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in a Covid lack of sleep - watching movies haze - might be halfway though kingdom...


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WrestleKingdom Night 3 (NJPW World Special) - (10th January 2022)


Kevin Kelly: It has been a week since the second night of WrestleKingdom and I welcome all our viewers from around to a special edition of NJPW World - with tonight being the third and final night of the greatest WrestleKingdom of all time.

Mauro Ranallo: The first nights of WK were off the charts, but as we departed the Tokyo Dome and spent an evening in the Yokohama Arena we have another stacked card that I know everyone will be looking forward to.

Nigel McGuinness: And gents we are going to waste no time this evening, as we start things off tonight with a ten entrant New Japan Ranbo with the winner earning themselves a shot at the NEVER Openweight Championship, which was only a week ago won by Brodie King in an impressive match with Tomohiro Ishii. I have no doubt that this Ranbo is going to prove to be an exciting contest to kick off the evening.

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The ten men that would begin proceedings in the ring would be Alex Zayne, Dijak, EVIL, Mustafa Ali, Takashita, Ishii, Chris Dickenson, Ishimori, Ninja Mack and Mike Bailey. The battle royale style match would prove to be a messy affair with a number of alliances forming during the contest. One of these alliances would see Mustafa Ali and Dijak link up seemingly reforging an alliance that previously existe whilst the pair had been employed by the WWE and the duo would prove to be quite effective working together. Eventually though, Ali would make a mistake and Tomohiro Ishii would nail Ali with a headbutt before tossing him out the ring against the run of play.

EVIL and Taiji Ishimori would also work together, with both having Bullet Club loyalties running through the veins - however EVIL looked off kilter without Gedo offering him direction at ringside and the pair would end up running into each other with Dickenson and Takashita taking advantage of the situation to hit tandem double dropkicks to send them both tumbling out of the ring. The next portion of the match that would really gauge interest would be a battle between Ishii and the ‘Dirty Daddy’ with both men slapping the shit out of each other only for Tomohiro to eventually gain the advantage and chop the crap out of Dickenson and leave him red chested before tossing him of the ring only to be blindsided from behind by Dijak with a Lariat to the beck, that would result in Dijak and Mike Bailey as the final two.

Reaching the final two meant that getting thrown over the ropes was no longer an option, with the match now being decided by pin-fall or submission. Speedball would put on a good performance, but Dijak would prove to be an unstoppable force and bring down Bailey with a Chokeslam Backbreaker to end the contest.

Winner: Dijak

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Mickie James (The Clinic) vs Bea Priestley ( Oedo Tai) vs. Taya Valkyrie (Queen’s Quest) vs Meiko Satomora (STARS)

The fans would be treated to quite the contest as a representative from four of the most established Joshi Units would battle in Yokohama in a Joshi Gangwarfae match, with the match littered with various personal feuds that would reach the surface. One of these clear beefs would be between Taya and Mickie that would result in some heated exchanges, with the fans in attendance showing a high level for praise and applause for James as she would almost claim the victory after nailing Taya with the Mick Kick, Taya wouldn’t take things lying down though, with ‘La Wera Loca’ exposing the turnbuckle pad only to launch James into the exposed steel with a Border Toss Variation. Whilst this was going on Meiko and Bea would have been looking to simply hurt each other outside of the ring and were showing no signs of letting the other even breath for a second.

After one of these moments, Satomota was recovering after having her shoulder rammed into the ring post that had taken place with Bea shoulder tackling her foe with quite the force. As James would look to cover Tay within the ring itself - Starlight Kid would jump the rails and proceed to grab Mickie by her legs off Taya to break the count in what had looked like a certain victory. In a move that was completely legal in a match of this variety, with SLK going after Mickie with intent as a clear representative for Oedo Tai and doing some “cleaning” for Priestley as she would proceed to beat the crap out of Mickie at ringside with showing no signs of stepping anytime soon. With Taya still seeing stars from the Mick Kick, Bea would slide into the ring and take advantage of the situation by locking Taya in the Fatality (Double Wristlock) and having her tap out in seconds.

Priestley would celebrate the victory, before exiting the ring and pulling SLK off Mickie James making it clear that it was enough for now before the pair would retreat backstage.

Winner: Bea Priestley
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Mauro Ranallo: After witnessing that violent affair, I have left with one question?

Kevin Kelly: And what exactly is that Maruo?

Mauro Ranallo: If Mickie James is part of The Clinic then why didn’t Deeb or Baker come out to her aid after Starlight Kid got involved in the match that completely changed the outcome of the match?

Kevin Kelly: That is a good question Mauro, Nigel?

Nigel McGuinness: I think there are some inhouse issues within The Clinic that might need to be dealt with. This might just be speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is going to lead to some major issue between Mickie James and Britt Baker in the weeks to come.

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Wheeler Yuta vs. Lee Moriarty

Wheeler and Lee would end up having a contest that would certainly settle the crowd, although that wouldn’t mean the match was bad but rather it wouldn’t be as explosive as the Joshi match had been beforehand. Both men though would show exactly why they were two of the most sought after young talents in New Japan not to have graduated from the NJPW Dojo. Both men would battle in a very technical contest, with a lot of groundwork and it would turn into a back and forth pinning war, with both men shining like bright stars on the massive platform of WrestleKingdom. The match would come to a finish, with Moriarty finally creating some distance from the ropes as he would lock in the Reverse Armbar and force Yuta to tap out.

After the match, rather than celebrate Moriarty would help Yuta back to his feet before the both men would shake hands in the middle of the ring before embracing in each other in the ring with Yuta holding Moriarty’s arm aloft in the air to signal him as the winner of the contest. A true gesture of sportsmanship and respect shown between both men.

Winner: Lee Moriarty

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Masha Slamovich vs. Willow Nightingale

Willow and Masha would have a tough battle, although it was clear that Willow had been looking for a friendly and well fought contest - her Russian counterpart was intent on unleashing nothing but raw pain and punishment to Nightingale and would have to be given multiple warning by the referee for not breaking off after five counts and attempting to break the rules at every opportunity even when in direct site of the referee’s vision. Willow though, despite her opponent bending the rules would stick on the straight and narrow and continue to play her, which would ultimately allow Slamovich to carry on taking advantage of the situation that would wear Nightingale down allowing Masha to scoop her up and deliver the Tiger Driver to end the contest.

Despite the manner in which Masha had gone about winning the match, Willow would show her kind heart and offer Masha a hug. Slamovich would just straight up ignore Willow though, as she would exit the ring and strut to the back showing no signs of joy from winning the match.

Winner: Masha Slamovich

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Sting & Darby Allin vs. Roderick Strong & Super Dragon

Sting’s entrance would send ripples throughout the Yokohama Arena, with ‘The Icon’ making his first appearance in a New Japan ring since 1996, where himself and Luger had teamed up in this same location to claim a tag team victory over Arn Anderson and Lord Steven Regal. The open portions of the match would see Sting and Darby create as much separation as possible for Roderick, keeping him on their side of the ring and preventing him from reaching Dragon and tagging out. Like any good theater though, Roderick would eventually manage to change the momentum by sliding through Sting’s leg to tag in Super Dragon into the match for the first time in the contest.

The next sequence between Sting and Super Dragon would certainly prove to be a memorable one, with both men showing the other absolutely no respect. Both men would get some heat off the other, that they would start not selling each others’ moves and just get off the mat as if they hadn’t had any impact at all. This resulted in what looked almost like a shoot fight between both men as they seemed to be hitting each other with stiff punches to the face before Super Dragon would really push Sting over the edge when he would be hit with the Scorpion Death Drop only to kick out of the pin before the one count - with it being evidently clear that there was a real problem between both men. Darby Allin though wasn’t having any of it though, as he would launch himself off the turnbuckle to drive down onto Dragon with a nasty looking Coffin Drop, with Dragon looking all but finished off from the nasty impact.

As if on cue, The Young Bucks would emerge from the back resulting in Sting tagging Darby in before clambering through the ropes to confront the Jacksons. The referee would remain focused on the action in the ring between Darby and Super Dragon, that would allow Owens to catch Sting off guard and nail him with the Stunner before the Young Bucks would connect with tandem Super Kicks all but taking Sting out of contention. With Sting laid out, Darby would be clearly distracted which would allow Super Dragon to take advantage of the situation by smashing Darby in the ribs before lifting him up and hitting Psycho Driver II to claim a shock pin and win the contest.

Winner: Super Dragon & Roderick Strong

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Nigel McGuinness: Well this has already proven to be an evening to remember gents, but this next contest is close to home especially for me - as it will the ROH World Championship up for grab in a contest between reigning champion Bandido and the man he originally beat for the belt Rush.

Mauro Ranallo: Not to start an argument, but I was under the belief that Jonathan Gresham was the ROH World Champion.

Nigel McGuinness: That is fake news Mauro. In order to become a champion, you need to beat the previous champion or the holder of the belt needs to have been stripped or vacated the title. Something which Bandido never did, which Jonathan Gresham is nothing more than a fraud.

Mauro Ranallo: I am sure ROH might disagree with that point of view.

Nigel McGuinness: Wrestling promotions are always making clerical errors - so rather than wasting our time why we don’t we just sit back and enjoy this great match. A title may I add, that I had the second longest reign of all time with.

Kevin Kelly: An achievement only better by Samoa Joe, who we will see compete in tonight’s main-event against JONAH. What a great night of action we will still have for the fans in Yokohama to enjoy.

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Bandido (c) vs. RUSH

Both men were proven luchadors and would give the Japanese crowd a taste of the Mexican style that was loved around the world. Both men would use every part of the ring to put on a fast paced and aerial contest in which neither man would give the other a chance to breath and regain their breath which would keep the audiences on the edges of their seats. One thing was for certain though, and that was that neither man had any intention of leaving without the ROH World Championship in their possession. A number of near falls would occur with Bandido hitting a near perfect Spanish Fly as well as the Revolution Fly (Moonsault Fallaway Slam), whilst RUSH would hit the Rush Driver and the La Lanza (Diving Double Foot Stomp) but each pin attempt, would result in the other breaking the pin and keeping the contest alive. Bandido would eventually set RUSH up just where he wanted him and hit the 24 Plex, which would prove to be just what was needed to retain the belt.

Winner: Bandido

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Kevin Kelly: Well that was one great contest, and calling a match for the ROH title was certainly a trip down memory lane.

Nigel McGuinness: For me as well, Bandido sure is one talented kid and he has got a great future. I have no doubt he will achieve great things right here in New Japan.

Bandido would be enjoying the moment, as he would be parading around the ring with his world title with the Yokohama fans showing their appreciation for the skilled luchador. Before he could do anything else - music would start to blast out around the Yokohama Arena.

Mauro Ranallo: Is that who I think it is, is he really here? This is going to get wild!

Jonathan Gresham would be walking out from the back, dressed in his signature Octopus Mask and waving the flag of The Foundation in the air with his version of the ROH World Championship strapped around his waist as he would slowly walk down to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: I must give props to the fake champion or interim champion or however you want to word it. He has got some real courage flying out from the states to stand in the same ring as the real ROH World Champion.

Gresham would enter the ring, with both men just looking straight at each other. Without a single word being spoken, Gresham would point at Bandido’ belt and shake his head before lifting up his own belt in the air in a clear indication that he felt he was the true champion. Bandido would mirror The Octopus and raise his own title into the air, with it clear that there was a certain unfinished business between both men.

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A week ago, Ospreay had successfully retained the IWGP Intercontinental Championship during Night One of WrestleKingdom in a showcase match with John Cena, only to find out the following night that his next challenger would be MJF who had claimed a shock victory over Tanahashi. Ospreay would address the camera, and would not be shy nor mince his words.

Will Ospreay: I would like to offer my utmost congratulations to Maxwell Jacob Friedman for claiming what I can only describe was an absolute shock win. Because for someone to beat The Ace wearing a Burberry scarf - which back home in Britain is the sign of someone with absolute class and a proper stand up gent. Back home we have an acronym for someone like Maxxy boy. CHAV. Classy, Hospitable and Violent. So you are very much an American CHAV and I have no doubt you have a bright future here in NJPW - all by yourself without any friends and without any backup. Once the two of us do battle, it will be you who will be forced to kneel in front of me and kiss the ring for you will be in the presence of the Commonwealth King.

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Kevin Owens vs. Kota Ibushi

The contest between Owens and Ibushi would be the first ever meeting between both men, with WrestleKingdom 16 having been a platform for a number of first time matches between some of the true top tier wrestling in the industry at this moment in time. In order to protect the match from any shenanigans, NJPW General Manager Kenta Kobashi would come out from the back with Kota and Kevin already in the ring. Kobashi would make it clear that his first in-ring decision as the authority figure would be to announce the following Mt. Rushmore’s action early in the evening they would be banned from ringside - and breaking the ban would result in a sixty day suspension from NJPW without pay. The look on Owens face was clear one who wasn’t pleased with the decision, with the involvement of his allies clearly being his Plan-B.

Once the ring bell was rung though, Owens and Ibushi would wrestle in another absolutely awesome match in what would continue to prove that NJPW was capable of putting on an amazing match irrespective of whether they took place in the main-event or not.

Ibushi would start the match with a spell of dominance, which would prove to be massively popular with the local fans especially considering his serious patches of illness and injury that had kept him out for a large portion of 2021. The fans would show their sheer excite at Ibushi’s tenacity as he would dart around the ring and slowly build up and build up until he would send the crowd into rapturous applause as he would nearly end the match early after hitting the Golden Star Powerbomb and almost claiming a pin-fall victory, with Owens kicking out at the last possible moment preventing an shock early win.

The match would settle down after the initial surge from Ibushi would lead to the match leveling out, with both men showing more respect for each other but still releasing they need to take every opportunity that presented itself to win and this meant that when it was presented they would drop for quick covers, even when it was clear that they hadn’t really done enough to end the contest. Both men would have moments to their highlight reel, with Owens’ WrestleKingdom moment being when he would use all his strength Pop-up Ibushi in the air, but would actually toss him over the ropes and down onto the ring apron in a unique Pop-up Powerbomb spot that would help cement the match as a real extravaganza and on the cusp of a five star classic. The match would end up just being shy of the thirty minute mark, when Ibushi would knock Owens to the mat with a sliding lariat before springboarding off the ropes with a Phoenix Splash to claim a truly impressive victory in the Yokohama Arena that had surely not just put the NJPW roster on notice, but the entire Juicyverse.

Winner: Kota Ibushi

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Samoa Joe vs. JONAH

The contest would be a tough match to bring an end to WrestleKingdom 16 three night spectacular, although the battle had comparisons of Godzilla vs. King Kong with two absolutely legendary beasts going at full gear with the intention of destroying the other. However, JONAH would show he was more than a big strong powerhouse, but also had a large wrestling brain as every time Joe would be on the ascendant and start to control the match, JONAH would suppress Joe by exiting the ring and and bringing the match to an effective standstill. The Australian would do this too many times though, as Joe would eventually catch up with his opponent as he would shove him against the ring barrier before nailing him in the head with the C.C.S. Enzuigiri before smashing JONAH in the jaw and rolling him back into the ring.

Samoa Joe would then use all his strength to hoist JONAH up on the floor, with the clear intention of setting up for the Musclebuster. Paul Ellering, would suddenly slide in the ring which would instantly result in Red Shoes Unno running over to remove Ellering from the ring that would JONAH to blatantly cheat by gauge Joe in his eyes and pushing him over onto back before using his entire mass to wipe out Joe with a brutal Tsunami that would keep Joe in place long enough to achieve the three count. The show would go offline, with JONAH having a menacing smile over his face as he would stand directly above Joe in a star position, holding his hands in the air and roaring out in clear jubilation of his victory.

Winner: JONAH


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I wrote this in a lot of pain - so likelyhood i wont remember anything i wrote - other than the distraction it was providing


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Episode Two

- The second episode of ROH: Elite would take place in the Dayton Convention Center, Ohio. Matt Striker would welcome the fans to what was set to be another great night for Ring of Honor under the direction and management of Scott D’Amore and would remind everyone to check out the first PPV of the year this coming weekend ‘Honor Reigns Supreme’.

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- Following this introduction, Elite would make their way to the ring to open the show in full force. Adam Cole would take control of the microphone with KOR and Bobby Fish looking very pleased with themselves and making hand gestures to the fans to keep quiet and show some respect for their assumed leader. Cole would make it clear that they had all been on a long journey, but that 2022 was the start of a new chapter - the Undisputed Era of The Elite and that their presence in ROH had changed everything. Scott D’Amore had shown himself as man who understood the the value of the Elite and that was why he had rolled out the red carpet and open the coffers of the ROH in order to secure the contract of himself and reDRagon - because everyone in professional wrestling understood that they were all ROH Royalty, once again reminding everyone that he was the only three-time World Champion and that Fish and O’Reilly were three time tag team champions - but that only the Briscoe Brothers had held the title belts longer than reDRagon, but that unlike Jay and Mark - his boys hadn’t been scared of doing a bit of traveling to improve their wrestle craft.

- Now that the three of them were back with Ring of Honor - the promotion was whole again and actually had true value once again and would make it clear that there was a clear difference between The Elite and that phony fake world order club from Japan that had been of no value since he had stopped being the leader of the group. Cole would make the point that he had never been told that Jay White and the rest of the Budget Club had been intending on backing up their bags and following them to Ring of Honor. Cole would make it clear that Jay had been given the opportunity to join the elite when he first started appearing on Impact Wrestling, and that after Slammiversary when Don Callis had made an offer that could have led to the formation of the Super Elite. Instead, Jay and his cronies had instead sought to poach talent from the US before playing their hand and trying to steal the TNA World Tag Team Championships away from their good friends - The Good Brothers and their fellow Elite members.

- Anderson and Gallows would emerge from the back and join Cole and reDRagon in the ring. The Good Brothers would make the point that the Bullet Club had almost become a comedy element rather than a serious stable that they had once been years ago and that it was embarrassing the length the club were willing to go without actually achieving anything. Time and time again they had come for them whether it had been Bound For Glory, Turning Point or just average episodes of Impact and seen off every combination of Hikuleo, Chris Bey and ELP - so for the Bullet Club to become so desperate as to scrape the bottom of the barrel and use the the Guerrillas of Destiny in a hope to finally earn some glory of the back of the Good Brothers name - when really all the Bullet Club members should be doing was thanking Karl and Doc for keeping the Bullet Club relevant.

- The Guerrillas would emerge from the back and would remind Anderson and Gallows that they had already made their intentions clear and Good Brothers had been ducking them since Resurgence last summer and that rather than just doing a lot of speaking they can simply come to settle the debate once for all, in regards to who should be thanking who and that Honor Reigns Supreme the matter would be settled, with an original member of the club control the TNA tag titles.

- Jay White and the House of Torture would appear alongside the G.O.D. on the main stage. White would make it clear that he couldn’t help but laugh backstage when Cole had referred to himself as being a former leader of the Bullet Club. White would list off all the previous leaders, including Karl Anderson - but make it clear that during all of those era Adam Cole had never been nothing more than a whipping boy and if anything a loyal soldier like Chase Owens had held a more official position of power than Cole ever had. Even EVIL - who no one had ever taken seriously as a leader as he remained in Japan to deal with the scraps of what was left of the club, was still an actual leader of the club and for what it was worth he couldn’t discount him fully for whatever he attempted to do in Japan now that the main body of the club had decided to carve out a new legacy with this new territory. He wished EVIl the best of luck - but made it clear that Gedo had made a mistake turning his back on the club and that one day he would be cashing in a receipt for that betrayal. And it seemed that the delusions were endless, because there would be no means by which Cole would ever become the world champion once it was in his possesion. White would make it clear that he wanted to add another stipulation to tonight’s match, that whichever team that wins would get to decide the rules of the contest between himself and Cole at Honor Reigns Supreme. Anderson would end up speaking for Coke, much to Adam’s clear surprise and make it clear that Elite were backing down from any added stipulation, because there was no other outcome but a win for them tonight.

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Finish: The match as expected would be a very chaotic affair, but the fans would love the action they were witnessing. The match would come to a finish, with SHO in a melee managing to get Bobby Fish to tap out when he would lock in the Cross Armbreaker. The match wouldn’t end at the sound of the bell though with the Good Brothers and G.O.D. at each other's throats, until Jay White would shout at all his Bullet Club members and tell them to disengage.

- Jay would demand a microphone, and make it clear that in order for his match with Cole at the PPV to remain fair, there was a need for a special enforcer. Someone who would call the action from becoming an American Nightmare. This would result in Cody Rhodes appearing from out the back, with a Bullet Club shirt draped around his waist and a smile on his face, as he would make it clear that the BC was just like his fathers legacy - that it was 4-life and that this coming weekend Adam might finally learn to understand what that means.

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Finish: In a good little contest, it would be Alexa who would claim the victory by connecting with the Twisted Bliss and advance to Survival of the Fittest. After the bell Dashwood would slide into the ring and prevent Alexa from celebrating the win by instead taking Alexa with the Spotlight. Tenille and Madison would pose with Alexa resting at their feet, with Kaleb taking various photos for their socials.

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- A pre-taped feature would air from their home on the Chicken Farm in Sandy Forks, Delaware. Mark and Jay would talk about more of their accomplishments that they had mentioned the previous week during their exclusive interview, before changing their focus onto the Lucha Bros and would make it clear that they truly believed that they were the best tag team in the world, but they were looking forward to get a chance to face the Mexican brothers at Honor Reigns Supreme. Mark would make it clear that he didn’t care for politics in wrestling and thought it was a shame that Fenix and Pentagon had been allowed to finish their reign as AEW tag team champions before signing with Ring of Honor - and that what Tony Khan was missing, ROH was gaining with a great tag team and that the two teams would tear down the roof on Saturday night.

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Finish: Chris Bey would win the contest cleanly in a match of a respect with the Foundation’s Tracy Williams with the two men adhering to the ‘Code of Honor’ at the end of the contest. It would be Bey's first official appearance as a member of the ROH, having completed all his commitments he previously had with TNA.

- After Williams had exited the ring and with Bey’s attention elsewhere Adam Cole would slide into the ring and wipe Bey out with a Superkick, whilst the Good Brothers would proceed to jump Hikuleo and hand out and mugging in direct sight of the front row. With both members of BC down, Cole would request a microphone and address the Dayton crowd for the second time that evening.

- Cole would make it clear that if Jay and him are having a match at Honor Reigns Supreme and he wants to include a failed excuse for an entrepreneur like Cody Rhodes who couldn’t even win a world title of a promotion he helped build himself, then so be it. Adam said he remembered when he had been kicked out the club, and that he remembered when he and Cody had been thick as thieves but instead of having his back had been nothing but a bitch boy who had remained in Japan standing behind the Young Bucks hoping to ride on their coat tails. But as time progressed, Cody too had been tossed out from the Elite back when he was still a member of AEW. Now fortunes had changed, and he was The Elite, and he was looking forward to kicking Cody out of the door and sending him back to Japan to join the Bucks on a journey of abject failure and mute success. The segment would end with the Good Brothers lifting up Hikuleo’s face up to the camera, and making it clear that this weekend they were going to the same to Tama and Tanga this weekend.

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Finish: Havok would obliterate B-Fab within the first minutes of the match in a true squash, laying her out with The Demon Drop to advance.

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- We cut backstage, where we joined Tracy Williams who is standing in the interview area with Ian Riccaboni. Tracy would make it that the Foundation was now needed more than ever, especially now that all these outsiders were running around like rats backstage without having any comprehension of what the Code of Honor was or how important it was for the betterment of professional wrestling. This would lead me to make it clear that Rhett Titus was very much the Minister of Defence for The Foundation, as he had taken on an enormous task of teaching Killer Kross about respects and that he had no doubt in his mind that Rhett would end the night with his arm held high and the World Television Championship still in The Foundation’s control.

- With a sudden snap, Tracy would be thrown backwards into some palettes with it being Killer Kross who had just attacked him from behind and flung him with a release German. He would then proceed to pick up Tracy and send him hurtling through the interview set before crouching down over Williams and tapping his wrist saying ‘Tick Tock Tick Tock’ over and over again as the scene would fade to black.

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- We return to the ring, where Josh Alexander is standing microphone in hand and looks in a good mood as he is dressed in an expensive looking suit with there being no confusion that he had come out to the ring to speak rather than fight.

- Alexander would make it clear that time and time again, for various reasons Impact Wrestling had done everything in their power to prevent him from facing Moose and challenging for the world title and it had been clear for the longest time that they had been favorite - so now here he was a member of Ring of Honor, as was TNA’s own heavyweight champion Moose and now suddenly he was finally getting his PPV match for the title - although a ROH pay per view was a much bigger event to compete for a world title for than anything that TNA could ever produce, at least in this modern era. Alexander would make it clear that his wife was checking over the match contract for Honor Reigns Supreme, but would promise that he intended to sign the contract later on tonight, so that he could finally after all this time get his revenge.

- Alexander would find himself being interrupted by an agitated looking Big Cass. Cass would pose the question, on why on earth Josh felt he just got to cut to the front of the line when - when by all rights he was the man who had earned the right to be next in line for a shot at Moose’s title and he was no intending to step aside and let Alexander steal his shot away from him. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Josh would make it clear that he wasn’t doing anything else tonight, so rather than wasting their time talking perhaps they would be better actually facing each other later tonight - so he could send a clear message to Moose of things to come at Honor Reigns Supreme, whilst at the same time show Cass that he hadn’t skipped the queue, but rather earned his shot at the gold by being the most skilled technical wrestler in professional wrestling.

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Finish: Ivelisse would end up claiming the win by forcing Raquel to tap out via the Guillotine Choke, albeit she had gained advantage of the match illegally when Diamante had distracted the referee long enough for Miranda Alize to smash a red brick straight in Gonzalez’s jaw.

- Following the contest the three women would proceed to give Gonzalez a three on one beatdown in the ring, only for Dakota Kai to emerge from the back with what looked like a cat prod as she would chase Las Sicarias away from Raquel. The two former BFFs would have a hug in the ring, as they would seem to officially reforge their friendship.

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The Lucha Bros would cut a short promo, hyping themselves ahead of their match this weekend with the Briscoes - with Alex Abrahantes making it clear at Penta and Fenix had just been the best team in AEW and weren’t the best team in Ring of Honor, but were the greatest tag team in the whole universe.

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Finish: The match would be a tough battle, with the time keepers table covered with title belts. It would be Dolin and Jayne who would pick up the win for Toxic Attraction by nailing Marti Belle with Toxic Shock to claim the victory and earn themselves and Mandy shots at their respective title interests setting up themselves for their shots at Honor Reigns Supreme.

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- Rhett Titus would be in the backstage area, the same area where his Foundation member Tracy Williams had been attacked by Killer Kross earlier that evening. Rhett would make it clear that he had disrespected every single member of The Foundation and not just Tracy after his abhorrent and cowardly attack earlier in the night. Rhett would make it clear that Kross had no honor, and that this weekend he would defend the company honor and protect its foundation in the process. Rhett made it clear that he had promised Greshman that he would handle Kross and also teach his opponent that you didn’t need to be unnecessarily brutal in order to get results and have honor. But after their match this weekend, Kross would finally understand what it meant to adhere to the code of honor.

- Rhett would then introduce a fellow champion and Foundation member in Josh Woods. Woods would make it clear that Chris Bey had impressed him and everyone else in The Foundation in the manner in which he had competed with Tracy Williams and won the match cleanly and even chosen to uphold the code of honor by shaking hands after the match - and would humbly challenge him to be his opponent for his Pure Championship at Honor Reigns Supreme, but would warn him that foul play or involvement match would not only end the match - but also result in his Bey permanent exclusion from the Pure Division.

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Finish: Liv Morgan would be the standout competitor in this contest and win the match with relative ease as she would finish with ObLIVion to advance to Survival of the Fittest.

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- Prior to his scheduled match with Bobby Lashley, Seth would cut a promo where he would take a trip down memory lane and talk about how he had led Team RAW to victory over Team Smackdown on the final WWE PPV and that he planned on continuing this success here in ROH. Rollins would be met with jeers and boos, with it clear that a good stronghold of the ROH fans were no fans of WWE - despite the fact that the company no longer existed. Rollins would make it clear that he was the man that had been meant to be the man that would dethrone Roman Reigns, but that he was happy to settle and take Gresham’s title instead before laughing at the fact that Lashley would never get to avenge his loss to Big E and to add insult to injury had disgrace himself on his debut by losing to Miro. Rollins would question if Lashley was capable of doing anything without MVP and he was in need of some real help if he had any chance of redeeming himself in front of these ROH fans - because as things currently stood he was nothing more than an over-hyped meat bag.


Finish: As the match wore on, Rollins would look to bend the rules when he would knock the referee over ‘accidentally’ before exiting the ring and grabbing for the ring bell with clear intentions of taking Lashley out with it. Out of nowhere though, CM Punk would leap onto the ring apron and remove it from Rollins hands with the foul play backfiring as Punk would distract Seth long enough for Lashley to barrel forwards and nail Rollins with the Spear to end the match and claim the win.

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- We would cut to Killer Kross, who was in a secluded area backstage in an almost pitch black room. He would talk about attacking Tracy Williams and make it clear that Williams was just one of many more to fall by his hand and make it clear that he was the new face of ROH. Kross would make it clear that he was being forced through Rhett Titus to climb up the internal hierarchy then so be it - and he would relish the fact that he would win a belt of now real value to him in the Television Championship of nothing but spoils of war. He intended to tear down the old foundation of Ring of Honor brick by brick and that he would establish a new order now that he was in ROH. He would make it clear to Jonathan Gresham that he has to make a big decision, because making the wrong choice would be something he would have to live with for the rest of his career so would advise him to choose wisely.

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Finish: Both men would put on a great contest to close with both men looking strong throughout, with Alexander eventually breaking the deadlock by locking Cass in the Ankle Lock and forcing him to tap out.

- Following the contest, Alexander’s wife would come out from the back and present Josh with the contract that would have him challenge for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Honor Reigns Supreme. Josh would nod his head and then sign the contract before handing the paperwork back to his wife. Grabbing a microphone, and making it clear that ever since Bound For Glory he has been aware of everything that Moose is capable of and he’s ready for anything he has, so that he should come out from the back and sign the contract. As Josh’s wife was standing at ringside, a hooded figure would leape the barricade and proceed to nail her with a Spear before unveiling his hood and it being none other than Moose who would have a massive smile on his face before exiting as Alexander would exit the ring and attend to his wife.

- After a commercial break, EVP Scott D’Amore would confront Moose and make it clear that he had the authority regarding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship he would have stripped him of the title, but Moose was lucky he didn’t hold that power. However, Scott would make it clear that he had until tomorrow evening to deliver him a signed copy of the contract for Honor Reigns Supreme or he would lock him out of his contract and prevent him from working anywhere else until his contract expired. A statement that Moose looked far from pleased with.

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We would cut to the parking lot, where Adam Cole was placing his bags into a rental car trunk only for Cody Rhodes to appear and slam Cole face straight into the rear window of the car. Meanwhile, the Guerrillas of Destiny would have caught a startled KOR and Fish off guard and would throw them into the metal shutters of the car entrance preventing them coming to Cole’s aid. With Cole defenseless, Rhodes would grab a tire iron and show no mercy would smash it down on Cole arms - resulting in Adam screaming in pain as Rhodes would mock him by saying the only person who would be sent packing would be ‘Adam Cole Bay Bay’. With reDRAgon laid out cold, Tama Tonga would lean down and grab Adam Cole by the neck and make it clear that this is exactly what the Good Brothers had wanted, and that Honor Reigns Supreme they would be looking forward to standing stall with the TNA World Tag Team Championship in their possession.

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- The show in Dayton would end with Jonathan Gresham coming out to the ring with his ROH World Championship in his possession. Gresham would make it clear that he was man of Honor and that he was highly appreciative of everything that Scott D’Amore had been doing since taking on his role as EVP that was allowing for ROH to move forward as company, even if this had result in saving some refugees from NXT and signing some talent from Impact at the same time. Gresham would however, make it clear this was Ring of Honor and that it was his job to preserve the foundation from outsiders and that he was laying down the gauntlet for any former champions. He would then make it clear that he wished Killer Kross the best of luck, but at this moment in time he wouldn’t be getting a shot at his belt at least not for the foreseeable future.

- Gresham would make it clear though that Kross should perhaps not make threats if he wasn’t capable of backing them up, because this coming weekend Rhett Titus would stretch him out to his limit, and that if there is anything left of him after Titus was done - then perhaps he would be fortunate to get a second lesson in respect from Tracy. Gresham would make it clear that now is the time for the former champions he previously mentioned, to come out from the back and answer his call because he intended to show that not only was he the real ROH World Champion, but the best ROH World Champion in its entire history.

- Out from the back answering Gresham’s call, would be a fellow member of the Foundation Jay Lethal - with Lethal asking for a rematch of their match at Final Battle before offering Lethal his hand and raising the title until the air. Out of nowhere, Killer Kross would slide into the ring and with a thud slam a steel chair into Gresham’s back. Lethal would be nimble and doge the next swing, before dropkicking the chair straight into Kross’ face. Lethal would then attempt to connect with the Lethal Injection, only for Kross to catch him in mid-air and instead nail Jay with the Doomsday Saito down hard onto the steel chair.

- With Gresham stirring, he would be floored with sheer force with a Penalty Kick that would keep the champion on down only to prop him so he was leaning on the now setup but clearly damaged the folding chair, as he would proceed to choke out Lethal in direct vision of Gresham shouting if Lethal was worthy of being the challenger and if Gresham was even the really champion. The attack would be ended, when Rhett Titus and Josh Woods would emerge from the back. Woods would immediately check on the condition of Jay Lethal, as Rhett Titus would stare at Kross and never break eye contact as Kross would make his way up the ramp and make it clear that it was just him and Titus now - and would be heard referring to Titus as a young boy.
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Ricky Smarks

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I’m gonna do my best to rotate the talent used in matches while maintaining angle progression.


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Shane McMahon announces that sixteen men will be signed to NXT for 2022 - with the intention of honing their craft and turning them into the stars of the future. The confirmed line-up is as follows.

Nick Wayne
Starboy Charlie
Aaron Solo
Alan Angels
Nick Comoroto
Shawn Dean
Carlie Bravo
Anthony Ogogo
Jordan Clearwater
Jordan Oliver
Jack Cartwheel
Alex Kane
KC Navvaro
Myron Reed

Shane would make it clear - that signed talent would be allowed and even encouraged to compete in the indies. However, there would be expected to following all the training regime led by NXT - as well as completing all match

commitments within NXT, as their main priority. In exchange - all wrestlers would be given scholarship style benefits, including pad for accommodation.


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This Sunday [16th January] will see Alianza Azteca Asiatica (AAA) host its first major show since the merging of Pro Wrestling NOAH & Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. The Osaka Edison Arena will play host to Great Voyage 2022, which will act as the premiere event for the newly former super-promotion.

The newly elected president of AAA, Dr. Wagner, Jr. suggested during a press conference - that the collapse of the WWE had been great business for a handful of promotions, but for everyone else. The struggle had only become more real, which had led to two great companies being forced to come together to create this new company. Wagner would make it clear that - this Sunday Alianza Azteca Asiatica would be declaring war on the "Rich Boys Club" (AEW, AWA, NJPW, ROH & TNA) and wouldn't rest until he had forced their very best wrestlers to bend the knee.

The complete list of the matches for the card have been announced:




Kongo (Manabu Soya & Kenoh) vs. LFI (Dragon Lee & Dralistico)





Perros Del Mal (Ikuta Hidaka, Eita, Kotaru Suzki & Super Crazy)
Los Vipers (Psicosis II, Abismo Negro, Jr., Arez & Latigo)




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Ricky Smarks

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Not a bad logo or card. :WOW

Ricky Smarks

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I thought about putting Decay back together, but I’ve only seen a couple Taurus matches.