I was thinking the same thing, is this why Kahli is probably going to be main event? Because I mean all that does is degrade the show so much. I would have an Orton/HBK fued, then a Cena...no other main eventers besides Kahli (uh oh). I say they actually push Caritos ass because the only reason hes mad is because of the atrocious way they've been pushing him after his succesful Orton fued. Cena/heel Carlito fued would be great.
Marella and Masters will be bad because its Masters, I'd say split of the WGTT because theyre doing nothing, and mix them up in the IC division. Marella (if hes able to use his full talent) against Benjamin would be 5 star. Mix up Haas and Nitro in the fued and we have an incredible PPV IC title match.
Womens division blows, Mickie/Melina is only bad because theres no story line. All the good womens fueds had great story behind it, they choose to put no storyline in it now, so why even have the matches there a waist of time.
Tag Team division is aight, Hardys and the improved Cade and Murdoch fued is pretty good. I would just interclash the two belts from both shows, I mean why not? Matt Hardy wrestles on both shows anyway. Then we could see a Hardys/Kendrick London fued.
I think with those changes we have a much better product, but knowing Vince he'll stick with Kahli vs Cena and let fans puke on there tv sets.