Two things to address here... Firstly, it was good to see Kennedy back. His promo was pretty good, and he added some starpower to Raw. I'm glad he's on sd, but it was good to see him on Raw...
Anyways, from the promo, two things popped into my mind.
-Firstly, the dude needs to freshen up a bit. I know some people want him to turn heel, but I don't think that's needed, but he does need to come up with some less generic lines. Do you guys want him to turn heel, or stay face?
-Secondly, the dude should actually stick around while injured, without wrestling, to gain some momentum. Like when Austin was injured, but stuck around and you sorta forgot he was even injured, because he was on tv every week. With Kennedy, he could nnot do house shows, and only have to work one day a week, which could be in a non wrestling role (doing promos, hinting at a feud with edge, maybe showin gup in random spots). What do ya think of that?
Anyways, from the promo, two things popped into my mind.
-Firstly, the dude needs to freshen up a bit. I know some people want him to turn heel, but I don't think that's needed, but he does need to come up with some less generic lines. Do you guys want him to turn heel, or stay face?
-Secondly, the dude should actually stick around while injured, without wrestling, to gain some momentum. Like when Austin was injured, but stuck around and you sorta forgot he was even injured, because he was on tv every week. With Kennedy, he could nnot do house shows, and only have to work one day a week, which could be in a non wrestling role (doing promos, hinting at a feud with edge, maybe showin gup in random spots). What do ya think of that?