Laughing At The Smarks

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I just thought I would take the time to laugh at all those people who got pissed because their golden boys Orton and Edge lost their title matches.

Don't worry, I'm sure Edge will win the title back in 3 months after randomly inserting himself into a world title match with zero explanation whatsoever and you guys can all cream yourselves over how original and creative it is. Even though it has happened about 5 times before.

And don't worry, Randy Orton will eventually beat Triple H for the title and proceed to have another 8 month title reign where he will fight the exact same opponents in Triple H, Batista, Shawn Michaels and CM Punk over and over again. Then you can cream yourselves over how awesome of a title reign he is having and how creative and original his title matches are, despite witnessing 50 billion headlocks and the same feuds you saw in 07.


It's just weird we have two face champions, but most (if not all) the winners were faces.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I was actually picking Big Show to win the triple threat. And I think we were all convinced that Miz and Morrison should of won the tag titles. But people are shitting on this as if this was the worst Mania of all time.

Santino being Miss Wrestlemania is gold.
Ricky Steamboat put on an amazing performance and the match with Jericho wasn't that bad considering who he had to work with.
HBK Vs. Taker delivered
Matt beat Jeff, so this marks a big main event push for Matt who deserves it more than most.

but things I do agree with

CM Punk winning MITB was crap. If he didn't get over enough after winning it the first time he shouldn't of won it again, it should of been Christian.

Kid Rock DID suck.

And Miz and Morrison losing and that tag match being removed off the card was bullshit.

But Orton has virtually dominated Triple H and the McMahons through this whole feud, anyone who didn't see him losing was simply diluding themselves.


I hate Marella, so him winning an incredibly pointless match seemed somewhat fitting.
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I was actually picking Big Show to win the triple threat. And I think we were all convinced that Miz and Morrison should of won the tag titles. But people are shitting on this as if this was the worst Mania of all time.

Santino being Miss Wrestlemania is gold.
Ricky Steamboat put on an amazing performance and the match with Jericho wasn't that bad considering who he had to work with.
HBK Vs. Taker delivered
Matt beat Jeff, so this marks a big main event push for Matt who deserves it more than most.

but things I do agree with

CM Punk winning MITB was crap. If he didn't get over enough after winning it the first time he shouldn't of won it again, it should of been Christian.

Kid Rock DID suck.

And Miz and Morrison losing and that tag match being removed off the card was bullshit.

But Orton has virtually dominated Triple H and the McMahons through this whole feud, anyone who didn't see him losing was simply diluding themselves.

Everything except for the last line! Man you got it spot on. Marella was pricless! Punk can get fucked. Steamboat is the fucking man! I too picked Show to win the triple threat. Kid Rock should've had his mic and throat cut after the first song. Take off Kid Rock and the divas, and switch it with the tag match. matt won, sweet!

HBK V Taker MoTY :D

Beer Money Army

I just thought I would take the time to laugh at all those people who got pissed because their golden boys Orton and Edge lost their title matches.

Don't worry, I'm sure Edge will win the title back in 3 months after randomly inserting himself into a world title match with zero explanation whatsoever and you guys can all cream yourselves over how original and creative it is. Even though it has happened about 5 times before.

And don't worry, Randy Orton will eventually beat Triple H for the title and proceed to have another 8 month title reign where he will fight the exact same opponents in Triple H, Batista, Shawn Michaels and CM Punk over and over again. Then you can cream yourselves over how awesome of a title reign he is having and how creative and original his title matches are, despite witnessing 50 billion headlocks and the same feuds you saw in 07.

I never actually thought edge was going win because..

Backlash will have edge vs Big show fight over Vickie.(in which doesn't need the world championship involved), it will be the fight over love.

I always thought john cena was going go on top in which is a good business decision as it can keep the title out of this love triangle and help build some other oppoent for cena to beat..

while with Randy orton losing, they just wasted a Rumble match winner right there.. But i expect orton to get a rematch of some sorts maybe at Backlash or J'day. Backlash could have Legacy vs HHH/mcmahons...


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
I don't think it was Orton losing so much as the way he lost that irked smart fans so. That feud - and say what you want about it being done before - had legs and could have run for months, but now I can't see how Orton can make a legitimate case for title candidacy. It just seems as though it would have made more sense to have Orton take the belt by cheating or by Legacy interferance and then continue the feud from there.

Aside from that the match itself was wank; it felt like they ended it just as they were starting to get going, Add that to the fact that ten minutes were dedicated to Kid Rock when they would have been better utilised giving the main event more time and it just ended up being very disappointing.

Overall WM was a decent show: I've literally never marked out as much as I did for Undertaker, because I genuinely believed he was hurt (I still don't know how you can work a landing like that) and the MITB match was awesome, despite a few blown spots. I kind of hoped Punk would cash it in that night, but that might have been post-Taker ephoria speaking.


I'll join you. It's pretty sad when an event is judged onw ho wins the matches, and if a specific person doesn't win, it's suddenly a shit PPV. I wanted Edge to win, and when he didn't, I still loved the PPV.


I'm still confused with Punk winning MITB. Give someone else a go. I didn't give a shit about his first title run, like many didn't, and I highly doubt I would be impressed by another one.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Still gushing over HBK vs. Undertaker over here

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Wait a minute, last night everyone was saying the PPV was crap, now everyone's saying the only reason everyone said that is because their favorites lost? Why couldn't it be because the PPV was boring as hell. MITB was ok and after a few minutes HBK vs. Taker got better, but other than that, it was pretty boring. I was excited to see Steamboat actually do well in the match but everyone could see that finish/aftermath coming a mile away. The Extreme rules it had all been done before. The WHT match was ok, but the finish was a little too....typical. The WWE title match was alright until the end. I liked that they had HHH punt Orton, but either that or that into the Pedigree should've been the finish. What was with the mounting and punching, then doing the Pedigree. It completely killed the momentum of the match in my opinion.

And don't forget we had Kid Rock perform for about 10 minutes longer than he should have. Mickey Rourke took longer to get in the ring than the Undertaker, and then when Rourke finally knocked Jericho out, no one cared. The divas battle royal was 100% pointless. They didn't put anyone over at all except Santino and Beth and I'm sure they could have done that in a different, less time consuming way.


Oh, yes. I am totally angry that Orton did not win the title :shifty:

Seriously, good to see that there's someone else who realizes that Orton sucks.

the dark knight

you mean in the ring? i think a lot do. his character and mic skills arent bad.