What's the whole story behind Orton and Regal? Is a match between the two just happening because Regal made the main event a 4 Way instead of keeping it one on one with JBL?
Goddammit Jericho WHY must you be the ref at Backlash? There goes some GM pointsAtleast Santino is #1 contender for the tag champs, Cryme Tyme/Cantino feud???
WHAT THA HELL????? MICKIE JAMES WINNING THE WOMEN'S TITLE WAS A MAJOR SHOCK! How tha hell? What tha hell? Who tha hell thought of it? LOL! Man.. I loved Beth as champion.. she was too dominating for the past six months. Mickie winning the Title came out of nowhere - it was like this match was thrown together. I hope Beth didn't get in some kinda trouble to where she had to drop the belt or something because I want to see these two feud. Congrats to Mickie winning the belt.. her & beth are the best performers on the Diva roster..
well i kinda see what you mean but mickie did win last week and her and beth had a bit of a feud before the playboy story got started where mickie couldn't beat beth and she would cry.
Christian said:Cryme Tyme/Cantino feud???