Laughing At The Smarks

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the dark knight

and he's got more charisma than half the roster tbh. if orton sucks, what does that say about batista?


It says that Batista also sucks.. But we already knew that :D


I'm confused it seem that your ripping Orton but yet he's in your sig.


Bobby Lashley should have returned. Now that would be epic. You'd be a liar if you'd say you wouldn't mark for that.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker is so amazingly overrated. Just picking the other man up and hitting a finisher for a near fall is boring. And some of the counters were stupid as all hell too. If Shawn escaped the Last Ride the first time, why wouldn't he the second time when 'Taker's done nothing to further weaken him? It's not like it's a sudden fucking move, so it can't have caught him by surprise.



^ rofl, if that happened I would stop watching WWE, seriously. (directed at seX Power)

I'll join you. It's pretty sad when an event is judged onw ho wins the matches, and if a specific person doesn't win, it's suddenly a shit PPV. I wanted Edge to win, and when he didn't, I still loved the PPV.

lol, wtf?

What have you been reading? Most of us clearly didn't like the PPV because of all the hype it had only to be let down with a few poorly written/boring World title matches and a few other terrible things. Now I would be pissed off about HHH beating Orton anytime but if he beat Orton in a good long match then it wouldn't suck so badly for me, sad thing is it was a bad match and HHH won.

Face it, the PPV didn't live up to its expectations. :n:

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
Commenting on two things here

1) Orton is in my sig because originally the sig was a request for a banner for my efed, that the sig maker mistook for a personal sig request. Out of courtesy for their time I added it anyway.

and 2) I don't believe anyone who said they had high expectations for this PPV. Almost every single person on this forum shat all over Wrestlemania from the day it was hyped at the Royal Rumble saying that it was rushed, not well planned out and that everything was last minute. So most people were already shitting on this show before it even had a chance to air. So "meeting expectations" is a bs excuse to shit on it, since there was nothing expected of it in the first place. Considering we got a decent performance from Ricky Steamboat, a good HBK/Taker match and a good Hardy/Hardy match, I would say even those 3 bright spots EXCEEDED the already horrible expectations of this PPV.

Is it Wrestlemania quality? Hell no. But its better than anyone ever expected it to be.


Meh, Wrestlemania was ok. The main event left a bad taste in my mouth though, that match was incredibly boring. I can't believe they ruined that, the hype was awesome but the actual match sucked badly. All in all, it was still a good show. Money in the Bank was great, Brother vs Brother was great, the 3 way world title match was pretty good, and HBK vs Taker is a ***** star match all the way. BKB, how was this overrated? It was PERFECT! There was lots of emotion, lots of great spots (Taker almost killed himself with that suicide dive) and the near falls DID help the match. If you didn't mark out after HBK kicked out of that tombstone then you're crazy, it was an epic moment. It also further proves that the best wrestler of all time = Shawn Michaels.

If I could rate the show, it would get a 7 just because of the lackluster main event and the stupid kid rock bullshit

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

BKB, how was this overrated? It was PERFECT! There was lots of emotion, lots of great spots (Taker almost killed himself with that suicide dive) and the near falls DID help the match. If you didn't mark out after HBK kicked out of that tombstone then you're crazy, it was an epic moment. It also further proves that the best wrestler of all time = Shawn Michaels.

You illustrated my point perfectly.

I also don't find someone kicking out after being dropped right on top of their head amazing. If anything it's just a whole bunch of shitty no selling. A move like that if done irl is possibly going to break yourneck and cripple you, yet you can kick out straight after it? BS. Not to mention the fact that he was going to kick out was EXTREMELY predictable.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Oh and the suicide dive? Wow, 'Taker does it every Mania. He just so happened to screw this one up. That doesn't make a perfect match. If botching makes a perfect match, then I guess Dylan's right: Shelton Benjamin is a great wrestler.