KenFan's Ghetto Hood Wrestling(GHW)!!!!!

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OMG, this will be fantastic... Nobody could have imagined this in even their wildest dreams.. :shock:


Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
LMAO the backstory was funny! This BTB looks good, and also i liked the preview. I also like how you use smiles alot. Good Luck!


LOL this looks great man, I cant wait to read your first show! Ghetto Hood Wrestling FTW!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
LOL. This is going to be winning the most creative BTB award. lol...I'm looking forward to this. It should be a very entertaining read if the backstory is a sign of things to come.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Voice Over Guy: "There have been wars and rape and corruption and Evil White-Boy Cops...but most of all....There have been G-Strings!!!.....These are what have been provided by tha annual HOod Highlights of LA...but now...With Several Brave Warriors willing to stand up to tha Strings of GEED...tha world shall experiance our Power of Anti Pussy machines...welcome to the World oF GRAND THEFT AUTO FIVE!!!!!!"

*^ Commercial before the show starts*


Thursday Night Brass Knuckle Pride:The Show suddenly starts with the arena lights mainly focused on a Mysterious Figure standing in the middle of the ring....with his head down, while wearing a dark hoodie and some black jacket and such so as to cover up his identity.......Several Seconds later the crowd begins to get aggitated and somewhat annoyed and such....Feverishly wanting to know who the man standing in the ring is....soon the Mystery Man Grabs a Microphone from within his pocket....he unties his jacket vest- and reveals to the live crowd and the audience watching at home a Big "CLOCK"-bling hanging around his neck....soon he lifts his head up and throws the hood back so as to Reveal himself....he shouts into the Microphone..."FLAVOR FLAV!!!!!!!!" as the Crowd about shit themselves.....

Dave Morrison(playbyplay commentator): "No way in hell!........Flavor Flav is here in Ghetto Hood Wrestling....."

William West(color commentator):

"Yeah....he's from tha its like not really a shock....well unless youz a bitch? you a BItch?"

Dave Morrison:"Hell No....I'm just asking what the hell is Flavor Flav doing here in our Wrestling Organization!?!"

The Show's Intro Video Highlight Begins To Play (with Ludacris's "Act a Fool" as the theme song):

Dave Morrison:"Ladies and Gentlemen....I have just recieved word from several sources within my headset that; Yes its true....Flavor Flav has been Appointed the Positition of Commissioner of Ghetto Hood Wrestling.....*Shakes Head* "

William West:" Thats what I'm talking about....a Brotha Representing tha Hood up in here....ya know thats unheard of elsewhere....but here we'z some Real Homiez....Ya Heard?!"

Dave Morrison continues to shake his head, while William West gets upbeat and proud of the New Debuting Celebrity Commissioner...Flavor Flav Begins to Speak into the Mic....

Flavor Flav:"Yo-yo-yo...this what its all about!!!...tha hood man...word!....but you peoplez is some stupid man.....I've Fucked Big Bitches Smarter then you Smucks of Urinal Cakes....*Crowd Begins to Boo*......and ya know what!?!....I'm gonna clean this mess ya call a Hood up....why?!...cause I AM FLAVOR FLAV!!!!!!!"

William West:"wow...nevermind...I thought He'd be cool and stuff...ya he is on that VH1 show Flavor of Love...but instead....well....uhh?...he's kind've a True-Turd....if you know what I mean."

Dave Morrison:"...well this has been an odd but somewhat electric start to the very First Show of Brass Knuckle Pride....and the first ever television showing of GHetto Hood fact this is the very first showing in the company's history.......So Welcome to the show people....we've got an Exhibition Match Up between a possible number one contender in Kurt Angle; an Olympic Gold Medalist...and the Reigning GHW Brand Champion Shelton Benjamin...a young Competitor with a very impressive atheletic background....He was appointed the first Ever GHW Brand Champion by the Board of Directors who in all aspects deserve some legit credit cause of the fact that Shelton may be one of the most innovative athletes on the current roster...."

William West:"Well lets see what the kids got....My Moneys on Shelton!"

Kurt Angle's Theme Song Begins to Play as he makes his way into the ring....soon Shelton's Entrance Music begins to play as he then enters the ring

1st Match: Kurt Angle vs Shelton Benjamin : exhibition match: Kurt Angle begins to circle around the ring a bit and stretch so as to basically get warmed up ....Shelton hands the ref his Title Belt and begins to get ready for his oppenent....The Ref Checks both men to make sure no one attempts to bring in illegal weopans and such....both are clean...Ref Signals for the bell and its on!

Kurt Angle Snaggles onto Shelton's Waist right away and attempts a German, but Shelton Manages to counter with several elbows to Kurt's Jaw....Shelton then turns around and begins hitting several european uppercuts onto Kurt's hurt Jaw....Kurt Manages to catch one of Shelton's arms(the left one) and locks in a wrist lock....Shelton Flips over and pops up and trips Angle's Left Leg and lays on top of Kurt for a cover....1!..but Kurt Kicks out before a two count....Shelton tries to lock in a sleeper hold but Kurt catches his left arm slides 'round Shelton so as to put him in a Hammerlock...Shelton Grabs the Ropes....Ref Breaks it up....Both men begin to get to their feet while they lock eyes for a bit of a stare down....Shelton and Kurt Begin to circle around each other in the ring....Kurt begins trash talking Shelton...Shelton Stiffly Slaps the taste out of Kurt's mouth; Kurt Gets Pissed Off and does a double-leg takedown on Shelton and begins to pound away with closed fists onto Shelton's face...the ref takes Kurt off of Shelton....but in-doing so Shelton Managed to sneak in a cheap shot and managed to kick Kurt's Jaw...Shelton kips up and charges Angle but gets caught in a Belly To Belly Suplex....Kurt Gets up quickly and picks shelton up from the canvas and hits a wicked German Suplex into the Turnbuckles......

William West:"Shelton's back is definatley hurting....that was a Viciously Mean Move by Angle...He should be suspended for that!"
Dave Morrison:"How about that cheap shot onto Angle's Jaw by Shelton?"

Angle locks in a front face lock on the downed Shelton Benjamin.....Shelton's Right leg reaches and manages to lay on top of the bottom rope....the ref makes Kurt Break the hold.....Kurt gets up and shouts some trash talk towards Shelton...Shelton manages to get up; only to get clocked by a shoulder-block by Angle....Angle begins to stomp on Shelton, before going for a rear naked choke hold.....
Shelton manages to grab the bottom ropes for survival yet again....Kurt Gets somewhat annoyed...and waits for Shelton to make his way up from the canvas....As soon as Shelton Gets to his feet, he is hit hard by a clothesline from Angle.......Kurt grabs after Shelton's Leg so as to attempt to lock in the ankle lock....Shelton kicks away from Angle and gets to his feet fast with only to get double-underhooked suplex'd by Kurt....Kurt goes for the pin only to get a two count....Kurt is somewhat furious.....Shelton gets to his feet and ducks a Fast-clothesline attempt from Angle... Kurt quickly turns around only to get hit with a devastating Enziguri kick from Shelton Benjamin......

*Commercial Break*

Dave Morrison:"Welcome Back!"

The Action picks up with Shelton putting Angle in a camuel clutch......Angle Suffers for about 20 seconds writhing in pain cause of his hurt jaw....but Kurt Manages to slide his arms onto Shelton's lower-legs so as to trip him....Shelton Lands face first into the canvas....Kurt gets up with his right hand favoring his hurt jaw....He soon quickly attempts to block out the pain so he can go in for an ankle lock onto Shelton Benjamin.....

Kurt Locks in the Angle-Lock....Shelton Screams in pain....but he doesn't tap....he reaches, and reaches for the ropes.....and with his pure finger tips he manages to grab the bottom rope....Kurt Keeps the Hold locked in...the ref begins counting: "ONE!...Two!...Three!...FOUR!!!...."
Kurt lets go of the leg....and begins to complain abit to the ref....
shelton soon gets up and rushes up near Angle and hits a T-Bone Suplex from outta nowhere while Angle was off attempt gets a two count...Shelton is now complaining to the ref, with his back turned from Kurt ,thus giving Angle the oppertunity to attempt a school boy roll up on Shelton....."ONE!...TWO!...Th"
NOpe...Shelton Kicks out.....Kurts still got shelton rolled up ,so Shelton Quickly Locks Kurt Angle in a Triangle Choke Hold.........Kurt tries escaping and such...he begins bleeding from his mouth, so he spits out his mouthgard...and searches for a way to counter....Shelton Puts more pressure on the hold....Kurt seems like he's about to tap out.......he nearly passes out from the pain...But Kurt Finds some second wind and digs deep down inside and rushes upward so as to put Shelton's Shoulders on the mat....
Ref: "One!...TWO!...THREEE!!!"

Shelton Quickly Releases the hold....Kurt then finally passes out from the pain from being locked in the submission move for such a lengthy amount of time...Shelton gets up in the ref's face and begins to complain about having the match won...the ref is having none of it and declares that Angle is the winner....Shelton disagrees and hits a T-Bone Suplex onto the Ref...he then grabs his Title and spits on The Ref and Kurt Angle....

Dave Morrison:"And The Winner of the Match!!!....KURT ANGLE!!!!"

William West:"Pffttt!!! the winner is all of a sudden the guy that passed out from the pain?.....whatever....*gets all mad and such*....thats like...totally a mistake on the ref's behalf....Angle Passed out a long time ago when locked in that Hold...and he just kind've lay'ed ontop of Shelton....and Shelton Didn't know his shoulders were down on the canvas....otherwise he would've leaned over so one of his shoulders would be up off the mat....but we all know who the real winner is.....hell Shelton knows it and the world knows that Shelton is the True winner here!"

Dave Morrison:"Angles the one thats gonna get his hands raised for his effort here tonight though, he managed to get the clean pin on his oppenent and thus he probably earned Number One Contender's status for Shelton's Title, after Kurt's Win here tonight."

*commercial break:probably a bowflex advertisement and such...

Backstage Segment: Scene Opens up after commercial break...with the camera focused on Finlay as he makes his way down a hall way....He marches straight into the Commissioner's Office(Flavor Flav's Office). He shoves open the door and see's That Flav is taken by suprise by Finlay's Apperance in his office.....Flav Quickly gets up outta his Leather Chair and zips his pants up...several chicks come out from under his desk....Flav waves good bye to them as they exit the room.....
Finlay says in a questioning way: "Why Don't I have a match tonight?!"
Flav sniffs a line of white powder on his desk before slowly repling: "Cause I don't even know who youz is brotha...."
Finlay takes sharp exception to Flavor Flav's Words and begins Trashing up Flav's plasma tv with his shalleigh....
Flav begins panicking...."HOly Christ!??!...what are you doingz Manz?!?"
Finlay goes nose to nose with Flav..."Can I have a Match tonight or should I shove that ridiculously big Clock down your THROAT!!!"
Flavor Flav: "Alright my man youz wants a match tonight?!...*Flav puts some Shades(sunglasses) on*.....well then you've gotz a match see ya up next!.....
Finlay smiles a bit and walks off and shouts out "FLAVOR FINLAYYYY!!!!!!"
While Flavor Flav stands around with a look of disbelief on his face as he accesses the damage caused by Finlay...

A Video Commerical Advertisment airs for May's Pay-Per-View "Glory of Gladiators":

Dave Morrison:"Well I'm Guessing Finlay was quick to push the buttons of our Commissioner Flavor Flav...and to be honest...I don't blame him for giving Flav a proper introduction to the wrestling perhaps Flav can hold his head together enough for him to properly run this show....your thoughts West?"

William West:"Huhh?!....yea..whatever cool I don't know....hey...did you see the Knockers on one of them HO's Flav was with?!?!....just a complete DAMN!!!....they were about the size of Basketballs....woo! thats what I'm Talking About!"

Finlay's Entrance Music hits the he soon makes his way to the ring.

Dave Morrison:"Well I'm guessing Finlay's match is taking place right now....."

William West:"Its Cause Flav is quick to act...unlike Finlay...Flav doesn't need to lose his cool to get the job done..."

Dave Morrison:"We still have no clue who Finlay's Oppenent may could in fact be a unfair match up considering that Finlay might be on Flavor Flav's Punishment list..."

Finlay is standing in the ring getting ready to take on whoever is about to make their entrance......soon MVP's Music Kicks in the Speakers and The Highest Paid Athlete on the Roster begins to make his way to the ring...

2nd Match: Finlay vs MVP: Singles Match:
Finlay isn't waiting to he goes to the outside and charges at MVP...The Two Begin to Brawl on the outside.......Finlay shoves MVP's back into a gaurd rail and He begins to Chop the Chest of MVP....and throws some stiff punches and some kicks onto Montel....but MVP attempts to fight back againest Finlay with some punches and kicks.....MVP hits a snap ddt on the ringside area....this gives MVP some time so he could enter the ring and wait for Finlay....
Finlay soon gets to his feet and enters the ring....the Ref Signals for the bell and its on....
Finlay challenges MVP to a greco-roman Knuckle Lock...MVP seems like he's gonna go along with it, only to trick Finlay into letting his gaurd down, so he can Kick Finlay in the midsection...MVP begins Clubbing away at Finlay....Finlay Begins to Fight Back....both men Lock up near a corner of the ring and begin to try to choke each other out...the ref attempts to break it up....but neither man is willing give in...the Ref Says He'll Disqualify the both of them if they refuse to back off each other....Finlay soon raises his hands up and backs away a bit , MVP Goes for a Running Big Boot only for Finlay to Duck and catch MVP off gaurd with a Vicious Chop-Block onto his Left Leg....Finlay begins to perform a Step-Over-Toe-Hold on MVP's Left Leg....MVP bites down on his lips while in pain.....
Finlay turns MVP over and locks in a one-leg-boston crab....MVP begins to scream a bit....
He might tap...

Dave Morrison:"M-V-P may in fact tap here!!!"
William West:"HEY!!!...Look up near the entrance way!...I think its FLa..."

Flavor Flav Runs into the ring and Hits FINLAY in the back off the head with a "PIMP CANE", resulting in Finlay winning by DQ.....

.....The Cane shot knocks Finlay down to his knees...Flavor Flav hits him again with the Cane...Finlay falls down...but he begins to crawl to a corner so he could get his shalleigh....Only For MVP to grab him by the feet and drag him to the center of the ring....MVP Begins stomping on Finlay while Flavor Flav continues "Cane'ing" a downed Finlay....
the two continue the post match beat down

it takes several officials and bodygaurds and security gaurds and other people to make MVP & Flavor Flav leave the ring so as to stop the beating....Finlay begins getting up and spitting up blood and such....

*Commerical Break 3!!!....a advertisement for RAMBO 7 is aired during this commercial break*

Dave Morrison:"We're Back From Commerical break, but before it we've seen the assault and punishment of Finlay..and during the break we've seen him get up by his own accord and walk to the backstage area.....and right now, we've got Chris Jericho's HIGHLIGHT REEL!!...Featuring Special Guest Mr.Kennedy."
William West:"...KENNEDY!!!!"

Segment 2: Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel with Guest Mr.Kennedy:

Jericho:"Ladies and Gentlemen....WELCOME TO THEEEE HIGHHHHHLIGHT REELLLLL!!!!!! We've got several very important topics such as dr.phil's completely shocking sex change...Operah's weigh-in...and by tha way, we've got a complete Assclown for a special guest apperance for tonight's HighLight Reel...featuring Me of course...aswell as....Misttttaaaaaa!!!! Asspimples!!!!....

Kennedy's music hits the speakers as he makes his way to the ring

Jericho: "waits for it!....Here it Comes Folks!!!........Pimples!"

Kennedy stands in front of Y2J and shows off a grin'ish-smirk towards Jericho's comments....Kennedy reaches for his microphone...

Jericho:"Ohh no...not the mic-of doom...."

Kennedy:"I HAIL....From ...."

*Jericho Interrupts Ken's Intro*

Jericho:".....From Gay-Bash, Wuss-consin...."

Kennedy...gets somewhat annoyed....and begins to attempt his intro again....

Kennedy:"I HAIL...FROM GREEN BAY....WISCONSINNNNN!!!!!!..... I weigh in at 246 pounds of...."
*Jericho Interrupts again*
Jericho:"Pounds...of ASS!"
Kennedy stares at jericho and begins to get seriously somewhat pissed..

Kennedy:"YA mind letting me do my own thang, while you stand over there looking for beach boyz to bang.....thank you....
I HAIL FROM GREEN BAY WISCONSIN!!!!...I Weigh in at Two-Hundred and Forty-Six Pounds........I AM MISSTTTERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!....KENNNNNEDDDDDDYYYY!!!!!!!!.....KE-whoa!"(Jericho Punches Kennedy in the jaw)

*Jericho and Kennedy begin to get in a held apart brawl*

William West:"Whoa...this is Getting out Of Control around here!!!....SECURITY!!!!!"

Y2J and Kennedy continue to attempt to brawl with each other.....

Dave Morrison:"Well I don't think Kennedy pushed Jericho's Buttons, but Apperantly Y2J has something againest he pushed most of Kennedy's Buttons and then Cheap shotted him.....sounds a little underhanded to me,to be honest...."

William West:"Well I've heard some stories bout some high tension between these two superstars in the backstage area....and guessing from seeing them fighting each other out in public like that, I think we've got an explosion that may in fact only be resolved in the ring someday..."

Dave Morrison:"That May in Fact be the smartest thing you've said thus far....Keep it up.....anyways...folks we've got a Tag Team Championship match coming up next...stay tuned and such."

*Commerical Break 4; probably for that SixDollar-FootLong from Subway....*

Match 3: The Miz(c.) and John Morrison(c.) vs Brain Kenderick and Paul London: GHW Tag Team Championship match:

Both Teams are already in the ring by time the commercial break ends.....

The Bell rings and The Miz and Paul London start off the action......

Miz charges for a clothesline only for Paul to duck it and Comeback with a Dropkick....London rushes up right away and runs in for a shining wizard only for the Miz to back out and bail outside of the ring.....The Ref goes near that side of the ring so as to begin a count-out.....with the ref's back turned...John Morrison sneaks in to cheap shot Paul London by Hitting a Low-Blow and following it up with a Neck breaker.....The Ref turns his back so as to check on London.....
Brian Kenderick from the ring apron charges off and hits a senton Flip onto The Miz....

John Morrison Rushes over to that part of the ringside area and locks into a brawl with Brian Kenderick.....The Miz manages to get back into the ring....only to get to hit with a Flying Elbow from London....Miz Quickly gets up and gets hit by a flying Forearm from London....London then puts The Miz in a headlock takedown....He Sqeezes tightly....Miz manages to somewhat power up and drop back so as to hit London with a Back-Suplex...but London's still got the headlock on Miz....Miz somewhat begins to panic...John Morrison Rushes into the ring and Kicks London in the back of the head...the ref tells John to get out of the ring...
Miz begins to get to his feet only for London to do a inverted Atomic Drop onto Miz...London Begins hitting some elbows on the Miz...then whips him into the corner near Brian...
London Makes the Tag To Brian....The both hit a double-Dropkick on The Miz...Brian Goes for the pin....pinfall attempt only gets a two-count....
Brian Gets up and locks in a chinlock onto Miz...
Miz begins to get Brian uses Miz's momentum so as to run up the turnbuckles so as to a Sliced-Bread on Miz.....
*Morrison rushes in and kicks Kenderick so as to save MIz*

Brian Kenderick bumps up chest to chest with Morrison....Morrison Shoves Brian back....and immediatley bails to the ringside....MIz takes advantage of Brian being distracted so He could run up and get Kenderick in a School Boy Roll-Up....Miz Pulls the Tights!
ref doesn't see it

(Winners are: Miz and Morrison)

Miz rolls out of the ring right away and begins making his way up the entrance way, as John Morrison catches up with him and hands him his half of the Tag Championships....
London and Kenderick looked angry.....

Dave Morrison:"Talk about having the match won and being screwed out of it!!!"
William West:"London And Kenderick have the same problem as me...They Let a Morrison Play head games with them and they got caught off gaurd and came off of it looking like idiots for losing a title match they were in control of...."
Dave Morrison:"Well I'd give Paul and Brian More credit...They were owning the Tag Champs til Brian had just about enough of John Morrison's interruptions....and that may have cost the Challengers the Match...."

Backstage Segment 3:part 1: Triple H is in his lockerroom, taping up his knuckles and pulling his knee pads up seemingly getting ready for a match......He Grabs his sledgehammer.....

Dave Morrison:"We've been told that the game has seen several interviews in which Samoa Joe personnally dissed him...and it looks like the Game is having none of it......and we've heard of several intense incidents between these two before they were signed up to our roster."

William West:"No Doubt...the Game is Ticked-Off and is ready for a battle..."

Backstage Segment 3: Part 2Scene Goes to Samoa Joe's lockerroom where he's seen wrapping up his wrists and getting ready for a showdown.....

Dave Morrison:"Well it looks like Joe is ready to back up his words...."

William West:"What Do you think'll happen?!...Is this gonna be the start of a war?!!?"

*Commercial break*

Back From Commercial Break....Triple H is standing in the middle of the ring with a SledgeHammer in his left hand and a mic in his right hand....

Triple H looks completly angry and is demanding that Joe come out to the Ring right at this moment....

Soon Joe comes in from the entrance way.....

He Goes up face-to-face with Triple H

Triple H wants him in a match....Joe is about to accept...but Triple H demands that Joe's Title would have to be on the line.....Joe Thinks about it a bit....
Triple H brings in a Championship match contract :vertag: and wants joe to sign it on the spot....
Joe looks at the audience....They All want him to sign it....
So he grabs the pen....and signs it ,he then turns around and nails Triple H in the head with a Hard Right Hand....and begins to lay a beating on the Game.....Triple H begins to brawl back and they both fight out to the ringside area....soon they're in the audience and are like tearing each other apart and such.....a bunch of security gaurds attempt to end the brawl

William West:"Gawdamn this place is Violent!!!"

Dave Morrison:"This may in fact be the first shot fired in what may what could be an absolute war!!!"

The Brawl kind've continues but soon dies down a bit as both men are escorted out of the arena......

Dave Morrison: "Well that was very heated and intense....but coming up next is a Three-Way Elimination Match up Between three top stars fighting to become the Official Number One Contender to John Cena's GHW World Championship.....This Battle will be between John Bradshaw Layfield, UMAGA, and BATISTA!!!!"

William West:"This'll be a very intense match up as all three men....want to tear the Champ Apart...piece-by-piece...but first they'll have to tear each other apart in a one night battle to be crowned Number-One Contender."

Dave Morrison:"Well considering the Brawler, Monster, and The Animal are about to collide in what may be the dam'dest triple threat match up ever...."

Match 4: Triple-Threat-No DQ-Elimination Match: Batista vs JBL vs Umaga: Winner Becomes Number One Contender for a Shot at John Cena's Championship:

JBL's in his limo as he makes his way to the ring....but then BATISTA's music interrupts JBL's entrance.....JBL quickly exits his limo and soon realizes that The Animal is charging directly at him...
The Two Begin To Brawl...with Batista getting the upper hand cause of suprise and such....
He Shoves JBL's Head through the Limo's passenger side glass....
Batista starts pummeling the hell out of JBL .....
JBL is busted open and is bleeding all over his own limo....
UMAGA then enters the match....Batista and JBL are still by the limo brawling....Umaga runs off the entrance stage and peforms a Splash onto both Batista And JBL....taking both down, along with himself in the process...
Umaga is the first one up to his feet, he Grabs Batista's head and begins biting down on his forehead...and punching away and such....basically punishing Batista....

JBL soon begins crawling away from the action....Umaga is punishing Batista and such...he hits Batista with a Kick to the head....batista is backed up againest the side of the entrance stage....Umaga Screams and charges butt-first into Batista's head and they both crash through the side of the stage and get cut up by the glass and steel and such...

*Commercial Break*

The match is still going on....
JBL is at ringside and he grabs several chairs and trash cans and begins stockpilling on weopans and such...he waits in the ring, waiting for whoever dares to enter the sqaured circle againest him.....

Umaga exits out of the hole in the side of the stage....he spots JBL standing in the middle of the ring....UMAGA lets out a ROAR and begins a very-intimadating march towards the ring....JBL grabs a Trash Can Lid and gets ready to defend himself againest the Beast known as Umaga.....
Umaga runs in the ring and gets clocked with the Trash Can Lid...He doesn't go down...JBL begins kicking and punching UMAGA...and starts using Steel Chairs on UMAGA...he still can't put him down.......JBL backs off and charges at UMAGA and attempts a Clothesline from HEll but Umaga Ducks and Catches JBL with a Vicious Samoan Spike....

"ONE!...TWO!...(JBL kicks out kind've)"

Umaga sets JBL up againest the bottom turnbuckle...and charges in with the Butt launcher move...basically crushing JBL's head.....

Batista begins to make his way to the ring...He Enters in the ring only to get kicked hard by UMAGA.....

Umaga begins destorying everything...JBL slides out of the ring through the bottom rope....
Batista blocks a Samoan Spike Attempt from UMAGA...and manages to hit a SpineBuster....But Umaga begins to get up already.....JBL re-enters the ring with a Chair...Batista grabs a Chair aswell...and both swing at Umaga's head at the same time resulting in UMAGA getting Con-Chair-toe'd.....
But Umaga is still standing on his feet...albeit a bit dazed and almost completely out of it....JBL rushes back a bit so as to get some momentum behind a Clothesline from Hell....Umaga finally falls down....
JBL kind've celebrates only to get speared by BATISTA....

BATISTA lays JBL ontop of Umaga....

Batista sets JBL up for a Batista-Bomb...but JBL hits batista with a low-blow....Batista falls over...JBL lays on the canvas bleeding all over himself....He manages to pull himself together so as to lay on top of batista for a pin-attempt....

"ONE!..TWO!...TH(Batista kicks out)!"

JBL uses the ring ropes for leverage so as to get up to his feet...he sees batista starting to get up...JBL stands and waits for Batista to get up...He's Preparing for a Clothesline from Hell.....

Batista is Up...JBL CHARGES...but Gets Back-Dropped into the Turnbuckles......with a rough landing....

William West:"No Doubt JBL's Back is busted from that was a sick-landing..."

Batista Sets JBL up for a Batista BOmb

Dave Morrison:"Uh-OH!!! it comes!!!...THE BATISTA BOMB!!!!!"

BATISTA Lifts JBL up in the air....and SLAMS him STraight Down to the Ring Canvas!!!!!

Ref: "ONE!!! TWO!!!.....THREEE!!!!"

Dave Morrison:"What a WAR!!...and now we know who the NUMBER ONE CONTENDER TO CENA's CHAMPIONSHIP IS!!!...IT is The Animal!!!!"

William West:"...BATISTA!!!"

*Cena Enters the ring and sneaks in behind BAtista and Hits THE "F-U!"*

Dave Morrison:"WHoa...wait!!!...WHATS THIS!?!?!"

William West:"The Champ is sending a message and getting a clear advantage over his Number-One Contender....a smart move by Cena."

Dave Morrison:"Thats a Clear Cheap Shot...."

William West:"It Doesn't Matter....cause The Message has been sent by the Champ...anyone who wants some....then come get some!"

*Camera views up On CENA holding his Championship over his head while standing over a downed Animal(Batista) the screen fades to black and such meaning this episode is like...over or week and such....word! :sq_yellow_goodmood: *

*Ps: if this sucked..then like..yeah...i don't know what i'm doing either*

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
This was awesome, lol. Flavor Flav owns! I'll edit it and give a full review soon, lol.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Kurt Angle vs. Shelton Benjamin- Great opener

Worst Match: Miz/Morrison vs. London/Kendrick- Not a bad match but the worst on the show.

Best Interview/Segment: Finlay/Flavor Flave Backstage Segment

Worst Interview/Segment: N/A- All were highly entertaining!

Additional Feedback/Comments: I have to say that I didn't know what to expect with this but it really surprised me. The matches were written very well and the promos were entertaining as well. I think the only thing you have to do is add a bit of color to seperate the matches from the promos and make it not only easier to read but more attractive. Batista vs. Cena should be a pretty good feud and a Flavor Flav/Finlay rivalry can be very entertaining especially if Hornswoggle gets involved. lol...Again, this show was great. Keep it up, man.

Evil Austin

that was actually a good show man, this is turning out good, well if you like check out one of my shows.. Thanks


BM: The opener between Shelton and Angle, this really surprised me, I thought it would be an alright match but is Awesome! great match.

WM: Well tbh, None. they were all pretty good.

BP: I really can't decide, they were all great, good lengths and everything.

WP: None, they were all enjoyable.

AF: WOW!!! Kenfan = awesome. that was a great show for a first try, keep it up and ill keep reading...check out TNE if you like

Kenfan voice: WORD!


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
So Like...

Preview For Next Week's Show:

Possible Rematch between Shelton Benjamin and Kurt Angle?

What Will Commissioner Flavor Flav's possible game plan be againest a aggressively angered Finlay?

The GHW World Champion John Cena caught newly crowned Number One Contender Batista Off Gaurd after a battle at the end of Last Week's episode...what will Batista's retaliation be to the sneak attack?

Samoa Joe/Triple H's confrontation last week nearly took out and almost destroyed the entire arena...what will transpire when these two look eye-to-eye this week?

Another Tag Team challenge current GHW Tag Champions The Miz & John Morrison in a non-title match so as to battle for the right to be named number one contenders to the titles.

Confirmed Matches:

After coming up short in a triple-threat number-one-contender's match; JBL and former foe UMAGA must now team up so as to battle The Brothers of Destruction in a Tornado-Tag-Team Match as ordered by the GHW Board of Directors

Randy Orton and Edge: Team Rated-RKO reunite so as to take on the team of CM Punk and Christian Cage in a exhibition tag match

and much more to come this week and such:woot_jump:


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Thursday Night Brass Knuckle Pride: The Show opens up with Batista walking in around backstage....
he bumps into eric young and chucks him aside...
He's Focused and Intense as He seems poised to Tear anyone's head off, that goes near him...

William West: "He's seems pretty pissed..."
Dave Morrison: "...and with good reason, after the sneak attack at the end of last week's episode, its no suprise that Batista isn't pleased with Cena's Actions..."

Batista walks into Commissioner Flavor Flav's Office....

The Show's Intro-Video-Highlight Begins to Play("x gun give it to you" by DMX):

The Cameras pan-over the sell out crowd before focusing on the commentators....

Dave Morrison:"It seems that the Frustrated Animal Batista is going over his issues with Flav....could they be going over his contract deal?"

William West: "Nah!...He just wants to get his hands on John Cena...and after that wussie-sneak attack last week, I don't Blame Batista for being upset...afterall, He battled past the Samoan Warrior, The Bulldozer Umaga and The Brawling Billionare JBL in a Intense Triple Threat Match to earn number one contender's status...Cenas a chump for attacking him from behind last week...ya-heard?"

Dave Morrison: "Sure..some could make an arguement about Cena's tactics...but all in all, can you blame him?...I mean he's dealing with a six-foot-five, two-hundred and eighty pound Beast....Thee-Animal!!! can you really-blame Cena for attempting to weaken up his oppenent before the big match at the upcoming pay-per-view..."

William West: "Hmmm?...let me think that through....FUCK-YES!..I think I can Blame Him!....Cena cheap-shotted Batista last week...plain and simple!...and he should be ashamed of himself!"

Rated-RKO's music hits over the loud speakers as they begin to make their entrance down the ramp and into the ring

Dave Morrison:"Per Commissioner Flavor-Flav's orders; Rated-RKO are now repackaged Together again so as to wreak havoc upon the rest of the roster in hopes of spicing up the product and raising the ratings......Now I gotta disagree with Flav's idea of pairing up two-noteworthy trouble makers for the sake of just doesn't seem Right! DAmmit!!!!"

William West: "ugh!...nothings right with the world now is it?!...but for the pure enjoyment value , you may as well learn how to deal with these two and have fun and such...ya-know..."

CM Punk's Theme Song Begans Playing over the loud speakers, as Christian Cage and himself make their entrance to the ring

Dave Morrison: "Edge and Christian...on Opposite TEAMS!!!....well this is a bit of irony that we now sit here and see one of the best tag teams in history paired off againest one another on opposing teams..."

William West:"Its always weird to be seeing former-partners go at it while on different teams...just look at Shaq and of the best Tandems in NBA history...Great Chemistry and everything...then they split...and both men, both their teams haven't been the same since....thats exactly what its like seeing The Rated-R Superstar on a different team up againest his younger brother Christian Cage and his partner..."

Dave Morrison: "...Should be interesting none the less, and with two younger starts such as CM Punk and Randy Orton, this should be nothing short of a classic-tag-encounter!!!"

1st Match: Rated-RKO vs CM Punk & Christian Cage: Tag Team match: Christian Cage and Randy Orton begin the match by sqauring off in the center of the ring, Christian chest-chops Randy before grabbing his left arm and twisting it...Christian begins to slowly back up into his corner while still having Orton in a wrist-lock'ish move...Christian Makes the Easy Transistional Tag to CM Punk.....Cage performs one more twist on Orton's arm, as CM climbs to the top turnbuckle and quickly jumps down with an Elbow onto Orton's Elbow-Joint...Cage exits the ring and stands on the apron, as CM Punk begins Hitting Orton's lower left leg with Martial-Arts Kicks,followed up by Punk Throwing in a stiff-elbow to Orton's Jaw...
CM Punk tries for a headlock, But Orton Counters by reversing-it into a BackBodyDrop into the Turnbuckles....The crowd makes an "Owe!" noise as Punk's back looks as if it just got broken and busted by the Turnbuckles...Orton does his Signature-Cocky-Taunt, only to turn around to see Cage Charging in with a Clothesline, Orton Quickly Ducks Cage's-line, Christian unable to stop himself from running gets caught by a spear from Edge...The Ref quickly begins to take control by ordering Edge out of the ring and for Cage to soon exit the ring aswell...
During Which, Orton takes advantage of the ref's distraction,by untying the top turnbuckle, only for Punk to Pull Orton Forward by his shorts resulting in Orton's Forehead Bashing into the unsecure Turnbuckle....
Punk tries to roll up Orton for a quick pinfall attempt, only to get a Two-Count.....Punk begins getting up to his feet, and grabs Orton by his legs and catapults him into the exposed Turnbuckle, resulting in Orton being busted open...Punk makes the tag to Christian Cage!

*commercial break*

Back From The Break, Edge is outside of the ring and has CM Punk up in the air and FlapJacks him into the Ring-Barricades resulting in possible Broken-Ribs for Punk....while the Legal Men(Cage and Orton) are in the ring, Cage has Orton in a headlock, which he then turns into a hammer-lock, only for Orton to Elbow Christian above the eyebrow....
Cage turns so as to tend to his hurt forehead, Orton Takes advantage by wrapping his arm over Christian Cage's Neck, and Dropping down onto his hands&knees causing a back-breaker......Orton Gets up to his feet, blood dripping from his head, He begins Stomping on Cage's hands and head -upperbody area....before walking over to his corner and making the tag to Edge....
Edge eagerily awaits for,Christian To make his way up from the canvas...
as soon as Christian gets up to his feet he notices Edge Charging in for a vicious spear attempt, Cage ducks and manages to dodge the spear,
as Edge misses the spear attempt and bumps into the ring post-shoulder-first Cage grabs Edge by his tights and wraps him up in a roll up for the pin...Christian's Feet are on the second ropes, refs not in position to notice it...
REF: "One!...Two!....THREE!!!!"

The Crowd Pops as the Cage somewhat celebrates a bit, only for Orton to quickly sneak in for a quick kick to the head.....
The Ref Rings for the bell and attempts to calm orton down....only for Randy to shove the ref aside...Edge gets to his feet, and goes outside so as to grab several metal-chairs....he hands one to Orton, as they both begin taking turns hitting a downed Christian Cage with the Chairs.....The Crowd began boo'ing in anger....CM Punk manages to make it to his feet, and charges into the ring with hurt-ribs and a bruised lower-back in a herioc attempt to take on Rated-RKO only to get con-chair-toe'd in the midsection by EDGE and Orton...

Rated RKO continue the beat down, til several officials successfully send them to the back, and tend to The Beaten Up Tandem of Cage and Cm Punk...

Dave Morrison: "Gawdammit!...I knew those damn dirty trouble makers Edge and Orton would pull off some little puss-bag stunt like this....this is a damn SHAME!!!"

William West: "Dude!...."

Dave Morrison: "What? what do you have to say on this manner!?!?"

William West: "I wanted to say that I completely agree with you on this homo, I ain't gay!...I'm just saying that its completely uncalled for!...Orton/Edge should be suspended!!!"

Dave Morrison: "You're serious about this agreeing with me thing or are you bullshitting me like before?"

William West: "Dude!...any other conversation...I'd totally whole-heartedly disagree with you!...but this whole little dealio between Edge/Orton attacking Punk & Cage after the match completely-reminds me of that 8 mile to sum it up F**K-The-FREE-World!!!"

Dave Morrison: "Well....uhh?...alright then.....sounds good to me, anyways, we've got a quick commercial break at the moment , so please stay tuned as we'll update you on current condition of CM Punk and Christian Cage....and much more later on tonight..."

Commercial Break!

(ps: I'll finish writing later on tonight, cause its 6 to 7 AM right as of this moment and I need me some I'll update and trick this out and such...ya-heard?!)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
The commentary is sick, I really get a laugh out of this BTB. I don't really have anything bad to say, because I'm amazed at the ghettoness of your show mang.