KnicKy Presents: IWF: A New Era.

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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
IWF: A New Era.


After suffering a severe loss economically, the Impact Wrestling Federation and it's superstars were out of luck. After being saved twice in the past, this time they hit rock bottom.

It wasn't until 3 months after the closing of the IWF that a young man, with a fresh out look on the company, decided to risk everything on something that has - to date - won nothing.

His identity still unknown by the public, his desire to get the IWF back on steady feet has been overwhelming, already guaranteeing several re-signings of the biggest stars it had to offer.

What makes this rebirth different from the others, you ask? Nobody knows who has been resigned, nobody knows what they can expect from this new Manager, nobody even knows who he is! With all this secrecy, IWF will be sure to entertain it's old fans, and lead it on a path to becoming the most dominant force in the wrestling industry today - a new era is dawning, who comes out on top, is still undecided.


Since I'm wanting to write this e-federation from the IWF roster stand point, I'd like to know who exactly would be interested in reading this. I'm going to use some of the current superstars, and possibly some old ones. There are still a few kinks to work out in a few ideas, but if I get some average numbers I'd love to write this on a weekly basis.

Nick K.

The Rated R CMStar

I do, I would like to see your version of IWF

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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tbh, I don't know alot of things in the IWF E-Fed. I just skimmed the last PPV and I am not updated with it after that but I do want to see your work.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
^^thats what im afraid of.

And CMS, I'm not doing this cos I think you're booking's bad, lol. There's just things that I'd like to do with it...

The Rated R CMStar

No I know, but I do want to see your work with a mix of our current and past roster, and hey, who knows, maybe rip off something :shifty:, I mean, get some ideas

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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I don't really know much of anything going on with the E-Fed but I'd still read this if you decide to do this, Knicky.


im listening, im listening. Good idea, and should be a good read.


I am definitely going to be reading this, I always wondered where Charlie Wayne would go under the right management, that's if you decide to use him. But like Montana said, this is going to be a great read, sounds very interesting.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Ok. Update time!

I really do want to get this thing going, but as of the last couple of months, Ive been unable to get anything started properly!

I will be buckling down and getting all my shit together over the next week or two (got a few more things to sort out in real life, first). I'm actually looking into a slightly different method of posting my shows, as Im looking at posting them on a sharing site.

It'll be free to all of you guys, to go to the site, read the shows, leave comments in make-shift comment boards, view calendars for upcoming shows, ppvs and other events. Just curious as to what you all think of this?

Will the mod's mind, if I basiclaly post a link in here, every week, to another site (not forums or any kind), where my shows will be posted (well, rather the documents to download).
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Monday Night Mayhem is coming...

It's finally here...
IWF: A New Ear Presents:

Monday Night Mayhem!

Tune in this week, as the new General Manager of the IWF is revealed, and to see what he has planned for the very first show!

Coming Monday, 2nd of June 2008.
Doors open at 7:15PM.

--IWF:ANE|HD will be available to viewers, for the first time. PM me your email address to be eligable for it. IWF:ANE will also be aired right here, on the BtB section!
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Monday Night Mayhem, bought to you by the new Owner of the IWF!

IWF:ANE|HD is still available for viewing. Contact the show's produce (KnicKy) for more information!


Kerry: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to what can only be described as the most electrifying place on Earth! We’re here at Madison Square Garden in New York City, and what better place to kick off the ‘New Era’ of the Impact Wrestling Federation!
Josh: This crowd is off the charts, I can barely hear myself think!

The crowd continues to roar as the theme music, Bleed it Out (Linking Park) comes to a stop. The arena slowly goes silent, as the lights flicker off.

Kerry: This is it Josh, we get to see who exactly is running IWF!
Josh: I can’t wait, there’s been way too many rumours as to who it is.

Eye of the Tiger hits the speakers, as the stage is lit up for all to see. The crowd jump to their feet and roar with excitement, as on the stage and in a suit, is the one and only Chris Kendo! Chris begins to make his way down the ramp, a broad smile on his face as the cheers continue to erupt from the crazed crowd.

Kerry: Good god almighty Josh! It’s Chr-
Josh: -Chris Kendo, unbelievable! He’s our new boss, the new General Manager!?

Chris steps between the ropes and makes his way to the centre of the ring, microphone in hand, as the crowd continues to scream and yell. Finally, they settle enough for him to begin.

Chris Kendo: Wow! Lord knows how much I have missed this ring! But I can tell you this: I have wanted this, so badly!

The crowd begin to cheer again.

Kendo: Now I know what you’re all thinking – why Chris, why are you the new General Manager of Monday Night Mayhem!? Well, I have some very unfortunate news, for all of you here tonight. Almost four months ago I suffered an injury, an injury that has side lined me, possibly for good.

The crowd quietens, dramatically.

Kendo: And it was after this injury that I saw my chance, my chance to make this company – the IWF, what has always deserved to be – the number one company in professional wrestling!

Cheers erupt again, as Chris acknowledges the fans.

Kendo: And it’s all for you! But I don’t want you to think this is going to be any old re-birth of the IWF, oh no no no! I’ve gone to the corners of the Earth to ensure that every show is the very best show I can possibly give, and to prove that – I have a few surprises! As per usual, we have no champions – so to start things off, we’re running a championship tournament! The competitors won’t know who they’re facing, until they’re in the ring; you wont know. But Chris, this is the same old thing. You’re right – so I’m going to spice things up, and this is how I’m going to do that.

Chris lowers his mic, as he turns to face the stage. A few moments of silence pass, as the crowd looks on intently up at the stage; not knowing what to expect. Breaking the silence, Away [Mercy Drive] hits the speakers and again the crowd goes wild!

Josh: Oh my god, it’s RJC Cool! Chris has really pulled this one outta nowhere!
Kerry: I can’t believe it Josh, I simply can’t! We haven’t seen Chris Kendo OR RJC Cool in the IWF for years! Years!

RJC makes his way down the ramp way, soaking in the feeling of the crowd, as he slides into the ring and smiles at Kendo. The two shake hands and share a quick hug, before Cool continues to acknowledge the crowd. Kendo makes his way out of the ring and takes a seat next to Josh and Kerry, as Cool awaits his opponent.

Kendo: How are we tonight, guys?
Kerry: Chris – simply amazing to see you again, I must say!
Josh: It really is great to see you back, Chris. And this, seeing RJC Cool in that ring...
Kendo: I’m telling you guys, this isn’t going to be like the old IWF, this time around it’s business! We are going to be number one!

Again the arena goes into silence, as the crowd turns their attention to the stage. Moments pass, until Downfall [Trust Company] blares throughout MSG, and the cheers return. KnicKy makes his way out onto the stage, to a roaring crowd and a stunned RJC Cool. KnicKy makes his way down the ramp, clapping hands as he steps onto the apron, looking at Cool with a competitive smile. He steps between the ropes and acknowledges the crowd once more, as the two men face each other. The tension builds. The bell sounds.

Championship Tournament Match #1
Round One
RJC Cool V KnicKy

Both men meet in the centre, and shakes hands before the match. The back away and circle the ring, not taking their eyes off each other. Locking up Cool gets the advantage with a side headlock, but KnicKy quickly pushes him into the ropes and knocks him down with a shoulder barge. KnicKy pounces on his prone foe and tries for the ankle lock, but Cool rolls out of it, and gets to his feet. Both men lock up again and KnicKy gets the advantage, a side head lock. Locking it in tight, Cool reaches around and hits a back suplex, both men down. Cool gets to his feet as does KnicKy, and both men stare eachother down once more. Cool throws a quick right handed jab, which connects; but is quickly replied to with a left from KnicKy. The two men exchange rights and lefts in the centre of the ring, until finally Cool ducks a left hand, and hits a german suplex. The hands remain locked, as he pulls KnicKy to his feet for a second – but its blocked! KnicKy breaks free of the grip, connects with a back elbow, and hits a backwards jawbreaker. Cool stumbles back onto the ropes as KnicKy climbs to his feet, rushing Cool – clothesling him over the top rope to the outside.

Kerry: Both men going all out in the early part of this match, guys!
Chris: As they should, Kerry. This is for an opportunity to become IWF Undisputed Champion! Both of these men have tasted heavyweight gold before, and I know they’ll want it again!

KnicKy rolls out of the ring and grabs Cool, and leads him over to the announcer’s table. Giving a cheeky grin to the announcers, he slams Cool’s head onto the table, before rolling him into the ring.
Cool climbs up to the top of the turnbuckle, and waits for KnicKy to get to his feet. He does so, and dives at his challenger – but is caught. KnicKy throws Cool overhead with an impressive belly to belly suplex; stopping his momentum. Both men slowly climb to their feet, the match taking it’s toll physically. KnicKy stalks Cool a little, as he turns, and grabs him for the 47-15 [Cutter] but Cool pushes him off! KnicKy bounces off the ropes and throws a left hand, RJC ducks it, and sets up KnicKy for his Osaka Street Cutter, throwing him over his body. KnicKy manages to counter in mid air, and lands on his stomach, pulling RJC down with him locking in the crossface. RJC Cool is quick to counter this, as he rolls overhead to escape the submission move; and both men get to their feet. KnicKy hasn’t got time to cover up as RJC superkicks him, right in the jaw. The impact is sick, and KnicKy goes down hard! Cool covers him, but only gets two! Cool tries to lift the dead weight of KnicKy to his feet, but is near unsuccessful. Snapping to life, KnicKy breaks free of Cool and grabs him for his 47-15 again, but in an even faster motion, RJC grabs KnicKy’s left arm with his, and his right arm with his legs, and pulls him backwards, onto the mat for a crucifix pin, getting the three count!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: RJC Cool.

Kerry: OH my god, what a match right there!
Josh: I didn’t see it, and KnicKy didn’t see it! What the hell happened!?
Chris: RJC Cool pulled that out of nowhere, and now – he goes onto the second round.
Kerry: That match was an amazing way to start off IWF, and I can’t wait for it to continue, however we need to take a quick break!

- Commercial -

Kerry: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, our new General Manager has returned to his backstage duties, however we were informed we’ll be hearing from him later.
Josh: Right now though Kerry, we have our second Championship Tournament Match! And it’s starting, right now!

Another Brick in the Wall [Korn] comes on through the speakers, as smoke shoots up in front of the stage. A second passes until CMS makes his way through the smoke, looking overly confident. He looks up and ‘praises’ the giant Costa Rican flag above him, before he makes his way down the ramp to the ring. He slides in the ring and points to himself, a cocky grin not leaving his face.

Kerry: Well, CMS doesn’t even look worried about this match – but he should wait to see who he is facing, first!
Josh: Great point Kerry, it could even b-

The lights go out, the music stops. “Lighting†strikes the four ring posts, sending a crackling sound through the arena as Slept So Long [Jay Gordon] begins to play. CMS, a little confused, waits eagerly to see who he’s facing. From under the stage, Kassidy arises – to a thunderous ovation. He glares down at CMS as the crowd cheers, and begins to make his way to the ring. He doesn’t take his eyes off him, as he steps into the ring – CMS stepping outside. The lights return, as CMS slides into the ring, keeping his distance. Kassidy turns to face CMS. The bell sounds.

Championship Tournament Match #2
Round One
CMS V Kassidy

Kassidy and CMS lock up in the ring, as they battle over strength. Kassidy manages to win, and pushes CMS to one knee, before quickly breaking the lock and connecting with a right hand. CMS is knocked to a sitting position, as Kassidy taunts him a little – showing no fear. CMS gets to his feet, and walks over to Kassidy; slapping him across the face. Kassidy’s head snaps to the side, as CMS backs away a little. Kassidy snaps and goes after CMS, but it’s too late, as he manages to escape the ring. Kassidy stands at the ropes and quietly mumbles in an unknown language – directing it at CMS. CMS catches his breath and watches Kassidy carefully, as the ref’s count begins. The two men stare each other down, as CMS paces back and forth, telling Kassidy to step back – he does not. “7....8....9....†CMS smirks, and backs off “...10â€. The bell sounds, Kassidy looks down at CMS, angered.

Winner of the match, via count out: Kassidy.

CMS slowly backs up the ramp way, smiling at Kassidy as the lights flick off. The crowd goes silent until they return, and Kassidy is nowhere to be seen. CMS glances around frantically, and quickly makes his way backstage.

Kerry: I’m not sure, Josh. Slapping Kassidy and then refusing a fight could be the biggest mistake of CMS’s career thus far.
Josh: You’re right about that. We all know how intimidating Kassidy was in previous years, but now he seems a different ... person. Hopefully we’ll get to see Kassidy in action next week though – he moves through to the second round.
Kerry: We go backstage now, to our new general manager Chris Kendo – with some important news about our upcoming pay per view event!

-[Backstage: Chris Kendo’s office.]-

Chris is seen speaking to two individuals, a male and female. You can’t see their faces, but they continue to finish up.

Kendo: Great, so we’ll get to see you back here in a few weeks! Listen man, that’s great news. Get whatever it is done you need to do, and hopefully we’ll see you back – ready to make a name for yourself!
Voice: Oh I will, don’t even worry about it. Let’s go.

The male and female make their way off screen, and out of the office – the faces still hidden from the shot.

Kendo: Ah, hello again – sorry about that. Now, regarding this important news about our first pay per view: Reloaded. As you know, the Championship tournament is only just underway, and I’m happy to announce that at Reloaded, the two finalists of the tournament will face off for this...

Kendo lifts up the IWF Undisputed Championship, still in a well designed cabinet. He places it on the bench behind him and continues.

Kendo: Now to make sure he who wins the match is deserving, I’ve decided that there will be no normal referee for this match. No, instead – I will be refereeing this match, to ensure things go down the right way. My second announcement is regarding the IWF International Championship! In the coming weeks I will be placing some of our more impressive superstars into qualifying matches, to gun for the International Championship. This won’t be any easy task however, as I’m going to ensure that the most deserving champion is crowned. However, I can’t reveal anything, til I see some more of the action here, in the IWF. Back to you guys!


Kerry: Wow, some big news there!
Josh: I can’t wait to see some of the younger stars here, who may not make it in the Championship tournament, go for the International Title. People say it’s nothing in comparison to the IWF Undisputed Championship, but that title has a lot of prestige, Kerry.

Cold as Ice [Starsplah] begins to play on the speakers, as we get back under way with action! On the stage appears Colin White, who seems very anxious and pumped. Moving his body a little to the beat, Colin looks at the crowd with disgust, as boos slowly flood the arena. He smirks and makes his way onto the ramp, as pyros go off behind him. He walks down and steps into the ring, and poses on the far turnbuckle. He turns and awaits his opponent.

I’m Coming by Shikk Stalker begins to play, as the crowd pops a little to the sight of Rick O’Shea. He makes his way out onto the stage and down the ramp, clapping a few hands and staring down White, in the ring. He slides into the ring, as the two men come face to face.

Kerry: Well, two rather new guys to this business, yet both men really getting into this match! You can see they want this title opportunity!

Championship Tournament Match #3
Round One
Colin White V Rick O’Shea

The bell sounds, and both men circle the ring, a faint “O’Shea†chant starting. White laughs a little at O’Shea, who ignores it, and the two men lock up, centre of the ring. O’Shea quickly gets the advantage and locks in a side headlock, but White quickly counters by lifting him up for a back suplex, and connects – but Rick doesn’t let go of the head lock. White pulls both men to their feet again and this time pushes him off, into the ropes. O’Shea bounces off the ropes and ducks the clothesline from White, and hits a neckbreaker. The cover, and one! Rick pulls Colin to his feet but is snapped in the stomach, as White fights back – hitting three more rights on the chest of O’Shea. Rick stumbles back, as White begins to unload with a series of violent and stiff rights and lefts, finishing it off with a kick to the left knee and a jaw breaker.

Josh: Wow, things really picked up in this match!

White covers Rick for a quick two count, but it’s countered as O’Shea rolls White over, sits beside him and goes for his patterned O’Shea Lock [crossface]. White quickly rolls out and gets to his feet, as does Rick O’Shea. Both men meet on their feet and exchange rights and lefts. Finally, Rick dodges a right from White, and hits a full nelson slam, to the delight of the crowd. O’Shea sees his chance, and races to the top rope, diving off for a swanton bomb. White rolls out of the way, and sends him crashing and burning. Rick slowly gets to his feet, holding his back in pain, as White stalks him, patiently. O’Shea gathers himself and turns right into White, who locks in for his guillotine DDT – wrenching tight to knock him out. Rick throws his knee into the sternum of White, and gets free, wrapping his arm around his neck and looking for his Olympic Slam [Angle Slam]. White manages to counter, landing on his feet behind O’Shea – who charges right at him. White scoops him up onto his shoulder and hits his Athletic Slam [Alabama Slam], centre of the ring. He covers O’Shea hooking both legs for the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Colin White.

Kerry: What an amazing match right there! Both men show true potential, but it seems Colin White got the best here tonight!
Josh: He sure did Ke-

Colin grabs a microphone and begins to speak, an exhausted ‘post match’ speech.

Colin: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match – and future IWF Undisputed Champion, Colin White! Now, I don’t want to sound too arrogant, or cocky: specially since I’m still new here, but I have to say – this roster will bow down to me; and it’s only a matter of time until it does!

He drops the microphone and smirks at the crowd. Making his way back up the ramp, he stops on the stage and glances over his shoulder at the limping O’Shea at ringside.

Kerry: Arrogant much?

- Commercial -

-[Backstage: Locker Room Area]-

Reporter Jason Millers is seen knocking on the door, which is labelled “CMSâ€. He waits for a moment, until the door is opened and CMS himself steps into the hallway; fully clothed and ready to go.

Jason: CMS, CMS – mind if I ask you a quick question?
CMS: Yeh sure, whatever! Just make it quick, I’m a busy man.

CMS looks over his shoulder for a moment and turns to Jason, signalling for him to hurry up.

Jason: Right, well uhh, I just want to know: what exactly were you thinking, when you slapped Kassidy, and then fled from your mat-
CMS: I didn’t “flee†from anything, boy! What I did in that ring, that’s just a sample of CMS!
Jason: So you do more than slap and run?-
CMS: One more smart ass word out of your mouth, and I’ll knock it off your face, got it! Let me just say this – I am NOT afraid of Kassidy!

CMS leaves Jason in the hallway and makes his way quickly to the exit, bag thrown over his shoulder. After a moment, we cut back to Josh and Kerry.


Josh: Pfft, not scared!? I think someone is telling a load of bul-
Kerry: Josh! National TV! Though you’re right, looks like he’s scared! But we can’t ponder on the cowardly acts of CMS all night, we have our next tournament match!

Higher Ground [Red Hot Chilli Peppers] plays, and Titan comes out to cheers. He throws up his hands, as red fireworks go off behind him. He walks down the ramp way, and slides into the ring, posing again for the crowd in the middle of the ring.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, this following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, he weighs in tonight at 235 pounds and a height of 6 foot 3, from Hollis New York; he is Charlie Titan!

Man in the Box [Alice in Chains] hits, as Layne Williams makes his way out onto the stage. He receives a mixed reaction, and makes his way to the ring. Looking in at Titan, he steps between the ropes and circles the ring.

Jessica: And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 212 pounds, at a height of 6 foot 1, from Seattle Washington; he is Layne Williams!

Championship Tournament Match #4
Round One
Charlie Titan V Layne Williams

The bell sounds, and both men lock up in the ring. With the crowd firmly behind Charlie, the men break the hold, as Titan quickly connects with a right hand. Another follows, and a third knocks Williams off his feet. Titan continues on the offence, as he stomps away at his opponent, before he pulls him to his feet, and whips him across the ring, into the turnbuckle. Williams isn’t given time to breathe, as Charlie runs flat out into him, with a big clothesline! Williams stumbles out from the corner and falls onto his knees, as Titan delivers a boot to the back of the head, knocking his foe to the mat. Titan wastes no time, as he drops an elbow across the back of Williams’ neck, ensuring that he stays down. He goes for a quick cover, but only gets one. Titan keeps his cool, as he continues to work on his foe’s head and neck. He drops his knee down across the back of Williams’ head, and covers him again.

Kerry: Smart game plan from Charlie Titan, work on a body part and keep your opponent on his feet, with constant pin falls.

Titan pulls Williams’ back to his feet, and connects with a snapmare take down, putting Layne right back onto the mat, this time on his back. Titan stomps away at his challenger’s head, digging the heel into his skull as much as possible. This tactic works well, as Layne becomes near motionless, it showing when Titan picks up dead weight. He connects with a powerslam, and a quick cover for two. Titan looks down at Layne, who can barely tell where he is, and covers him again; but only gets two. Titan decides its over, as he sets him up for his finisher the Icon Unleashed [Inverted sit down FU], however Williams’ manages to squirm off his shoulders, and lands behind him. He counters successfully, and hits a neckbreaker, centre of the ring. Layne covers, and gets two as Titan squirms out, easily. Titan is helped to his feet by an unsteady Layne Williams, and is quickly caught offguard as Titan drives his knee into his stomach. Charlie capitalises, as he follows up be hoisting him up onto his shoulders for the Icon Unleashed [Inverted sit down FU] – he connects, centre of the ring, Charlie pounces onto Williams for the cover: getting the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Charlie Titan.

Kerry: Impressive win here tonight, from Charlie Titan – looks like a favourite in my eyes!
Josh: He certainly did look impressive in that ring tonight. Right now however Kerry, we’re heading backstage with Samantha Giles, who’s caught up with RJC Cool. Take it away, Samantha!

-[Backstage: Locker Room Area]-

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing here with RJC Cool, whom earlier tonight defeated KnicKy to continue onwards, in the Championship Tournament. RJC, I wanted to get your thoughts on what it’s like to be back in that ring, to compete like old times?

RJC Cool: Sam, there really is nothing like it. When I left the IWF a while ago, it wasn’t on the nicest of terms, and things didn’t feel right. It was sort of the same for Chris Kendo, when he left, but now that we’re both back, things feel ... great! To step into that ring and fight like the old days, is the best feeling in the world; and to go at it against the Australian Hero himse-

RJC stops, and smirks as he wipes a bit of sweat from his brow. Colin makes his way onto the screen, opposite RJC. He snatches the microphone from Sam, and signals for her to leave, as he begins.

Colin White: RJC, I can’t say that it’s very ... cool, to have you back. I don’t see why Chris bothered to bring you back, you are waaay past you’re prime! You see, it’s really easy to understand – you had your lucky title run a while ago, and now; now it’s over, and its MY TIME! I’m the greatest athlete this industry has to offer, and Chris knew that when he signed me! You better hope you’re not facing me next week, or I will put you in your place. But besides this, I’m glad to see you back bro!

Colin pats RJC’s shoulder, hands him the microphone, and walks offstage. RJC stands there, a grin on his face, as he watches Colin walk off.

- Commercial -

This Ain't A Game [Bone Thugs] hits the speakers, and the crowd boos, as Dante Jones makes his way out onto the stage. Wearing his street clothes and plenty of bling, he walks out to the sea of boos and soaks it in. Smiling cockily as he makes his way down the ramp way, he ignores fans wanting hand-claps, and those with anti-Jones signs. He slides into the ring, and tosses his bling to the outside, and finally throws his shirt out with them as well. He paces about in the ring, awaiting his opponent for tonight.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, weighing in tonight at 189 pounds and at a height of 5 foot 6, from Compton California, Dante Jones!

Dirty Deeds [AC/DC] cuts off the previous song, as James Gardner comes out onto stage. Stepping about the stage and ramp way energetically, he makes his way down to the ring, clapping what few hands are out on the ramp. He looks into the ring at Dante and slides in, trying not to act intimidated. He signals to the crowd once, getting a small pop, and looks over at Dante.

Jessica: And his opponent, he weighs in tonight at 223 pounds and at a height of 6 feet, hailing from Melbourne Australia, he is James Gardner!

Championship Tournament Match #5
Round One
Dante Jones V James Gardner

The bell sounds, as Jones approaches Gardner, almost pushing him backwards into the corner. Jones talks some trash, and tempts Gardner to hit him, in the mouth. Gardner, looking just a little scared, looks to the crowd and gives a “why not†gesture, before looking at Jones and connecting with a right hand. The impact snaps Jones’ head to the side, as he stumbles backwards twice. Gardner looks on, as Jones turns his head and smiles, before launching himself at him, and knocking him into the turnbuckle. Jones grips Gardner’s neck with both hands, and chokes him infront of the referee; “1...2....3....4....†The referee pulls Jones off James, and has a quick word with him, as Gardner stumbles out from the corner along the ropes. Jones rushes at Gardner and throws a wild right, it connects and knocks his foe against the ropes. Jones drives his knee into the stomach of Gardner three times, before whipping him across the ring for a back body drop. Not missing a beat, Jones hoists Gardner to his feet and continues his offence, with a standing dropkick knocking him back to the mat. Jones gets the cover for only two. Looking up at the top rope, Dante smirks a little at the prone James Gardner. He stands and drops his knee down across the forehead of his opponent, before making his way to the turnbuckles. He ascends to the top, and raises an arm to the crowd. After a moment dives into the air for his finisher, the One Eight Seven [Moonsault into a leg drop]. He connects, and cockily pins Gardner, not hooking a leg for the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Dante Jones.

Jones stands to his music, and raises his hands high in the air, as from the crowd races Marquis Bronson. He hops over the barrier and slides into the ring, and grabs James Gardner from behind. In a swift motion, he flattens James with a clubbing blow to the head. Gardner goes down, as Bronson hoists him up, by his neck, and talks some trash. Lifting him high up in the air, Bronson slams James down with a Military Press, nearly breaking him on impact. The boos get louder as Jones grabs Bronson’s hand, and raises it high. The two men admire their work for a moment.

Kerry: What the hell was all that about!?
Josh: I don’t know Kerry! Did James Gardner do something to these two men ... men off the streets ... men who will do just that to you, if you cross them? I don’t think anybody knows-
Kerry: Well it wasn’t needed!

Championship Tournament Match #6
Round One
Charlie Wayne V Australian Battler

The bell sounds, and both men, whom are face to face, hold their gazes. The tension builds before Wayne grabs Battler’s head and hits a European uppercut. Battler stumbles back, but retaliates with a right elbow, to the top of the skull. This ignites the following battle of power, as both men lock up and try to force the other about the ring. Battler slowly gets the advantage; pushing his foe back one step, two steps and finally forcing him to the corner. Battler delivers a loud, slapping chop in the corner, before another elbow; this one to the left shoulder. Battler whips Wayne across the ring, and rushes him; hitting a high impact clothesline! He grabs his head and shoves him to the mat, onto his back; before hopping up, onto the second turnbuckle.

Kerry: Whoa, this is uncharacteristic of The Aussie Battler!

As Wayne climbs to his feet, Battler dives into the air. Wayne counters with a clothesline, taking him to his back, hard. Battler rolls over, holding his throat and coughing loudly as Wayne gets to his feet. He has a sick smirk on his face, looking at the coughing and spluttering Battler. He runs over to him, and jumps high into the air hitting a leg drop across the already damaged throat of his challenger. He stands right back up, and looks down at Battler as blood rises from his mouth.

Josh: Oh no Kerry! Battler looks like he’s hurt, bad! To make things worse, it looks like Wayne has seen the blood, and wants to see more.
Kerry: This new attitude of Charlie’s isn’t going to be a good thing, for Battler.

Wayne drops to his knees and starts to rub his forearm into the mouth and nose of Aussie Battler, before standing once more over his prone opponent. He jumps again for another leg drop, this one connecting a his neck, Battler coughing up more blood on the impact. Wayne smirks and drags the near-limp body of his opponent to his feet, and pushes him away, holding onto one arm. In a jerky motion, Charlie pulls Battler back towards him and connects with a clothesline from hell, aiming for his foe’s throat. Continuing his offence, Wayne straddles Battler and begins to throw wild rights and lefts, as the referee attempts to get him off. The referee is successful, but not soon enough as Battler spits a tooth and some more blood to the side. Wayne jokes with the referee, pretending to care for his rules, before he pulls Battler to his feet, once more. Wayne looks around at the crowd, as Aussie stands on spaghetti legs. He throws a big right hand, but Battler ducks, and steps behind Charlie; Aussie connecting with a back suplex, centre of the ring. The crowd pops as Battler and Wayne lay motionless in the ring, the referee beginning his count. “1....2...3....4....5....6...†but it’s stopped, as Battler and Wayne get to their feet; Wayne looking a lot better than Battler. Wayne throws another quick right hand, but Battler blocks it and connects with a right of his own, and another; a left hand and finally a boot to the stomach. Wayne buckles and Battler capitalises, hitting a big scoop slam, centre of the ring. Wayne is right back to his feet, but Battler just scoops him up once more, this time slamming him into the turnbuckle, lowerback taking the blow. Battler sets up Wayne to remain trapped against the turnbuckles, as he connects with a few rights and lefts to his midsection. Aussie steps back, and walks to the other turnbuckle, coughing up some more blood and spitting it aside. He turns and rushes at Wayne, picking up some speed for a big spear; but Wayne lifts his body up, to sit atop the top turnbuckle, causing Battler to smash into the second turnbuckle face and neck first. Battler stumbles backwards into the middle of the ring, the coughing louder, as he falls to one knee, facing away from Wayne. Charlie, who has unhooked himself and hopped off the turnbuckle, awaits his foe. Battler turns into Wayne, and out of nowhere throws a wild right elbow into Charlie’s face. The impact sends the crowd into a frenzy, as Wayne falls to his back, motionless. Battler falls on top of him, hooks both legs, and gets the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: The Australian Battler.

Kerry: Whoa, what a shocker! Charlie Wayne has barely moved since that wild elbow to the face, I ... I think he might be concussed, out codl!
Josh: That was sickening to watch! The impact was incredible, did you see his head shake after the elbow!

Aussie Battler stands in the ring, one hand held high, the other tending to his throat, as blood continues to dribble down his neck and onto his chest. He looks at Charlie Wayne, before exiting the ring; Wayne remaining near motionless as he makes his way up the ramp.

-[Backstage: James Kash’s locker room.]-

James Kash is seen in his ring attire, doing push ups, as a knock at the door stops him. He hops to his feet and opens the door, the face on the other side bringing a smile to his face. It’s Montana; dressed in his formal gear still, he gives James a handshake with a quick hug. Kash and Montana sit on a bench, as Montana pulls out a cigar. He offers one to James, but he declines with a smile.

Kash: Montana, it’s great to see you again man. How you been?
Montana: How have I been? I’ve been great, amigo! I got some time off for myself and mi amigos, saw the world, you know. How jou been, James?
Kash: I have been good, yeah. Looking forward to getting back into that ring, to kick some ass, and get back what’s mine-

Kash stops midsentence, as Montana and James look at each other. A smile grows on Montana’s face, as James smiles slowly.

Montana: Jou, jou were always the best around here man. I tell you what, amigo, I’ll look forward to beating you at Reloaded for that title!

Montana laughs a little and lights his cigar. Kash, his smile managing to stay on his face, laughs a little and drops his head.

Kash: Aahh Montana. I’ll tell you what, let’s make a little wager, right now: the new IWF Undisputed Champion, takes the other guy out for some drinks. Deal?

Montana laughs and holds his hand out.

Montana: Jou a game son of’a bitch, James. But I never turn down a free drink, you’re on!

Both men shake hands with smiles on their faces.


Kerry: That doesn’t surprise me one bit, Josh. Both of those guys have bigger egos than Texas! And everything is bigger in Texas!
Josh: Well they have every right to be egotistical, they’re both former IWF Heavyweight Champions, and good ones at that!
Kerry: That is true. We’ll see how those two go, in action later tonight however. Right now though, we’ve got yet another Tournament match.
Josh: I don’t know what to think anymore Kerry; the matches so far tonight have been off the hook, but I want to see Montana back in that ring, it’s been so long!

Championship Tournament Match #7
Round One
Tom McBrady V Cahan Malone

The bell sounds, as Tom quickly dances about the ring, trying to keep some distance between himself and Cahan, whilst Malone tries the exact opposite. McBrady isn’t able to outrun Cahan for long, as eventually he catches him and grabs him; tossing him into the turnbuckle and unloads with some violent lefts and rights. The referee quickly jumps in to stop the one-sided slugfest, but Malone goes right back to his work. Cahan finally pulls his challenger out to the middle of the ring, and digs his knee into the stomach of Tom, buckling him over. Whilst trying to catch his breath, McBrady is caught with a knee to the face from Malone. The impact sends Tom backwards onto the ropes, as Malone rushes him and clotheslines them both over the top rope, to the outside. The referee’s count begins, as Cahan wastes no time; grabbing McBrady and leading him to the steel steps. Slamming his head into the cold, hard steel several times, Cahan feels satisfied with himself, and rolls his foe into the ring, following suit quickly. He covers Tom but gets two. Cahan straddles McBrady and goes at it again, connecting with some very sick rights and lefts, knocking his head about quite a bit. The referee forces Cahan off of Tom, and tries to enfore some rules. It doesn’t work. Cahan pounces on McBrady and begins to choke him out, his grip becoming very tight around McBrady’s neck. The referee pulls Cahan away and checks on Tom, and allows the match to continue. Cahan approaches his opponent with a smile on his face, but is caught off guard when McBrady kicks him in the stomach, from a lying position. He connects with a second, and a third, before delivering a double booted kick to the face. Cahan goes down, as McBrady climbs up. The crowd gets behind McBrady as he grabs Malone and lifts him to his feet, and whips him across the ring. Cahan flies through the air for a crossbody, but McBrady ducks it and sends him crashing. As quickly as he can, McBrady grabs Cahan’s leg, and tries to lock in his STF.

Kerry: Here we go, submission wrestling!
Josh: Gunna get good now, Kerry!

McBrady tries to lock in his STF, but Cahan struggles, clawing to the ropes, but it’s not enough as Tom locks it in, and wrenches back. Cahan yells in pain, as he tries to claw closer to the ropes, just an inch out of reach, as McBrady applies more pressure. The crowd roars with excitement, as McBrady bends Malone’s back in an unusual fashion, Malone getting desperate. Malone stops trying for the ropes and considers tapping, his hand just inches off the mat. More pressure, Cahan raises his hand, the crowd pops! Cahan makes one final, desperate leap for the ropes with his hand, and clutches it. The referee counts “1...2....3...4...†as McBrady releases the hold, and Cahan quickly rolls to the ropes, holding his back and neck. Tom gets to his feet, and races off into the ropes, racing across the ring and delivering a baseball slide to the back of Malone. The impact throws him out of the ring, to the outside. McBrady quickly rolls out of the ring, and grabs Malone. He rolls him into the ring, and poses for the crowd for a moment. He rolls into the ring, as Malone pounces on his mistake, and rolls him over onto his back, locking in an arm bar.

Kerry: Big mistake there from McBrady. Vets like Cahan will pick up on them too, you can’t give them an inch of space or time!
Josh: Soo true, and this arm bar is the first lesson for Tom. Hopefully he learns from it.

Cahan locks in the arm bar, and begins to drive his leg down, into the face of Tom McBrady. Each blow somewhat legal, Cahan continues this punishment, as Tom tries to cover up; but is unsuccessful. Finally Cahan releases the hold, and climbs to his feet, holding his lower back. Tom rolls over a few times and starts towards his feet, holding his face checking for blood. He stands and turns directly into Cahan, who hoists him onto his shoulders for his finisher, the Celtic Cross. Tom shuffles his weight and gets free, and rolls up Cahan for a quick two! Both men get to their feet and meet centre of the ring, as Cahan throws a wild clothesline; Tom grabs his arm, shoots his leg up around Malone’s body locking onto his far arm, and falls into a crucifix pin. He get’s two! Again, both men get to their feet, this time Cahan going for a standing dropkick. McBrady grabs his legs in midair, and slams him onto his back, flipping over on top of him for a third pin. He gets the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Tom McBrady.

Kerry: Whoa, I can’t believe it, and I don’t think Cahan Malone can either! He just-

Tom turns around with his hands held high, as Cahan flattens him, with a straight right hand. Tom goes down and stays down, as Cahan stands over him and talks some trash.

Josh: Looks like Tom won the battle, but Cahan won the war.
Kerry: Yeh, well maybe in his eyes he did. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to take a quick commercial break. We’ll be right back!

Jessica stands on the outside and raises the microphone to her mouth. Cahan spots her and rolls under the bottom rope, and walks over to her. Terrified, she freezes up as Cahan Malone takes the microphone, and shoves her harshly into the ringside area. Jessica lands awkwardly against the time keeper, and holds her lower back, as Cahan, in a rage, throws the microphone at her.

- Commercial. -

-[Backstage: The hallway leading to the locker rooms.]-

Cahan Malone is seen making his way down the hall way, furious, as he approaches Mike Miller. Mike turns and walks into Cahan, as the viewers learn he’s on the phone. Mike covers the mouth piece and apologises to Cahan, however he snaps and grabs him; pushing him up against the wall beside them. He forces his forearm into the throat of Mike, and says angrily...

Cahan: If you don’t watch where you’re going in future, you will be!

Cahan lets Mike go, and walks away down the hall. Mike breathes deeply a few times as he watches Malone, almost bewildered by the outburst. He returns to his call only to comment on what just happened.


Kerry: Well, as the mean streak of Cahan Malone continues, the show does as well. We are getting close to the end of a special three hour season opener here on the IWF: A New Era, and the man we just saw is in action tonight!
Josh: I want to know who he’s going to be facing, it should be good no doubt though!
Kerry: Without a doubt. It’s been so long since Mike Miller has been in the title hunt, and I’m sure he can’t wait to get himself there again!

Cowboys from Hell [Pantera] blares throughout the arena, and onto the stage comes a psyched Mike Miller. He makes his way down the rampway as some pyros shoot off behind him, he slides into the ring and looks about at the roaring crowd, pointing to some fans in the sea of cheers.

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen, in the ring at this time, he weighs in tonight at 212 pounds and at a height of 6 foot, from Manhattan New York; Mike Miller!

The crowd pops, as the music suddenly changes over to Headstrong [Trapt] and Johnny Nicol comes out onto the stage. He makes his way down to the ring, with a quiet mixed reaction, and steps upto Mike. The two men stare each other down a little, before backing off.

Samantha: And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 265 pounds and at a height of 6 foot, from Southport England; Johnny Nicol!

Championship Tournament Match #8
Round One
Mike Miller V Johnny Nicol

The bell sounds and immediately Mike goes for a fast paced match. He hits a running forearm smash and takes down Nicol, hitting a quick knee drop to the face afterwards. Stomping away at his foe, Mike quickly gets the upper hand in the match and keeps it, hitting a leg drop across the sternum of his opponent. He pulls Nicol to his feet and whips him across to the corner. He sprints at him and hits a clothesline in the corner, and pushes Johnny Nicol out to the centre of the ring. Miller props himself up onto the second turnbuckle and waits until he turns to face him, he does and Mike dives into the air, taking down Nicol with a clothesline. The crowd pops as Mike rolls over and stands, looking at his prone challenger. The crowd roars, cheering on Mike as he stomps away at the face of Nicol.

Kerry: Well, I can’t say I’m not surprised. Mike Miller has been training hard, I’ve heard, and he’s ready for championship gold, Josh!
Josh: Isn’t he though, Johnny Nicol hasn’t gotten any offence in yet, and if he doesn’t pick up his act, he might not get any in!

Mike hoists Nicol to his feet and whips him into the ropes, and hits a running overcastle, taking down his foe. The cover and a long two count. Miller stays on the offence as he drops his elbow to the stomach of Johnny, before picking him up. Mike hits a belly to belly suplex on Nicol, which sends him rolling out of the ring, to the outside. Miller stands by the ropes and watches as Johnny slowly makes it to his feet. He does so, and Mike launches himself over the top rope onto Nicol on the outside, taking him down with a big crossbody! The crowd roars with excitement as Miller rolls his opponent into the ring, and follows him in quickly. Another cover but Nicol gets his foot on the bottom rope. Mike, with a huge grin on his face, pulls Nicol to his feet, and signals to the crowd that ‘it’s done’. He lifts Nicol up, holding him horizontally, for his finisher the Extreme Daze [swinging side slam]. He connects, and lays out Johnny Nicol, in the middle of the ring. The crowd, roaring, watches as Mike makes his way onto the apron, and up the turnbuckle, to the very top. He gets the crowd behind him some more, and leaps into the air for his high flying finisher, the Air Extreme [Shooting Star leg drop]. He connects, and covers Nicol for the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Mike Miller.

Kerry: What am impressive in-ring re-debut for Mike Milller! He looks in the best shape of his career, and from what we saw from him them, he has some serious chances to get championship gold around his waist!
Josh: I wouldn’t be looking forward to facing him next week. He seems on top of his game, and that will be bad news for anyone who gets in his way.
Kerry: Exactly right Josh. Well ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s the time we’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to see James Kash, and Montana in action here tonight! We still have two more matches, will they be facing off against each other next?
Josh: Oh I hope so, Kerry!

Green pyros suddenly shoot off from the stage, as So Determined [MudVayne] hits. The crowd goes into a frenzy, boos flooding the stage, as James Kash occupies it. He is smiling, and enjoying every minute of the boos, as he slowly makes his way down the ramp. A few fans try to shove their signs in his face, but he ignores them, and steps into the ring, ‘admiring’ the crowds reaction. He looks about the ring and then turns, to see who his opponent is. The arena is sent into silence.

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first, he weighs in tonight at 257 pounds and at a height of 6 foot 7, he hails from Lake Jackson Texas; he is James Kash!

The crowd boos, as Kash clearly ignores them, watching the arena stage intently. Silence follows for several moments, as Kash gets a little anxious. The silence continues, until Raising Hell [Run DMC] kills the silence. Kash laughs a little as Austin Cooper makes his way out onto the stage, ready to go. He runs down to the ring and slides under the ropes into Kash’s feet. In a swift movement he pulls them out from underneath him. Kash falls on his ass as Cooper stands, ready to go.

Championship Tournament Match #9
Round One
James Kash V Austin Cooper

Kash climbs to his feet and glares at Austin Cooper, who continues on the attack by delivering a jumping forearm smash to Kash. Kash stumbles backwards from the blow, and snaps; throwing a clothesline that nearly beheads Cooper. His face shows complete and utter rage, as he looks down at the fallen foe. Kash suddenly snaps out of it, as he looks at the crowd. The referee checks on Cooper, who doesn’t respond too well. The referee goes to call the match, but Kash stops him and points at the motionless body, trying to convince him he’s ok. He laughs and grabs Cooper, hoisting him to his feet by his neck. With a sick grin on his face, Kash pushes Cooper backwards into the ropes; as he bounces off he delivers a huge right hand. Kash catches Cooper before he falls off his feet, and repeats this a few more times. Kash then whips Austin across the ring, and takes him down with a big stiff right boot, the sole catching him between the eyes.

Kerry: Aahh this is sick to watch! Austin Cooper is clearly in no condition to wrestle, but Kash just continues the punishment!
Josh: Quiet Kerry, otherwise he’ll finish the match and join us here at ringside!

Kash picks up Cooper, and lifts him high above his head, and picks up a fast walk towards the ropes, and tosses Austin to the outside, throwing him past the thin mats to the steel rampway. The thud sends the crowd dead silent, as you head Kash laughing at the punishment. The referee begins his count, and executes it rather quickly, however Kash manages to get him back into the ring before the end of the count. The referee attempts to get Kash to end the match, but Kash ignores him. He pulls the lifeless body of Cooper to his feet, throws him up onto his shoulders; for his finisher the Down Payment [F5 into RKO]. He connects, centre of the ring, and stands up glancing down at the motionless opponent, flat on his back. Kash steps on Austin’s face with one foot as the referee makes a quick three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: James Kash.

Following the sounding of the bell, and EMT’s rushing to Austin Cooper, James Kash makes his way over to the announcer’s table.

Josh: Oh crap, crap crap! Good one Kerry, he heard you before! Good one, now we’re dead!

Kash, with a smile on his face, takes a seat next to Josh, who is terrified and frozen in fear. Kash extends his hand out to Josh, who doesn’t react. Looking at him a little concerned, James extends his hand to Kerry, whom shakes hands with him; before Kash puts on some headsets.

Kash: How are you guys down here? I just thought I’d sit back, and watch Montana’s match with you guys. That’s ok, isn’t it?

Kerry and James look at Josh, and shrug it off as they turn to the stage. Eventually, Josh settles and awaits the main event.

The Tony Montana theme music hits the arena’s speakers, which are immediately followed by an array of boos and cheers. Montana makes his way out onto the stage, ready to compete, and looks out at the crowd. He makes his way down the rampway as one single set of white pyros shoot off behind him, Montana looking a little more disgruntled by the crowd’s boos. He brushes it off, and makes his way up the steel steps, stepping into the ring. He walks about in the middle of the ring, and looks down at James Kash with a smile on his face. He claps his hands three times, suggesting that he’s already won this match.

Suddenly, Grimey cuts off his music, and onto the stage comes Vic Noreaga. He’s pumped, he’s acknowledging the crowd and he’s ready to fight. He points to a few fans as he walks down the ramp way, looking at some ladies screaming in his direction. He smiles and makes his way around the ring, looking in at Montana. He turns his attention to James Kash, before stepping into the ring.

James: Don’t worry about me, Vic. Worry about that man, in the ring!
Kerry: Well James, it seems Montana will have his hands full here toni-
Josh: Shuttup-
James: You saying that Montana won’t put this piece of street garbage on the mat for three, Kerry?
Kerry: I didn’t say that at all, James. I simply stated he’s going to have his hands full. There’s a difference, check it out.

Josh can be heard sobbing a little, as Kerry continues.

Kerry: Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen we have to take our final commercial break, we’ll be right back with our main event!

- Commercial. -

Championship Tournament Match #10
Round One
Montana V Vic Noreaga

The two men are already deep into their battle, as both men exchange blows, neither man able to get the upperhand. Montana finally scores a quick chop to Noreaga’s chest, and gains control; hitting another chop, a right hand and a headlock takedown. Montana continues his control as he drops a high knee across the forehead of Noreaga, before dropping to the mat to lock in a head lock. The referee continues to check on the hold, as Montana chokes as much life out of his opponent as possible. The referee finally notices its become and illegal choke and forces Montana to release the hold. Montana walks about the ring for a moment, smiling down at Kash. He turns back to Noreaga, who is on one knee, as he walks over to him, and grabs his right knee, and pulls it out from underneath him. Montana quickly stomps away at it, before lifting it high into the air and slamming it onto the mat. He doesn’t waste a moment, as he drops his knee, and then his leg drop across the right knee, trying to inflict as much pain as possible. Noreaga squirms free and scurries to the ropes, grabbing onto his knee, trying to get the blood flowing once more. Montana however, smells the pain and grabs that same right leg, and drags him to the middle of the ring, and stomps away at it some more. Before he can execute more moves to his right knee however, Montana is kicked away from Noreaga, with a stiff boot to the chest at first, followed by a straight boot to the face. Montana falls on his ass, as Vic tries to his feet. Both men get to their feet at the same time, as Montana throws a right; its blocked, as Noreaga connects with a right of his own. He limps about on his right leg, as Montana throws another right; again blocked, and again a right from Noreaga. This one sends Montana backwards, as Noreaga spear tackles Montana in between the ropes, to the outside. Both men slam onto the thin mats on the outside, in front of the announcer’s table, as the referee begins his count.

Kerry: Whoa! Noreaga doesn’t want to let this opportunity slip by. He took himself to the outside, with Montana!
James: Gutsy move no doubt, but you’re going to need more than that to be my man, Montana!

Noreaga is first to his feet, as he glares at Kash a little, whilst picking up Montana. He slams Montana’s head down into the announcer’s table, before shoving him back first into the ring. Montana falls to one knee, as Vic continues, delivering straight right boot after straight right boot to the face and jaw of his foe. Noreaga quickly rolls into the ring, to break the count, and goes right back after his opponent. Montana, who is against the announcers table on one knee, is kicked in the back of the head by Noreaga. Montana’s face snaps into the announcer’s table, feeling the full affect of the kick as it’s squished between Vic’s boot and the table. The crowd pops as Montana falls onto his back, his nose busted and bloodied.

Kerry: Oh my god! What a vile kick from Noreaga! That might’ve sealed the deal, for the match! Cover him Vic, get him in the ring and cover him.
Josh: Shuttup, Kerry! Shut the hell u-

Vic rolls Montana into the ring, and straddles him unloading with a wrath of rights and lefts, going to work on the busted nose. Montana finally manages to shove Noreaga aside, but he goes right back to work with his fists. The referee pulls Noreaga off Montana shortly after, telling him to fight clean, as Montana climbs to his feet; a look of determination and anger on his face. Vic rushes at Montana, but is countered with a simple drop-toe hold, taking him to the mat. As quick as a cat, Montana grabs Noreaga’s leg, and stomps away at it! The crowd boos as he drops his knee into the right knee of Vic; not once, not twice, but three times. Noreaga makes his way to the corner, resting against the turnbuckle as Montana follows him. Montana begins to stomp away violently and angrily into Noreaga, hitting everything from his face to his feet, the boots connecting every time, and being driven as hard as possible. Montana backs off a little, and spits some blood to the side before turning to Vic and yelling some trash at him, in Cuban. His anger gets the better of him as he chokes and drives his forearm into the face of Noreaga, the referee only barely able to get him off his foe.

Kerry: Montana has really fired up here!
James: Vic doesn’t stand a chance now, guys!
Josh: You’re absolutely right James, absolutely right!

Montana drags Vic to the centre of the ring by his neck, and continues to talk some trash. He throws one right hand, that nearly knocks Noreaga out cold, before returning to his right knee. He stomps away at it some more, before dropping his leg across it once more. The crowd goes silent, but jumps to life when Montana locks in his figure-four leg lock. The crowd pumps to life, as does Noreaga, as the pain races through his body. Montana looks over at Noreaga, a sick smile on his face as he applies more pressure. Noreaga does all he can to claw and manage towards the ropes, which are still some distance away. The crowd roars louder and louder, as “Let’s go Noreaga†chants start, Montana just laughs. Vic claws, and claws across the mat, desperately trying to get to the ropes, as Montana tries to pull him back. Noreaga, with all his might, manages to get within an inch of the ropes, his fingers brushing the bottom rope. The crowd roars louder yet, as Montana pulls him back a little, Noreaga turns his attention now to Montana; determination showing. With several movements, Noreaga manages to roll Montana onto his side. Both men are teetering, Vic trying desperately to roll Montana over, Montana desperately trying to stop him. Vic finally gets control and rolls him over onto his stomach, and applies the pressure. The crowd pops as Noreaga, smiling widely, applies the pressure, hearing Montana’s yells of pain across from him. Montana turns and claws over to the ropes, as Noreaga wrenches his legs, until finally he reaches the ropes. “1..2....3...4.....†and Noreaga releases the hold. Both men lay prone on the mat, holding their legs, as the referee checks on both men.

Kerry: Gotta be concerned now about Vic, he’s-
James: Concerned now? You should’ve been concerned ba-
Kerry: Because he has lost a few of his higher impact moves. It will be interesting to see how things go from here, James.

Montana and Noreaga both climb to their feet, very tenderly limping on their legs, as they start at square one: exchanging blows. Noreaga quickly gets the upper hand, and knocks Montana to his back; pouncing on him for a surprise cover, getting two. Montana stands quicker than Noreaga, and manages to hit a back suplex, into the centre of the ring; the attack taking its toll on Montana’s knee. Montana covers Vic, for a two count. Montana hops up, and hoists Noreaga up, with all his might. Noreaga breaks the hold on him, but Montana just shoves him backwards into the referee. The referee goes down, but not out, as Montana drives his forearm into the groin of Noreaga. Vic buckles and falls to his feet, as Montana goes for the figure four once more, locking it in again. Noreaga writhes in pain as Montana applies pressure, yelling at his foe in the middle of the ring. The referee crawls across to Noreaga, to check on him as he finally taps out.

Winner of the match, via submission: Montana.

James: And that, is how it’s done. I have to congratulate him!

James Kash stands from the announcer’s table and tosses the headset aside, as he rolls into the ring behind Montana. Montana turns and almost walks into Kash, who quickly grabs his hand; raising high into the air. The two men celebrate as the show goes off the air. The celebration continues through a flooding of boos and profanities.

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Monday Night Mayhem, bought to you by the new Owner of the IWF!

IWF:ANE|HD is still available for viewing. Contact the show's produce (KnicKy) for more information!


Kerry: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to what can only be described as the most electrifying place on Earth! We’re here at Madison Square Garden in New York City, and what better place to kick off the ‘New Era’ of the Impact Wrestling Federation!
Josh: This crowd is off the charts, I can barely hear myself think!

The crowd continues to roar as the theme music, Bleed it Out (Linking Park) comes to a stop. The arena slowly goes silent, as the lights flicker off.

Kerry: This is it Josh, we get to see who exactly is running IWF!
Josh: I can’t wait, there’s been way too many rumours as to who it is.

Eye of the Tiger hits the speakers, as the stage is lit up for all to see. The crowd jump to their feet and roar with excitement, as on the stage and in a suit, is the one and only Chris Kendo! Chris begins to make his way down the ramp, a broad smile on his face as the cheers continue to erupt from the crazed crowd.

Kerry: Good god almighty Josh! It’s Chr-
Josh: -Chris Kendo, unbelievable! He’s our new boss, the new General Manager!?

Chris steps between the ropes and makes his way to the centre of the ring, microphone in hand, as the crowd continues to scream and yell. Finally, they settle enough for him to begin.

Chris Kendo: Wow! Lord knows how much I have missed this ring! But I can tell you this: I have wanted this, so badly!

The crowd begin to cheer again.

Kendo: Now I know what you’re all thinking – why Chris, why are you the new General Manager of Monday Night Mayhem!? Well, I have some very unfortunate news, for all of you here tonight. Almost four months ago I suffered an injury, an injury that has side lined me, possibly for good.

The crowd quietens, dramatically.

Kendo: And it was after this injury that I saw my chance, my chance to make this company – the IWF, what has always deserved to be – the number one company in professional wrestling!

Cheers erupt again, as Chris acknowledges the fans.

Kendo: And it’s all for you! But I don’t want you to think this is going to be any old re-birth of the IWF, oh no no no! I’ve gone to the corners of the Earth to ensure that every show is the very best show I can possibly give, and to prove that – I have a few surprises! As per usual, we have no champions – so to start things off, we’re running a championship tournament! The competitors won’t know who they’re facing, until they’re in the ring; you wont know. But Chris, this is the same old thing. You’re right – so I’m going to spice things up, and this is how I’m going to do that.

Chris lowers his mic, as he turns to face the stage. A few moments of silence pass, as the crowd looks on intently up at the stage; not knowing what to expect. Breaking the silence, Away [Mercy Drive] hits the speakers and again the crowd goes wild!

Josh: Oh my god, it’s RJC Cool! Chris has really pulled this one outta nowhere!
Kerry: I can’t believe it Josh, I simply can’t! We haven’t seen Chris Kendo OR RJC Cool in the IWF for years! Years!

RJC makes his way down the ramp way, soaking in the feeling of the crowd, as he slides into the ring and smiles at Kendo. The two shake hands and share a quick hug, before Cool continues to acknowledge the crowd. Kendo makes his way out of the ring and takes a seat next to Josh and Kerry, as Cool awaits his opponent.

Kendo: How are we tonight, guys?
Kerry: Chris – simply amazing to see you again, I must say!
Josh: It really is great to see you back, Chris. And this, seeing RJC Cool in that ring...
Kendo: I’m telling you guys, this isn’t going to be like the old IWF, this time around it’s business! We are going to be number one!

Again the arena goes into silence, as the crowd turns their attention to the stage. Moments pass, until Downfall [Trust Company] blares throughout MSG, and the cheers return. KnicKy makes his way out onto the stage, to a roaring crowd and a stunned RJC Cool. KnicKy makes his way down the ramp, clapping hands as he steps onto the apron, looking at Cool with a competitive smile. He steps between the ropes and acknowledges the crowd once more, as the two men face each other. The tension builds. The bell sounds.

Championship Tournament Match #1
Round One
RJC Cool V KnicKy

Both men meet in the centre, and shakes hands before the match. The back away and circle the ring, not taking their eyes off each other. Locking up Cool gets the advantage with a side headlock, but KnicKy quickly pushes him into the ropes and knocks him down with a shoulder barge. KnicKy pounces on his prone foe and tries for the ankle lock, but Cool rolls out of it, and gets to his feet. Both men lock up again and KnicKy gets the advantage, a side head lock. Locking it in tight, Cool reaches around and hits a back suplex, both men down. Cool gets to his feet as does KnicKy, and both men stare eachother down once more. Cool throws a quick right handed jab, which connects; but is quickly replied to with a left from KnicKy. The two men exchange rights and lefts in the centre of the ring, until finally Cool ducks a left hand, and hits a german suplex. The hands remain locked, as he pulls KnicKy to his feet for a second – but its blocked! KnicKy breaks free of the grip, connects with a back elbow, and hits a backwards jawbreaker. Cool stumbles back onto the ropes as KnicKy climbs to his feet, rushing Cool – clothesling him over the top rope to the outside.

Kerry: Both men going all out in the early part of this match, guys!
Chris: As they should, Kerry. This is for an opportunity to become IWF Undisputed Champion! Both of these men have tasted heavyweight gold before, and I know they’ll want it again!

KnicKy rolls out of the ring and grabs Cool, and leads him over to the announcer’s table. Giving a cheeky grin to the announcers, he slams Cool’s head onto the table, before rolling him into the ring.
Cool climbs up to the top of the turnbuckle, and waits for KnicKy to get to his feet. He does so, and dives at his challenger – but is caught. KnicKy throws Cool overhead with an impressive belly to belly suplex; stopping his momentum. Both men slowly climb to their feet, the match taking it’s toll physically. KnicKy stalks Cool a little, as he turns, and grabs him for the 47-15 [Cutter] but Cool pushes him off! KnicKy bounces off the ropes and throws a left hand, RJC ducks it, and sets up KnicKy for his Osaka Street Cutter, throwing him over his body. KnicKy manages to counter in mid air, and lands on his stomach, pulling RJC down with him locking in the crossface. RJC Cool is quick to counter this, as he rolls overhead to escape the submission move; and both men get to their feet. KnicKy hasn’t got time to cover up as RJC superkicks him, right in the jaw. The impact is sick, and KnicKy goes down hard! Cool covers him, but only gets two! Cool tries to lift the dead weight of KnicKy to his feet, but is near unsuccessful. Snapping to life, KnicKy breaks free of Cool and grabs him for his 47-15 again, but in an even faster motion, RJC grabs KnicKy’s left arm with his, and his right arm with his legs, and pulls him backwards, onto the mat for a crucifix pin, getting the three count!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: RJC Cool.

Kerry: OH my god, what a match right there!
Josh: I didn’t see it, and KnicKy didn’t see it! What the hell happened!?
Chris: RJC Cool pulled that out of nowhere, and now – he goes onto the second round.
Kerry: That match was an amazing way to start off IWF, and I can’t wait for it to continue, however we need to take a quick break!

- Commercial -

Kerry: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, our new General Manager has returned to his backstage duties, however we were informed we’ll be hearing from him later.
Josh: Right now though Kerry, we have our second Championship Tournament Match! And it’s starting, right now!

Another Brick in the Wall [Korn] comes on through the speakers, as smoke shoots up in front of the stage. A second passes until CMS makes his way through the smoke, looking overly confident. He looks up and ‘praises’ the giant Costa Rican flag above him, before he makes his way down the ramp to the ring. He slides in the ring and points to himself, a cocky grin not leaving his face.

Kerry: Well, CMS doesn’t even look worried about this match – but he should wait to see who he is facing, first!
Josh: Great point Kerry, it could even b-

The lights go out, the music stops. “Lighting†strikes the four ring posts, sending a crackling sound through the arena as Slept So Long [Jay Gordon] begins to play. CMS, a little confused, waits eagerly to see who he’s facing. From under the stage, Kassidy arises – to a thunderous ovation. He glares down at CMS as the crowd cheers, and begins to make his way to the ring. He doesn’t take his eyes off him, as he steps into the ring – CMS stepping outside. The lights return, as CMS slides into the ring, keeping his distance. Kassidy turns to face CMS. The bell sounds.

Championship Tournament Match #2
Round One
CMS V Kassidy

Kassidy and CMS lock up in the ring, as they battle over strength. Kassidy manages to win, and pushes CMS to one knee, before quickly breaking the lock and connecting with a right hand. CMS is knocked to a sitting position, as Kassidy taunts him a little – showing no fear. CMS gets to his feet, and walks over to Kassidy; slapping him across the face. Kassidy’s head snaps to the side, as CMS backs away a little. Kassidy snaps and goes after CMS, but it’s too late, as he manages to escape the ring. Kassidy stands at the ropes and quietly mumbles in an unknown language – directing it at CMS. CMS catches his breath and watches Kassidy carefully, as the ref’s count begins. The two men stare each other down, as CMS paces back and forth, telling Kassidy to step back – he does not. “7....8....9....†CMS smirks, and backs off “...10â€. The bell sounds, Kassidy looks down at CMS, angered.

Winner of the match, via count out: Kassidy.

CMS slowly backs up the ramp way, smiling at Kassidy as the lights flick off. The crowd goes silent until they return, and Kassidy is nowhere to be seen. CMS glances around frantically, and quickly makes his way backstage.

Kerry: I’m not sure, Josh. Slapping Kassidy and then refusing a fight could be the biggest mistake of CMS’s career thus far.
Josh: You’re right about that. We all know how intimidating Kassidy was in previous years, but now he seems a different ... person. Hopefully we’ll get to see Kassidy in action next week though – he moves through to the second round.
Kerry: We go backstage now, to our new general manager Chris Kendo – with some important news about our upcoming pay per view event!

-[Backstage: Chris Kendo’s office.]-

Chris is seen speaking to two individuals, a male and female. You can’t see their faces, but they continue to finish up.

Kendo: Great, so we’ll get to see you back here in a few weeks! Listen man, that’s great news. Get whatever it is done you need to do, and hopefully we’ll see you back – ready to make a name for yourself!
Voice: Oh I will, don’t even worry about it. Let’s go.

The male and female make their way off screen, and out of the office – the faces still hidden from the shot.

Kendo: Ah, hello again – sorry about that. Now, regarding this important news about our first pay per view: Reloaded. As you know, the Championship tournament is only just underway, and I’m happy to announce that at Reloaded, the two finalists of the tournament will face off for this...

Kendo lifts up the IWF Undisputed Championship, still in a well designed cabinet. He places it on the bench behind him and continues.

Kendo: Now to make sure he who wins the match is deserving, I’ve decided that there will be no normal referee for this match. No, instead – I will be refereeing this match, to ensure things go down the right way. My second announcement is regarding the IWF International Championship! In the coming weeks I will be placing some of our more impressive superstars into qualifying matches, to gun for the International Championship. This won’t be any easy task however, as I’m going to ensure that the most deserving champion is crowned. However, I can’t reveal anything, til I see some more of the action here, in the IWF. Back to you guys!


Kerry: Wow, some big news there!
Josh: I can’t wait to see some of the younger stars here, who may not make it in the Championship tournament, go for the International Title. People say it’s nothing in comparison to the IWF Undisputed Championship, but that title has a lot of prestige, Kerry.

Cold as Ice [Starsplah] begins to play on the speakers, as we get back under way with action! On the stage appears Colin White, who seems very anxious and pumped. Moving his body a little to the beat, Colin looks at the crowd with disgust, as boos slowly flood the arena. He smirks and makes his way onto the ramp, as pyros go off behind him. He walks down and steps into the ring, and poses on the far turnbuckle. He turns and awaits his opponent.

I’m Coming by Shikk Stalker begins to play, as the crowd pops a little to the sight of Rick O’Shea. He makes his way out onto the stage and down the ramp, clapping a few hands and staring down White, in the ring. He slides into the ring, as the two men come face to face.

Kerry: Well, two rather new guys to this business, yet both men really getting into this match! You can see they want this title opportunity!

Championship Tournament Match #3
Round One
Colin White V Rick O’Shea

The bell sounds, and both men circle the ring, a faint “O’Shea†chant starting. White laughs a little at O’Shea, who ignores it, and the two men lock up, centre of the ring. O’Shea quickly gets the advantage and locks in a side headlock, but White quickly counters by lifting him up for a back suplex, and connects – but Rick doesn’t let go of the head lock. White pulls both men to their feet again and this time pushes him off, into the ropes. O’Shea bounces off the ropes and ducks the clothesline from White, and hits a neckbreaker. The cover, and one! Rick pulls Colin to his feet but is snapped in the stomach, as White fights back – hitting three more rights on the chest of O’Shea. Rick stumbles back, as White begins to unload with a series of violent and stiff rights and lefts, finishing it off with a kick to the left knee and a jaw breaker.

Josh: Wow, things really picked up in this match!

White covers Rick for a quick two count, but it’s countered as O’Shea rolls White over, sits beside him and goes for his patterned O’Shea Lock [crossface]. White quickly rolls out and gets to his feet, as does Rick O’Shea. Both men meet on their feet and exchange rights and lefts. Finally, Rick dodges a right from White, and hits a full nelson slam, to the delight of the crowd. O’Shea sees his chance, and races to the top rope, diving off for a swanton bomb. White rolls out of the way, and sends him crashing and burning. Rick slowly gets to his feet, holding his back in pain, as White stalks him, patiently. O’Shea gathers himself and turns right into White, who locks in for his guillotine DDT – wrenching tight to knock him out. Rick throws his knee into the sternum of White, and gets free, wrapping his arm around his neck and looking for his Olympic Slam [Angle Slam]. White manages to counter, landing on his feet behind O’Shea – who charges right at him. White scoops him up onto his shoulder and hits his Athletic Slam [Alabama Slam], centre of the ring. He covers O’Shea hooking both legs for the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Colin White.

Kerry: What an amazing match right there! Both men show true potential, but it seems Colin White got the best here tonight!
Josh: He sure did Ke-

Colin grabs a microphone and begins to speak, an exhausted ‘post match’ speech.

Colin: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match – and future IWF Undisputed Champion, Colin White! Now, I don’t want to sound too arrogant, or cocky: specially since I’m still new here, but I have to say – this roster will bow down to me; and it’s only a matter of time until it does!

He drops the microphone and smirks at the crowd. Making his way back up the ramp, he stops on the stage and glances over his shoulder at the limping O’Shea at ringside.

Kerry: Arrogant much?

- Commercial -

-[Backstage: Locker Room Area]-

Reporter Jason Millers is seen knocking on the door, which is labelled “CMSâ€. He waits for a moment, until the door is opened and CMS himself steps into the hallway; fully clothed and ready to go.

Jason: CMS, CMS – mind if I ask you a quick question?
CMS: Yeh sure, whatever! Just make it quick, I’m a busy man.

CMS looks over his shoulder for a moment and turns to Jason, signalling for him to hurry up.

Jason: Right, well uhh, I just want to know: what exactly were you thinking, when you slapped Kassidy, and then fled from your mat-
CMS: I didn’t “flee†from anything, boy! What I did in that ring, that’s just a sample of CMS!
Jason: So you do more than slap and run?-
CMS: One more smart ass word out of your mouth, and I’ll knock it off your face, got it! Let me just say this – I am NOT afraid of Kassidy!

CMS leaves Jason in the hallway and makes his way quickly to the exit, bag thrown over his shoulder. After a moment, we cut back to Josh and Kerry.


Josh: Pfft, not scared!? I think someone is telling a load of bul-
Kerry: Josh! National TV! Though you’re right, looks like he’s scared! But we can’t ponder on the cowardly acts of CMS all night, we have our next tournament match!

Higher Ground [Red Hot Chilli Peppers] plays, and Titan comes out to cheers. He throws up his hands, as red fireworks go off behind him. He walks down the ramp way, and slides into the ring, posing again for the crowd in the middle of the ring.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, this following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, he weighs in tonight at 235 pounds and a height of 6 foot 3, from Hollis New York; he is Charlie Titan!

Man in the Box [Alice in Chains] hits, as Layne Williams makes his way out onto the stage. He receives a mixed reaction, and makes his way to the ring. Looking in at Titan, he steps between the ropes and circles the ring.

Jessica: And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 212 pounds, at a height of 6 foot 1, from Seattle Washington; he is Layne Williams!

Championship Tournament Match #4
Round One
Charlie Titan V Layne Williams

The bell sounds, and both men lock up in the ring. With the crowd firmly behind Charlie, the men break the hold, as Titan quickly connects with a right hand. Another follows, and a third knocks Williams off his feet. Titan continues on the offence, as he stomps away at his opponent, before he pulls him to his feet, and whips him across the ring, into the turnbuckle. Williams isn’t given time to breathe, as Charlie runs flat out into him, with a big clothesline! Williams stumbles out from the corner and falls onto his knees, as Titan delivers a boot to the back of the head, knocking his foe to the mat. Titan wastes no time, as he drops an elbow across the back of Williams’ neck, ensuring that he stays down. He goes for a quick cover, but only gets one. Titan keeps his cool, as he continues to work on his foe’s head and neck. He drops his knee down across the back of Williams’ head, and covers him again.

Kerry: Smart game plan from Charlie Titan, work on a body part and keep your opponent on his feet, with constant pin falls.

Titan pulls Williams’ back to his feet, and connects with a snapmare take down, putting Layne right back onto the mat, this time on his back. Titan stomps away at his challenger’s head, digging the heel into his skull as much as possible. This tactic works well, as Layne becomes near motionless, it showing when Titan picks up dead weight. He connects with a powerslam, and a quick cover for two. Titan looks down at Layne, who can barely tell where he is, and covers him again; but only gets two. Titan decides its over, as he sets him up for his finisher the Icon Unleashed [Inverted sit down FU], however Williams’ manages to squirm off his shoulders, and lands behind him. He counters successfully, and hits a neckbreaker, centre of the ring. Layne covers, and gets two as Titan squirms out, easily. Titan is helped to his feet by an unsteady Layne Williams, and is quickly caught offguard as Titan drives his knee into his stomach. Charlie capitalises, as he follows up be hoisting him up onto his shoulders for the Icon Unleashed [Inverted sit down FU] – he connects, centre of the ring, Charlie pounces onto Williams for the cover: getting the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Charlie Titan.

Kerry: Impressive win here tonight, from Charlie Titan – looks like a favourite in my eyes!
Josh: He certainly did look impressive in that ring tonight. Right now however Kerry, we’re heading backstage with Samantha Giles, who’s caught up with RJC Cool. Take it away, Samantha!

-[Backstage: Locker Room Area]-

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing here with RJC Cool, whom earlier tonight defeated KnicKy to continue onwards, in the Championship Tournament. RJC, I wanted to get your thoughts on what it’s like to be back in that ring, to compete like old times?

RJC Cool: Sam, there really is nothing like it. When I left the IWF a while ago, it wasn’t on the nicest of terms, and things didn’t feel right. It was sort of the same for Chris Kendo, when he left, but now that we’re both back, things feel ... great! To step into that ring and fight like the old days, is the best feeling in the world; and to go at it against the Australian Hero himse-

RJC stops, and smirks as he wipes a bit of sweat from his brow. Colin makes his way onto the screen, opposite RJC. He snatches the microphone from Sam, and signals for her to leave, as he begins.

Colin White: RJC, I can’t say that it’s very ... cool, to have you back. I don’t see why Chris bothered to bring you back, you are waaay past you’re prime! You see, it’s really easy to understand – you had your lucky title run a while ago, and now; now it’s over, and its MY TIME! I’m the greatest athlete this industry has to offer, and Chris knew that when he signed me! You better hope you’re not facing me next week, or I will put you in your place. But besides this, I’m glad to see you back bro!

Colin pats RJC’s shoulder, hands him the microphone, and walks offstage. RJC stands there, a grin on his face, as he watches Colin walk off.

- Commercial -

This Ain't A Game [Bone Thugs] hits the speakers, and the crowd boos, as Dante Jones makes his way out onto the stage. Wearing his street clothes and plenty of bling, he walks out to the sea of boos and soaks it in. Smiling cockily as he makes his way down the ramp way, he ignores fans wanting hand-claps, and those with anti-Jones signs. He slides into the ring, and tosses his bling to the outside, and finally throws his shirt out with them as well. He paces about in the ring, awaiting his opponent for tonight.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, weighing in tonight at 189 pounds and at a height of 5 foot 6, from Compton California, Dante Jones!

Dirty Deeds [AC/DC] cuts off the previous song, as James Gardner comes out onto stage. Stepping about the stage and ramp way energetically, he makes his way down to the ring, clapping what few hands are out on the ramp. He looks into the ring at Dante and slides in, trying not to act intimidated. He signals to the crowd once, getting a small pop, and looks over at Dante.

Jessica: And his opponent, he weighs in tonight at 223 pounds and at a height of 6 feet, hailing from Melbourne Australia, he is James Gardner!

Championship Tournament Match #5
Round One
Dante Jones V James Gardner

The bell sounds, as Jones approaches Gardner, almost pushing him backwards into the corner. Jones talks some trash, and tempts Gardner to hit him, in the mouth. Gardner, looking just a little scared, looks to the crowd and gives a “why not†gesture, before looking at Jones and connecting with a right hand. The impact snaps Jones’ head to the side, as he stumbles backwards twice. Gardner looks on, as Jones turns his head and smiles, before launching himself at him, and knocking him into the turnbuckle. Jones grips Gardner’s neck with both hands, and chokes him infront of the referee; “1...2....3....4....†The referee pulls Jones off James, and has a quick word with him, as Gardner stumbles out from the corner along the ropes. Jones rushes at Gardner and throws a wild right, it connects and knocks his foe against the ropes. Jones drives his knee into the stomach of Gardner three times, before whipping him across the ring for a back body drop. Not missing a beat, Jones hoists Gardner to his feet and continues his offence, with a standing dropkick knocking him back to the mat. Jones gets the cover for only two. Looking up at the top rope, Dante smirks a little at the prone James Gardner. He stands and drops his knee down across the forehead of his opponent, before making his way to the turnbuckles. He ascends to the top, and raises an arm to the crowd. After a moment dives into the air for his finisher, the One Eight Seven [Moonsault into a leg drop]. He connects, and cockily pins Gardner, not hooking a leg for the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Dante Jones.

Jones stands to his music, and raises his hands high in the air, as from the crowd races Marquis Bronson. He hops over the barrier and slides into the ring, and grabs James Gardner from behind. In a swift motion, he flattens James with a clubbing blow to the head. Gardner goes down, as Bronson hoists him up, by his neck, and talks some trash. Lifting him high up in the air, Bronson slams James down with a Military Press, nearly breaking him on impact. The boos get louder as Jones grabs Bronson’s hand, and raises it high. The two men admire their work for a moment.

Kerry: What the hell was all that about!?
Josh: I don’t know Kerry! Did James Gardner do something to these two men ... men off the streets ... men who will do just that to you, if you cross them? I don’t think anybody knows-
Kerry: Well it wasn’t needed!

Championship Tournament Match #6
Round One
Charlie Wayne V Australian Battler

The bell sounds, and both men, whom are face to face, hold their gazes. The tension builds before Wayne grabs Battler’s head and hits a European uppercut. Battler stumbles back, but retaliates with a right elbow, to the top of the skull. This ignites the following battle of power, as both men lock up and try to force the other about the ring. Battler slowly gets the advantage; pushing his foe back one step, two steps and finally forcing him to the corner. Battler delivers a loud, slapping chop in the corner, before another elbow; this one to the left shoulder. Battler whips Wayne across the ring, and rushes him; hitting a high impact clothesline! He grabs his head and shoves him to the mat, onto his back; before hopping up, onto the second turnbuckle.

Kerry: Whoa, this is uncharacteristic of The Aussie Battler!

As Wayne climbs to his feet, Battler dives into the air. Wayne counters with a clothesline, taking him to his back, hard. Battler rolls over, holding his throat and coughing loudly as Wayne gets to his feet. He has a sick smirk on his face, looking at the coughing and spluttering Battler. He runs over to him, and jumps high into the air hitting a leg drop across the already damaged throat of his challenger. He stands right back up, and looks down at Battler as blood rises from his mouth.

Josh: Oh no Kerry! Battler looks like he’s hurt, bad! To make things worse, it looks like Wayne has seen the blood, and wants to see more.
Kerry: This new attitude of Charlie’s isn’t going to be a good thing, for Battler.

Wayne drops to his knees and starts to rub his forearm into the mouth and nose of Aussie Battler, before standing once more over his prone opponent. He jumps again for another leg drop, this one connecting a his neck, Battler coughing up more blood on the impact. Wayne smirks and drags the near-limp body of his opponent to his feet, and pushes him away, holding onto one arm. In a jerky motion, Charlie pulls Battler back towards him and connects with a clothesline from hell, aiming for his foe’s throat. Continuing his offence, Wayne straddles Battler and begins to throw wild rights and lefts, as the referee attempts to get him off. The referee is successful, but not soon enough as Battler spits a tooth and some more blood to the side. Wayne jokes with the referee, pretending to care for his rules, before he pulls Battler to his feet, once more. Wayne looks around at the crowd, as Aussie stands on spaghetti legs. He throws a big right hand, but Battler ducks, and steps behind Charlie; Aussie connecting with a back suplex, centre of the ring. The crowd pops as Battler and Wayne lay motionless in the ring, the referee beginning his count. “1....2...3....4....5....6...†but it’s stopped, as Battler and Wayne get to their feet; Wayne looking a lot better than Battler. Wayne throws another quick right hand, but Battler blocks it and connects with a right of his own, and another; a left hand and finally a boot to the stomach. Wayne buckles and Battler capitalises, hitting a big scoop slam, centre of the ring. Wayne is right back to his feet, but Battler just scoops him up once more, this time slamming him into the turnbuckle, lowerback taking the blow. Battler sets up Wayne to remain trapped against the turnbuckles, as he connects with a few rights and lefts to his midsection. Aussie steps back, and walks to the other turnbuckle, coughing up some more blood and spitting it aside. He turns and rushes at Wayne, picking up some speed for a big spear; but Wayne lifts his body up, to sit atop the top turnbuckle, causing Battler to smash into the second turnbuckle face and neck first. Battler stumbles backwards into the middle of the ring, the coughing louder, as he falls to one knee, facing away from Wayne. Charlie, who has unhooked himself and hopped off the turnbuckle, awaits his foe. Battler turns into Wayne, and out of nowhere throws a wild right elbow into Charlie’s face. The impact sends the crowd into a frenzy, as Wayne falls to his back, motionless. Battler falls on top of him, hooks both legs, and gets the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: The Australian Battler.

Kerry: Whoa, what a shocker! Charlie Wayne has barely moved since that wild elbow to the face, I ... I think he might be concussed, out codl!
Josh: That was sickening to watch! The impact was incredible, did you see his head shake after the elbow!

Aussie Battler stands in the ring, one hand held high, the other tending to his throat, as blood continues to dribble down his neck and onto his chest. He looks at Charlie Wayne, before exiting the ring; Wayne remaining near motionless as he makes his way up the ramp.

-[Backstage: James Kash’s locker room.]-

James Kash is seen in his ring attire, doing push ups, as a knock at the door stops him. He hops to his feet and opens the door, the face on the other side bringing a smile to his face. It’s Montana; dressed in his formal gear still, he gives James a handshake with a quick hug. Kash and Montana sit on a bench, as Montana pulls out a cigar. He offers one to James, but he declines with a smile.

Kash: Montana, it’s great to see you again man. How you been?
Montana: How have I been? I’ve been great, amigo! I got some time off for myself and mi amigos, saw the world, you know. How jou been, James?
Kash: I have been good, yeah. Looking forward to getting back into that ring, to kick some ass, and get back what’s mine-

Kash stops midsentence, as Montana and James look at each other. A smile grows on Montana’s face, as James smiles slowly.

Montana: Jou, jou were always the best around here man. I tell you what, amigo, I’ll look forward to beating you at Reloaded for that title!

Montana laughs a little and lights his cigar. Kash, his smile managing to stay on his face, laughs a little and drops his head.

Kash: Aahh Montana. I’ll tell you what, let’s make a little wager, right now: the new IWF Undisputed Champion, takes the other guy out for some drinks. Deal?

Montana laughs and holds his hand out.

Montana: Jou a game son of’a bitch, James. But I never turn down a free drink, you’re on!

Both men shake hands with smiles on their faces.


Kerry: That doesn’t surprise me one bit, Josh. Both of those guys have bigger egos than Texas! And everything is bigger in Texas!
Josh: Well they have every right to be egotistical, they’re both former IWF Heavyweight Champions, and good ones at that!
Kerry: That is true. We’ll see how those two go, in action later tonight however. Right now though, we’ve got yet another Tournament match.
Josh: I don’t know what to think anymore Kerry; the matches so far tonight have been off the hook, but I want to see Montana back in that ring, it’s been so long!

Championship Tournament Match #7
Round One
Tom McBrady V Cahan Malone

The bell sounds, as Tom quickly dances about the ring, trying to keep some distance between himself and Cahan, whilst Malone tries the exact opposite. McBrady isn’t able to outrun Cahan for long, as eventually he catches him and grabs him; tossing him into the turnbuckle and unloads with some violent lefts and rights. The referee quickly jumps in to stop the one-sided slugfest, but Malone goes right back to his work. Cahan finally pulls his challenger out to the middle of the ring, and digs his knee into the stomach of Tom, buckling him over. Whilst trying to catch his breath, McBrady is caught with a knee to the face from Malone. The impact sends Tom backwards onto the ropes, as Malone rushes him and clotheslines them both over the top rope, to the outside. The referee’s count begins, as Cahan wastes no time; grabbing McBrady and leading him to the steel steps. Slamming his head into the cold, hard steel several times, Cahan feels satisfied with himself, and rolls his foe into the ring, following suit quickly. He covers Tom but gets two. Cahan straddles McBrady and goes at it again, connecting with some very sick rights and lefts, knocking his head about quite a bit. The referee forces Cahan off of Tom, and tries to enfore some rules. It doesn’t work. Cahan pounces on McBrady and begins to choke him out, his grip becoming very tight around McBrady’s neck. The referee pulls Cahan away and checks on Tom, and allows the match to continue. Cahan approaches his opponent with a smile on his face, but is caught off guard when McBrady kicks him in the stomach, from a lying position. He connects with a second, and a third, before delivering a double booted kick to the face. Cahan goes down, as McBrady climbs up. The crowd gets behind McBrady as he grabs Malone and lifts him to his feet, and whips him across the ring. Cahan flies through the air for a crossbody, but McBrady ducks it and sends him crashing. As quickly as he can, McBrady grabs Cahan’s leg, and tries to lock in his STF.

Kerry: Here we go, submission wrestling!
Josh: Gunna get good now, Kerry!

McBrady tries to lock in his STF, but Cahan struggles, clawing to the ropes, but it’s not enough as Tom locks it in, and wrenches back. Cahan yells in pain, as he tries to claw closer to the ropes, just an inch out of reach, as McBrady applies more pressure. The crowd roars with excitement, as McBrady bends Malone’s back in an unusual fashion, Malone getting desperate. Malone stops trying for the ropes and considers tapping, his hand just inches off the mat. More pressure, Cahan raises his hand, the crowd pops! Cahan makes one final, desperate leap for the ropes with his hand, and clutches it. The referee counts “1...2....3...4...†as McBrady releases the hold, and Cahan quickly rolls to the ropes, holding his back and neck. Tom gets to his feet, and races off into the ropes, racing across the ring and delivering a baseball slide to the back of Malone. The impact throws him out of the ring, to the outside. McBrady quickly rolls out of the ring, and grabs Malone. He rolls him into the ring, and poses for the crowd for a moment. He rolls into the ring, as Malone pounces on his mistake, and rolls him over onto his back, locking in an arm bar.

Kerry: Big mistake there from McBrady. Vets like Cahan will pick up on them too, you can’t give them an inch of space or time!
Josh: Soo true, and this arm bar is the first lesson for Tom. Hopefully he learns from it.

Cahan locks in the arm bar, and begins to drive his leg down, into the face of Tom McBrady. Each blow somewhat legal, Cahan continues this punishment, as Tom tries to cover up; but is unsuccessful. Finally Cahan releases the hold, and climbs to his feet, holding his lower back. Tom rolls over a few times and starts towards his feet, holding his face checking for blood. He stands and turns directly into Cahan, who hoists him onto his shoulders for his finisher, the Celtic Cross. Tom shuffles his weight and gets free, and rolls up Cahan for a quick two! Both men get to their feet and meet centre of the ring, as Cahan throws a wild clothesline; Tom grabs his arm, shoots his leg up around Malone’s body locking onto his far arm, and falls into a crucifix pin. He get’s two! Again, both men get to their feet, this time Cahan going for a standing dropkick. McBrady grabs his legs in midair, and slams him onto his back, flipping over on top of him for a third pin. He gets the three!

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Tom McBrady.

Kerry: Whoa, I can’t believe it, and I don’t think Cahan Malone can either! He just-

Tom turns around with his hands held high, as Cahan flattens him, with a straight right hand. Tom goes down and stays down, as Cahan stands over him and talks some trash.

Josh: Looks like Tom won the battle, but Cahan won the war.
Kerry: Yeh, well maybe in his eyes he did. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to take a quick commercial break. We’ll be right back!

Jessica stands on the outside and raises the microphone to her mouth. Cahan spots her and rolls under the bottom rope, and walks over to her. Terrified, she freezes up as Cahan Malone takes the microphone, and shoves her harshly into the ringside area. Jessica lands awkwardly against the time keeper, and holds her lower back, as Cahan, in a rage, throws the microphone at her.

- Commercial. -

-[Backstage: The hallway leading to the locker rooms.]-

Cahan Malone is seen making his way down the hall way, furious, as he approaches Mike Miller. Mike turns and walks into Cahan, as the viewers learn he’s on the phone. Mike covers the mouth piece and apologises to Cahan, however he snaps and grabs him; pushing him up against the wall beside them. He forces his forearm into the throat of Mike, and says angrily...

Cahan: If you don’t watch where you’re going in future, you will be!

Cahan lets Mike go, and walks away down the hall. Mike breathes deeply a few times as he watches Malone, almost bewildered by the outburst. He returns to his call only to comment on what just happened.


Kerry: Well, as the mean streak of Cahan Malone continues, the show does as well. We are getting close to the end of a special three hour season opener here on the IWF: A New Era, and the man we just saw is in action tonight!
Josh: I want to know who he’s going to be facing, it should be good no doubt though!
Kerry: Without a doubt. It’s been so long since Mike Miller has been in the title hunt, and I’m sure he can’t wait to get himself there again!

Cowboys from Hell [Pantera] blares throughout the arena, and onto the stage comes a psyched Mike Miller. He makes his way down the rampway as some pyros shoot off behind him, he slides into the ring and looks about at the roaring crowd, pointing to some fans in the sea of cheers.

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen, in the ring at this time, he weighs in tonight at 212 pounds and at a height of 6 foot, from Manhattan New York; Mike Miller!

The crowd pops, as the music suddenly changes over to Headstrong [Trapt] and Johnny Nicol comes out onto the stage. He makes his way down to the ring, with a quiet mixed reaction, and steps upto Mike. The two men stare each other down a little, before backing off.

Samantha: And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 265 pounds and at a height of 6 foot, from Southport England; Johnny Nicol!

Championship Tournament Match #8
Round One
Mike Miller V Johnny Nicol

The bell sounds and immediately Mike goes for a fast paced match. He hits a running forearm smash and takes down Nicol, hitting a quick knee drop to the face afterwards. Stomping away at his foe, Mike quickly gets the upper hand in the match and keeps it, hitting a leg drop across the sternum of his opponent. He pulls Nicol to his feet and whips him across to the corner. He sprints at him and hits a clothesline in the corner, and pushes Johnny Nicol out to the centre of the ring. Miller props himself up onto the second turnbuckle and waits until he turns to face him, he does and Mike dives into the air, taking down Nicol with a clothesline. The crowd pops as Mike rolls over and stands, looking at his prone challenger. The crowd roars, cheering on Mike as he stomps away at the face of Nicol.

Kerry: Well, I can’t say I’m not surprised. Mike Miller has been training hard, I’ve heard, and he’s ready for championship gold, Josh!
Josh: Isn’t he though, Johnny Nicol hasn’t gotten any offence in yet, and if he doesn’t pick up his act, he might not get any in!

Mike hoists Nicol to his feet and whips him into the ropes, and hits a running overcastle, taking down his foe. The cover and a long two count. Miller stays on the offence as he drops his elbow to the stomach of Johnny, before picking him up. Mike hits a belly to belly suplex on Nicol, which sends him rolling out of the ring, to the outside. Miller stands by the ropes and watches as Johnny slowly makes it to his feet. He does so, and Mike launches himself over the top rope onto Nicol on the outside, taking him down with a big crossbody! The crowd roars with excitement as Miller rolls his opponent into the ring, and follows him in quickly. Another cover but Nicol gets his foot on the bottom rope. Mike, with a huge grin on his face, pulls Nicol to his feet, and signals to the crowd that ‘it’s done’. He lifts Nicol up, holding him horizontally, for his finisher the Extreme Daze [swinging side slam]. He connects, and lays out Johnny Nicol, in the middle of the ring. The crowd, roaring, watches as Mike makes his way onto the apron, and up the turnbuckle, to the very top. He gets the crowd behind him some more, and leaps into the air for his high flying finisher, the Air Extreme [Shooting Star leg drop]. He connects, and covers Nicol for the three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: Mike Miller.

Kerry: What am impressive in-ring re-debut for Mike Milller! He looks in the best shape of his career, and from what we saw from him them, he has some serious chances to get championship gold around his waist!
Josh: I wouldn’t be looking forward to facing him next week. He seems on top of his game, and that will be bad news for anyone who gets in his way.
Kerry: Exactly right Josh. Well ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s the time we’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to see James Kash, and Montana in action here tonight! We still have two more matches, will they be facing off against each other next?
Josh: Oh I hope so, Kerry!

Green pyros suddenly shoot off from the stage, as So Determined [MudVayne] hits. The crowd goes into a frenzy, boos flooding the stage, as James Kash occupies it. He is smiling, and enjoying every minute of the boos, as he slowly makes his way down the ramp. A few fans try to shove their signs in his face, but he ignores them, and steps into the ring, ‘admiring’ the crowds reaction. He looks about the ring and then turns, to see who his opponent is. The arena is sent into silence.

Samantha: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first, he weighs in tonight at 257 pounds and at a height of 6 foot 7, he hails from Lake Jackson Texas; he is James Kash!

The crowd boos, as Kash clearly ignores them, watching the arena stage intently. Silence follows for several moments, as Kash gets a little anxious. The silence continues, until Raising Hell [Run DMC] kills the silence. Kash laughs a little as Austin Cooper makes his way out onto the stage, ready to go. He runs down to the ring and slides under the ropes into Kash’s feet. In a swift movement he pulls them out from underneath him. Kash falls on his ass as Cooper stands, ready to go.

Championship Tournament Match #9
Round One
James Kash V Austin Cooper

Kash climbs to his feet and glares at Austin Cooper, who continues on the attack by delivering a jumping forearm smash to Kash. Kash stumbles backwards from the blow, and snaps; throwing a clothesline that nearly beheads Cooper. His face shows complete and utter rage, as he looks down at the fallen foe. Kash suddenly snaps out of it, as he looks at the crowd. The referee checks on Cooper, who doesn’t respond too well. The referee goes to call the match, but Kash stops him and points at the motionless body, trying to convince him he’s ok. He laughs and grabs Cooper, hoisting him to his feet by his neck. With a sick grin on his face, Kash pushes Cooper backwards into the ropes; as he bounces off he delivers a huge right hand. Kash catches Cooper before he falls off his feet, and repeats this a few more times. Kash then whips Austin across the ring, and takes him down with a big stiff right boot, the sole catching him between the eyes.

Kerry: Aahh this is sick to watch! Austin Cooper is clearly in no condition to wrestle, but Kash just continues the punishment!
Josh: Quiet Kerry, otherwise he’ll finish the match and join us here at ringside!

Kash picks up Cooper, and lifts him high above his head, and picks up a fast walk towards the ropes, and tosses Austin to the outside, throwing him past the thin mats to the steel rampway. The thud sends the crowd dead silent, as you head Kash laughing at the punishment. The referee begins his count, and executes it rather quickly, however Kash manages to get him back into the ring before the end of the count. The referee attempts to get Kash to end the match, but Kash ignores him. He pulls the lifeless body of Cooper to his feet, throws him up onto his shoulders; for his finisher the Down Payment [F5 into RKO]. He connects, centre of the ring, and stands up glancing down at the motionless opponent, flat on his back. Kash steps on Austin’s face with one foot as the referee makes a quick three count.

Winner of the match, via pinfall: James Kash.

Following the sounding of the bell, and EMT’s rushing to Austin Cooper, James Kash makes his way over to the announcer’s table.

Josh: Oh crap, crap crap! Good one Kerry, he heard you before! Good one, now we’re dead!

Kash, with a smile on his face, takes a seat next to Josh, who is terrified and frozen in fear. Kash extends his hand out to Josh, who doesn’t react. Looking at him a little concerned, James extends his hand to Kerry, whom shakes hands with him; before Kash puts on some headsets.

Kash: How are you guys down here? I just thought I’d sit back, and watch Montana’s match with you guys. That’s ok, isn’t it?

Kerry and James look at Josh, and shrug it off as they turn to the stage. Eventually, Josh settles and awaits the main event.

The Tony Montana theme music hits the arena’s speakers, which are immediately followed by an array of boos and cheers. Montana makes his way out onto the stage, ready to compete, and looks out at the crowd. He makes his way down the rampway as one single set of white pyros shoot off behind him, Montana looking a little more disgruntled by the crowd’s boos. He brushes it off, and makes his way up the steel steps, stepping into the ring. He walks about in the middle of the ring, and looks down at James Kash with a smile on his face. He claps his hands three times, suggesting that he’s already won this match.

Suddenly, Grimey cuts off his music, and onto the stage comes Vic Noreaga. He’s pumped, he’s acknowledging the crowd and he’s ready to fight. He points to a few fans as he walks down the ramp way, looking at some ladies screaming in his direction. He smiles and makes his way around the ring, looking in at Montana. He turns his attention to James Kash, before stepping into the ring.

James: Don’t worry about me, Vic. Worry about that man, in the ring!
Kerry: Well James, it seems Montana will have his hands full here toni-
Josh: Shuttup-
James: You saying that Montana won’t put this piece of street garbage on the mat for three, Kerry?
Kerry: I didn’t say that at all, James. I simply stated he’s going to have his hands full. There’s a difference, check it out.

Josh can be heard sobbing a little, as Kerry continues.

Kerry: Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen we have to take our final commercial break, we’ll be right back with our main event!

- Commercial. -

Championship Tournament Match #10
Round One
Montana V Vic Noreaga

The two men are already deep into their battle, as both men exchange blows, neither man able to get the upperhand. Montana finally scores a quick chop to Noreaga’s chest, and gains control; hitting another chop, a right hand and a headlock takedown. Montana continues his control as he drops a high knee across the forehead of Noreaga, before dropping to the mat to lock in a head lock. The referee continues to check on the hold, as Montana chokes as much life out of his opponent as possible. The referee finally notices its become and illegal choke and forces Montana to release the hold. Montana walks about the ring for a moment, smiling down at Kash. He turns back to Noreaga, who is on one knee, as he walks over to him, and grabs his right knee, and pulls it out from underneath him. Montana quickly stomps away at it, before lifting it high into the air and slamming it onto the mat. He doesn’t waste a moment, as he drops his knee, and then his leg drop across the right knee, trying to inflict as much pain as possible. Noreaga squirms free and scurries to the ropes, grabbing onto his knee, trying to get the blood flowing once more. Montana however, smells the pain and grabs that same right leg, and drags him to the middle of the ring, and stomps away at it some more. Before he can execute more moves to his right knee however, Montana is kicked away from Noreaga, with a stiff boot to the chest at first, followed by a straight boot to the face. Montana falls on his ass, as Vic tries to his feet. Both men get to their feet at the same time, as Montana throws a right; its blocked, as Noreaga connects with a right of his own. He limps about on his right leg, as Montana throws another right; again blocked, and again a right from Noreaga. This one sends Montana backwards, as Noreaga spear tackles Montana in between the ropes, to the outside. Both men slam onto the thin mats on the outside, in front of the announcer’s table, as the referee begins his count.

Kerry: Whoa! Noreaga doesn’t want to let this opportunity slip by. He took himself to the outside, with Montana!
James: Gutsy move no doubt, but you’re going to need more than that to be my man, Montana!

Noreaga is first to his feet, as he glares at Kash a little, whilst picking up Montana. He slams Montana’s head down into the announcer’s table, before shoving him back first into the ring. Montana falls to one knee, as Vic continues, delivering straight right boot after straight right boot to the face and jaw of his foe. Noreaga quickly rolls into the ring, to break the count, and goes right back after his opponent. Montana, who is against the announcers table on one knee, is kicked in the back of the head by Noreaga. Montana’s face snaps into the announcer’s table, feeling the full affect of the kick as it’s squished between Vic’s boot and the table. The crowd pops as Montana falls onto his back, his nose busted and bloodied.

Kerry: Oh my god! What a vile kick from Noreaga! That might’ve sealed the deal, for the match! Cover him Vic, get him in the ring and cover him.
Josh: Shuttup, Kerry! Shut the hell u-

Vic rolls Montana into the ring, and straddles him unloading with a wrath of rights and lefts, going to work on the busted nose. Montana finally manages to shove Noreaga aside, but he goes right back to work with his fists. The referee pulls Noreaga off Montana shortly after, telling him to fight clean, as Montana climbs to his feet; a look of determination and anger on his face. Vic rushes at Montana, but is countered with a simple drop-toe hold, taking him to the mat. As quick as a cat, Montana grabs Noreaga’s leg, and stomps away at it! The crowd boos as he drops his knee into the right knee of Vic; not once, not twice, but three times. Noreaga makes his way to the corner, resting against the turnbuckle as Montana follows him. Montana begins to stomp away violently and angrily into Noreaga, hitting everything from his face to his feet, the boots connecting every time, and being driven as hard as possible. Montana backs off a little, and spits some blood to the side before turning to Vic and yelling some trash at him, in Cuban. His anger gets the better of him as he chokes and drives his forearm into the face of Noreaga, the referee only barely able to get him off his foe.

Kerry: Montana has really fired up here!
James: Vic doesn’t stand a chance now, guys!
Josh: You’re absolutely right James, absolutely right!

Montana drags Vic to the centre of the ring by his neck, and continues to talk some trash. He throws one right hand, that nearly knocks Noreaga out cold, before returning to his right knee. He stomps away at it some more, before dropping his leg across it once more. The crowd goes silent, but jumps to life when Montana locks in his figure-four leg lock. The crowd pumps to life, as does Noreaga, as the pain races through his body. Montana looks over at Noreaga, a sick smile on his face as he applies more pressure. Noreaga does all he can to claw and manage towards the ropes, which are still some distance away. The crowd roars louder and louder, as “Let’s go Noreaga†chants start, Montana just laughs. Vic claws, and claws across the mat, desperately trying to get to the ropes, as Montana tries to pull him back. Noreaga, with all his might, manages to get within an inch of the ropes, his fingers brushing the bottom rope. The crowd roars louder yet, as Montana pulls him back a little, Noreaga turns his attention now to Montana; determination showing. With several movements, Noreaga manages to roll Montana onto his side. Both men are teetering, Vic trying desperately to roll Montana over, Montana desperately trying to stop him. Vic finally gets control and rolls him over onto his stomach, and applies the pressure. The crowd pops as Noreaga, smiling widely, applies the pressure, hearing Montana’s yells of pain across from him. Montana turns and claws over to the ropes, as Noreaga wrenches his legs, until finally he reaches the ropes. “1..2....3...4.....†and Noreaga releases the hold. Both men lay prone on the mat, holding their legs, as the referee checks on both men.

Kerry: Gotta be concerned now about Vic, he’s-
James: Concerned now? You should’ve been concerned ba-
Kerry: Because he has lost a few of his higher impact moves. It will be interesting to see how things go from here, James.

Montana and Noreaga both climb to their feet, very tenderly limping on their legs, as they start at square one: exchanging blows. Noreaga quickly gets the upper hand, and knocks Montana to his back; pouncing on him for a surprise cover, getting two. Montana stands quicker than Noreaga, and manages to hit a back suplex, into the centre of the ring; the attack taking its toll on Montana’s knee. Montana covers Vic, for a two count. Montana hops up, and hoists Noreaga up, with all his might. Noreaga breaks the hold on him, but Montana just shoves him backwards into the referee. The referee goes down, but not out, as Montana drives his forearm into the groin of Noreaga. Vic buckles and falls to his feet, as Montana goes for the figure four once more, locking it in again. Noreaga writhes in pain as Montana applies pressure, yelling at his foe in the middle of the ring. The referee crawls across to Noreaga, to check on him as he finally taps out.

Winner of the match, via submission: Montana.

James: And that, is how it’s done. I have to congratulate him!

James Kash stands from the announcer’s table and tosses the headset aside, as he rolls into the ring behind Montana. Montana turns and almost walks into Kash, who quickly grabs his hand; raising high into the air. The two men celebrate as the show goes off the air. The celebration continues through a flooding of boos and profanities.