In due time, everything will take place. Just have patience. As for the shows, I don't think a restart with two separate rosters is wise being that we are not exactly sure how many talent will exactly show up and how many will not for their matches. That is something we need to see first before anything when it comes to two rosters or one.
As for writers, I think they (the staff) has that under control, but then again, let's not allow early egos to start running wild and already trying to run the show they are in control of (not saying that anyone is as well).
On the setup for shows and matches that I suggested with the dark matches and regular matches, if that all comes together as suggested, trust me, we should not have anything short of lacking in terms of rps or excuses for not being on a card either.
And as far as the future is concerned, have fun, enjoy the ride, and let's do this.
One other thing, I would suggest that for starters, the writers keep it simple. Start out with one to two paragraph and if possible maybe three paragraph write ups and then go back and do the commentary after wards. That should help (or at least it did for me when I was writing shows and PPV's back in the day).
That is about it from me fellas and fellets so again God bless and see you soon.