
Before I get started, does anyone have any idea when this guy is due back in an in ring role? If anyone knows, please say...
But to the point... Is there even any hope for this guy anymore? I remember when the internet was buzzing like crazy about this guy, and how he could be the future, and carry a brand. Did he have a few problems? Sure, but he had sooo much potential. But injuries and inconsistency has been a huge problem for him, and now, at 33 years old, he's not exacly a "young, budding star" anymore. Plus, with MVP in the lines for a push as a face by the looks of it, when Kennedy returns, the role of new face main eventer will already be taken. Especially if MVP wins MITB.
So is there any hope left of this guy being a main eventer, or will he be the biggest "could've been" in recent memory?
But to the point... Is there even any hope for this guy anymore? I remember when the internet was buzzing like crazy about this guy, and how he could be the future, and carry a brand. Did he have a few problems? Sure, but he had sooo much potential. But injuries and inconsistency has been a huge problem for him, and now, at 33 years old, he's not exacly a "young, budding star" anymore. Plus, with MVP in the lines for a push as a face by the looks of it, when Kennedy returns, the role of new face main eventer will already be taken. Especially if MVP wins MITB.
So is there any hope left of this guy being a main eventer, or will he be the biggest "could've been" in recent memory?