Just out of curiosity

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Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Grade 7, history class. Can't remember what my MS teacher was talking about but she left the room and came back telling us the news. We didn't really take it serious, someone said "We should leave because I plane might hit the school!" but seriously. What terrorist would hit a middle school in a chinatown area like Huntingwood and Midland? So when I got home, my mom was there watching the news and that's when I took it serious because I found out a family friend died in the building.

Wrestling Station

Timothy McVeigh bombing the Murrah building in Oklahoma City?
Because he wasnt a muslim, thats why this wasnt popular or important to be delivered to the WWE Universe! eerr I mean the world :shifty:


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Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
LOL i didnt know tarvis was only 15.

i was in mr. mann's english class in 6th grade and they came on over the announcements and said something terrible has happened and told all the teachers to turn on our tvs and we all watched it
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I honestly cant remember the exact time I first heard of it. Like others have said here, Aussies didn't take this as strongly as yall in yankee-land. I just remember hearing about it, sorta not taking it all in. Then at a later date, I can remember going to youtube because 'i had to see the footage!'

Oh, and to those who immediately "knew who was behind it", yall should not try and act so fucking amazing, or stop being unbelievably racist...

Unfortunately now, I've been watching conspiract theories in regards to the twin towers stuff. i must say, it's interesting some things that come up, 'the bush lie' the 'not a airline plane' stuff, and the 'explosives used in the towers' etc.

id love to hear some thoughts on what you all think happened, if there was a conspiracy behind it (and none of the shit where random facts add up to 11 or whatever. that shit is cool, but is pointless. bush, nor anyone with significant power in the US has the brain power to concoct something as ingenious as that...).

★Chuck Zombie★

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Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Yeah, there is definitely no conspiracy. It may have slipped through a lot easier than it should have, just like Pearl harbor, but that's because the people who actually knew what might happen couldn't give the orders.


In third grade you thought it was Saddam Hussein?


No, I'm really 100% serious...we had just learned about Saddam and how he was into terrorism and shit like that...so I thought that he might've had something to do with it..and I'm serious...

What Oklahoma City bombing? I never heard about that.

:laugh: I hope you're joking...it's the "worst domestic attack in United States history" according to wikipedia >_>

★Chuck Zombie★

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Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Travis40 said:
we had just learned about Saddam and how he was into terrorism and shit like that

Actually, it's never been proven that Saddam Hussein had any link to terrorism. So, I doubt they taught you that in school. The thing he is most infamous for is invading Kuwait after Iraq fought a war against Iran because he was "protecting Kuwait from Iranian domination" (in which the U.S. backed Saddam and gave him $40,000,000,000 to help him fight the Iranians). So he fought a war to prevent something wrong in his eyes, and then turned around and did it himself. Part of the reasoning behind that is because Kuwait was making more money from their oil than he wanted them to (he wanted them to back off production so Iraqi oil companies could make money to fix the debt the Iraq-Iran war caused).

Most countires involved in the first Gulf War believed that if Iraq controlled Kuwait, they would control the world's economy. It was a money issue that drove EVERYTHING. Not a moral issue.

Evil Austin

this may be a stupid question but what actually was confirmed chuck seeing as Saddam wasn't and did they ever find the people who did it because I know next to nothing about it because I don't live or have ever been to America and outside of America they didn't really talk about it much maybe on the week it happened other then that it wasn't that important.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Most countires involved in the first Gulf War believed that if Iraq controlled Kuwait, they would control the world's economy. It was a money issue that drove EVERYTHING. Not a moral issue.

Precisely. From Kuwait it was merely a short trip to Saudi Arabia, and then Saddam would've literally had almost all of it.

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
this may be a stupid question but what actually was confirmed chuck seeing as Saddam wasn't and did they ever find the people who did it because I know next to nothing about it because I don't live or have ever been to America and outside of America they didn't really talk about it much maybe on the week it happened other then that it wasn't that important.

Apparently, one of the hijackers' luggage was lost and supposedly contained info on all the people that did the actual dirty work. And by interrogating the suspects in the U.S.S. Cole bombing (who they were sure were al-Qaeda members) the F.B.I. were able to link the hijackers with al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden denied it to our face, but they found tapes from before the attacks in which he was talking about them. which caused him to later admit that he was involved. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed admits to planning the whole thing....of course he could be covering for someone and they could have tortured the confession out of him (there have been a lot of controversies about what the "detainment center" in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is used for). So he's "contained," but bin Laden's whereabouts are still unknown. Many claim that he is dead already, but no proof has come of that.

Now, what happened after that is where it gets funky. We invaded Afghanistan to try and track down al-Qaeda members and overthrow the Taliban (the Afghan government leaders linked to al-Qaeda). that's all fine and dandy, I'm sure they knew it was coming as much as we did. The funny thing is though that after we pretty much dismantled the Taliban, we started talking about Iraq. In several speeches made by President Bush, he claimed that Iraq had links to al-Qaeda, had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and intent to create Anthrax and nuclear weapons. None of those were ever proven, but even if the latter three were proven, how does that make them any different than say, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea (who is also part of the "Axis of evil" which included the Saddam ruled Iraq), the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China, who all already have nuclear weapons? So, we invaded Iraq with the WMD claim as our motivation and guess what...the only weapons they found were from the 80's-'91...some of which the U.S. helped pay for. They also found out that Iraq had ceased chemical weapon development in 1991 when they were backed out of Kuwait. So the U.S. and British claims were wrong, and they chocked it up to bad intelligence, but a lot of people believe (myself included) that the whole motivation was oil based. Some also believe that it was a personal attack since Saddam had a hand in an assassination attempt of the former President Bush (the current President's father). Regardless, it's more than obvious that the evidence was manipulated to gain support for an Iraqi invasion. There was even a letter that linked al-Qaeda to Iraq is claimed to be forged by the CIA on the direct order of President Bush.

Regardless, most of the American people were unsure when the initial Iraqi invasion was brought up, and even more against it now. In my opinion, forging evidence to justify invading another country is a crime (I don't know if there is an actual mandate against it, but it's still wrong ion my opinion).

After 911, the government has had this country scared shitless.....similar to how the government acted towards Communism in the 50's-80's. I have seen SO much racism towards Arabs and Muslims since then. Hell a few days ago, a guy said "Barack Obama is Muslim and all Muslims want to kill all Christians and Americans." I said to him, "Do you see that African chick over there (she's cute...I'd do her if I didn't have a girlfriend already)? She's my friend, and she's Muslim. She hasn't tried to kill me yet." It just makes me sick how people can be manipulated like that. It makes me even sicker how people can have the motivation to manipulate people like that.

Another prime example of the "government terrorism."

THEY WERE FREAKING LIGHTS PEOPLE!!! Bomb-like....kiss my ass.