I'm sure that Roman Reigns can get over on his own. He can basically be a Brock Lesnar replacement, if that makes any sense? Brock's push was a bit silent, but over time, it was organically created to build this monster. You don't realize this, but its there. WWE made Brock Lesnar. Not UFC made Brock Lesnar. It's easy to market someone like Brock Lesnar. So easy, that its understandable how Braun Strowman got his organic popularity. If there wasn't Brock Lesnar, the WWE writers or booking team would have a field day with Reigns. But we have Big Show, we have Undertaker, we have Lesnar, we have Lashley, we have Strowman, so, how does WWE promote, market or push Reigns?
Now, it sounds like I am defending Reigns, but I'm not. You gotta understand, Vince McMahon is a fearless marketer. When you're the owner of a promotion like WWE, your job isn't to build a company first - your job is to build stars. They are the ones who sell the merchandise. They are the ones who sell a show. They're the ones who sell the PPV's and raise the buyrates of the PPV events. They are the ones who get people's butts into seats.
John Cena is on his way out, as you can see with his limited appearances. Undertaker just retired. Stone Cold long retired. The Rock? He's an actor now. Every time he does a film, he makes bank every time. And not only that, he's going political. Hogan? Well, Hogan is still around, but he's not going to wrestle.
It's up to WWE to pick ONE guy to be the next John Cena. Bray Wyatt is being pushed, marketed, and booked as a creepier 'Taker. AJ Styles is the new Shawn Michaels. Dolph Ziggler is the new Billy Gunn/Bret Hart. Finn Balor and the Bullet Club is the new nWo. Adam Cole's new Undisputed Era is WWE's plan B if Balor Club doesn't catch fire. Sanity is WWE's version of the whole crazy tag team you find on Impact nowdays. I can go on and on, but the point is, WWE is currently repurposing everyone into the roles that were in the Attitude Era.
The ratings and traffic are both dwindling - and it's not because of booking. It's because WWE is lacking the Stone Colds, the John Cenas, the Undertakers, the Triple Hs, the Kurt Angles, the superstars of tomorrow. We're not there yet. Until then, WWE needs to understand today's market more, and more. It's not one of those overnight things. It takes time.