KnicKy Presents: IWF: A New Era.

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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I can only continue to suggest my "IWF:ANE|HD" to all the readers.

The idea is simple: I've written this show out in word, with MUCH better production. If you would prefer to read that, to this (which i pasted in here, and coloured) then give me your email. When I post the show, I'll just post a word document (2007 and earlier versions) so you can read that as well.

Also, could I possible get some comments, thanks a tonne.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I am going with Montana vs Vic Noreaga, altough all matches were good and great written.

WM: CMS vs Kassidy, it went to short, but it is just to sell the ending which is understandable.

BP: All could have went a little longer, still, the best is James Kash and Montana betting the drink on who becomes champion. It's so good to see that in here they get along, and they are not stabbing one another.

WP: None, even if they were short, they were good.

AC: It was a great show, a really fun read, for all bookers and especially for the ones who are members of the E-fed, as it was interesting to see the mix of new and old stars. Great work. And I'll PM you with my Email adress, altough I think you have mine.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Eye of the Tiger [Survivor] hits the speakers, and the crowd is on their feet for the General Manager. He has a microphone in hand, and a serious look on his face. He takes the time to acknowledge some of his fans, pointing to a few children in the front row. Returning to his serious manner, he steps between the ropes and signals for the crew backstage to cut the music.

Kerry: Chris looks a little more serious, compared to last week.

Chris raises the microphone, as the crowd quietens.

Chris: I wish, I wish I could be out here right now, with some better news. Unfortunately however, some of the actions of superstars last week, and throughout the week will not make this visit to the ring, a very pleasant one.

The crowd begins to murmur.

Chris: Last week, we saw Cahan Malone take on Tom McBrady. The result of that match, honestly surprised me; as it also surprised Cahan Malone. The actions of Cahan following the match, were unacceptable. Let’s take a brief look at it...

Monday Night Mayhem - June 2nd, 2008.

Kerry: Whoa, I can’t believe it, and I don’t think Cahan Malone can either! He just-

Tom turns around with his hands held high, as Cahan flattens him, with a straight right hand. Tom goes down and stays down, as Cahan stands over him and talks some trash.

Josh: Looks like Tom won the battle, but Cahan won the war.
Kerry: Yeh, well maybe in his eyes he did. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to take a quick commercial break. We’ll be right back!

Jessica stands on the outside and raises the microphone to her mouth. Cahan spots her and rolls under the bottom rope, and walks over to her. Terrified, she freezes up as Cahan Malone takes the microphone, and shoves her harshly into the ringside area. Jessica lands awkwardly against the time keeper, and holds her lower back, as Cahan, in a rage, throws the microphone at her.

Chris looks at the video, and raises the microphone, clearly aggravated by the footage.

Chris: I can understand what the guys in the back are going through; everyone from the new guys, to the vets. But the fact is, I will not be tolerating actions like that, here in the IWF. Thereby, I am declaring that this week, Cahan Malone will not be competing.

The crowd pops, big time.

Chris: This will only be a one week suspension, and a month’s pay will de deduced for your actions. This is my only warning to all those in the back, actions like this will result in much more harsh punishment. Now on to my second piece of bad news for this evenings show. I learnt early this morning that some information had leaked out, from the IWF database regarding the matches for tonight’s show. Therefore I am going to state whom will be competing tonight, and in what matches.

Chris pulls out a piece of paper with some writing on it.

Chris: They are as follows:
RJC Cool V Tom McBrady,
Montana V Charlie Titan,
Mike Miller V James Kash,
Colin White V Kassidy,
The Australian Battler V Dante Jones,
Rick O’Shea V Jonny Demon,
Matty Williams V KnicKy.

The crowd pop at the matches listed, as Chris scrunches up the paper and shoves it into his pocket.

Chris: If I am able to find out whom had leaked the information, or who was able to find and use this information, some serious punishment will be dished out. I do apologise for the news, this was not how I had planned on starting the show; however, I have. So without further ado ladies and gentlemen, get ready for Monday Night Mayhem!

Bleed it Out [Linkin Park] blares throughout the arena as Chris Kendo hands the microphone to the ringside staff, and exits the ring. He makes his way up the ramp, music still blaring away, and disappears behind the curtains.

Kerry: Well ladies and gentlemen, that’s some shocking news to start off this week’s Monday Night Mayhem! Cahan Malone has been suspended due to his actions last week, and someone has leaked out the information of tonight’s matches!
Josh: But Kerry, who on Earth would be willing to risk such information, they had to have known that if they were caught, they’d be suspended or possibly fired!
Kerry: Exactly Josh! Well, despite this we now know we have one heck of a show lined up for you all! Let’s get it started!

Away [Mercy Drive] plays, as RJC comes out onto the stage to a cheering crowd. He smiles at them all, soaking in the feeling, as he stops atop the stage, lowering his head. He raises his arms, in the ‘destiny’ pose, as golden sparks fall over him. The sparks stop and he continues on his way down the ramp way, clapping a few fans hands before he steps into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring, and poses again for the crowd.

Jessica: Introducing ladies and gentlemen, weighing in at 245 pounds and a height of 6 foot 1; he hails from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; He his RJC Cool!

Faint [Linkin Park] hits, as strobe lights engulf the stage area. Tom appears on the stage and stops, centre stage; looking at the roaring crowd as white bursts of sparks shoot up behind him. Smiling broadly, he makes his way down to the ring, clapping fans hands as he rolls into the ring. He poses once more for the crowd, centre of the ring, before he prepares himself.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, in the ring, he weighs in at 240 pounds and at a height of 6 foot 4, he hails from Phoenix Arizona: Tom McBrady!

Championship Tournament Match #1
Round Two
Tom McBrady V RJC Cool

The bell sounds, as both men shake hands centre of the ring. They circle about, and lock up; Cool quickly getting a side headlock in, and pushing McBrady into the ropes. McBrady retaliates with a strong should block, knocking Cool to the mat. A quick cover and one. McBrady helps Cool to his feet and whips him across the ring, taking him down with another shoulder block. Another cover and one. Tom drops the leg down across RJC’s throat, but Cool rolls out of the way. RJC quickly grabs Tom’s left leg, and tries for a single leg boston crab, however McBrady kicks him off. RJC falls to his back; but both men quickly return to their feet. Tom throws a right hand; RJC ducks, steps behind him and hits a back suplex, centre of the ring. A cover, and a one count for Cool. Cool quickly locks in an armlock, ad applies a little pressure before hoisting Tom to his feet. With perfect execution, Cool wrenches Tom’s arm into a hammerlock, and then locks in a sleeper hold. Tom struggles within the hold, as he attempts to free himself, or get to the ropes; but RJC has the hold locked in tight, and doesn’t show any signs of letting go.

Kerry: This one could be over, before it gets started Josh.
Josh: Maybe last week was a fluke for Tom, but this isn’t over yet.

Tom begins to fade, as RJC continues the hold, getting him down to one knee. In a flash, Tom pops to life and begins to drive his elbow into the stomach of RJC Cool, knocking the wind from him. A few more elbows to the stomach, and McBrady has some space between himself and Cool, and he hits a back suplex; that Cool counters mid-air, into a cross body. The cover and two! Cool quickly rolls over to the ropes, and stalks McBrady, as he climbs to his feet, with some difficulty. He stumbles back down onto one knee, after standing, which is the time when RJC strikes; running up behind him and hitting a bulldog. Tom goes headfirst into the canvas, as Cool covers him again for a two. Cool looks at the referee, then at McBrady, and stands. Standing overhead of his challenger, Cool leans down to grab Tom, but is quickly snatched and rolled up into a pinning predicament, for a two count! RJC rolls overhead to his feet, as Tom rolls overhead backwards to his feet; both men meeting in the ring.

Kerry: Wow, a second wind from Tom McBrady here folks, let’s see if it works out for him!

Tom drives his boot into the stomach of RJC, and whips him across the ring into a turnbuckle. He races at him, and hits a running splash in the corner, causing Cool to stumble out into the middle of the ring. Tom wraps his arms around Cool’s waist and pops his hips, hitting a german suplex. Tom continues his offence quickly as he climbs to his feet and covers Cool, for a two count. He drags Cool to his feet, who appears dead weight, and throws him across the ring for a belly-to-belly suplex. Tom stands, a smile on his face, as he soaks in the cheers from the crowd. The “Cool†chants begin, which wipes the smile from his face a little, but it doesn’t affect his game as he straddles RJC and unloads with straight rights and lefts; each connecting and inflicting serious damage. Cool covers up a little, but it doesn’t help. Tom hoists Cool to his feet and leads him to the centre of the ring, setting him up for his finisher the Trademark [Fireman’s Carry Facebuster]; hoisting him onto his shoulders. He walks about in the ring for a moment, looking at the crowd, which gives RJC the chance. He rolls off his shoulders and lands behind him, grabbing Tom’s head for his Osaka Street Cutter. He connects, centre of the ring! Tom goes down to his back, and Cool makes the cover for the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: RJC Cool.

RJC stands to his feet, and celebrates his victory, getting the crowd ‘riled up’. He climbs onto the turnbuckle and poses once for the crowd, before turning to see Tom, climbing to his feet. Cool hops off the turnbuckle and makes his way over to him, and holds his hand out. The two men shake hands, as the cheers continue to rush the ring.

Kerry: Great sign of respect and sportsmanship right there. This is what this company should be about!
Josh: It’s great to see, but sometimes ruthless aggression, blood and brutality just gets the job done better, Kerry.

- Commercial. -

-[Backstage. Parking Lot.]-

There are a few people grouped up in the middle of the parking lot, a few officials, a referee and some bystanders. Chris Kendo is seen making his way hastily into the picture, as he talks briefly with an official. He continues through the crowd of people, and sees Charlie Titan, unconscious and bloodied on the parking lot concrete. A medical personnel whom of which has his gear out tending to Titan, looks up at Chris.

Medical Personnel: He’s been banged up pretty badly, took a few shots to the head. These couple of bystanders noticed him down here before, with no one else about. We also found these...

The officer shows Chris some brass knuckles, covered in blood, in his hand. Chris informs the officials to clear the area as soon as possible, and to get Charlie to the hospital now. He storms off from the scene, with the knuckles in hand, from the parking lot.


Kerry: Wow! Charlie Titan is down and out, and guess who’s prime suspect!
Josh: Montana.
Kerry: Montana better have a bloody good alibi, because Charlie was his opponent for tonight AND the brass knucks were found at the crime scene. Everyone knows they are the weapon of choice for Montana.
Josh: I wonder what’s going to happen now, with Charlie Titan not able to wrestle tonight.
Kerry: Only time will tell, Josh. Hopefully, what’ll happen is- ...

Kerry and josh suddenly begin to listen to their headsets...

-[Backstage: Montana’s Locker Room.]-

Chris, using a key, unlocks the door to Montana’s locker room, and spots Montana in the corner, reading a newspaper. Montana folds the paper up, angered by the interruption, and stands as Chris comes face to face with him. Chris doesn’t back down, nor does Montana.

Chris: Ok, so I’m going to have to ‘surprise you’ with the information, that you’re opponent tonight has been knocked out of the competition, literally.
Montana: What? What happene-
Chris: -Shut, your mouth! We have two reasons to believe it was you, but no hard proof.

Chris shows Montana the brass knucks in his hand, still blood-covered. Before Montana can grab them, he continues.

Chris: Charlie Titan was your opponent for tonight, and that immediately makes you the prime suspect for the attack. To top this off, we found these at the scene. Now you can rest assured that, without any defining evidence it was you who did this, we can’t suspend or punish you. And on that note, I’m afraid I have to declare that you automatically move on to the third round, of the championship tournament.

The boos of the crowd can be heard from the backstage area, as Chris finishes up.

Chris: However, if I ever find out it was you who did this, you will pay! Jou got that, amigo?

Montana nods, not appearing intimidated. Chris storms out of the room shortly after and slams the door behind him. Montana turns his head, in thought, and sits back down, to read his paper.


Kerry: Wow! Montana has gotten off the hook here tonight, however I can’t help think that once Charlie is able to compete, he’ll be seeking revenge for this.
Josh: We don’t even know who it was, who attacked him Kerry. There are plenty of suspects in that locker room, Montana is just the prime suspect right now. We shall wait until Charlie is well again; maybe then we’ll get some insight into the attack.
Kerry: I guess you’re right, Josh. Despite all the happenings here ladies and gentlemen; we need to take a quick commercial break!

- Commercial. -

This Ain’t a Game [Bones ‘n’ Thugs] hits the speakes, as Dante Jones makes his way out onto the stage. He stands in the centre of the stage, ignoring the boos, in his street attire and bling, as blood red pyros shoot off behind him. He smirks as he walks down the ramp, ignoring all the yelling and booing fans, sliding into the ring. He tosses his street jersey to the outside area, as well as his bling.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, weighing in tonight at 189 pounds and at a height of 5 foot 6, he hails from Compton California; he is Dante Jones!

And The Australian Battler makes his way out onto the stage. He walks steadily down the ramp way, admiring the roaring crowd as he slides into the ring. He throws his arms into the air, centre of the ring, as he smiles to a few fans in particular.

Jessica: Introducing, in the ring, he weighs in tonight at 280 pounds, at a height of 6 foot 6; from Australia; The Australian Battler.
Championship Tournament Match #2
Round Two
The Australian Battler V Dante Jones

The bell sounds, as Jones yells some trash talk from across the ring. Battler keeps his composure, a small smile forming on his face, as both men lock up, with Jones quickly driving his knee into Battler’s stomach. Battler buckles as Jones throws right hand and connects, but Aussie retaliates with a right of his own. Dante delivers a side kick, which meets Battler’s ribs, and knocks him to a knee, as he follows up with a jumping right hand, the impact takes him down to the mat. Dante poses for the crowd, standing over Battler; however Battler kicks his legs out from underneath him, with a swift motion, and straddles him; unloading with several rights and lefts, using full force with each punch. The referee reaches a five count and pulls Battler off Dante, as he ignores this and goes right back to work on his foe. Jumping and dropping a leg across Dante’s neck, Battler climbs to his feet, only to drop and elbow across his neck. He picks up Jones, and whips him across the ring, hitting a big back body drop as he races back across at him. The crowd pops as Battler taunts Dante a little, smiling at him as he rolls to the corner. Dante sits himself against the bottom turnbuckle, as Battler approaches. He begins to stomp away at him, digging his boot into the chest and stomach of his opponent, knocking the wind from him. Again, the referee needs to step in between him and push him aside, this time Battler acknowledging him. Dante staggers out of the corner, on his knees, as Battler hoists him to his feet, and grabs him hitting a swinging neckbreaker, centre of the ring. Battler covers him, but only gets two.

Kerry: This one is going to get interesting I feel! Both men very sound at brawling, and just generally taking it to the other guy.

Battler lifts Dante to his feet and throws two more rights, both connecting square between Jone’s eyes, the second knocking him back against the ropes. Battler grabs him and whips Dante across the ring, whom reverses it and sends Battler running into the ropes. Dante takes a leap into the air, and takes Battler down with a diving clothesline, hitting him across the face. Jones slowly gets to his feet, looking over at Battler who is stirring. He pounces on Battler, and begins to unleash a wild fury of rights and lefts, clenched fishts, forearms and elbows to the Aussie, as the intensity multiplied in his game plan. Dante is forced off the referee, however it doesn’t stop him as he goes right back to work on Battler, connecting with some violent, disturbing rights and lefts. The referee gets Dante off him again, this time yelling some rules at him. Dante ignores him, and hoists Battler up, to his feet. He smiles as he delivers a dropkick, landing right in the chest of his foe; following with a quick cover for two. Slamming the mat, Dante looks at the referee frustrated, as Battler continues to stir, getting to one knee again. He stands, and backs off into the ropes, before racing across the ring and delivering a falling dropkick to the ribs of Battler once more. The impact knocks Aussie over to the ropes, as Dante kicks at him some more, knocking him to the outside. The referee begins his count, as Dante steps back, more than willing to take the count out option. “2...3....4....5...6....†as Battler gets to his feet, and rests against the ring, “..7...8....9...â€, however the count stops as Battler rolls into the ring, into the furious Dante Jones.

Kerry: Dante, looking for a cheap win, but couldn’t quite pull it off. There’s still a bit more fight in the Aussie Battler yet, Josh!
Josh: There surely is. This guy might look like a pushover, but he is far from it!

Dante stomps away angrily at Battler, kicking everything from his head to his chest, trying to inflict as much pain as possible, trying to keep him grounded. Battler continues to stir, though, after the stomping ceases. Dante looks at him, and grabs him, pulling him to the centre of the ring, setting him up for his trademark move, a tornado DDT. He connects, and covers Battler hooking both legs, but gets two. Dante slams the canvas several times, as he looks down at the prone Battler. He rolls him over onto his back, and clearly sick of how things are going, makes his way onto the turnbuckles; climbing to the top. He wastes no time, diving into the air at Aussie Battler for his finisher, the One Eight Seven [Moonsault into Leg drop]. Battler rolls out of the way, at the last moment, and sends Dante crashing and burning. Battler tries to his feet, using the ropes, as Dante gets to his tenderly, holding his backside in the process. Both men turn to face each other, Battler first to connect, throwing his infamous wild right elbow, into the temple of Dante. Battler stumbles back, as Marquis Bronson runs in from the crowd once more, and hops the barricade sliding into the ring.

Kerry: What the hell, this guy again!?

Bronson tackles Battler to the canvas from behind, as he begins to pummel him, over and over. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner of the match, via DQ: The Australian Battler.

Bronson grabs Battler and lifts him to his feet, driving his knee into his stomach a few times, before taking him down with a strong clothesline. Dante slowly gets to his feet, and orders Marquis to hold him still, on his feet. He does so, as Dante begins to talk some trash. Battler, nearly unable to distinguish where he is, gives one last effort as he shoves Bronson off, and throws another wild elbow at Dante, again connecting. Dante goes down hard, as Bronson pounces on Battler. He grabs him, and drives his boot into the groin of Battler, as he takes off into the ropes. Bouncing off them with some speed, he hits his finisher The Murkah [The Pounce], and takes Battler down for good. Shortly after, Marquis grabs Dante and lifts him to his feet, slapping some sense into him, and both men leave the ring to a sea of boos.

- Commercial. -

-[Backstage: Interview set up.]-

Samantha Giles is backstage with Matty Williams, both of who are standing in front of a nicely designed stage piece for the interview.

Samantha: Matty, it’s great to have you here. I just want to get your thoughts on your match tonight; you’re going against a former heavyweight champion, in the main event. Is there any butterflies in your stomach?

Matty smiles at her, appearing overly confident.

Matty: Sam, you’re new here to I’ll say this a little slower, just for you dear. I’m ... going ... to ... beat ... the ... crap ... out ... of ... KnicKy.

Matty stops, and looks at Samantha, who has a slightly annoyed look on her face.

Matty: Ok, so you’re slightly above that level. I’ll go a little faster then. Last week, I lost my opportunity to go after the IWF Undisputed Championship. No sure, I’m annoyed I could let myself be beat by someone as pathetic as Charlie Titan. But this is all behind me, tonight I’m not only in the main event, but I have a chance to prove myself to this pathetic crowd here in the states. And if this means that, in future it will get me gold I can take back to the greatest nation on this planet, Canada, then I won’t let it slip through my fingers!

Matty takes his hand and runs it over the cheek of Samantha, and finishes up in a patronising tone.

Matty: Did you get all of that, because I’m not going to repeat it honey.

Matty Williams walks offstage, as Sam rubs her cheek, where he touched her, a look of disgust on her face.


Kerry: Well, Matty Williams sure isn’t short of any confidence tonight, Josh.
Josh: He shouldn’t be; in the main event against the Australian Hero is a tough job. You gotta bring your A-game.

Cold as Ice [Starsplash w/Amy Spooner] begins to play in the arena. Colin White makes his way out onto the stage, in ring attire and sporting a towel. He looks at the crowd, disgusted by them, and makes his way down the ramp way, as pyros shoot off, either side of him. He smirks to a few closer fans, and rolls into the ring. He walks to the far side of the ring, tosses the towel towards the announcers table, and returns to the middle of the ring.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first; he weighs in tonight at 248 pounds, and at a height of 6 foot 2, hailing from Alberta, Canada; he is Colin White!

The lights shut off, everything goes silent. Some quiet, harmonic/devilish music can be heard, as fog fills the ramp and stage. Lightning strikes the titantron, as Kassidy is seen rising up, from under the stage. The lights slowly return, as Kassidy makes his way down to the ring. He steps up onto the apron, and then between the ropes as finally the lights return to normal.

Jessica: Weighing in tonight at 200 pounds, at a height of 6 feet; hailing from Transylvania, Romania; Kassidy Loren Hayes.

Championship Tournament Match #
Round Two
Kassidy V Colin White

The bell sounds, and the two men come face to face. Colin tries to show no fear, as Kassidy gets in his face, not speaking, playing his mind games. Colin backs off, as Kassidy remains in the centre of the ring. No expression, nothing, on his face. Colin walks back upto Kassidy and shoves him back, before rushing him and tackling him to the mat. He fires off a few quick right hands, before rolling off him and hoisting him to his feet. Kassidy breaks Colin’s hold, and connects with an uppercut, right under the jaw. White stumbles back onto the ropes as Kassidy clotheslines him over the top rope, to the outside. Kassidy rolls out of the ring, staying on White’s heels, as he stumbles about outside. Grabbing his face, and slamming it onto the Kassidy, a small smile grows on his face, as he grabs Colin, and throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. Rolling into the ring briefly, to break the count, Kassidy continues his offence, grabbing his foe and shoving him into the ring. Colin tries to take control of the match, by pounding on Kassidy as he slides in, however his shoulder can’t stand it, and he is forced to stand, to try another form of attack. Kassidy stands and rushes at him, but White counters with a roll up, getting two. Both men get to their feet, as White’s shoulder gets the best of him. He attempts for a suplex, but in mid air cannot hold him and drops Kassidy onto his feet. Kassidy follows with an Orton backbreaker. With White on the mat, Kassidy stands, and stalks his opponent, carefully picking him apart mentally before he starts to stomp away at him. His boot digs into every part of White’s body, as he moves around him carefully placing each kick, working extra hard on his shoulder, his left shoulder.

Kerry: Looks like that shoulder will be the centre of attention for Kassidy tonight.
Josh: And what a great idea. Taking out the shoulder, like any other body part, makes most moves difficult, or impossible to execute. Let’s see how the smug Colin White gets through this one.

Kassidy drags White to his feet, by his left arm, and wrenches on it, before twisting it around once and wrenching it again. White, out of nowhere, throws his boot around at head height, and connects with Kassidy’s temple. The impact snaps his opponent’s head to the side, as Kassidy stumbles and falls to one knee. White tries to take advantage of the situation, and does so when he hits a quick DDT. Covering him, Kassidy powers out after two. White gets to his feet, holding his left shoulder and stalking Kassidy. Kassidy himself takes a bit longer to his feet, the effects of the kick and DDT combination beginning to show; as White hits a running bull dog, taking Kassidy to the mat face first once more. Kassidy rolls out of the ring and tries to regain himself, however is unsuccessful as White follows him outside, grabbing his head and hitting two right hands, right in the face. White whips Kassidy into the steel post, which sends his challenger to the floor. White, hearing the referee’s 7 count, rolls into the ring to break the count. However Colin goes right back after Kassidy, whom is still prone on the outside. White grabs Kassidy and rolls him into the ring, covering him putting his feet on the ropes, for two. Following the near fall, White stands, and tries to get some circulation to his shoulder, to ease the pain, as Kassidy gets to his knees, in the corner. Resting against the second turnbuckle, Kassidy forces himself to one foot, as White approaches him. As White makes it to his foe, Kassidy throws a wild right elbow, which manages to connect into the face of Colin. Colin stumbles, but is right back on the attack, this time Kassidy turns on his knee and delivers a spinning right hand; planting him in the nose. Colin stumbles backwards a second time, however he doesn’t retaliate so quickly, as Kassidy rushes him and hits a head high clothesline. Both men go down, and stay that way.

Kerry: This could be the turning point of the match, Josh. First man to his feet, has this match won!
Josh: Well, let’s wait and see, shall we! But I’m going to say you’re right!

The crowd starts to roar with boos, as both men get to one knee, and exchange blows. Racing down the ramp way is CMS, who slides into the ring and takes out White in a tackling motion. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner of the match, via DQ: Colin White.

Kerry: What the hell, what the hell is CMS doing!?

CMS kicks and knees White out of the ring, and then turns his attention to Kassidy, who has made it to his feet, and is ready to fight some more. CMS puts a foot between the ropes, and quickly steps out of the rin, as Kassidy rushes to the ropes. Neither men exchange words, instead CMS simply leaves the ringside area, via the ramp. Kassidy stares him down, and signals that his end is near, with a cut throat taunt. CMS backs up the ramp, and disappears backstage.

Kerry: You’ve got to give it to this kid, CMS, this is two weeks in a row now that he’s dodged Kassidy.
Josh: And that right there, wasn’t an apology of any kind for the slap and run last week! Things cannot get much better for CMS.

- Commercial. -

Tony Montana’s theme music hits, as Montana himself comes out onto the stage. The boos tonight are near deafening, as he simply ignores it, walking down the rampway. He is in his formal wear tonight, his white suit, designed to his figure. He walks up the steel steps and steps between the ropes, continuing to ignore the crowd, as he asks for a microphone.

Kerry: Odd, Montana isn’t scheduled to compete, nor does it look like he is ready to. I wonder what he has to say?

Montana stands in the centre of the ring, and shuts his eyes, hoping the boos will quieten a little. They don’t.

Montana: All jou, jou cockroaches betta shut the hell up! I know why jou hate me, it’s because I ... I am better than each and every one of jou. Jour all pathetic! I didn’t attack your beloved Charlie Titan in the parking lot! I’m betta than that crap! I’m not even here for jou, I’m simply here to wasch the match, between James and Mike.

Montana makes his way to the steel steps, and steps down them, tossing the microphone over to the ringside staff. He takes a seat at the announcer’s table, besides Josh and Kerry.

Josh: It’s great to have you here, Montan-
Kerry: So Montana, do you have any actual evidence, or an alibi to support your claim not to have attacked Charlie, tonight?
Montana: Kerry, jou betta shut jour goddamn mouth. I’m not here to talk to jou about that, I’m here to call this match.

The lights turn off, as the entire arena is engulfed into darkness. So Determined [Mudvayne] hits, and green pyros shoot off in different directions from the stage. Green and white lights rid the arena of it’s shadows, as James Kash is seen on the stage. He has his usual smirk on his face, as he walks down to the ring, looking at several fans, booing him intensely. He steps up the steel stairs and between the ropes. He stands in the middle of the ring, looking at the crowd as his music dies down.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first; he weighs in tonight at 274 pounds and stands at a height of 6 foot 7, he hails from Lake Jackson, Texas; he is James Kash!

The lights suddenly start flickering on and off randomly, throughout the arena as Cowboys from Hell [Pantera] kicks in. The crowd pops as Mike Miller races out onto the stage, walking back and forth around the stage, soaking in the crowd. He finally makes his way down the rampway, and runs at the last moment sliding into the ring. He walks over to the turnbuckle, and poses for the crowd as the lights return to normal.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing second: he weighs in tonight at 212 pounds at a height of 6 foot 2, he hails from Manhattan New York; he is Mike Miller!

Championship Tournament Match #
Round Two
Mike Miller V James Kash

Both men stand in their respective corners, as the tension builds. They step in, slowly, before meeting and locking up. Mike Miller quickly gets a side head lock, and twists around into a hammer lock, wrenching the move. Kash delivers a back elbow and connects, but it isn’t to enough to free himself. Mike goes back to the side headlock, however Kash shoves him into the ropes; taking down Miller with a shoulder block as he bounces off the ropes. James races off into the ropes, bouncing off and hopping over Miller, bouncing off the ropes a second time as Mike hops to his feet, and leap frogs over Kash. Kash goes into the ropes for a third time, as Miller catches him with a spinning hell kick, taking him down. Both men get to their feet, pumped now, and lock up once more. Kash drives his knee into the stomach of Mike, and follows up with a clubbing blow to the back and spine. Mike falls to one knee, as Kash steps back, and delivers a kick to the side of the head. Miller goes down, as Kash rolls him over only to get a one count. Kash guides Mike to his feet, and picks him up under an arm, connecting with a sidewalk slam, centre of the ring. Kash stands and looks over at Montana, pointing to the prone Miller in the ring. Spotting the chance, Mike gets to one knee, and rolls up Kash, managing a two count. The crowd pops, as both men get to their feet and confront one another. Kash elbows Mike right in the face, the impact nearly knocking him off his feet; however Mike retaliates, delivering a jumping forearm smash. Kash stumbles, as Mike races off into the ropes, and sprints across the ring at his foe; he leaps into the air, and hits an overcastle neckbreaker, centre of the ring. The crowd roars as Mike climbs to his feet, and hits a jumping elbow drop to James’ chest.

Montana: Jou see, Kerry. James has to keep his eye on j’he ball, or sh-t like that will happen
Kerry: You’re right Montan-
Montana: -Damn right I’m right, Kerry.
Kerry: James needs to spend less time watching the announcer’s table, and more time watching Mike. We’re not going anywhere, anytime soon.

James rolls over and gets to his knees, as Mike begins to deliver carefully placed right hands, clenched fists. James begins to wobble on his knees, as Mike raises for one final right hand. He throws is, and it connects, as is lands square on Kash’s jaw. However, Kash doesn’t go down. Miller approaches him, and grabs his hair, pulling him to his feet; but James breaks his grip, with a right hand jab to the stomach. Miller buckles, as Kash stands upright and delivers a modified super kick, connecting just under his jaw. Mike stumbles back across the ring, onto the ropes as Kash rushes him; taking him down with a clothesline, to the outside. Kash backs off a little, as he catches his breath, and tends to his jaw for a moment. He walks to the ropes, and rolls out of the ring. Miller has propped himself against the guard rail, resting, as James delivers a right boot to his exposed kidney. Mike presses his arm against his kidney, which exposes his head; Kash takes advantage of this, throwing the same boot up into his head. This knocks Mike over the guard rail, into the crowd. The referee reaches a count of six, as Kash rolls in, to beak it; quickly rolling back out to keep his advantage. Mike, now leaning over the railing, is attacked by Kash who cracks his elbow down across the back of his skull. James then proceeds to drag the near dead body of Mike over the railing, to the mats. Whipping Kash into the steel steps, Mike manages to counter his foe’s attempt at the irish whip. Kash crashes into the steel, hard, as Mike rests against the ring, and rolls under the bottom rope to again stop the count. Mike rolls into the ring, and tries to recover, as Kash limps about outside, holding his right knee.

Montana: Ooh, jou see, one simple move like that can change a match, amigo.
Kerry: I’m not you’re ... amigo, amigo.
Josh: What’s your problem, Kerry? You know what, next time, you’re sitting where I am!

Kash hops onto the apron, on one knee, as Miller approaches him. In a series of swift movements, Kash grabs Mike’s head, attempting to drop his neck onto the top rope; however Mike breaks free as Kash lands on the outside. Mike quickly shoves his legs through the tope and middle ropes, and kicks Kash back into the railing. Mike stands at the rope, watching Kash intently, as he turns to face him. Mike propels himself over the top rope, and to the outside, taking Kash down with a cross body! The crowd pops big time, as Mike climbs to his feet, a smile on his face, hiding the pain in his back. Mike grabs James and hoists his body into the ring. He steps onto the apron and begins his climb up the turnbuckle, to the top. Looking out at the crowd for a moment, whom are roaring with cheers and whistles, Mike dives at Kash for his finisher, the Air Extreme [Shooting Star Leg Drop]. Kash shifts his body, and lifts his legs, driving them into Mike’s legs and backside. The result is Miller’s body crashing into the canvas in an unusual manner; and Kash surviving, for now. Kash slowly begins to climb to his feet, as he tries to shake the cobwebs loose. He looks over at Mike Miller, who has shuffled over to the corner, holding his backside and legs still, near unable to stand. Hoisting himself up using the ropes, Mike stands and watches Kash. The two men stare each other down for a moment, until meeting, just away from the corner. Kash doesn’t hold back, as he strikes Miller in the temple, knocking him back into the corner. Kash turns and walks over to the far turnbuckle, and starts to untie the cover. He rips it off and tosses it to the canvas, as he walks back over to Mike. The referee tends to the cover, trying to cover the metal once again, as Kash drives his boot into the unsuspecting Miller’s groin. Mike buckles over, and falls to his knees, as James grabs him, and hoists him onto his shoulders for his finisher, the Down Payment [F5 into RKO]. He connects, and covers Miller, getting the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: James Kash.

Kerry: Well I don’t like it one bit guys, but James Kash has wo-
Montana: Jou don’t like it, Kerry, because jour weak. You do what it takes, to win in dis business. Jou got that? Now I got to congrajulate my man, James.

Montana tosses the headset into Josh, and rolls into the ring as he steps up behind him. James turns into Montana, and the two again shake hands, celebrating his win.

Kerry: This is pathetic, you know. These two men have only gotten this far by cheating and stealing bloody matches!
Josh: Kerry, shut up before they hear y-

James leans through the ropes, and asks for a microphone from the staff. He receives one, and he stands besides Montana in the centre of the ring.

James: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. There is no denying that the two men standing in this ring, are by far the most dominant pair in all of wrestling history. It’s only a matter of weeks now, until Montana and I face off at Reloaded. It’s there, where I will win the title, and a few drinks.

James and Montana both laugh at the comment, and celebrate a little more.

James: Oh, and Kerry, I don’t care what you have to say about Montana and I, if you don’t like it; get out!

Josh: Dammit, Kerry. I told you he was gunna here you!
Kerry: Does it look like I care, Josh?
Josh: Well ... no, but you should. If those two wanted to, they could come down here right now, and beat you to a pulp.

-[Backstage: Locker Room Area]-

Mike Miller is seen making his way backstage after his match, angered and exhausted. He suddenly stops, and tosses the towel he had been given into the wall, and bangs his hand onto a nearby table. He continues down the hall, but runs into Cahan Malone, whom has a smile on his face.

Cahan: Losing sucks, doesn’t it champ? Oh, I’m sorry. I suppose that won’t be the case for a bit, will it now.

Mike glares at Cahan, and walks into Cahan, forcing him backwards down the hall.

Mike: Listen Malone, I just got f--ckin’ll robbed out there. You wanna start something back here, you be my god damn guest! I will, as you said last week, ‘make sure you’re sorry’!

Cahan laughs a little at Mike, and steps aside to let him be. Mike walks past, running his hands through his hair.

Cahan: I’ll tell you what, just get used to lying flat on your back, when the bell sounds boy, it’ll mean you wont ta-

Mike rushes at Cahan, and drives his forearm into his throat. He pushes him against the wall, and cuts off his air. Cahan is heard spluttering a little, with Mike holding this pose, the anger still showing in his face. Finally, Mike lets go of Cahan, and walks down the hall, not looking back. Cahan holds his throat a bit, coughing, and looks down at Mike Miller. He curses to himself, coughing to clear his throat, and sits back down on a bench.

- Commercial. -

I’m Coming by [Silkk the Schocker] begins to play, as Rick O’Shea makes his way out from behind the curtain, to a positive reaction. He makes his way down the ramp, focused and ready to compete. Halfway down the ramp, blur pyros shoot off, in an X formation. He slides under the bottom rope and walks about in the ring, staying very focused.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing in the ring, he weighs in tonight at 244 pounds at a height of 6 foot 1, he hails from Secausus, New Jersey; Rick O’Shea!

B.Y.O.B [System of a Down] blares, as Johnny Nicol makes his way out onto the stage, to a mixed reaction. He ignores the crowd, looking aggravated as he picks up a little speed at the bottom of the ramp and rolls under the ropes, into the ring. He stands and looks about in the ring.

Jesscia: Introducing, in the ring, he weighs in tonight at 263 pounds at a height of 6 foot 7, from Southport England; Johnny Nicol.

Rick O’Shea V Johnny Nicol

The bell sounds, as Nicol talks some trash. O’Shea ignores it, and backs off a little circling about the ring, as Nicol remains still and watches him. Nicol and Rick lock up, but it’s Nicol who clearly overpowers his foe. He forces him into a corner and throws a big right hand, and connects. Rick retaliates with a right of his own, and another; but Johnny manages to wrap his hands around his neck before he can hit a third. In one simple showing of power, Nicol throws O’Shea out from the corner, onto his back, by his neck, and quickly follows up by dropping his elbow across the chest of his opponent. O’Shea rolls over onto his hands and kneels and tries to recover, but Nicol continues his punishment, driving his boot into the gut of O’Shea. The impact knocks Rick over onto his back, as Nicol drops another elbow; this one he dodges however. O’Shea rolls to the ropes and pulls himself up, as Johnny climbs to his feet. Rick quickly rushes Nicol from behind, and wraps his arms around his waist for a german suplex; connecting! Rick continues his offence by hitting a centon bomb, pushing the wind out of his opponent. O’Shea covers, but Nicol powers out after two. Rick quickly hops to his feet and watches Nicol carefully, as he climbs to his. Nicol stands, and throws a wild boot at his challenger; whom of which ducks it. Picking up a fair bit of speed, Nicol delivers a clubbing blow to the back of the neck and head of O’Shea, taking him to the mat. Johnny Nicol takes his time, stalking him, taunting him and the crowd.

Kerry: Wrong move, that’s going to come back to haunt him for sure!

Nicol grabs O’Shea and pulls him to his knees, and throws disturbing right and left forearms across the face and temple of O’Shea. Each blow nearly knocks him off his feet, before Nicol steps back, and drives his boot into the back of Rick’s head. Rick falls forward, lifeless, as Nicol laughs, and observes his fallen opponent. He looks up at the crowd, as he picks O’Shea up, to his feet. The crowd gets behind O’Shea, as Nicol locks in a sleeper hold, centre of the ring. O’Shea shows signs of life, his arms beginning to flutter about, throwing a few ineffective right hands. He tries desperately to break free, as he manages to step towards the ropes; Nicol however just holds him still and locks in the hold tighter. Rick starts to fade a little, as a smile grows on Nicol’s face. He wrenches tightly once more, however Rick pops to life for a moment, and grabbing Nicol’s head, drops to his ass. Nicol’s jaw is cracked down on the top of O’Shea’s skull, as he releases the hold. O’Shea rolls over onto his knees and tries to regain himself, as Nicol stumbles back against the ropes. With a burst of adrenaline, Rick rushes across at Nicol, who picks him up for a spinebuster; however he manages to roll over-shoulder, for a pin, getting two! Both men are right back to their feet, as Rick grabs Nicol from behind for a schoolboy pin, getting another two. Nicol, nor enraged a little, climbs to his feet and meets O’Shea in the centre of the ring, and throws an angry right hand; O’Shea ducks, and grabs his opponent for his finisher, the Olympic Slam [Angle Slam]. He connects, centre of the ring and gets the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Rick O’Shea.

Kerry: What an impressive bout there, from two new guys to the IWF. However on this case, it was Rick O’Shea that got the win tonight.
Josh: What an impressive win it was as well, Kerry.

-[Backstage: Locker Room Area.]-

The Australian Battler is seen walking down the hallway, a towel draped around his shoulders. Colin White steps out in front of him, appearing on screen, and looks him up and down, a smirk on his face.

Colin: You know, it’s sad that such a veteran like you, has never really had that defining moment in his career; you know, where you’ve won the big one, made your name legendary and so on.

The Australian Battler smiles at the comment, and goes to walk past him. However, Colin steps to the side, in his way. Battler decides to give up on getting past White, and replies to his comments.

Battler: You know, it’s a shame that such a new guy like yourself doesn’t know who to show respect to. A guy with your kind of talent should realise that it’s not just him, in this business. You want to make it big, you need to earn some respect, by showing some!
Colin: Why would I show respect to a washed up, wannabe Australian Hero like yourself? You haven’t done anything in your pathetic career to truly impress me.
Battler: Is that so?
Colin: Yeh, it is. You know what, while I’m being honest, here’s something else: you will run out of luck, at some point. You were lucky to beat Charlie Wayne last week, and your win tonight against Dante was even luckier. If it hadn’t have been for Marquis-
Battler: I’ll tell you what, kid. You should probably shut your mouth, before it gets knocked off. If you want to run your mouth like that, you should look at the facts first: CMS made the run-in on your match tonight, and-
Colin: -I didn’t need him, I could’ve buried Kassidy with my own two hands. The only difference is now; I didn’t need to get my hands dirty, and I’m much, much fresher than you, for next week!
Battler: Well, next week it might just be you and I in that ring; and after that, we’ll see who is still standing.
Colin: I don’t need to wait, I know who’s going to win next week AND at Reloaded, to become the new IWF Undisputed Champion.

Colin signals that gold is going around his waist, before he shoves Battler aside and makes way down the hallway. Battler turns and watches him, and grabs his towel wiping some sweat from his face. Battler then continues down the hall way, in the opposite direction to Colin White.

- Commercial. -

Kerry: Ladies and gentlemen it’s time for the main event, and this is going to be good!
Josh: Matty Williams seems confident, even going up against KnicKy. Who’s going to come out on top ... I can’t wait!

Downfall [Trust Company] hits and KnicKy comes out onto the stage, dancing about, pumped, looking about the crowd. He walks to the top of the ramp and drops to his knees, thanking the crowd, as pyros shoot off from behind him. He hops to his feet and walks down the ramp, admiring the roaring crowd, as he rolls into the ring. He walks to the far turnbuckle, and poses for the crowd, thanking them once more by clapping his hands.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first; he weighs in tonight at 225 pounds at a height of 5 foot 10, he hails from Brisbane Australia; he is KnicKy!

The Team Canada Theme hits the music, as Matty Williams comes out onto the stage; his usual Canadian formal robe on, and Canadian flag in hand. He stops at the top of the stage, and looks for any supports, waving his flag about as a few red and white pyros burst off in different directions, behind him. He walks down the rampway, and makes his way to the ring; where he places his flag, and his robe by the steel steps. He then hops onto the apron, and steps between the ropes. In the ring, he raises his hands for the crowd.

Jessica: Introducing in the ring, he weighs in tonight at 230 pounds at a height of 6 foot 1, from Toronto Canada; Matty Williams!

KnicKy V Matty Williams

The bell sounds, as both men rush each other, locking up centre of the ring. KnicKy quickly gets control with a side head lock, and shoves Williams into the turnbuckle; rushing him, he connects with a clothesline in the corner, grabbing him for a belly to belly suplex; connecting. Getting right back to his feet, KnicKy walks over to Matty and pulls him up to his feet, but he counter, pulling his legs out from underneath him. KnicKy goes to his back as Matty goes for his Canadian Crab [Half Boston Crab], nearly turning him onto his stomach. KnicKy however manages to kick him off, and gets to his feet, as does Williams. Williams goes for a dropkick, and connects as he sends KnicKy right back to his back. Matty pounces and covers him, but only gets one.

Kerry: Looks like Matty Williams wants this one over, before things get going.
Josh: Gunna take a lot more than that, though.

KnicKy rolls out of the ring, and walks about outside for a moment, keeping an eye on Williams. Matty follows him out of the ring, but KnicKy turns and connects with a left hand. KnicKy rolls into the ring, and waits for Williams to follow. He does so, cautiously, and the two men come face to face in the ring, before Matty slaps KnicKy, hard across the face. KnicKy smirks a little, as he turns back to look at Williams; before throwing a big left hand, connecting. He follows up with a vertical suplex, centre of the ring. KnicKy continues his offence as he drops a knee down across the face of Williams, before hoisting him to his feet, and whipping him across the ring. Matty bounces off the ropes, and KnicKy lowers his head a second too earlier, as Williams stops before him and throws his boot up into the chest of his foe. KnicKy stumbles backwards as Matty rushes him, and hits a running side face buster. KnicKy’s head slams into the canvas, as Williams covers, for two. Matt grabs his opponent and lifts him to his feet, and pushes him into the corner. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and begins to unload with big right hands, each one connecting into the face and temple of KnicKy. After his eight right hand, KnicKy scoops him up onto his shoulders; but he doesn’t quite pick him up, and as KnicKy steps forward, for a powerbomb, he loses balance and falls backwards; Williams hooking a leg for a two count. KnicKy rolls over to the ropes and pulls himself to his feet, looking over at Matty, who is approaching, and fast. He hops to his feet and drives his knee into the stomach of Williams, buckling him over, as he delivers a stiff European uppercut to his opponent. KnicKy ducks behind him, and pops his hips, for a german suplex. The crowd pops, as KnicKy keeps his arms locked. He pulls Williams to his feet, but again loses balance and drops his challenger onto the mat, quickly trying to keep his offence by locking in an head lock; but it’s too late. Williams shoves KnicKy off and gets to his feet, this time rushing him and hitting a big clothesline, nearly knocking KnicKy’s head off his shoulders.

Kerry: KnicKy better get his act together, if he wants to win this match!
Josh: I know Kerry, how often does he make mistakes so commonly? I can’t even remember the last time I saw him make a mistake in that ring!

Williams hoists KnicKy to his feet, and throws him up into the air, for a delayed vertical suplex. Williams, showing some strength, holds him upright for a few moments, before dropping him down onto the mat, covering him quickly for two again. Williams looks at the referee, a little frustrated, and begins to pull KnicKy back to his feet. He smiles a little, and gives a quick taunt, similar to KnicKy’s cut throat, before taking a step backwards, and stepping at him for a superkick. KnicKy, with the moment to recover, ducks the attack, and quickly grabs Matty for an Orton back breaker, connecting. Williams goes down, centre of the ring, as KnicKy rolls under the bottom rope, and makes his way to the corner, ascending to the top turnbuckle. Stepping onto the third turnbuckle, his foot slips, which sends him crashing down to the mat, not before his neck catches the top rope though. His head snaps back as he falls onto the mat, near motionless. Blood dribbles from his mouth, as Williams rolls over to see his foe, prone on the mat on his back. Williams covers him, hooking both legs desperately, and grabbing onto the rope to score the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Matty Williams.

Kerry: Oh my god! That fall from the top rope was what caused the win for Matty. I think he got lucky this time around, but he still had the ware with all to capitalise, and he got the three count, wh-
Josh: Which is all that matter, Kerry! KnicKy though, he still hasn’t moved.

Matty Williams gets to his feet and celebrates, hopping onto the second turnbuckle and posing for a booing and concerned crowd. He ignores them, and continues to enjoy the victory as he rolls out of the ring, and makes his way back up the ramp way. In the ring, KnicKy shows signs of life, as he slowly makes it to a sitting position. With blood dribbling from his mouth still, he pulls himself to his feet, clearly disgruntled at the latter portion of the match. He tenderly makes his way out of the ring, holding his throat, as the crowd cheers him on.

Kerry: Well, it’s good to see that KnicKy could at least walk out of here, but I still can’t believe that he slipped on that top turnbuckle like that. It’s very uncharacteristic of him! And this concludes our show for tonight ladies and gentlemen! We hope you’ve enjoyed it, we sure have enjoyed your company, until next Monday night, from myself and Josh Hart: Goodnight!



Great great show. Good storylines, the matches were good. About as good as it gets. Should we have some links in the OCC part of the Efed for this???

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Montana vs Noreaga - It was a great main event, and it was the best, but barely with all the good stuff on your show.
WM - None
BP - Montana's interview was very in character, even with the accents and 'jou'.
WP - Not really
AC - I really hope you continue to do this BTB, it's very unique, and I am a fan of this. THere's lots of things that are going good for this, hopefully more people will see this. Good job.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Well, yes after a loooong time off, the IWF:ANE is finally back!

The third installment of intense wrestling will be coming to your screens this coming monday!

You best all prepare yourselves! Things havent cooled down in the IWF Locker room, things are only going to get better!

The Rated R CMStar

Good to hear. Some things you have on your show have me thinking if they could work on the real E-fed(CMS vs Kassidy for example). I'll bre reviewing

Moonlight Drive

You should definitely add Kail Stone to the roster, I heard he's pretty awesome