KING OF BTB: A KING IS CROWNED - November 14, 2024

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Wolf Beast

Aug 17, 2024
Reaction score
Okay, so drunken thoughts then instead of sober ones tomorrow!

Firstly, a big thank you to Dubb for organising this whole shebang. It’s not an easy task, but not only did you do a seamless job of running this, the tweaks made in terms of the judging process and the challenges were excellent. You deserved a much bigger turnout than what you got, but of course, personal circumstances can get in the way of people being able to commit. Hopefully if you run this again next year, it’s a more significant showing.

Of course, a whole lot of credit goes to Stojy & Jam for putting themselves in the firing line to judge this thing too. It wouldn’t work if it was down to one man’s opinion, so thank you both for stepping up to the plate! Overall, I found the feedback fair - if even at times a little softer than I expected it to be!

If it wasn’t for the awesome challenge set for round 1, I probably wouldn’t have given the tournament a second thought, but that one just spiked my curiosity and got my brain swirling and ultimately couldn’t help but get involved. So again, Dubb deserves a tonne of credit for thinking outside the box (there’s a trend developing here)

Personally, I found the remainder of the tournament much tougher - and I mean that just from a life standpoint and trying to find time to write - to the point I wondered how I ever consistently churned out shows week after week for the guts of 18 years! Writing the match for the final entry took me 3 days!

On that note, another shout out to Dubb for that final challenge, as it was an absolute humdinger to try and come up with something & having messaged Man privately, I’m sure he’ll agree. A true challenge worthy of a final imo and it was bloody difficult! As it should be! In the end, coming off (what I thought) was a strong Unforgiven that finished up a lot of programs, left the door open to basically start afresh with the Cyber Sunday build, but did it in mind if what would follow in the lead up toward Mania. (Idea would’ve been McMahon & Austin vs Bischoff & Hogan at WM23 - even if politics meant it never happened).

A thank you to everyone else who participated also. While the list wasn’t as long as we’d all like it to have been, there were some terrific efforts put forward by everyone that participated - Tig may well be making a winners post if things were different off the back of his opening round entry!

Man has always been one of my favourite people to encounter on the forums over the years - under all kinds of aliases I don’t remember - but his character has always remained the same, and would’ve been a worthy winner under different circumstances. My feeling is if you had zoned in on what show you wanted to do earlier, it may have been a different outcome in the final. Congratulations to you on a magnificent effort throughout the tournament.

And to everyone else for participating- even Gipper - thanks for doing so! It’s been an absolute blast; albeit a time consuming and stressful one! As mentioned in my post in the discord yesterday, it’s been fun to dip my toe back in, and I hope the BTB community continues to thrive!