Anyone got any suggestions on the network of good matches to watch as good as undertaker v hhh at WM28
There are plenty of matches that are better than that one lol. And several others that are just as good or close to it:
-Austin vs Rock at WM17
-Undertaker vs Michaels at WM25
-The Rock vs Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 (for the spectacle of it)
-HHH vs Michaels vs Benoit at WM20
-Michaels vs Bulldog at King Of The Ring 1996 (I always felt this was an underrated one and possibly the best match of '96)
-Rock vs HHH at Backlash and Judgment Day 2000
-Angle vs Benoit at Royal Rumble 2003
-Austin vs Bret at Survivor Series 1996 and Wrestlemania 13
-Angle vs Michaels at WM21 and Vengeance 2005
-Angle vs Lesnar at WM19 and Summerslam 2003 (they also had an excellent Iron Man match on Smackdown that you can find on Daily Motion)
-HHH vs Michaels at Summerslam 2002
-Austin vs HHH at No Way Out 2001