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Was this based off some kind of truth feels like something that would of happened in the 70s. At the time the thought of Demons, and the Paranormal wasn't taken seriously and it was looked at as a joke till the Warrens and Amittyville came out.
The vibe of this film was so damn good. They really nailed the feeling of how a talk show should feel in the 1970's. The direction style was just incredible, this is easily one of the most unique and well-shot horror films I've seen in a long time. Such a good style. I absolutely loved the premise of this and the execution especially. David Dastmalchian is such a phenomenal actor and it's so easy to buy him as the Night Owls host. He's really believable in the role. The build-up was great, I was pretty creeped out by this film towards the end.
Was this based off some kind of truth feels like something that would of happened in the 70s. At the time the thought of Demons, and the Paranormal wasn't taken seriously and it was looked at as a joke till the Warrens and Amittyville came out.
Just an FYI that Demonology had been an accepted form of study at every educational level since at least the 1500's, and probably before. Even if you're trying to argue this from a movie standpoint, Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist predate Amityville by several years and were considered extremely serious films. Hell, The Exorcist was nominated for 10 Academy awards.
Anyhow, that aside, this movie is hilariously entertaining. It doesn't really follow the found footage principle that it claims in the trailer, but Dastalmachian's charisma and the 70's aesthetic really enhance the entire thing. Well worth checking out, though not quite at the top of my horror list for the year so far.
I was pretty creeped out by this film towards the end.