The chair shot to the head was uncalled for. But that site of him being hit and the legit blood dripping down was kinda cool. So by doing, but cool after math. Someone backstage seems to be high on Terry so I wonder if anything will come out of this.
Bet Stormstarts blogging about Impact again before the end of the month.
Dude, Lance Storm said he wouldn't watch TNA again in a review 2 years ago. A few months go by and he writes another TNA review, saying the booking sucks & does a review for a few weeks more until stating he is done with TNA. He has been repeating the cycle for a long time & I guarantee he watches again. The chair shot was uncalled for unless Rob Terry agreed to it. If he wasn't coerced into doing it, then its all on him if he gets any permanent damages. He's a grown man & knows the risks about unprotected chair shots at this point. Imagine what Balls Mahoney, Masato Tanaka, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, etc, brains must look like. I bet its not pretty, especially Balls & Tanaka who spent their careers taking at least one unprotected chair shot in each match.