Kennedy returns.... But what's that mean for Raw's main feud?

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So, where are we left now in Raw's top feud? In Raw's main feud, whichstarted as Legacy vs Triple H, virtually every main eventer on Raw is involved. We have Orton as the main heel. Then, you have Triple H, who, while injured, is still the main focus of this feud, and will likely be in it again when he gets back. Then, you have Batista and Ric Flair who are defending Triple H, and also have their own beefs with Orton. Plus, you have Cena who will apparently be facing either Orton or Batista after Extreme Rules, and is slightly involved already. Plus, you have the returning Mr.Kennedy.
Now, by no means is this bad. It actually could be pretty promising. But it's hit or miss. If it becomes a huge clusterfuck, with the storlyine being lossed, it coukd turn out badly. But if booked right, it could turn out well.
So, where do you think this all leads, with 6 guys all involved in this feud?

My thoughts is that with Night Of Champions coming up following Extreme Rules, they'll have all these guys (minus Flair) be in one of those 5 man matches again for the title. I really don't know where it goes after that though.

Luke Flywalker

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I hope we get a 6-man Hell in a Cell...

Orton vs. Batista vs. Triple H vs. Kennedy vs. Cena vs. Big Show

...that match wouldn't be so bad if you consider the possibilities. Or maybe even remove Show and throw in Miz or MVP in their place. But not at Summerslam. Have it be the end of the main feud going on right now.


Oh man, I would love that. We haven't had a 6 Man HIAC for years. If done right, they're great. Even with Big Show, it wouldn't be that bad.

The Rated R CMStar

Lol, Kennedy won't be anywhere near the championship nor a feud with Orton. They just wanted him to make an impact with his return and had him interrupt Orton.

Prove of that is that he didn't even get the pin in the tag match. He's getting bumped into a feud with Matt Hardy. Mark my words.


6 pack challenge for the title at NOC.

Orton (champion...duh)

Batista (gets screwed by Priceless at ER)

HHH (returns night after Extreme Rules)

Cena (challenges Orton after defeating TBS)

MVP (loses US title to Kofi, feuds with Priceless)

Kennedy (already debuted, feuds with Priceless)

It could make quite a storyline. 5 faces gunning for the one champion in Orton, who is constantly trying to escape in a cowardly fashion, and uses Priceless to shield himself. Have Orton/HHH the main focus, then also have HHH/Batista in there gunning for title shots, and also have MVP/Kennedy feuding with the two lackeys while still in the main feud. Have the climax be Orton defying all odds to retain his title after Batista/HHH lies down for him. The turned heel gets added to Legacy and we suddenly have an epic stable.
Sep 29, 2008
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Lol, Kennedy won't be anywhere near the championship nor a feud with Orton. They just wanted him to make an impact with his return and had him interrupt Orton.
What's funny is people actually believing that Kennedy will be put in the main event feud because of one promo he cut, only a month after MVP said basically the same thing and it hasn't happened. And if anyone is going to be pushed into the main event scene, it will be MVP way before Kennedy. Kennedy needs to prove to them that he can stay healthy for an extended period of time before they think about giving him a main event push. As for what he will do, a feud with the Miz or Matt Hardy comes to mind. Maybe eventually a feud with MVP.

Luke Flywalker

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PunkBitch has a bit of an idea there; but that doesn't ring out "possible" with Triple H joining Legacy to work under Orton. They did that storyline on one of the Smackdown vs. Raw games, where Orton went back to working with Triple H, only for Triple H's love for the belt to get in the way and screw Orton over.

But the way I see it, Triple H interferes with Cena's declaration of #1 Contender, then Batista comes out and talks of how he was screwed out of it. Kennedy comes out and talks some shit. MVP gets thrown on randomly.

Kennedy doesn't have to walk away with a championship just to be a part of a championship storyline. You fuckers on here piss me off with that bullshit. Always acting like just because we want to see a guy in the main event means we NEED to see a strap thrown on his shoulder. It's called mixing it up for the fans, give us something fresh, test the waters. You mean to tell me Kofi got billed into the Elimination Chamber (even though they took him out completely) but Kennedy can't get thrown into a championship storyline? Kendrick got thrown into the championship scramble, but Kennedy can't be thrown in to test his worth with a loss or two in a PPV Main Event?


Bottom line as Mike said the main event is far too much of a clusterfuck for anyone but the usual guys to make their way to the title. Sure they may be thrown into some matches to spice it up a bit, but any more than that I can't see happening.

Luke Flywalker

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Bottom line as Mike said the main event is far too much of a clusterfuck for anyone but the usual guys to make their way to the title. Sure they may be thrown into some matches to spice it up a bit, but any more than that I can't see happening.

Yes, but you can still throw 'em in to spice it up, can't you? Add a Kennedy or MVP so they get some experience, albeit on the losing end of that experience, but experience nonetheless. It's worth a shot. And with so many guys, you let the brawl go to the outside of the ring, and have random battles inside the ring to see how certain guys work together and if there's potential for a feud down the line.

Nobody in the current ME scene fails at promos (other than Cena's wannabe Rock and Superman acts, but that's strictly opinion). So you know these guys can cut promos back and forth with any of the others. Then you display their in-ring ability. Have some fresh Main Events instead of the same old Orton/Triple H, Orton/Batista, Batista/Cena, Cena/Triple H, Cena/Orton or any variant of triple threats. Throw in MVP and Kennedy, even Miz, and you can end up with a ton of incredible opportunities. You dont have to pass the belt every PPV, or every other PPV. Give someone some wins over all these guys to establish their run as champion, but I see a lot of potentially good feuds.


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It makes it less boring, peroid. As long as he can stay healthy that is.

The Rated R CMStar

Nobody is saying Kennedy shouldn't get a main event feud, but all of this is just jumping to conclusions. Come on, we are seriously talking about Kennedy, who was midcarding before his injury, getting title matches just because he got to interrupt Randy Orton? Kenny Dykstra interrupted Triple H week after week last year, and that didn't exactly lead to him main eventing didnt it.


What's funny is people actually believing that Kennedy will be put in the main event feud because of one promo he cut, only a month after MVP said basically the same thing and it hasn't happened. And if anyone is going to be pushed into the main event scene, it will be MVP way before Kennedy. Kennedy needs to prove to them that he can stay healthy for an extended period of time before they think about giving him a main event push. As for what he will do, a feud with the Miz or Matt Hardy comes to mind. Maybe eventually a feud with MVP.

Just a hunch, but if Priceless cost MVP the title next week, he and Kennedy could team up and fued with them, with Kennedy eventually turning on MVP... A fued between those two could well be a decent way to catapult one of them (I'm guessing MVP for the same reasons as NBT) to the ME.

The Rated R CMStar

Technically, that would be a feud between MVP/ Kennedy vs Priceless, hardly a championship feud, less a feud with Orton or Kennedy getting too involved with Batista and HHH, as the thread proposes.


Technically, that would be a feud between MVP/ Kennedy vs Priceless

Yes, that IS what I suggested....

hardly a championship feud

Where does the championship come into what I said?

less a feud with Orton or Kennedy getting too involved with Batista and HHH, as the thread proposes.

Sorry, I lost you altogether now.

My idea was to get Priceless into their own fued (They can still do the run ins for Orton etc. Just like Orton had his own fueds during Evo') and in turn let the eventual clash between MVP & Kennedy serve as a springboard into the ME for one of them.