Show LDW Blackout

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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From the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York.

The screen begins with bright camera flashes as we see the scenery of the city that never sleeps, New York, and a voice-over speaks.

"It's the city of bright lights, here, you never sleep. Life moves fast, you see it all."

Then, we see footage of both Patriot, and Brian Toogood with his girlfriend, Stacey Keys.

"From the men who keep fighting for something, and the people who have everything."

Then, of the two men who are fighting in a Last Man Standing match, Jay Washington and Al Blizzard.

"People who overcome hardships day after day and the people who want to watch the world burn..."

Following it is the debuting Jun Yoshimoto, and veteran Debaucherino.

"People who want to make their name, have a claim to be famous, and the established man looking to stay at the top."


We see images of Nova Taylor and Slate and Eden.

"Is either one in blood..."

Including Eden's busted hand and Nova's cut forehead at the hands of Slate Bass.


And of the main event, where we see a playback of Darius Wright taking a shot at Reagan Cole's family and the challenger getting face to face with Wright.

"Is who you have your heart for."

"The lights are always on your, make your shot... Unless you..."

"Fade to black..."

Darius' voice echos and we see the champion doing a discus lariat as the lights go out.

Liberty or Death Wrestling Presents:


"Lights out" plays as the lights come on, and the Brooklyn crowd cheers. The stage has various lighting pictures on it, and two screens on either side with the show's logo. The ring has our normal red white and blue ropes switched to blue and black with the canvas even showing a darker colour. With the image zooming around at the fans, it eventually settles on the commentators, Doctor Smooth, Wally Shine, and the voice of LDW, Rodney Perkins.

Perkins: Welcome everyone to Blackout live from the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York, sponsored by Ford!

Shine: If we drove a Chevrolet, it'd delay the show.

The two commentators wink before continuing.

Perkins: I'm Rodney Perkins and with me, my close friend and colourful commentator, Doctor Smooth Wally Shine, and we got a packed card tonight.

Shine: If there was one thing I'd describe tonight, it'd be personal. So much bad blood runs through the locker room and there is a chance to settle it tonight on PPV.

Perkins: Well, not every match is a personal blood bath. Tonight we have a showcase match as veteran Debaucherino faces the debuting Japanese young gun, Jun Yoshimoto.

Shine: But countering that, we have two men planning on literally having each the other's lights out as Jay Washington and Al Blizzard face in a Last Man Standing match!

Perkins: Then, we have a battle of pride and one-upmanship, and two men searching for better things. Brian Toogood, who will be joined by the self-proclaimed "11 of LDW," Stacey Keys, and he faces against Patriot.

Shine: She has a terrible personality, but I'll admit, she's a looker. Then, Nova Taylor, after months of torment, finally has a chance to fight co-owner Slate Bass.

Perkins: Then, in our main event, for the world title, we have Reagan Cole fighting to show he is the best version of himself, as he tries to take the title from the newly... confident, Mr Darius Wright. Let's get going!

Last Man Standing Match
Jay Washington vs Al Blizzard

“Nothing Remains” by Evalyn Awake begins to play in the arena, which is met with cheers from the crowd. After 33 seconds of dark lighting, the lights turn back on to reveal Jay White on the stage, standing on top of a table.

Shine: Woah, what’s this?

Perkins: It’s a table!

Shine: He is the table!

Perkins: On the table, Shine.

Jay Washington steps down from the table, closes its legs and starts carrying it to the ring.

Shine: Guess the hardware’s going with him.

Garcia: Making his way to the ring! From Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at two-hundred and thirty-one pounds! “The One” Jay Washington!

As he makes his way to ringside, Jay positions the table onto the apron and slides it under the bottom rope, into the ring.

As he hops onto the apron-

Perkins: Wait what’s this!?

From behind Jay Washington comes Al Blizzard, who pulls Jay off the apron, causing him to land hard on the outside with his head bouncing off of the ground. The crowd in attendance send a downpour of boos.


Blizzard has Jay Washington set-up for and lays him out with his patented manoeuvre the “Punishment”, the Pedigree slamming his head on the ground once again. Al yells for the referee to come over and start counting. The referee reluctantly obliges.








Jay Washington quickly pops up and lunges at Al Blizzard, sweeping his legs from under him and starts raining down punches on to the bigger man!

Jay stands and the fans go crazy as he showboats for them. He heads back over to Al, lifts him up by the hair and rolls him into the ring. Following quickly behind, Jay slides into the ring only to be met with a Double Axe Handle from a crawling Al Blizzard, who repeatedly hits him in the back before standing up.

Shine: Neither of these men wanting to give the other an opportunity to breath here.
Al sends Jay into the corner, running to meet him there with a forearm to the face. Al laughs as he keeps his arm pressed against Jay’s face. He then rolls Jay on to the mat and starts to climb to the top turnbuckle.

Focused on trying to balance on the top rope, Al has given Jay enough time to get to his feet and meet him up there with a few punches to the head.

Jay Washington now has Al Blizzard in a Suplex position on the top rope and starts to pull him off, but twists in mid-air and hit him with a Falcon Arrow! Blizzard hits the mat hard and the referee starts a ten-count as Jay uses the ropes to get up.





Al Blizzard rolls under the bottom rope and stands on the outside, stopping the count. As soon as he looks towards the ring, he is met face to face with Jay Washington, who comes full speed with a Suicide Dive! Blizzard goes backwards, over the barricade and into the crowd.

Jay has gone back into the ring briefly to retrieve the table he brought in earlier, taking it back outside to the barricade by Al Blizzard. He sets it up as a bridge between the apron and barricade before reaching over the barricade to bring Al Blizzard to his feet.

Al pushes him away and unloads with a powerful clothesline, flipping Jay Washington, laying him out on the ground. Al Blizzard goes over the barricade and begins stomping on Jay Washington, when he notices the table bridge. He points at it and the crowd let out a chorus of boos his way. Blizzard reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair, which he places around Washington’s head before lifting him onto his shoulders.

Al Blizzard stands with his back to the table, twists and uses the momentum to send Jay through the ta-NO!

Jay Washington somehow lands on his feet, standing on the other side of the table! He takes the chair off his head as Blizzard turns around and throws it at The Face of Ruthlessness! It bounces off his head and ends up in the crowd.

Seemingly knocked out, Blizzard stands slumped over the table. Washington goes under the table and lifts Blizzards legs to lay him flat on it. Jay points at the turnbuckle and the fans cheer in approval. He begins to make his way to the top but stops about halfway up. He puts up one finger to say, “wait a minute” and points at his head like he has an idea.

He gets down and goes searching under the apron.

Jay Washington puts the ladder in the ring and sets it up. Pointing to the top of the ladder elicits a big ovation from the crowd, and not one to disappoint, he scales the rungs and stands atop the ladder.

Looking down at Al Blizzard, Jay Washington lets out a deep breath before leaping off the ladder with a Diving Leg Drop, sending him crashing through Al Blizzard and the table!
Shine: My god, that table just exploded! Both men may be shattered!

The referee runs over and begins a ten-count on both men.



Jay Washington stirs and manages to move away from the wreckage.



Al Blizzard starts moving away from the table wreckage as well.


Washington has now pulled himself to his feet with help from the apron.




In a burst of energy, Al Blizzard pulls himself up and over the barricade, breaking the count. He starts to walk through the crowd, away from the match.

Washington follows quickly behind him, and they both disappear through a doorway to the backstage area.

Now backstage, the two men are trading blows as they walk closer and closer towards signs displaying “EMERGENCY EXIT”. Jay Washington knees Al Blizzard in the gut, causing him to kneel in pain in front of the emergency exit door. Jay Washington grabs Al Blizzard by the back of his head and attempts to slam Al’s head off the door, but he is overpowered and hit with a cheap shot below the belt!

Having been sent down to his knees, Jay slowly gets back to his feet. Running full speed towards him, however, is Al Blizzard who hits “The Mauling”, spearing him into the emergency exit door, causing it to swing open and sending both men onto the streets of Brooklyn outside of the Barclay’s Center!

The referee starts a ten-count, but both men are up by the count of four, with Al Blizzard trying to create some distance between the two. Jay Washington is in hot pursuit right behind him but is brought to a stop when an NYC garbage can is thrown at him.


A taxi pulls up in front of Al Blizzard and he jumps in the backseat before yelling at the cab driver to go. However, seeing as this is New York, traffic gets the better of them and they aren’t able to move more than a few feet before they have to stop. Once stopped Jay Washington goes to the backdoor of the taxi, open it and pummels Jay Washington before pulling him out. Jay guides him around to the front of the arena by his hair. Reaching the front doors, Blizzard stops Jay with an elbow to the gut and slams him into the door, which he bounces off. Blizzard drags Jay back inside of the arena puts him in the middle of the rotunda.

Al Blizzard pours a liquid on the face of Jay Washington, which appears to wake him up completely because he shoots up with an uppercut, making Blizzard stumble and slip on the wet floor. Jay follows this up with a swift kick to the side of Blizzard who rolls away and scurries past security guards, through a curtain, and into gorilla position.

Shine: Looks like they might be making their way back towards ringside, and I for one-
Shine is interrupted mid-sentence as Jay Washington joins Al Blizzard in gorilla only to be met with a kendo stick shot across the chest!

Jay Washington falls to the ground and Al Blizzard meets him there, hooking him in a Crossface using the kendo stick! Jay yells in pain and starts tapping as Al wrenches back, but there are no submissions in this match, which both men know, so Blizzard lets the hold go. Al once again utilizes the kendo stick, hitting Jay in the back as he gets to his feet and walks through the curtain and onto the stage.

Blizzard tosses the kendo stick to the side, wanting to finish off Jay Washington with his bare hands. Seeing Jay in a kneeling position, Blizzard rears back and goes for a superkick on Jay, making the man “Bow Down” at his feet in a slump. The referee goes to start a ten-count but is scared off by Al Blizzard who is not quite ready to put this one away just yet.

Blizzard has dragged Washington to the edge of the stage and starts to lift him up by the chin.

“You made the biggest mistake of your life! You don’t mess with me! You should never have stepped in the ring with Al Bli-“

Jay Washington jumps and hits an Enzuigiri on Al Blizzard, knocking him for a loop!

Blizzard, completely out of it is kicked in the gut by Washington and bends over. Jay hooks his arms and has him set up for the “Washington Bomb”!

Jay Washington lifts Al Blizzard, flipping him, and hits a “Washington Bomb” off of the stage, sending both men through various pieces of equipment, making the lights in the arena go out, a literal Blackout!

The referee can be heard counting and the crowd joins in.











The referee calls for the bell!

Shine: What happened, who won? The lights are still out!

Perkins: I don’t know, can we get some clarification here?

A spotlight turns on in the center of the ring and is slowly, manually moved to where Jay Washington and Al Blizzard went off the stage. The spotlight illuminates the area…

Shine: Wow! Look!

Perkins: My lord he did it!

The spotlight reveals Jay Washington standing tall, with his arms raised and one finger on each hand pointed up.

Garcia: Here is your winner and the Last Man Standing, “The One” Jay Washington!

Jay Washington

Shine: He overcame the odds and beat Al Blizzard!

Perkins: What a match! What an ending! What a win for Jay Washington! This was one hell of a Last Man Standing match!

Shine: How on Earth is this going to be topped?! Oh and look, the lights are back on!

Backstage Segment

After the brutal Last Man Standing Match where Jay Washington stands tall, we go backstage and see, lying down on a bench in her locker room under a picture of players from the Brooklyn Nets, Nova Taylor, in her mental funk. The Rainbow Princess stares at the ceiling, mind in her own blank space, and she is in her in-ring gear, but she is hardly “ready” for the match she has later tonight. Her mood is contrasted by her colourful exterior and the fan favourite is mentally tired after months of hardship at the hands of Slate Bass and Eden. Then, there is a knock.

Nova doesn’t answer.

Then there is a second and a third knock and finally, Nova escapes her own little world and sits up, letting out a sigh.

Nova: Who is it?

The door slowly opened to reveal Reagan Cole, full with a t-shirt of the movie “The Godfather” with Jean shorts as he slowly pokes his head in.

Reagan: Mind if I come in?

While keeping her tone of voice gloomy, Nova speaks softly.

Nova: I guess… Come in, Reagan.

Reagan smiles a bit before walking into the room, closing the door behind him, and leans on the wall and there’s a bit of silence between the two as Nova isn’t in the mood for socializing. Eventually, Reagan Cole attempts to break the ice.

Reagan: So…You getting any better at Mario Kart since we last saw each other?

Cutting a small glare, the humour isn’t sitting well with Nova.

Nova: I haven’t played it since...

Reagan just nods slowly as he shoves his hands in his pockets before he just decides to come out with it.

Reagan: Listen, the reason I’m here is that I kinda noticed your social media page and thought you would need someone to get all of your thoughts out before your match.

Brushing it off, Nova looks to the side.

Nova: I’m fine, okay?

She is a little snappy.

Reagan: Oh really? Then how did your date go the other week?

The Rainbow Princess sighs and mutters.

Nova: Okay… Just, uh… had a little too much.

Reagan just sighs as he removes one of his hands from his jean pockets and puts it on his chin as he shows a bit of visible disappointment

Reagan: How much….

Nova: I dunno, four maybe a fifth or sixth after?

Nova says sheepishly.

Reagan: Jesus….I thought you were getting better with your drinking, Nova. C’mon..

Reagan sighs as he gets a nearby chair and sits next to the bench

Reagan: Listen…. I know Slate and Eden have got inside your head, it’s easy to see and I know it’s difficult. But you putting yourself in this state? That’s not helping anybody other than them. They’re winning the mental game and you have to fight back.

Closing her eyes, Nova tries to grasp what Reagan has said, but after a few moments, her emptiness turns into something boiling within and she starts to snap at her friend.

Nova: I have, okay!? I have been for months! Why do you think I wanted to face Eden a few weeks ago!? If there is anyone sick of it, it’s me! But guess what? I’m fucking trapped here. They seem to not care enough about torturing you they gave you a fucking title match tonight and me, they hate me by proxy of the shit they got into with Ryan before he quit! They were the final nail that made him fucking quit!

She gets up.

Nova: So guess what, Reagan I’m just tired of it! I’m fighting on fumes and I’m going there tonight with a monster, not you. I'm the one who relapsed into something, not you. I'm the one having a very miserable night in and night out, not you! Shouldn’t you have to worry about your “big title match”

She says in a condescending way.

Nova: Instead of being overprotective of me?! Huh!?

Reagan is visibly taken aback by all of that as he sees all of the frustration, all of the hurt and all of the anger coming from Nova right now. Reagan looks down at the ground, trying to think of something inspirational or profound to say but one glance back at Nova tells him that those words aren’t gonna help in this situation so he slowly stands up and makes his way towards the door but Nova, feeling guilt over what she has done, mutters out.

Nova: S-Sorry. I-I’m sorry, Reag...

Reagan stops himself just before the door, registering what Nova said. He slowly turns and looks her in the eyes, Reagan’s face showing a mixture of hurt, shock and maybe a little bit of fear.

Reagan: ...Good luck in your match tonight. I hope you give Slate hell.

Giving a small smile, Nova has a bit of her fire back.

Nova: You too… I know Jason would love to see daddy bring home the belt… But umm, I know this may be hard to do, but just don’t focus on my match. This is the biggest match you’ve had in a long time and Darius also needs a good butt whooping.

She sighs.

Nova: I don’t think you should let worry for me cost you that match.

Reagan keeping the same face on through the entire thing slowly regains a very small smile

Reagan: Just be careful out there...and remember that me, Sara, Jason, Tyler, Patriot, Jay...We all have your back. No matter what. Besides... I still owe that picture of Jason in his class.

Nova: Just take one with you two and the title.

Nova jokes before giving her friend a small hug.

Nova: See you after.

Reagan: See ya later, kid…

Reagan opens the door in front of him and with one last smile, he exits the room, closing the door behind him but as soon as the door closes a look of concern emerges as Reagan takes one major breath, trying to regain his composure before walking out of view.

Sitting back down, the positive feelings she just experienced once again begin to fade a bit as Nova Taylor sighs. She knows Reagan is right, Slate and Eden have a “mental game” over her. They are literally in her head at all hours of the day. She is about to lie down again, but then another knock is heard.

???: Delivery!

Confused, Nova Taylor gets up and, due to the events over the past several months. She approaches cautiously and opens to see a normal delivery man with a package. He hands her the box and Nova stutters.

Nova: I didn’t order anything…

Delivery man: Well, it is marked out to an “Alexis Taylor.”

Rolling her eyes, she signs for it and takes it before closing the door, and putting the box down. She takes a key from her gear bag and cuts the tape off the box. Slowly she opens up, closing her eyes, fearing something horrible, but there isn’t.

The eyes of Nova Taylor practically sparkle as she sees in the box, neatly folded, a soft, shiny, violet dress, along with silver satin gloves, and a jewelled tiara. She slowly takes the gloves out and feels them, holding them up to her cheek with their gentle touch, before holding the dress up. Holding it up to her body, she is practically imagining herself wearing it. At the bottom of the box are two pairs of heels and a handwritten note in lavish handwriting. Nova holds it up and it reads.

“This fantasy you imagine, filling you with glee.

For one moment, you escape your harsh reality.

But it can last forever, soon you may escape.

For now, wait to discover your fate.


Singles Match
Debaucherino vs Jun Yoshimoto

The smooth beats of Travis Scott make their way through the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn as any screens are turned to black as the man with the fro, Debaucherino makes his way out as his fans cheer him on, although he is in his own world once again, bopping his head to his music.

Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 170 pounds, Debaucherino!

Perkins: Pride got in the way of his LDW debut on the last episode of Primetime, but with the bright lights on him, can the veteran show the Liberty or Death Wrestling fans what he is capable of?

Shine: Him being against a young 19-year-old stud on his excursion from Japan can be just the showcase needed, although he’s against the unknown here.

Walking up the steps, Debaucherino gets into the ring and walks to the middle of the ring. Looking around, Debacherino leans in the corner as “Stargazing” fades away. His glare looks around Barclay’s centre as a new theme to the LDW crowd is played.

The build-up to “Battle Without Honor or Humanity” plays, building anticipation for a new arrival to LDW. The Unbreakable Spirit, Jun Yoshimoto is shown backstage in a Prayer-like stance before his cue is given and he rushes out to the stage. He hops in place for a moment, readying himself for a fight and focusing, before heading down the ramp.

Garcia: And his opponent, from Kyoto, Japan, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is “The Unbreakable Spirit,” Jun Yoshimoto!

Perkins: On excursion from his native land of Japan and his home promotion of Wrestle Grand Prix Zero, he is trying to make his name in a company that is young like him and making its own name, LDW.

Shine: He is a true student of the game, with his style evolving in Wrestle GP Zero towards a “Strong Style” approach, kicks, elbows, submissions, and heart. We can see a sleeper hit here.

Getting to ringside, Yoshimoto stops in place and gets himself loosened up, ready and focused for the match. He heads up the steps and gets in the ring between the middle and top rope. Jogging in place, he walks to the center of the ring before heading to his corner and looking ahead as his theme music fades away.


Upon the opening bell, the two lock up in a collar and elbow tie up, and the speedy and younger Jun Yoshimoto flips Debaucherino over with a Fireman’s carry. The veteran quickly rolls out of it using the momentum to carry him and just as he turns around, Yoshimoto nails him with a Roaring Elbow!

The fans gasp at the sudden strike and the discus elbow brings Debaucherino to a knee. Seizing the moment, Jun quickly grabs both wrists and lunges forward with a Kamigoye! The Burning Knee Strike! He quickly pins Debaucherino.




Jun Yoshimoto

Perkins: WHAT?!

Shine: That was lightning fast!

Perkins: Fifteen seconds according to the timekeeper! Jun Yoshimoto with the upset of the century in his debut, not just because of him beating a veteran like Debaucherino, but he did it in lightning speed with that Burning Knee!

Almost surprised himself that he won in that quick fashion, Jun looks around as the official raises his hand in victory and the crowd, while shocked, begin to clap at the anomaly that had just happened. Jun Yoshimoto gets up on the top turnbuckle, doing a quick prayer position with his hands before putting his hands in the Zai hand symbol and nodding. His American Debut wasn’t just a success, but it was Earth shattering. He jumps down and heads out of the ring, being kind to the fans and high fiving a couple of them before he heads to the back as Debaucherino, coming to his senses, grabs his jaw and looks stunned.

Perkins: Another shock loss for Debaucherino.

Shine: In a career as long as his, something like this is bound to happen, it happens to almost everyone, but just from watching, I could tell Jun Yoshimoto was focused from the bell which leads him to victory. I don’t know if Debaucherino took Jun lightly, or just had something else on his mind, but he slipped tonight.

Rolling out of the ring, Debaucherino still grabs his jaw as it stings after the elbow and knee. He doesn’t look at anyone as he begins to walk to the back as we cut to a brief commercial break.

Singles Match
Brian Toogood w/Stacey Keys vs Patriot

As the next match approaches, Clarissa Garcia, rolling her eyes, stands up and makes a quick introduction.

Garcia: This next match is scheduled for one fall! First, let me introduce, the Beautiful, Stacey Keys…

The loud trumpets of “Go Awff,” signal the arrival of Stacey Keys who makes her way out in a green dress, microphone in her hand and the Brooklyn crowd jeers at her very presence. She shakes her head at the fans and paces on the stage for a few moments as her theme song plays.

Perkins: If you missed her on Primetime, here she is, the girlfriend of Brian Toogood, and what he calls the “Keys to his success,” the Marvel of Manhattan, Stacey Keys.

Shine: And getting such a negative reaction from what is essentially her hometown crowd is just a marker of how her “man” and her have made themselves hated over the course of the past few weeks alone.

Eventually, her theme music fades away and Stacey immediately lambasts the crowd.

Keys: Really? That’s the reaction you give the hometown girl? Tonight you have a chance to witness someone from Boston, the hellhole Boston, get his ass kicked by one of the hottest young stars from this state with THE HOTTEST person in this state at ringside and you’re booing me? You’re booing the Marvel of Manhattan?

The crowd jeer more before Stacey chuckles.

Keys: Oh wait, this is Brooklyn, right, my bad! We’re in the Barclay’s Center home of a terrible Basketball team who wasted multiple All-Stars and is one of the worst places to watch hockey imaginable.

Then she adds.

Keys: Oh, and where you drove that John Tavares away and now he’s going to win a Stanley Cup in Pajamas. Brooklyn. where the pizza’s greasy like the faces of every nerdy fan here. I guess this part of New York is too dumb to cheer on the state’s greatest heroes and commit treason by supporting Patriot.

Mentioning the opponent of Brian Toogood brings a loud cheer from the fans.

Keys: Stupid… Anyways! Introducing first, from Buffalo, New York, weighing in at a very handsome 243 pounds, he is the true embodiment of American Exceptionalism, the Slayer of Freaks and the Tamer of Geeks, ready to tame another one tonight, he is on his way to Big Money, he is… B… T… G… my love, Brian Toogood!

Continuing the jeers from the crowd, “Live Fast, Die Young,” plays as the lights turn a golden colour and Brian Toogood makes his way out with his usual attire showing a green like his girl, with his back turned to the crowd. Toogood turns around slowly and takes the hand of his girlfriend, pulling her in and putting his hand on her hip. Stacey kisses him on the cheek before the two walk down the ramp of the Barclay’s Center.

Perkins: In an attempt to break his slide after the losses against Reagan Cole and Darius Wright, Brian Toogood has done two things to try to change his luck. The first of which, as we know, is to get Stacey in his corner. The second is to get on the nerves and try to repeat his success against Patriot, which leads us here.

Shine: He technically got a tag team victory over him on Primetime last week, but with neither man in the fall, we have yet to see Brian reclaim his status fully.

Walking around the ring, the two let go of their hands as Brian Toogood goes around the ring and Stacey goes up the steps and steps in the ring under the middle rope. As for Brian, he slides across the apron and tits his sunglasses, smirking at the New York crowd. Brian Toogood gets into the ring and goes on the nearest turnbuckle to pose as Stacey walks behind him and helps him remove his vest and entrance gear. Brian Toogood steps down and kisses his girlfriend as his theme music fades and Stacey gets on the apron to give words of encouragement and advice to Brian as the fans began to cheer loudly as the theme music changes.

The lights of the Barclay’s Center flash between a very patriotic red, white, and blue, as Patriot rushes out to the biggest cheer someone from Boston ever got in New York. The popular star rushes back and forth on the stage before giving a small “salute” and heading down the ramp.

Garcia: And his opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 199 pounds, the man known as… Patriot!

Perkins: I guess the “home-field advantage” for Brian is a non-factor.

Shine: Patriot has been earning his stripes in LDW and has endeared himself to the fans. He and Brian have been two breakout stars, and they both can see themselves as potential title contenders.

Perkins: But with Stacey at ringside, can Patriot repeat what he did on Primetime and beat Brian Toogood?

Shine: He’s better prepared than the tag team match last episode, and he has been matching up better and better each encounter. This can go either way.

Running up the steps after high-fiving fans down the ramp, Patriot gets on the steps and hypes up the crowd before getting in the ring and rushing up the turnbuckle. He continues to play to the New York crowd before he gives a small salute and jumps down. His theme music fades as Stacey Keys gets down to ringside and Brian Toogood, shedding his over the top demeanor for one second, glares across the ring at Patriot.


Showing a bit more focus than normal as the bell rings, Brian Toogood quickly goes forward and the two engage in a collar and elbow tie up, with BTG pushing Patriot to the corner in an aggressive fashion. Rather than backing away, Brian Toogood quickly charges his shoulder into him and stomps away until the official gets him to back up. The “Embodiment of American Exceptionalism,” quickly Irish Whips Patriot across the ring to the other turnbuckle and hits a jumping lariat! Brian leans on the rope as he lets go and Stacey Keys cheers her man on.

Brian Toogood gets to the top rope, with him not taking much time to flaunt to the crowd. He goes for a diving lariat, but it is too early for a move like that and Patriot catches him with a Roundhouse, hitting him in the ribs on the way down! Patriot quickly follows up with a lovely calf kick, then a hurricanrana, forcing Brian Toogood to the outside as the speedy man in the match quickens the pace. Before Stacey can rush to the other side of the ring to check on her man, Patriot quickly runs at him and nails him with a diving dropkick through the ropes!

He gets the Big Money prospect back into the ring and tops off his offensive flurry with a springboard crossbody on Brian Toogood! The fans cheer as he hooks the leg for a pin.



And Brian Toogood gets the shoulder up relatively quickly, and Stacey yells at the crowd for cheering for a Boston-native, and Patriot quickly transitions into a bridging arm-bar! He’s got a submission on Brian Toogood which could affect him long-term in the match if it is on too long. Fearing for her man, Stacey quickly tries to get the official’s attention and Patriot lets go of the hold and shouts “Nice try!” at Stacey before kicking Brian hard in the chest as he gets up. Patriot runs off the ropes, but Toogood recovers in time to catch him with a spinning Irish Curse Backbreaker, making the smaller man bounce off his knee!

The Brooklyn fans jeer as both Brian and Stacey, seeing they have a chance to gloat, takes time to shower themselves in the boos. “New York’s finest!” The 11 of LDW shouts before Brian Toogood stomps away on Patriot’s back and then hitting a Gutwrench suplex, trying to use his size and power to his advantage. He tries to pick Patriot up, and the underdog quickly fights out, hitting a jumping knee. As the fan favourite runs for a move, Brian Toogood scoops him on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry and charges full force into the corner, hitting his Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles! Fold ‘Em up like an Accordion! Brian Toogood pins Patriot.



And the man known as Patriot kicks out!

Trying to target that back more, Brian Toogood rolls Patriot over in the middle of the ring for a reverse Boston Crab (So a New York Crab we’ll say) and he bends the spine of Patriot, even adding a stomp on the back! The fans will Patriot on and eventually, he grabs the bottom rope to force a break of the hold which Brian adds a quick stomp before he breaks it. His girlfriend quickly does a small “slash” of her throat to tell her man to end it and Brian Toogood follows, blowing a kiss to Stacey as thanks. He gets Patriot in a Suplex, and the fans know a Good Night’s Sleep is coming. But before Brian can get Patriot up, the veteran of the match blocks it and quickly pulls Toogood down for a Small Package which he can’t fully get a pin on.

Brian Toogood rolls to his feet and Patriot sees a chance. He superkicks the arrogant prick in the gut and follows up with a Code Red! The same move he pinned Brian Toogood with!




And Brian Toogood prevents a repeat of PrimeTime episode 5 by getting his shoulder up to the relief of his girlfriend.

Getting a rush of adrenaline, Patriot hits a hard forearm smash on Brian Toogood and Irish whips him. Brian Toogood tries for a lariat, but the smaller man ducks it and hits a Pele Kick, catching him on the back of the head! Patriot rubs his back to lessen the pain in it, and he quickly follows through with a Northern Lights Suplex, bridging.



And Patriot flips over, pulling Brian Toogood up, hitting his Rainmaker DDT out of nowhere! Hertz Donut! He pins Brian after his head spikes on the canvas.



Rope Break!

Stacey Keys quickly puts her man’s foot on the rope and alerts the official, breaking up the pin. You can see Patriot mouthing “Come on…” getting a little frustrated with Stacey’s involvement in the match. Brian Toogood stumbles to his feet and Patriot tries to springboard off the ropes for his Stuna’, but as the official is checking up on Brian, Stacey pulls the ropes from under him! Brian Toogood quickly goes over for the pin, grabbing the ropes with his hand.



And the official sees the leverage with the ropes and stops the count.

Both members of the Big Money couple challenge the call, protesting and for one of the few moments in the match, they aren’t focused. Patriot manages to recover and trip Brian Toogod up backwards and then hits one superkick. He backs up, hits a second, then he hits a third! That is Three Number Nine’s! He pins Brian Toogood.




And a kick out from Brian Toogood!

Ready to finally put Brian Toogood away, Patriot grabs the leg and turns him over, getting in the Patriot lock! He pulls the head of Brian Toogood back with the modified STF and the Buffalo native yells in pain. His lip is also a bit read after the three superkicks, showing a bloody lip. Stacey Keys, seeing her man’s hopes fading away, gets the ref’s attention by grabbing a chair from ringside and sliding it into the ring. The official turns around and gets the chair out of the ring, giving Stacey one final warning, and Brian taps behind the official’s back, but he doesn’t see it!

Patriot lets go, thinking he’s won, but after a few moments and the bell doesn’t ring, he realizes the match is still on. He, respectfully, argues with the official, but the referee stresses that the match is still on, and Patriot refocuses himself and tries to get on the top rope. Feeling blood on his finger, Brian Toogood gets the referee’s attention, telling him about the blood, and Stacey quickly heads up the steps and yanks Patriot’s foot back! He slips lands on the top turnbuckle, vulnerable. Brian Toogood takes advantage, heading towards the top rope and lifts him up in a Superplex, but rather than dropping him back, he turns around and drives him headfirst into the top turnbuckle! The Best Night’s Sleep!

Patriot bounces off the turnbuckle and falls to the mat and Brian Toogood folds him up for a pin.




Brian Toogood

Perkins: And Brian Toogood wins thanks to some help from Stacey Keys!

Shine: Throughout the entire match, she got involved. Patriot did very well in fighting off most of it, but eventually, it catches up to you.

Perkins: And Brian Toogood was more focused than normal, less show-boating.

Shine: I think both men have shown their growth tonight, but with how he lost, I have a feeling Patriot is not through with Brian Toogood and Stacey Keys.

Brian Toogood rolls out of the ring and hugs Stacey Keys, tired after the match, and Stacey raises the hand of her man before the couple share a kiss to boos from the fans. “That’s what I’m all about!” Brian shouts. “I’m back, bitches!”

“And better than ever!” Stacey adds before the two head up the ramp. In the ring, recovering from the nasty brainbuster on the top turnbuckle, Patriot holds his neck, more than a little pissed after what Brian and Stacey did to win. He mutters “Next time… Next time.” and we cut to a brief break.

Fishing with Mike Valander

The cameras of LDW go out to the harbour just off of the famous Coney Island and while everyone is out to enjoy the attractions before the weather turns cold and, we see a man in a simple engine boat on the ocean. His long brown hair is tied back in a ponytail as he covers his head with a ball cap of the twins, and he has a long-sleeved shirt and jacket on. A fishing lure is bobbing on the water's surface and compared to the vibrant beach, he is more subdued and rugged. It is Mike Valander. Giving a small smirk, he speaks to the camera.

Mike: Well there you are.

He says calmly.

Mike: I was expecting you'd be here sooner or later. Because I'm out here in one of the few quiet places in the city, that despite it being home to the Yankees who just swept my twins in the alds, I just like to cut back and fish. Over the past few years, I've felt comfortable in nature. It allowed me to escape and rediscover myself. And yet it toughened me up, more than anyone else on this roster.

With his glance heading out on the water, he continues.

Mike: And since I have some time as the fish aren't biting yet, how about I rant a little? You look at people like Brian Toogood and his lap girl Stacey Keys, they think the world revolves around them. In a lot of ways, he reminds me of who I used to be. Self-absorbed, arrogant, blind, and it didn't get me far and it will hold him back too...

Thinking back, he pauses before adding.

Mike: Then again, someone cut my time short, and speaking of that family, at least that girl Nova seems like a sweetheart and I wouldn't mind mixing it up with her sometime... Although I don't have a clue why the bosses are obsessed with her and are causing her so much crap. And of course, we have Patriot, a guy who is I think is the definition of f-


A loud horn is heard and a light shines on Mike Valander as he turns to see a party boat filled with people and there is loud music being played. The party-goers are chanting "High Life!" as they are dancing and the country boy is fuming. A girl with a cocktail in her hand goes over to the edge of the deck. She has a boa around her neck, a white dress, and sunglasses. A large bearded man, without showing any expression, stops her from going over as she greets Mike. It is a fellow new signee, Alexandra Marie.

Alexandra: Heeey, it's the Party Princess here!

She takes a sip of her cocktail as Mike, dreading her being there, shakes his head as Alexandra leans over.

Alexandra: Sorry I had to interrupt you and the little... dingy, actually no. I don't really care, haha! Back to the party!

Rather annoyed and not wishing to have this spoiled brat ruin his experience fishing, Mike Valander moves his boat next to the larger party boat and gets on a ladder to get on its deck. He looks around to see a group of people dancing with a boombox (connected on a iPhone) blasting music, and a table full of booze and food. Alexandra is already flirting with a group of guys as her bodyguard stands in the background, arms folded. Mike turns off the boombox (and phone) and the people stop their partying.

Mike: Alright, the party's over!

Alexandra: Uhh, no.

Alexandra walks over, somewhat drunk.

Alexandra: Last time I checked, I'm running the party here, and I didn't invite a no-good country hick to it.

Mike: Oh really? I didn't expect my night on the ocean to get interrupted by a loud, obnoxious, wannabe rockstar.

Alexandra: Oooh, I'm so scared, hehe. You're seriously trying to mess with me, Alexandra Marie, the one and only Party Princess. I'm just here, living the High Life and having a party, not dealing with a party pooper like you. Who are you anyway?

Smirking, Mike says calmly.

Mike: I'm Mike Valander, and if you mess with me, I can be your worst nightmare.

Alexandra: I'd like to see you try...

Not taking his threat seriously, Alexandra laughs and mocks him saying sarcastically to do something about it, and she gets a little closer to Mike, daring him, which the country boy gladly accepts. He takes the nearby table and throws all the contents on the ground to the shock of Alexandra Marie. The country boy takes the Boombox (and Phone), throws it overboard, and then flips the table over!

Alexandra: That was my phone! No! Marcus! Get this man off my fucking boat, now!

The large security guard named Marcus approaches Mike Valander and, seeing he is a bit cornered, he quickly grabs a near-by rope used for tying the boat to the dock, and throws it at the face of the big man. He swats it away easily, but Mike uses it to escape, getting off the boat before anyone can catch him and back into his own. A frustrated Alexandra Marie shouts at the driver of the boat.

Alexandra: Let's get the fuck outta here!

Before leaving, Alexandra shouts at Mike.

Alexandra: I won't forget about this, douche!

The country boy gives a smirk as he sees the boat driving away. Softly he says.

Mike: Well, LDW, welcome to Grizzled Country......

The man from the Mid-West US gives a good chuckle before being serious as the scene fades away.

Singles Match
Nova Taylor vs Slate Bass

The theme song of Nova Taylor begins to play and the New York crowd comes alive as Nova Taylor makes her way out to rainbow flashing lights, but much like her last match, she isn’t taking much time to pose to the crowd. Taking a deep breath on the stage, Nova Taylor simply walks forward as Clarissa does her introductions.

Garcia: This match is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring first, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, she is the Rainbow Princess, Nova Taylor!

Perkins: Far from her mental best, Nova Taylor is walking down the ramp at the Barclay’s Center at a disadvantage from the opening bell. We saw earlier tonight how on edge she was, nearly getting in an argument with her friend, Reagan Cole, and after urging him to stay out, it is just her and Slate Bass.

Shine: The entire audience and even a chunk of the roster are rooting for her tonight. If Slate and Eden can get away with what they are doing to Nova, it won’t bode well for the rest of the roster if they see fit.

For once, Nova Taylor isn’t taking time to high five the fans as she walks around the ring, getting on the apron. Closing her eyes, she clutches the middle rope tight before swinging into the ring. Not even getting on the top turnbuckles to pose, Nova Taylor is just trying to remain focused as “Now” fades away and she stands in the ring, waiting for her opponent.

The lights in the arena go out and the sound of a train screeching to a stop cant be heard.

“The Next stop is...Atlantic Terminal-Barclays Center Station...kzzrrrt...Stand clear of the closing doors-kzzrrrt-please-kzzrrrt…”

The titantron turns on, showing the expensive shoes of Slate Bass standing outside of the Barclays Center. The camera pans up to Slate’s face, and out from behind him steps Eden, holding their daughter Keres.

“No matter who you are, you must admit that rainbows are a thing of beauty. After a storm passes, we see them as symbols of better things and they often lift our spirits high.”

Slate undoes his cufflinks and looks over to Eden who steps in front of him.

“If you’re in the middle of a storm in your life just waiting for the rainbow, remember that anything magnificent often requires a battle...struggle...and patience…”

Keres coos in Eden’s arm.

Slate speaks once again.

“And when your rainbow finally arrives, don’t forget all the energy, time, and sacrifices you had to make to reach your potential.”

The camera zooms in on Slate Bass’ face.

“Tonight you reach your potential.”

Slate moves off-camera, in his place stands Eden.

“Nova. Isn’t it great to have a your pocket?”

The titantron turns off and we see Nova in the ring, on edge.

Shine: What in the world?

Slate Bass comes out on stage once his name appears for a second time on the titantron. He stands with a Martini glass in hand, staring forward at the ring, intensely at Nova Taylor.

Garcia: Making his way to the ring, from an undisclosed location in California, weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds, he is Co-Owner of LDW, Slate Bass!

Slate walks down the ramp with Eden and Keres now joining behind him. His wife and daughter proceed to sit in the timekeeper’s area as Slate stalks around the ring, not breaking his gaze with Nova.

Perkins: Neither of these two intense rivals wants to give the other the satisfaction of winning a staredown, let alone the match itself.

Slate downs his drink, but instead of placing the glass on the apron, he shatters it on the apron and lets off a smirk before entering the ring and removing his suit jacket and shirt.

The two competitors meet in the middle of the ring and attempt to measure each other up, but it is clear Nova is apprehensive to the situation. The referee gets them to go to their corners and rings the bell.


Upon the ring of the bell, Nova Taylor quickly runs in, throwing forearms, but her strikes lack spirit as Slate Bass grabs her by the face and pushes her off. Nova Taylor rushes again, but Slate Bass grounds her very quickly with a one-handed Spinebuster! Slate Bass stomps on the chest of Nova Taylor multiple times and grinds his shoe into her chest to a warning from the official.

Nova Taylor coughs and gets up to her knees, and Slate Bass throws a hard right, then clubs her back. He biel tosses Nova to the mat and she rolls to the corner. Slate Bass stomps her gut before various boxing-like strikes in the corner, getting her to a seated position as the referee tells his boss to let up. He runs forward and Nova just manages to get up and raise her boot to the chin, before she gets to the middle rope and hits a missile dropkick, not bringing the bigger man down, but pushing him back. The Rainbow Princess runs off the ropes and attempts a flying head scissors, but Slate Bass catches her and drops her with a Sidewalk Slam!

With very little offence thus far, Nova Taylor isn’t just fighting from behind mentally, but from every possible scenario. She tries to get up using the ropes but Slate Bass quickly kicks her, and presses her throat across the middle rope in front of Eden and Keres, forcing a count with the official. Eden walks up to Nova as she lies down on the apron, saying “Embrace your fate.”

Nova swings at Eden, getting annoyed, and she slowly brings herself back to a vertical base back in the ring. Slate Bass walks up behind her, clutching her rainbow-coloured hair in his right hand. He bends her over backwards and uses his right forearm to strike her in the throat. Nova falls back first onto the mat, holding her throat and coughing as she rolls around. Slate takes the opportunity to grab her hair once again and fling her to the other side of the ring.

Nova rolls to the outside of the ring and Eden once again walks over to offer her words of wisdom. She leans in and says “Free your mind.” and Nova once again swings and misses, letting frustration get to her. Perhaps hearing what Eden said to Nova, Slate Bass has exited the ring and is in full sprint as he runs up to Nova and plants a big boot across her face, before lifting her limp body back into the ring.

He holds Nova by her chin as she is still knocked loopy by the big boot, and Slate Bass hoists her on his shoulder. Showing his strength, he lifts Nova up in a Gorilla Press, holding her in the air, before turning it around into a Powerslam! Parable Press Slam! Nova snaps on the mat and winces as she is splatted on the ground.

Seeing that Nova has very little defence, Slate Bass wrenches her gut. The Baseline is coming. He lifts Nova Taylor and as he is about to slam her to the mat, Nova Taylor rolls through with a hurricanrana and she pins him!



And Slate Bass kicks out.

Nova Taylor finally gets a hard kick on Slate Bass, showing a bit of her well-known heart, and follows through with a hurricanrana, sending Slate Bass onto the ropes! The Rainbow Princess runs off the far ropes and nails the Tiger Feint Kick, the B.C.I! She sends Slate Bass back, but he doesn’t go to the ground and Nova Taylor Springboards. She flips through the air…

And gets slammed down to the mat with a Powerbomb!

Nova rolls to her stomach and her breathing his heavy. Slate Bass gets behind her and brings her to her knees, holding her by her chin. He rests the back of her head against his thigh and slams his elbow down on to the forehead of Nova Taylor, 12-to-6 Elbow! But he’s not done, he brings her back to her feet and drapes her over the ropes, hitting another 12-to-6 elbow! Yet again, lifting Nova Taylor up to her feet, this time he puts her in the corner and drills the top of her head over and over with 12-to-6 Elbows. She slumps into the corner and Slate yanks her arm, rag-dolling her to the middle of the ring. For good measure, Slate Bass stomps on the back of The Rainbow Princess, who lets out a yelp of pain as he presses down harder.

Desperate, Nova Taylor barely manages to push up and trip Slate Bass up. Weakly, she gets up, only to run into a hard lariat from the Torn Warrior and she flips from the impact! Weakly, Nova Taylor gets to the ropes, and once again, Eden approaches her. Putting her hand on her cheek, she says “It’s time to distort the world, my princess.”

Nova blinks, likely still dazed, and Slate Bass starts to pull her up, as she Peles him! Somehow finding a second wind, she backs up in the corner and hits a flying fish hook knee on Slate Bass, finally dropping him. Nova runs her hand through her hair, finally letting her anger motivate her, and she quickly mounts Slate Bass, throwing as many punches as she can before grabbing his throat with both hands! The referee has to pull her off as Nova Taylor uses a tactic that is unlike her, and then, as soon as Slate is up, she Springboards off the ropes and drops him with a Space Unicorn Cutter!

The Torn Warrior rolls out of the ring, obviously dazed after the sudden flurry of offence from Nova and the Rainbow Princess glares at Slate Bass on the outside. She runs full force, nailing a Suicide Dive on the outside and pushing Slate into the barricade!

Eden, despite the fact her husband is now the one at the receiving end of a beating, grins as she watches. Nova Taylor gets up and pulls Slate Bass’s hair. She helps force him to his feet and she pulls the arm. The Rainbow Princess is thinking of nailing her Somersault Reverse DDT onto the floor! Nova goes over for the Over the Rainbow, but Slate quickly grabs her and has her by both the arms. Before Nova can even think of what to do, the co-owner of LDW sends her face-first into the steps with a Lawn Dart!

The crowd winces at the impact and Nova Taylor’s hand twitches, barely moving. Slate Bass picks her up surprisingly gently and rolls her in the ring. He places the Rainbow Princess in the middle of the ring and Nova tries to get up, but collapses. The official is about to call off the match, but Slate Bass shakes his head, giving him a stern glare. Then again, it is a PPV match, not like one can end in a non-contest?

With a second attempt to get up, Nova Taylor manages to get to her knees, and Slate Bass nails her with his Realtà Contorta Rocket Kick! Quickly, Slate deadlifts Nova Taylor up and slams her with a Bassline Powerbomb! He keeps his lifts her up a second time and slams her again with another! For one more time, Bass picks up Nova and spins, hitting a Sit-Out Bassline which causes Nova Taylor to bounce off the mat!

Before the referee can even check if Nova can continue, Slate Bass picks Nova up from behind and brings her to her feet, practically dead weight. He lifts the Rainbow Princess up, dropping on her head with the Omega Driver! Tabula Rasa! The former Blank Slate! Finally, Slate Bass attempts, literally his first pinfall attempt of the match and the result is really in no doubt.




Slate Bass

Perkins: That was incredibly uncomfortable to watch. Slate Bass didn’t even attempt to pin Nova Taylor until the end and, well, it took a long time for Nova to even fight back.

Shine: Nova Taylor has been fighting for so long. She was drained before the match even began. I have to respect her for even doing as much as she did, even if she practically fought like a different person, but Slate Bass stands tall.

The Rainbow Princess is unmoving on the mat, completely battered after the match and Slate Bass simply looks down, finally putting the Rainbow Princess down for good. Eden gets into the ring and looks over the broken Nova Taylor. She gently reaches down and puts her hand on her cheek, causing Taylor to flinch. Still beaten down, Nova Taylor slowly rolls to her stomach and gets on her hands and knees, wincing in pain.

Eden calls the “Family Photographer” down the ring and they enter the ring. The Seamstress of Reality asks for them to hold off on the photo and she asks Slate Bass to help Nova up. Slate Bass slowly gets Nova Taylor to her feet and she can barely stand on her feet and Eden puts her hand on her face. “It’s all going to be ok now. You finally get it. And we love you, Nova.”

Perkins: ...L-Love?

The anguish on Nova’s face begins to fade, and slowly, a small smile appears. “T-Thank you…” She mutters and Nova does an almost curtsy like motion to Eden, barely staying on her feet as the camera flashes.

Perkins: W-WHAT?!

Shine: Did Nova just… b-bow to Eden?!

An overjoyed Eden hugs Nova to the surprise of every fan in the building and Slate Bass helps Nova up who is still feeling the effects of the beating she sustained, and the three leave the ring… together?!

Perkins: Nova is leaving with Slate Bass and Eden, what is going on here?!

Shine: And Reagan Cole has been preparing for the main event coming up next, I don’t know if he’s witnessing this now… But what would be his reaction? What will everyone on the roster who has supported Nova think of this?

Perkins: Eden literally beat Nova to the point of breaking… Just, what?


"The world's most famous arena, Madison Square Garden..."

"Becomes her Garden."

"Liberty or Death Wrestling Presents, from Madison Square Garden..."



Singles Match for the LDW World Championship
Mr. Darius Wright (champion) vs Reagan Cole (challenger)

Suddenly the strikes of the drum hit the PA system that proclaims the imminent arrival of LDW’s British Apprentice, The electric guitar takes over as the crowd builds up their anticipation before finally Reagan Cole makes his presence known as he walks through the curtain and there is a massive smirk on his face as he wears a maroon jacket as well as a t-shirt proudly showcasing Don Vito Corleone with the Godfather movie logo. Reagan stands there soaking in the reaction because no matter how many times he hears it, nothing beats the crowd massively reacting to him.

Perkins: We won’t comment on what just happened, but if Reagan Cole is unaware, I am sure we will be hearing from him very soon on the events that happened between Nova and Slate, but for now, the main event is his main focus.

Shine: New theme, new outlook, Reagan Cole wants to show this as the best version of himself, he wants to make his family proud and his fans. Can he do it? I think with the growth he’s had, he has a chance.

Perkins: He’d have to do what no man has done yet and defeat Darius Wright, and we’ll get to him in a moment.

After a couple of moments Reagan stretches his arms as he starts to walk down the ramp, high fiving some fans as he goes, he stretches his neck trying to get himself ready as can be for the upcoming contest. By now he's reached the ringside area as Reagan completes a full lap of the ring, still slapping hands with a few people while he looks directly at the ring, probably going through his entire strategy one more time in his head. Then he suddenly darts away from the crowd, leaping onto the apron and holding himself against the ropes. He stands and slips inside, quickly hopping up to the middle buckle so he can hear the crowd reaction one more time. Before jumping off the turnbuckle landing feet first onto the mat, again making sure that nothing will go wrong and take his plan off track. That's probably the same reason why Reagan then bounces off the ropes to check their flexibility as he waits for either the opponent to show up or the referee to start the match.

And then, there's a short flicker with the lights before they return to normal as the arena waits for the champion to come out. And then we hear his entrance music...

Once the intro is done, the music begins to play and these white lights all over the stage area start to flicker to each word in the bridge of the theme song. Afterwards, the lights once again return to normal. But there's a tall muscular man in a black silk robe who has come onto the stage. It looks to be Darius Wright with the covered up LDW World Heavyweight Championship belt on his left shoulder and a hood over his head. Not only that, he seems to have something underneath the robe around his midsection. The disguised individual shines a smile like our champ usual does and walks down the ramp. This time, he stops and opens his robe to reveal the Belt of Bones around his waist. He takes off the hood on his head, turns around now and shows off the message monogrammed on the back of his robe that reads... “The Final Test”.

Perkins: Talk about a message… We see Darius Wright have the second title. That is called “The Belt of Bones” which he won in a tournament called “The King of the Highlands,” and it proves his success expands beyond LDW.

Shine: And his attitude does too. This new Darius has undone any goodwill he’s had with anyone and there is only one concern for him, that is himself. He has become the very thing he hated, an arrogant prick.

Perkins: But one that can back it up, unfortunately for us.

Then he casually makes his way down the ramp, up the ring steps and through the top and middle ropes. The lights are still flickering to each word in the bridge of Jeezy’s Scared Of The Dark. When he gets in the center of the ring, Darius takes a moment and confidently dust off his hands with this hint of a smirk right before handing the referee his covered LDW World title along with the Belt of Bones, removes his robe and then toss it ringside.

Before the bell is rung, LDW’s announcer, Clarissa Garcia, gets on the microphone to introduce both men.

Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is your Blackout Main Event and is scheduled for one fall for...the LDW World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing the challenger hailing from Essex, England and weighing in at 215 pounds. He is also known as The British Apprentice, REAGAN COLE!

She leaves a few seconds for the crowd to give their response as just about everyone give the loudest and liveliest cheer tonight for their pick in this title match. Darius shaking off any jitters (and the haters) then rolls his eyes in response to this display of adoration, one that he was really familiar with...before he “changed”.

Garcia: And his oppone…

Mr. Wright leans over and whispers in Clarissa’s ear and then smiles over at Cole as the announcer goes on to introduce him…

Garcia: Uhhh...and the man weighing in at 243 pounds hailing from Los Angeles, California, will also be...Reagan Cole’s Final Test in his career, the LDW World Heavyweight Champion with NO FEAR...MR. DARIUS WRIGHT!

The referee uncovers the LDW World Heavyweight title that has been cloaked for over a month ever since the champion won it at Declaration. The audience whistles and applauds in delight of finally getting to see the biggest and brightest prize in this company. After the referee holds up the title for everyone including the challenger to see, he then passes along both titles to the timekeeper. Getting a look at the beginning of this match, you can see Reagan honing in on any weak spots from his opponent as he waits for the bell. Darius, on the other hand is acting cockier than he’s ever been as he loosens up his limbs before this match starts.


And with the ref seeing that these two men are ready, the bell rings and they step up to one another. Darius is still smiling and goes on to trash talk, face to face with his challenger. But this only lights the fuse to the powder keg within the Brit and he begins to deliver some quick, hard hands to both the unprotected abdomen and face. This action somehow takes Mr. Wright by surprise and he puts up some defense to try to block the barrage of punches. Cole backs Darius into a corner and immediately does an arm drag transitioned into a Fujiwara armbar in the center of the ring. Reagan with a cold blank stare on his face, appears to be trying to tighten the grip around his opponent’s arm. However, the champion quickly rolls himself from under and put Reagan in a front chancery while their both on the mat.

Darius keep this hold locked in for awhile but Reagan is determined to lift himself as well as Mr. Wright up off the mat. When the men get to their feet, they exchange body shots to tender the other fighter. From body shots come knee strikes and soon Reagan slaps on his double underhook for his knee strikes. An irritated Wright shouts out, ‘HEY, WE’RE SUPPOSED TO EASE INTO THE FIGHT! GET THE FUCK OFF ME, MAN!’. Still blocking as many blows as he can, Darius strives to escape from this position. Though he has little time before he is being hoisted up and over by his abdomen. The British Apprentice has snapped in a Northern Lights Suplex in the hopes of picking up a fast win...and the referee counts...



And as if automatic, Wright is able to kick out before the count of 3 while Reagan recovers long enough for his next move. As Mr. Wright gets up and Cole gets back to his feet, he bounce off the ropes behind him and strikes Darius’ right leg with a KICKSTART CHOP BLOCK! Darius is leveled and is now clutching his right shin as he seethes around the canvas in pain. He then starts to get infuriated at the use of offense against himself and with the expected rage fuelled look, the champ rises from the mat…

...just to be dropped again by another Kickstart. In more pain now than ever, he returns to clasping at his right leg.

Now with a look of pure confidence, Reagan walks over to the champion and step on the leg with his own right one. Then proceeds to stomping on it...over...and over...and over...and over...until the ref pulls him off a subdued Darius. During which Mr. Wright is screaming and flailing about the whole time in complete misery. As he goes to grab the knee of the punished leg, The British Apprentice grabs the ankle and rolls him over onto his stomach to latch in the...LEG HOOK CAMEL CLUTCH!

Darius goes into a panic while his face shows many signs of distress. After awhile of excruciating horror, he reaches out for the bottom rope with the referee by his side to see whether he’ll grab the ropes, tap out or pass out. BUT...before Darius can even get his arm extended out, Reagan drags the champ by his damaged limb into the middle of the ring. And now, Cole applies even more pressure with the move as Darius struggles to not tap out or even pass out in this predicament. Then Cole releases the submission hold momentarily and put Mr. Wright into a SINGLE LEG LION TAMER!

It is real clear that Cole came prepared tonight to get his payback for everything Darius has said over the past few weeks including bad mouthing his family. As Reagan pulls on that right leg and leans back in an attempt to break this arrogant bastard in two. But just then...the challenger gets abruptly struck in his face...and a second time. It seems that Mr. Wright has managed to utilize his free left leg and is kicking Reagan square in the face. While swaying in a trance, Reagan is both astounded and stunned at the action that just took place. The challenger turns his face back to its original posture, only to be met with another incoming kick. Cole barely manages to duck the kick this time as he releases the submission and tries to recover from having his brain scrambled. Cole is hanging back literally against the ropes as he holds the side of his face and gazes over at the wounded victim. However, The Brit knows there is no time allowed to give Darius the upper hand. So he shakes off the sudden headache and tread back to his ‘permanent pain in the ass’.

And as lifeless as the champ may look right now, he’s still breathing (quite heavy), yet barely got his eyes open. This is when the once beloved and praised warrior hops up...hands first and gives a DOUBLE MULE KICK to the chest of his competitor. Making The British Apprentice stumble back into the ropes, he quickly and diligently stables his legs to a steady stance. The champ limps a little forward as the referee asks if he’s alright. Yelling and waving the ref away, he can barely stand up straight on that injured leg. Meanwhile, Reagan is in waiting with his opponent unaware to the enduring retribution on its way. So with the ability to only turn around slowly, Darius proceeds to check on his competition who is decided to charge straight at him. Thankfully, he was ready for such recklessness as he spun around on his good leg and delivered a strong back elbow once Cole came into range. Mr. Wright has gotten the upper hand against his challenger and he signals (dusting his hands in the usual fashion) that he’s ready to end this match. So limping over to a downed Reagan Cole, he bends down to pick him up and just like that he gets rolled up into a small package pin. And the ref is on the mat, slapping it and counting…



But the champ rolls the challenger onto his own shoulders for the pin...even making sure that there’s no way to roll back over or kick out.




The ref points out the fact that Darius is holding onto the rope for leverage so he breaks up them entire pin. With both men getting back to their vertical bases, Mr. Wright slides around Reagan and rolls him into a schoolboy cover but this time he grabs the back of Cole’s shorts. It doesn’t take long for the referee to discover the illegal tactic and he shouts…



The ref hollers at Darius in a frustrating manner and the two of them get in each others face, having a shouting match. And while Darius has taken his eyes off his opponent once again, he has not taken his eyes off of Mr. Wright. So while he’s in the middle of arguing with the official, Reagan makes good with this time and from behind his back, he hops over and hit…THE FIRE OF COLE KOTARO KRUSHER! And the whole arena erupts as himself and the referee are both shocked that it effectively worked in this “rematch of sorts”. Still no time to waste as he makes eye contact and tells the referee to count this pin. Cole goes to slide in swiftly for the pinfall…

...but the champ simply rolls out of the ring...before his leg is even hooked. Reagan has had about enough of all this as he rolls out of the ring himself and hunt down the company’s tyrant. Once he finds Darius, he’s hunched over on one knee so he approaches him without caution. Which leads to Wright pulling Cole by the shorts and delivering an undetected low blow (well at least, undetected to the most important person here...the official). Cole is reeling in pain as he attempts to return into the fight. Darius gets pissed off at the resilience, shaking his head in disgust and making his way for his title belts. He snatches up both forcefully from the LDW employees in the timekeeper area and then begins to head for the ramp.

Although, the ref stands in his path and without actually touching him is able to stop Darius from leaving. The referee becomes livid with the manner in which the champ is acting. So he grabs hold of both titles, tugging back and forth with the champion. Reagan is starting to get feeling...well, from he stands up, rolls into the ring and Mr. Wright takes notice. Darius releases the Belt of Bones and he sends the ref flying headfirst into the barricade. And now with the ref knocked out, this leaves a maniacal Darius to possibly use his World Championship title as an insurance policy.

Darius grins and stares down his current prey, stepping up the stairs step by step. He even glances back a few times to make sure the ref is incapacitated. All the time, Reagan patiently stares back at the champion from the other end of the ring. The champ can’t really move as fast so when he tries to enter the ring, he gets just about halfway in and that’s when Cole rushes towards him. Reagan connects with a running knee lift to the head and the impact rattles Mr. Wright but he’s still conscious as Cole hooks in a front facelock on him and Darius grips onto the top turnbuckle pad. The British Apprentice continues to pull which causes Darius to pull on the pad. Luckily, his persistence is about to pay off as he gets the champ back into the ring.

Reagan instantly clubs at the back of Darius so he drops the belt and weakens again. The ref has recuperated and slid back into the ring right as the match is ready for the big finish. Darius can tell things are not about end well for him so in a desperate effort, he does an eye poke that happens to be done discreetly from the referee’s line of sight. This split second was all that he needed to escape the recent hold and he tries to lift Cole up on one good leg. However as much as he tries, the champ is having trouble getting the challenger onto his shoulder. Which Cole is able to counter into an inverted suplex and down comes Mr. Wright along with his hopes and dreams of winning this fight. And at last, it is over for Darius Wright...but Reagan doesn’t go for a pin instead he flips over him and locks in THE COLE LOCK [HEEL HOOK]!!!

At this moment, the match should be over but the ref once again cannot call for the bell because Darius has not tapped or passed out. Instead, he’s holding on to the bottom rope for dear life using both of his hands. Reagan thinking he’s finally defeated his foe in this battle for supremacy, haven’t even opened his eyes yet in the midst of holding the submission in. The official eventually taps on Reagan’s arm to let go and he comes around in a disoriented state of mind. Eyes wide and confused but soon he realizes that his task isn’t quite done like he had imagined. Cole lets go of the leg and thinks over a new strategy then picks himself and his opponent up. He has Darius staggering to stand in place as he takes a few steps back and plans to come with something heavy. Just then, Darius snaps out of his stupor and runs up for a step up enzuigiri. Really not enough to take out his counterpart but it buys him a little more time.

Out of commission, Reagan lays in the ring wide awake, catching his breaths and worn out from the melee. Across from him, a tired Mr. Wright is crawling to a corner and seeming to be unable to get up on his own. Cole does the same but faster than the champ as both of his legs are still in good shape. Both men use the ropes to climb to their feet with the one having more of an advantage and biding time until the other arrives right where he wants him.

Reagan runs right over in a haste with the idea to probably hit a corner tackle or a splash or maybe a big boot. Anything might have worked...that is if Darius hadn’t already had a plan of his own. And all in mere seconds, the champ side steps from what had looked to be the inevitable encounter, tugs down at the turnbuckle padding and push the upper back of Cole sending him face first into the turnbuckle. The challenger holds his head no doubt in slight pain and embarrassment. Cole’s legs wobbly and buckling at this point in which was all that Darius needed to finish this once and for all. The champ comes spinning off of one foot [like some type of ballet dancer] and clobbers Reagan with a hard PITCH BLACK DISCUS LARIAT!!! Darius collapse over the remains of Cole and then…




Mr. Darius Wright

Perkins: Oh come on! Darius Wright used the turnbuckle!

Shine: He kept it well hidden, and I hate to admit it, but that is why he’s the champion. Great match from both men, regardless.

The match is over and both men are laid out in the middle of the ring as the bell has been rung and the fans give a mixed reaction to the winner. Of course, it’s more boos than cheers and the official grabs the champ’s titles before helping him to his feet to raise his arm. Not even knowing that...there was a little extra “help” to ending the tough match. Meanwhile, as Reagan finally realize that he lost the match, he sits up and looks at the standing champ. And with his knees up, staring off into wherever with a blank look, Reagan rocks back and forth shaking his head before...he pounds the mat and runs his hands through his hair. He was this close, he was within moments multiple times of winning the championship. As the champ glance down to see this, he just smiles innocently like everything went just fine or in his case, just “Wright”.

Perkins: You have to feel bad for Reagan Cole. He’s come so far, he’s proven something tonight, but this was not his night to be champion. He let his emotions cost him.

Shine: Any veteran can fall victim to that

With both his belts in hand, Darius Wright gets out of the ring, and in a rare moment, decides to show both off with both of them on his shoulder. He gives a big smirk as he gets on the stage.

Perkins: We can expect a lot of Fallout from tonight. Tune in next time on LDW Primetime, goodnight from Barclay's, hope you enjoyed Blackout.

With the final image on a victorious Darius Wright, the show, as he says, Fades to Black...


Fuck Chevy for tonight...

I am really happy with the events from the show. Thanks to @The Reagmaster @Dark Maniax for help on segments, and to my fellow creative member @Jonny Nostradamus for his parts in this, and even @King Of Armageddon for writing the main event. I am somewhat tired, but happy, and hopefully tomorrow we can get a sign-up thread going for the show itself.

ALSO YA'LL MOTHER F'ERS GOT SWERVED! (Maybe, you shoulda saw it coming with Nova *winks*)

@Grievous 3D
@Patriot Pants
@Jeffry Fucking Mason
@Dat Kid


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Thank you, I know you had a rough day but it was a wonderful show. Thanks beavie.
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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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I'm sure Reagan will take all of the stuff from tonight, like him being defeated by Darius once again and his closest friend in LDW joining the dark side, perfectly fine.
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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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I'm sure Reagan will take all of the stuff from tonight, like him being defeated by Darius once again and his closest friend in LDW joining the dark side, perfectly fine.

Fine like Brian took his first loss?
  • Haha
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