John Cena V HBK Sig:
This one looks kinda nice! There is a bit of "blending?" done to the main HBK and Cena pics, which im not too fond of. The two circles with Maina pics, and the logo below it really looks good, I like that layout. The text you used in that one seems a little odd, how it's shape always seems to jump around. I'd def. change the bg in this one, as it seems a little bland for the pic. Otherwise it looks really nice, some good work there!
Benoit Sig:
The Benoit sig is another really nice one. Not too much to comment on, but one thing Id change is the radial blur (if that's what it is), Id ensure that a small section of the sig is completely focused, for example around Benoit and OJs face, then blur the rest of it. Id also def. change the text in this one, I could barely read it first time round. Otherwise I love the simplicity and idea of this sig, nothing flash, but it still looks really cool!
Kane Sig:
This one ties (with the Orton sig) as my fave. Imo, the text you have used both work REALLY well with this sig. The upper text suits Kane, and the bottom text, though commonly used, still looks great! The main PSD looks great, and really grabs the focus of the sig. Id change the bg, as it's a little hard to tell what exactly is going on in there. Maybe make it a little more opaque, or change it to a slightly simpler pic. Otherwise, this one looks really good!
Orton Sig:
Another nice sig! I love the brush (?) you used over the left Orton pic, and the natural blending that occurs into the right Orton pic. At first, I didnt notice there was a second pic there, lol, but it looks and works very well, imo. The text is great as well, good choice of font, colour and placement. nothing really wrong with this one, if I were a bigger Orton fan, Id prolly ask you for this one
Overal some really nice work, good to see you trying lots of differnt styles with your sigs, and also a slight change in sizes. you've def. shown some improvement, and Im looking forward to your next work! Please note I used "I" alot in there, all of that was just my opinion ... its not something you should follow, or even listen to. Just me ranting on