Klawz Presents l WWE Raw Reloaded

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Super Klawz

New Member
Feb 11, 2008
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The Rated R CMStar

Obviously a Batista Hater. You fire 'tista and you keep Nunzio and the Joblanders?

Also, you highlighted in the backstory that WWE was going for a younger future, but then you say Vince is looking to bring some old names back.

Anyways, a very original backstory, and I will be reviewing.

Cheap Plug: Check out BTW, new show has been posted

Super Klawz

New Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
^Nah, I like 'Tista but I thought it was a good twist to fire a big name and he was it. Also, Vince looking to bring some old names doesn't necessarily mean they are established. For all you know it could be Maven...

CT Styles

Good back story, I liked the images aswell, very realistic. I will be reviewing.

PS I Love your sig!

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

i dont understand big titty v and mark henry if your going for young talent. nice backstory though, the images look awesome

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Batista is released, what a sad news :(, maybe TNA will sign him up! lol... Nice backstory and so does the presentation. Check out HEW if you have time...


1 Problem, Why have Cena? fire him. anyway looks good. keep it up and visit mine if you want.

Super Klawz

New Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
I will view all of your shows, obviously not all straight away but over the next couple of days.


Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
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wow this is great awesome presentation. u even put PWG in this great idea can't wait for show

The Rated R CMStar

Good preview, I wonder with all men in one same brand what new feuds will appear, as well which new wrestlers step up to cover Taker's and Trips's injury. I will be reviewing.

Cheap Plug: Check BTW, new show has been posted


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Nice pics dude! Il be reviewing aswell. I can see your BTB being very sucessful. Cant wait for your show!

CP: Check out my E-Fed, NCW!

Super Klawz

New Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score


The first ever footage of the press conference that was held earlier in the week behind closed doors is now shown. Vince is standing at a podium with his family behind him including HHH.

Vince: I'm tired up of the elderly

Ric Flair is shown looking on

Vince: I'm tired of drug scandals

Bobby Lashley is seen looking on

Vince: I'm tired of constant of disrespect

John Morrison is seen looking on

Vince: I'm tired of lack of effort

Ashley Massaro is now shown looking on

Vince: I'm tired of the slobs

Balls Mahoney is shown

Vince: It's time for a drastic change. You people have been riding on the wave of my wealth and generousity for way too long. I have goven you chance after chance to prove yourselves to me, yet you still persist to take me for a joke. Well that ends right NOW.

A thud is heard which causes the music to change to a slow and dreary monotonous tone. The thid also signals for the screen to turn grey as shock is seen on the superstars faces.

Vince: I want my show to have amazing and dedicated superstars whether I like them or not because I have an investment and that is to keep this as the number one wrestling show. So this is what will happen: If you receive a phone call from one of our staff memebers, then you have shown me enough for you to stay...for now, but if you don't get a call, don't bother coming in to Raw next week because, YOU'RE FIIIIIRRRRED!

The screen is still grey and the final face shown is Batista's as the scene fades out.

"To Be Loved" begins to play


The scene goes to a studio in Stamford CT with Todd Grisham standing in the middle

Todd: Hello and welcome to WWE Raw Reloaded. I am your host Todd Grisham and man what a couple of weeks we've had here in the WWE. As we just saw in that exclusive video, Mr McMahon now wants an elite staff in the WWE, an elite band of superstars and he got that by "FIIIRRRINNGG" many superstars that he found lazy, big headed or ones he flat out just didn't like. Morrison, Murdoch, Finlay, Boogeyman, Ashley, Chavo, Cody Rhodes, Holly, Venis, the list is endless. But in two of the more shocking firings both Ric Flair and Batista were on the end of McMahon's path, a shock to say the least. Obviously Mr McMahon must like me because I am still here-

Grisham does a cocky smile before continuing

Todd: So now Mr McMahon has gotten rid of what he thought was the dead weight and we are left with the elite superstars of sports entertainment. At this present time there is no superstar more elite than the WWE champion Randy Orton and this past week on Raw, the show kicked off with Orton making sure that we knew it.

We go back to Raw and Orton is standing in the middle of the ring, mic in hand with the title draped over his shoulder. He is receiving some heat for something he just said and he continues

Orton: You see, Mr McMahon fired all of those people because they didn't have the passion, the drive or the desire that I have.

Crowd boo

Orton: Every single one of those people, they were just holding this company back and none of them could ever reach the stsaus of elite. Even if he wanted to Mr McMahon would not dare fire me because he knows, just like everyone backstage knows that I am THE elite superstar. My mix of pace, power, technique, agility, strength, athleticism and speed is matched by nobody to have ever stepped in a wrestling ring.

Crowd boo

Orton: All of those abilities, every single one of them is why I am the WWE champion and is why I am the grea-BREAK THE WALLS DOOOOOOWWWWWN!

Chris Jericho walks out to a decent ovation from the crowd. He is shown playing to the crowd and then the scene cuts to Jericho who is standing on the ramp, now speaking on the mic

Jericho: Randy Orton, an elite superstar.

Orton: That's right.

Jericho: You're the champion for five minutes and you think you're an elite superstar? You go around kicking people in the head when they least expect it and you think you're an elite superstar? As the legend killer you beat up old men and you think you're an elite superstar?

Orton: Yes! I am the definiton of an elite superstar

The crowd boo as Jericho pauses for a few moments in effect shocked at what Orton is saying

Jericho:Orton, you are about as elite as a pile of hot, steaming monkey crap mixed with a stinking garbage bag and your mom's cooking.

The crowd laugh and say 'Ohhhh'

Jericho: Oh sorry, I went a bit below the belt there...nothing is a bad as your mom's cooking The crowd begin laughing, I mean you cut a piece of lamb and you're chewing it for hours and it's like how the he-

Orton cuts Jericho of and raises his voice


Jericho pauses as the crowd boo

Jericho: What do I want? Well seen as you came out here running your mouth about being the definition of an elite superstar, how about you prove it and defend the WWE Championship against me, right here TONIGHT!

The crowd cheer wildly

King: Woah, a championship match here tonight?!

JR: That's what Y2J said.

Orton: Y2J vs Orton for the WWE title...ARE YOU CRAZY? There will not be any defending of my WWE title tonight.

Crowd boo

JR: Damn it, that woul've been a sight to see.

Orton: You've had your chance Jericho and I beat you 1-2-3. Now you have to work your way back up to the top just like everybody else and get in the waiting line.

Crowd boo

Jericho: Get in the waiting line huh? Well I know there's a waiting line for people wanting to challenge you for the title, but there's also a waiting line for people that just want to beat you up and I think i'm gonna jump that queue and do it right now.

Crowd cheer as Jericho begins to take of his waistcoat

Orton: Woah there Jericho, slow your jets. There is one way you can jump the queue to face me for the WWE championship, and that is by beating me. So you know what, I'll give you a deal. Tonight, Randy Orton versus Chris Jericho in a non-title match and if you beat me i'll give you your title shot.

Crowd cheer and Jericho raises the mic to his lips but he is cut off by Randy Orton

Orton: BUT! If I beat you, you will never, ever-

Crowd boo at Orton's use if Jericho catchphrase and Y2J is not impressed

Orton:You will never, ever be able to challenge me for the WWE title as long as I hold it.

The crowd boo as Orton looks piercingly into Jericho's eyes with Jericho in decision whether to accept the offer

King: This is a tough decision to make in such a short time

Jericho: You're on Bitch!

"Break the Walls down" blares through the arena as Orton has a cocky smirk on his face but as does Chris Jericho.

Todd (speaking over the images): So it was set, Y2J Chris Jericho taking on the legend killer Randy Orton and we'll bring you that match later on. Coming up next:

The Orton/Jericho scene changes and now Benjamin and Burke are seen making their way to the ring as Todd talks over it.

Todd: A new team of Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin was formed this past week on Raw and they wanted a shot at the vacated Tag Team Titles. Who did they face? Stick around to find.



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Todd: Welcome back to Raw Reloaded everybody. This past week on Raw two of the WWE's greatest prospects decided to become a team as Burke and Benjiman wanted a shot at the vacant tag titles. They wanted a shot so badly that they challanged anyone in the lockerroom to a match for the titles.

Burke: Come on, we want a shot at those tag titles because we deserve to have them.

Crowd boo as Elijah hands the mic to Shelton

Benjamin: Oh I see what it is, it's because everyone in the back knows that they can not defeat two of the best athletes to ever step foo-

Benjamin is interrupted by the sound of Kofi Kingston's music which brings a generous cheer from the crowd. He walks down to the bottom of the ramp and stands there as the music fades out.

Kingston: Hey listen up now man. We don't want to hear what you wan' say no more. I'm tired of hearing you whining and that is why i'm here to challenge you to those tag titles. I don't have a partner but I do say this, anyone that is in the back and finds these two as annoying as I do, I request that you come out so we can kick their asses.

The crowd cheer and Burke and Benjamin are gesturing with their hands to bring it.

King: Will anyone come out?

JR: They've gotta find Burke and Benjamin as annoying as Kingston does.

Suddenly a guitar sound plays as CM Punk's music plays which receives a large roar from the crowd. Burke and Benjiman stop their taunting and look taken aback whereas Kingston nods his head happy with who came out. As Punk makes his way down the ramp Todd speaks over the image:

Todd: So it was two newly formed teams challenging for the title as Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin took on Kofi Kingston and CM Punk with the tag titles, on the line.

The scene changes and we are joined in the middle of the match with Kingston on the attack against Benjamin.

Kingston hits Benjamin with a double handed chop to the chest that knocks Benjamin down. Benjamin gets back up immediately and is hit with another. He gets back up-

JR: -And another chop by the young man Kofi Kingston

King: Somebody's gonna have a sore chest in the morning

Benjamin was knocked down by the chop and this time did not get up. Kingston stamps his feet around the ring pumping himself up as the crowd cheer. Benjamin is stumbling to his feet but then Burke attempts to get into the ring which diverts Kingston's attention

JR: Oh! Kingston was distracted and taken down by a huge clothesline to the back of the head from Benjamin

A dazed Benjamin stumbles over to Burke and gets the tag. Burke enters in with intensity and begins stomping in the downed Kingston. He bounces of the ropes and drops a big elbow on the sturdom of Kingston. Burke lifts Kingston up by the head and then chants something inaudible before intsigating a barrage of punches on to Kingston's stomach and then connecting with an uppercut to which Kingston falls backwards.

King: Burke remember did use to be an amateur boxer with over 100 wins

JR: And we could have new tag champions here



JR: And Kingston gets the shoulder up before the 3

After the failed pin attempt, Burke lifts Kingston up into a seated position and locks in a headlock.

JR: And Burke now has a headlock synched in deep.

Burke has a strain on his face as he wrings Kingston's neck. CM Punk begins clapping on the apron and this instingates the crowd to join in.

King: The crowd are really behind Kingston here

Suddenly Kingston gets a second wind and he begins to stand up with Burke who still has the headlock locked in but now they are in a standing position.

Kingston: Kingston with an elbow to Burke's stomach, and another, but ooh a big knee by Burke right into Kingston's torso.

Burke now swings Kingston into the ropes and as Kingston is returning Burke goes for a clothesline but Kingston ducks underneath and runs to the other rope and as he returns he leaps into the air and

JR: OH! What an amazing vertical leap on that dropkick and now both men are down.

Referee and Crowd:1




Burke is the first to start moving towards his corner and the Kingston begins crawling to his




JR: And Burke gets the tag

Shelton comes bursting in to boos from the crowd but using his amazing leap, Kingston launches himself from the floor towards CM Punk

JR: And he gets the tag!

A loud roar is heard as Punk is tagged in. He uses the ropes as a springboard and connects a diving clothesline knocking Benjamin down. Benjamin is up quickly and is knocked down by a back elvow to his jaw. He then gets up quickly again and is hit by a jumping roundhouse kick to the head. He goes for the pin



and the pin is broken up by Elijah Burke

King: Whoa if it wasn't for Burke there, the match could have been over

Punk is temporarily dazed after being hit by Burke. Suddenly Kingston enters the ring and begins unloading punches on the head of Burke knocking him into the ropes. Kingston then takes a few steps back and runs full speed at Burke taking them both over the top rope.

JR: What a clothesline!

Benjamin and Punk now arise to their feet. They hit each other with punches alternately. This continues for a few more seconds until Punk gets the upperhand knocking in thre consecutive punches. He swings Benjamin into the turnbuckle and then does a running knee right into his face.

King: We all know what's coming next, the...bulldogg! and what a bulldogg it was.

The crowd cheer as CM Punk gets up and shouts meanwhile outside the ring Burke and Kingston are unloading punches on each other. Benjamin gets up to his feet slowly and then Punk lifts him into the Fireman's carry position as the crowd cheer.

King: Uh Oh, if this move connects it'll all be over.

Punk pushes Benjamin into the air and as he falls Benjamin's face connects directly with Punk's knee

JR: The GTS, Punk just connected with the Go To Sleep, and here's the pin


Burke tries to enter the ring but when he gets on the apron Kingstons pulls both his legs making him go face first into the apron.


JR: He got it.

CM Punk's music begins as he grasps his hands over the fallen Shelton Benjamin. He is joined in the ring by an exhausted Kofi Kingston as the crowd cheer

Lillian: Here are your winners and the NEW tag team champions, Kofi Kingston and C-M-Punk!

Kingston and Punk share a hug before they are handed the titles by the referee. They got to the turnbuckles and raise their titles in unison to a roar from the crowd

Todd begins taking over the images

Todd: So CM Punk and Kofi Kingston were the team that co-existed the better as they won the match and now begin their run as the world tag team champions.

The scene fades out to a little WWE commercial


Todd: In her time as WWE Women's champion, Beth Phoenix has been absolutely dominant and it's been a struggle to event think about who could take the title off her. Well this past week on Raw a small tournament began to see who would take on Beth at the next Pay Per View, No Mercy. Next week it'll be Melina taking on Jillian but this week it was Victoria taking on Mickie James and this is how it went down

The show goes back to Raw where Mickie is laid out on the floor

Victoria lifts up Mickie and swings her into the turnbuckle but as Mickie approaches it she outstreches her hands, grasps onto the top rope and uses it to elevate her up. This move makes Victoria run underneath her and Mickie is now behind her.

JR: Mickie here going for the rollup



The pin doesn't reach three as Victoria kicks out. The kick was done with so much force that it sends Mickie out of the ring.

JR: A very forceful kickout there by the very strong Victoria.

JR: How good would a Victoria versus Beth match up be.

JR: It'd be great and it could happen soon if Victoria wins this tournament. Lookout now

Mickie James is getting to her feet but as she does Victoria runs towards her and connects with a baseball slide right into Mickie's face knocking her down. Victoria exits the ring picks up Mickie and throws into the ring getting in herself. Victoria then stomps on Mickie a few times. She then lifts Mickie up by her hair and swings her around by it.

JR: That was an illegal use of the hair and our referee Jack Doane is remonstrating Victoria for it.

Victoria then taunts to the crowd as they boo her loudly

King: Victoria is gettting to cocky here, she has to capatalise on the upperhand she has.

Victoria walks over to Mickie and lifts her from the mat to a standing position. Victoria grabs Mickie's hand and goes for a short arm clothesline but Mickie ducks underneath and hits a clothesline of her own knocking Victoria down momentarily.

JR: And Mickie James with another clothesline.

Mickie James screams to the crowd who cheer for her. As Victoria gets up again, Mickie goes to swing her into the turnbuckle but Victoria reverses the irish whip. Victoria then walks towards Mickie and as she does, Mickie uses the top rope as leverage and then wraps her legs around Victoria head.

JR: Here we go and....Mickie connects with the huracanrana. She goes for the pin



JR: And Victoria kicks out

The crowd cheer as Mickie James gets up and raises her hand to which the crowd cheer even more. Victoria gets up and Mickie wraps her arm around Victoria's head in the DDT fashion.

JR: This could be it

Victoria counters it by hitting Mickie with two knees to the stomach. Victoria then gets Mickie in a a fireman's carry position on her shoulders

King: Now this could be it if Victoria hits the Spider Web

Victoria is about to execute it but just before she does Mickie gives Victoria two elbows to the head. Victoria drop Mickie and she lands on her feet behind Victoria. Victoria then begins to turn around and then BAM!

JR: Wow, Mickie just connected with the Mick Kick and here's the cover.





Mickie's James's music begins to a large cheer from the crowd as she gets up and has her hand raised by the referee

Lillian: Here is your winner, Mickie James!

Mickie James leaves the ring and is on the ramp where she blows a kiss to Victoria as Todd begins speaking over the image

Todd: So Mickie James progresses to the fianl of this mini-tournament to find out who will have the task of trying to beat the Glamazon, Beth Phoenix.

The scene changes and MVP is now seen talking in the ring as Todd speaks over it

Todd: Coming up next, MVP had something on his mind and he wanted gold around his waist. Who's gold did he want? None other than Jeff Hardy's. Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.


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Todd: Welcome back to Raw Reloaded. This past week on Raw, MVP made his first appearance ever on a Raw show and he wanted to make an immediate impact so he called out the Intercontinental champion, Jeff Hardy.

MVP and Jeff Hardy are stood in the ring and the crowd are cheering as Jeff Hardy has just come out into the arena and his music begins to fade out

MVP: Well look at this, it's none other than the almighty rainbow haired warrior, Jeff Hardy.

Jeff looks at the crowd and nods his head as the crowd cheer uncontrollably

JR: The rockstar like reception is what Jeff Hardy gets on a weekly basis

MVP: The high flyer, the man that'll do anything to win. Yeah, I've heard and seen a lot of you. You've had some amazing moments in the WWE. You are a multiple time Tag team and Intercontinental champion. You've done alright for yourself. But let me tell you who I am.

The crowd boo

MVP: I am the ballin' superstar, the highest paid free agent of all time. The Franchise Playa, Mr 305, Half Man Half ama-

The crowd cheer as Jeff Hardy snatches the mic out of MVP's hand to his anger.

Hardy: Hey man, I know who you are. I've seen you wrestle on Smackdown. I've seen you beat up many people, hell, how could I not know who you are, you put my brother Matt out of action for four months.

The crowd boo

Hardy: Yeah, I know who you are so you don't have to tell me all your boring catchphrases. I know who you are man, but what I would like to know is what you want with me.

Hardy hands MVP back the microphone

MVP: What I want? Well you see, over on Smackdown I was the United States champion and as soon as I won that belt nobody could take it off me. The only way I could lose that belt was if Smackdown ended and that is exactly what happened. So really I am a champion but I don't have a belt to prove it and that is where you come in. Hardy you can do all the fips and dives that you want but it is obvious that you do not match up to my skills.

The crowd boo as Jeff does a little laugh

MVP: Hardy it's quite simple, I want that title that you have around your waist and I want it as soon as possible because we all know that I am better than you and that Intercontinental title should be around my waist.

The crowd boo then Jeff snatches the mic back.

Hardy: Well if you're so much better than me, then why don't you prove it right now!

Jeff hardy pushes the mic into MVP's chest and the crowd cheer as Hardy then proceeds to remove his top.

King: Uh Oh

JR: It could be on now

MVP: Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there man. I don't wanna fight you here tonight. This suit i'm in costs $5000 dollars. I'll fight you when the time is right Hardy.

The crowd boo as MVP raises his hands in effect saying he's not going to do anything. MVP goes to leave the ring and Jeff turns his back on MVP for a split second

JR: Oh lookout here!

MVP capatalises and hits Hardy in the back of the head with the microphone. The crowd boo incessantly as MVP smiles at the downed Hardy and his music begins to play.

Todd: MVP has sent a message to Jeff Hardy and he wants Jeff Hardy's Intercontinental title sooner rather than later.

The scene fades out to another WWE commercial telling of the dates of the Wrestlemania revenge tour.

Raw Reloaded returns and Todd Grisham is seen standing in the studio.

Todd: This past week on Raw it was Mentor vs Mentee as Shawn Michaels took on Lance Cade. Earlier on in the night Cade was seen by Michaels being disrespectful to a number of people in the backstage area. Michaels did not like this so he went to have a word with his former mentee but Cade was having none of it. Cade showed no respect for the man who taught him everything he knows and he even went as far as calling Michaels an 'old, washed up hasbeen'. How did Micheals take it? He simply told Cade to put on his wrestling boots and get ready to be taught a lesson.

The show now goes back to Monday's Raw where Cade has Michaels in a backbreaker position on his knee

JR: And Cade here really applying the pressure onto Micheals lower back area

King: Well after training with Michaels for over 3years, I'm sure Cade knows a whole lot of weak spots that HBK has but of course the main one is his surgically repaired back that kep him out of wrestling for 3 years.

JR: And that is what Cade is working on and you can see it in his face, he's putting in all he can into arching HBK's back in a way that no back should be arched.

Cade then picks up HBK up and connects with a fallaway slam launching HBK to the other side of the ring.

JR: Amazing strength that the young man has nearly tossing HBK out of the ring and here's the cover.



King: Not the three, HBK got his shoulder up.

HBK looks tired and is sweating as he gets to his feet. As soon as he gets up Cade scoops him up and connects with a powerful scoop slam onto the mat. Cade the goes to ascend to the turnbuckle from the inside.

King: Lance Cade has really shown what he is made of tonight. He's put HBK through more of a contest than we thought he would.

JR: He sure has and it looks like he's adding moves to his arsenal as he is on the second rope right now and...oh, he connects with a knee right to the back of Micheals. Here's the pin again.



JR: Micheals yet again showing his resilience.

King: He is JR but you gotta remember, everytime HBK has to kick out of one of those pins he is causing more and more damage to his back. I'm not sure that he can go on kicking out for much longer especially against Cade who still is relatively unscathed.

Cade lifts up Michaels by his hair and then swings him into the turnbuckle. Cade then goes to the opposite turnbuckle and runs full speed at HBK

JR: OHH! Cade connecting with a big time running splash which can only do more damage.

Cade seperates from HBK and HBK is about to fall flat on his face but Cade pushes him back into the turnbuckle. Cade then climbs the turnbuckle and begins nailing HBK with fists right to the head. The crowd boo as Cade hits Michaels with an onslaught of punches all the way to number 10. Cade then gets down and allows HBK to fall. Cade smirks and talks trash to the crowd before going yet again for the pin.



JR: Whoa! That was a split second away from being the biggest win in Lance Cade short career.

Lance Cade shouts at the referee demanding that it was three but the referee is defiant saying it was two. Cade drags Michaels by the arm and then hangs him up on the second rope. After doing this Cade proceeds to illegally choke Micheals on the ropes.

Referee: 1
JR: Cade has got to break this before the 5 count

Referee: 4
JR: And he does.

Cade turns around to the referee and begins shouting at him to back off and to let him do what he's doing without the heckling. Lance Cade then turns back around towards Michaels and then

JR: OHHHHH! Sweet Chin Music, Michaels connected.

The crowd cheer wildly as Lance Cade falls backwards from a knockout blow. Micheals goes for the cover and the crowd join in the count.

Crowd: One




Shawn Micheals music begins as the crowd cheer wildly

JR: Out of nowhere, that superkick came out of nowhere and it got Michaels the victory. What a move.

King: Well you can't take your eyes of HBK for a moment or HBK will finish the match off and I guess that's the lesson that HBK taught Lance Cade tonight.

The scene of HBK looking down, shaking his head and talking to Lance Cade is shown as Todd Grisham speak over it

Todd: HBK showing why for over a decade he has always been known as the showstopper and even with Lance Cade putting on a good performance, all it took was a second and HBK got the winn over his former mentee.

The scene changes and we now see moments from the Jericho/Orton match as Todd talks over it

Todd: Coming up next, the scene is set, this is Chris Jericho's last chance to get a title shot with Randy Orton as champion. Win and he is the number one contender. Lose and he can't face Orton for the title again. What happened? Stick around, we'll be right back.


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Todd is seen back in the studio as the theme plays in the background before fading out

Todd: Welcome to the final part of Raw Reloaded. Now, I know you are looking forward to Orton vs Jericho but I just gotta tell you that if you missed Raw this week you missed the return of Extreme Expose and boy were they hot. We haven't got enough time but we can give you a sneak peek.


The scene changes back to Todd who is biting his bottom lip.

Todd: MAN! I for one am glad extreme expose are back on Raw and that is officially Grisham's moment of the week. To see the rest, go to WWE.com and check it out. Now, it's time for the main event. Orton versus Jericho and the ending to this, well don't take your eyes off this.

Randy Orton has Jericho in a headlock and the crowd have started their gradual clapping.

JR: Orton trying to wear down Jericho with the headlock

King: But he's getting out of it here

Jericho gets to his feet and he connects with a punch to the stomach of Orton followed by an elbow and then another which finally makes Orton release his grip. Jericho then hits Orton with a few punches to the head and then a big chop. Jericho runs into the ropes and then

JR: Orton using Jericho's forward momentum and executing a perfect back body drop.

Orton walks over to Jericho slowly and methodiacally. He then begins his stomp fest. He stomps on the left leg of Jericho, then the right, then the right arm, then the head and finally the left arm as the crowd boo.

King: Orton is so methodical and pinpoint with everything he does.

The crowd begin to chant Jericho's name as Orton walks to Jericho's head. He jumps and goes to drive the knee right into Jericho's head but Y2J movesout of the way to the crowds delight.

JR: Orton missed, can Jericho capatalise?

Both men get to their feet but Jericho is the first to attack hitting a punh followed by a chop and then another chop followed by a clothesline.

JR: A good series of moves there and Jericho hooks the leg.


but Orton raises his shoulder

King: Orton was able to get his shoulder up

Jericho lifts Orton up and swings him into the ropes. Jericho goes for another clothesline but Orton ducks underneath and hooks in a sleeperhold deep.

JR: Uh oh and Orton the WWE champion has this sleeper locked in deep in the center of the ring. This is a must win match for Jericho if he wants to challenge for the WWE title against Orton.

Jericho scrambles trying to reach the ropes but to no avail and Jericho slowly but surely begins passing out.

JR: And Jericho now losing all the oxygen to his brain and it looks like it could be all over.

Jericho tries to fight it for a bit longer but it doesn't help and he finally goes limp. The referee comes in to check if Jericho can continue. The referee raises Jericho's hand up and it fall straight back down.

Referee: One!

The referee raises Jericho's hand once again and it falls back down yet again

Referee: Two!

King: He's out of it.

The referee raises Jericho's hand one more time and it falls again.

JR: But no, Jericho still has some life left in him

The crowd cheer as Jericho's hand fell, but not all the way down. Jerichoclenches his fists and shakes the wildly as the crowd cheer and he gets to his feet. Jericho is still in Orton's grasp but Jericho rearranges his feet so he is in a headlock position and the he hits a back body drop as the crowd cheer. Both men are laid out on the mat.

JR: This could be the turning point in the match for Chris Jericho, that is if they get up.

Referee: 1

JR: And they're up. Orton now going for a big clothesline...but Jericho, connecting, with, big, hard, powerful, chops to the chest

King: Orton's gonna be in pain in the morning.

Jericho goes to swing Orton into the ropes but Orton reverses and Jericho bounces of the ropes then hits a flying clothesline on Orton knocking him down as the crowd cheer and Jericho tries to pump himself up. Orton gets up quickly and is knocked back down with another flying clothesline.

JR: Jericho is gaining some momentum here against the WWE champion.

Orton gets up and Jericho hits him with a big shoulder block knocking Orton off his feet as the crowd cheer. Jercho then goes to ascend the top rope.

JR: Jericho now going to the top rope and waiting for Orton.

King: Don't turn around Orton...

JR: Bam, a dropkick right from the top rope. Jericho goes for the cover.



JR: Oh that was so close. The referee's hand was no more than a centermetre away from hitting the mat for a third time before Orton just got the kickout. What a match, what a main event.

Jericho gets up and he looks left and right at the crowd and he then outstreches his arms to which the crowd cheer

King: You know what that means, Jericho is looking for the codebreaker.

Orton is still laying on the floor and Jericho is just biding his time waiting for Orton to get up when suddenly the lights go out.

King: What?

The only light source now comes from the jumbotron where all that is written is JERICHO with all the binary numbers that was in his save us campaign

JR: What the hell?

The word 'Jericho' then begins to melt until it is fully gone and then the lights come back on. Randy Orton is still laid out on the mat.

King: What the hell was that about?

JR: I know just as much as you do and seemingly as much as Jericho does because he looks just as confused as the rest of us. Anyway he's gotta focus on the match at hand here.

Jericho walks over to Orton and now lifts him up to attempt the Codebreaker maneuvre

JR: Whoa! RKO, RKO, Orton just hit the RKO!

The crowd boo as Orton goes for the cover





The crowd boo as Randy Orton's theme blares through the arena speakers

Lillian: Here is your winner, Randy Orton!

JR: The lights going out gave Randy Orton just enough time to recover and when Jericho was still in confusion over what happened Orton connected with the RKO to win the match.

Randy Orton picks up Jericho and tosses him outside of the ring as the crowd boo him

King: That means Jericho can no longer challenge for the WWE title as long as Randy Orton holds it. Jericho is out of the title hunt.

The referee hands Orton the belt and he raises it in the air with that intense look in his eye.

JR: Hey what's this?

Suddenly a person dressed completely in black and in a mask comes into the ring behind Randy Orton who has no idea. The mystery person then taps Orton on the shoulder and Orton turns around. The mystery person puts his arm across Randy Orton's chest and he holds him by the shoulder connecting with a very familiar move.

King: What? No way.

JR: Was that - a rock bottom? It looked like that person just hit a rock bottom on Randy Orton.

The mystery person leaves the ring and jumps over the barricade before running to exit the arena. The crowd are in shock at what they have seen and the camera stays on a fallen Randy Orton. The camera now goes back to the studio in Stamford Conneticut with Todd Grisham.

Grisham is stood there with his mouth wide open. He stands there for a few seconds before finally speaking.

Todd: WOW! Just...WOW! I told you the ending was something you couldn't miss and I doubt you would have wanted to miss that. I mean first, Jericho was in effect cost any chance at the WWE championship by a melting message of the word Jericho appearing on the jumbotron. Then when you thought the madness was no more, after the match Orton was seemingly Rock bottomed by a mysterious person dressed completely in black. Could it be that The Rock is back?

Grisham takes a deep breath

Todd: What a show Raw was this past week and I know if you have any sense of a brain that you will be watching Raw next week. However if for some reason you can't, then make sure you join be back here next week on Raw Reloaded. I'm outta here, see you guys, next week.

Todd walks out of sight as the camera zooms into the background and becomes fuzzy.


Quick Results

Kofi Kingston and CM Punk vs Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjiman - World Tag Team Champions
Mickie James vs Victoria - Progresses to the final of Number 1 Contender Tournament
Lance Cade vs Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho


I will do Review for Review
- I will match the length of your review for my show




Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
liked the video's you had in there, it really made your show a bit more interesing to read.