feet as the crowd laughs, even breaking a small “second base” chant.
Patriot: Thank you, you guys are great! Be sure to stick around for the real punchline, Toogood taking an L later tonight.
Gesturing to his girlfriend for their mic, Brian Toogood, rather annoyed, shouts back.
BTG: I ain’t losing to you again! Okay? Last time you took advantage of me not mentally right. You snuck in like a sneaky little sneak and pinned me! And we didn’t book this show for you to come out and try to joke around about the fact that I got more action tonight than you have had in your entire life!
Stacey reaches over and grabs the mic.
Keys: So, why don’t you go back, kiss babies, hug sad fat fans, whatever you do, and let us get to our show, kay?
Patriot smirks at her response, even managing to keep down some of his laughter.
Patriot: Aw man… you know Brian… I think you have a keeper here. I mean you two are a perfect match. Loud. Annoying. Arrogant. Clearly better than any woman I could get, no doubt.
Sarcasm can be felt oozing through his words as he speaks.
Patriot: But why don't we cut this short? Because these fans came to see wrestling. Not you two getting each other all hot and bothered. Besides Toogood, you're gonna need some extra time to prepare for our match.
Brian Toogood snickers.
BTG: Actually, we booked this time to have a special announcement. But I got sidetracked. Which always happens when I’m with this girl, hehe, and it pertains to the main event tonight, Blackout, and from here on out.
Brian Toogood reaches in his pocket to get a piece of paper and hands the microphone to his girl.
Keys: You see, I’ve taken quite an interest in my man’s endeavours. I don’t just see someone I love, I see someone who is going to be a star, someone building a brand. And as a marketing major, I see that as my interests combining. So, I’ve taken the liberty of signing a contract… with Liberty or Death Wrestling. Not to wrestle, because I don’t feel ready for that and I need to keep my image for now, but from here on out, I will be in my man’s corner!
Perkins: Wait, she’s with Brian… Like as a manager?
Keys: Manager, Valet, brand consultant, spokesperson, whatever you call it, I’m going to be helping Brian from here on out and we’ll be the biggest-
Patriot cuts her off.
Patriot: Oh good, now she'll get paid to be your shoulder to cry on after tonight and at Blackout.
The two shake their head and Brian gets the microphone back.
BTG: Actually… We already booked a private party after tonight at one of the best restaurants in town… Well the only good one, and we plan on having a little bit of the bubbly and a feast at the embarrassment of Patriot and Debaucherino in a preview for Blackout.
Keys: Because when you celebrate, you don’t just make it good…
The two smile at each other and say together.
Both: You make it too good!
They laugh together in full view of the audience before the camera cuts to Patriot who is watching them. He blinks, lowers his mic, and turns his head to the left, staring into the camera like a character out of a popular sitcom. Mr. American Wrestling shakes his head and turns again to face them, raising the mic back.
Patriot: Well let's hope you take losing just as good this time Brian. Because I don’t want you enjoying your ‘bubbly’ to turn into you drinking your sadness away. See you later.
And with the two taking verbal jabs at one another and Stacey making a big announcement, the dynamics of their match tonight and at Blackout has just changed in a big way.
Singles Match
Jay Washington vs Luke Saint
The crowd begin to cheer as the lights in the arena dim and Jay Washington's theme plays out for a few seconds and then the lights switch back on to show Jay slowly walking out onto the stage. He bares a smile upon his face as he points to the crowd and then begins to make his way down the ramp.
Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 231 pounds, The One, Jay Washington.
Perkins: As we know, Jay Washington had the chance to face against the world champion last week, but that match was marked with an asterisk as Al Blizzard brutalized Jay in the back.
Shine: And I know he has a match right now, but his mind is firmly on Al Blizzard.
He high fives a few crowd members and then heads for the ring steps. He walks along the apron whilst still staring out into the crowd. He then climbed through the middle rope. He went over to the side closest to the announcer's table and request a microphone, he is handed a microphone and his theme slowly fades out and he stands in the centre of the ring taking in the ever-growing fanfare.
Jay: Wow!
He puts his hands on his hips, taking in the cheers.
Jay: Oh how great it is to be right here in Newark, New Jersey!
The crowd pop for the name drop of the current location.
Jay: It truly is!
The crowd slowly become silent.
Jay: I want to talk about last week and the massive pain I endured at the hands of both Al Blizzard and the delusional man known as Mr.Wright or Darius...
The crowd jeers at both of the names, more so for Darius.
Jay: Now, first of all, I want to talk briefly about Darius. So last week, if you were living under a rock then, I fought one on one with the champ himself. But unfortunately for me, beforehand, Al Blizzard blindsided me and beat the living shit out of me. But I still took the fight to Darius with all I had left and unfortunately, that wasn't enough and I lost. But hey, I should've seen the attack coming, after all, I did poke the beast earlier that night and cost him his match.
The crowd ever so slightly cheer Jay for this.
Jay: But him blindsiding me like that...
He shakes his head, remembering the attack, speaking with a little more passion.
Jay: Was just a step too far, bud. I had an opportunity to make the biggest impression possible by beating the world champion, Darius Wright. But we couldn't see if that could happen because Al Blizzard decided to screw me and I'm not going to stand for that!
The crowd cheer at this.
Jay: At Blackout I can promise you this... Blizzard WILL be defeated and I will be the only man left standing in that ring! But hell, why do I even wait to fight him, how about we fight now Blizzard. Bring your ass out here right now!
He turns his entire body to the stage and waits, however no one shows up.
Jay: Blizzard you god damn coward, I know you are back there in your little hole. Do something, you talk the talk, so come and walk the fucking walk.
Then all of a sudden Luke Saint's Theme begins.
The signature black 2019 Cadillac Escalade of the Crimelord drives in the parking lot as Jay Washington, more than annoyed with Al Blizzard refusing to show up, has to refocus on his match. Two members of the American Saints open the car door as Luke Saint makes his way out in his signature mask and trench coat, eventually making his way through the back and on the stage. He reveals his mask to show his wicked smile as Clarissa introduces him.
Garcia: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by The American Saints, from New York City, New York, weighing in at 222 pounds, Luke Saint!
Perkins: Well, I guess Al Blizzard will have to change gears immediately and focus on the task at hand, facing an outright villain in Luke Saint.
Shine: And I think he will need to keep his eyes in the back of his head because of not just the American Saints, but Al Blizzard who is meant to be in the building tonight. Meanwhile all Luke Saint is focused on is his personal endeavours and winning.
Luke Saint hands his mask off to his associate and heads to the ring where he goes up the steps, smirking at Jay Washington. He gets in the ring and removes his trench coat, stuffing his ring into his knee pad as the AC/DC track fades away.
Upon the sound of the bell, Jay Washington, wishing to get this match over quickly to focus back on Al Blizzard, quickly charges at Luke Saint and kicks him in the gut. He tries to hook both arms for the Washington Tiger Bomb, but Saint quickly spins out of it and Jay attempts a roll-up.
And Luke Saint gets up his shoulder quickly. Jay Washington tries for a crucifix pin and gets the same result. Luke Saint answers with an elbow strike. Responding, Jay Washington does an enzuigiri and does a small package, getting another one count.
Realizing he needs to do some damage before getting the win, Jay Washington hits a quick snap vertical suplex and then rolls to the apron. As he is about to ascent to the top rope, one of the American Saints begins to go near the top rope, causing enough of a distraction for Luke Saint to come in with a dropkick, dropping Washington abdomen first on the top turnbuckle pad! Luke Saint then joins him on the top and uses the precarious position to send Washington crashing on the apron with a back superplex!
The match quickly escalating after that nasty bump, Luke Saint gathers himself before getting up and tossing Jay on the apron and leaning him across it, his head hanging over the edge. Luke Saint backs up before charging and hitting a knee lift on Jay Washington! The Patron Saint of crime rolls in the ring and gets a pin on Jay Washington, and gets a two count as the second-generation wrestler gets his shoulder off the mat.
Targeting his likely bruised ribs, Luke Saint knees Jay Washington in the ribs while holding his chin to keep him from getting away for a moment. He quickly transitions to a gut wrench and lifts Jay Washington to his feet then does another knee to the gut, then an elbow to the head. Finally, he turns it into a belly-to-belly and attempts another pin.
And another kick out from Jay Washington.
As Jay Washington gets up, Saint Irish whips him across to the turnbuckles, causing Washington to wince on impact. He follows with a massive big boot in the corner and drops Jay Washington on the mat. Saint quickly gets to the middle rope and does a diving knee drop to the ribs, rolling through and clapping like a maniac. He pulls Jay Washington up and locks in an abdominal stretch, adding elbows to the ribs.
After several agonizing moments in the submission, eventually, Jay Washington just manages to hip toss out and quickly follows up with a snap Regal-plex! His back and ribs hurt too much to bridge, but he keeps his offence going with a quick leg drop and a pin.
And Luke Saint, the maniac, kicks out.
Clapping to get the crowd behind him, Jay Washington quickly hits a clothesline, followed by a dropkick, then tops it all off with a Falcon Arrow, nobody kicks out of it!
And Luke Saint kicks out at two, damn.
Getting behind Luke Saint as he tries to get up, Jay Washington is ready to hit his Lumbar Check he calls “The Knee Deluxe,” and he gets Luke Saint up… before the Goon spins out of it and locks in an armbar! The Laughing Coffin is in as the arm of Jay Washington is pulled and the fingers are twisted as Luke Saint, very fittingly, laughs maniacally as he tries to force a tap out!
After struggling with the hold, Jay Washington manages to change pressure, doing a roll-up like move to force the shoulders on the mat as Luke Sant lets go of the hold and quickly goes for the Saintioned Violence stomp…
As Jay Washington catches him mid and hits the Knee Deluxe!
Luke Saint, on instinct, rolls to the outside as his “American Saints” members check on him. He holds his back in agony as Jay Washington, seeing a chance, decides to go high risk by running on the opposite side of the ring, then diving through the ropes, taking all three men out!
Getting up a little slow after the bad bump from earlier, combined with the dive to the outside, Jay Washington is sore, but fighting back in the match. He throws Luke Saint in the ring as his goons are taken out, and he goes in the corner, then hits his Gobstopper Superkick! He pins Luke Saint.
And Luke Saint kicks out of the move!
Shaking his fingers after they were nearly snapped off, Jay Washington gets ready for another attempt at the Washington Bomb. He hooks one arm, and struggles to lock his hands together as…
The theme music of Al Blizzard plays and Jay Washington immediately lets go of the arms of Luke Saint and gets ready for the man he called out earlier. Later than expected, Al Blizzard is coming. After the music plays for longer than normal, Jay Washington quickly checks the crowd area for Al Blizzard and doesn’t see the Punisher. Then, from behind, Luke Saint nails him with a lariat! He was Pearl Harbour’ ed by Luke Saint and fooled by Al Blizzard!
Quickly pulling Jay Washington up, he lifts him up, nailing a Powerbomb Stunner, and with Jay Washington stunned on his hand and knees, it is time for Luke Saint to put the final nail in the coffin. He runs off the ropes and drives him face-first into the mat with Saintioned Violence! The Curb Stomp hits! Luke Saint gets the cover.
Luke Saint
Perkins: What was that? Al Blizzard’s theme music played and he wasn’t to be seen…
Shine: Al Blizzard is in Jay Washington’s head and there is nothing undoing what both men just put themselves through, but Luke Saint took advantage and is back on a roll!
The Patron Saint of Crime quickly rolls out of the ring, showing a wicked smirk as the referee goes on the outside to raise his hand, before Luke pushes him aside and his two goons, who have recovered from the dive, raises his hand.”Taking care of business…” Luke Saint mutters as he heads up the ramp and to the back, victorious.
Realizing he has been duped, Jay Washington comes to his senses and pounds the mat in anger as he looks down at the ramp to see Luke Saint and his goons leaving…
And Al Blizzard rushes into the ring and superkicks the back of Jay Washington’s head!
Perkins: Oh NOW you show up?
Shine: Al Blizzard playing Jay Washington like a fiddle, I don’t like it, but it’s impressive.
Quickly pulling Jay off the mat, Blizzard hooks both the arms and drops him with a thunderous Double Underhook Facebuster! Punishment hits! Al Blizzard, being showered with boos, goes to grab a microphone and stands over Jay Washington, speaking with intensity.
Blizzard: You wanted me to come out before this!?
He shakes his head, getting closer to Jay’s face.
Blizzard: No... We do this on my terms! And speaking of, you gave me an idea. Do you think you'll be the one left standing at Blackout? I will be the one standing over your beaten body. Because I just got confirmation from Slate and Eden, we're going to make this a Last Man Standing match!
Grabbing Jay by his long hair, Al holds the microphone next to his face.
Blizzard: And I'll show you exactly what ruthlessness is all about, see you in Brooklyn, bitch!
Dropping the microphone, Al Blizzard heads out as Rodney and Wally talk about what had happened.
Perkins: And there we have it, at Blackout, it will be lights out for one of them as they have… a Last Man Standing match!
Shine: They may tear down all of Brooklyn!

A female voice with a German accent is heard.
"We're watching...& waiting...& anticipating..."
A cackling laugh is heard.
"You will all be blessed...by the RED!"

Unaware of the interruption, we see Rodney Perkins and Wally Shine talking about Blackout.
Perkins: We got ourselves a very personal card on hand in Brooklyn. First, let's talk about the update we have on the card, something we haven't seen on this show.
Shine: We got ourselves a big debut on the show as earlier in the week, we had a press conference... That went way more smooth than the one day, showing a new signing who is from the land of the rising sun on here from Excursion.
A graphic appears with blue and black, giving a technical feel along with static behind him and the LDW logo, a new signing of Jun Yoshimoto, signalling his debut.
Perkins: We have new-comer Jun Yoshimoto making his LDW debut against an opponent to be determined.
Then, going to the next match, we see Jay Washington and Al Blizzard, with their new stipulation added.
Perkins: We have Al Blizzard and Jay Washington facing off one on one at long last, and it is a Last Man Standing match. Whoever can beat their opponent to the point where they can't answer the ten count will be victorious!
Shine: In this battle of philosophy, Al Blizzard has been in the head of Jay Washington and finally, The One can get a chance at vengeance against the Punisher.
Switching it up, and adding the new "manager" for Brian Toogood, we have him and his opponent later tonight, Patriot.
Perkins: And a man desperate to get back on the winning path and change fortune, Brian Toogood has got his woman in his corner as he fights Patriot.
Shine: Two of the breakout stars in LDW thus far, we have the hated Brian Toogood and the man of the people, Patriot. Expect a technical master class with personal tension.
Perkins: Speaking of personal...
Transitioning to a match months in the making, we have Nova Taylor, the Rainbow Princess, against one of her bosses, the Torn Warrior, Slate Bass.
Perkins: After months of turmoil, can Nova Taylor finally lay a vendetta from the past to rest and reclaim control of her reality?
Shine: She has been beaten mentally and physically, but with time to rest, this could be what she needs to use this fuel to stand up to one of the biggest tests of her career. She already beat Eden, she has faced Slate Bass before, can she show everyone her true potential and slay the Torn Warrior?
Perkins: Finally, our main event...
Showing a title graphic, we have Reagan Cole and the outright mad champion, Darius Wright.
Perkins: With Darius Wright dragging the name of Reagan Cole's family in this, the main event isn't about restoring honour to a title people believe is being disrespected, but about a father standing up for his family.
Shine: With Reagan Cole having time to get all the rust off, could this be the chance he needs to prove he is back and beat the only man who has beaten him in LDW thus far and take the title?
Main Event
Tag Team Match
Darius Wright & Brian Toogood vs Patriot & Debaucherino
The time has come for the main event of Primetime and with the match featuring the champion, future opponents, and a debuting star, there will be major implications for the next PPV and potentially after. Clarissa Garcia holds up the microphone and starts the introductions.
Garcia: The following match is your Primetime main event and it is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!
There are some cheers from the crowd.
Garcia: Introducing the-
Cutting off Clarissa and drawing boos already from the crowd is the trumpets of Brian Toogood’s new manager, “brand consultant” and girlfriend, Stacey Keys. She walks out onto the stage, microphone in hand and she flips her hair back, giving a small wink to the crowd.
Perkins: Of course… Clarissa Garcia was about to do the introductions for the main event and Stacey Keys had to cut her off.
Shine: We learned she is a lot like Brian during the… a little too personal edition of the BTG Lounge, and I guess another shared trait is them cutting off Clarissa.
Her theme music fades away as she starts to speak into the mic, patronizing Clarissa.
Keys: Girl, girl, so sorry to interrupt, but as the brand consultant, spokesperson, manager, and loving supporter of my man, Brian Toogood, I regret to inform you that from here on out, only I can hype up my man.
The crowd jeer as Stacey Keys rolls her eyes.
Keys: Come on people, it’s nothing personal. Clarissa is adequate… and I think that was the last thing a guy said to her…
Garcia: Excuse me...?
Clarissa speaks up, giving a small bit of Latina fire.
Keys: But you’re just not Toogood like is required for Brian. So here it is…
The blonde from Manhattan clears her throat and speaks up.
Keys: Introducing first, from Buffalo in the great state of New York, weighing in at 243 pounds... he is the one true embodiment of what it means to be American. He will lead his team to victory tonight and win just like how that man won my heart…
She says with a warm smile on her face.
Keys: Ladies and gentlemen, the Beautiful Stacey Keys is proud to present…
She points for his initials.
Keys: B...T...G, Brian Toogood!
“Live Fast, Die Young,” brings in BTG, Brian Toogood. Who, after fourteen seconds, makes his way out to a chorus of boos. Walking backwards before slowly turning around, he grabs Stacey Keys’ hand and pulls her pin, putting his hand on her hip and she kisses his cheek before the two head down the ramp, holding hands.
Perkins: Looks like we’re going to have to get used to Stacey Keys being around for some time, and both Patriot and Debacherino will have her at ringside.
Shine: And if she is effective, it can provide another hurdle for people to have to overcome.
Perkins: After a very public display of affection, Patriot came out to lambast the couple on the BTG Lounge, which lead to verbal jabs being drawn and the shocker of Stacey being in Brian’s corner from now on.
Shine: And I have to wonder if Patriot will be prepared for her tonight and at Blackout?
At ringside, the couple both shun the fans as Brian walks around the ring and Stacey heads up the steps. The “Slayer of Freaks,” slides onto the apron and Stacey Keys steps into the ring. Brian Toogood gets into the ring and gets on the top turnbuckles, sliding his jacket down to hand to Stacey Keys who folds it. With the cocky wrestler getting down from the ropes, he removes his fedora and shades, sharing a kiss with his girlfriend as his theme music fades away.
Drawing passionate boos from the crowd is the theme music of the LDW World Champion, Darius Wright. The lights flicker as the champion makes his way out, cape covering his title, and he shakes his neck before looking at the fans in disgust. He slowly walks down the ramp as Clarissa Garcia, thankfully without Stacey Keys to interrupt, does her job.
Garcia: And his tag team partner, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 243 pounds, he is the LDW World Champion, Mr Darius Wright!
Perkins: I hope Darius is proud of himself trying to mock a man’s family...
Shine: Reagan Cole was right before everyone else of the true nature of Darius Wright, it just took him winning the title to fully show it.
Perkins: And right now, in the main event, he and Brian Toogood will have to put aside their past differences to get along in this match. Neither man could afford a loss before Blackout. Do you think they can?
Shine: It’ll take a lot. The fact is, both men have massive self-pride, egos arguably, and I know Brian Toogood has not been a fan of his loss and how Darius Wright has seemingly disrespected the title by refusing to show it until he defends it.
The World Champion heads up the ring steps and steps across and into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring, spotlight on him, and he begins to peel back his shoulder cape to reveal the title, before covering it up very quickly and wagging his finger. It is not time for the fans to see the shining gold of LDW. His theme music cuts away as Darius Wright heads to his team’s corner. Brian gives him a glare while Stacey Keys pats his shoulder, whispering something in his ear before the other team gets their entrances.
Drawing a positive reaction from his diehard fans, “Keep Your American Dream” riffs through the speakers as the lights flash a patriotic red, white, and blue. Patriot rushes out, giving a fist bump before running back and forth from the sides of the stage play to the crowd. He looks down at the ring to see the world champion and his opponent at Blackout, and he nods, before heading down the ramp.
Garcia: And introducing their opponents, first, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 199 pounds, the man known as Patriot!
Perkins: Well, Patriot had one chance to ruin the night of Brian Toogood and Stacey Keys, and he has a chance to do it again in the main event.
Shine: And really, a win here can put him right in line for a title opportunity, pinning Darius or not. Nobody has pinned or submitted the champion yet in LDW, and the only person to get a win over him is his own partner tonight.
Perkins: And getting a leg up against Brian before their showdown in Brooklyn would be, as Brian would say…
Shine: We get it.
The two commentators chuckle at the joke and we turn back to Patriot who is high fiving the fans and even takes a picture with a young fan who made a sign featuring a picture of him and his name in red, white, and blue, before heading up the stairs. He hypes up the crowd and gets into the ring, getting them riled up before the main event, however with Brian and Darius in the ring, he decides it’d be best to keep an eye on him as his theme music fades away.
Despite it being his first entrance in LDW, the Jersey crowd give a thunderous ovation in a homecoming for the man formerly known as Dat Kid. The screen turns black as Debaucherino makes his way out and he already looks different from the past. With his facial hair and afro being unkempt, he is almost unrecognizable. He has headphones on his head and bops his head, in his own world.
Garcia: And his tag team partner, residing in Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 170 pounds, formerly known as Dat Kid, he is Debaucherino!
Perkins: And a homecoming for a man with his roots in New Jersey, it is fitting that he makes his way here for his LDW debut. Debacherino, or Dat Kid, was a former world champion and was a building block where he made his name.
Shine: And it is great to see him here, and if he’d win tonight, it’ll be made sweeter with him in his home state and facing the world champion and a former contender. But I have to wonder how well will he and Patriot click?
Perkins: At least Patriot didn’t throw him on a pile of chairs...
Shine: True.
Walking up the steps, Debaucherino walks across the apron and into the ring. He removes his headphones and looks around at the crowd, then his two opponents. Keeping rather subdued compared to the past, he walks towards his team’s corner and crouches. Patriot taps his shoulder and gives him a nod as “Stargazing” by Travis Scott fades away and the teams are set in their corners.
Seeing the home state love for Debaucherino, Patriot lets the IWT legend start the match as the World Champion and his former rival bicker. Darius Wright eventually relents to letting Brian Toogood start.
The two men lock up and the younger and larger Brian Toogood quickly overpowers Debaucherino into a lifting wrestling takedown. Feeling a little cocky, instead of following up with a move, he grabs the afro of Debaucherino and pulls on it, causing a warning from the ref. As soon as BTG lets go to taunt the ref, Dat Kid quickly boots him off with a chest and kips up, adjusting his hair as the fans cheer him.
Another lock up follows with Debaucherino snapmaring Brian Tooogood over and kicking him in the back. An angry Brian Toogood gets up, only for Debaucherino to pull him down for an arm-drag. A dropkick follows and despite being older, Debaucherino is bringing it to a quicker pace. He dropkicks Brian Toogood in the knee and follows with a breath-taking Scissors kick, doing a quick pin that Toogood gets up from at one and a half.
His girlfriend shouts at ringside for her man to focus on the match, and Debaucherino follows with a kick to the chest, then a quick hurricanrana. He goes for a headscissors but Stacey Keys shouts and that alerts Brian Toogood to quickly turn the move, dropping Debaucherino on his knee with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!
With Debaucherino rolling in pain on the mat, BTG stomps the back before Stacey Keys tells her boyfriend to tag in the world champion. The “Big Money” upstart rolls his eyes before lightly slapping Darius’ hand to tag in, getting a dirty look from Wright.
The LDW World Champion lifts Debaucherino up and traps him in a corner away from Patriot. He drives his shoulder into his mid-section, drawing a count from the ref, before he backs up and nails a Stinger Splash! All 243 pounds of Darius Wright nearly crush the former IWT World Champion! Darius does a back body drop as Dat Kid stumbles forward and quickly cuts the ring in half, preventing him from getting close to Patriot, and he does a hard haymaker to the head. He pins the veteran.
And Debaucherino gets his shoulder up just as the official gets to two, and perhaps the large amount of hair actually blocked some of the damage? Darius Wright puts Debaucherino in a front facelock, wearing down the smaller foe, and as the kid originally from Jersey gets up, he brings him into a front facelock facebreaker! Debaucherino is on a knee as Darius Wright runs off the ropes, and the agile veteran jumps up with hurricanrana from out of nowhere! He sees his chance and tags in Patriot. Before the red white and blue fan favourite steps in, Debacherino dodges another attack, forcing Mr Wright towards his team’s corner and Patriot gives him an enzurgiri him in the face!
Debacherino, before heading out of the ring, chop blocks the leg of the world champion at the same time Patriot nails a springboard dropkick, an unexpected double team move! Patriot has a pin, with the chance to be the first man to pin Darius Wright, and the champion kicks out at one and a half.
Seeing a chance to impress against the champion, Patriot does a mix of quick strikes as Darius Wright gets to his feet, trying to chop down the larger man. He pushes Wright towards the corner with his strikes and follows with a Tornado DDT that is turned into a Guillotine on the top rope! He springboards into a DDT and the crowd cheer!
Following that is a series of consecutive dropkicks and then Patriot tries to hook Darius Wright for his Rainmaker DDT. Taking a tad too long to get a good hold on the champion, Patriot leaves himself open to a Sleeper Suplex! Bedtime Story! Darius Wright pins Patriot
And a kickout!
Wishing to end this match quickly, Darius Wright goes to his team’s corner and eyes Patriot for a Pitch Black Lariat. Then, Brian Toogood tags himself in!
Immediately pulling Brian Toogood to face him, Darius Wright is pissed off at his partner’s blind tag. They argue long enough for Patriot to dropkick Brian Toogood in the back, clashing his head with Darius’, and rolling him up just like last time they faced!
In the confusion, Patriot manages to springboard off the ropes and jack Brian Toogood’s jaw, a Springboard Stuna’ connects! Patriot gets the pin.
And Darius Wright dives and breaks it up!
The world champion throws Patriot to the side and yanks Brian Toogood off the mat, still pissed and Stacey Keys, seeing her team starting to break apart, shouts for the two to get on the outside of the ring. Toogood sides with his girl and Darius, hoping for her to be the voice of reason, join them on the outside and they do a huddle. The official starts a count and Stacey Keys shouts at him “Time out, dumbass!” even though that is not how it works in wrestling.
Taking a moment to breathe, Patriot looks at Debaucherino and tags him in as the team of the two men who main evented Declaration get back up to their apron and in the ring, seemingly calmed down after the talk. Brian Toogood tags in Darius and it is Debaucherino vs the world champion.
The two lock up once again and just as they do, Stacey Keys gets on the apron, shouting at the official! Whatever they planned on the outside is seemingly being put into effect. Darius Wright rakes the eyes of Debaucherino when the referee isn’t looking and Brian Toogood begins to rip the padding on the outside. Patriot, seeing this, gets into the ring and Stacey points him out, drawing the official’s attention there as well. The marvel from Manhatten shouts at Darius to throw Debaucherino and Darius Wright throws the veteran, who catches himself on the top rope!
Debacherino pulls Darius’ head into the top rope and he is about to springboard as Brian Toogood grabs his legs and tries to powerbomb him onto the exposed floor! Debaucherino fights it, but the former Dat Kid is knocked off from a big boot by Wright and he slams back first onto the floor!
The crowd jeer as Debaucherino rolls on the mat, holding his previously injured back and Patriot is livid as the official goes back to shoe off BTG and checks on the veteran.
The referee checks of Debaucherino wishes to continue and has seemingly put the match on pause. He is about to call for someone from the back, but Debaucherino grabs his arm, pulling himself up in agony. He rolls back into the ring and the referee reluctantly lets the match continue as Darius Wright stomps on the back multiple times!
Brian Toogood is tagged in and he does the same before dropping Debaucherino directly on his spine with a backbreaker! The team is keeping things fresh and Toogood tags Darius back in locks in a camel clutch. With too much pride, Debaucherino does not submit, but he is worn down as Darius lets go of the hold, bored of it. He goes to the corner and eyes up Debaucherino, waiting for his chance, then hits the Wright Way running knee to the back! All 243 pounds launch into Debaucherino! Darius Wright pins him.
And Debaucherino barely gets his shoulder up!
The world champion drags Debaucherino towards his team’s corner and tags in Brian Toogood once again, the duo finally on the same page. Brian Toogood drops Debaucherino with a vertical suplex and taunts his opponent at Blackout. He twists the arm of Debaucherino and puts on a hammerlock, turning it into his Buffalo Steak Lariat, however, with him sending his foe onto his knee instead of the mat! He pins, looking at Patriot.
Debaucherino rolls the shoulder up just before the three-count and Brian Toogood keeps on the pressure, rolling Debaucherino for a Boston Crab!
Bending the spine, Brian Toogood is looking for a submission win as he shouts “This is the Buffalo Crab now!” and Stacey Keys claps her man shouting, “You’re so clever, babe!” Willing Debaucherino on, Patriot claps and the crowd joins in, and the entire support of Newark, New Jersey is fueling Debaucherinno on. Eventually, he finds it within him to roll through and trip Brian up, and he responds with a Lasso from El Passo!
Bending the spine on the cloverleaf and pressing his knee on Brian Toogood’s head, his back is too sore to fly, but he can try to force Brian Toogood to swallow his pride and tap like he did a few weeks ago. Stacey Keys shouts for her man to stay in it as Darius Wright shouts and extends his hand for a tag. The hold is released, not because Brian Toogood breaks it, but because Debaucherino’s back gives in and he lies on the mat!
Patriot is almost frothing at the mouth to get in and Debaucherino, after a horrific landing on the floor, is showing something special by coming back in the match. Brian Toogood rolls over and looks at Darius Wright but before the “Best At Hashtags” can get the champion in, Debaucherino tags in Patriot!
The embodiment of Liberty runs and steps on Brian Toogood’s back before knocking Darius off the ring apron with a forearm and then hits BTG with another! He gets a hurricanrana off on Brian Toogood, then hits a dropkick in the corner. He tops it all off by nailing Brian Toogood’s head into the mat with a Rainmaker DDT, Donut Get up! He pins Brian, looking for another win against him!
And a Kickout!
Patriot tries to get BTG in a pumphandle, looking for his variation of the Michinoku Driver, the Boston Smasher, but the Buffalo Native is too big and he blocks the move. Before Patriot can even react, Best (Super) Kick Around!
And Patriot kicks out of the kick from nowhere!
Seeing Debaucherino leaning on the apron, Brian Toogood gets an idea to make an impression on the newcomer to LDW. He gets in the corner and eyes up Patriot. “This is how you do a Shining Wizard!” He shouts and he is looking to steal Debaucherino’s finishing move to use on Patriot! He charges forward and Patriot springs to life, hitting a superkick of his own that drops Brian Toogood!
Patriot heads up to his team’s corner and channels the spirit of a certain man that is Macho, looking for a diving elbow drop. He does a small salute as an injured Debaucherino taps his foot for a tag and he hits the Homecoming Elbow! He pins Brian Toogood… and the official doesn’t count due to the tag!
Debaucherino gets in the ring, holding his back and Patriot, realizing what had happened, has had his jaw drop. He gets up to confront Debaucherino about it. "What the fuck, man!? We had em!" and the former Dat Kid looks away and is about to grab Brian Toogood, but Patriot pulls him away, wanting answers. Seeing a chance, Brian Toogood quickly gets up and clotheslines both of them! Patriot rolls on the apron as Brian quickly tags in the LDW World Champion, Darius Wright.
Being straight and to the point, Darius Wright wrenches Debaucherino by the gut and on his shoulder, ruthlessly slamming him down with his “Dark Cloud” Dominator! Stacey Keys rushes over and grabs Patriot’s foot as he attempts to break up a pin.
Darius Wright & Brian Toogood
Perkins: And Debaucherino, after his pride pushed him through his back getting injured, has it cost him as his team falls into disarray!
Shine: His previously injured back and Stacey Keys proving she is perhaps going to be the brains behind the power couple, were the difference makers.
Realizing Patriot is pissed off at them, Stacey and Brian make a beeline for the entrance-way, not taking time to gloat in the ring. They both wave bye to Patriot, with Brian shouting “We got a party to go to, bye!” before heading off and an angry Patriot chases after them.
Perkins: And looks like this will continue into Blackout.
Darius Wright is handed the cloth-covered title and he looks over Debaucherino with a smirk, and heads out of the ring, clutching his title. Then, security appears on the stage as Reagan Cole makes his way out to cheers, looking dead ahead at Darius Wright, and the security tries to keep them apart.
Perkins: Reagan Cole is here! Reagan Cole is here and he has a look of fire in his eyes.
Shine: And everyone is trying to keep him from ripping Darius apart.
Reagan Cole rushes forward and even Darius steps forward, but the security team tries to keep them from striking each other. With a burning intensity, they manage to press forehead to forehead for a moment, getting a look in their eyes, neither man knows any fear of the other. As the security team tries to pull them apart, we fade to black with Perkins shouting.
Perkins: Tempers will boil over, see you in Brooklyn at Blackout!
Big thanks to @King Of Armageddon @The Reagmaster @Patriot Pants @DemonHunter1257 and @Grievous II for your contributions in segments, and even @Dat Kid for your ideas in the main event. This was segment heavy, but I am happy with how it turned out. NEXT IS PPV TIME, BITCH!
@Omega Maniax
@Jonny Nostradamus
@Jeffry Fucking Mason