Juice & Grim Present Impact Wrestling and NWA Powerrr: A Joint Project

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1) Tim Storm's involvement is a wise choice - I know he was in the actual Episode 001 but that doesn't mean that a real life replications isn't always a good idea. Ultimately it starts POWERRR with the NWA World Heavyweight Title being defended during the main event which is always a strong pull.

2) Anderson & Drake having a rivalry is a strong move - I've always felt that Eli Drake has never been given a true platform to excel - I've been told I've been wrong multiple times, but I do think this has the making of what can be a slow burn feud that doesn't even need to be rushed.

3) James Storm is clearly being given a drive to raise the prestige of the National Championship - and there is no denying any sort of lock in with Aldis in the future would have the momentum to forever put that title belt over.

4) Ricky Starks. Honestly this is the first time I've registered his name to a face, but I am expecting some sort of lower/mid-card push from you in the future.

5) I enjoyed the format - and I must admit I wasn't expecting you to get this up so soon. I enjoyed the read, and now I have to put my episode out. Good read!


Dreams are Endless
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My only real complaint is.....too many Storms :hayden3


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Impact would begin with a brand new theme tune for the 11th October 2019 episode of Impact Wrestling, and after the opening credits finished rolling the camera would cut immediately to Dixie Carter who was standing on top of the main-stage. More noticeably the ring was covered with a large black tent sheet, and it was clear that it was clearly hiding something of import.


..:: Dixie Carter ::..
“I think you all know that Anthem would not have sent me out to open tonight’s show unless I had something incredibly important to say - which couldn’t be anything further from the truth as I have some massive talking points to share with y’all. The first that I am more than happy to announce is that an executive decision has been made to return Impact Wrestling back to its routes and so that can mean only one thing…”

The camera would cut to the ring where the tent sheet would be pulled away exposing a six-sided ring for the first time since January 2018. The fans would cheer at the return of the classic hexagon ring that had become synonymous with the Impact brand over the years.

..:: Dixie Carter ::..
“The second announcement is going to be a great annoyance to everyone involved, but Bound For Glory will no longer take place in two weeks time on October 20th but in fact be pushed back to November 17th. It is also o n this basis that I regret to inform all members of the roster - that the slate had been wiped clean and all scheduled matches have been removed. But I don’t want anyone lashing out their anger out on me, because I had nothing to do with this decision.”

There were murmurs from the audience, as there was certainly an air of confusion about what had triggered all of these sudden changes. What was the reason behind all of these announcements?

..:: Dixie Carter ::..
“My third and final announcement is actually only for one person - Brian Cage I believe you are available at this time?”

After a few moments Brian Cage’s face would pop up on the titantron screen, with the Impact World Champion looking a bit puzzled about why Dixie Carter had brought up his name, especially considering she had been featured live on Impact Wrestling programming for a large chunk of time.


..:: Dixie Carter ::..
“It is with a heavy heart that I Dixie Carter on behalf of the recently established ‘Impact War Counsel’ announce that after 167 of hold the Impact World Champion you are immediately stripped of the championship and if you refuse to return the title belt to a member of the Impact Wrestling backstage staff within the next thirty minutes, you will be immediately terminated from your contract.”

Brian Cage looked absolutely furious, but before he would offer a response the transmission feed cut out and the cameras cut back to Dixie Carter who just smiled as she proceeded to turn on her heels and return backstage.

+ + + + + + +


The cameras would cut backstage where interview Jimmy Jacobs was standing mike in hand next to ‘The War Machine’ Rhino. Rhino looked as if he was man possessed, and he hadn’t even been asked a question yet.

..:: Jimmie Jacobs ::...
Terry you requested time to speak to the Impact Wrestling roster, so what is on your mind and that clearly seems to be getting you into a clearly distressed state?

Rhino looked furious as he offered a response to Jacobs.

..:: Rhino ::..
Jimmy do you know why drums are used on the battlefield? Do you know why they are beaten with such force and raw aggression before men are sent to their deaths?

Jimmy has a puzzled look on his face.

..:: Jimmie Jacobs ::...
Pray tell.

Rhino smirks.

..:: Rhino ::..
The rhythmic energy produced by the drums not only stimulates your body, but also forges a sense of a group community. One beat. One voice. One soul. One purpose. Especially on the eve of war.

..:: Jimmie Jacobs ::...
War? What war are you talking about Terry?

Before Jimmy realised what was going on though Rhino had take a few steps back only to charge forward and nail Jacobs with an almighty GORE before he picked up the microphone and stared into the camera.

..:: Rhino ::..

Rhino would proceed to walk away from the scene, as a number of backstage workers would rush to Jacobs’ aid.

+ + + + + + +

After returning from an advertisement break - the camera would cut to outside the male locker-room. Don Callis and Josh Mathews would explain that ‘former’ Impact World Champion Brian Cage had barricaded himself in the locker-room and had refused to let anyone else use the area and was certainly unwilling to hand over the championship belt. A number of backstage workers had tried to open the door with force, but so far they had been unable to do so. Matthews made it clear that the fans would be updated on the situation if there were any changes.

+ + + + + + +

:: Match One ::
Raj Singh vs. Madman Fulton

The match had the sole intention of putting Fulton over, whilst at the same time making it look as though he had to work for his victory. Fulton would always seem to have the upperhand though, and would end the match on the chokeslam. After the contest Singh would offer his hand as a sign of respect to Fulton (with an option he was trying to be seen as a babyface) only for Fulton to reject Singh’s gesture and exit the ring.

Winner: Madman Fulton by way of pinfall

+ + + + + + +

The cameras would cut backstage outside the male locker-room once again, only this time with Johnny Swinger standing outside the door.


..:: Johnny Swinger ::..
“Brian you need to open this door my dude! I have got all my wrestling gear in that room and I’ve just been told that if I am able to claim a victory tonight, I will be put into consideration for an X-Division title shot.”

There would be no answer for about half a minute before Johnny would try again.

..:: Johnny Swinger ::..
“One last chance Brian! Otherwise I am going to grab some hand ties, a good piece of strong rope and seek out that sassy whore you call a wife and sling her over my shoulder and show her why all swingers are winners..”

Some rustling could be heard by the door, as if stuff was being moved. The door would unlock, and Brian Cage stood in the doorway.

..:: Brian Cage ::..
“What exactly were you planning on doing Johnny?”

Swinger looked visibly scared almost as if he had bitten off more than he could chew, but clearly wanted to save some face. And had a cocky smirk on his face.

..:: Johnny Swinger ::..
Do I really need to have to repeat myself, kid?

Cage wouldn’t even say anything as he would arch forward and seem to be holding a red brick in his hand that he would slam into Swinger’s chin and proceed to knock him out cold with one hell of a shot. Brian would then look at the other workers by the door and smile.

..:: Brian Cage::..
“So who is next?”

Everyone was clearly not willing to put their own body on the line, as the corridor would clear out with Brian Cage smiling still holding on to the Impact World Championship as he would slam the door shut behind him. Callis and Matthews would reflect that whoever was on this newly formed ‘Impact War Counsel’ they were going to have to think fast if they wanted to regain possession of the Impact World Championship.

+ + + + + + +

The cameras would cut elsewhere backstage to a door that was simply marked as ‘Impact War Counsel’ standing outside the office were two men dressed head to toe in riot gear and it was clear that they were employed with the sole purpose of keeping out anyone that wasn’t invited. The door would open and both men would step aside as Jake and Dave Crist would step out of the room, only for the guards to return to blocking the door. It was hard to tell, but it looked as if Jake Crist was actually smiling.

+ + + + + + +

:: Match Two ::
Jake Deaner w/ Cody Deaner vs. Dez w/ Trey & Wentz

This singles match involving the Deaners and the Rascalz was more of a focus on the wrestling that both Deaner and Dez were able to bring to the table. It would be an average match to say the least, with Dez claiming the victory by way of the distraction offered by both partners. The match didn’t seem to serve a purpose, other than to give both teams some airtime.

Winner: Dez by way of pinfall

+ + + + + + +


The cameras would cut backstage once more, where the Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore would find himself encircled by a number of top talent including the like of Moose, Sami Callihan, Killer Kross, Ken Shamrock and Eddie Edwards and it was clear that from all the noise they were making that D’Amore could barely understand anything they were trying to say and he looked quite annoyed as at the top of his voice he would yell.

..:: Scott D’Amore ::..
“Gentlemen if you would all be so kind as to SHUT THE FUCK UP…”

It was clear by how all men stopped their noise, that they might have only heard the last four words to come out of Scott’s mouth. Scott very meticulously removes his tie and places it into his breast pocket, making sure to waste as much time as possible before he finally replies.

..:: Scott D’Amore ::..
“Despite my current position in Impact Wrestling, I currently have no information whatsoever regarding what the purpose of the Impact War Counsel is and who is behind them, but I can promise you that I am doing everything in my power to ascertain this information. I apologize if this has created an inconvenience for your schedules, but to be perfectly honest you all get paid more than enough to learn to take the blows as they come instead of whining like a bunch of babies. I would have one suggestion though?

The five men look a bit puzzled with Ken Shamrock finally being the one to break the silence.


..:: Ken Shamrock ::..
“And what exactly would that be Scott?”

There was a real tone of disdain in Shamrock’s voice and it was clear that he had very little respect for anything that D’Amore was saying. Scott just smiled as he offered an answer.

..:: Scott D’Amore ::..
“There is a small chance that this counsel has somewhere become the big hitter in the decision making department, so I expect that anyone who is able to aid them in getting Cage to relinquish his title belt is likely to get into their good books.”

Before anything else could be said, all five men started justling with each other with clear of intent of getting to the male locker-room first, as D’Amore would actually seem to smile if only for a moment as he watched the five men run off.

+ + + + + + +

The camera’s would cut to the medical facility where Jimmy Jacobs had a bandage on his nose and looked incredibly hurt as an EMT was attending to him, as he looked dazed and confused. Standing by his side though would be a man who had previously not been seen on Impact Wrestling programming before, and looked more like he was wearing a homemade halloween costume than actual wrestling attire.


The mystery person wouldn’t say anything, but would just pat Jacobs on the shoulder as a gesture of sympathy causing Jacobs to look up and smile.

..::Jimmy Jacobs ::..
“This concussion must be really bad if I am imagining Snow Trolls!”

+ + + + + + +


As Impact returned from a commercial break Ohio Versus Everything members Dave and Jake Crist were standing in the middle of the ring, microphones in hand and were looking incredibly pleased with themselves. Dave would tap on the microphone and signal for everyone to be quiet, as his brother would address the fans.

..::Jake Crist ::..
“In the wrestling business everyone has a price, there is always going to be something or someone that leads to everyone and everything selling their soul to the devil. Considering the chaotic nature of how me and my brother operate - Sami you have proven to be a great aid to us in helping us cement ourselves right here on Impact Wrestling, but sooner or later everyone has an expiry date. It's nothing personal, but money talks and so do career opportunities and so whilst you have been running around backstage trying to get into the good graces of the ‘Impact Wrestling Council’ we have already made a deal of our own. Sorry - not sorry.”

The cameras cut to a fire escape backstage (that acts as an entry point to the locker-room area) where Sami Callihan and Eddie Edwards are seemingly working together trying to force the door open, when out of nowhere Sabu, Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer come out of nowhere holding steel pipes and proceed to smash them into Callaihan’s back. Edwards turned around shocked, and looked like he wanted nothing to do with the trio throwing up his hands, with RVD shouting.


..::Rob Van Dam ::..
“You get one free pass if you walk away Edwards.”

Edwards clearly thought about his options, but with no love lost for Callhian proceeded to step backwards as the beating continued. Dreamer would noticeably drop his pipe and with RVD and Sabu holding Callihan in place as Dreamer would take hold of their ‘victim’ and drop him head first onto the concrete with a piledriver. As Sabu would drop onto his belly and whisper in Callihan’s ear.

..::Sabu ::..
“War is full of casualties - your sacrifice will not be in vain.”

As this gross beating came to an end the cameras would cut back to the ring with Jake and Dave Crist would be smiling maniacally.

..::Dave Crist ::..
Sami I just want you to know that it truly is nothing personal, not that you will be hearing much of what I am saying at the moment. But when we say Ohio Versus Everything - everything does include you. And now that our side of the deal is complete - I think it is time that we are handed our just rewards.”

Crist would smile, as after a few moments Mellisa Santos would appear from backstage with a microphone in her hand and look less than impressed as she found herself sharing a ring with OVE.


..:: Melissa Santos ::..
“I have been sent to inform our reigning Impact World Tag Team Champions, that on the directive of the Impact War Counsel at the beginning of the next week show The North will defend their titles belts against the Crist Brothers inside the confines of the a steel cage - and that if either Ethan Page or Josh Alexander are pinned or submit then they as an individual will become ineligible for a rematch for the belt for the remainder of the calendar year.”

Melissa looked less than comfortable with what she was saying, but it was clear that she was a mouthpiece and a messenger rather than having any actual involvement with this mystery new entity.

..:: Melissa Santos ::..
“I also - I’m not going to say this how it has been written. Brian I know you are unhappy with the current situation, but I have been told that you have already exceeded the time limit but that the Impact War Counsel are willingly to give you a second chance if you give you a second chance if you come from backstage and bring the titles out right now. Otherwise, they have suggested that it won’t just be your job that will be paid forfeit - but also mine. Brian please do the right thing and come on out.”

Impact would then cut to a commercial break.

+ + + + + + +

As it returned Don Callis and Josh Matthews would show footage from during the break, where Brian Cage had opened the door of his locker-room only for Moose and Killer Kross to surge into the room. Moose would be caught out unexpectedly as Cage would release a fire extinguisher directly into Moose face temporarily blinding him, as he would then proceed to smash the metal case straight into Kross’ head knocking him straight to the floor, as he would push Moose out of the way whilst stepping over Killer Kross and making his way to the ring - only for Rhino to emerge from nowhere and connect with a brutal GORE that would send Cage head over heel. With Cage floored, Rhino would smile as he stood over Cage before taking hold of the Impact World Championship and proceeding to walk off. Matthews would raise the point that so far the one thing that all four attacking men seemed to have in common was their origins of ECW, but was it too simplistic to think this was simply another reunion. Rhino would forcefully knock the camera-man filming him over, as he would make a swift exit with the title belt in his hand.


+ + + + + + +

:: Match Three ::
Kiera Hogan vs. Madison Rayne

Madison Rayne would claim a dominant victory over Kiera Hogan in just under five minutes, with Hogan looking nothing short of worthless after the match. Rayne would make it clear that she required the microphone and would cut a promo post-victory.

Winner: Madison Rayne by way of pinfall.

+ + + + + + +


..:: Madison Rayne ::..
“There seems to be some sort of takeover taking place backstage, and I just wanted to ask why I wasn’t sent an invitation to the party. I think the way I just disposed of this piece of human garbage is a clear indication of my wrestling prowess and I take a real offence to be left off the mailing list…”


The light in the arena immediately cut out, as did Rayne’s microphone only for the light to come back on and for Jessicka Havok to be standing directly behind Rayne, with the letters ‘IWC’ painted onto her signature gas mask. As Havok would take hold of Madison from behind and proceed to plant her down onto the mat with an inverted chokeslam, before forcefully pushing Rayne out of the ring with her feet only to further embarrass her, before the light would cut out. And Havok would be nowhere to be seen, once they came on again.

+ + + + + + +

:: Main Event ::
Michael Elgin vs. Willie Mack

The main-event would be an impressive contest with both big men with a flair for athleticism putting on a real interesting matchup, but with Elgin being the man to claim the victory by forcing Mack to tap once he was locked in the Crossface.

Winner: Michael Elgin by way of submission.

+ + + + + + +


After both men cleared the ring, a masked deep voice would speak out over the PA system as figure hiding in the shadows would emerge on the titantron.

..:: Mystery Person ::..

“This evening is just the first day in a series of days in which Impact Wrestling is going to experience some major changes in order to stand any chance of ever being seen as a credible entity in the wrestling business. Once upon a time TNA was seen as a distant but at least reliable 2nd place in the American market to the World Wildlife Fund but now it has found itself leap frogged by usurpers and upstarts. And without a particular focus and dedication it is much more likely to sink to the bottom than ever rise to the top. So I am truly thankful - that I have been given the keys to the castle. I will admit that I am the person running the ‘Impact War Counsel’ but at this time I have no need to reveal what its purpose is or who else sits upon - all I can say is that I have Anthem’s full blessing. But let me reintroduce myself. My name is…”

The voice changer comes to an abrupt end as does the special effect hiding the person’s identity.


..:: Vince Russo ::..
“...Vince Russo and from this point onwards - everyone is under review!”

The show comes to an end with Vince Russo just smiling as as the shot fades to black.

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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Oh joy, Vince Russo's back.


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Russo AND Dixie :heston oh man you've outdone yourself Juice


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We should’ve seen it coming with the stripping of the belts :side: :side:


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Impact Wrestling announced on their website that Dezmond Xavier, Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel that make up the trio known as 'The Rascalz' were all released from their contracts immediately and would not feature on any future broadcasts.


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Didn’t even wish them the best in their future endeavors


Dreams are Endless
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