People don't want "wacky" that's exactly why WWE is made fun of lol
"We" Getting smarter is not the issue.
WWE use to strive to come up with new stuff... now they don't.
They do the same format/stories always which makes it predictable, not people getting smarter.
They target a dumber audience so I dunno maybe I am to smart for TODAY'S wwe but the product use to NOT suck, that's for sure
So you agree with me. You think wwe is bad because it's wacky. Yeah it is. Wacky makes it shit. It's still wacky. I'm not an advocate for wackyness. I'm not the mayor of wackyness as you are trying to suggest.
Sorry buts it's way easy to buy Into two men wrestling each other in underwear when you don't know its fake. Booking wrestling is fucking easy before everybody knew it was fake.
I know they have repetitive shit. I have already stated that.
Are you confusing me saying wwe is as predictable in the past as it is today as wwe was shit and not its good? Being predictable at times is a good thing. Otherwise you get russo booking. Wrestling as a genre of entertainment is mostly predictable and always has been. Doesn't mean its bad. Sure lots unpredictable stuff has happened in the past and a lot of unpredictable stuff happens today. But that doesn't change that it can be a very predictable show to an accustomed audience.
The decline in quality is not because its more predictable. That's far from the truth.